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The Huron Expositor, 1939-06-02, Page 8
15c1 TobtrA:TO JUICE. 15c VENDERED LARD 10C Man size 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c 15c ij • Prwnds OLD CHEESE -Sharp 25c .Pound It WOODBURY SOAP, 1 BOTTLE HAND LOTION 251'. .AU_ for TRENCH CASTILE SOAP Large Bar for t CONC'ENTItAT.ED SUPER SUDS and 2 CAKES COLEO SOAP 1 p,�1i for - � c .5OUN'STON FLOOR GLOSS 591,, ,giant size 1`I 'WO -IN -ONE LIQUID POLISH 1 i.JU Bettie, NEWS OF TIE 'TOWN Announcement. -Mr. and Mrs John A. McLachlan announce the engage- ment of their younger daughter, Hazel Elizabeth, .to Mr. John Wilson, son of Mrs. McCartney and the late Geo. R. McCartney, Tuckersmith, the wedding to take place quietly on June 10th. COLGATE TOOTH POWDER 20C Can for re when you buy 35c can MAKE YOUR CHICKS .GROW with Masters Growing Mash $21 et Cwt . U A. C. Routledge.. PHONE 166 McKillop Branch W. M. S. Meets. - The McKillop Branch of the W. M. S. of First Presbyterian Church met on Mary 20tth at the .Manse. Seaforth- Mrs. Helen McMillan opened the meeting with a hymn. The Scripture lesson was taken by Mrs. R. Dorrance, fol- lowed with prayer by the president. The current events were read by Mrs. R Dorrance and Mrs. McMillan. 4n interesting talk was given by Mrs. Hutt Jack and a lovely solo by Mrs. li Dcsmu1ee. The Glad Tidings Pray- er was taken by Mrs. W. S. Hogg, and little Francis Jack took up the collection. The meeting closed with a hymn and the Lord's Prayer. WE S P E C I A L I Z E 4N FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, CAS- UALTY, GUARANTEE BONDS, ACCIDENT A N D SICKNESS, BURGLARY, WINDSTORM Representing Companies who give Security with Service Also Agents for Ontario Thresh- ermen's Mutual Fire Insurance. Information gladly given. A number of desirable properties la Seaforth and district for sale. WATSON & RID M. A. REID - Proprietor Phone 214 Seaforth SPECIALIST IN ALL LINES OF INSURANCE 040000©40`0000 0 O S. T. Holmes & Son FUNERAL SERVICE O Main Street, Seaforth O 0 S. T. Holmes, residence 0 Goderieh Street, West; phone 0 No. 119-W. Charles Holmes' 0 residence, Goderich Street, 0 East; phone No. 308. 0 Ambulance Service O Adjustable hospital bed for 0 O rent. O 0 Night calls, Phone 308 - O O Day calls, Phone 119-3 0 - O Charges moderate. O p • 12-37 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Egmondville Entertains Northside Y. P. U. The closing meeting for the summer of the Northside Y. P. U. held on Monday evening, May 29th, took the forma of a social evening, when the society was entertained, by the Y. P. U. of Egmondville United Church. Ms. R. McKenzie opened the meeting by conducting a sing- song, in which an joined heartily. In the absence of Miss Edith Wallace, president of Egmondville Y. • P. U., the meeting was presided over by Miss Isabel Forreet and' sang Hymn 562. Mr. Sam Scott, president of Northside Y. P. U., then took charge and after singing the hymn, "Stand Up Far Jesus;' Rev. Workman and Misses Edith Hoag and Vera Mote led in prayers. The Scripture lesson, Psalm 111, was read by Mr. Sam Scott and a reading by Lois MoGavin was giver}. The hymn, "Onward Christian Saldieis" was sung and Miss Alma Lawrence favored with a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o H. C. BOK 4 O' FUNERAL SERVICE 0 O Licensed Embalmer 0 0 Ambulance Service O 4 Hospital Bed 0 0 with adjustable rachet oper- O 0 cited spring for rent. 0 0 Night Calls Day Calle 0 O Phone 175 Phone 43 4 4 12-x7 0 000004'000000 THE SECOND DIVISION COURT COUNTY OA HURON Office in the Dominion Bank Build- ing. Seaforth. Office hours: Tues- day. Thursday and Saturday, 1.30 p.m. --to 5 p.m. Saturday evening, 7.30 p.m. Ilo 9 pm_ E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Insurances Agencies - Seaforth ANNOUNCES The purchase of the insurance business of Hays & Moir, and the addition of their tompaniea to our previous facil- ities enables uv to give unexcelled 4ervice in all Innes. SEAFORTH •ONTARIO 10-37 ;THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y. HEAD OFFICE - SEAFORTH, ONT. OFFICERS: Thos. Moylan, 5 Seaforth - Pres. Wm. Knox, Londeeboro - Vice -Pres. 