HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1939-05-26, Page 3,t _.••*" ^ , r ra'd., 4A '7i, 74 to t''�"ila ,i pinlr, l ;,H rw W. NUTT .. Toe Week Akt tble &via Calle ifs- OWte (By Ala wwr wia»IY. At ass"ly on Wednesday, pupils bolding about in ache bFigQtt sulashi;ne and, 'staff of the S, C. I. ohow'ed their ]raving aW, tdoneril the auditorium. un Loyalty and pa,t:riotism to King George rill] Colds weather comes around, again, and Queen.' Elizabeth by '1lstoning to A 4ow .•softball rand .'bat . w.ao , purebaast the broadcast oQ 61s; awlvai ani paana- seri, but one fist Former. swung sc than siodal, and dater to No speech. lustily at .the ball he broke this bat. Chairman of bine Board, J. F. Daly, It is a wed -come change to ,hold P. T, suppliled, the school with d radio -for cl'as'ses outside, as t+hrme is a great this purpose and tbbe 'sttudent 'body and deal :more freedom and more enjoy. staff listened with rapt attentim to went in the classes. Softbad•1 is, the the pari-kvaUl :of the King and Queen. chief game as yes, but' football will During the highlights of the 'broad soon start. cast the au'dittorium was so silent that thre -proverbial prim could ' ,have been • • • heard. When "God Save the King" A number of pupils made' the most was ,'played; students rose with one accord and snood, spit attention while of the week -end, practicing the the stirring strains came over tale air-. Tleyssich'orean art of dancing. S. C. This was one of the, most Interesting I. pupils were seen at Stratford, Clin. assemblies '.ever to Abe ahel'da in the, S. Lon, SeaPoit'h and T"omdesboro >rwing- C. I. This interesting addition to as- I'M bo the rhythm of different arch= sembly was a surprise to the students 'em's- wiho thaanght that ,they would, mists the • a • ) arrival. Students returned early at roan and assembled In the auditor- Last week we gave' a novel excuse slum, where ,they listened to the Torr ,lateness and here are some more. King's speech, before beginning olass- Three boys, absented; themselves, es. So far, 75 pupils :have signed slips from one of the elasses, but they signifying their ,intention of seeingwere •soon caught and questioned. One the King ands Queen when they will boy complained of a, tulatheehe. tate v It Stratford:, other was sick, tame the thirii Thad • • • sore eyes. Not band excuses - for short vctdoe, but still not good enough. Members of the Agriculture Class• .are very busy these days looking af- ter their crop. The.elass can beseen. HILLSlt„�GIt,FEN inar'Ohing over to the garden, shovels, floes and makes gleaming in tike sun. (InY .fed tool week) The class al's'o has a family on its hands as 40 dndustAous chickens ,have On Sun'd'ay' evening, June ,loth, at .Jumped out of their, shells and ares Hillsgneen Church, an anniversary vraioing their appibva , with 'loud service will be held. Rev, R. C. Cope. cheeps. ]'and, of Exeter, will be the guest r • • speaker. Pupils of bh:e S. C. I. are beginning to take on a worn( and haggard, '•look, By. now they arebeginning to realize GODERICH M that the exams are going tro catch up yli'tlh them very ,soon. Nbt that that (Inatzmdeil for last week) ,students are that good runners, butt Exam is a very fine runner himself. Miss Jean McCabe, of Godterich, 'The -exams begin on. Monday and con- spent the week -emus with her parents, •aurone until Tuesday of the following Mr. and Mrs, Wm. ,McCabe. week when -rhe 'studlents will cele- Miss Dorothy Cox„of London, visit- brate in a big way. There are two ed cher parents, Mr. and Mrs'. Leslie reasons, why the studont'e 'look worn Oox, over the week•tendi .and haggard: Miss Minnie Proctor and Miss Mar - 1. From carrying 'bomle huge piles gannet Stock spent Thursday in Sdrat- •of books every vigbt and returning' ford. with