HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1939-06-09, Page 1P ■ ■ , �'� w3Wnxyyflpppyy�- EilihfdCth Year 9Whole�Number 3730 �+ ,. ".:�� �r;.,.� Imo, �!`..- ••. '�'d ,.lr , '0 l�k.t','�,�'.�`'I;:- .. ~� A Thousands , From S e a f o r t h° And District Welcome' Royal Couple a t Stratford •Five i' • • Special Trains on Stratr ford-Goderich Carry, Ret - Queen 5peaks cord- Crowds on Tuesday. IL d.y Jack, n8-year-oldtVlson of Rev. . �•1it�ack and Jack of Sea. HIGHWAY TRAFFIC •'rs, forth,Mond every cloud has a sil- .Aii►ing HEAVY ALL DAY •arer on Tuesday. While standing with ,the Clubs in front - of the official stand he was S-eatlorth e'omjU-Ibuted its quota of knocked down by the crowd just those who brought Strastfaor'd's popuda- as interest in Their Majesties was tion: to 75,000 on Tuesday whem, ". he4r at its height. A friendly Mountie Majes'tdes visited the city. saw his plight and picked him up Starting with the first train short - and took him near the Queen, who ly after 8 a.m., theTe was a 'steady spolce to him, asking him his name stream of people on dlheir way'to,S(nat- and, where the was from. The King ford_ The S4uatfrord Gadser4ch C.N.R. 'looked ori and smiled. Jack " urine ,carried its biggest load in many i Weedmark, another Cub, was allso years and, rain, five splecdal train, each i addressed by the Queen, ,w;ay tithing the day. Nearly 800 ; school children and 400 aduilt's ' en- `• . o 0 0 trained at Seaforhh. 1 ,pun, the first toada, in addition to the general, public, were Boy Scouts, Cubs and Gird (`aulides: One Se: ` TI,fiC CRSM TH LADY the car win- Scowl Bost his, hat from twin- ' dow between Dublin and. Mitchell, Left ' ✓ HAS 93rd FIRTIIDAYou f�r at M4tclhiedl walked his back' found his drat, iltven hutch -hiked into Stratford on the highway. Traffic on, No. 8 Highway througtli . Mrs. Elizabeth Charters Can town was hera.vy in, the mrortmi,ng and f again in the 1.'rte afternoon and even- Head Finest Print Ing, but no accident's were reported. Without Glasses: Seaforth str'ee'ts %va-e deserted in tine afitrmoon. Lange crawdls, thtowevx-1 ' were at the station to watch t4ee/ar- 1 A family dd•n was served at the rival and dlerparture of the school chit. borne 1. of her son, Wdllaram. Chtarteirs, 'direr,, `D' Gompany, Mi'ddl'esex mud Huron iti'n, the Kill, Road, Tuckersmiltbl in Regiment was in London on Wednes, rlxonor• of the 93rd birthday of his snlotherr, Mrs Elizabeth' Charters, the 'day whte,n the members assisted in oldest living native in the Township guarddntg the route of the parade. of Tuckersmith. - Legi-on members from the Local W-rs Cbartens was bow on June 6, 'branch assdstted in. both Stratford anti 1946, in a leg cabin on the north bank LondonL of the Bayfield .rives tw•o miles from Olidref of Police H. SueLl was in Egmm,,dvflde. She was a dtaughter. of St—ttord tpgekfher with county and the late Ar. and Mins. Henry Chesney, , provincial Police from Halon- He pione:em, wblo c'atnte from Scotitand to was on duty there throughout Toes - this country where st ,mo_af the dis- day'- , &lot was an uubre6n wi'ldern '. There was aro suc9n place as Sea - forth at that time, the site onwhioh Tuekersrmith the 'flown. now stands being a beaver swamp. Titre naearest.,town, was Gode• rich, 25 mile's away. Council Meets She was married at the age of 23 to $%bert bfia,rfler�, who predeceased ]her years, alto. Tuckersmit'h councfl met in the Sabe yore glosses antil she was 80 Town Hall, Seafo•rth, on Saturday as years of age but 'gave them up be- a Court of Revision on the assess. cause they kept her too busy dunning ment roll. Four appeals were before • for therm. At 93 she reads, the