HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1939-05-12, Page 6,l rr t a i' t `[k 7iiAi% ar �Ii�. . O � I 4$, I I',' s ky I �, l BLE = T �mpa4 t0 Uaotc rpt bit@ swine.*Oa • . • ai 'i 1 i $ F etsetti7ive. I ferret out ping.dor :Goaumittee# of Z + ° 1 tit .,alt kiwis of gambIllia, X43 dq'f. XQlltea Vor'.aresorflst, aste�am .. • 't1r tp bonky-rtowks to gentle- ash. iIt es, lane!, even for sindivirinals', Mpp `sessdons. You ;maay not followed. 1. +,H ,t .people watts MOnoy' and ' 'I get ar green kick out of trying to rj 1 ,pVear cheat, but they da- 8- The last 'beat gg�a;mfbleM at their owlet gam Al t r jXce the depression. times it in dangerous) --witness the �, 1F re 6 roasts club I investigated - a -three mevolvtem slugs that once Put me 1. h 0 M•gb4lliat !outfit managed by in the 'hospdatal for eight months. Al. , :" , >ltias tUternationally famous; M the a ' ways it In texaabug, I rarely drink or . world! -•turned out to be stiff sm obe, for my' senses must be keen. I+�it-b 1'mechandco'9--thee trade name I music 'be able to tell by the mere 4�p card manipulators. °are feel of a (deck that its edges have VN � ;'here humndred 3 of methods of been mdcrosvopidaelly shaved off so ... Pula ting cards. Most of them that the ptatternt on, the 'back isn't 's ,,,i a+e'sea .simple a flour -year-old could quite •th6'ebme on aR- the cards. I 'rr �"' 1 1 ret them* -with 10 years of 'prac-, must catch the lightning -flicker of a ° � g iIicis. Try spotting and remembetinD card dealt from the bottom. I must .d :the order of any given 25 ,card's while be able to detect the odor of was .' you're "shuffling" or• dealing, mean- which has made a "slick ace" ready ?`�' •• ' while talking naturally all the time, for slip -cutting. In this manipulation. f : sae a "`bustler" ,must! Pick up and rif- the hacks of the aces awe 'slightly+'pol- !shed with wax so that it, in cutting ;' flee a deck of cards- All you see is a k" .R blur of cards ends. But a good me- a player pokes ?.due dfeck wilts - Dawe fin-� ¢ charade has seen and caught 'h!s thumb ger, as many people do carelessly in- dnto an ace -end as he shuffles, ;and " stead of lifting the cards vertically,; s`• ,that ace is brought to the top or the the cut will tome at Sire ace. • °' .bottom, wherever he wants it. The Of all gambling games. bridge has • "' ' next shuffle catches the next ace, and prgbably been responsible., for the i 11 1}' so forth, as far as he likes. Get good most crookedness. A couple can get `'r and you can ;deal the bottom card, away with murder mlarely by sorting ' y. ' or the second from the top, or even and ,holding their cards in a certain ''Sl the second from the,bottom, without way that shows length and strengtib '. , anouslag the susapicions of amateurs. of suits. And cheating isn't ttard for 11 A good mLeehanfc can deal anybody an accomplished lone wolf playing ,'-` any hand he likes at any time, or with three honest 'players- Anyone' , 66 stack th:e carats so his opponent will who knows- manipulation - can Loner 1' ` deal him the hand lie wants, wolf A table very profitablyt-,especied- I ,have never gambled professional- ly a woman. You might wonder about _ ly, but for years I made my Lfyi'ng on a man who was always doing fussy the vaudeville stage as a card manipu- things with his hands, but a woman 'i-"' lator. Later I turned to •crook -spot- can keep getting .things Dui of her Boys -and Girls Have Anaemia How you do like to see your and irritable. He may have eye children healthy and robust, enjoying trouble and is in a weakened condition - outdoor games and building* string bodies and healthy minds. You aro The quick way to overcome the Insulted when anyone mentions mal- anaemic condition is by use of Dr. nutrition, And yet a child suffering (,hase's Nerve (rood, because thio fromanaemia us starving no matter food treatment supplies in oondensed' how much food is set before him. form the very ingredients in which the system is lacking. Children He has loss of appetite, poor respond beautifully to this restora- o digestion, tired feelings and is fidgety tine medicine. ® , . ,, Em il 1.11„ � t .Y F r ,ry_ k f'., 5 5 �. .. :, .A. "::. Nry ,,1� �- , .v . - N l , -..