HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1939-06-09, Page 6e.„.....e....ereeeeetreeteeettalleeeeare, „ -,-(5te(55.-.•;Se);;;.•i55(addee11!• 14 • •hfrom. Page 3) lt0;;teedee :',Ottuci.1 be given to al- eeietef the county to shoot Siid'iarrae in the !limiting !'"•bave repeat sent on to „Vint for their approval. 1 drawn. Passmore: That we ad- oa Friday morning at 9.30. .• • Friday ItHeeete Brown rdirew eouncil's • .041S.•to ar). insect pest on the bushes yetelaounding the Count House. The i!"fitte01011 was referred to the Property aterned5, ttee for their c•on,sideration. Cardiff - Scott: That we appreciate • the offer of CKNX of $100 for a can- didiate to receive a scholarship next. Sallin Huron, and we recommend that our Agricultural representative , and committee be instructed to assist in the selection..—Carried. The reports of the Legislative Com- mittee, Children's Shelter Committee, Educational Committee and County Police Committee were read and adopted and will appear in the print- ed minutes. The report of the Comity Roads Commission *as read to council and on motion reread clause by clause with Reeve McNeil in the chair aril adopted as read- with the exception Of a change M clause 10, so that the last line of the clau-se would read, "to the General Account after Jan. 1st, 1940." The report of the Finance Commit- tee was read to council and adopted "The west 101111 Ea which tobacco can b. molted" \WILL KILL MORE FLIES THAN SEVERAL D011ARS'WORTH' OFANY OTHER FLY KILLER 1 Oc WHY PAY MORE Best of all fly killers. Clean, quick, sure, cheap. Ask your Drug- gist, Grocer or General Store. THE WILSON FLY PAD CO., HAMILTON, ONT. as read. Passmore - Keine 'That 'the mem- bers of this county council meet at Mitchell on June fith andgo to Strat- ford in a body, the time to meet to be set by this core:toil. Withdrawn. Hawke - Feagan: That the Agri- cultural Committee be allowed up to $5,000.00 for reforestry purposes this year. Carried.. Wilson - McNall: rho* 'WednesdaY's motion of Reeves Peagatt end Haack relative to sending the Warden, Coen-. ty Representative and Advisory Agri- cultural Committee to plowing match at Brockville be rescinded ,and that the delegation consist only of the War den, County Repreeentative and the !Chairman of Cocatenittee.—Last. Feagan Webster: That the coun ty council picnic be held at Harbor Park on June 17th Redmond - Cardiff: An amendment that we hold our picnic on July 19th at Grand Bend. Carried The report of the Property Commit tee was read to council and on mo- tion reread clause by clause with Reeve Mawhinney in the chair and adopted as recommended by the corn mittee, the property committee being instructed to consider the question of a stoker for the Oourt House build ing and the curbing and paving around the Oourt House and conside the need of additional office space for the County Engineer and to re port their findings on this at the No- vember session. The minutes of the County Coun- cil's Association heed in Kitchener on February 14th and 15th at whicth Reeve Haaoke and Reeve Armstrong represented Huron County, were read and accepted as read. Following the reading, of these minutes Reeve Haa.cke, addeessed council and state that in his opinion it will not be long before all counties will belong to the Association. Reeve Armstrong also addressed ehe members and strongly supported the remarks made by Reeve llaacke in favor of the County Coun- cil's Association_ Mr. Hugh Hill, an ex -Reeve •of Col- borne Township, was, introduced to the members of council by Reeve Fee - gam, Chairman of the Huron Anpert Couraulttee, stating that Mr. Hill had, together with Mr. G. L. Parsons and Mr. J. D. Thomas, both of Goderich, gone to Ottawa as a committee to in- terview the Honorable Minister of Transport and to lay before him the question of Sky Harbor Airport and to learn what co-operation or advice could be sought from, that depart- ment. Mr. Hill made a brief but very able aderese to the members of the council, explaining clearly the prob- lems relative to the airpont and his firmd belief that thedevelopment of i would ultimately be to the great ad- vantage of the county. McNeil - Shaddick; That Bylaw No. 11, relating tO 1.11P designation of ccunty roads; that Bylaw No. 12, to raise a sem for general purposes; that Bylaw NO. 13 to raise a sum for highway purposes; that Bylaw N. 14 to pay our indebtedness on provincial highways; that Bylaw No. 15, •to pay .