The Huron Expositor, 1939-06-02, Page 4112114111 'i4��1(,j�'"f Rssl Ied Ads, 1, a; 'fI i j 'ted Ads will be inserted at new low cash rates 2rt,, �,1tr l?Pamtxd, Loa8 and Found. Cosies tr••�. iia. -Fos Word rr `',sem , i.t week , 1 Cen,E it 2nd week ............. w............- t 4 1 a; t t9rd week ..................... ti...... �i Caret I' 'r .. Mi.nlanum ;i;;; a. dler8 l�anffl'an a Coub l'?R r Ilarc3, + initial aa►a .Lmm..oaa�Y....ml. ,rend, ,dt1Rl ,' 04r4 of Tbaulu. In, Memoriam Notice -1 asst Per Ward- ;fid. s0 oeab yr .reek, gl,•r Emulrte6 mai be directed to a Baa Namlb44 More d 3b. lemma MEW0elta t; tom' H —ts -., extra ,,,,Ng Teal cents additional Der week will be ehstY'd U o& Ill abasia aura we -1 bald bi the i3iaturday ndaht, in the weak In rw•hlldh Ota ad mus &Was ' VUULB, Marriages acid Deallits in w0A free of abaw8fti )..' ,&i etWn Sales. "Notice W Crediton, ,B;Ba-$MOas ra aph)tttioat/aa. Tenders WantedHelp Wanted �� eq'�oxDRAIN TENDERS Wr RaferApp Box Town's'hip of McKillop mg. EXPOW'MR OFFICE- 3729-tf TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED BY' THE Lost r undersigned untli4 Monday, June 5, 1939- Lose and Found for the xxanst iudtvon and im0rrovement Of the Dennis M•unieiyad Drain, TACK'RIOP. lr OST- iliAN' I IIUWVA WRIST WATCH Tenders will be opened at 4 o'clock p -m- at y� s May 27tih soma nhene •in Seaforth Winthrop Hall, 630Iiiiloa, tea abovetbo date, Finder please leave at the Dick House. Open vvbrk, 6030 linHal feet, bottom width 3729x1 3 feet; tile, 6370 lineal feet, 71? ,to 121/, T4m2 per cent, of donbract price tW a,ecem- pamy tender. Lowest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted. Plans, etc., may be seen at Olerk's Office, B. For ,Lot 35, Con. 3, McKillop Tow'nslhip- JOHN M,cNAY, Clerk. FOR R RENT -MODERN 6 -ROOM HOUSE. Seafor.th, R. 2 rttucoa. on Centre Street Adl new, mod - 3729 -2 ern eonveniencee ; c,axage. Available July ist. Apply DR J_ A MUNN, Seafortth. " 3728-tf Notice To Creditors1. NOTICE To CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF ELLEN IiEA,TING ALPERSONS HAVING CLAIM E .a�gainst the estate of Ellen Keating, lat of the Town of Seaff0i4th, deceased, who die' on or about. the 5th'°day of, April, 1939, ax' hereby notified to send in to the undersign ed on or ,before the 2nd day of June, 1939 full particulars of .their claims, with affidavi proving same, Immc&ately after the said last mention date, the ,assetsof the said estate will b distributed amongst the parties entitled t)her•e to, having regard only to claims of whin the undersigned shall then have notice, t the exclusion of all others, and the under sig,Med will not be liable to any person c whose claimthe undersigned shall not the have notice for the assets so distributed e any Peart thereof. Dated at Seaforth, this 12th day of Ma, 1939. WILLIAM J. DUNCAN, Execu'bor, By his solicitor, ELMER D. BELL, Seaforth, Ontario. 3727- Jumeles For Sale TIBM FOR sel.F-FOUR 30x31/_- TIRESand txeli®, sb-zhtiv used. Cheap for quick sale- ALEX, HABER. Sgaforth_ 3729x1 b'IOR e-AI.Id--diyFsF C&.R.ATOR. MEDIUM size, in, good condfittion. Phone 237 r 22, se s,farrtla_ " 3729-1 11LANTS FOR &ALV. --'FIVE VARIETIES Totimato plma&; k dbo a few flower Ilam;. Apply T. 'M- GRIEVE, R- 13 3, Seaforth-, T elephong 148 r 8. 8728x2 PLANTS FOR SALE --SUMMER FLOWER- anE Pa'rwies and other fioweirs ; lots of tomantoes, 'cabbage, early and late, 3. dozen for 25c, or 60c per 100; Sweet Peppers .and Cauli- flowem_ ALBERT BAKEit., Raidww Street; Seaxini' 6r_ 3729x1 FOR SAL14--CAEMAP FOR CAS4L 6 -ROOM fnnae house, ib good co'ndi't$oaq_ on Ord Street S4%13Dr b. Tim iolto. chicken bouse, Hydro, Apply be Box 206, EXPOSITOR. 3726-tf NOTICE TO CREDITORS t IN THE ESTATE OF FRANK EVANS. Auction Sales -;: (sometimes known as Francis Evans), _ N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ALL AUCTI"N SALYi AT OT 10, CONCES- 't persons having claims against the Estate sion 15, in hh.e lbw •hip of Grey, on of Fraaalc Evans (sometime,, knawn as Fran- WeaTWUS , Jane 14, I of Regu•:ctered I. cis Evans), late of the Town of Seaforth, in SVaorthorn Cattle, fully 'ted, Cly&e dale 1. the County of Huron, Esquire, deceased, who Horses and F•arra urn•pl ts- Cattle -One �, died on or about the 6th day of May, 1939, 'hord &ire, Glenburn Mug bred by Col. F. are hereby required to forward their claims H- Dewto,n; 9 Goers, Fres or suie in calf ; duly proven do the undersigned Solicitor for 2 he eros 2 years oast, ; 7 beifers I year ,r.' the Executors maned in tlhe will of the said o ; 