'Keeton A. Retd, Seaforth • See.-Treas. DIRECTORS: William Knox, Londesboro; George iieemhi'ard!t, Bradhagen; James Con - 11011y, Godiericb; Alex, Broadfoot, R. ;lit >I, Seaforth; Alexander McEwtne, n. R. 1, Blyth,.. Frank McGregor, R. R. 4,, Clinton;n• James Sholdlee, Walton; tomag Moylan, R. R. 5, Seaforth; m R. Archibald, R. re 4, Sea - AGENTS' sT'tflia+ 1+drClli r', R. R. 1, Dublin; , Pepper, Reittelteld; N. 11. Jarmenth, 12lalydiy,. anu4r•'klra>bt, 8 : C. F- 11t1i}. J I e% Gods - , r,; �i'y�15 l., McTavisli's Hosiery Club Srriprdves xatF.Istaiice t PERSPiRAlrtb,N SPOTS. SNAGS :WATER :STAIN'S `: cnd'stren' th Stlk Frbi LATEST i,SHADES AiI We ghta-t!oOril'arArie'e 75c & $1.00 pr. It Costs You Nothing To Join Get your membership card today ti well -rendered- sola, Lf fi Whlui : Slav auge accompanying on the piano. Mise Donna Mole gave a reading enc titled, "At Breakfast Time," wlbieh was much enjoyed, The topic in the form of a missionary talk •untied, "Mary Reid, Mother of the Lepers," wr;s ably given by Miss Winnie Sav- auge. Hymn 567 wan song and Eg- anondvikle group again took charge when a social half hour was spent in games and contests and a dainty luneh was served by the Egmondville Y .P.U. A very pleasant evening was brought to a close by singing, "God Save the King" and repeating in uni- son the Mizpah benediction. Mission Band Visits Goderich..- Twenty members of the Goforth Mis- sion Band accompanied by Rev- Hugh Jack, Mrs. D. R. Wilson, Miss Janet Cluff and Miss Gretta Ross motored to Goderich last Saturday afternoon to take part in the annual. Presbyterial Mission Band rally. Two numbers on the program were put on by the Go- forth Mission Band, a duet "Children's Joy," by Jacqueline, O'Dell and Joan McMaster and a qartette, "Working Together" by Jean McMaster, Helen Smith, Jean Wright and Joan McMas- ter. The meeting next year will be held in BIyth. 4 MEMBER McTAVISH'S Hosiery Club This Membership- entitles Hold- er to every Twelfth pair of Silk Hose ABSOLUTELY FREE NO RAI.f- WAY CREASE JOBS HERE r OUR LDBRICATION is the way to keep your car in perfect lubrication order. We use Chek-Chart for every point, apply the correct lubricant to every part. Witbout extra charge we also dean windows, brush upholstery, shine metal, check battery, tires and lights. Lubrication service as done by our trained men gives you more than your money's worth. We'll welcome the chance to prove it. II. WESTON, Seaforth, Ont GODERVCH STREET, WEST immonimilliiinNIMMINIMINIG- • illtl�. ..1 5r "Come and worship, come and worship, Worship Christ the New -Born King" • Sermon Subjects For Next Sunday. -Northside United Church: Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister. -10 a.m., Sun- day. Schtaol; 11 arb,., "We Honor. Their Majesties" (Junior Choir in special numbers) ; 7 p.m., "The Kingliness of a King." McKillop Charge -Bethel, 10 a.m.; Duffs, 11.15 ann.; Caven Church, 2.30 p.m.; subject, "Gleanings From the Oonference."--R. W. Craw, Minister. First' Presbyterian Church -Sunday School at 1.0 'a.m.; Preparatory Ser- vice on Friday evening at 8 p.m.;. morning, Sacrament of -the Lord's Supper; evening, The Independent Order of Oddfellows will' be present at this service. - Rev. Hugh Jack, Minister. Elft h � lain Tour Sulam,* Faun In e . ettes Sold in Seaford' by W. G, Willis • a guest at the Home of Mr. and Mas. William Black,, in Tnckersmmth, re- turned to Woodstock on Wednesday. • Mr. and Mrs. C. L. ;smith, of Zurich; Mr. and Mrs.