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The Huron Expositor, 1939-05-12, Page 8
�1. YP c each .i S IM , F.1 iM. J!,F LI..Y 2 c V1'AEib---6 , packaged (i TAL PUFFED RICE or 15c T---'2 packages AMU MAPLE I ,F A F SOAP FLAKES MO 2 BARS SOAP AROTt,A.TED MILK Adlian Mead; 2 enure NTS WHOLE WHEAT FLAKES 23c 20c 15c Atiereal Bowl; immix cOBBJ •FR POTA: $1.75 F.:. NOW CAP PILCHARDS •A +ai 'Wt7TEAPPLES--At their beet; ... $1 7 for ARBOL SOAP 4 cakes r;APO STOVE POLJSH per tarn COMFORT' LYE ems • SNAP HAND CLEANER 2 this JOHNSTON FLOOR WAX Large can ,moi -COTE PERMAN- AEC' �Agb1 BHT FINISH - . . 1.!`,' ; UDIE WATER -Dispersed 29c wax; bottle ILAUNDRY STARCH 25c pot �'nnd`Sa `�! ;M3ASTFJlCALF MEAL at. $3.25 icvrt. G A. C. Routledge `PHONE 166 lac 15c 10c 25c 29c 590 WE SPECIALIZE lei FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, CAS- UALTY, GUARANTEE BONDS, ACCIDENT A N D SICKNESS, BURGLARY, WINDSTORM Representing Companies who give Security with Service Also Agents for Ontario Thresh- ermen's Mutual Fire Insurance. information gladly given. A number of desirable properties In Seaforth and district for sale. WATSON & REID M. A. REID Proprietor Phone 214 Seaforth SPECIALIST iN ALL LINES OF INSURANCE .4 4 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 O O S. T. Holmes & Son O 4 FUNERAL SERVICE 0 O Main Street, Seaforth O ,© O 4' S. T. Holmes, residence 0 p Goderich Street, West; phone 0 O No. 119-W. Charles Holmes' 0 44 ..residence, Goderich ' Street, -O .0 East; phone No. 308. O 4 Ambulance Service O Q Adjustable hospital bed for 0 Q rent. O 4 Night calls, Phone 308 0 0 Day calls, Phone 119-3 ' ' O Charges moderate. O (� 1x-37 O 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000 0 H. C. BOX O FUNERAL SERVICE Q Licensed Embalmer 4 Ambulance Service 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O © Hospital Bed Owith adjuetablerachet oper- ated er- Oarae spring for rent. O Night Calls Day Calls 0 Phone 175 Phone 43 p 12-37 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O 0 O O O O O O O Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WALKER'S O 0 FUNERAL SERVICE 0 O W. J. WALKER and 0 0 JOHN R. WALKER, Jr. 0 0 Licensed Embalmers and 0 O Q O O Q Funeral Directors. O Day or Night Calls promptly 0 attended. O PHONE 67 O 12-37 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 THE SECOND DIVISION COURT COUNTY OF I7URON Office in .the Dominion Bank Build- ing, Seaforth. Office }ours : Tues- day, Thursday and Saturday, (80 P.m - to 5 p.m_ Saturday evening. 7.30 p.m. to 9 e Qa. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Insurances Agencies - Seaforth ANNOUNCES ilia potsbase of the insurance business of Hays & Hilaire artwi the addition of their' companies to orrr previous facil- ities enables ea to Sive unexcelled service in all line.. SEAFORTH ▪ ONTARIO meet r McKILLOP MUTUAL JAL HUE INSURANCE CO'T. HEAD OFFICE SEAFORTH, ONT OFFI: Thos. Moylan, 5 Seaforth - Pres. wiit Knox, ;JTtdesborO - Vice -Pres. terrtr= A. Rye1,�S�•Ye'atorth - Bee.