1 � 11 12 months old; 2 bulls 6 months deceased, on or before the 155th day of -3nne, old; 5 bid r - The herd consists of 1939. Marr •Flora'w a"s. Roseleafs -and a fechoice AND NOTICE is further given that after breeding Scotch -Topped females. Horses -I '. Mhe said last named, date, the Executors will I,=istea,eel Clydesdale mare due to foal June proceed do distribute the assets of the said 25th ata ,the service of Royal Footman; one Testator among the parties entitiled thereto, heavy dranatit geld5ing 2 years old; 1 'heavy having regard only to the ataims of which the draught filly, 1 yeas- old (eddgibi'e for regis- Executors shaadl then have notice. tratian), sired by Favorite Al,,ain; 1 general DATED ,at Toronto, this 17th day of May, purpose horse, goad single of double, Implc- 1969, _ mants'---I'ohn Dce,e disc,' 16 Made: Massey- . J. E. TANSEY, Harris cultivator: Oliver single riding pdow ; 301 Royal Bank Buildl,ng, Toronto, Oliver double riding Piluw; C'ockshuttt Manure Solicitor for the Executors- spreader; w,ashms.g machine; cream separa- s727-3 tot: walking plow; ,land ri3lner; Massey -Har- t- . rig rraower_ Tem-�'.a-+rh- No reserve as farm has bean sold. OLIVER TURNSULL, �r Proprietor; Gem H. Elliott,Auctioneer. , Popular Stallions 3729-2 . - The Clydesdale Stallion I FAVORITE AGAIN 24337 Notices Enrolment No. 1961 Y Will stand at his own, stable at Bruceneld for the season. Fifteen dollars to insure WALLACE ROSS, APIARIST, WILL PAY payable February 1. 1940, SOc for swarms of bees during the month ROBERT D. MURDOCH, Proprietor. of Jona Phone 303-,i, Seafiortb- 1.PETER KILPATRICK, Manngm. 3729-4 3728-tf�]q �AY PERSON FOUND TRESS ' • passeFIX on the'lold Waterworks property Enrolment 3Q49 • f`oa'm 2 will be p ut-i to the fuel extent ,of the The Standard Bred Stallion Ila -,Vere wiR be viii further notim TONY BARON LULLWATERPHIIAAPs 8728x1 2.11 lb 2.137/, at'three years old. 1939 Grade "B" Premium No. 375 .,MNGLING TME -5 X NO. -1 B, C. RED Will stand for the improvement of stock Cedar Sb&rWlds, off the car at $1.10 per at the barn of his owner, W. C. Govenlock, bont-h- A ch suer grade at, 90c, Phone or Figmandville, i wmite your ardefr6 land we will advise when i' He is a jet black in color, stands 15-3 hands the cair is being nai9aaded_ Mtt,nitbulin Is- , high and weighs 1100 pounds. He.is a prrm- 'land Red Cir Posts "cut 30e each. A. ' ium horse and is sound. His sim Bogalusa, SPENCER 61; &ON. P'h'one 102, Hensa3l: 2.04 y4. He is also a handsome horse as he vas ` first and reserve champion at the Loyal Win- 1xa' Fair, Toronto, Vast winter, 1938. Weld TOWN OF SEAFORTH fury to make arrangements to meet those, from d distance where passible. Terms -.a12, payable February 1, 1940- A 727-� TAX PRE -PAYMENT RE - , Famous Champion Clydesdale Stallion CEIPTS FOR 1939 LOCHINVAR I (Imp, No. 25468 1 The Town will pay 4 per Enrolment No. 3739 Morro Wild stand Bar the improvement of stock thin sdnoon, as Mond Tuesday `and Weeinesday-At his I cent. per annum up to Aug. own stable,. I>� miles west and lr/q miles; 31, 1939, on all prepaid 1939 south of Dublin. Thursday --'Will leave his ?own at 8 Velock for PeWolia, rdtarn- n stable taX@S_ Certificates and full T+again on Friday riitrht at 6 rr'dlaek, b4MJm oma stable. flher Dermittnng. Saturdday-Aa hag pa.ticialars may be obtained when Terernrrmresvarev .66 at time Drove in Fdf seN;'ee surd $20.6e from the Towyn Clerk's of- oal, 1 J. E. FALCONER, Proprietor- 3729-U Tice in the Town Hall. Imported Clydesdale Stallion D. H. WILSON, SOLWAY RESOURCE Treasurer. Imp. 128173] (23029) 8718-t8 Enrolment No. 3744 Foran 1 i= Wall stand for the urprovement of shack _ �'tlhis seaAan, as folrows : ,y:', Manday Mlorning-Will leave his own stable Card of Thanks alt Hrucefidd and iso to tf ,e 2nd Comeession, _ Ghon mutih and east to Alex. 5-rnclafes, forTHE FA.IDLII.Y 01' THE TLATE MR& M=; then east to the Town Lane and north to tHre 9th Coueess,ion to Wm. Patrick's, for George Kerr wish to express their &in- nipc►9t Tu®day-East L% miles and ninth tw cane n fpr dura ' irinvin>easas the 7Mi Cancatir 6sai•on to Coyne Bros., for noon ; aml sytrgv y odende+d in their 'recent be - Alien to Robert IDoig'b, 7th Concession, for reavmnent seed in the rk torose who sent ,t,-ighft. Wednesday --To Gommel:l's Corner and Rowers and 2oaaae! cars. 8729x1 "'alarth ,1A A_ .