finest the court for a reduction• of their as - print without gltas>see anal' can recog- sessment, but none were alIowe;d by S mhgo people passing on tlhe road fifty the court, and three appeals to alter yards away. tlhe ownership of land's were a'pprov- AN the 'm'em'bers of her fa.mdly were ed. The Court of Revision, was closed present at the celebration. Tlhey after the Clerk was. instructed to weer two sons, William, on the old mauls necessary- altemtdonis. The roll _ homestead,; Harry, Sesforth, and, two so corrected will be the Revised As. H slaughters, Mrs. Arthur Mason, Saska- sestsmrent Roll for 1939, subject to any toon, and Wsfsa Margaret Charters, at appeals froia this court to the county ' home. judlge. • The council reverted to murAciipal ' work. J. W. Cr^ic'h presented author- th Golf Club House ity from sheep valuator for the Tray- U merit of $12 for two iambs killed by syti Is Now Open 'dogs, owners unknown, Bylaw No, 6 requiring- school t�rastee estimates to f zu be in Brands of council by •'July 1, 1939, and by March list in each year here- ca The club house at the Seafort'h Golf after, was passed. The oaunicil -ap- le and' Country Club is now open for povntted May 29th, at 7 o'clock, to in - the imason with Mrs. Pattersion, of spect North Street, Egnomdville, in woodsttoclr, in charge. regard to the construction of a side - As in past years, lunches and meals walk. The Reeve was authorized to th will be available at the club house. consult the county ern,gineer in regarrd • to plans and estimates for the repair H of Silder Creek bridge on 2nd cones- Ne District Students siton• Geo. Coleman. and James Aldan di were paid each $W for services, on relief board. Accounts: Relief, Are Successful $73.53; printing and Postage, $50.87; a Dept. of Health, $3-58; pay Hits 5 and B Miss Mary Holames, of Seatforth, was 6, $ until . Council adjourned to meet June U' H awarded the Gorm>ma Phi Beta 24th at Z o'clock. — D. F. McGregor, ~ Alumnae Jubilee prize In third year secr'e4arW ,science, and: Dorothy Gold- ing, the Alumnae prize in Canadian • History at University of Western— On- Teacher: "Lizzie, who was Francis taaflo. John G. Milds won Fre Junior Drake?" Schalarwhip in Group IV, Sucoestsful Lizzie: "A friend of Donald Duck." +graduates iwclude•d: HOmtar Classy— J3iology, Stuart k nrton, Kt,plptem; Chem- istry, Allain Keys, Zurich; James Me- At Osgoode ,Hall, A. W. Sildery and e,M, Blyth; Classics, Modan Steell, K: I. McLean sucoessfully completed LJondesboro, (gold medal, Latin). Meir final year, of h' k* Committee Expresses Thanks Mon. E. C. Boswell, representative of tthte Senforth Club on the, Liomts Roy- al Visit Cvmmdtbee and In change of bocal airraantgem(swt% bas rTssued the Vd13'ownmg sttotaem+ent, expressing the thanks of 'his committee for the as- �taitnee given, It: • r. S�al,tJ�, "The commadttee in charge of the ar- rantgement for tbt. trip to Stratford of the stoiibal chdldiren of Sesforth and ddrArrict on the occasion- of the visrit of Their Majesties, the King Wod Queen, wtisrh to extend to the teachers in charge of hive school ehild,ft r, and those who aseisttaed, their heartiest tirftimks, fotr bbeir kco-operaUOU in the under taking:' "Thre committee wish to compliment the teachers on the mtammi2Y" in which tthey! madurtalued good order arnd the pupils ori the manmter in which they conrdu'g6e--dt themselves throughout the trip, by which it is. pleasing to observe thast there were no accidents to mar t+he dia y. "Itt Is with severe regret that the com,mdttee lea,rus that there are a considerable number who did not see Their MajesIdes owing to the plans., approved by the Canttral Comvxndttee, not