%' .R” . r� p vF L, h :�". a P as ers, an, perhaps up to a couple of handfuls for shrubs But ever bdurt7h r fifth dollar to y O • When this hand 'was dealt it re- ewers and we all know we know 'em. and trees. ,, (tare should be taken 9n the Pocketed, Paying out marks from •C funds supplied by "The olonel." Af- F1 sulted in another grand slam- Mor- rison broke the silence: "Stage stuff," Why dion't we ,have a straight. game for once. And to make sure there's use of any commercial fertilizer tahat in does ter eight utonths, he decided- he need- • �,�� w n•o paper being used, we'll make ft a ed an;advauced ban,ki course it .bra alma mater. His father -fn -law axrang- -`s"`-'•�=---==-Y•-�=�- -_-_- --• ':r'~__=- _ =-- �-�-,_->_-�-- crimp yretiur opponents .get lire slam." "Oh, no,,, I 'said. "While the deal rule to deal off time bottom ail- the time." Bottom dealla g, you see, (puts ft"bas" ' t l A w *, • MF4'� t 4 .,-4,` p, , 11 jLwT !d -TV#* :`yR�'� "w"$W_19M.w,T '10 _; ^'01I'oVP vP(likl �+o-t�i"'�1 '.,. 0" ba4 S1Re !.�, - on� chick �Ifew ale wine tee d -thio tela, show you how Ra � . T. MAWt, _ -^ a 0lt oOf It011 h card+ s < ttgmsiata rf alml br isej; ea�" In va r a � , �+�,-„...-- �_ �"'";.. J ' a 1. S� F :i"k. : (1d' 1�01e gq d ipe 'ate IVi>gltt>�Q .-^^. s . i `t he* aboot as obe ,peored 'at the. dulxt,_ ,grand, done?” ,i( gobed, ° ��I - - NO! wore 1.. ion', , .. a , :. my --•lots of wbmateea• do. But the a 'M�orria•pn spt�k'e up: ThO.t wbul'd - � ^'•, sp antique brooch which �tiad a sharp be veuy 'intarelskispcg." 'Asci they -all x' - BocUdo a+aay. 0,00s , Ii� point conoi0ed In the dealdf,u It was agreed. f �,' � trouble, . V"" I 60., a beeuflful way to mark Nrfectly neww Three memlpars sat down, with me � "o,1' ,: - - � iw year kidnq*,B _____ M: `tom cardiL anal' everybody crowdled sWund. After a' . ing-n-it is Coo uripect�N, , �albil.p isfMAA Then there. ware the telub beer^ I the tihlhdrat deal -which was the first V�pt"^ "^�1 � to cone Backaeliaa a, r � ci A dw" was asked to play with because. he one using cards I -bad s,huff~led -- I `° sign of Backache sera1 eoddeelh to DOW6 - '' kidney 1'illa-,-for over half a � do wa wit+�ming too regularly. A study said, just after the bidding, "Lary - •� fovorite reined [orCy [01h of his•, play convinced me that he was down, partuner." And, I Ladd doww my Extending Season tattles. One-third of the seed can be � � � using "paper" (marked Chris) - ahi� fharid simultomeously'. Between: us we Cana", gau+dle ni'ng season ,can, be sown; at thus ,earliest Possible dla.te Dodds rudney'Pi1f bids were boa accurate, his finesses Thad Pour aces, three king® and three lertgthened considerably by usingIOutside, -one-t>hird,at the normae 'bizpe fell too Pat -but on subsequent ex- queens. A walkover slam, in no- sta ted plants and; spreading sow'in'g dud one-third two to three weeks eat- amfaation the cardsseemed -entirely trumps. operations over several w'eeks'. MWo er than usual. This 'practice is per- ' InnocentA couple of people looked • at "Grand is especially desirable with vege- fectly feasible with those long se Asou Them I recalled the green eyeshade Slam Morrzsonl' oddly; othOrrs were vegetables like corn, carrots, beets ,ring for transferring funds abroad- to this fellow always wore while Play-. clamoring to knew how I'd done tt and It endures ,the very freshest vege- surprisingly moderate- lA per ceuth, Ing, pulled way down. I squinted at "We'll go ,throA'ah it again'," I saaddd, looking ,him in the eye,. tables, just reaching 'maturity, all ,plus a little chiseling on the exchangesthose those red cards through a green eye- "and I'll: show you." "I try my 'beat to keep the crooks through late summer and, fall. ,parte. There * no receipt giveun No shade and there on the back of the I won the declaratim on the next 'cut," he•mumbled, all but and bother- With early vegetables ,like Peas} and details arra discussed. Sometimes top card was, a great glaring -"K." deal, and took the first ,trick. "Watch ed. But