them the next day,% Masts Evelyn, Cox, of London, visited 2. Lying awake at night worrying her parents, Mr, and, M'rs. Herb Cox, about the exams. over tihe week-ernadt, We will g1Fve the readers the Inside 'Mrs Munmy McDoug+a'll and Miss dope oa these two items. A 'huge`,pole June McDougall were London visitors of books ds taken home every night lash for two reasons. The obvious reason, Mrs. wd'1'Liam' Sinclair, who. oras been lof course, is to studythis them, but Theoth- ,with her daughter, Mrs. Leslie Cox, ing as dreastdc ars this is done. The spent •Saindaay in, Seafonth: books are taken h'om.e to create a good impresslon 'with the teachers aand also so they will not be stolen in the dead of night while pupils • arcs R�YS making merry. Pupils dao not realize flow little they know until they sstairt reviewing, and bbis is responsible for (Intended for last' week) the sleepless, ni'gh'ts. Clarence Russell , of Part Rowan„ t • • spent Mrothers Day al his home at 'The boyar P. T. Glass is now gam- Russol”, e. Mr. and Mm Harry •Greaason and children, of Po Ilaowa ent the week -end at the of he parents, Mr. and Mrs. J d SW �ET A cluldimn's c much to th•e services of our chum on Mother's CAP ` Day. CICAO T E S Roys Y. P. S. 'visdted Mount Pleas- ant League on Sunday evening last, to "Th. rwr..t $or= ie arrear Mr. Fred Long, citizenship con- nob.cco uk b...ek.d" veno] for Perth County. Murray and Rogew Christie contributed a saxo- phone duet_ A mixed quartette con- sist -1— of Wilfred Grant Glad— Dow • No coaxing kiddies to eat—io Egrumbles from dad—when you serve llOgg,a Rice Krispies. Instantly a you drench these honey -coloured bubbles of crispness with milk or cream, theg SWAP -CRACKLE - pop t Right down to the last de- licious spoonful, Krispies BUY crisp. No sogginess] No toughieessst Switch to Kellogg's Rice Krispies for crispness—as thousands of Canadian families are doing. Order from your grocer today. 74ade by Kellogg's is t ondon, Canada. - Kay Russell antd Murray Christie sang aand readings by Everitt Martin and Mme. E. Hocking made up the even Ing's program Mr. and Mors. William Church, of Wintlimp, called on friends• in the community on Monday. Our deepest a m'pkthy is extended to Mr, W. C. Hodge and family in the death of Mrs. Hodge on Monday. Mhe committee in charge have had spruce trees planted around tate cem- etery, wraith will sale much to its ap- pearance. A play, "Dotty and Daffy," is being t put on by the Staffa Juudor Institute on Friday evening of this week in 1 Roy's Ch4rch. Miss Ruby Nichaols, visited with Vel- ma Dow oyer the week -end. ... Miss W11clTed Hackney of Hensall ; sperm Sunday at .her +home abere. Mr. amid Mrs, W. J. Dow and Har- , why visdtted) at Granton, on Sunday. We are sorry to report Mr, John Dow, Sr., is under the doctor's care. a � + - itti�iY.k•?r•,. �i �sr�.tE!':h;r�:,�.a h'xty Jkli'r✓1�Ya Y:,eIYN*tfitt5w''�tw�i!3_di>�'nab"`�."tx`d�::'viw,YNtk+°�s�.{':.vJfi�in. `�.tk�i+:;3o-�411tix'1 FUN 1 t• 1 rd• .T 'o�. ..%W,,'rte. FPJ'f 5 %5 a wa .. 1 C '104 "X t at Cause` ' Saturday, May 1$ ',pbdnelwomwo assawbees wom o Gbe POP A16id titreduceConfiicfdng opimlon found eapres- %r a titre , � mtnued faMa ]ors .74) l s ion, ,today when) •the .estimates of Na- to ,ttntedtablet(is. .W29 tde4 *0 parents are formerly a]x of God@ri,stilus lion." b9nral Defence was, undeunderoonaaidera• without av0l, QUNy K•rarteizenn. corvld ire is a nepahew Uf Mira Nation 13 oA Some of the Frencih,•Cwi anadlan help rer'. memibens dofini'tely meted that bkey anaor, Churc Street. Dr. Bri!clOam "1? swil to gist very bad headaobateo," �ratdirated at lite UnfversifiY of �tiprpn�. theiwlclun] not to build up Gaovef mence e s- shoe wtriteo- '°Nb Qabiets or �pitife of to with 'homors in 1977, a'btoinei his their effort to build up a defence sys- tear, for Canada. Mdsrs Maephail (sena- � ]until eouM reauro tme n. One M.A. from Cornell Dnlvereity Jn 1929, mO maim+g, casually, I Wed K'rnsacheu and the Doctorate ftij From Ing the chapge of attitude of the Can, aniafau people, also changed her +line of sophy Salts in a glass of 'hot water: I con the same dniet4utsiou two soaks later: With Preston "Rib -Roll" and "lite -Lap" of talk. 