tieing atdiheu'ed to. "The Cgttrmdtteefalso wish to t>hamk those members of the Lion's' Club amd tb�e Cana;ddiRm, Legion who assisted int any way ill this un>derteldug•„ 7t W •I. SEAFQRTH, FRIDAY, JUTE 9, 1939. SE 4 FOR U" �'E GOMES _,. HEIR MAJESTIES' 6eaforth citizens, in common with those of every centre in Huron, 1. Bruce and Perth Counties, gath- ered in Stratford by the thousands on Tuesday to welcome' King George and Queen Elizabeth. This Cxcellent Close-up shows the King with his Gracious Queen by his side as they left the, Royal platform and wandered among the disabled veterans, (Photo, courtesy Beacon -Herald)' ' IOMEWS INSTITUTES Huron County B -o y s, Girls DEET INR—PEN, Take Part in Annual Judging DAME OFFICERS And . Achievement Day o u t h Huron Institutes •Large Numbers of Junior Hold Annual .- • Royal Visit Farmers and alembers of Convention. Notes Women's Institute Take Part at Clinton Gather - EAR FINE REPORTS The teacher that had the' least llib5. Tine diietnict amnuail Womens Sen- worry at the Royal vistlt was prohab- roT Institute of South Huron 4reld ly Mies .Jes,si•e Smith, of S. S. No. 1, Thai Huron County Achievement ser an•nival convention in Kieptpea HuRett, who was accomavaniedl by an- and Programme Planning Day was noted .0hvroh Tuesday, June 6th. In- ly ane pupil. There are seventeen hemi in Clinton on Saturday' June 3rd, Lutes were ,represented from Sea- pupils dm. Miss Smith'& schobtl, but under the direction of the County osrth Exeter, Huron>dalte, Credetton, only one made the trip. C•cach, Miss Flora Durnin Duntgan- • # non. All parts of 'th•e county were re - rich, Kippers and Hensald• At the into session time address of wet- R %-as the first train ride for about .pr(!.,wnt(,d and there were 64 exhibrits me was given by Rev. E. F- Chand- 75 Per cent. of the ulaildren on the for the competition with an attend - r, pas•tnT of Kipppn United Church special special trains, enquiries among the ante of fifty. Miss. Joan Scott, Port and replied to by Mm . F. Morlock, of Pupils indicated. Far many the ulti- Elgin, and Miss Helen, Passmore, of Creditoni: mate in excitemteat was reached when Rcchwood, assistted with the judging Splenaiitd reports were presented, of the train began movimg to Strattord. all([ addressed tuhe girls on project b different branches: Home Boon. One little 10 -year-old follow was seen work. omaios, Mrs. M. Beckler, Hurontdole; proud4y poinrt.ing out his brothsr—one Ono County Honor Certificate and He and Cthild Welfare, Mrs. H. year older than himself—as an expert- County Honor Plu was awarded to eb, Zurich; Agriculture and Camra- enced traveller. "li was on the train Ali•ss Mary Mclnt,osh, Ethel, for Ihav- am Imltustribs, Mrs. Archie Morgan, to Toronto blu; ee years aye, He knows !rig completed six homemaking units Hhrrantda,le•; 1 egislatiiom, Mrs, E- Law- thow it goes." of work. Cvrt.ificates of Achievement ear, Crediton; Historical Research + + . for S,': se having completed' two units nxi Current Dvepts; M,rs,. B. W. F. Despite the fact the 12.12 train of wo: is were awarded as, follows: Be Exeter; Community Aotivi- from Sea.forth was nearly' an hour Rel,rare—May- Frisby, Anna Mo- ues ands Relief, Miss( Maude McLean, Pate in sstartimg, tbe, b.undiredis of .stu- Dolell, E'Iers.nor, , Taylor, Eileen Mc• msai% liducation, Mrs. A. Crozier, dents. at the sttabion patiently waited Callum, III ytlir--Margaret SeTimgeour; (Continued on Page 4) and caused l,ittl•e or no trouble to Mrs. F. Rainion, Velma Naylor. Ethel their teachers. The same was true on (Continued ono Page 4) • 'the way thoine, the mxjortity of tine irdd's an4i'cipaUng the trip home with • as much