-Treas. +dllfd .liandesboro; George 4S Bi^odliageb; .Tamen Con i . f AUX 13readfoat, R. ,ems. McMwing, 'd'ii:& 11/W1800r, R. R. bag* Walton; 4hny 'tti, R. 5, Seaforth; X 4 Moo - ' 1 of two TOWN Doily Caleman•,-...Aur event of lnter- eet took place at the United Church Manse in I3gmoadville on Saturday. May 6th, When, Gladys 1rell+e, Young. est daughter of Mr. ands Mrs. George Coleman, became the Bide of • Mr. Robert John .Doig, youngest son of Mr. Robert Dail;, V cke n msith, and the Yate Mrs. Doig, The attendants were the bride's, sister -and, brother -in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Boss Chapman. Af ler the ceremony which was perform- ed, by Rev. A. W. Gardiner, a dinner was served at the home of the bride';3 parents by the Misses Elsie Ritchie and Jessie Smith. The guests includ- ed the immediate relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Doig left by motor aurid showers of confetti fpr Hamilton and Niagara Fails. The bride travelled in a grey tweed coat with navy dress and ac- cessories in the same shade. On .their return they wilt reside on the bride- groom's farm in McKillop. Prior to her marriage the bride wars the guest of honor at a kitchen shower given at the home of Mr. and Mee W. D. Semite, in Egmandville under the aus- pices of the NeilShaw Girls' Auxil- iary. Goforth Mission Band Holds Tea. - The Grofort'h Mission Band held a very successful tea on May 44111 1n the schoolroom of First Presbyterian Church. The •roomovas decorated in greens yellow and .white, while large baeketa of pussy willows and daffo- dils gave a springtime setting. The members of the Band, gay in their summer dresses and yellow hair rib - bone, served their guests who were received at the door by Mrs. Hugh Tack- An interesting program was provided by those who served, name- ly Jean Wright, Jacqueline O'Dell, Helens O'Dell, Jean McMaster', Peggy Willis, Sue Nixon, Dorothy Forrester, Lenore Habkirk and Helen Smith, who took the money at the door. The numbers on the program were the following: Chorus, "idle Hours," "Early One Moltn ng," "Have •You Seen My Daffdde," `Brehm's• Lulla- by," "Little Sir Echo" and "The :Um- brella Man." Lenore Habkirk played several piano selections. The hostess- es were Mrs, H. E. Smith, Mrs. D. H. Wilson and Miss Janet Clufe, Mrs. J. A. Munn was the accompanist for the afternoon.' Thirteen dollars was the net proceeds: The NEW e ettes Are Here! W. G. Willis Seaforth - Ontario Shingles and Fertilizer A car of XXXXX B C. Shingles will arrive this week. We Will lc the car at, per per bunch . 01.15 FERTILIZER -Mixed. Ready for orders. Barbed Wire is on hand at, per 80 -rod spool .... 093• SEAFORTH FARMERS' CLUB K. E. Jackson, R. S. McKercher, Sec. Pres. Real Money Makers BRAY CHICKS Order Bray Chicks NOW, and ,be "lucky" when egg prices climb next Fall. See me, or phone me, right away. Personal attention, prompt delivery. Viking Separators JUTRAS Manure Spreaders Place orders at LOWDEN'S ORDER HOUSE SEAFORTH - ONT. 3725-4 "A Real Coal Snap "Best Quality Pennsylvania Anthracite" EGG, STOVE OR NUT SIZE' "May Delivery" Haul your own direct $11.40 from cars Per Ton ■ Deilvered in Town. $12.00 Possible labor strikes or, war condi, lions may affect prices and ehipmseuts at any time. Orders placed before May 12th Will secure your next winter's coal supply at these attractive pricee-uuless the above conditions hold up shipments or increase price. "it le a Cash on Delivery Proposition" J. H. Scott PHONE $36 - SEAFORTH "Come and worship, come and Worship, Worship Christ the New -Born King" Sermon Subjects For ,Next Sunday- -Northside United Church: Rev. H. V. Workman, •Minister -10 a.m-, Sun- day School; 11 a.m., "Worthy Par- .en4ts " special music by the Junior choir; 7 p.me "Home As a Sacred In- stitution;" a rally dray for young and old•. (McKillop Chrarge--Bethel services, 10 a:m., Mother's' Day service; Duff's Sunday Sohood, •10.15 a.m.; church service, 11.15 a.m.; Caven service. 