The Huron Expositor, 1939-05-26, Page 5aJ m r t` •�vu�e�%�, l�f M:. MAY 20, e6t R MAN I M.rs , Wel J.1 Mi lu1 eleene a dew' da e• �et�y tlu. e a o1 father, er, Mr. Eektri 1 eftlb "a genre eileitee etedete enidee the deeter'rt hese. Inter art an Blurry' died at, ttue ktdee sot hereon, Robert, las MoKiliop .last, Wednesnay at the Age -tat ' 83 Years. She wars a iforelet readapt et WO Place. e. , , 11 , r, WIN'HROP • The .W. M. B,• and W. A will hold their regular mouden ,meeting Thurs- day afterneme June let, in the base- ment of the church, commencing at two O'clock.. The W. A: are holding a bazaar and entertaining the ladies of Constaniee and Burn's aloeietties at this •m,ekting- BETTER ;23 Fordson Tractor '26 Fore."T" Coach '26 Chev. Coach �. '31 Ford "A" Victoria '31 Fordson Tractor '32 Chev. Coupe '32 Hupmobile Sedan '32 Chev. Light ,Deliv- ery. '33 Ford V-8 Coach '34 Ford V-8 Coach '34 Chev. Stake Truck '35 Ford V-8 Coach '35 Ford V-8 Sedan '37 Ford V-8 Coupe Ji F. Daly Ford -Mercury Dealer Phone 102 - Seaforth Bray Chicks are real money- makers. I can prove it. Place your order here. 100% live de- livery guaranteed. Thos. Dickson SEAFORTH Change Of Time Table Stratford - Goderich Coach Lines UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Effective SUNDAY, APRIL 30th Leave Seaforth for Stratford Daily 8.25 a.m., 525 p.m. Leave Seaforth for Goderich Daily, except Sundays and holi- days, -1.00 p.m., 7.40 p.m.; Sun- days and Holidays, 1.00 p.m., 9.20 p.m. (re Thursday, May 18 The proceedings of Parliament oc- cupied a very ineonei4euous place in the eieture tbdlay. The aeecep jon of Their Majesties tomorrow was the ail elesorbintg topic. It is likely to ton- t/lime on-t ue to be so during their tout. Eve en the ttrlumpth'for the Liberals in Prince 'I7dwaed leland wee placed in the baokgniouad as 'the maim, topic of oasnverllfation. The coming .of the. King and Queen was the one big $wbjeat, Today we had Ma, one -mean Govern- ment, only the Minister of Agriculture being in tthe city to carry on govern- meat business. 'In the evening Min- ister ' of Tranys,port Howe was back again tor the evening session. Agri- cultural estimatee were under eonsid- eration and fair progress was Malde. The members were buoy looking after their friends arriving in the city and all plans are now Completed for the coming of Their Majesties, * * * Friday, May 19 The House spent most of its time today coneidering estimates of the Minister of National Defence. Tire estimates for this department have been under, close obseryetion every time they bane been up for considiera- tion. Today was no exceptioni. The Minister handled this problem well and made good prognosis. Hon.. Mr. Rogers' bill for :youth training received its third reading. The House then'turned its attention to Hon. Mr. enemies estimates. Six items were passed, involving an ex- penditure of some $$00,000. The House adjourned at 10.04 p,m. after the motion of Mr. Lapointe had been carried to sit tomorrow at 2.30 p.m., when the King and Queen will meet the Senators and Members of the Commons to give aseent to certain bills•, * * * Monday, May 22 The King and Queen have come and gone and• many t'housande of people in this ttty and its surrounding terri- tory will always have pleasant and UELL NEVER TURN BACK . • UNTiL HE GETS NIS MANI And thatis the reason the whole world hails the 1tGY t Caoadiatt idouotVLPolice'•. Samoa Pray br Lee lists and %lucent Sherman, Bated on a Novel by William Byron Mowery l A Pint National Picture • *VMS', Meinerliee' of Theft yl000roor soft to the Oap tet Cite!, It weft a wonderful event and ehe King Q>teea' by. their netdgi' once*YW/,104 among' the tinge croWdor ewe 'woes a Place in the hearts of the people that will 'tend to 'strengthens our whole em- pire. It wee 'toot. the pow and cdmcum- star>ces which made Obese ,three hays memorable. What touniedlr all ofees was What the King and Queen Mew- ed of their own chaeaeters. These