he knew I was on to him. He -leaf lettuce, ;however, where first there ,is no news of the transactiow "Lper uminous reader" has become the closely," I ,said, as I started to gather was never seen Fund the club a- growth in the cool part of the sea traeite na a for that kind of -paper." in, "The other ,three are considering �'n,• son is esel anrtial, it is (best to stow all for months. But the ring is r cent. �, esanib. trustworthy and. 89 �Pe'r cent. Next eviening when the "lumivous their hands and paying no attention One' time on a log train) trip a !seed first thing in the spring. Har- isuecsassful do delivering � out4;2de reader" appeared for hes game the to me. As I pick up,ithds "'trick, I iloddte train�cquasdnMance at mine gat into a vesting seasorq 5 this case Is spread ,the CoUn,�,• club oamlmittee waited unti•1 play at the first and third cards high, if they poker game with four straugers. out by using at east one early, one Suppose a mianufaeturer has marl, ,his table got well started. Then, at, aren't that way already. An ace and When the game ended he bar lost medium and one late variety. age to accumulate some undeclared: a given signal, each member pulled a queen fell this time. The ace is l enav'ilfy, "and most of it; the said rue- To add still fulpther ty the season Cash wbdoh ,he wants to invest abrrad- out a 'green eyeshade and put It on.' first, as I turn the trick down, the fully, `on that last -studs when I hold it is possible to ring in Just before . He Inquires discreetly among friasirdass Not a word was said. The crook..turn- queen third. See? Nobody saw tba.t " I said, before be could finish .the stalks attached and hang or store four p si--'' the first severe frost next fall toms- and soon heir's of an agent of the . the color of the eye -shades up, they Changed order. But they did:" And you were topped' by a straight toes, vines and all, celery, corn; with ming. caA'lo on him. sand firths he and, walked .owt� for good. The fourth trick went to my ap,Pan- flush,is no shady manipulator, but a solid W nufacturing "paper" is just one ents, I picked it up qu'iokl and laid the sentence. in some t oo1 lace like garage or cel- p . pm', whro is outmg y p citizen -a mete tee of the activities of a flourishing indus- it in front of the right man. But He had been a victim of the, .`chap- lar where the cobs or fruit will go on ed at ,the suggestion and even thre'an- try which supplies, all the tools of the again I ,showed the audience that, in maker shuffle.- This is a bit of manuring slowly for weeps after frost erre to call -the police. But if the gambler's trade -everything from el- the process, first and third cards trod tricked 3u which the d'esdi^edr cards has blackened everything left out- n*mIjacturiek is +Wee Vecomm abomte mechanisms for ,holding out become high" are cleverly planted during the pick- doom, and It 'lie persists, ,he, is sent to certain' cards that may be wanted eat= I was wdmdersing 'how ole up of the last Played ban(% and stack ' Walks , y pe P "Herr KbrleWl--gond of the chlet er, down to "shiners," little mirrors were .rem-em'bering that one of Mar- .ed by a 'lightning -fast maneuver in lieutenanrtel--who will probably ban- . which enable the dealer to see the• ttison'ss little habits was occasionally, which 'the dealer slide & cards! fmm In the smaller garden where visi lis the deal. If the s nigxmt is excep- faces of the cards be is decking. The handing' tricks to his opponents with both the top and bottom ,of the deck � and children, soon weer grass dniaonally (large or 'the case involves commonest kind of a shiner is a higli- a :sort sof nervous dybliaginguesm into their desired; positdons while sh'uf- thin along the edges of flower beds s'peclo bribery, :the manufacturer is ly polished disc in a ring, the (fisc be- The next two tricks they won were fling. A false cut by a conferedate, or between the house and the sw'i'ng passed an to "Tli�e Colonel-•" ing turned inside the (hand' while work- in the right order' anyway. As I rak- and the deal works out like this: the or arbor, regular paths are needed. "The Colonel". never hasndles mon= ing. One fellow used to work with ed in the whole deck to remake it for epump gets dealt four aces and; the With a l'ittl'e care they will add beau- ey. That,is.Korledn's job. • -' The Cof-.