& J. Broadffoot's, for noon -,then to hila own sitable fors• night Thursday -At MRS- POIMT TwGG DESIRES TO EX - ,his .own stable. Friday--Westt to the 2nd prem� fin' sincere avrmniaU2an of the l-, (•lotrscesaian of S�tran0ey and noatfh to John H. miany kindneWco and ayinpathy extended to �ti`' McEw•am's, for noon; then to his own stable her duw&w the recent il$aess and death of n for night Saltuirday-At his owstable. her sister. and paafrtimilarly to Rev. R. W, `.. 'Perm's -To insure a foafl., '$115.00, payable Cmw- 3729x1 , I February lot, 1940. R. D. MURDOCK, F ? - 3728-tf Proprietor and Manager. Births I r. . li `. 'M The Pare Bred Imported Clydesdale Stallion DAVIDSON---In Sw1i &[ante l Hml,ibal; ea- � TORRS MAGNATE I forth. oar. Mair 2Fth. to W. and Mrs, Dean ; Shap.) 26882 (2,2371) Dwrt4 on, Brussels, a soli. NIGII--,Fn Scott Memorial Hlosp'rtat, Seafbrth, E'f: Eltirairnenh Na. 3019 First Class, Farm 1 ort &lay 26W fir Mr. and MIs. John Mgh, „' Win stanA this season Bar mares am fah- TorJnersmnfde. a , -; Sown: , ' 1M.amday-Leaves hn own stable. Lot 4, Con. R, Eftbdrt, and go to Mike Naglere, Dublin.I '' Deaths 2g nor soon; ft)ientf:e to D. J. O'Reilly'e, Beach- " d, Lot IB, flan. 4, M,cKiblop, for might az ��QQrowo i:• Tues y--�WI17 proceed to Jack McCei hy'a, ' Ldt 48, Coat 2, Logan. for won; then" to , Mcii[N f:EY.. -Tea W sniper[. Man., on Bund sv, f his than stuabhq„ sea' night. Wednesday -Will MAY 28t8a. T+aramot T.anaise McDomm be - 1 , • , IDmoctW to Ce8l Rolti,h's, Lot 10, Con. 3, Toved wife of rite 'lnie Robei"t McKinley. L rgaan $o r ,4obn ; tthonce, by way of Hume, ,T0ff TS'f ON-Tn M`cKBnop, on 140nday, May tS 1.. ,Road•t10 WA 'awn elthblo' 'for night. Thursday l 29th, 1V[nz�aret eve, xvidow of .the late -';Rk •p]odood to Dune. Oo4q.houq;s, Lot 3, W. J. Joh.wl.m a con. 9. =bbert' 4`dx noon; tahonce to "rga DAVIDS() Ls `Vn Scott Momariad H`sPitnl, �{ -t7VieJlas's, Lot il, Con. 11, Cromaut'y{ ftbm 8 Sonfarrth, on WaY 261$x, infant son Of M;., &1 1 ,o'eRe)ek 6o a'oloek p.m., thence to, Jack and Mrs- •inns ilnvidaon, BrflsaeU. Bnrc$iill'it, 'I 16, OML 5, Hibbert. for Aiglit, �' tz '�fIfty-W411,pltace�ld to .Martin Fecnfslt's, lo%' 4---- e -w-®- -i �F Ilam. G, ila7ibe iE ,'4ar malwtt : fib' to Ito' j' 3.w' �, - ;; F,1. ., ;r tl(aNri':,i 'M for• night whore 'Ire will remain °`t>flft ShWld a gredtt Strong 1]Ck'tn ,Irl rite a fiMlowittg Motvfbty mrxrntng: R1* � begging?" {ark "W4 ­ft teal, tR'ti:t)t). be IOsld ..H rsl only pPofessiotn I knew s•!`"' ` Ilhb a- .1� * 194'0. 4n q i k ,X31? M7LIIU Proi% 4F Manegec III whkdrt a �ulilem+nn can adda+ess a .,0. ,: S. 17atlitl,�tlfuul w46boult an intro, ill,"mo 1.w �0 19 r 10Dtxbli q, 'tC7 I dti at%W'# 1 P ! ¢rt'`) 4' !,t e 't Y st�r;i it 4 r 1,-...,. , ,I. 4 . dt }, t: ! d X , G+f. L ..}} tr a, l.t �Y"i""Y ^ i' ' 4 ttl ' It .. Q., y � 't ,I i rr y 1(r r, 0 r 2 I• t. r f. � �'ti h• ✓� :tet ! •�.{ .�'IW1,11[it:, }x,;.,s'%5 ,",t�i llJ^.-�� �3Y.'»{;.d 1 V l''h.Y it t„ � , W 1 .!�-0ld. ,�r .,�.@, ; � �al ,tY ✓i�:.:yh'4t U- { l,ri S' (,', (•l §• �_i{rY. l{ ?I�y�111✓'�11 ', IS• 1 �,� ( �4x P y �}si� �„1 fY .r •.� f 21 fVl'•Slyl '� !H 9�Ph Y,�„f,i�'NSaF _,1 lur:5.� t t� 1 } it A Y " a', t t x _II. i `�S �`C�j ��"X' rl *{j. vii`i�i 1 4f,ll 1 �G 1 ilk,, fk fr ��rl�, � ; t , i, ,I—' �, . .; se ' t{s t r f�l7 `� - ..it It ' , . n , :,r, , .:+ . k ij ' ' t • �. . If ,, 1. i,,�'�� 4"'OF� mmm, W 4ew Home, Service 11lur sI Ellzabetll rt't 8coSpent a cou- IfINB(iIv ILOi i C. WILKINSON, 1 pie of dayp in Xfoadop. n "" °�° i �""°'"""' OPHTHALMiC OPTICIAN Miss Dora Addison spent Sunday .lass ens J i���5 with Miss Grace Dalrymple. ing ,eom�atively good health and will be at W. O. GAod Ws sore at4 ' Mr. C. D. ,Si'mpa'am 'llaceived word ery 1st and 3rd: Tuesdays in the A Coin of Revision was held on on Saturday ,that a 'baby' boy arrived The Home Seirvioe Training School, eyes and fitting gbAsea. DlMcUlt at the homer of Mr. and Mrs'. William 3raeside Lodge, Preston, Ont„ will council present. Simpgoli, Detroft. Congmtulati'ons3 )pen their doom ,to a new class on �'Congraitulai'ionia to Mr. and Mrs. lune 50th, a'coord4n'g to George H. gain following a heart attack suffer. Lytle Mill, on the birth of a baby ;boy .anga'n, Su'perintenden't of the Eml-� on, MoAdl yr, Aoyment Service of Camad . at Strat- a. ` 'Mr. Carlyle Cornish and :frieads. ord. I speat the week -end at Niagara Malls. Qualificationsfor enrolment are as �'+ Mr, and Mr$, D. Bird end son,. of 'ollow.s: I. Ages: Between A6 and niversary service this; comings sunt/ aly WallLern, visited at the home oY Mrs, 10 years; 2. Three, chara,eter refer- Crediton will 'play, Hensall here Friday evening in the first series of T. Forrest last week., jukes; 3. P'hystical