'langea 'its she oppoolug fd'nsrtred tiaAsdtng it, but I have not bad He has been at Cahfor.nia about ,inose ,n of 0WO awAa heads defence meaerasnrres, but she is asking mince, years.—Godprfoch Signal -Star. Kruadhen mutts me better Ilia i any - exposing our building while re -roofing. g y g• the Government to crack down orlt Nazi thing. elise I find it very goad, = Hotel Under New Management famous Council Standard quality, 9 Y. are propaganda. (Mrs.) LA -W. „;�•� '^ against fire and weather €or the best part Arthur Slaght ,made strong pleas Headachee can nearly atlwayas be. Mr. Cyril Muir, is now propritor of icor an 'increase In defense expendi tures, 'and let *he French.Canaaddaa tracedto Oluggishmes• orf the kidney,,, the American Hotel ,here, having pur- because there is no sales tax. Write today F liver and intestines, and to the uvsus_ chased the business from F. Girard, members know that be was not in peptedl a'etenti n in the system of who has run the place for the past . OmmPatJhy with their viewpoint, at all. stagnating waste mattenal which pofa few months, Mr. and Mrs. Girard Grant .,McNeil was not satisfied at alt ono the 'blood. The nunnerous halts and family have retgrmed to Windsor. with what dos Ibedng done. Wdaeed the In Krumhen stimulate the Internal or- Blm&8e18 Post, whole program ds wrong. Inciden,tal- ly one cannot Imagine any ,ptrograui grins to beta hy, regular action so i flat no, is Purchases For Swine Glub than would, be O,K. in Mr. McNedl's He is something like the clogging waste allowed to collect.• `mous imsrndie Is kept clean and On Monday Mr. J. C. $hoaxer•, ac - story un story of an Irishem who landed on a serene. And: bila, iIsjust how' Kms- Chou Salts, brings quick and lasting cflmpanded by W. L. Whyte, • of Sea` forth, strange shore. Making, inquiries as relief from 'haetadachw. were it, time Woodstock -St. to who controlled` t'bdngs, he was told Maw d strict for the purpose of ,they had a Goverment. "Well," says purchasing Yorkshire sows for the 'Lions ,he "I'm against It." So it is with Mr. Clinton Swine Club members. McNeil, ' ile always seems to be a vary Inspiring talk. The littler As a 'result of this trip seven- pairs against arnpattahi'ng and everything drone son Mr. 'Mrs. of Choice Yorkshire sows have been ' by -the Govermmren!L of and D McIntosh and the distHbuated to W. Williams, H. Me - Ottawa was all upset today asnews little daughter of Mr. and Mss. F. Oullorngh, J. Lobb; D. Bisback of Clin e Dame that Their MajA3sdi'es would' not Boyce were baptized. In the evening ton', sand W. Harris and Johan Cox of be a to carry out the program art the ioieal lodge of the I.O.O.F. attend. Bayfield. The remaining thirteen managed. It has caused considerable � �� service in a body. The choir -members of the club will receive their worry, not only to the officials zn sang a. very lovely anthem in the annimrals about May 30th, — Clinton chaarge, but- also to many of the buss- morning, and Mr. S. Rennie sang a News -Record. ness men, who ,have gone` to so much 'lovtely Bale 'im -the evening, acaompan W by Mrs, W. MicBeath Beautiful Magnolia Tree expense in planndAg everything fora four-dlay crowd•, It is unfortunate but T� ��� meetingof ,the Wo- �, William Gillespie has, two beau- d apparently it is one of those' thingstiEtnl mravie Missionary .Society was held. magnolia trees that have