-. an ordinary safety match ,box, with a .the man on m right, I fixed the last d•es'aler gets a bobtailed -flush _9 -10 -J -Q ty to the rest of the garden; too. y' y oneh knows wham to bribe, when and little mirror set inside so that, when trick, too and showed the mwbat I in any' suit you Kke-•cal '1 it clubs Most pleasing materials of all for this .!t is ]aid casually on the 'table half was ddaing. here. With four goes dealt 'bim, the' Purpose are flagstones•. Trhese are where, and how tette money is to be open in, front of .the dealer, the mir- "Now," I said, "I'm shuffling for sucker Is easily nreed'led up into al tre- broad, flat, thin slabs of any soft m)Dved° Korleam collects the cash arnd ror reflects the cards: • - my opponent ,here to 'steal. Usual! mendous ,pot. But whatever lie d'bes, stone, usually found- in abundance a_ awaits, instmetioms. Abttnr he has Y turned it over in a turtiv , rendezvous players watch the -eater-but watch the dealrer will $11 h9aa flush, bier the ''round certsfzt river beds Users of mechanical devices are al- to a Horan he siwe<s not know, the •rest ways in danger of exposure. An ex- me rnsteadt, I'm a little eccentric in next two cards• on top of the deck The stones ane flush with -the sun . pert manipulator of legitimate cards my mode of shuffling.', I refiled; the arc ,the king and eight of clubs. The ground and at least an inch and; a is routine. Other players will drop. If the suck- heti of 'grasss is left between edges. On a might train to .Amatasrd'atmr on the other ,hand, seldom gets ex- two (halves drf� s pack into each.otther there Is a sealedcompartullerit with p -play's k big part in but ,on the ; The mpp'er half pro- er stands part the gambler gets) the Sometimes after the sod is cut .out posed. Pick-up king'; if the chumtp'dlraws one card, the exact shape and; depth of each blinds drawn, ostensibly occupied by card mandpulatioia. I wars once 'w.11ed Jected tihrougln,,.the ']ower sha3dR Perhaps a Nazi official. German customs and in by the officers of a swank country half an inch. With second finger anal be 'gambler gets the !eight. stone, a little sand is added to the financial ins'pector's are not allowed to club who had begun to suspect the thumb of my,,rigl it handl I grasped the I decided to have some fun with bottom of the hole, for drainage and enter such a compartment, or ques3- extreme right end of the deck, Ditto these .train hustlers. It was easy to to make walk firmer. Built in this I winnings of,a member we ental! call tion its occupants-ff it has any. ..Iu, h i i Morrison 11�ost of them resulted wth left, and and, extreme left end. get into a game with them and after way the lawn mower will run right that comportment is a Fortune in jew- 1'he cards that the left was grasoi'ng the necessary preliminary play they over the pathway. from an implausible number of sue eery"and currency bound for !;areas: in ce,sful grand slam,.bids. I was of- were pulled through and Put on top. started their big act. But I upset Other permanent walk materials Amsterdam. The "seated comp xt- ficiaily introduced at a club party as I did it very slowly, pope at light- their applecart by doing what no sane are sand, cinder or brick, merit" is the r'ing's most frequently ct- Pok.en^player would do -in a straight perp speed, it sounds axil looks exa an amateur card manipulator`' who was ly as If it were a clean shuffle. But gofficial connivance. -game. I didn't stand pat on my Four Transplanting used device. It requires; of courses; actually the deck 'had, not been shuf- aces, or draw only one card - I dis, Secret of successful 'transplanting is Sedate banking firms are need, too. KA fled at all, carded two cards, including .One of The"banks have ancient smuggling gle�,ty of water. Of next importance ggh K People began• to ,remember, that the aces. And ndrok twos -the king w0l be shade and stimulant. Mov- routes -barges oii the Fthine, freight. 