and'm�ental' lheaLGh -on Sunday afternoon. last, also meet Ing with, a number of thea friend Mrs. "A., McDonald and Mitis. E.. Me- ;ertaficates; 4. Unemployed' single ed, as it promaiee,s to be keenly con- Ash, of Helisall; Mr. and Mrs. J. ,Iris and parents in neoessdtous cir- I RichalNlwu, of Stanley; Mr. and Ml's. ;u'msltanuces. and other relatives, and kid+- McAsh, of London, and: Mrs. The young women who are gra,d•u- the Young P'eople's+ Union Rev: &' Phimney t,nd; son, of Detroit, were the acting ,in the present class will be here recently v'is'iting their relatives', � of Mrs. R. McKenzie, the occa- placed in ,g'ooai posslitions, as there for several weeks following the aec i - sdon being the celebration of her 81st tre, at all times more orders in than G amt Ryckmlan, who lives a short birtbdray, an ,be taken care of, for a few days, but will return to the Rev. H. Wright and, Mr. A. Me - There seems to be a scarcity of ap .11.1, ,.,:a , men 'axe attending the London con- plicants w -bo are 20 years or over a��<ra, fele e s week- and young women of thatag'e are , ` ' very much in demand, as they assume and expects to he able to retem to lege 'to obtain his degree in pharmacy responsibility more readily than girls and is now a full fledged' druggist. IIs BLAKE in their 'teens. :._1 The only cost to applicants, is time . Anniveas�a,r'y services will be held and application, as the Government cal Sunday, J'u'ne 4th, at 11 a.m- and Furnishestran,sport'ation, tuition, board 7.30 p,m_ do the Blake Oh'urcli. Guest and room, two uniforms and a small shakers will be Rev. Lane, of Cli'n- allowance for spending money, I ton', at the morning p The 'office of the Employment Ser- speaker from Hol'mesville at the eve - vice of Canada, 80 Ontario Street, ming worshdp. The choir, assisted by Stratford, will lend every assistance a quartette from Hensall United' to applicants wdsh'ing to take advent, C'burch, will farni,s.h s penial musicalst- age of this training, numbers with Mrs. E. Stelck assisi- Here are the Three Smart Girls ing at dile argan_ ZURICH who appear in "Three Smart Girls Mdsg Gn.ice M'cMde is spending a few days brother Grow Up;' which comes to the wi.tfh ,her sister ,and, - Regent Theptre on the first three in-law and family of near Hensall', The Late Charles Weber days of next week, They are Mrs. Sams McBride is not enjoying Over 73 years ago Charles Weber e Deanna Durbin, Nan Grey and the best of health, We wish her a as died' on Friday at ,bis w'born. Helen Parrish. speedty recovery,home in town after an. illness e-xtend- i'ng over many years. A life -Long res- ident of this community, he had made versary service at ,the Blake church, 'The DUBLIN many loyal friends and was highly' young people are putting on . esteemed. A mason by trade, he Thad 'their play, "Aunt Minnie From Minn - followed this occupation until a few esota," at ' Staf6a on Thursday even NoUces''have been bwward'ed to the years ago when failing health Mom- ing June tat trustees of ,the various schools of pelled him to do only fighter work..- Mr, and Mrs, Robert E. Robinson Hibbert that a' m'eeti'ng will be held Surviving are I -As sorrowing widow, and daughter, Helen, visited last week at Staffa Tbwn'hip Hall on Monday, one son, Maurice, and two daughters, with Mr, Will' Cluff and family. June 5th, at8 -p.m., for the purpose Gertrude, at' home, and Mrs. Flossie Mr. Allalln Keys, of Western Und- of discussing the advisability of inoc- Brown, of London. A son, Milton, ve<rsity, Londoil, is spending the hoii- ulation of toxodd for diphtheria and died some years ago. The fun'er'al days with his parents, Mir. and; Mrs, vaccination for smallpox. was held Sunday afternoon, interment Ben Keys, A regular meeting of the directors, tak'in'g place in the Lutheran ceme- Miss Isabel Robinson, after spend- of the McKillop, Logan & Hibbert ,tery, Goshen Line. Rev. . E, Tuerk- ing a mouth at her home here, lemvee Telephone Co. was held; at the local heim conducted the services. this week to take a position at Uae telephone office during the week, The local baseball team lost thg "P,res'h Air Camp" at Bronte- The Young Ladies' Sodality execu- two first games played during the The ladies of the Goshen W.M.S. t.ive held a very successful quilting past week in the Hiiron-Perth League, entertained a large number of visi- at the home of the president, Miss On May 24-th Goderiah team played hors from Varna, Blake and Hills- Frances Delaney, on Friday. here and won by the score of 12 Jo, S. green at their meeting