• Laois Helw4g, two sons, Donald and Robert, and daughter, Joyce, of Detroit \and Mr. and Mrs. L Welheira and" 924,'sj'orie, of Milverton, were the week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Rose. • Mr. Douglas H. Stewart, iJnivers- ity of Western Ontario, left on Tues-• arta, to spend the day for Killam, Al summer months a a mission centre. • Dr. J. G. d ,Mrs. Dillane and family, of Hamilton, were week -end guests at the hpme of Mrs. Diliane's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas John- stone. • Rev. H. V. Workman, Mr. F. • S. Savauge and Mr. John McNay, of Northside United • Church, are- attend- ing Conference in London this week. • Mr. and Mrs. McEachern, Miss Irene McEaehern, Miss Laura Merch- ant, of Wiarton, and Miss Jessie Grainger, of Clinton, were guests this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wright. • Mrs. W. Horton, of Tudor, Alber- ta, is a guest at the home of her mother, Mrs. Jaynes Sproat, in Eg- mondville. • Mrs. Richard Rogers spent a few days this week visiting at the home of her sister and brother -In-law, Mr. and Mrs. Marchell Young, in Hulletf township. • Mrs, Hazel Sproule has returned to her home again after. an opera- tion for appendicitis in Scott Memorial Hospital. ' • Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hays. and Miss Mary Patricia, of Detroit, were the' week -end guests of Mgrs. R. S. Hays. • Mr. and Mrs. James Kerr and Miss Janet and Mrs. Foote,' of Buffa- lo, were the guests this week of Mrs. J. L. Kerr. - • Mr. and Mrs. George Love, of To- ronto, were here this week attending the funeral of the late Mrs. Robert Barbara Kirkman and W. M. S. Hold Joint Meeting. -Mrs. Hugh Jack was the speaker at this joint meeting on Tuesday evening in First Presbyter- ian Ohurch and gave a very full and comprehensive report of the. annual provincial meeting held in St. Paul's Church, Hamilton, in April. Among the interesting things she said were that Quebec looks to Ontario for leadership and guidance and Saskat- chewan looks for symipathy and help, and we must net fail them. A large amount of the work depends on us as we are in the majority. Mrs. M. A. Reid's class -raised nil their money voluntarily. • This is to be organiza- tion year and it means work. One of the (missionaries said: "Love ihas reached the Orient,' vehioh means much to us Our unfinished) task is "The World for Christ." The follow- ing devotional program was given with Mrs. Robert Eberhart and Mrs: J. A. Munn presiding: Mrs, J. C. Greig read the current events; Miss H. I, Graham the Glad Tidings prayer and Mrs. J. E. Daley sang a .solo, "Does Jesus Care?" Mrs. Wit. Free- man gave a very effective reading of the Scripture lesson. A vote of thanks was tendered Mrs. Jack by Mrs. Neil Gillespie and Miss Gretta Ross. Miss 11. I. 'Graham also ex- pressed her appreciation of hearing the splendid address. The meeting closed with. a hymn and prayer. Death of Mrs. Robert McKinley. - The death occurred at the home of ,her son in Winnipeg on Sunday, May 28th, of Mrs. Robert McKinley, for many years a well known and esteem- ed resident of .Seaforth and vicinity. Mrs. McKinley ,had been in declining health for some years, having suffer- ed from a heart ailment. The deceas- ed, whose maiden name w•as Margar- et Louise McDonald, was born on the McDonald homestead in Stanley town- ship, near Bayfield, now owned by her brother. Mr, John McDonald, on July 21st, 1856. In 1887 she was unit- ed in marriage to Mr. Robert McKin- ley, and following their marriage they moved to the farm on the Huron Highway near Seaforth, now owned by Mr. Earl Lawson, where- they con- tinued to reside until twenty years ago when they retired and purchased a home in Harpurhey. In 1930, owing to ill health, Mr. and Mrs. McKinley gave up their home here and) went to Winnipeg to reside with their son, where Mr. McKinley passed away in 1932. Mrs. McKinley is survived by an only son, Mr. John