people, one was maple to feel, were decent people, human beings who were kindly and who were doing farr more than merely going t hoeugh the motions of ceremony. They did great thintge in a greet way, but the Mem- ories emoliea we shall, have of their stay here will cluster around the little things, around ,unreheweed sots .of bateau kindliest., of natural .gs>l,cious,iefts. No one wbio witnessed what took Neese atter the dedication of the Na- tional Memorial, when the King and Queen discarded, 'their ceremonial timetable, ia,nclt all eilse that one assu- Mates with royadtty',and, walked unat- tended in care free happiness among their people, could be other than, mov- ed deeply. This surely was not the pomp and panoply of Empire, nor what ,the world associates with Kings and Emperors. It was something new in momarobe, and somrethiayg better: the impulse and action of rulers whose rule de based in affection, in comrad.e- SUP. in coennon loyalty to common things. It was these tbin, we thank, which producer,. •the extraordinary manifes- tattions of affection for Their Majes- ties. 'Blood, memories, antcient royal- tiee—all these shay have had their .part in what our people said and did. But it Was not these things allane, n'or evenly mainly, mulch less any superstition, about mortlarclhy or loy- alty to What ooestitubionalists call. the "mystic symbol of the crown," wihicsh so stirred the emotions of us all, , At the garden party, at the parlia- mentary dinner, indeed at all the func- tions, these people touched' the clhorde a our hearts 'because we sa'w .n them all that is best in our race; slaw in them the ,a'epresemttativee of dec- ency and civilized goodness in the world. " That today, in George and Elizabeth, is the real glory and means- hag eansing of the British Crown, the tlbdmg which more than anything else calls for love and: reverence, and whish, more than anything else, promises an enduring Empire as an act of faitih. Muclh more could, and Wi11, be writ- ten of ..these days, of what they may mean to us in forgetfulness of what is petty and -mean, of what tends' to divide and destroy. Enough now to say that for a fe'w hours at least , we were elevated to something higher and better, to .hope teat in the long years to come we shall speak of this visit, cherish it among our md'leatonee and memories. C'ROMART' Mr. and Mos. John McKee and son, John, of l eustadit, visited over the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. B. O. • Mac'donald. Mr, Roy McCul•looh and Mr. Leon, and Houghton epent, a couple of days at the home of Premier ,Hepburn, 'Mies McGregor, teacher off the school at Winchelsea, spend, the holi- day with Miss Lila McCulloch'. Mrs. Caldwell spent the week -end at the home of cher brother in Kirk - bon. <Mr. and Mrs, Fulton, of Mitebrelt, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Duncan 'Mc- Kellar. • Miss M. B. Currie has returned home after •having ,spent the winter nyorths with her sister, Mrs. Tufford, in Toronto, ' M'rs. Archie Russell and son, Geo. Russell, visited with Mies Currie. Miss Aileen, Young, of Granton, is visiting for a time with Miss Currie. The annual gathering of the Mc- Kellar and Lomond families to the number of sixty-one, met at the home of Mrs. Jessie Hamilton, on the 24th and spent the afternoon with numer- ous sports ands games and report bav- ing a fine time, with a real picnic supper to finish the dray. "CANADA CALLING" IN BRITAIN 9i?rfiS:•:l•.'t�%!T?J,.%f•.,>{5, h>,.1.:1it3Y f .. N.mf ?. 