been in rtaike schoolroom of the ehiucths, on that cannot he helped, At the' mom- May mini. a good attendance.wow- I attracting the attention of many. ent none knows what to db as it is EL Mrs. R. Atllen Thad change of the w•or-, of our citi?ens as they axe of a rase. rat now known waheln they will reach ship service and the study, "Steward. variety found in Canada, Two years Oanadia's shares. ship Today" mass takers by Mrs,. H. ago Mr. Gillespie secured these trees' • t • Afikenhearct. Mrs- Ito Forrest read+ a from Arkansas and they are, of the li current event, "A True Story of Afri• big leaf variety. Some of the flowers Monday, May 15 ca." Splendid reports of the presby- ase ndne cinches 'across_ The Sowers b teaaaal, recently hold in Winglham, come first and are followed by the Most of the day i Parliament'was were given by Mrs. Ross Scott and leaves. The ,trees are just under five taken up again with the 'discusasdton of M'ir'e M, E; Swan, A pageant, -can- 'feet and, the smaller of bhe two ,has monetary policy. It has gone on and adb,'g,. High Adventure," was, present,- thirfy-five bloome and the larger for - off Intermittently for over two months, ed, assisted by the Missdon Bawd of ty-three. One of the trees wras affect - The debate had to do with Mr. Dun- take Young People's Undon. ed somewhere by, the frost, not be- t ndmg's bill to give the Government ing protected as well as the.other.— gi aullhaority to borrow to take care of Exeter Times-Adivocat . any maturing obligations, and also HENSALL i any new issues for this next two years. Former Editor Dies Suddenly a The argument is over the method of (Intended for last `week) Miss white and Mrs. F. J. Wick A raising bhe money. At the start, the wire have received w'o'rd of the death — 3ocial Credit Group clamored for W.M.S. Will Hold Birthday Party of their brother, Mr. J: J. White, of $600,000,000 of debt free money. Outlook, Sask., who died suddenly on. The matter was then referred to the Bankinag Committee. After the The W- M: Sr of Hensall United Cbvrch will hold their amhual birth- Friday of last week, Mr. White was aiiscussdons there, both the S. C. and clay paAT in the church. Friday. atter- former editor of The.Time-s-Advocate. the C. C. F. bare tamed drown• con- noon, May 19tb, at three o'clock. The Hae ,s survived by his widtow and one iderablay. Now the S. C. would lim- speaker, will be Mrs. Craw, of daughter, Dorothy, and one son, Jack, A the amount to $200,000,000. The C, MCKIIIop, and ,the following will can —Exeter Times Advocate, C. F. were much more cautious and tribute to the pnogram: Violin solo, Graduating would limit .the issue to $100,000,000 Miss Greta Lamnnie; vocal duet, Mrs. otf debt free money. it was very no- Maude Hedtien and Mrs. Geo. Hess; The many friends of Mr. Harold ticeable chow cautious Mr. Caldwell 'piamo duet, Mrs. E. L. Mickle and Pletch, son of Rev. and Mrs, Pletob, was in, even, sugge'sti4g that amount, Miss Florence Welr-6; vocal duet, Ruth Hess and Patsy McDonell. Re- of Crediton, who for several years It was evid:ewt after hearing all {she fresahmnenit will be slued from a has-been: a student. at Queen's Uni- svidence thaat he boo was, asuspioous of table looking attractive with bowls of verMt n Y, Kinbe will be glad to this debt -free money, tulips and daffodt- 'and tall stand - le'ar>b that floe recently successfully Dr. Manion frankly admitted that aFds in silver containers, while tea passed the required examinationsmiuion, lie was vat an expert on monetary , will be poured by Mr %. C. Cook and necessary to qualify for graduation, matters, and she could; nod support )VI•r'as, Charles M•eDonelL Acoampan- and on Friday will be awarded the alither of the amendments. He re- ists for the afternoon will be Miss drgree of "Bachelor of Science." Har- aiin the Members' of what htad bap- Florence Welsch and Miss Bella aid's success is very gra,ifying to his I)ened in Germany and also in France Sm'ale, while the president, Mrs. W. friends in the community_ Rev. and when they had embarked on a scheme B. Cross, will preside over the pro- 'Mrs- P9etch will] attend the gradua- A this kind.. Mr. Dunning claimed gram. tion at Kingston on Friday.