McKinley, of Winnipeg, and two grandsons, Scott and frames. McKinley. She is also sur- vived by one brother, Mr. John A. McDonald, of the Bronson Line, Stan- ley. The .reanains were brought to Seaforth on the morning C.N.R. train on Wednesday, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. John McKinley. The fun-` eral was held on Thursday afternoon from the home of M. H. C. Box, when the services were conducted by Rev. H. V. Workman, of Northside United Churoh, of which Mrs. McKinley was a member for many years. Interment was made in Bayfield cemetery, the pallbearers being Messrs. A, D. Scott, James Scott, Joseph Seott, William Black, James Jamieson and Norman Carter. LOCAL BRIEFS Me'Aley. ', • We are glad to l n that • Mr. John Weber, of Hama on, 8 Eckert is recovering ram» a' e heart -attack. . former well known Seeforth bo was eaitling on old friends in tow on Wednesday, • Mr, and Mrs. Orval Weston and son, Kenneth, of Detroit, were the week -end guests of Miss Verna Graves and Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Garnochan In Tuckersmith. • Mrs. Arthur Mason, of Saskatoon, is a guest at the Charter's home on the Mill Road. • Miss Mary Gillespie has moved from the Royal Apartments to her home -on North Main, Street, formerly occupied by Mr. H. Main, Meir, who'has, purchased. the residence from the: Campbell estate on the same street. • Mr. G. A. Jackson, who spent the past five months. on a South African tour, rettii•ned on Wednesday even- ing to his home in Egmondville. • Mr. and Mgrs. E. L. Box were in Toronto this week. • Miss Helen Ament, Miss Hend- rickson, Miss Hazen, Miss Thompson and Miss Smith, of Windsor, were the week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ament. • Mr. and Mrs, Louis Brall, son, Gordon, and daughters, Mary and June, and Miss N. Desboro, of De- troit, spent a few days •this week at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Eckart. • Mr. S. J. Burke, wlho has been conducting a ,collection agency in town far several years, has moved ,his family to Stratford. • Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Lewis, of Manitoulin Island, and Mr. W. Glen- denning, of Toronto, who were week- end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Southgate; returned to To- ronto on Tuesday and were accom- panied by Miss Patricia Southgate. • Mr. and Mrs. T. A. G. Gordon are in Toronto phis week. • Miss Mary Hays, Miss Sally Wood anti Miss Ruth. Thompson, are spending week -end in Thorcld, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Sheppherd. • Mr, R. J. McMillan, who spent the winter in -Florida,, returned to his home there this week. • Mrg. George Black, who has been Hawaiian Guitar Concert Cardno's Hall, Seaforth FRIDAY, JUNE 0th at 8 p.m. Program by local and outside pupils and talent, demonstrat- ing two Electric Guitars, Tap Dancing. ADMISSION - 25c and 10c * PERMANENT SPECIALS MONDAY, JUNE 5th OIi PE'RMAiNENTS $2.50, $3.50, $5.00 and $7.50" Alt work done by JEAN SMITH, Stratford - Make A'ptpiaintmenhs Early - Phone 227, Commercial Hotel ' SEAFORTH Wool Wanted PRICE, 12c PER POUND FLAT 6 to 61/2c FOR REJECTS Delivered at Egmondville H. M. Jackson Phone 3-W SEAFORTH -' ONT. r, 0. Pere "SERVICE IS OUR MOTTO^ Tuckey Transport PHONE 226-W, SEAFORTH Daily Service Seaforth to London and Intermediate Points.. Call for Information. • Give us a Trial Shipment • Mrs. E. 3.' Hills, of Listowel, is spending a few weeks with her daugh- ter, aughter, Mrs. E. Chapman, who is now convalescing at Scott Memorial Hos- pital, after her long and serious ill- ness. • Mr. R. Fruin and family have moved to the Gillespie cottage on High Street. • Rev, R. W. Craw and Mrs. Craw of McKillop, and Rev. 4. W. Gardiner of. Egmondville, are attending the Oonference in London this week. • Miss Jean Ross, of Port Huron, was a week -end guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M:- A. Reid. • Dr, E. A. McMaster and Mr. M. A: Reid were in the Province of Que- bec last week. • Miss Mary Holmes, University of Western Ontario, London, is spending the .holidays at the home of her par- ents, Mr. and Mer. Charles Holmes. • The Laymen's banquet of the %nit ed Ohurch will be held Conference Week in Centennial Church, London. of which Rev, Walter B. Craw is the minister. Mr. Jim Hunter will be the guest speaker. Mr. Craw is a son of Rev. R. W. Craw and Mrs. Craw, of McKillop. • Mr. and Mrs, Rr. E. Southgate are attending the graduation from Wellesley Hospital, Toronto, of their daughter, Miss Betty Southgate. • Mrs. Hannah Sproule, Mrs. W. Johnston and Master Paul, Johnston, of Stratford, were Sunday visitors with the Sproule family. • Mrs. Gee, of Lindsay, and Mrs. Schoales, of Sault • Ste. Marie, who have been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. M. McKellar, left for their homes on Wednesday. • Miss Mary Kling, R.N., of the Ontario Hospital, Hamilton, is a guest at the home of her mother, Mrs. W. D. Manson. *Mrs. Davidson, of Newton, was a guest over the week -end of Mr. and TEST -YOUR SKILL You will be entitled 4;o a course in Simplified Shorthand under very special terms 'f you can trannscrfbe Mae follow- ing notes:t-- "u on Inn 2 ri std is ez wa 1 ,1p wks. u nvr fgt hw 2 rd y nte." Send m gout transcription be- fore June 15. Nb obligation. If your transcription is correct, you will receive special offer to train for stenographer. Wirite CASSAN SYSTEMS 2936 Dundee W,., TORONTO TORONTO I,. . ONT. 4 a l Mrs. M. A. Reid. • Mrs. G. C. Brightrall will receive at her home, Goderich St. West, on Friday, June 2, from 3.30 to 6 o'clock. ST. COLUMBAN egent Theatre Now Showing " Heart of. The i'Iorth" starring Dick Foran Patric Knowles Monday Tuesday Wednesday /` -June 5, 6 and 7 URBIN . Gllgy PAAAISfl jIOH'ij/CUMMINGS • WiNNINGER • 1UNDIGAN. �C61.111YEalii 900114 NEXT THURS., FRI., SAT. June 8, 9, 10 Charles Starrett Iris "Call of The Rockies" Hard -Hitting Action in The Call of the Rockies! - ALSO - Ralph Bellamy Fay Wray "Smashing the Spy Ring" Meredith COMING- • "The Lives of Vernon and Irene Castle" BIG-.` PALACE RINK, SEAFORTH Saturday,June38p.m. FEATURING CHARLIE MESSENGER, Monkttin, 160 lbs., vs. JACK COLLARY, 155 - lbs., iqr five three-minUtel Rounds. Coliary is the Champion of 'York Rangers, Toronto,. and. Messenger has never been beaten .in the Ring here, so this should be a bout worth seeing ! ' ALSO DON McPHAIL, 135 lbs., Lightweight Champion of Mimico Y. M. C. A., vs. BERT GREY, 135 lbs., Toronto, in rifle two -minute Rounds. PAUL GIVLIN, 90 lbs., Dublin, vs. PEARSON CHESNEY, 9.0 lbs., Egmondville. Kite COSTELLO, 65 lbs., Dublin, vs. NIP COSTELLO, 65 lbs., Dublin, in three two -minute Rounds. ALSO -Two Prominent Kids from •Egmondville will battle for three 2 -minute Rounds. . a WRESTLING • CLICK PEARSON, 175 lbs., Lake Shore, vs. ROCK HOPTON, 175 lbs., Oshawa. See the way the Champs do it. First two out of three falls, ' not to exceed half hour.. • THIS WILL BE A REAL SHOW ! Good seating accommodation has been arranged. - Admission: 35c, Ladies 25c On Tuesday evening, May 16th, the friends and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. William. Cleary surprised them at their new home in Seaforth • when a presentation was. made to them, Mr. and Mrs. Cleary receiving a beautiful day bed and to the four boys, sweat- ers,and shirts.• The address was read by Edward Melady, expressing regret of losing such good neighbors and wishing them every happiness in their new home. The presentation was made by Mr. Daniel Cronin, after which a very pleasant evening was spent. Mr. Cleary made a very fit- ting and suitable reply following the presentation, expressing on behalf of himself and family deep appreciation of the presentation made to them and that they would always remember the kindness shown then), by their St. Oolumban friends and a hearty wel- oone to them at any time. Quite a large 'number of friends were pres- ent and all enjoyed the remainder of the evening. 