4:• : J� Typical of scenes witnessed at cinemas in some of the principal cities in eiritain these,days is the above photograph, showidg English schoolboys trooping into a theatre at Reading, England, to see a spe- cial screening of films provided by the. Dominion Government. One of the y activities of the "Canada •Call' campaign the films depict :farnie fishiitig and industrial scenes m',awM,itfi[5,�+R.titutif3iiLf t aR:s"ti s. ,....,. which emphasize the importance of Canada as the food basket for the United Kingdom. The campaign, which covers the major population centres in Britain, is being conduct- ed by the Dominion Government's Department of Trade and Com- merce. Regarded as one of the mho carefully plan.liett efforts -aver launched byf a British bominion, this trade crusade also embraces a series of localized drives and exten- sive newspaper advertising and marketing operations. In addition, it is supplenfented by lectures to schools, women's clubs, domestic s`e'senee classes and other organiza- tions, and has •enlisted the support of thousands of merchants who are giving special displays of Canadian products. 4 ea Maple Parfait 5, cap maple sirup 3 egg yolks or 3 egg wtep 1% clips iineam Knob of salt. Add beaten egg yolks • to maple sy- rup and cook Int tiap;fof double bonier Until mlxbu e! eh1ekems. Cool and fold in whipped cream. Freeze in trays , of mechanical refrigerator, or put I1m mould, cover with buttered pa- per and tight -fitting cover, and pack in ice and salt (6 parts ice 'til one part salt), Let stand 4 to 6 hours. If egg whiten are used, cook maple syrup untll/tt hoists a thread:. Pour slowly over beaten egg whites. Cool and fold en wi ipped cream, Moulded Fruit Cream 1 tablespoon granulated gelatine >e, cop cold water 1 carp fruit juice le cup sugar 1 cup canned fruit, diced 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 cup whipping cream. Soak gelatine be Cold water. Dis- solve gelatine and sugar in hot fruit Nine Cool. When mixture is par- tially set, add Imam juice and diced fruit- Fold) kV wwaipped cream, mould; and chill. Canned pineapple, peach- es, cherries, atriawberl ies, or a com- bination of fruits may be used. Smile Or Two Doris: "When le your sister think- ing of getting married'?" Ben: "Constantly?" • Mrs. Thorndyke: "Edwin, what are you chewing about?" Edwin: -' "Fern won't give me any of that gum she's othetiting." Fern: "But I can't.'' I borrowed it from Becky over the week -end and I've got to give it 'back on Monday." • A newsboy Braving little success in selling his papers to a crowd leaving a Boston theater the other night suds denly began bawling: "Newsboys Starving ins Hub." • Mary (passing Jimmy) : "Awful worm,"isn't he?" Iletn: "Yes—don't look around, dear—he's sure to turn." • ' Tourist: "Did you see a pedestrian pass here?" Native: "No; I've been sitting here all afternoon and to ody's, come by 'ceptin' one solitary an_ He was afoot," • She: "Mother and Dad think we ought to wait at least,a month 'before we get married." He: "But I dislike long engage- ments." She: "So do I—but we've got to give them enough time to find a larg- er apartment-" • "And what: seta asked, "should a little boy say to the• lady who has given hiss a penny for carrying her bundles?" "I'd bate to tell you," he replied. • Boxer: "Have I done 'im any dam- age?" Disgusted Second: No; but keep on swingin' your arzes about. The draugbt give 'ran a cold-" • Molly: "Axe you sure' that Fred loves you . . . and yen, alone?" Kathleen: "Oh, Yee; more than at any other tame." • Thomas Grafi' wrote for this me- ther's tombstone: "Site was the me titer of manly cluntintf;' only one a whom bad the iniefortu;>4e to survive her." • ' "Do you think it does any good to express your feeling' on the tele - 'phone r • "Well, it may help to cheer the op- erator by giving a few laughs if she happens to overhear eau." • "Good card players have inscrut- able.features," says a writer. There is always trouble if it is noticed that they are wearing their hearts up their sleeves. • "I suppose you carry a memento Peer lez, Saes Books are the best Counter Check Books . made in Canada. They cost no more than ordinary books and always give satisfaction. We are agents and Will be pleased to quote you on anytstyle or quantity required. See Your Home Printer Fiat T E HURON Fi-4i+. OSFt0R Seaforth, Ontario. COATS All this Spring's newest styles In Navy, .oaek, 