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The Huron Expositor, 1939-05-12, Page 7
- [ " *1 �.. , , 2a 100' (,+ . - � ti i J�*X r0- �e .-o. ion. I 4, bra 'thrives `i. a Aft 11111 1t I1, illi' to ''aid's! �r I evatrJals 1Qss ' lealft I" , ypills ' Is abroad; IS I A per tenth bourne. "They had a fine standing the exchangEf . `+ ' L given, Na both of them and that her real Somietinal ° transaction , is 100 per . 9 ,Per cent- ' eas'Jr outside ' w has man,- . : undeclai+ed from her expensive telephone call vest abroad- ' iong friends . gent of the been just a kjnd and helpful as she and finds he . but Ia solid 1. D is outTag- . even threat- hreatBut r Butif the to see her family.' She, goes to xommtended 1 is sent ta• , the chief ' abably han- . 'rat is excep- will get my lawyer oil Telephone s'e 1n;Pol'ves I ri tafacturer isr 1 L" . �ndles m'ar't= t,. •. "The Col ... l c " when atad � . ey is to be I d" y he cash am& .' r he has . rendezvous to b 20 go. meets the minaret Iw, the ,rest +. Aunstendai n¢ tsnem,t withr; . wcupied by ` ray ustoms and ti's t allowed to r ' t, or quer- i' i as any. .In, ' une in jew- . ar banks'' in. " I compmt Marjorie, out on the pavement, frequently' ,. of course, ried up to the credit department, used, toa; " s6oluggling ,. Ill° ' ine, freight Chicago references, and also Mr. on Lake She had gotten, from Betty a list wh'os'e ac- So she was soon' in ,his car speed- bourge+o.is squirrel coat for Betty that, was, al - a sigiihsee stores, and she went straight to ...one hat reotaire • spected by 11 -s a recent - calli'n'g the Wetherill Lawyer on Tong al scandal - continue his sales' parley without of an, Am- ' the daugh- "Well, I certainly am glad' to hear fficibl, and about to leave: A of bhe: • i epartmentf Melbourne, "I was beginning to hey sent in E am Mr. Gay's daughter. I was • deposdtedl After that it didn't take much time exchange 1 i:ndusrtrial- the diolIar- ' dollar bet rks from lo'nel." Af- d' he meed - arse at his tw arraug- draft for ro months X hail£ mil - reign ex - A gone to dung Ger- a`r as head i Mure•n Jinx . tel full height and trying to act as he foreign ' newest . ! ion. I 4, bra 'thrives `i. of bank I1, wibh the �r he banks; ' The bor .,• , he Colon- ' too, and I tact with bourne. "They had a fine standing [less mens .a to send both of them and that her real The Cal- . thing pretty good somewhere for a .zi banks k. e depart- the world, but with a fortune of ican anis I, ,ts. Weal- ' price can, . port for from her expensive telephone call ber-Otto- 1 . oral bun- ' is were been just a kjnd and helpful as she latim-Am- . Permian- 1. e United . Live also r so Chat to see her family.' She, goes to _ secretly 1 e funds- , anti ev- itz�er..lramd 1 r with the Chicago lawyer, so her way 7`1101 Col` will get my lawyer oil Telephone th `little I ri dianurild 1 or, say, 14 . N. :Ctmltan,T particularly interested in her sis `or 6,0" l c t cduarg-, this afternoon for your answer, or troland to I d" y ;e. This his interview' with the real' 'estate L fevow . equiva, to b 20 go. meets the minaret ifamond •, ny nev; high, sailed out of the office coolly, profit. ,, s ready' , E19 feet •, around ' P-7 Srel I. latches; ' to Tian- . Barrow' " s'em in- b, . tel full height and trying to act as e ring. ' an nn- "Indeedi? W$aait wa,s the name o: llem,gess• alAsr she was very much scared --"I !Aldom- fit liemrirng s-, a�' . WreaH- �r h Pro- . 11 caul 4[ 4 . I A . Marjorie knew about certified 1. ti' LEGAL ' IMI R D. )ML, B.A. • r o , J sue esor to olio C. H eNt B�. � i l4r, v "Sbucltyn, Notary Pabtic Seeforth - Oantllrlo McCONNELL & HAYS Barx" ters, Solicitors, Mo, Patrick D. McConnell - H. Glenn Hay$ SPIAFORTH, ONT. c ' Telephone 174 E693- VETERIXARY A. R. CAMPBELL, 4 V.S. T.,.. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Col.' 'lege, University of, Toronto. All dis- esew of domestic animals treated' by fte most modern principles. Charges zonoon,>able. Day or night calls iaranipily attended to. Office on Main street, Sena'', opposite Town Hall: gone 216. Breeder of Scottish Ter- wiers. Inverness Kennels, Hensall. Li -i7 MEDICAL" SEAFORTH CLINIC DR. E. A. McMASTER, M.B. Graduate of University of Toronto J. D. COLQUFIOUN, M -D-, C.M. Graduate of Dalhousie University, Halifax. The Clinic ts' 'fully equipped with complete and modern X-ray and other ,up-to-date diagnostic and thersuptie equipment DrMargaret H. Campbell, M.D., M.A.B.P., Speclaiist in diseases in in- 2aats and ehildren, will lel the ,Clinic Iaab Thursday in every mouth Cram. 3 to 6 pm. Dr. F. J. R. Forster, Specialist in diseases of the ear, eye, nose and !throat, will be at the Clinic the first Tuesday in every month from 3 to 5 V=- - Plea Well -Baby Clinlc will be held 4m the second and last Thursday in ,svery mouth from 1 to 2 p.m, ✓ 3687 - JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon IN DR. H. H. ROSS' OFFICE Phone 5•J - Seaforth W. C. SPROAT, M.D., F_kC.S. Physician and Surgeon r Phone W Office Jahn Flt., Seaforth. 