—Exetar that the Bank of Canada, under com- Mr. T. H. S>herritt, a former Hen- Times-Adivocate, " plete control, had all tPe authority sail boy, beldr air opening of his fun - Ghat these amendments, proposed, but eral home in Dundas on Thursday, Fifty -First Aruriversary the bank was carefully watching the Friday and, Saturday of last week, al-, On Monday evening, May Stir, bhe situation all the time. He asked why the Government would (issue debt -fires so Presenting every guest attemdring with a corsage of ffl'ow,ere on Saturday children of Mr. and Mrs,' Louis Kalb - money when it could be borrowed for in honor of Mottherr's Day. fieiach, of the 16th concession, Hay less than the surd of printing. Ma Awn, Pennington, of Parkhill n' Townshi. p, gathered at their'llome to After much discussion the House singer and dancer and well known to celebrate their 51st wedding an-ndvers- fumed to Mr. Rdgms' Youth Training H'ensra'Il people, having taken part ;n ary. A very good time was enjoyed Bill wandeh was finally red. maw eoacerts here in the past, won along with delicious eatables by 'in fixing the Wheat Bill, fixing the price at th seconds prize at'Kea Soble's amateur preoentt. The many relatives and TO cents, was also of after TO be contest. held at CFIIB radio station in friends of tilid's Ahappy couple of fifty - r• pr+otasds from the C. C. F. and Toronto every Sunday ah 11,30. She one years wish therm many more such broadcast on Sunday last, cheerful events.—Zurich Herald. 3. C. groups. The Young Peopl'e's Und,on of the Ottawa officially is now decorated United Ohurch rfet an 'Monday even- Golf Club Elects President and ready for the reception of the ing with a good attendance, Miss El - King and Queem. Plane had to be va McQueen presiding. Fallowing idle At a meeting of the directors of the ;banged, but it is all announced now devotional period Rev, R. A. Brook Mitchell Golf and Country Club held and It is to be hoped that theme wtll rendered a, pleasing solo, "My Mo- on Friday Last, the following were ap- )e no further holdup, as these Chang- tber's Prayers Have Followed Me,'- pointed to office: President, Dr. It. �s are very eaost'ly to those dh bassi- Miss Greta Lamamie at the piano. The B. Gillrie; vice-pres., E. J. Hingst; Less and who are otherwise affected, shindy was ably taken by Mrs. George sec, -teens., A.'W. Blowes; greenscom- Hess- DuTinng the business per sQd mittee, Whn. rldlott, D. 'Eizenaa.n and Carey JoyTot was appointed a 'dele- N. G. Schafer. On Friday afternoon, CROMARTY gate to attend ' the summer school to of this week the directors will meet ° lye ]reale at Goderich in July. Miss with the Greens Committee and the (Intended Xor last'week) Doreen F�arqubar was made the recip- Ladiese Comrmittee to make plans for — Mr. Th•am,pson, once -time schao lilt of a beautiful vase in apprecia, opening day, and arrangements, for eacher in Na 6 School Section, Hib- bion of her valued services in con- events throughout the year,—Mitohell )ert, accompanied by his ran, of Chat- n'e'ction with tine society.. Miss Gladys Advocate. lam, spent Sundtay here and atte'n•ded F re and Mica Gore Cross pres- rervice.' Mr. Thaoropum also was sup- enb the gift to Doreen at the home FalI,s 30 Feet As Scaffold Breaks srintendtenpt of the Sunday School at of Mrs. Claude Blower, where she is rote time. at present a guest. On Monday eve. Grant Campbell, 33, of Fuliarto.i. Mr. and Mrs'. W. E. McLaren and 'Haag, May 22, the Y.Y.U. of the Ev- well-known silo builder, met with a laughter, of Stea.f%o'rth, also attended angelical Church, -Zurich, will be the serious aceident on Monday after - .he service, It being Mother's Day as guests of bhe Ifensrala Society. noon when he wa.