pleasure as thc,. trip to Strat- Honor Newly Weds ford. Dublin Boxer Is* + � In Tuekersmith As rar as known, none of the Is Injured meanly 5,000 pupils \N -ho were taken to Stratford under lho aaispices of the A reception was held at the tions Lions Gull, w•ers, lo:�t. Identification Pill} Ccrg.tPi1•o, Dublin, onto of hhte Mr. and Mrs. David G. Papple in frog's tied to eac•di child, giving its popul,nr Costello boxer-,-,,. suffered pain- ondr of Mr, and II4rs•. Gori E. Papr- name, school and station, saved Vire fol injuries this Werk when he, fell r with over two hvndlre guests deny from a fence, catching his knee on a aserit. The early part of he even- : + jag.gerl nail, , was slrentt in dancing. After hunch It was a tiring day for the teachers lie a.ppeared on the boxing program a young couple were presented with who accomp cried their classes. On at the Hinds here last Satur•dlay night. sttuddo couch andseveral other use- (Continued on Page 4) gi fts, The address was, read by • itwin Chesney and, the presentat#nn Ps made by Georgie McCartneyand Broaa,dfoot. The groom made Special Material Orange Lodge W i1t ilso� very suitable replg, thanking their + ends sand neighbors for thte beauti- for Attend Service I gifts. Dancing continued till the le small hatirs of the raining. Rev. W. L. Lawrence, Past Grand The following is the address,: the Hay Racks Master of Ontario Wpst, will ads,res,s c and Mrs. Gordon Papple on the members of the Royal Orange -Lodge carton of their. marriage: ]dear In IVortiisidre TTnited Church, on Sun- cente and Ruth: 7n honer at your d'ay eventing. MemtbeTs of many sur - cent marriage tb Issue gathered Farm Gates re tonigir>t far file express pur'Fws�e naundiing lodges will join, in, this ser- vice. our heartiest con'gratula, vice. ons amid good wislues for your mutual ,pp-inietss. May health and prosper- • , attends you as you travel the years and i gtether nand) time cementFalls the hands n Pit y ho love for each other, May Gravel +p' Leg ur horse o always ' tidy and neat, d your floors, be padded by tiny Injures Hi A; may your 'livep • be, always, joy- s anal bright, as, happy as Gordan Mr. William Ol:r head the. misfortune d• Ruth are tonight. Kindly accept Y to fall betwern boards covering an Is* gift and in future years as youbxes, otil pit. at. Duuiop's Garage on.. TMIrs- arouned the home, fli^e on the cold day when fie stiffened painful injuries lter evenintgst, may your thoughts to his Chip and right leg. ander back to your many good 'While no bones were broken, Mr. j ends Vhto are present this evening." M'n VFF &` ONS 'Oke finds the iuduries• very paintful, :,.: 7t ar ;..�. '� tf. ':'t '..c"�•' y�" �''�S'il''1 r q,:,,l,v iw'` ,. 3.. , �: v.,vii_ti..�h.,k;::ti.`�4t,'ktt3r,li,9J.�:m,el,fvwb tal��3i.:i,l vsa�al`.:nE...IA'tt`..'�i,'�,d,'l�fr.:C,�E,tta,�¢tat,a.txi[e,uatt.:G,4;tr.$4`,.¢in��t?°-��.~.tA,^�2.'�'y�t•�:au'r, d� i,.,�Wt.,;tiwf .�fhJna`.�:�i?tra.L.a�H dfw�S.9h�vLiStfY,;vs.abm e;i�t;trli xy"t2'„•4':.., + F •',r r >£•�,5(M43:x,8 err 7 , ,1,11 (iaZ 'W t i N �a�tt �q�'gaa .,k4�iPJ�Ir u, ,r.`, it S. b r, IV"kj$'r'"`•*V7t*�Ty,.a"14"yK''7� +S'��a7.'f'V4tt'e}p�',✓'„jr'' t;. 'jn,.. y'± ,1• f �Y:.,s7i �,�+� °!NSnI(�"�r,t�v �g'suu„�,St�_'+��gg���J���t Nit 40 � o -t' r''P to I .i„• a n,• •� p� ani yy.�� ut,'P'S .Mayl✓, � a�� �j%{� rl,11y1�.a."1 . ..... .. .. .. ,:. hd t • '+�' rF al -, Tv�, ..