124M DR. F. J. BURROWS Office, Main Street, over Dominion ]Rank Bldg. Hours: 2 to 5' p.m, and 7 to 8 p.m., and by appointment. Residence, G•oderieh Street, two doors west of the United Church. Phone 4S. 12-28 DR- HUGH H& ROSS Graduate of University of Toronto, Faculty of Medicine, member of Col- lege of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario; pass graduate course in Chicago 'Clinical School of Chicago; Royal OpUhalmie Hospital, London, ' Fln'gland; University Hospital, Lon- abora, England. Office -Back of Do- mitnion Bank, Seaforth. Phone No, 5. Night calls answered from residence, Victoria Street, Seaforth. 12-x4 DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate In Medicine, University of Toronto. Late assistant New York Optbal- mef and Aural Institute, Moorefield's EY'e and Golden, Square Throat Hos- . Mita], Loandon, Eng. At COMMERCIAL 1 HOTEL, ' SEAFORTH, THIRD WED- ' NESDAY in each month, from 1.30 gam, to 4.30 p.m. ,53 Waterloo Street South, Stratford. 12-V AUCTIONEERS HAROLD DALE Licensed Auctioneer Specialist in farm and household sales. Prices reasonable. For dates and Information, write or phone Har- old Dalet Phone 149, Seaforth, or apply at The Expositor ;Office. 12--47 Some years ago Mr, Winston Ohurehill was. travelling on the Tra- lee-Listowel-Ballybuniom Rallway. For uo good reason, apparently, the train stopped in a station, for halt an tour. Mr. Churchill, being in a hurry to :reach his dFestilmo bion to dine with Lord Leitrim, wlho- wa's the chairman of the railway companty, informed the garter of his identity and also of his date that evening, presuming that this ml�*t have some effect. But not a bit of it! "Your Honer," said the porter, "if yie were the son of the sFtatioulmaslthr lbimseif, it ,would not nuke any dlf- i'erelic.e. " , . • People who write an Illegible band i must sometimes suffer themselves to be misunderstood, not infrequently with amusing results, Such are ex- perience once came to Dr. J. M. Buck- i ley, the eminent clergyman, when to a the press' he sent a 'notice of the s'ub- Sect of his Sabbath discoulrse, "Dart; and Wild' Oatm" . The editor of one of the religious weeklies really did himself proud in deciphering the good mindster's, hand- writing. Imagine Dr. Bucklley's ancon- ' ishment and amusfemetat to learn from ' this paper that oral 'FSw iday he was to r __''h , .-f*nin nnvl V17.11r'1 41011 4F: �, , I � . , w 0 ..,a; �a� I ,, viatx V 1+r tti-, 11'tN, , ,ieiuhr�'�n l NSI %': k. - •1 .. , T.r fl .0 AI YC N,,". nl Ih U.. 4, ::,I !+ J+i... . ... J.- t.1 . �JLtit 1, ti :, a, M1'; '�rxr ; 't. r " awn tq I 'ur ,1 � c n ' :' Y ytY4 It -1W ,, � r{i{ , a � 9 . 8 rJ 1 w 1;; .� 11 I ., I I J . ". 4 1.11t k�,�11 , , , �_.. �'11 I . 1, . Ik,� r ;'' n "; + p N' u L". ..�,"'_ .-, �. I 1 G G , 9 �'.. . 11 � _` +� Y I .... 7. r , u v . 4 b,� .. Is ''a I " � . RWIlllsIA"WZ lt"l;lerl.ld(fimi,I/X,hall I 1; I I 1 1 ��'�40�� 1WdW1_---.moo NINTH INSTALMENT . tel full height and trying to act as ,. . it. He is an expert accountant!"; ` SYNOPSIS grow a up as pos'sdble --- though in re- "Indeedi? W$aait wa,s the name o: "Excuse me, Mr. Horgan," she said, alAsr she was very much scared --"I ,the firm, do you know?" . When the wealthy faster par Will see that you rave a certified "Hamilton, M-elvor arAd Company, eats o2 Marjorie Wetherill both cheque for the full amoumt within tho said Marjorie, glad that she had, re die Ate finds a Setter telling that week." meluLberect to alms Ted that yeste'rda y she has a twin sister, that she . Marjorie knew about certified "You don't say!" said Mr, Mel was adopted' when her .own par- cha,ques. She knew their power. bourne. "They had a fine standing enti eould'n'•t afford' to support Mr. Horgan became suave at once. I should say there ought to be some both of them and that her real "I would have to talk this, matter" thing pretty good somewhere for a name is Dorothy Gay. Alone in over with my' 'partner, of course, fort mai: whom t they employed. I'll nee the world, but with a fortune of usually you know we do not du what wires I can' 'pu'll." her own, she considers looking up UAT190 in Just this way," wend on Mr. Five minutes later 'Marjorie turned 'her own family whom s'he,has nev- Horgan. "It would be, however you from her expensive telephone call er seen. A neighbor, Evan Bow- understand, at feast!