•."•;'"•(.4 e's•(C'''11.5 (•'5.•5•••!•'',•••!•;5•.•t„.! „•)•,(!e,,,,,•„:„••••,•f. e!„,„!!!'„..i!e!„•'4(5•;5t(!!e's;T..,,,,ee."„5„• '!",1,,.".•,;(„(1•5:,:,555!!e..10(eea•;(!, • .. • •. ! • -5. THE High and Continuathen School grants; that Bylaw 16, to confirm the payment of centatin expenditnees; •that Bylaw No. 17, to equalize the assessments; that Bylaw No. 18, to disciharge cer- tain police officers; that Bylaw No. 19, ito purchase land for reforedation, be given a first and second „reading. Carried. McNeal Sthaddicka That Bylaws No. 11, 1939„ to19, 1939, inclusive, as read a axed and second tines' be pass- ed. Carried McNeil - Shaddick: That Bylaws No. 11, 1939 to No. IR, 1939, inclusive, as read a third! time be passed and signed and the county seal attached. Carried. Scott - Shaddick: That Mr. Maw- hinney, rt1r. Lamport, Mr. Passmore and Mr. Armstrong and Mr. Sanders be a committee to make complete ar- rangements for .the county councillors picnic to be held in Grand Bend on the 195th of July. Carried! Armstrong - B:aacke: That a great of $25.00' be made to the County Coun- cil' s Aseoeiation Carried. Whitmore - Kerr: That the County Clerk he instructed to prepare a by- lew for presentation to the November meeting of the county council. to make peraiainently 'effeetive Motion 58, 1939, of the January session. Car- ried! The Warden thanked the members for their co-operation and the spirit of good will pee -dominating. McNeil - Sanders:. That we adjourn to meet Tuesday, November 14th. Car- ried. FINANCIAL STATEMENT General Account Receipts Licenses • $ 409.00 Registry Office 2,802.14 Administration Justice 1,398.12 Jail 800.00 Division. Courts 38.27 Sundry • 13.67 Province, re corn borer, 1938 152.85 Towns hi pc, re hospitals 1,905.58 Bank loans 30,000.00 $ 37,519.63 Disbursement Overdraft, lan. 1st •$ 1,815.59 Children's Aid Society 1,928.25 Administration Justice 7.935.38 O.A.P. Comm. 148.85 Grants Municipal Government Schools Registry Office JaiS Printieg and postage D. L. interest County Property - hasurance, beat, light, New equipment H os pi tale! Miscellaneous Equalized assessment 'Silence 1938 audit C. Barer Inspector p ho ne May 1,500.00 2,558.30 276.20 62.20 1,954.79 787.32 321.86 842.17 922.91 281.70 8,282.00 17.30 1,500.00 100.00 • 175.75 $ 31,414.17 20th. bank balanee....$ 6,105.46 County Highways Receipts Jan. 1, bank balance $ 3,596.79 • -You feel like screaming—but you can't —your throat is dry—you feel as if -you e choking with ap werprehension . - --your heart is pounding, pounding; pounsling —what, how—when? Then from the ,burning chaos of your mind sps a clear, sparklipg thought: ring ' "I've got to telephone for help". 40 Before -you know -what's laappened, rganizatir laboriously built and rigor- A - d by your community all the vast o ously maintaineorne firenaen, police; ambulances, hospitals instantly c, to your aid. -Yes, there's nothing like a telephone in the house — and in emergencies it's priceless. -Miss E. M. Cl-uff, Manager. •Tetephons service is widely used because it is 5ourteous, effiewatt, yet surprisingly in- expensive. Naha? gelseyields so much for what it costs! CON EXPOSITOR • A king Swollen Feet! Brings Fast Relief Frees , Soreness and Distress -ErnTevirlarOlithwreeell nittelwirdali°14in anfitiniviwna teey...6 minutes the pain and soreness disappears, A few more applications at regular inter, yak and you'll soon know solid feat comfort. And best of all any offensive odor ,is gone for good. It's a wonderful prepar- ation•—this combination of essential oils ainigtreed.earelenteshar50 amndarvolhouser coothalitngthousopsatbninasg of bottles are sold annually. Moone's Emerald Oil is not cheap but it sure is good—and economical too. Every good druggist seas Emerald Oil—satisfac- tion guaranteed or money back. 1938 subsidy Bank loans Sundry 76,547.88 35,000.00 487.95 $115,631.72 Disbursemenee Voucher payments $ 24,782.05 1938 loam paid 85,000.00 D. L. interest 1,680.00 Committee pay Lists 342.85 $111,804.90 May 20 bank balance ....