of May 17th, A patriotic program was held in the On Monday the locals played at Luc- The oh,lirch was beautifully decorated public school on Empire Day. The an an,d Lost by the score of 17 to 0. with flowers and ferns' and sewing for school room.was gaily decorated with Mrs. Regis A. Denomme has had the bale was on displaiy. The meet-, flags and ske'tahes and patriotic exer- the frame d'wefling and kitchen which ing opened with quiet music by -Mrs. ci'ses were renderied' under the c'hair- he reserved when be sold his farm on George Anderson and the singini of mnmship of Rev. Mr. Capper, Mit- the 14th Concession, Hay, moved, to Hyman 383. The bible reading was chel), Rector, and Mr. A- C. Collins, the farm of his son-in-law, Mr. Louis then given' by Mrs- Bruce McClin- teacher_ me opening of a devotion - Durand, on the highway north of cbey and was followed by a prayer al nature, was followed by songs, in - Drysdale, and has moved into .the frown Mrs. Jean McKinley. Th•e presi- terv-persed with recitations, a flag home the past week. Considerable dent, Mrs- Peck, them gave a few very drill, concluded by a play. reeonstrurtior- will be necessary be- fitting words of w-eIcnme to the ladies A reception of the Sodality was held Fore the new home is completed'. and to the gu'es't speaker, Mrs Geo. in Sit- Patrick's Church on Sunday ev- Mr. Jonas Hartleib has sold' has 75- Johnson Varna, The high'Light -on oning when eight young ladiels were acne farm on the Babylon, Line, Hay, the pro'granr, 'was a very inte'res'ting enrolled as Sodalists, Rev. Dr. to Mr. William Luce of Mt- Brydges, and inspiring report gives by Mrs. Ffbulkes officiating. Following the vollo gets immediate possession of the George JohpHoon the Branch Can- procession of members of the Sodal- dwellin•g on the farm and' posse*MO,n '�l Terence held 'May 2nd in Grace ity, gowned in white and graceful of the land will be, given upon the Church', St. Thomas. A vote of thanks veil's, a sermon was preached, by Rev, expiration of the lease held by Mr. to llirs, George Joluntsom was moved Father Simpson, St Pet -ails Seminary, Sol. Gitrgerich. Mr. Luce expects to by Mrs. Percy Johnstone and "second,, London, on devotion and honor due move in the next week or two, ed by Mrs; Elgin McKinley. - Hygnn the Mother of God, Mr. Quimby Hess left on Tuesday 523 was sung, after which Isabel Rob- Visitors during the week included: for Toronto where he will be employ- ipson Mrs- 91mlore Stephenson and Mr. FWsWn and Leonards Smith, Ken - ed wi'tb the Department of Landtsand N,orene Robinson sang the trio, "Af- n'ulwomth, at bhe home of Mrs. Johanna Forests of Ontario during the summer ter." The offetr-ing wa,s ti?eiv. accept- Roach- Mr. and Mrs. Edward Halli- monttrhs in forestry research work. His. ed by Eileen Haytem and Dorothy han and Mr. and Mrs. Worthington, headquarters will be at Kenora. He Peck- This was followed by a very Detroit, at the home of Mrs- Mary has received word' that he was suc- .interesting story on the 7Quilting Cronin; who hap returned home after I cessful in his exams for the past term Bee, • given by Aim Elgin McKinley. spending the winter ,niontths in De - at Toronto University, taking second Mr, and Mrs, Peters .them sang a duet troit; Mr. and Mrs, Mac McOartby, class bonors, w1fich was very much en5oye0 by; all- Detroit, wi-tih Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mrs, Ed. Appel, of New Hamburg, The meeting elosedd with the s'ingi'ng McCarthy; Ted Carroll, Guelph, at and Mrs. J. Wagner and son of Shakey of Hymn 662. The benediction was the home of Mr. ' a.nd Mrs. W -m, Cur- speare, were visitors at tthle home of pronounced by Rev, •J. R. Peters,. A tin; Miss Kabberine O'Rourke, Brescia Mrs. Wagner's mother, Mrs. Louise tasty lunch wag then enjoyfd by all_ HzAt London, and Mr's. Gus Denomme Kropp, on Sunday. . of 'Zurich at the ,home of their par - Mr. and Mrs'- Roy Oliver, of London,,eats, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. • O'Rourke - attended the funeral of the late Chas; WINTHROP .Miss Teresa Fiddlerr and Miss Cecelia Weber held Sunday afternoon, Feeney, London, with Mrs. Kathleen, Messrs. H'ugb MacKinnon and Paul The football game between Win- Feeney; Mrs. Peter. Maltttbfews return - Hese spent Wednesday at Toronto, throe and St. Coh moan in St- Colum- ed, home following a series 'of treat - The new home being erected west ban last Mon4y night was a tie., meats in Soott Memorial Hospdtal, of the retool for Miss L. Rader is sere being no score. St. Columbian