--" and be 'named well mtiPsfi edi• Mir. Melbour'ne, had or, tries to argue ,her out of it and a sum so much smaller than ' Marjorie been just a kjnd and helpful as she tells her he loves her and asks had dreamed, that she was almost had known he would be. her to marry him. She promises afraid she showed' how surprised, site She took aniobher taxi to the Fed. to 'think it over but decides first was. oral Trust Company Building and to see her family.' She, goes to Very well; said Marjorie tanking a found to -;her joy that Mr. Bryant ith'eir address, fi'nd's that 'they ane deep breath and hoping the man was in and. had Just been talking destit destitute and' gradually persuades couldn't see how, excited she was, I with the Chicago lawyer, so her way them o o accept things they need will get my lawyer oil Telephone was smoother for, her at once . When doctor calls to see her and consult with him about this, He Marjorie was delightedwiWn t'he mother she notices that he seems will know what I should do about it, kind' 'interest he took in the 'matter particularly interested in her sis and I shalt either returnsometime and promised to return to has office ter, On Sunday Marjo iegoes to this afternoon for your answer, or at 't'hree o'clock ,to learn, the result of church with la'er brother, Teal, be sen' a represen'tat'ive of my Chicago his interview' with the real' 'estate unable to persuade sister lawyer to tank with you." company - to b 20 go. meets the minaret Marjoriestill holding her head She went on her way with a whom herr brother ther raves about pari high, sailed out of the office coolly, lighter heart' now, summoning 'hier church wear with only an icy little smile for the wits. 'to remember all the things she Brxmtwhose d, esti the old, estate in. impressed agent. He ,bowed her out wanted to buy. Which ed L Which Iter family lived ostenta'tiously,` almost afraid', to have First of all she had, it in m,ind1 to aItlcont- the lost their man". yShe- bar go lest he was dosing a prospect get a warm .lovely negligee for her fides her plan in her :brother and that perhaps would re never ld turn, mother, and comfortable: prett sli Y P - goes to see a 'real estate ascan Marjorie, out on the pavement, pets to go with it Then she hur- about making the deal. summoning a taxi. 'found 'herself go ried up to the credit department, . excited that she could' scarcely give opened a charge account, giving ,her a direction to the driver. Chicago references, and also Mr. • She had gotten, from Betty a list B'Ty rat, then, Went' and found a So she was soon' in ,his car speed- of some of the' .best department squirrel coat for Betty that, was, al - Ing toward Brentl rapidly, stores, and she went straight to ...one most an, exact duplicate' of her own. After she had gone over the '!rouse and, hunted up a telephone booth, Passing the millinery department without. earn ant, allowing the mart calli'n'g the Wetherill Lawyer on Tong she found' a little soft gray felt hatto continue his sales' parley without distance, with a bright 'dash of pheasant's fea- in,termption, she said as ,they were "Well, I certainly am glad' to hear Ther cocked aslant in -the crown. She about to leave: Your voice, young lady," said Mr. was sure it would be becoming to "Well, now I may as well tell you, Melbourne, "I was beginning to Betty. E am Mr. Gay's daughter. I was think you Brad' eloped or been kid- After that it didn't take much time away for several years during the napped or something. A certain gen- to select warm house coat of brown tame my father laved 'here, and I had tleman in Chicago has Ibestieged; me for her father, a nice leather coat for never seen the house. I know, all night and day to discover your ad- Ted, 'and a thick, warm sweater for the circumstances of my father's dress- Nothing the matter, ,is there, Budd with a 'bright Roman band of having to give up ` the house of that you take such an expensive way colors in the roll of the turtle collar. ,ourse, and' I 'know how they 'bated of communieatio ?" Them' she was off breathless with anx- to ios'e it- I have been wondering "No, nothing the matter," - said iety to meet the lawyer. I there is any way in which my Marjorie. "I'm quite all right, thank She found •a better report than, she "a'ther can recover the house. Can you. But I telephoned' this morning had hoped for. Mr. Bryant had. look - fou 'tell me the 'lowest terms fon instead of watiting to write because ed up the records of the transactions which he could' recover it?" I want your help. I've found the at the time Mr. Gay had sur'r'endered This m'an's face fell. house that used to belong to my bis property, and, found, more than "Oih, in that case you had better .own parents and I want to buy it. I one questionable trick that the pe'r- iee Mr. Horgan. He has chargee of want very much to get possession of petrabors would not care to 'have all those cases. But I. nom quite sure it before Christmas if I can, I shall brought -to light by such a lawyer as rba't mortgage was foreclosed, meed