•, � f W>Flyi '� _141} l4t'� GGP Speedin 4 y '�r'a Disappointment .11 Fg�.. {� ��F i'� XT, 's r fi Of SehoolChildren o f M! ! i • ' Y C F ✓A, Arrangements of Lions Roy 'F n coxV d� � w HIP , al Visit Committee Work Perfectly, .But Plans ' Ig- � nored By Train. STRATFORD MAYOR ASKS INVESTIGATION 2, • ' i The five uwausamd school chiidren of Perth and, Huron, who under the auspices of thea disttct Lions Cdsuba, were taken. •to Stratford to see the King and Queen on Tuesday, with flew ;• , exceptdonss saw Their Majesties, even F+ t if it was but a fleeting glimilise. Thou- , } sramtdcs of other schbo`1 childrea from ase far away as Tobermory were not as fortunate and were forced , to be gin their bong ride home witihout hav- ing seem tlheiT King and, Queen. rM• ' The c+hildreu in the Lions. party., were placed' bordeain>g Fire track used.r, by the .Royal train and extending• teras( from, the station, "It; was" as the train bearing tine Royal couple enter- ed ;this area that Their Majesttiese ap- lredied on thle rear platform. The train was traveillmd2fr61n 15 to 20 miQ,es an bour and all the. children �t �+ t ” �N ., . could dao was obtain a fleeting glimpsle. -: Hours and days of work on the part One of the busiest men in Hur- of the Lions Committee acid tbe.S-tmt- on during the past two weeks vias ford Royal Visit Committee went for W. L. (-Ndak�- Whyte, Chairman .nought when carefully made arrange- of the Lions Royal Visit Commit - merits were shattered as. the Royal tee, On his shoulders rested the train sipeeded into the station. responsibility of arranging for the It le, believed that close to 10,000 transportation of 5,000 school chil- tcblIckneri, some of 'whom had been dren to Stratford. travelling since six. o'clock in the morning and all of w1rout had waited �1• in a boiling Sun for three hours, were disappointed. u U• L . W. O• CLUBS An imdate investigation was or- dered bymredStiatford's Mayor Henry, HOLD JOINT MEETING Chairman of the' Raoyall Visit Comtmit- tee, when he leaimeed that carefully arranged and •fully appipotved plana had been Ignored. on Thursday he Grand Bend- and Brueefield (Continued onl Page 4) Societies, Hear Fine •d sSes. Golf Pro. Will --- Members of Eche Brutcefieid and Teach Thursdays Grand Bend Clubs of the United lawn t- .7 Women of Ontario, Held a successful .meeting at the bom•e of Mists Gibson, Malcolm Palihill, who for a number Bruoefield, on Thursday. Guest sipeok- of years has been professional at ers were . O. G. AmdeTson, Pro- S'ca'nemboro GaLf Club, Toronto, wfil be vincial President, and Mr. J. H. Hare_ at the Seafortrh Golf and Country Club U,F.O. Manager, both of Wi.ntghram. each Thursday afternoon during the Mrs. An'ders'on spoke of th e slimmer. . - problems of agriculture. She lauded. Appointments for Leseons may be the good work of the local U.P.O. and made at the club house. U.F.W.O. Clubs, commended them for the educational work in co-ope+rartion • which they had done. She eim,phasiz- ed the fact that the time had come Boxing Programs foraction. Co-operation, she said, holds Uhte solution for many of oun Begin at Rink �rm purchasisag and marketing prob- leme and support should be given to the current effort of the U. F. Corp. The season's• boxing and wreVtbrig Co. at Wingham to apply true co - cards opened at the Palace Rink on operative principles to the marketing Saturday night voliern an enthusiastic of eggs and+ poultry in thus county. Crowd saw real action. Mr. Hare, of the Winghea.m branch In •a very unpopular decision, Jack of the U. F. Co-operative Co., refer- Callory, York Rangers Champion of Ted to 1,11'e. increrasdng economic im- portanceToronto, won from Cha -rho Mess,emgel, of poultry on the farm and Mo'ntktnn. The fight was clo-e<—so Ve several insttanCes of how a close that the crowd booed the judge's flock of around 200 birde was yield - decision. Ing a gross income of from $600 to $fins) per year. The income on, many Don McPhail, Taranto light