2.30 pm.;, Sunday school, 1.30 p.m. ; Communion at Duffs and Bethel on May 21st; Communion at ()even May 28the-Rev. R. W. Craw, Minister. St. Thomas' Church: Rentor, Rev. Dr, Hurford. 11 aan., "Spring", 7 pm., "Kept By the Power of God"; Sunday School at 10 a.m. Salvation Army Rev. H. N. Konkle will preach at 11 arm.; Sunday school at a p.m.; evening service at 7 p.m. - Envoy Dougall. First Presbyterian Church -Sunday School at 10.30 a.m.; 11 a.m.., Mother's Day service; Sacrament of Baptism at this service; 7 p.m., Rev. H. N. Konkle, Cawadiian Secretary of the Missions to Lepers will speak. This is Home and Family Sunday and it is expected that every family will be represented ae far as possti'ble at bath services.-$ev. Hugh Jack, Minister. LOCAL BRIEFS • • Mr. and Mrs'. Harry Brown, of Washington, D. C., were week -end guests at the home of Miss Marion Watson. • Mrs. McLeod, of Denaeld, was a weekend guest at the home of hes• sister, Mrs. J. F. Reid. • Dr. C. Aberhart, of Toronto, spent the e:eekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Charles Aberhart: • Mrs. J. D. Hinchley has return- ed to her home here after spending the winter with her sons, Mr. J. M. Hinehley, of Owen Sound, and Mr. Harry Hinchley, of Renfrew. • Mr. R. Harry, of Welland, spent the week -end with his easter, Miss Maud Hartry. ' • Mies Florence Fowler, of Blue - vale, spent the week -end with Sea - forth friends. • Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rich, Mr. W. J. Cullen and Miss Margaret Fink - healer, of Kitchener, -spent Sunday with ttbe latter's mother, Mrs, Charles Finkbeiner. • The many friends of Mr. E. C. Chamberlain are pleased•, to see him on Main Street again after his recent serious illness. • Mr. and Mrs. William Kelterborn and family, of Milverton,' were Sun- day guests at the home of Mr. and Mns. H. ,E. Smith. • Mrs. J. A. Case is in Detroit vis- iting her daughter, Mrs: George 'Scofield. • M•r. Louis Hildebrand and Mrs. Bernard Hildebrand were in London on Monday attending the funeral of their sister, the late Mrs. Josepie Mose. • • Mrs. J. M. Henderson, of Detroit, is visiting with Seaforth friends. • Mr: and Mrs. Norman Wilcox, of Ripley, were week end guests at the home of Mrs. Wileox's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Armstrong. • Mrs. Frank Murray, of Detroit, and. Miss Hilda Kennedy, of London, -were week -end guests at the home of Mrs. Roland Kennedy. • Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Sh•illinglaw and Mrs. George Israel have returned to their home in Tuckersmith after spending the winter in Kitchener. • Mr. W. H. Clerk, of Liihue, Hawaii, was in town," on Thumdtay. Mr. Clark is a son of the late Williaip Clark, who many years ago conducted a bakery and confectionery store in Seaforth, and spent his early years here, but it is forty yre:rs since the family left town. • The Catholic Women's League is holding a social evening in St. James' Parish Hall on Tuesday, May 16th. • Mns. J. Redmond' and' daughter, Marion, of Calgary, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs Leo Fortune. • Mr. J. M. Hinchley, of Owen Sound, spent the week -end with his mrother, Mrs. J. D. Hinchley. • Rev. H. N. Konkle, Secretary of the Mission to Lepers, will give an illustrattecl lecture Sunday evening, May 