several thousand dollars at once Williamr B'ryi uit, so he had'succeeded "I was not spealoi'ng of putting a and I would like ,to have you put it in bringing them to accept a reason - mortgage on the place. I was speak- into some bank .in, this• city where 1 able sum for bank Payment with in - ng of paying cash. As I understand could draw on it w'ithi'n a couple of terest and the transfer of the proper - :t iry father had only lapsed in his days- Would that be possible?" ty was not going to cost quite as paymients a short time. If he were "I suppose it would," said, the Law- much as Marjorie had been told at heady ntrwA.to pay up all obligations, Yer• "I could wire' it to them today. first. ind whatever other expenses you But are you quite sure this house is She could 'hardily wait for her pur- aad been obliged) to meet, isn't there a wise buy? It's my business, you chases to come home. They would Tome way that the matter could be know, to aftisle you in s'uc'h mat- probably wait for two ar three days fettled and the property be tales' off ters." before sending 'th-em mibl they Riad mur hands•?" "I know," she, said, "but I'm quite 'looked up her references; but they "Why, my dear ,young lady," said sure about this. And even' if it were had promdse•c'i positively that the he man patronizingly; "what 'reason not a wise buy I should want it. bhings would all 'be there before to you have to suppose that your But, Mr. Melbourne, of course I Christmas'. ather could pay his obligations now know I'm not very experi'en'ced in s'to'pped on the way out of n my better thasix mont-las ago buying real estate, and I was won- -She -te store to get a five -pound' box of when the finally surrendered the d'erirrg if there isn't some lawyer in candy and another ,of ,salted nuts. )roperty?" bhis city to whom You could recom- Those would be things she couldn t "When you finally took the Fprop mend, hie, who would take charge well purchase at the little grocery .-rty from him, you mean," said Mar- of bills transaction for me? I think store near Aster Street. iorie coolly. "I understand you gave perhaps these people who have the She realized' as the taxi drove up rim mo chance to refinance the mor.t- house are a little tricky." to the door that the house Iliad be - ,age and that you were very ilraxd "Yes?" said Mr. Melbourne. "Well, come home to her, so drifferent frail bm him dndeeg� However, that has you certainly should' have someone what it had seemed the day she ar. ioth'ing to do with my question. I whom you can trust to look after the rived., only a few brief days before' lave some money myself and I affair. Let me think. Yes, there's Home because there were dear ones voudd like to clear my father's homer William Bryant. He's in the Federal bhere, and already ,her interests were and put the deed in This hands for a Trust Comrpaily Building. I'll call him tied up with theirs. ,hris'tmas gift if I find that yourr de up right away and ask him to look Betty came wearily from the nands are within reason. I shall call after you. Could you go to his office kitchen peering out into the hall at ip my Chicago lawyer, of course, and ,at once? All 'right, I'll phone him her with a relieved look: lave the whale affair looked Into be- about you." "Oh, I'm glad, you've come! I ore I pay the cash, but if I do this "Ob,• thank you, MT. Melbourne!" thought something dreadful had hap- s,hal.1 want to do whatever I do said Marjorie in a relieved' voice. pened to you in the strange, city, --or luickly."- "And, by the way, Marjorie," said else-!" She stopped suddenly. There was something about Mar- Mr, Melbourne, "I don't suppose you "Or else what?" Marjorie looked at orie's air of assurance, that Ira- ''have any,idlea of selling your Chicago her with a sharp note in her voice' wess'ed the real estate man, who property, have you? Because I had a as if 'her answer meant a great deal, rad been having a hard time himself very good offer for it last week." "Or else, maybe you had, got tired ust now. He looked at her a min- "Ob!" said Marjorie a little breath- of tis and game back to Chicago," she' ate questioningly and then he. suit- less. "I hadn't got that far yet. I- said with her eyes half averted+. 