Seaforth; Miss Vera Feeney is spend- goirrs up rapidly and soon will beplays here tilos Friday night, June 2. ing her vacation with tea mother, ready for the roof, Come and cbeer the boys along Mrs. K. Feeney; Mr. and Mrs. Mathers . Miss Isabel , Bebtlee, nulrse4a-train,- in BII•evale; Gerald Holland and his ing in Vi'otoria Hospital, London, mother, Mrs. Barbara Holland, in CAIS HLTRST spent fber holidays with her parents, Londarn; John McConne4'1 is undergo - Mr. and, Mrs. Theron Betties. tag treatment in St. rosep'h's Hoepi- The young 'people 'held their month- Nearly 'everyone intends going to ta•'l, London; Mrs. Benninger, Miss ly social evening on Tuesday evening see Their Majesties, the Kling and Grace Scha,rbaith and Miss Marie vv - 1h the basement of the ch'u'rch. The Queem, in Stratford Tuesday, while auras, in Toronto; Dr, M. Stapleton in meeting opened by singing the hymn, some intend going to London Wed- London. "Day is Dying in the West," followed nesday to see them_ by the Lord's Prayer repeated in, uni- Mr. and Mrs. Footer Bennett, Mona son. Owing to the absence of the and Billie; Mr. and Mrs. Peter Me- HENSALL11 secretary, the minutes were unavail- Cowan and Bobby visited Mr. and able. The remainder of the evening Mrs, George Eamon on Sunday. New shipment ,of Ladies' and Miss - was spent in game's and contest di- Mrs. Arnold Jamieson, of the Hur- es' Ankle Hiose just arrived at Good- rected by Ruby Dalrymple and Percy on Road Wes'£, visited her parents win's. Wright. Choir practice for the young one day last week. Through a clerical error the name people's anniversary was held at the of Rev. R_ A. Brook appeared as hav- close of the meeting, Next week will ing officiated at the Gould -Walker be the devotional meeting in charge MANLEY wedding on Saturday, May 20th, of Beatrice Drover and Rusgel Fergu- whereas it-ehould have read' Rev. W. son- All the farmers are bus, ,getting A- Young, of Carmel Presbyterian Visitors a.t the home of Mr. and the ground ready for 'roots and corn. Church- The pubiis'bers regret ex - Mrs. Jobu Gienn were: Mr. and Mrs. and with the fine weather the soil ceedingly the error and are pleased T. C. Glenn and son, Jack, of Toronr never was more loomy, and by ai'l ap- to make this. correction. to; a.11so Mise, Maude Glenn. pearance (here are good prospects for Mrs. L. Simpson returned home Mies Jessie Ryan, 'and friend, Mrs. a bumper crop. Saturday from a visit spent with Jack Ryan, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ryan, Mr. and Mr's. Louis Br'all and son, smembem of her family in Detroit, Mrs- Greenless and Arthur, ail of De- G&rdon, and daughters Mary amd She was accomipanled home by her troit, and Mrs. Crawford, of Scotland, June, fp0m, Detroit, spent Sunday with darighter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. visited over the week -end with Mr, their si,sters, M'rs. W. Manley and G- Voth and li'ttl'e dtaughte-T, Gwen, and Mrs. Wm, Venner. Mrs. 'Phom'as McKay. whfo spent the week -end, with Mrs. R. Quiet a nimih'er from this vicinity Mrs. John Murray visilted her bm. Bontbrvn>. Mrs. Voth and, daughter attended the trouss,eau tea at the ther, Mr, Con, Elokart, in. Seaforth re'maini'ng for two weeks'. home of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Ryck- last week, who bas been ill, but his Mr, and Mrs. C. S. Hudaob, were Man in honor of their eldest daughter, many friends are pleased to learn he visited by relatives and friends from Dorothy, is on thw way to recovery. Loudon and, St. Marys for„*.the 240h: Anniversary services will be held I Miss Donna McLean, of Detroit, is In Chistelhurst U•nitud Chureh on visiting her grand;Wobher, Mrs. J. Sunday, Ju'n'e 4th, morning service. BRUCEF`IELD Jackson and otlirer relatives and comm'enicing at 9.45 and evening at friends. 7.30 o'clock. Rev, R, A. Brook will Mr, and Mm. A_ Wheeler and' son. Mr. and Mrs, M. G. Drysdale have take eharge of both services. and Mr. and Mrs. N. Wheeler and returned from a delightful trip, to Mr. and Mrs. Ed.. Deering and little daughter, of Dhtroit, spent the weak tile` World''s Fair at New, York and son spent Sunday with Mr. and Mr's. end with Mr.