$ 3,826.82 County Home Receipts Jan. 1, bank balance 'From paying inmates Sale livestock and produce Old Age Pensions Loans from Trusts Acct. 71.10 3$6.38 823.52 1,788.00 1,500.00 $ Disbursements Wages and board, tnanage- ment Wages, Manager & Matron Groceries Meat Bread Butter Medical and doctor's salary Clothing and shoes House furnishings and laun- dry - Live stook and feed bought Farm supplies Light and power Inmates share pensions Retpairsf Funerals and graves Stationery and supplies Telephone Exchange 4,569.00 756.45 350.00 422.08 248.26 215.15 34.10 295.33 86.55 270.33 796.46 123.30 121.1S 178.10 153.97 135.00 37.75 36.98 3.93 May 20, bank balance ....$ General Account Estimated Revenue Township's sthare hospitals $ Admin. Justice, Province Licenses Fines Registry Office Province, re Corn Sorer 1.8 mills on assessment of $44,271,175.00 , 79.688.00 Secondary school levy ... 42,090.00 • • • . • • • . • • for inspeetion to the membene—Fred Watson, Clutinnan. REPORT OF ENGINEER In my January report it was point- ed put that the cost of construction and maintaining hard surface roads of the type built by nap county dur- ing the past few years would be little, le any, greater than the cost of pro- perly maintainingegravel roads. Con- sidetiug that the service rendered to the travelling public is of inestimably greater value, it would be reasonable to decade that all 'of our main county roads at least, should be so surfaced as soon as practicable. In tarrying out such work the fol- lowing principles should goverrn: 1 Narrow and !dangerous sections' of all roads should be made reasonab- ly safe. 2. Reconstruction of special eeetions en, any road be given comet; oration; 3. Reeonstruotioe of (large bridges and projects involving heavy expenditure be postponed as long as reasonably (possible; 4. Grading, small bridges, culverts and drainage be un- dertaken at the 'same time, one or two years in adeanco. of the eurfac,e; 5. Surfaces be laid after the base eourse has consolidated. 6. All roads be given adequate maintenance. Keeping in mind the above princi- ples in embarking on an extensive road imProvement scheme, it is logi- cal that a program should be follow- ed. Poor service to the public would be given, and the results would be generally unsatisfactory if, each year, work would be -carried out on a5ssort- ed roads throughout the county and lacked 'continuity. It !Should be the ob- jective to 'surface the roads in the order of their imrpoitince, that is, to start with the most heavily, travelled! and carry on until all are improved. Moreover, the program would show that all Toads would be improved in turn and that none would be over- looked. • I am therefore submitting herewith a list of tee county roads, and I re- commend that they be improved and sunfaced in the order set forth: Rd. No. 3, miles 15, Varma-Egm-ondrville; Rd. 25,12 miles, Carlow -Myth; ilde4, 6 miles,', Crecliton-East and West; Rd. 12, 16 miles, Brussele-Belmore; Rd. 6, 9 miles, St. Marys Rd.; Rd. 35, 2 miles, 13eyfield-Clinton; Rd. 32, 7 miles Kippen-Seaforth; Rd. 16, 8 miles, Grey 10th Cone Rd. 16, 7 miles, Morris, 5th Liee; Rd. 25, 7 milea, Blyth, east to Elma; Rd., 29, 1 mile, Wroxeter to Turnberry; Rd: 19, 2 miles, 10th Grey- elolesworte; Rd. 23, 1 mile, Lochla,.se 4,266.32 sideroad; Rd. 36, 7 miles, Th.ames. Rd. 3cees .south; Rd. 28, 6 miles, Gerrie south; Rd: 37, 11 miles, Base Line, Hullett; Rd. 9, 2 miles, Heneall eaSt; Rd. 5, 6 3,000.00 miles, South Boundary Stephen; Rd. 4A, 2.5 miles, Centralia, west and 4,800.00 me() north; Rd. 10, 10 miles, Kippen., west; 200.00 ltd. 27, 6 miles', Carlow, south to No. 2,800.00 8; Rd. 22, 11 miles, East and West 150.00 Wawancsh, Division Line; Rd. 19, 5.5 miles, 10th Grey, to McNauglit; Rd. 30, 10 miles, °Heard, west and South; ltd. 38, 7 miles, Turnberry, 8th. Con.; ltd. 41, 5 miles, Zurich South; $132,82S.00 Estimated Expenditure A dministrati on Justice ....