'Well, we'll .go and see Mr. Horgan." dae'"uite know what I am going "Oh, and would you have cared?" Mr. Horgan was an elderly man to do." asked Marjorie breathlessly. "Wouid- vith, gray hair parted meticulously in "Of course," said the lawyer, think- n't you have been, rather glad to get he exact middle and thin dips that img Ire knew pretty well that she r•id of me?" ,eemed never to give an advantage to would like to be married before long, ' Myo -110. He had small steel -colored and would have to consult a certain (Continued Next Week) Y have no time to answer questions," she''said ;yes that looked cal'dly, through her young man before she made any de - Ind tr ed to put her through a ques- cislons, but he did not voice any such ionnalre about her family. ' idea, "I just thought I'd mention' it." "Excuse me, Mr. Horgan," she said, "Thank you, Mr. Melbourne. And I have no time to anslwer questions. -please, Mr. Melbourne, you won't want to know if there is ,any way let anybody, not anybody, I mean, n whIc•h my father can now meet the know about this matter of my buying Ibligationsl. Perhaps I had better get this house. I don't see that it's amy- ny Clicago lawyer to attend to the ,one's affair but my own." natter, since you do not seem to be "Certralnly not, my child. You can, v111ing to name any sum that would trust sae for that." at.!sfy the demands." "Amd, Mr. Meib'ourne, the -re's just "Ob, rot at all," aa;id Mr. Horgw one more thing. Would you have ising in protest, "I w0.s mare+,?* in- any conn'ec'tion in this city that erested, .to know just bow sure a would give you influence to get an hing this would' be." opening "for my father somewhere "If I decide to do this, thing," here? He's very much discouraged. ,aid Marjorie, drawing herself t,3 11 1•i -hA a very, fine position and lost I 'f FinF,r aYligFt ELR The Scotch patient was fumbling in his pock'et..' "You don't neeKI to pay ire in ad- vance," s'ai'd the dentist. "I'm not going to," was the reply. "I'm ,only counting my money before you give me the gas." • Prospective Buyer: "But I don't ex- actly like the looks of your '39 modfel in front." Salesman:, "But look at the lines from the 'back. I>oesn't it look good from that view?" Prospective Buyer: "Yes, but -" Salesman: "Wel', that's all any- body ever sees of t1h.1a czar." A QUIET, WELL CONDUCTED, CONVENIENT. MODERN too ROOM HOTEL -96 WITH BATH WRITE FOR FOLDER TAKE A DE, Luxe TAXI FROM DEPOT OR WHARF -260 :L v,. x v ry , r } k kJ F F4fi• N 7fi 4 W I 4 �` e s c�l1s a 't� t r .f T X J a L f w . yj ,q�:mry i� a1 n l �•1 � r I(f ' ��J��A I 1 C Try eY.� � i -.�e ���� . 't i 41 I ' 5' Y °, ;; P„ d r xa i d4 �v .5 'rff^L(. Irk r : ..' .,: � -: .:. �: , : , . ,ro ., ,_. , „ . „s� .,JI^,ryr. „ii'Y.r kYdic•4,•[ ;4 g�.�,"?. 1, - .P aa, 4., t . t h !//�i//j�/ .t.., Ian 1� ,tier .r ,, a �! '` "� gin# _,t 'l ' {.. A 'if .,-a,� Pin". �•r2,,.t�� s. r n P k t�, ,5,,, r1 3r aA : (T'h'e )Wta1�lP,t.; '� ti � 4r'- :, h�F'• 1�'r f<d, I ut }kr' �' i �� '�� •gyp :.,, : • r ", ♦ ", w J $yr i h�" , ry 8�� O',';+t a ... ...... ..' " '. +1 �V ?'� [ x Y ,t e'�t, 4!�Y. �,1 '�- sr�' I�"f, }a t.,tY ,,k3i,.y . r , 1<}r ar''ta �t? vdid",io, F:+b� �Jt (h�ar�r a' {�k`,r1Y.y" For Years my wife and I have been Qlial car,old h tooI .r "aupt�, � F� J�a,h+ z ',: r� �}? ?'��� ,f���, living on a $10,000 scale witth, a $.3,000 Tit �'r .4ctfst z#2,OQQ'r.sYi �q. +'x3`"" `'J � � ,���ht 4, � !' '+xd� `�. ,y-�iyjl , •..: annual an'come-rand not .running IA new, Ibnni , w� ;�rUglat -Iti „iQr1 `$2,,QQ, `�",t', 0;P''� ,P ,Y i•E: ,• � v� I debt, eithsr. i'snl, au ' i t beauty, I ll alt,.but=it hag: -#. No, we !have'w't.' been robbing any alway6�'tagen, us vu!hset a ;rive unrated o r l}8 1 ti ,..x%,: banks, Nor, ,have we an rich .Tela- o aud� bran t its brad 1 ��'. � � ` tax",'�'!�' • Y g .gh �i,111'46'.y ..,., t, 3��,.�,,ry O.S.w 'e,,,,ix'e1 te'F't.1 v„ tives who helpus out. We 'have sim- !thart% better than staying or t� of k i Y1ng to New: ° ply learned that, by eliminating a lot York until you can affolxl to bay a O� ,,, %a ; Dev+o hd , 6�t py uv, of the things that really don't mattes new onla1.- and concentrating orb a few that -do, Often errrough we had no idea where `;CBaneda, ' uuwtao* S i'Ir l► we can get a surprising lot far, our • we were going; we only knew we, mixua d, qct- w,yyil�l,';J,, �r�y�vq � ~� s money. We have found, in shori, the werenTt tx►ming 'back'khe'same miga, '.version +af. t'Ire..Metepl}t� .j , means' to live beyond our means.And We'd keep to one of the main high- b+` , r .43i <�rti our formula applies 'whether your in- ways, until some partaicWgr byway der Gr,W*)1an:L„El, t, qt}." $Ir �I W ,I f a come is $1200 a year or :ten times ,kook. our fancy. Then wte'd follow it,• 10, 1 tun I 1 boo. 'p4evt9ouS,4tn,, �g,%. o � , 11, that. and, perhaps another'ranFd, another, mi- 10, 19161 a+t 1109. ConlaI r5tn'eet- v, r��q�r Travel, for imetanee, is usually- an -til at length we came to some oaun mass, a !dablet was 1l�vgiled�$'�fi��' wall inscribed as Pal- OVM" 'tai% . , rte) R Vy expensive luxury. But not the way' try inn or farmmhouse, Where for a Telephone w'as total, Jame �, 1TO t we do it. Several years ago we went dollar or so we ebuld' ,get "a clean i ''; � dWH� ° 4 to Europe on $1600, stayed six months, room with oomforta:ble beds.'and a There not appear, tv1. I Fain -and came !'home with $200. variety of meals that was an adven evidence to di'spro've the i Poll. ,t �x� We didn't go on the Queen Mary, of 'tune in, itself_ facts: � course. We went on aI freighter. It That was fun! In fact, we thought L On July 26, 1874, ah Bi',anntYolr j r,i cost us $75 each and turned out to be for a while 'thrut -id was more fun Onta`ri'o, A4exandler Grtttilam. •Bell 14 at�:J� ". trips we ever had. than anyttdirg we had ever donne;. 