% plunged thirty ateili Quite' a number of the Oddfellows •fc'ct into a silo mben a scaffold on Mr. and Mrs. B" O. Macdonald and of He.n' aril Lodge, No. 223, motored to which he find be'e'n} working, eollaps- moo motored too Brussels on Sunday Brueefield on• Sunday evening last to ed, Mr. C:ampboll, of the firm of tf'temoow with Mr. Macdonald's mo- unite R11h bheir brethren there in Campbell & Harper, cement condrac- ;her. their Sunday evening service in the tors, was engaged near the top of Mrs. S. Dennis, of Viscount, Sask., United Church_ the silo he was constructing fur the mho has spent the laaslt tthree months Mrs. Fred' Manors is and, has been farm of pkfor Lawson, Hamilton $id., n Kitchener among relatives, visited for the past woo k or so assisting Mrs, when the accident occurred. While last week .w-i'th Mrs. Robertson before R'obe'rt Bonthmn in laser household, du- otihem were working witib him, he. ,eturr•ndn too her home. g ties during the absence of her daugh- was the only one injured. He wraw Mr. B. O. Macdonald, accompanied ter, Mrs. Simpson, on a well-earned 'holiday with and members i taken to Victoria Hospital, London, )y Messarha, Leonard and. Ross Hough- An, spank al day in London- .relaitives 'of her family at Detroit where it w found he had a badly The people of Na. 6 School Section. 'i>ire conceit h,elvl 1nere in the Unit- fractured vertebrae and a compound .bbbert, purpose 'holding a reunion ed Churdh, under the auspices of the fracture of the right ankle, and as arbl he sarffered from sboclk—Mit- oorne time in June, to commemorate Board of M0Wers on Wednesday ev- chell Advocate. :he 8M anniversary of. the school emdmag of last week, was fainly well at - section at We place. t9nd'ed and no doubt would have been mo a 'largely thad it not Just followed loncert ad on the preceding evening BLAKE BRUCEFIELD by the Berl Ringers- The entertain- imomers were Maeduff Copeland, Scotland, fi' most versatile entertainer, anal Ken- (Intended for last week) (Intended for last week) word was received here on Satrir- neth Duff, brildgaut. London violinist, Mr. Xohm Douglas is not feeling as lay of the, passing away after a short and dt certainly was ,an evening of well as his many friends would like lalanesa of aM'ns. (Rec.) James Coutba. fine musical numbers, the first men- to hear. He is in bed again, but we )n AOrfl 28th, in pacific Paldsaides, ti•crn.ecb erne ,.liner being root only a trust with warm, wormy drays coming Wifvrnia.. Mrs. Ooutts was in her OHP wusarian, but also a good speak- he may soon gain strengb'h, again. nd year and was, the youngest theMr. er and actor and one who did not The regular sorvice of the Blake )2]2nd spare ,h�imsdIl do the giving of norm- Ohurch is now being bae'ld on Sunday laughter of the ],ate and Mrs. hers, coupled With most amusing mornings at 10 o'efock for worship Gohn McI koash, and was born on. the anecdotes and dbart cter sketches of and 11 o'clock for Sttlndary Sohool, Tire. Goadtona Road, a mile south of the vil- the ddffererr't nationalities, and as a Peters dellvered a fine %e�rmon last age. Highland bagpiper be could not well Sunidiny morning on "Mother's and Observe Mot{'ier's Day bei excelled and, life fine costume and F%Ltlier's Day." ' inspirlug playing called forth much Mrs.'Attridge, of Goderich, is spend - Mother's My service was held in favorable comment, wilm']fa' 11VIr. ']tiffs ing a few days witt,h, her