weight, a farm, he said, might be materially last to Bpxt Grey, also of Toronto, an'd inrrea:sed by closer attention 'to this 11eal-sodChe4sney won over Paul Civ- departnrem•t of farm. enterpirdsel. Mn lin, at 90 pounds. Trhe Dublin Cos- Hain 6ro.er.ibed the plan of marketting tellos put on a real displiay at 65 w-hicl,, 1 -'ad recently been iaysttituted by pounds, Ike decision• going to Nip. the `'ingham branch of the U. F. Gordon Messenger and Pearson Ches- Co-operative Co. Eggs are being fey, at 90 pounds, provided ofrte of handled at pre!sect and the pian later ,the highlights of the evening, the die- w•im be extended to poultry. The pro- cisiton going to tdlp latter. Meseien,ger duc,,rti wl-o are partiripatin•g ave fol - immediately cliallenger any one un- lowing a few siimple rules of feeding, dem 100 pound's, flock m'anage'mprttt. and care of the The wrestling fans saw Click Pear- eggs on the farm, w•hiclr will ensure son, -of I -.ke Shore, and Rock Hopton IthD delivery at the errrimery of eggs Of Oshawa, in a thrillingexhibition, w^hsich enYled -with a fall'apieve. Iros!�c Ging fre�dimess und' fine flavor. Gerry Holland was master of tem- A special quality pact: is being made (Continued on, Page 4) monies, • Plan Lad i es' Day Next Thursday Tho in d ileo of the So a fti*r•th Golf and Country Club will hold Ladicxs' Day on Thursclny, June 15th w•>hen a flag eomtpotit,ion will be held. Ladies in eharg,e will be Mrs. F. J. Becliely, Mrs, J. Ff. Rest, Mrs. Ear% Ben and Mrs. E. C. Boswell. j • C.W.L..Awards Special Prizes The .lune nivetilig of the C. W. L. w-als held in the parfsdr hall •with the u,suaI mage attendenee. In -the ab- sence of the secretary, Mrs. William Hart, the' ,finites of thee previous meeting were -read by Miss Margaret. Xally, An intereMing feature of lite eve,ndng was th•e awarding of prizes for Christian Doctrine, which were presented by Rev, Father- Humey to Veronica Maloney, Mary Margaret. 'Cleary, Josephine. McIver, Kemmeth vt Barry, Joseph Deerea.ux and Hdben Murnay. It was decided to hold a tea some tine in, the nteear future, The meeting then adjourned. 9.1 VARSITY GRADUATE Miss Mary E. Forrest, daagh ter of Mr. and Mr% John Pbrrea$ of •Tuckerstnith, who is a. rd.0hibb . of 'the graduating class thls'aejk& .•' F s of Victoria College, Unlwrtlo 'df" Fri Toronto. te; y ...rr:. _"rt..r, «r a,•. ,n, My ,.. ., 'Sn •N li.., -.+' 9r r i. 4'g% 4 l fie. T n i. 7 v., r 4 11 W,• eu�'�w�nrrLxd':�Yu.L.waie�L»ii,�'.'i1�.ai&�MY'9i!'l�I:ll t�i#If%riNI�RYdG :,.: 7t ar ;..�. '� tf. ':'t '..c"�•' y�" �''�S'il''1 r q,:,,l,v iw'` ,. 3.. , �: v.,vii_ti..�h.,k;::ti.`�4t,'ktt3r,li,9J.�:m,el,fvwb tal��3i.:i,l vsa�al`.:nE...IA'tt`..'�i,'�,d,'l�fr.:C,�E,tta,�¢tat,a.txi[e,uatt.:G,4;tr.$4`,.¢in��t?°-��.~.tA,^�2.'�'y�t•�:au'r, d� i,.,�Wt.,;tiwf .�fhJna`.�:�i?tra.L.a�H dfw�S.9h�vLiStfY,;vs.abm e;i�t;trli xy"t2'„•4':.., + F •',r r >£•�,5(M43:x,8 err 7 , ,1,11 (iaZ 'W t i N �a�tt �q�'gaa .,k4�iPJ�Ir u, ,r.`, it S. b r, IV"kj$'r'"`•*V7t*�Ty,.a"14"yK''7� +S'��a7.'f'V4tt'e}p�',✓'„jr'' t;. 'jn,.. y'± ,1• f �Y:.,s7i �,�+� °!NSnI(�"�r,t�v �g'suu„�,St�_'+��gg���J���t Nit 40 � o -t' r''P to I .i„• a n,• •� p� ani yy.�� ut,'P'S .Mayl✓, � a�� �j%{� rl,11y1�.a."1 . ..... .. .. .. ,:. hd t • '+�' rF al -, Tv�, ..