'pressed .for ,the first time Ihle A Ao, one of the finest tri r + °` There were Only a dozen of a telephone-. Speaklnlg to e *,'i 1 passengers clams the, "yacht"-,s'inice when p` If:1, to and we had the ruin of, the sbipl-the we've had to revise all our ideas a he explained im detract, and illwatrrdtpt�"ill:, `k bridge and the engine ,room as wen bout pleasure. With diagrams, his •plane ibr the else- `'"., as the decks'. The food was, good., It, was in March of 1936 that we trlcal trans'mies4bia, of speech. too. It had to be, for we ate with found °t he Preludes a motor cruiser 32 2 On June 2, 1875, at. Uostoo �6' the officers and the were fussy. And Peet overall and Mass. -',--Bell working with his w' " "!�,.e. Y powet+ed with am 85-d with' it we were dished out huge par- horsepower motor. What the, owner ant, Thomas A Watson, campletstt n tiaras of Political Opinion by the vert- wanted for her is his business, but the construction of -cru , apparatus l+,,, I �i Lona nationalities' represented, and in. he finally., agreed on $600. There which Proved .the taheory first express..I'll � teresti'ng debate on international af- must be ,a hitch somewhere, we ed at Brantford that it 'was ,possabler- fair's. thought- He cxiu1dmP't find the hitch to talk over., wire. - r Two weeks to Antwerp were equal- and we're now going into our fourth The ° follpwing'• is an extract from a ly gay and, inexpensive, and we saw serasoa with the Prelude and still letter which Bell wrote to W. F. Clock--' ,rf.i Belgium before we entered France- haven't found it. shutt, of Brantford', qct 'March 1111- I6t72;. &,1, `a iigth $1,200. True, she's 2i0 years old. True, she 19�' t . Then Paris'! In a roomy Left Bank hasn''t-`exactly modern fines, ands was "It so happens that 6h e' tetepltion0 t' - apartment, we bought our own food, shabby -looking when we was invented' in Camadra,. at Tuteloa, i t 14 g ori bought Fher. Hei'ght's, during my visit to m'y Pother cooked it, made our own bed's and But she's built in that solid -ribbed, had, the time of our lives. We stayed heavy-Plan'ked' way that outpoints ap and mother in 1874; but the first stele-: .c; three mpntha, being good tourists as pearanc'te by long odds when it comes phone was' made in Boston is -1875,• n ,�1�,' well as Bohemians. We saw the' to heavy weather, and we's, painted and all the early experiments were ., I.$ ' Louvre, the Tronadero, Nbbre Dame, 'her until her white topsides, and green made there up to the time of the Cera had cocktails at Harry's' American :'decks glisten in the sun, ,while tier tenndal Exposition in Philadalpihia_ _ ,i Thus the telephone .was conceived in- I''' Bar, sipped coffee in Sidewalk cafes, ealri'n.ms a ©sol luxury of ereaYn paint Brantford, reduced' to practice (madFe'. sang chansons on Christmas Eve in and varnish wit gay chintz curtains practgcal) in'. Beaton, and berme I a Mon•tmartrp bistro -did innumer- over the portholes. able .exc'iting things' we'd read and She'll take us anywhere that a mil- ' kn'own to the world at the Centennial heard about. liarraire's bransl�mew Expo'srtian' 171 P'haladelphia °'a, yacht would. But Addressing the Brantford Board o! 4i. But meanwhile the abominable Par- it isn't in this alone that the Prelude Trade at a darner. 'held March 9th, ,1, is winter Fhad come. So we left for gives us so much pleasure. She's 1906, .the telephone inventor staid: h, fir, the Riviera, still with $800. open up a new world to us, a mora can affirm to you gentlemen that the At a little fishing village between relaxed, Iess hurried way of living. c inception of it (the telephone) that was -, ` Cannes and Nice we fount' a sunny Many of aur happiest week -ends have room in a clean, little pension right been spetnt iIn quiet Fharbors perhaps 'in: Brantford." on, the beach, where for, about $10 a only a few miles) from home. Speaking to the Canadian Club at II Ottawa 'on Marcor: 27, 1909, before a '' week each we had an option an three IY we want to ruin, all we have to excellent meals per day. But some- do is dive 'off the side, if we want 'distinguished audience that filled' to 1"... times we missed) them, roaming about to sun, we just stretch out on deck. capacity -the 'large dining room of the Grand' Union' so that the smaller I. the countryside. Nice at Carnival If we want to fish', tine merely throw roams shad to be used, the iwvenbor