14th, at 8.15 in First Presbyter - tiara Church. This is an interdenomina- tional mission, and all are invited to attend. • Mr. William Trott bas solei his residence ori East William Street to his son -in, -law, Mr. Will4am McKay, who will occupy IL • Mr. A. W. Moore, who has been McOoll-Frontenac agent here for some years, has accepted a position is Stratford with the Good Rich Oil Company, but will continue to reside in Seaforth. Hies plaice here will be taken by Mr. Bean, of Liman. • M r . Arthur Edmunds, of Hamil- ton, spent the week -end here. Mrs. F.dmugds and little daughter return ed with him. • Mr. and Mrs'. A. Teamersom and children were the week -end' guests of Mr. anus' Mrs. R. Strong. • Mr. J. G. Mills, who recently re- tired as Manager of the Canadian Bank of Commerce branch here, is movit,g has family bo Strethrroy. • Mr. Douglas Stewart, Uflivensity of Western Ontario, is spending a week art his home here before the Varsity exams'. • Mies Minnie Habkirk Is visiting at the home of her brother In 'Prem. ton, Michigan. • Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Beattie and two children, of London, Were week- end vests at tine ho'me of Mr. Job, Beattie. • Mr. Thomas Govenlock h19,9, pur- chased the one hundred acre farm ad - Joining his own en the North gravel woad, from Mr. /Boswell, of Wood- stock. • Kr. John Beattie, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stewart and Douglas were. in Grimsby this week. • Misses Mabel Turnbull, Alice Daly, Loretto Faulkner, and Mrs. Mar - *ret Devereaux and Mrs. 5. F. Dray erre in Stratford on Saturday *Sodak - 'U' Co. Armouries FRIDAY, MAY 12th Mickey Messatum's Orchestra ADMISSION, - 35 CENTS ing to hear Kathleen Strokes play the four-mhaual organ in Central United Church. ' • Miss Mary ,Haigh spent the week- end in Mitchell. • Miss Ballantyne, who spent' the winter in Toronto, returned to her, home Ira Herpnn ey oa Dilondaay. WiNTHROP The aegulsr meeting of the W. M S. and W. A, Societies of Caven Lawn Mowers SHARPENED and overhauled NORMAN SCOINS Seaforth Phone orders left at Commer- cial Hotel (Rhone 227) will re- ceive immediate attention. OFFICE JOBS More easily secured and held if you qualify for stenographer through Simplified. S•horthsnd' written in, English. Our system is very easy , to learn, and 'readi. Free folder illustrates how it is written. Waite CASSAN SYSTEMS 2936 Dundas W. TORONTO - ONT. All Squared Hp for Canadian Play Days toes and square Step out in square 95 l; (' ..� heels. atrm- mer ciders in cool cotton to tie in beautifully with your Summer dresses. The thick crepe sole is a dream of comfort. W. G. Willis Seaforth - Ontario BETTER :23 '26 '26 '31 '31 '32 '32 '32 '34 '34 '35 '37 Fordson Tractor Ford "T" Coach Chev. Coach Ford "A" Victoria Fordson Tractor Chev. Coupe Hupmobile Sedan Chev. Light Deliv- ery. Ford V-8 Coach Ford V-8 Coach Chev. stake Truck Ford V-8 Coach Ford V-43 Sedan Ford V-8 Coupe, J. F. Daly Ford -Mercury Dealer Phone 102 - Seaforth Itlu':6b was• 404 May and at slue itTae Qf lttl! ^Pis. Dodge whin a gond' attend. alive. The president, Mr4,,Alexa4Kler, opeped the Meeting by eleging-"Iord, 1 Hear sof Showers of Blessings," then all" repeated the •Lord's Prayer in unit acne' Mrs. Hialen took charge of the busdn'ess discussion, and'' it was decid- ed to hold the neat meeting on June let. The secretary read 'ettens 4f ack owledgmeat from 'bereaved and •shut -suis Who laztd. been remembered; Mrs. Tall read a leaflet, "Stewardship Today." Mrs, 'Dolmage took c'harge of the remainder Of the meeting. A haann wee sung, followed by player by M. O. DoImage. The .Scripture, St. Luke 12:13-21) was read by Mrs. -C. Doimage•. The topic was ably tak- en by Mrs. H. Blanchard. Hymn 374 was then sung aid Mrs., Craw closed the meeting with prayer. A dainty lunch was served by Circle 1. WALTON Mrs. Charles 'Drager, who has been in Detroit all winter, returned on Sat- urday evening. 