$ 19.000.00 Hc-spitals 34,000.01 Menieipal Government 7,500.00 Children's red 4,510.00 Grants 3,600.00 Jail 5.000.050 County Home •7,000.00 D. L. Interest Gen. 2 300.00 Insurance, heat, telephon.e County- property Printing and postage Registry Office Audit • C. Borer Inspector New equipment Schoole, otbe f• than sec- ondary Sundry Exchange Equalized assessment Overdraft Sloan 1938 Secondary •soboole Reserve for unforseen eate penditure council Rd, 1, 1, mileoStephen; Rd. 18, 5.5 mile's, Gederich Twp., Cut Line; Rd. 15, 5.5 miles, Saltford-Culross Bound- ary: ltd. 26, 4 miles, Belgrave, east 'and west; Rd. 15, 13.5 miles, Landes - bore, Alma; Rd. 39, 7 miles, Varna- denich Rd.; Rd. 42, 2.5 mil•es, Turn- terry-Hoe.ick Bdy., north from Grey; ltd. 21, 10 miles, North boundary Cel - borne; ltd. 20, 14 miles, Kintail, east 2,2e0.00 to Wawanosh; ltd. 14, 2 reties, Mc- eseee.! Neap & Logan; Rd,. (21, 1/2 1' mile, 1,3051e0 Illuevale Settle; Rd. 17, 9 miles, Mc - 800,00 Kil•lop and, .1-lellette Rd. 15, 9 miles, 250e,0 Londeeboro-Bentnitler; ltd. 38, 6.25 30u.00 miles, lith Howtick; Rd.. 37, 7 miles, 1,200.00 Holmesville-Varna. Since same roads are already in teeepea condition to receive a 'hard top, the 200.00 order of building the surface on these 200,00 toads will probably be varied to some 4,700.00 extent, but the same order, in gen.- .421;089105..0000 ermaeosstbooufeithebewfoorlklowreepdr.esents perrm • .. anent additions to the assets of 'the -2,o0.00 county, but even if debentures be not issued, an increase of about one-half mill to tee county road rate would complete the grading and give most of the roads a hard surface in 15 or 20 years—T. Roy Patterson., Engineer, EXECUTIVE COM M ITTEEa. Department of Agriculture, Clinton, Ontario Branca, enclosing a rnotion passed by Advisery Agricultural Committee, recommending an increase in grant from $200 to $300 yearly, we recommend( to 1940 council that they giro this serials conetideration. Hospital foe Sick Children, seeking a donation, we recommend no grant be given as about 10 to 1 go to Lon- don'. City of Loudon, seeking county's co- operation, in its effort to obtain full grant for Western University, ooun- cil concurs. We recommend that Huron County give a grant of $200 to the City of Stratford to help defray expeneee re Royal Visit.—Gorge McNeil, Chair- man. COUNTY HOME COMMITTEE $132,755.00 Estimated surplus $ 73.00 Provincial Highways Account Estimated Revenue Beak balance, Jan. 1 4.92 .30 mills on assessment of $44,271,175.40 13,281.35 • 1„...4a?,,lrOSAchaAS” „ • .„: eeere '455 (e" eTelteetee o'eee,„(rihh. $ 13,286.27 Estimated Expenditure ebenture payment $ 12,950.46 Owing to General Acct. 25.00 $12,975.16 Estimated surplus 310.81 County Highways Estimates te5 be submitted by ' tee County Engineer under 1.90 mill rate. Summary General Account ..... 1.80 Mills County Highways 1.90 " Provincial Highways .30 " Total 4.00 Mills Plus $42,090 54 for seconder./ schools as per schedule attachect—A. H. Ers- kine, Treasurer. REPORT OF GAOLER There have been 48 prieoders com- mitted as follows: L.C.A. 8, Traffic Aot, 7; vagrant, 6; theft, 5; breaking and 'entering, 5; fa.se preteneee, 4: forgery, 3; assault, 2; taking car without owner's content, 2; theft of car, ); murder, 1; arson, 1; attempt- ed suleide, 1; material witness, 1; mentally all ane diserderly, 1. Total 48. We have at ereeent in custody. eight prisoners. Cort of 'delay rations per prisoner, 121/2c.- James B. Rey- nolds, Gaoler. EDUCATION COMMITTEE In accordance with the Education, Committee repert of the January ses- sion, 1939, appeiatitig me a delegate to the Ontario Education Association Convention, I beg to advice having attended this convention with the Warden, Mr. Robert Tamer. The meeting was (held ou April 11 last. During the session we asked ate following questkat ef Dr. Rogers: Is the cost of eke new curriculum of home econotnics and manual training, recently ineorporated into the study courseeef High mall Continuation schools justified ba the results. Tist: tractor' intintated that he felt the training received( by the mats (Would Prove beneficial. A (report of the Min./it/ea is now an tbe .aliende eiteer, de* and le open . • e „, . ... • . • ••th("55etalt.",',.15..">,e'T.,;,,e'l(•,•,•• . ,...,..h.:( ..." • ',T.:',"•••,(!.,e5,•(,!