HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1939-05-19, Page 54 e• .10 ; .' Ph' K: r.GF !l •ara4 1�taMi 1 r. .il �wu • 1 Present A Big Business Drive Store Open Saturday and Tuesday Evenings. With aGtoriousDisplay InStyie,Variety, Value Leading the Style and Value Parade. 500 to;Choose From SMART ENGLISLL, WORSTED Suits Three Money Saving Prices Sal.9 iddies._ TWEED SUITS Lovely little Tweed Coat and Pant Style, slightly shop soiled. Regular to 5.50. Sizes 3 to 6 years. TO CLEAR 1.00 Not in years have we offered values like these Fine English Worsted Suits, beautifully tailored and cut in the lat- est single or double breasted styles. Patterns and coloring are identical with highest priced sults.. Come in and seem them 18?0 EXTRA PANTS $4.00 Super Quality Worsted Suits 00 • • Up -to -the minute styling, design and patterns. High grade English Wor- sted that will give long, satisfactory wear and retain their fine appearance. All new Suits; nevi in style; new in colors; new in patterns; new in low price EXTRA PANTS $4.50 Clearing Men's Summer Regular to $24.50 Men's Flannel, Tweed and Trop- ical Worsted Suits, in plain or sport backs; 50 in the lot carried from last year. If you want a Summer suit you can't miss these. A super valpeL r Suits 95 Men's Top Coats Specially Priced Here's a group of brand new Topcoats priced for quick sale. Raglans, Fitted Styles or Slipons, in Green, Grey, Brown and Sands. Excellent qual- ity materials. TO CLEAR 14." OTHERS FROM $10.00 to $21.95 r., 6. You'll Never Regret Burying Quality al these Low Prices, Style and Value Is Written All Over These Glamorous Summer Dresses Newest Silk Knit Dresses Plain Pastel Shades, in knitted fabric, lovely woven material; attractive styles. Also new clus- 2039 ter stripes; 14 to 20. Lovely Crepe and Sheer Dresses ' Mostly Plain Pastel Shades in quality ,-• Sheers and Crepes, in tailored or flare ; skirt styles. Lovely Summer.dresses, .xf priced for quick sale Quality Summer Dresses Here are the Dresses every woman raves about! They're different! Ev- ery shade or style you can ask for All new Summer 1939 arrivals 3.75 6.75 First Showing Summer Coats First quality Polo Cloth in White, re and Pastel shades. Come in 8.75to1 1 very attractively styled. MORE NEW Sheer Blouses These Blouses have been, a whirlwind seller andthese new arrivals from, New York are ev- en better, copies of high pri- ed blouses. SPECIALLY PRICED 1.98 Men's, Fine Shirts Forsyth, Arrow and Sweepstake Shirts, in all the newest 1939 patterns. Fused or soft collars, or separate collar styles; 14 to 18.. 1.00 I.50 1.95 1 New Polo Shirts New Silks, Cotton Weaves and Linen Types 75c 1.00 • 1 5in all colors. Buttoned or zipper necks.wIJust the thing for Summer ear) Sale ! Men's Work Shirts1 .. Good quality Covert Work Shirts, and a real big, honest make. Blue, 75c Green and Grey shades. Specially Priced Kiddies' Wash Suits Clearing Sale of Good Quality Wash Suits -broken sizes, from 69c and 39c1 75c ranges. Sizes 2 to 6 years. To Clear SPECIAL SHOWING HIGH GRADE SUITS AT 95c New Summer Neckwear Stripes are "it" for Summer. See these lovely new Pastel. 50 Stripes in Silks and Silk and Wool. There's Checks and All- over Patterns, too, that are really different c $1.00 New Sport Pants Wash Cottons in excellent quality Sanforized Materials. New Stripes and Checks. Excellent for Summer wear. All sizes. OTHER SPORT PANTS AT $2.95 to $4.5 1.59 1.95) Our Overalls, Work Shirts and Work Sox Can't Be Beaten ! Men's Summer Underwear BALBRIGGAN COMBINATIONS 79(', EACH All styles BALBRIGGAN SHIRTS AND s 50c EACH DRAWERS HARVEY WOODS JOCKEYS i� Shirts and Shorts 50c EACH MERCURY JOCKEYS i' Shirts and Shorts ; 35c EACH GRAD SHIRTS AND SHORTS 89c SUIT PENMAN'S MERINO 75c EACH Twb-piece • PENMAN'S MERINO COMBINATIONS .-,- $1.50 SUIT Staple Department Specials Large shipment of Linen Towelling direct from Ireland ; beautiful colored 19c a7 and borders WABASSO BROADCLOTHS 36 inches wide; 24 fast colors SPECIAL TERRY TOWELS 18 by 40 • RAYON LUNCH CLOTH LINEN TEA TOWELS 22 by 32 25c 19c 19c 39c 25c House Furnishings THIS STORE FEATURES A BIG STOCK OF FLOOR COVERINGS AT LOWEST CATALOGUE PRICES 4 -Yard Wide Linoleum (firsts) $360 Yard sell 3 -Yard Wide Congoleum $1`.95 Yard Floor Oil Cloth -All widths. 55c Square CONGOGlEUN4: RUGS 9 ..$3.75 ....$x.15 3x9....$2.50 4%2x 7%x9..$5.95 9x9 6x9....$4175 9 x 12 ...$9.50 CURTAINS -Yardage 19c to 50c Yd. CURTAINS. -Made up 89c to $3.50 Pair FRILLED CUF4TAINS 89c to $2.50 Pair Summer Millinery - The New Summer Hats are here! New styles in straw, stiffened lace and felts. Black with White, Navy with White, all White and Pastel up shades predominate. -ti • 5 Summer Hosiery 1 1 Special Thread Silk 29c Hose iLal Pure Silk Full Fashioned 75c Hose J Best Quality Orient, $1.OU Weldrest, Etc. 00 Ankle Hose 15c up Lovely A re y ccessories , Pastel Shade Chamoisette L+Cc Quality Chamoisette @1 00 Gloves DDaJ Gloves a$pD ' U New Summer Handbags -Flower Prints, Silks, @ 1 .�0 $$11:4000 1'/111 Fabrics and Leathers $ $ 1 'FeJ Women's Undies I Silk Undies -Vests, 49c 65c Panties, Briefs Voile $1.25 to Pyjamas Batiste Nighties } Satin Slips, Bias, Cut and Cocktails $1 to $1.50 Children's Dresses Smart New Prints, Voiles, Sheers and Rayons, in a huge 59 to o assortment of lovely children's styles. Sizes 2 to 14 years. Axminster Mats Quality Axminster all -wool drop Rugs, in a wide variety of shades anal patterns. 2711 x 54" 2.59 See Our Oiled Silk brellas, Coats and Raindanas. They're New and Different ! Special! Boys'Colf Hose, Reg,25c-35c Broken lines of last season's stock, roll top Golf Hose; 10C CLEAR patterns; all sizes. 'TO STEWARTr - ea orth BROSI • 1 ti Asiermwarsuimilie House Dresses Lovely New House Dresses, imported direct from New York. The patterns are so different! SPECIAII si.o.1.i. , In 'I. W