1% Morrison often: riffled cards at an an- and ei€+ht that the dealer had to have. i , gle that way. Believe me, I kept my eyes gluedon ng aplan- is something like an ap- trains, 'pleasure steamers on Lake' ' the oration for a human being, and the Constance, skiers, peasants whose ac- Phen I showed unemm 'hover to crimp e deck wtlifle the dealer was dismdng larger t+he specimen the more recce neige straddles a !;prier, bourgeois the deck -put a. slight bend) in the out thosetwo, to roti .sure he didn't excursionists who take the sight-see- cui;ds at the place where I wanted the try to bottom -deal. ThQy were a •sick and the attention. With shrubbery and trees often train roots are ,cut Ing buses to Switzerland h]}at require, e -J'%L40 e kmof %J esi :si niado in 0he radjddl'o of the pack. looking lot when I showed three aces and We shock is severe. lialf a pail no pass'port and are not inspected by 1;, fla,ing this, the corners of the bot- against the deal'er's perfectly useless frontier guards. iwti half dozen• cards are surTe ti•t- bobtail flusfh'. I won track my friend's of water after setting out. is .nc¢ toe P much for such big things, and the The Reiehsbank Itself was a rec:ent- ouAv brnt slightly downward by the dough and ,m.ad'e both of us some watering" should be repeated two or ly involved.- in, a sensational scandal - thumb of the right hand; then tht., Money to boot. A un German, gradu bottom half of 0,e deck is dlrawn out You read stories about how gam- three times a week, if a quick start ca g ate of eau gh- . by the right hand and placed on top blens really like cards and got toga- is wanted. erican university, monists' the 1, and of the deck -and the deck placed, on ther for honest games for recreation. With ordinary annuals and peter- ter of an important Nazi officihl, and That's u rials liberal watering is also adlvis- t'e'as thereupon made head of tiliee3 the table at air angle which hides the just in erotica. In real life ,r crimp from the person cutting. WiiEi the chisels are always ready and al- able and, shelter from hot sun for bank's foreign exchange depar6mea a crimp, the average player will in-1ways sharp. There's one big-time the first few days. Soiree• pickup in He reoesdvod mll foreign money sent in: the way of quickly available com,m,er. payment for German goods, deposited; knowingtly Cut to the right wbee tun -he performer, 'however, who occasionallyofftion. cial fertilizer will help at this time, it in the sacred foreign exchange . e . ri - e , cards'n at It's the spot alters the gets away with that piece of ession- merely a pinch for small thins like vaults, and paid marks to industrial - cards naturally break. He lays for a group of his profession- tomato Ianis or t d g isds at the rate of 2.50 to the dollar . IN "That's why I don't need a conf(N(l- eara�te to m'ahe the right cut," I said. al associates and says: "Now boys, we all know all the an- P as ers, an, perhaps up to a couple of handfuls for shrubs But ever bdurt7h r fifth dollar to y O • When this hand 'was dealt it re- ewers and we all know we know 'em. and trees. ,, (tare should be taken 9n the Pocketed, Paying out marks from •C funds supplied by "The olonel." Af- . _ sulted in another grand slam- Mor- rison broke the silence: "Stage stuff," Why dion't we ,have a straight. game for once. And to make sure there's use of any commercial fertilizer tahat in does ter eight utonths, he decided- he need- -- -- _ _- -n ?