„.....5,•,,,•;,,h,..5eaTeahae.'.air,eelh"4•5•„,'..,hot',,h,','4!!:".•„,",h5.:.!' e„.• , •.., . ,. , ..,. .. • , .. Watson -Lamport: That the cows at the 'Clounty lece—bi31 sold and replac- ed with accredited herd Council cons curs. Watson -Lamport: That the forms as suggested by Mr. Charlton. be used and set up by our Clerk, Mr. Roberts. Council concurs. We recommend the Installation of an electric fire alarm system at the County Home. Counall instructs this matter be (left in the thands of the County Home Conimittee to deal with. A petition from the inmates of the Huron County Home asking for the continuance of Mrs. Jacob as Matron, !contents were noted and we reeana- Mend that Mee Jacobs be retained. 'Councii-instructs that Mre. Jacobs be retained for the current year and ap- plications be received for considera- tion at the November session and that Mrs. Jacobs be allowed to leit in her application as well for 'the vacancy. —Geo. Armstrong, Chairman,. LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE County of Essex petitioning the Fere eral Government to broadcast 'parlia- inentary debates for education pur- poses, we endorse this motion. County of Ontario, a resolution ask- ing that the Federal Government ,rte lieve local ,wnleirealities of Waive- Iployeaebt burden and assume the cost, we Ireton:Imes:4 no Minn. County of Welland, a resolution re- specting service cbargee of the Hyden Electric Power Commission and seek- ing reduction in service °barge on Class 1-13, hamlet rate, we recommend no action as we do net consider $1 per month to be excessive. County of York, respecting the dup- lie,ation of goverrunent andeasking Rowell Commission to investigate, we recommend no action as we are of the opinion the Rowell Commission's work is completed. County of Wentworth, requesting legislation to require all oils and greases to be graded, we endorse this motion. Township -of Ifeborne, enclosing re- solution for consideration respeotrng gasoline tax in Ontario, we endorse this motion.—H. A. Keys, Chairman. CHILDREINPS SHELTER Your Children's Shelter, Committee beg to report that we have held one quarterly meeting and have passed ac- counts for the three-month period ending March 31st "A new fence was ordered at the Shelter grounds last year and this has been completed. ,The grounds and walk are now in good shape; the house has been inspected and every- thing found, satisfactory. There are 7 children receiving shel- ter care at the present time, 5 of them going to school. We have two girls aged 8 years, and onto aged 5. There are four boys, aged 1, 8, 10 and 11. Throughout the greater part of the winter and early spring, we had a great deal of siclmese, at the Shelter. The children took flu,' then whooping cough, and one child had a mastoid operation. They were given every care and attention, which necessitat- ed a great deal of extra work on the part of our Matron. There are 65 children •ia care of the Society, 58 of, them being in faster homes throughout the county, All these children are visited twice a year, We would again commend the Ma- tron for the wonderful work she isdo- ing, and for her special interest in every child which comes under her care—H. A. Keys, Chairman. EDUCATION COMMITTEE County of Elgin, resolutions passe -d at recent 'seSsion, . re: 1st Wealth should bear taxation burden; 2nd, f a.vo r i n g increasing Government grants to Schools; 3rd, that township grants for teachers be restored to $600; 4th, that grants due by the De- partment of Education be supplied in one circular letter and asking a report annualy. We concur in regards., to all four itenis. Carried. Inspector of Public Schools, Walk- erton, Ont., requesting that the en- trance centres of Fordwich and Wroe- eter be affiliated with the Wingham High Sohoo centre, we grant the re- quest. Carried. We recommend that, Clerk Roberts give an explanation of school grants as effecting Huron County. Carried.