'Ilhe Catholic Women's League held a quilting bee in the parisih hall on Wednesday afternoon. The many, friends of Mr. John Ma- lone, Sr., regret very much to hear of his illness. KIPPEN Mrs. ' Alfred and granddaughter, Maris Alfred, of Detroit, visited at the home of Mr. William Anderson of the village during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Meliis visited with relatives at Wroxeter over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Love, of Lan- sing, Mich., visited at the home of the latter'e father, .Mr. R. J. Cooper, and other friends in and around the vil- lage during the past week. Mrs. James MoO1•yxnont, of the vil- lage, spent a few days at the home of her son, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Me- Clin 4ihey, of the Goshen Line during the past week. Mr. W. E. Butt is improving the appeariance of his store by having it freshly painted. The funeral of the late Alexander Smith, of Stanley, was held from his home on Tuesday and was largely at- tended. Mr. Smith suffered a stroke a few days previous to his death and never regained oonsciousness. He was in hoe 80th year and had been smart and active practically right up to the time when he suffered the attloke. His remains were laid to rest in Ba4•rd's cemetery and the funeral was con- ducted by Rev. E. F. Chandler; of -St. Andrew's United 0hurcir.. Mrs. Alex.. Mousseau, of Zurich, is spending a .few days at the bottle of her son, Mr, D'. Mousseau, of the lage. Fri • :o-{%^;N'4',6�c���+,;�,�:t-s�., Sale Of Used Machinery in Perfect Condition 1 Massey -Harris Low $30.00 Spreader �7 1JU 2 -Section Spring @rf� tlA Tooth Harrow ADL �1/tJ 1 2 -Furrow Riding $25.00 Plow 1 Walking. $0.00 Plow n 1 Hay $55.00 Tedider 1 Hak Rake $35.00 1 Farm Ie} /� Wagon $25.00 1 Drill n Hoe $10.00 1 McCormick Diet Drill $36.00 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 -Fury Plow Inthrow $ Disc 8% -inch Grinder one-horse Plow Gilson Washer, Electric Viking Separator May. Tag Washers', ow Tractor $$35.00 20.00 $20.00 $12.00 $45..00 $45.00 $20.00 Electric 1 4 -Tube Electric $15.00 Table Radio • 2 Auto R $35.00 5.d9bs • We wish to announce we have added to our stock a new type • Radio Tube Tester, whish will test all tubes manufactured to date. We have In stock Tubes for all Westinghouse Radios, and most of all other sets sold. in Canada. Main St. John BachSEAFORTH Visit Of Their Majesties The King and Queen STRATFORD, TUESDAY, JUNE G SPECIAL .TRAIN SER''CE (Standard Time) A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. Noon 12.14 12.21 12.26 12.51 1.00 P.M. 9.45 10.00 10.08 10.20 10.26 10.30 10.39 10.53 11.05 A.M. 8.00 Ly. GODERICH 8.15 HohnesrrvFlle • 8.2.3' CLINTON 8.35 - Seaforth 5.41 St. Oolumbann 8.45 Dtablin 8.54 Mitchell 9.08 Srebringvililo 9.20 Air. STRATFORD .M. Ar. 5.26- 5.02 4.65 4.42 4.36 4.23 4.10 Lv. 4.00 P.M. 7.55 7.32 P.M.. 7.25 5.55 7.12 5.42 7.05 5.35 7.01 5.31 6.53 5.23» 6.40 5.10 6.30 5.00 P.M. 9.46 A.M. Lv. WINGHAM 9.50 A.M. Wingham Jct. 10.01 A.M. Bel rave 10.12 A.M. Blyth 10.21 A.M. Londeeboro 10.48 A.M. CLINTON 11.45 A.M. Ar. STRATFORD Ar. 6.35 P.M. 6.21 P.M. •' 610 P.M. . 6.55 P.M. 5.49 P.M. 5.30 P.M. Lv. 4.30 P.M. IMPORTANT NOTICE -The Public is urged to use the 8 A.M. Train front Goderich, 'etc., to Stratford, leaving the later trains for school children Round Trip Adult Bargain Excursion Fares TO Stratford . FROM: Godeatch $1.15 Dublin .46c Mdmimnum Fare Ciliniton - .85 Mitchell .3 a25c Seaf'oalth .60 Wingtham $1.50 Adults or Childs. Child_gen 5 years and under 12 Half Fart -12 years and over full fare. CANADIAN NA.TIONA.L "GOD SAVIil THE KING" Ott,, 11 lz 4 r t