8uex, hose, Violet and Sport Tweeds. Excellent range of styles apdsizes itt loose neck and fitted styles. Every coat in the store cornea under the big disCO)lnt0 % C4-)) ff 'SALE ! - New Blouses Exact copies- of $2.95 to $5.00 New York sensations made especially for us, in Voiles, Sheers, Crepes and Sat- ins. atins. They've been remarkable sellers at $1.98, so we expect a big rush for them at this reduced price.. All sizes TO CLEAR WE CELEBRATE NATIONAL ARROW WEEK We have received a tremendous shipment of Famous Arrow Shirts to celebrate National Arrow Week. Newer chalk stripes, cluster stripes, Royal stripes, and fine woven checks, that are truly different. See the special Arrow display in our windows.. Sizes 14 to 18. 1.95 ARROW NECKWEAR 50c and $1.00 1.7 tewart Bros. Seaforth of some sort in that locket?" said one woman to another. "Yes, a lock of my husd's hair." "But your husband is alive., "Sere; but his hair is gone." • "Would you like anything else with your dinner, sir?" / "Yes, that tittle blo,nda!iting in the corner over there." W • ' Mr.: "For goodness' sake, Maria, stop making that alarm clock go off! What's the idea, anyway?" Mrs: "I only want to make the neighbors think we have a telephone!'' • Baallfui Suitor: "I love the good, the flue and beautiful. Stella: "This is so sudden; but I'rn sure Father will consent." • Mrsr Jones: "We need a new roof." Jones: "What's the matter with the old one? It doesn't leak." Mrs. Jones: "No, but I don't want to be ashamed every time an airplane tries over the house. • Specator: "I simply can't under- stand ashy anyone should miss a putt as sthort as that." Golfer: "Let me remind you that the hole is only four and a quarter inches across a.nd there is the whole world outside it." • Uncle Ned: "Look, Grandm•o' still wears a bustle!" Nephew: "You're the back num- ber, Uncle Ned. That's a parachute" • Machines are built now on which you can add, subtract, multiply, di- viee or do just about any mathemati- cal problem except keep a husband and wife's joint checking account straight. • Three slightly deaf men were mo - toning from the north to London in an Mid noisy car, and hearing was dif- ficult- As they were nearing London, one asked: 'Is this Wembly?" "No," replied the second, "this is Thursday." "So am i "'ant in the third. "So let's stop and have one." • Professor: "I sin going to speak ort liars today. How many of your have read the twenty -Alt Chapter ar the test?' Nearly every student . raised his band. Professor: "Good. You are the group to whom I wish to speak. There is no twentte-fifth stamen" • Doctor (to padtient) : "It's nothing (0 worry about, just a little boil an the back of your neck. But yuu most keep your eye on it." PROCLAMATION Having been petitioned by a larger number of the Merchants of the Town, and by resolution of the Town Council, i hereby proclaim, Tuesday, June 6, 1939 A HOLIDAY In honor of the Visit of Their Majesties, the King and Queen ,t,i Stratford, and respectfully request the citizens of the Town to show their loyalty and respect by observing the same. The regular Wednesday afternoon half holiday will, of course, be cancelled. JOHN J. CLUFF, Mayor DATED at Seaforth this 20th day of Mayo 1939. "GOD SAVE THE KING" THE WORLD'S GOOD NWS will come to your home every day through - THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR Ax lssternataanaJ Deily Newspaper 1t records for you the world's clean, constructive dolnsa. The Monitor does not exploit crime or sensation; neither does qignore them, but deals correctively with them. Features for busy men and •nn the raenny, including the Weekly Magazine Sectton.—Y—_--_— The Christian Science Publishing Society One, Norway Street. Boston, Massachusetts Please enter my subscriptiotn to The Christian Science monitor tar et period of 1 year 513.00 5 months 38.00 3 months 53.00 1 month 31.00 Wednesday issue, including Magazine Section: 1 year tam. 8 tastes 25• Name address ai