•, � f W>Flyi '� _141} l4t'� GGP Speedin 4 y '�r'a Disappointment .11 Fg�.. {� ��F i'� XT, 's r fi Of SehoolChildren o f M! ! i • ' Y C F ✓A, Arrangements of Lions Roy 'F n coxV d� � w HIP , al Visit Committee Work Perfectly, .But Plans ' Ig- � nored By Train. STRATFORD MAYOR ASKS INVESTIGATION 2, • ' i The five uwausamd school chiidren of Perth and, Huron, who under the auspices of thea disttct Lions Cdsuba, were taken. •to Stratford to see the King and Queen on Tuesday, with flew ;• , exceptdonss saw Their Majesties, even F+ t if it was but a fleeting glimilise. Thou- , } sramtdcs of other schbo`1 childrea from ase far away as Tobermory were not as fortunate and were forced , to be gin their bong ride home witihout hav- ing seem tlheiT King and, Queen. rM• ' The c+hildreu in the Lions. party., were placed' bordeain>g Fire track used.r, by the .Royal train and extending• teras( from, the station, "It; was" as the train bearing tine Royal couple enter- ed ;this area that Their Majesttiese ap- lredied on thle rear platform. The train was traveillmd2fr61n 15 to 20 miQ,es an bour and all the. children �t �+ t ” �N ., . could dao was obtain a fleeting glimpsle. -: Hours and days of work on the part One of the busiest men in Hur- of the Lions Committee acid tbe.S-tmt- on during the past two weeks vias ford Royal Visit Committee went for W. L. (-Ndak�- Whyte, Chairman .nought when carefully made arrange- of the Lions Royal Visit Commit - merits were shattered as. the Royal tee, On his shoulders rested the train sipeeded into the station. responsibility of arranging for the It le, believed that close to 10,000 transportation of 5,000 school chil- tcblIckneri, some of 'whom had been dren to Stratford. travelling since six. o'clock in the morning and all of w1rout had waited �1• in a boiling Sun for three hours, were disappointed. u U• L . W. O• CLUBS An imdate investigation was or- dered bymredStiatford's Mayor Henry, HOLD JOINT MEETING Chairman of the' Raoyall Visit Comtmit- tee, when he leaimeed that carefully arranged and •fully appipotved plana had been Ignored. on Thursday he Grand Bend- and Brueefield (Continued onl Page 4) Societies, Hear Fine •d sSes. Golf Pro. Will --- Members of Eche Brutcefieid and Teach Thursdays Grand Bend Clubs of the United lawn t- .7 Women of Ontario, Held a successful .meeting at the bom•e of Mists Gibson, Malcolm Palihill, who for a number Bruoefield, on Thursday. Guest sipeok- of years has been professional at ers were . O. G. AmdeTson, Pro- S'ca'nemboro GaLf Club, Toronto, wfil be vincial President, and Mr. J. H. Hare_ at the Seafortrh Golf and Country Club U,F.O. Manager, both of Wi.ntghram. each Thursday afternoon during the Mrs. An'ders'on spoke of th e slimmer. . - problems of agriculture. She lauded. Appointments for Leseons may be the good work of the local U.P.O. and made at the club house. U.F.W.O. Clubs, commended them for the educational work in co-ope+rartion • which they had done. She eim,phasiz- ed the fact that the time had come Boxing Programs foraction. Co-operation, she said, holds Uhte solution for many of oun Begin at Rink �rm purchasisag and marketing prob- leme and support should be given to the current effort of the U. F. Corp. The season's• boxing and wreVtbrig Co. at Wingham to apply true co - cards opened at the Palace Rink on operative principles to the marketing Saturday night voliern an enthusiastic of eggs and+ poultry in thus county. Crowd saw real action. Mr. Hare, of the Winghea.m branch In •a very unpopular decision, Jack of the U. F. Co-operative Co., refer- Callory, York Rangers Champion of Ted to 1,11'e. increrasdng economic im- portanceToronto, won from Cha -rho Mess,emgel, of poultry on the farm and Mo'ntktnn. The fight was clo-e<—so Ve several insttanCes of how a close that the crowd booed the judge's flock of around 200 birde was yield - decision. Ing a gross income of from $600 to $fins) per year. The income on, many Don McPhail, Taranto light weight, a farm, he said, might be materially last to Bpxt Grey, also of Toronto, an'd inrrea:sed by closer attention 