maother, Mrs. a�h,o United Chnrmoh on Sunday morn- most soul ' iaaepdr+iaog vfolia music de- Clarke. .n,g. Misses Doreen Pepper and Eva lighted 'tile 'audien�ce •^from start to Mr. R. N. Douglas, is still under the 3itaeldlouse igave very appropriate finish, and hie certainly threw his wppabher. We truot, be may soon gain readings and Rev. Mr. Wright gave whole soul in, his fine numbers. Ilds strengtah to better health. IT% IAALWAY'f . VARNA . (Intend+ed for last "ek) no mdmry blends M Mrs. J. Rath- oell wills be 'pleated to know "she is siaowlT 'improving'. We are also pleased to report Mrs. (iia"Ork 1 Telturmed home from Sea, 13orth Tbl > amo'probWt The O u�ber• and abttather, El - Ott, of I onion, spent Sunday at the parental ,haomma, Mar, and MTs. Wdidatmng• and children of May, 's'pea* .Sunday with the lat- tar's parents, ;Mr. and: Mrs. Girassick. Mr. and Mrae G. V. Saymontdi, c Lon doml called on friends here Mon - ay. Mr. J. Smith went to Westminster Hospital, London,, on Tuesday to un- dergo treatment. Two • interesting events took place Sunday evening in -the United Church wthen Gerald W411dam Clark, little son f Mr-, and M¢as. Will Clark, and Wil - am Pioyd Dawson, son of Mr. and Lm. •Hasakh Dowson, were baptized y Rev. MT. Patems, one of the first Wing events in the Otttte boys lavea to prepare stblem for manhood. The W. A. of St. John's Church en - t wtaineda 'this W. A. of Bayfield 16nd Middlletoan on Tuesday. A very in - resting until instructive address was van by Mrs. Graham of Bayfield, wlro attended the annual meeting bels n London, being the 52nd annlverst ry of the W.A. in the Huron Diocese. fter the meeting in Sot John's i hrarAaikr ,t” laaddee, ahonae of MM 0. l3. Beatty by macab, • beand y vp aE wawa tendered the Rectuu' Mss. G H 'shotty. R�igeral - 40 were weaeuL, Mr_ and Mrs. George GierBitre6i fly, of Detroit. warn til¢ mat Dia'. and Mras, A- In'g'es, euyaa '1lhaey twemwed, ' 1►y M "':. W. Horner, of ZnrifJh, mr�thaeir sola Mi inges. Mrs. took, of Godermh TavZoN caDed on her sister, Mars, Gr ssfidr. UIUA br ALV lilt' (Intended for Iiaist week) The W. A. and' W. M. S. was 'heL>fip'. on Thursday afternoon. The W. BE S� _ was opened. with Mrs, Britton rumatm',;;rot chain. A- hymn was sung, t silo Rei ,.-% by prayer by Mrs. Britton, The rnftx- rc uta, of the previous meeting wero ; read and the busiaeass eealled foo . ']~her w:`A. president then took charge andt, Prayer was offered by Mrs. E- •Adams , Tire ml bels were ar7,00teld' anal `hunf- mess :tram ted. M"rs, William Jewitt • .;;' book change of Group No 1 and pray . er was afBerred by Mrs. Rr Lawson - Thr Scripture les -min was read byM w- :tA� Orvdlle Dale. A few thought& a a It Miss Soogas• address at .table Madams v Conference held, in London, were glv� 7l' en by Mays. Britton who was a dele- gate. A hymn: was sung and innebk was served. , :PERSONAL LOANS at the lamest rates ...$ 365 per $10000—Repayable in 12 Monthly Instalments . ; ; ; For any renow6le need — emergency or opportunity — we are glad to advance money .,to people with as assautcd income Consult the manager of our nearest briada. You will appreciate his helpful attitude to your problems. 0 A„ t . i ysa P7, s They're laying RiB-ROLL Rodin and right ove�i'r the old shingles, too l With Preston "Rib -Roll" and "lite -Lap" metal roofing there is no muss of old shingles lying around and no danger of exposing our building while re -roofing. g y g• "'i`lte-Lap" and "Rib Roll", made in the famous Council Standard quality, 9 Y. are guaranteed for 25 years- Sure protection „;�•� '^ against fire and weather €or the best part of a lifetime. Prices are lower than at this time last year „r,,�e�! _, :. because there is no sales tax. Write today F for free estimate. Address Dept. 906. A„ t . i ysa P7, s