— Fred Watson, Chairman. COUNTY POLICE COMMITTEE We recommend that this ceunty council pass a resolution discharging all county constables with the excep- tion of the three retained at the Jan - nary session, and bur solicit -0r, Mr. Hays, prepare the necessary bylaw. Carried. • We suggest that ale Roberts read the reports of the committee meet- ings of March 16th and May 17111. Council concurs. -11, E, Shaddick, Chai vinare COUNTY ROAD COMMISSION Since the January meeting consid- erably more snow plowing on the county roads has been necessary than, is normally required, and our snow removal costs have been about one- third higher. A resolution passed by the Council of Howick was received in the spring requesting that secondary county roaxie be not plowed. We recommend in this connection that, if any town- ship council wishes to have any coun- ty roads within that township remain unplowed, the county be notified ac- cordingly, in which case their wishes will be carried out. Your Commission 'held a meeting in Toronto in February and examined equipment and attended sessions of the Ontario Good Roads Association Convention, Addresees on the Chev- rier Commission report 'find on road - wide planting were of partioul.ar in- terest., Mr. Dewan, Minister of .Agri- culture, announced that a new weed killing chemical had beed invented and was being placed on the market. Your Commission has called for tenders and deckled to purchase an International crawler tractor and a Continental self -loading scraper as soon as the apprcival of the Depart- ment of Highways is secured. The to- tal cast will be $6,714.00. Regarding the Dunlop Tomb proper- ty, we have had the level land plow- ed, the fence moved, weeds and brush cut and burned and a hedge planted along the rallWay at a cost of about $70, we recommend that-ea:further amount of $80 be spent 'on the prop- erty this year in levelling, summer fal- lowing and 'seeding, etc., and, if per- mission to build the road across the C.P.R. is secured that $100 be expend- ed on the road. A court action against the tounta for damage on account of'i'a, road ac- okient was defended suceeeafully, and the insurance company has .prottected the county againet any lose. A consolidated scbedule of the coun- ty roads is attached hereto and we recommend that a bylaw be passed, incorporating this echedule, so that all of the roads will be leclu•ded in one bylaw. Most of the county reeds have been inspected this year by your commit- tee, and in the northeastern portion considerable damage eras been done to the gravel roads by the spring breakup. Little injury occurred 'to' our bitumincme roads. About seventy signs have 'been erected this year and many of our roads are now protected with `Stop' ages. A bituminous surface is being laid on the road from trucefleld to Varna and froth latelenow as far south as funds will permit. The records of the Municipal Statue ties Department require interest the County Home be (parcbased teens Charges and ether non -subsidy cost (caatteuedC� Page 7), JUNE 9, 1939. ,......•••••••,•••••••••,,••••••••••••.......•••••••.m...... Kidney Acids Rob Your Reit Many people never seem to get. goad night'; rest. They tern antltess-rre awake and 'count sheep. Often they Mame it aft "nerves" when it may be their Iddneym Healthy kidneys filter poisons from the blood. If they are faulty and fa% poisons slay in the system and sleeplessness, head. ache, backache often follow. If you doe* sleep well, try llodes !ahoy Pills7-fse half a century the favorite remedy. tO3 • Dodd's KidfleyPilb charged to administration, and we re- commend that all such cost be Charg- ed to the general account after June 1, 1939. Amended by council to read after Jan. 1, 1940. We recommend that a suitable building be erected for housing and repairing equipment, the cost of -vehicle will be about $8,000. Nearly all other counties have such a building and the 4 need in this county for such accom- modation, is urgent. The office arid' accommodation of the County Engineer is badly overtax- ed. There is a. large volume of busi- ness carried on there, and we