- ��-- T--. ��-~��•; y -_ - � --�= " '_- �'-- -` '=,_'= he. said., "If your partner misses the n•o paper being used, we'll make ft a trot actually touch roots or foliage. in the dry state it is ed an;advauced ban,ki course it .bra alma mater. His father -fn -law axrang- -`s"`-'•�=---==-Y•-�=�- -_-_- --• ':r'~__=- _ =-- �-�-,_->_-�-- crimp yretiur opponents .get lire slam." "Oh, no,,, I 'said. "While the deal rule to deal off time bottom ail- the time." Bottom dealla g, you see, (puts liable to burn. Authorities usually play safe and dfis- a�"'a .passport and a 3,000 draft far $ 'nus :;�,c,•�:,--.. -- - _ :• _ _ _ m was going oil, I casual;iy picked up marked cards • out of the question, solve the fertilizer in water before applying. flra�t year abroa"dL Two months later revealed a bad; amsii- =--_= -1 v y - rthsi first few cards oto glance at them. since 1.h�e, dealer Cann see the back of lce dollar shortage x- lionchange- _ �- - __ - � �%- If the crimp shad gone wrong, I'ei, have the bottom Card'. Half .throfits had gone _to _ --=- accidentally exposed a card and tib t would have made a new deal nieces So the bays diene a big carie game, all ddsaling fr+am the bottom and chuck- NEXT *EEK - Doctoring Sick the ring and ebalf to the young Ger- -__-_--- _- =�_ sar.y „ ling over it But tete 'last chuckle is �.Buflding UP Sail. ser as head mart Likewise, tell - __ - =-_ -I It was p,mtty Chilly in that room. always the big boy's because he hap , of this Deviseaisnelie ddsapp,eau�ed iriimc ddoa months ago with a slice of the foreign - :_.- G e l�► Particularly,in Morrison's neighbor- bood}--so chilhy that he hastened out pens to be an expiert at' the Greek mom-wthlch is dealing :not the Stat reserves and recently the 'ne*est _ _el. �_ -• - - of the room, and a short while later but the 'second card from the bottom. a ermany''s � armed' on' •suspicim "rhe CoWnel's" organization, th>:rivest --___ {nk =L left town for good. Funny business in clubs crops up And he knows what it is' because be uses a "shiner" and can see both the Bootleg Ring on croseso A large corps of baa - clerks rode into Prague with fire -' - _.,�_`` T r -- =..... >:-- from s31 quarterr.v,. I remember one time was putting on a card -trick bottom and next-ta-bottom Cards, as he slides them with a dampened 5n- (Condensed! from The Forum in Nazi troops bp take over the banker _ _ - `°=��:=_ -' - = =- --- -- - -- -- _ .I sshow at a well-estabbehed club. While ger im dealing, Reader's, Digest) and serize foreign currerrcy. The bor- let's were sealed. But "The Cioliom- ...---.----- .1 --- _ - ==- ___ __ _ waiting in the a er's office I hap- - Pm nag P A sure sign of a card ciieat is the 'rrueehamle's el's" mean were do Prague, too, and _-_ _--'--_- _ _ -= .`!y ? 5 == peneci to Irick up a pack of cerise that 'grrP," with wfilch cards For six ydans the Nazis have snriv t ring he ng mg,de efficient contact with '=:a 'sem": ----=_ A -_ _ - - �•_ were !ping on the table. Inrmeddartc- Can be dealt from the top, bottom., or en desperately to keep money, from panicky manufacturer's, business meat - - ly I realized I was 'holddnag a "strip secand�-dealt with equal facility. In seeping out of Germany. But despite tenni bankers who wanted to send; _- -- per" deck -a pack in which certain the medbanic's grip, three fingers of Intensive border Controls and drastic money out-_qulck. --`- •- cards hrve heew eldP'Ped at the ends- the left hand holding the sidle of the Paws Carrying permUdes that even in- Just its astonishing as "Throe Cbl- - - = = > E. ,_ so that they are one -thirty-second of deck are wide; Y separated, the index citric the headsman's axe, millions of ontel's" ,F enetratlan inMlo Nazi bank,, tib' - �__ �-._ an Inch sthorter than the reset. Hold finger' do curled around- the upper end marks pour steadily into foreign is his connection, wnt+h state depamt- .__Y. _ _ , _ R= -_. - - ­­... the cries of the deck 1u t p ghtly and ti- of the deck, and the thumb, lying a- taints tih.nrnigh a smrmrrth subterranean merits of nations Latirl-American aerie __ - -- ma - ' it, and the stripped cards' will fall cross the' to p of the deck, almost channel. Couitmi Eudopean governments. Weal-- x- ::= M =� - _ _ :.. _� _ out. You can deo wonders with it. touches the upper, outer cornier., With In the beginning tlhe smuggling was ,thy Genmamts wdro have the price carr, _: � - __ _ I quietly slipped. the cards in. my this grip, at the beginning of a bottom amartourish--gIl the old tricks' of scut- obtain a legal foreign passr,port for - - :--- •_ _ -_= pocket. Toward the end of my show d"1, the top card is pushed out to tling across borders by night, pasting $1,500. During the September -Otto- - • 3r. .. -- 1 pull's- them out. Several Of you shuffle wind tetter cut tate side to act as a screen. Then the second fine of the left hand Money under railroad coach seats, swimnninrg Lalie Csrnastance for- ber war scare last year ,several bun- _ _ - <. _ z _= ,rs these," I said: to the audience, "and pushes t he bottom card out to a widh: a tune strapped in a belt. But the story -red Lati:>nAnusyricam passports were, bought by Germans. On a Latin -Am - 3, - - I'll show you how to deal a slam in slightly less degree, the top sand' con- of our ,awn probdmbition days • is being erican passport, one can live permlarn- ' �. h•earts." As this was being done I spotted; oeai3ng 6his. Finger and thufmb ` oP the right bond grasp the bottom card paralleled. The little bootlegger has quit, or .has become a cog in a eritly in Britain, France or the United what I wanted: a mean who took Mold' and top card at the same time. As pow- erful machine. Handling "black mm- States. "The Coloniel'er' :ring is active alsa of the ends; instead of the sides: while the night finger pulls, out the, bottom 'ey" is now a'hdghly-argavdzed business in smuggling Bloods abroad so chat: cutting. When the -carets were handed card, the left thumb Pulls back the ,run by a ring whose conneet.loms reach Germain, business men can secretly me I gave hem ta, slight shake, vaus- top 'card. When the motion fs made into 'high Nazi circles, accumufate foreign exchange fundal !ng the 26 clipped cards :to drop into asmntootdrhy enough It is absolutely un- Best custom'e'rs are not the Jews11- German cameras, typewriters and, ev- m,y left h;amd•-}then j haddi ,the two (halves of the pack ole the table,and dietectable. I 1 In second�lingl. -dealing the ae'- they are too closely watched and they have lltt19 left. The bulk the boom. en bicycles ams cheaper in Sw•itzerftnd . i s a e buy made an intterl�a,eing,riSI0__jL lightning gesture consisting taking hake of ondl card from the top- -the "mechan- used. A$ in the totc's grip" 1, of ing businress comes from Nazi offie. fats Planting a ®talks abroad, from than ire Germ anyL � exorbitant price of jetvefmyr fu "The and if she is wise she will the ends aY bh9 two hralves of the .the w the 'bottom deal, the top Card Is flat push- busriness mea who hiope to 'jummp the thO Reich has allso given, COT - I e • her Wedding Invitations puck, forcing ,the short ,and long cards to alternate with a stort card on top. Them I !rendre- tl>ne finfsthed ed out -to act as a cover, but at an angle so that the Conner of the second of card projects a trifle. 11he las border, one day, ,from foreign cgrpora- ft,julls that *int to get asget� omht of Duel" tremendous returns with little Oust tre endo buys a fine with risklittle erne Anrgentlam mbrket for, ashy', andnd cosh as Reich and Brom' far-{s'eeing.s,Pecu- 3000 , article Mie ttte maV who bad obliged tate right neared comes over as if to if la'torai wRto expeot to buy up Germany marks brio � it 'to Cxetnnlany Announcements me by,grasping this ends of the caMs when cut. The polmt befog that, deal the top card. Actually it strikes the outerm6st cornier of the second during the next inflation when a, few Pounds •r 3 may again be wort9i where it is im odia ely sdld for 8,009 marks. A commission is then ch a;rg-' at t no matter where hve cut ,the Bieck with �'d and ibrs� it out mune. Now the n a million mrarka, lwhI ed to sfmuggl�e ,the diamonds a,broaad ter this -bold of bis, the would; bring a finger of the rigbt, handy grasps the c vertaeblrit I to convert it Into foreign exchange. Tfiio ,short carat ,to the tap wbdob would be second card apudi • as'tasts to deal it, This development was inevi,tabie. a selling selling it to a flaw' I dealt to me. N'e'xt short card (thdrd w hle at the same instant the left Nazi bureauerato are likely to be noIn agent A�by for the equina.