1 iMr. and Mrs. Henry Last of Niagara Falls and Isobel Bateman and Iris of Hamilton,, visited with Mrs. Hoy over the week -end. Mrs. Charles Sellers' is spending a few days • with her mother, Mrs. Hoerle, of Heidleburg. Mrs. Mary Dressel and Anna Ennis of Toronto, spent the week -end with 1V1r. and 'Mrs, Fred Ennis,. Mies Pearl Patterson of Seaforth spent the week -end with her sister, Mrs. W. C. Bennett. Fanners are busy on the land and report mostly all seeding done. Mrs. Russell Bryans and son.', Keith, are visiting her mother, Mrs. Charles Drager. BAYFIELD ®sr�r Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Erwin, of Akron, Ohio, are visiting A. E. Erwin da the village. ,Ep Mrs. R. F. Gairdne and Mrs. N. W, Woods visited at Port Credit and Taranto this week. Mr. Blythe Stephenson, of Detroit, has purchased the beautiful cottage formerly owned by the late Miss Rachael Taylor. 11dr. Robert Watson left•for.liis home in Fairlight, Sask., after a month's visit in the village with friends. Mr. and 'Mrs. Eugene Sauder, Mr. and Mgrs. Frank Erwin and son, Mr. and Mrs. Gable and Mr. and Mrs. Sydney McLensnan, of Kitchener, spent Sunday in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wills, of Lon- don, spent the week -ends in their cot- tage. Rev. Mr. Morley, of Chatham, is visiting Rev. and Mrs. Gale this week here. Mr. and Mrs, Robert Heard, Lon- don, spent Sunday in their pottage: McKILLOP Mr. and Mrs. William Koehler spent Sunday at Listowel with Mr. Koeh- ler's sister, Mrs.: Herman Mhedel, who is sinking slowly. Mr. and Mrs. Charles l .e'gele and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Koehler spent _Sunday will Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Stos- kopf in Fullerton, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eggert, Miss Della. Eggert and. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weitersen spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Eisler in Logan. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brooks, ' of Mitchell. called on rhes mother, Mrs. 'John Eggert, on Sunday, • Mr. and Mrs. Henry Eggert, Earl and Doreen Eggert, visited Mr: anal Mrs. Jerry Doerr and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoegy. Miss Jean idea is at present visit- ing her aunt, Mrs. Henry Weitersen. Mise Evelyn Hoegy is at presert visiting at the home of her uncle, Mr. Louis Hoegy, Seaforth. . Mr, and Mrs. William Hoegy called on Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Stoskopf at Fuilartoa on Saturday evening. CHI EL S HURST A play entitled, "Datty and Daffy," will be presented by the Blyth Y. P. S. in Chtselhurst on Wednesday even- ing, vening, May 17th, Everybody welcome. Mise Myrtle Taylor, of London, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and 4Irs. Richard Taylor, of Chisel- hurst. The mopth.ly missionary meeting of the Chiseihurst Y. P. LT. was held in the schoolroom of the church Tuesday