time, the perfume industry at Grasse, out A line. If we want to go ad'ven- said in' the ancient walled ruins of Antibes, Ituring ashore, we have only to get part; the Posting of the toy Guard at Mon in the dinghy and' row. And our lit- "It is rather curioua to me to see the dispute about where the telephone eco, and of course the C'as'ino at tie galley meets all the requirements `�, Monte Carlo -all these and many oth- of three large appetites was invented: I have not any doubt • x er fabled sights we saw for a song All very expensive, you .might think. about it. It was I who invented the ,i1, that magic spring. But actually' vt costs us no more than telephone and it was where I hap Sometimes we fancy we might be those week -ends of vagabonding in pealed. to be at the time. It so Fhap- livin,g there yet, if an urgent family ,the car. Last year we used 300 gal- pened that I resided in Salem, Mass,. matter hadn't dragged us home. Back lona of gasoline, which took us 1,000 and ca'rt'ed on work in Boston, and .11 in the States, with that i-ncredgbie miles for $50. Far oil and incidentals then I would come up to my father's !� $200 still left of our original 1,6'00, we spend home ,in Canada to spend a large, per- gi $ Pe Perhaps g a season. Re y I carried my instru- tI we concluded that tr'h�velling abroad pairs? They are negligible, and I do tion of mr time. -had been cheaper than staying'at most of,the work m ments with me, but of this you may myself. With yacht home! Yet thousands could have club memYbe.rship, winter haul -u -p and be sure, the telephone was, invented x:1 been spent without getting as. much aplriag outfitting, our total cost hasn't in Canada. It was made in, ,the Unit- ed States. The first trangmizsdon of r' real joy. exceeded' $300 a year --a cheap i,nveslt- Similarly we have. .made trips to meIIt for six months afloat, particu- a human vodee over a telegraph wire, Florida, the West lndies and, Califor- 1•arly when you count your dividends where, the speaker and listener were ria, always at small cosh simply be- in irEalth and happiness. miles apart, was -in Canada' (Bran,t- cause we've learned how to make our Anyway, we manage to afford it, as ford to Paris, a distance of 8 md,les). money go furtrher, in 0he direction of we manage to afford Whatever we But the transmission was only ane the things we really wait. choose to do, by eliminating a lot of way -you could not talk 'back; you But travel, after all, is only an oc- things that don't seem so important. had to telegraph back. The first easgonal truancy from normal living. For the art of living, as we see it, transmission by wire, in which eon- Aud living as we see it, involves first 'is to do the few things you wan,L most vensation was carried on reciprocally a decent roof over your ,head. We've to do --and nevor mind the rest. Even over the same lune was in the Unit - been fortunate in this respect. Once, a millionaire can't have everything, ed States, but I was there all the time for instance, we m•aniged to lease an and it certainly is the case that the ? en -tire 20 -acre estate' for $50 a month. ti4ep'hone was 6nve,nJted lin Canada That is to say, we leased a six -room and the first actual use of telephone 1 LONDON and VVING11" lin+es was in tlhis country." I cottage on the .estate. The own'er's WFlien the monument to Bell and his house was vacant NORTH invention at Brantford was unveiled All suaumer and fall we had free A.M by the Duke of Devons,hire,.tthe great j run of that beautiful estate. The Exeter . . .......... . . .... • , 10.34 inventor at the close of bis address 1 sun' baths we took in the meadow!. Hensall ................ .... 10.46 said: "I wish to say, On behalf of The wild strawberries we 1 picked on gippen , • , . • 1- ...... , • . _ .. • , 10.52 the, Bell Telephone Memorial Associa- - J the hillside! The walks we had Brucefield 11.00 t,ion 'that I have greet pleasure in -1 11 through the woodland! You may say Clinton .................. 11.47 presenting to His Excellency a silver it was pure luck, but somehow we Londesboro 12.06 telephone, and I hope that in using bhin'k that when the time comes to yrs ...... , . , • , • 12.16 it the will remember that the telephone Myth ........... .'� look for another such place, we can Belgrav,e ... . . .... . ......... . 12.27 originated in Brantford and that the find one. We have confidence in our Wingllam , • , , • , • • , • , • .. • .. • • 7.2,45 first transmission to a ddatance was system, you see. -4 For the past few years we've' had to SOUTH m'ad'e between Brantford and! Parise" Live in New York City. You wouldn't P.M. The following synopsis of telephone know we pay only $40 a month for Wingham 1.50 ebron'ology in Alexander Grabam our apartment. "An attractive a Belgrave .................... 