'to this 11eal-sodChe4sney won over Paul Civ- departnrem•t of farm. enterpirdsel. Mn lin, at 90 pounds. Trhe Dublin Cos- Hain 6ro.er.ibed the plan of marketting tellos put on a real displiay at 65 w-hicl,, 1 -'ad recently been iaysttituted by pounds, Ike decision• going to Nip. the `'ingham branch of the U. F. Gordon Messenger and Pearson Ches- Co-operative Co. Eggs are being fey, at 90 pounds, provided ofrte of handled at pre!sect and the pian later ,the highlights of the evening, the die- w•im be extended to poultry. The pro- cisiton going to tdlp latter. Meseien,ger duc,,rti wl-o are partiripatin•g ave fol - immediately cliallenger any one un- lowing a few siimple rules of feeding, dem 100 pound's, flock m'anage'mprttt. and care of the The wrestling fans saw Click Pear- eggs on the farm, w•hiclr will ensure son, -of I -.ke Shore, and Rock Hopton IthD delivery at the errrimery of eggs Of Oshawa, in a thrillingexhibition, w^hsich enYled -with a fall'apieve. Iros!�c Ging fre�dimess und' fine flavor. Gerry Holland was master of tem- A special quality pact: is being made (Continued on, Page 4) monies, • Plan Lad i es' Day Next Thursday Tho in d ileo of the So a fti*r•th Golf and Country Club will hold Ladicxs' Day on Thursclny, June 15th w•>hen a flag eomtpotit,ion will be held. Ladies in eharg,e will be Mrs. F. J. Becliely, Mrs, J. Ff. Rest, Mrs. Ear% Ben and Mrs. E. C. Boswell. j • C.W.L..Awards Special Prizes The .lune nivetilig of the C. W. L. w-als held in the parfsdr hall •with the u,suaI mage attendenee. In -the ab- sence of the secretary, Mrs. William Hart, the' ,finites of thee previous meeting were -read by Miss Margaret. Xally, An intereMing feature of lite eve,ndng was th•e awarding of prizes for Christian Doctrine, which were presented by Rev, Father- Humey to Veronica Maloney, Mary Margaret. 'Cleary, Josephine. McIver, Kemmeth vt Barry, Joseph Deerea.ux and Hdben Murnay. It was decided to hold a tea some tine in, the nteear future, The meeting then adjourned. 9.1 VARSITY GRADUATE Miss Mary E. Forrest, daagh ter of Mr. and Mr% John Pbrrea$ of •Tuckerstnith, who is a. rd.0hibb . of 'the graduating class thls'aejk& .•' F s of Victoria College, Unlwrtlo 'df" Fri Toronto. te; y ...rr:. _"rt..r, «r a,•. ,n, My ,.. ., 'Sn •N li.., -.+' 9r r i. 4'g% 4 l fie. T n i. 7 v., r 4 11 W,• eu�'�w�nrrLxd':�Yu.L.waie�L»ii,�'.'i1�.ai&�MY'9i!'l�I:ll t�i#If%riNI�RYdG • Plan Lad i es' Day Next Thursday Tho in d ileo of the So a fti*r•th Golf and Country Club will hold Ladicxs' Day on Thursclny, June 15th w•>hen a flag eomtpotit,ion will be held. Ladies in eharg,e will be Mrs. F. J. Becliely, Mrs, J. Ff. Rest, Mrs. Ear% Ben and Mrs. E. C. Boswell. j • C.W.L..Awards Special Prizes The .lune nivetilig of the C. W. L. w-als held in the parfsdr hall •with the u,suaI mage attendenee. In -the ab- sence of the secretary, Mrs. William Hart, the' ,finites of thee previous meeting were -read by Miss Margaret. Xally, An intereMing feature of lite eve,ndng was th•e awarding of prizes for Christian Doctrine, which were presented by Rev, Father- Humey to Veronica Maloney, Mary Margaret. 'Cleary, Josephine. McIver, Kemmeth vt Barry, Joseph Deerea.ux and Hdben Murnay. It was decided to hold a tea some tine in, the nteear future, The meeting then adjourned. 9.1 VARSITY GRADUATE Miss Mary E. Forrest, daagh ter of Mr. and Mr% John Pbrrea$ of •Tuckerstnith, who is a. rd.0hibb . of 'the graduating class thls'aejk& .•' F s of Victoria College, Unlwrtlo 'df" Fri Toronto. te; y ...rr:. _"rt..r, «r a,•. ,n, My ,.. ., 'Sn •N li.., -.+' 9r r i. 4'g% 4 l fie. T n i. 7 v., r 4 11 W,• eu�'�w�nrrLxd':�Yu.L.waie�L»ii,�'.'i1�.ai&�MY'9i!'l�I:ll t�i#If%riNI�RYdG