• t, THE HURONEXP0 IT® g"� flog the wtay i lied them fix- from would ed) would go to my Pastn�er'. A mran, thumOrigin Pulls. back the top card top s' its o'1�'Irrat -Position. All this occur, in more •ho{tesi strap the sreg rd of they tura with cynical dismegardl of " lent of x,000 marks. That ddaatmnu sew - �'y go inn, and out oP Germa'ny, �/•yJ at my, right deai3jt, I hooked. arounA less 'tan a tenni of a second, and is private propertty rights. Graft was MI erail .times, always at a 'larges ,profit. at them, all and E&aspped' the cardo for Invisible except to an expert. but unktl�own In the old Germany. The Th -ere is a snomy behind thin ready'' . me and my partner face up -'-•ave, king, A gambler doesn't need it big bag new Oerumny is abut through with. it. market for valuables. Germania feels SEAFORTH, ONT. queen, Jack, ,en alid slit-smtill hemwts; of tricks. Just two or three perfect Vor 'doe Past two yeitrs, the "black that waT and dmdlattom are just anovndt three small, clubs, ace, king and two ed sleights such as these will see him money" ring has been headed by a th corner. Consequently, they are small diamonds. With the three through. Indeed,, 'though a fasdt seo- Gerrman, who ,travels on a Scanddna- buymg up predouss stones, watcbea: clubs in my p"a.rtner'b hand, a aabi.1d ond,deal may take years- to-perfeot, visan passport end is called, with; a anything that will convert Into tam- Bs Lcouldn't rides-to-be—Let have ,helped' rolling in with once mastered- it's! a good ]riving in it- self. touch of melodrama, "',simply 11, Colonel" Reporting to him Bible wealbh Cash which tomorrow may be avortblom us show you samples' a grand slam. are a and quote you on your requirements. No When my perrormanee was over I told tete meatag�er I'd! like award with People naturally want to know it i ever use lily skill for my' own advant- dozen lieutenants. Invol,vedl in the Ping are frank clerks, steamship 'and Secret Police have lately been fn tensifydng efforts ,to smash the ring. him in hiss office, .When at~e were R. lone, I asked him-.. "Orme to team age in playing Carlos. My ansWer Is, in the traditional gambisests I railroad emaployees3,, and petty tofffic- late, ItiVOlved also are legation But they have to contend witim an uu- derground secrecy that chaliengeaa ,,*- obligation of course ' lyhrase, -the trick of that gnanid , ahlydm; in haven't got larceny is my 'heart, Be. clerkss,.. and even the consulss of a doz. owtu, .and a bribed. ofileftidom- tl , hearts?" sidles,. gamblers are s; iaonseaomse crew. ens foTeig�n. nations, FlIliaally, import. ,their The rbig is constantly sitremgtiiendng s'.' 1 "Why, yes." They, have no friends, can trust no ant ]Nazis take their out. ]�igwlgs its (�nectiolio and sten ly incress- + "Wase, it'sa one of Sege Islttle, ntrlw once. The more you know iibout it, get slrbstantiat bribes, petty officials do fine volume of-its-busirtaes& ]Pro- � , ,. f ` ....... -_ .... . -.. :. , .: 11 lyer dfeclt,"I found lying on the table the less attmetive gairlblkg Is. as a a lmondthil it f . kho ughmess carmf o s, !�_y yfrnrsr ' Q t it," r1�1(ir, , , fhoe ,tha i '>la�afessd oar, 7t'hue stamtdax'd tree ,sad �` • tihp �' Work cons elthheer i drle of the w. 1/i. '•. ii,i 11Af t ?`i 4, ••...,',-, .. ,. � , ..,,, .. , .. _ . . , ..,-, �,',• .. , , , .1% ,. -' ,_ .. .. a l u , .. . I. 5 . .fi 'Tr" 1.. ' .I, b .Ihi. , , ., .. a .'.. ,,..,.. , i'`r, .. e. ,'.i .. ,. .. :. :. �,,,. .. 'n .. e fY ,, s 4 a ... 1•. :. ,.... , § -. -. .. .... -. ,. U ,. s f 1. � ,a .,. ... S ,. s- , . k. , . a . .., .. - .t .. _, .. i ,.t .... .., f ,y c. +. ,,. s 2', ,,. v ,t x :. :. .. :. ...• .. .. .. 0 , r:.:-.. ,. ,, .. �7 ., i, "7 i,.,r 1. r ,�.,,. ..,� .a_-.-, � ,�1 ,, 4 "f 4 . �• -�.. a '. :., ! ,..' ,., . ,. .. . ', ,.. ... .i a-.., .--R r,., ,. , ti. z n s.., n... .. �., a', t, ,t,l. •.:. r a ., , . �� , ,,..wr ,. t yy,, � - ,+n. �, .. x. 51T •W 1.. r .N :::' ::. n s.: v :ret ,i ,...� , .. i l-. .. rw ,, r.,r ..h1 •�7 .,.z, ,.. S .,a, , : „ , i a ,.r a � :� n , � a`,r- �, nY <ti"-, :.s .: 1.k ,!1. .,5 Q .�.1� .i,,, ,e, �M1�.�,v`,�. +�� 'l . 1 h.., „fir' , Ua ,,�+ k. ' A, ."�'` law {.. t, .x. W ,,}^- Y.. 1.. 4 . .. �ti J�. r , .�.,.,, r r,,t; t.3,�. w s�e�.ax: A�7 aS,� (; t1(,,cT�'�t ,, +.n9 ,1, , ..� ,., t.I'll . tl��rrr; �']. 'I� 'iJ' .sof.. . IN