- and Mrs. T. H,' Wbeeier. report a splendid trip and vacation. Robert McLean and family of Chisel- Miss Irene Snlder,'of, London,-epeng; MT. and, Mrs, Warner Spencer, the hurat- the week -end. at 'leer bome here. former Mies Doreen Farquhar, re - . Mr. and Mrs. C. Halstead and son, tu, mad on Sun!d'ay from the ' wedding of -Stratford, visited with Mr, and 'trip sfpenft at the World's Fair at New STANLEY Mrs. T. H. wheei6r. yoll*• 1. Mrs. Tinley and sou, of Detroit; Miss Minnie S'anfgster recently vist Rev. J. R. Peter's• IIs'tend4ntg the at Isrpent the week -end with her nlother; 'iced, wittil, friends' In St. Thomas. , am rat c'onferenee at London this Mrs. R. MoSenzle. MmJohn Elder 1h vis4'tiveg wilrh rel- vm6k, also Mr. Will Carnie as dole- Mr. and Mrs. Joflm,Kal fl, of A•en- .ath"6i In Toron'to, ° - gate $or Varna ciireuit, and Mr. Ed. sail, spent a few days..witihf f1 e;%ds in Mrs. Widtigm IUMebrandt, who has M'ernlor as dele'g'ate for Bayfield... the villsge. , been In •'ii'Ict6rria, Hospital, Londonfor 'thaw se'rvice's wYll be withdrawn at Mfr. and M'rs.,R nald Me_KeRt10Aftd 't'bo' pa tudmlber oi;t,weeks In the in- :dant ,and Vdimaa United bIll'rehes fa'mi'ly, of Detroit, vishrtlstt ^IVItIII i�Iat 'tel' of, her 9 s��thl , 9g .It illtb Ni ,'Sunday on 46CcouM 'of the suui- +titres on Wei 'y .1 J Orn ,10 t$1' .the , , �,I1ft , •, 5 4Aaxu,ril"Ia;i :e y,v , :i'fr w, f . Jit %n� " ' I v l 4 M r ars;, 1' 'b �.,.,I—. A' -r 9 ,kr, ee �'f( '4�µ".,. ar! !�rr y ayp • {' Y,' I" n 'i�'. 1 ,. ..tpYul`I rtj'�Ir SNd't i�{,�rc"A.Y. i r< �yz kf� r�' z}tii'S51.1`fY%,i;.'tt .�f's! l Ifi yy.,. t. 1l :,' � err. : v r_ ,..1-1.1—.1-111-11 IS7,,: ,4 ', Vv f, .. .: .. .U, .... ,: L., . r, h x[� k� !.. , y,..l ^b,. .i, 9I, -�',h,. u� (, r- Wil, •.r,.al' @ ... +y,. ,:. .t ....... .. :: .. -.c .. a .,. 4 . , t l'd`. n,r.vtr 7t �•,., f. ,.al's . �b ., .. ;, I, csi"71 -` -i. -:,t, k,- ,I. A4, a, +,4 .rq ,:1: ,. i. I "�- J„ ;T. * ,v6V�,,, r a h -11 ' TN i , t' ! lM , e U. e t r(°'f ''�J' � t a r � 5 �S ib ?� ,r � i . ! A.s, a x i'li.'i 4.h j } t i, , f' 4 { ! 1 d" x si�sd f t;+; " ^m's l� lj�I'll° r li ' r F 4oJ+a'4.Y •,, , . ;cI. k }� �� Ltd w Sherrltt_ Mr. Harold S'herritt, of Dundas', is this week visiting at the parental ,home at the east end of the village. Miss Kilpatrick, who through illness has been visiting for some weeks at her home in S'trathroy, has returned and is again teaching in the continua- tion scthooL The council is having an improved form of street oiling placed on the sidle and back streets and wherever necessary, filling any cranks iA the pavement - . Mr. and- Mrs, Mark. Drysdale, ac- The Many, friends ,of Mr. David0 Nichol are pleased t0 0006 him able com-inglo, to sit ,on We verandah these lovely drys' and enjoy the scenery, fallowing his recent very serious illness. INHERE YOU SET 1T Visa Kathryn Drysdale, of 1,4011don, Hens'all spent the week-endat her h'om'e here. Mr, Domiid Park recently celebrat- IfINB(iIv ILOi i C. WILKINSON, ed his 70th ,birthday quietly at his , home with bis wife and Mr. and Mrs. OPHTHALMiC OPTICIAN Donald McKinnon and children, Ron- Wmgham ald ani na,U Mr. lark is, enjoy, ing ,eom�atively good health and will be at W. O. GAod Ws sore at4 ' manages his 'own fawn. ery 1st and 3rd: Tuesdays in the A Coin of Revision was held on montlh, for the putposla of t0stleg Monday evening in the 'lbws Hall eyes and fitting gbAsea. DlMcUlt with the Reeve and member$ of the cases and those that bavfe not beton, council present. properly fitted' are speaallg neeoui- We are pleased to see Mr. Tom mended to consult we 110U : 10 Richardson able 'to res lime work a- a.m. to 6 p.m. Phone Hensall 16 , gain following a heart attack suffer. for appointment, 8877 ed while at work on the James A. Paterson 'property an Main St. Mrs. Hess. Mr. and Mrs. T. G. He'mlphidl., Miss- es Mary and Cassd'e Harris, all Of A mixed quartette composed of Wroxeter, were Sunday guests with Misses Bella S'male, Ruth Brook, W Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Cook- O. Goodwin and Harry Horton,, ase': as'sis'ting with the musical part of ttho Mrs_ Frank Kellan', of St. M'r, and d Marys, and Mr. and Mrs. Eldlon Kad- services at Blake United Church an- ing, of London, spent the 24th at the niversary service this; comings sunt/ aly home of Mr. and Mrs, C. S. Hudson. evening, June 4th. Mr. and Mrs George Hess, Bob an& Crediton will 'play, Hensall here Friday evening in the first series of Ruth visited with friends at Watford games in the Huron and Perth O;B.A. -on Sunday afternoon. last, also meet Ing with, a number of thea friend and will nodoubt be largely attend- from the West who are visiting Im ed, as it promaiee,s to be keenly con- that locality. telsted Mrs. JohnEJdie'r is in Toronto vis- Anruversatrp services will be held tint iting her sister, Dr, J'enliie Smillie, un Chiselburst United Chumh ou Sun- and other relatives, and day, June 4th, under the auspices of M.rs, Fines, of Clinton, and her sis- the Young P'eople's+ Union Rev: &' ter, Misys Wihiteside, of Detroit, were A- Brook will be the speXber_ here recently v'is'iting their relatives', Mrs. Daniels, who. has been ims Brantford, cher former recent home Mrs- T. W. Parlmer, who aecompan- for several weeks following the aec i - ied them .ion a short visit to Clinton. Mr. Mervyn Rw_kman, a son of Mr. dent of her husband when in the cit -Y G amt Ryckmlan, who lives a short for a short visit, is, here this week disltance east of this village, has tak- for a few days, but will return to the ern a situation as druggist for Mr. A. city very shortly, as Mr. Daniels is be, W. E. Hemphill in, Lis store her,.. Mr, a h'ospital,'there and will 'be for some Ryckman wasfor some 'ti'me in the weeks t. come. Miss Martha Raster• who is in Vie- Targe drug store of Caincross & Lawr- large toria Hospital at. London„ following a of Landon, but for the past call- recent operation, is improving nieel.y pie of years has been 'attending cod- and expects to he able to retem to lege 'to obtain his degree in pharmacy her home here very tahnrtly. and is now a full fledged' druggist. IIs is stayingwith 'his sister, Mrs. T. J. Sherrltt_ Mr. Harold S'herritt, of Dundas', is this week visiting at the parental ,home at the east end of the village. Miss Kilpatrick, who through illness has been visiting for some weeks at her home in S'trathroy, has returned and is again teaching in the continua- tion scthooL The council is having an improved form of street oiling placed on the sidle and back streets and wherever necessary, filling any cranks iA the pavement - . Mr. and- Mrs, Mark. Drysdale, ac- ied by their relatives, Mr. and Mxs. R. W. Stowell and Miss Mar- M-rs. l KEEP F ®0. 0 guerite Drysdale, ail of SIettler, Alta., returned from a most enjoyable auto trip of two weeks of sight-seeing and TEMPERATURE taking to the following places, name- ly: Ottawa, Brockv'511e, Sclren'ectey, INHERE YOU SET 1T New York City and Niagara Falls, ..,., Asked what' impressed' them most, they replied tlhat , there was so much of gran'dimu and bmutifu'1 scenery and scenes Onat they could not begin y a to give anything like a description of 11, same as, it was really beyond por= trayaL While a number of the young chil- dren on Monday evening were sere- nading Mr. and Mrs. Walter Spencer, ' _ .- following their return from their •wed- dimg trip, one of the boys while flour- • , ishing a crow bar to beat time on some tin pans, unfortunately missing , the ,can &truck little Billy Mickle on the mouth, breaking• two of his teeth and knocking out another. The Citizens' Band of Hensall also serenaded Mr, and Mrs. Spencer when, they were invited' into the home and most royally entertained. The comedy drama, "Dotty and Daffy," will be presented in the Town Westinghouse Hall on June 16th by the Blyth Unit- ed Cburch, under the auspices of the w_ M. S. of Hensall, United Church. h, Mr. Thomas Sbaddick .has purchas- -REFRIGERATOR ed the property of Mr. William Foster SEE iT TODAT AT on .the corner of Richmond and King Street. Mr. and. Mrs. Arthur Pettygrew and . JOHN BACH' 1 family, of Detroit, spent Tuesday with, - Mr. and Mrs. George Bess and family, Main .St. Sellforthl M:r. Pettygrew being a brother of n -; : 7i, ..I.:-.. - ". ­-.:-'-­­-".,.--,. . ­ -.-:... .........." ''. _ ,..... * -.: .,.--:,-%­-,-,.::­. :':: To be assured that an - efficient service may be had ; conducted with `.': `':' dignity and in fitting manner; with a high re- gard for the responsi- `" bility of the costs in- •.- . curred ; these you may expect in your hour of <_:. need when our organiz- ation is called . . . . J. Re WALKER, JR. Phone 67-W FUNERAL HOME Seaforth Seaforth Monument �" 1,Works t'"3(formerly -W. E. Chapman) _ I "�- NOW OPERATED EY • Cunningham & Pryrde We Invite inspection ai our stock of CEMETERY MEMORIALS SEAFORTH - TUESDAYf4 and SATURDAYS Or any time by appointment. See Dr. Harburnl• Phone 105. tEXETE't -.. P�IONE 49 = BOX `150 , s �j� '''> ( 1° r M' ti��{{k ' ll -..r, f q,k, : r"' f }s 1' (` 'ziG>:l t { 7 i' + .'Y• h�``f ,(t 4 #d Ili; `;?.tikR , 55 'a, ,, % rs"le.s.lr, t ' g , , �, Nk ra rYi r ,,;tr ri' �l• jv,- tV ,j�a^E, •r. , t k y �,r.,r:.?' d£r it tl'tae.4.J+r' L._ I,xti �.} f4 ,..i , ri r , 4 a,. av b a �, r- �. t, r, t �XY �a.S:...,1V5]';Jm�..n�1.�A'.uf"n14.'�3)Av��Yr..n.�.4.ra.r.w,.'.'{,'^t.(a. 1 a:ti..�4...�rw,..i ,u RATJ .�'ri+�!�.�.r. I.v.. 4 S ,n oW . . . e , 1. I r `' ,. ��,li)4 w ,: 1A.. ..,.,