recena mend that the, Property Committee be requested to provide the County En- gineer with adequate office space and. equipment, and with a vault for pro- tection of valuable documents. The estimated expenditures- for 1939 follows: Maintenance — Ditching, $2,500 ; weeds and brush, $8,500; grading, $1,- 000; •dragging, $10,000; culverts, $1,- 200; bridges, $1,000; -esurfacing, $25,- 000; calcium chloride, $10,000; snow cleaxiag, $13,000; tarring, $26,972.; signs, $100; drain. assessments, $500; guard fences, $400; county bridges', $100; employment insurance, $900. To- tal, $101,17e.00. Machinery and scraper, $6;614; roller, $1,700; car, $473; re- pgirs, $9,000. Total, $17,787.00. Superintendence—$4,50000. Approaches and Guard !Fences — Duff's Bridge, Ashfield & W. Wawan- ose; Donneybrook Bridge, E. & W.. Wawanosh; Marnoch bridge, East Wawanesh; Olegg's Bridge, Morris; Govier's Bridge, Hullett; Egmondville Bridge, Tuckersmith; Gorrie South Bridge, Howick. Total $1,700.00. Bridges—No. 23 Ashfield, 'No. 27 Ashfield and West Wawanosh; No. 27 Colborne; No. 3, Stanley and Tucker - smith; No. 6, Usborne--$5,700.00. Grading --No. 3, Tuckersmith, $5,- 000; No. 25, Carlow -Blyth, $2,000; Na. 4, Stephen, $4,000; No. 12, Howick. & Turnberry, $4,000,. Total, $15,000.00. Summary Maintenance $101,172.00 Machinery • 17,787.01 Superintendence 4,500.09 Construction— Bridge approaches and guard fences 1,700.01) Bridges 5,700.00 Urban rebates 6,661.0(1 Road construction 15,000.00 $152.520.00 Non -subsidy $ 3,000.00 Deficit 4,855.00 $ 7„855.00 Total $169,375.00 Receipts - 1.9 mills $ 84,115.00 Subsidy 76,260.00 $160,375.01)" Regarding communication from Grey and Prince Edward Counties, we recommend that no action be taken until more information is available. Regarding proposed paving near the Court House, we recommend' that, as such an expenditure would be charg- ed to the county property account, the matter be considered by the Coun- ty Property Committee. We recommend that the public lia- bility insurance be placed with the Anglo -Scottish Insurance Co. through) J. W. Craigie, for a policy with $40.- 000 coverage at a premium of $493.53. —Geo. C. Feagan, Chairman. FINANCE COMMITTEE Re financial estimates, we recom- mend that the estimates be accepted as have been presented, namely:— General Account, 1.80 mills; County Highways, 1.90 mills; Provincial High- ways .30 mills. Total 4.00 —W. D. Sanders, Chairman. PROPERTY COMMITTEE We recommend thdt all bills and ac- counts as presented to tee Property' Committee be ordered paid. Council concurs. We recommend that Mr. McDonell, of Parkhill, be enveloped to replace the broken elate on the roof of the Court House at a cost of 35c per slate and 50c for 12x24-luch slate, tuuTer the direct supervision of the caretak- er, Mr. McDonell to furnish slate and. labor. Council concurs. We recomanend that a tete:rewriter desk for the Registry' Office be pur- chaied from the Hay Stationery Co. at a price of $45. °ornate concurs. We report that we are having the Judge's Office and chambers painted af a cost of $110. We have visited the Gaol in com- pany with Mr. J. L. McJannet, Inspec- tor of Prisons, and found everything in first class shape. The new plumb- ing authorized at the January aessioni has been Installed and two cell blocks have been lined with Gyproc. Apart from the desirability of keeping the property in' repairs at all times, the( Inspeetor expressed tiniself as well satisfied. Re cloth backed map of Huron Co. with hangers top and bottom at a price of $15.00, we recomimend no ac- tion. Re seeker for Court House building 'we recommend that this be consider- ed by the whole council. ' We recamenead that the curbing and ash/pima.. ,paving of the road through the park from Seutat St. and around Court House be done under the supervision of the County Engin- eer and be .pald fdr out of the Gen- eral Fund. We krecommend that Caretaker James be instructed to spray or fumi- gate the shrubsearound tbe Court House to destroy insects without de- lay. Re tba.,Coanty Enaneeras office, the ecimmittee is investigating. e reetMenena tbat 250 folders for • 1 1 3