2.06 Bell's own handwriting appears In I part- Blyth ......I......... • ...... • 2.17 Cat'heiine, Mackenzie's book, "Alexan- -i men t,' you'd probably say. "Unus- Londesboro 2.26 der Graham' Bell," which was publish- <,IJ uai." C1in'ton ................... 3.08 ed in 1928 by Houghton, Miffin Com - Well, if it's attractive, it's' because Brucefleld ..... 3.28 pa.ny. It wa.s made in 1917, at the 9i we've made it so. And, we l:ecogngzed gippen 3.38 time of the erection of the Boli Mem- its 'unusual" •, Possibilities before we Hensall ..................... 3.45 orial at Brantford: .'..j to'o't it -rooms On different levels' and .. little half -flights of stairs Exeter 3.5a There are ninny more statements going up stimilar to the; foregoing embodied in , d and down. Furniture? Yes, it's nice, various cther of Bell's public a.dd:res.s but you'd be surprised what you can C.N.R. TIME TABLE es• pick up nowadays at auctions for next Thr question of where and when to nothing. EAST the lelophono was invented would Then,'Vh-ere's but food'. My wife is a A.M. P.M. seem to be determined by one's inter - good cook, but site can't doctor a Godertch 6.35 2.30 Irrrtatfon of the word "invention." :.,i Holmesville ......... 6.50 2.52 tough steak into sem, elide that tauten Clinton 6.58 3.00 The inventor said the telephone was like a tenderloin. Besides, we don't Seaforth ?.11 3.16 invented in Canada and the first bele11 11 - like tough steak, no matter how well St. Columban 7.17 3.22 P'h'or.e was made in tJhe United States. doctored. S'o we go short on, m'ea't Claimants that the telephone was 'in11, - and bong on ve tabbes. Dublin .............. 7.21 3.29 Mitchell ............. 7-34 8,41 vented in th,e United States mainrta.in jj The best places for these, we have that the actual reduction to.'pmactice-11 found, are the pushcarts. My wife WEST con's'titutes the invention. visits the nearby "pusahmrt alley" al- Mi'tch'ell ............. 11.06 9.28 IVinvention be thought of as, a pro most daily In pursuit of the luxurioars Dublin ............. 11.14 9.36 oess made up of bobh conception and ' TI broccoli, the furtive alligator pear or Senforth ............ . 11.30 9.47 reduction to practice, and if neither the timid mushroom, as wel'i as' .such Clinton .............. 11.45 10.00 of these steps be stressed at the ex- .:, homely garden friends as potatoes and God•erich ............ 12.05 10.26 pease of or to the exclusion of the "y' tomatoes, beans and carrots. This, of other, it will become apparent that ,'S cour's'e is, strictly a caslrand-carry pro- both Canada and, the United States Position. You can't telephone apish- C�-R. ►jv 179 t,T)T 11 have minds con4rd'bu•taons of unique im- cart! But it's fou to buy stuff and TIME TABLE portance to the invention, and early Z It lug it back. I've done it, EAST development of the telephone. Can1. - Clothes are another item that can P.M. ala and the United- States, each in, its i. run into a lot of money if you let God'erie`h ................ 4.20 own way, contributed jointly to Bell's , ' them, which we don't. I've often Menset .....1.. 4.29 great achievement To each, do its ria" bought as good a suit for $25 as, some McGaw ..... . ... . . ..... .. 4.33 ,proper measure, and without detract- ..Vl. ... shOPS s''ell for $50. My wife dresses Auburn 4.42 Sng• from the claims of the atter, r l ...: extremely well on about a quarter of, Blyth ................... � 4.b2 must be given a part of the credit � � what most of her friends spend, And Walton ....................: 6.06 Which trh'ey jointly s2rare ", since our son wears out, expensive McNaught 6.16 rr5 clothes just as fast as thea ones, Toronto ..................... 9.00IT p we outfit him in the nearest thing to WEST An attendant in a menial home was. qM1' cast iron we can find, usually cordu- A.M, making his evening round when he 5ll y• Toronto ...................... 8.30 came upon one of the patients Indus. f ", a Then there's recreation, Whatever M•-Naug'ht ................... 12.03 triously fishing in a wash -basun with Vii? we manage to save olsewher�,, we Wulton ...................... 12.18 rad and, line. q$1D, spc nd here. But we concentrate +an Blyth ....................... 12.23 Wishingm : to rhuour the mann, the at- , i the week -end's. Rarely in the past few Auburn ..................... 12.32 te'uda'n� asked flim if he had naught 1. years have we stayed' in New York McGaw ............,...... 12.40 anythitlg. ,, 11 on a Saturday or Sunda3r. Instead, Menslet 12.46 "W'hatl" said the Patient, "its -if t x we've plledl ourselves into our roomy Gode'rt•eh ............. , ....... 12.65 waslh-basin'.! At°e you Gtvazy?" e� r. 1 4 1 F r ,. a P i a e IaSJ:;t �r , .r ,y,. ': 'Y:k1.-` i L'�lry "�+'}, , ,i1 t'ti,G nb. 1;e: t�++� Pfni'1`''1>� ,wfy ,��7��" 5`�rA,n