evening, May 9th. The meeting open- ed by singing the hymn, "Lord To Thy Dear Cross We Flee," after which ,the Lord's Prayer was repeat- ed. The minutes ' of the last meeting were read and adopted, anti the roll call answered. The bulsime`ss was die - cussed, and Verna McLean', vic+e.presd- dent, ' then took charge of the meet- ing. The Scripture lesson was read by Bill McLean. The hymns "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing" was sung, after which ,Jean Ven.ner gave a very interesting topic. The closing hymn, "Saviour Again To Thy Dear Name We Raise" was sung and the benediction pronounced. Jean Ven eller' then took charge of a Bible con, - test, and choir practice for Mother's Day was 'heli at the close of the meet- ing. HULLETT The Late Mrs, John Hayden Lee The death occurred in Providence Hospital, Detroit, on Monday, May 1st, of Rose Eleanor Reynolds, be- loved wife of John Hayden Lee, aged 28 years. Deceased was born in Hut - lett Township and was a daughter of, Mr. and Mrs. P. O. Reynolds. She had resided in Detroit for the past ten years, having accepted a position there after completing her education at the Clinton Collegiate and Sohoot, of Commerce. In. November of last year elle was united' in marriage .to icer now bereaved htlsbaiid, Also sue viving are her parents and six bro- thers': Leo and Fergus, of Detroit; Hubert, Clerent, Harry and EniMi, of Hallett, end one sister Agnes, also of Hullett. The funeral service was held' at the hes se of her parents on . Wed- i,esday Mothittg,, 1ierv. Father }Von o�irnlating, l allbearers were .loot Of Used Machinery in Perfect Condition 1 Massey -Harris' Low $30.00 1 FFurrow Tractor $3,5.00 Plow Spreader QdU U Tnloth Harrow ion Spring .PLIJ.0ti 1 � oqv $20.00 1 plow 2 -Furrow Riding ` $`25.O0 • 18 na 1 $220.00. 1 RaY lowiu @$�9.90' 1 Plowo' $12.001 Tedder $55.00 1 Gilson ilso leWas $45 .00 0 • 1 Rak $35x.00 1 VSik tar $45.100 1 Vann Wagon $5'■00 �c 1 May Tag Washer, $'20':00 Electric +➢ 1 Noxon Hoe Q.10 ,00 1 4 -Tube Electric $15' 00 Drill .... , ■{1 1 I ■ Table Radio l+��D + 1 Drill ick Disc $36.100 2 Auto Radios cD35.00 • We wish to announce we have added to our stock a new type Radio Tube Tester, which will test all tubes manufactured to date We have in stock Tubes for all Westinghouse Radios, and most of all•ether sets sold in Canada. John Bach SEMain St. AFORTH - Melhoid, John Allen, John Doherty of Detroit, and A. Shanahan, Thomas Flynn and George Carbert, of Hue lett. Entent was male in the R. C. cemetery, Hulled. Present at the funeral from a distance were friends and. relatives from Detroit, Pittsburgh, Baltimore, Windsor, Dublin, .Seaforth and St. Columban. 'Mere were many beautiful floral tributes • We will deliver ice every week, day, in the afternoons only. Kindly have your order in to the Creamery before 3 o'clock p.m., as delivery will be made as soon after as possible. RATES: 50c CWt. PHONE 80-W SEAFORTH CREAMER} LTD. Attend . Hydro Electric The ... Cooking School and Electrical Farm and t`oc Eo?d Equipment Demonstration Seaforth Town Hall FRIDAY, MAY 1 t AFTERNOON 2.30 P.M. EVENING 8 P.M.'' STAGE ENTERTAINMENT - TALKING PICTURES - COMMUN- ITY SINGING -VISIT THE HYDRO TRAVEL SHOP - Local prize winners in the Slogan Contest will be announced in the evening. The Seaforth Public Utility Commissien IN CO-OPERATION WITH THE HYDRO ELECTRIC POWER COM- MISSION OF ONTARIO :•Y•••: t i*i*=•s:i:** :::::%:Vie • •n: