The Huron Expositor, 1939-04-14, Page 54
1, {i3if;
"flow, Showing
Gene Autry Smiley Burnette
With June Story
Pubic Cowboy No. 1. ,imus ng Action)
Entertainment For Ant
Monday Tuesday. WedmesdaY
Bobo Breen I
neo Carrillo - Henry Armetta
Thrill again to the voice of the Boy -
Wonder drama that will
Next T nzrs,day-, Friday, Saturday
The Three Merry Mavericks of the
John Wayne Ray Corrigan
Max Terhune
The Highland Parker in a 'recent
issue carries a story telling of the
funeral of Themes Gavin Smart, a
creative of Brussels. The 'paper says:
"Rev. Willie L. Geistom officiated at
3 o'clock Thursday 'afternoon, at fun-
eral services for Thomas Gavin
Smart, city building 'inspector , who
died ,sudd'enly Monday, April 3rd, in
Highland Park General Hospital. The
'body was in 'state from noon until the
hour of service at Highland Park
Presbyterian Church, Burial was in
lER.oseiand Park Cemetery. Pallbearers
were Wilbur Coonys, Arnold Conlin,
•IGharles Rawlings, Leeward Knapp,
Horace Newberry and Frank Gough.
Mr. Smart, whose home was at 33
'Winona Avenue, 'had lived, in Highland
Park for 26 years. He was born Feb.
12, 1874, in Brussels, Ont., and, had al -
.so lived in Blaine, Mich., and in De-
troi't, Appointed building inspector
last year, Mr. Smart also served the
city from 1922 to 1924 when he was
elected city commi'ssion'er. He was a
retired enniloyee of the Grand Trunk
Railway and a member of. the Bro-
therhood of Locomotive Penagineers.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Jennie E.
Stuart; three sons, Whitney A., Car-
roll M., and Wayne D. Smart, and
three grandchildren', Carol, Robert
and, Marylyn."
Master Tommy Kyle, of Kippen, is
svpending a few days with 'his grand-
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Veneer,
-while Mr. and Mrs. Kyle are in De-
. Miss Merjor.e Dalrymple is spend-
ing the Easter holidays with her sis-
ter, Mrs. Ward Forrest, of Hillsgreen.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry McTaggart, of
Port Huron, spent the Easter week-
end with Mr. Marten McTaggart and
-.Miss Annie McTaggart. •
Miss Myrtle Taylor, who has been
in London for the past few monthts,
bad 'her ton•sars removed last week.
-We wish her a very speedy recovery.
Miss Doris 5'araras of Toronto,
spent the Trak, ter holidays with her
/parents, Mr. ail Mrs. Simon Sararas.
Mr. ant Mrs. Donald Rigby, of Bien,
helm, spent Seaday with the former's
m'a•re.nt:n, 11.tr_ a' -d Mrd St a'liL MF;
Death of Mrs. Hugh Norris
Mrs. Hugh Norris, of Clviselhurst,
amassed away very suddenly on Thurs-
day of last week after being ill only
f iviurphyPaints
a..dN4 ARVO
will we • your home
Cinsda's•Sntartest Finish
Mair. Street — Phone 17
>3 Chev., long wheel
base stake truck,
dual wheels; a bargain.
2Chev.. Coupe, in
J perfect condition.
FORD V -8's
• A complete stock of
Ford V -8's from 1933 to
1937 models to choose
from. All completely
overhauled and ready
to go,
It will pay you to see
our stock before buy -
J. F. Dali
Ford -Mercury Dealer
Phone 102 - Seaforth ••
one day. She was In her, ad:iat'ieth
year and 'leaves four daughters: Mg .
Willialm Parker, Mrs. Arnold West",
take, both near Chdselhurst; Mrs.
Prank Fender and Mrs Vigil Wil-
liams, of near Mitchell, and a son,
John Norris, also her husband, The
funeral was 'bald on Friday to Statfa
cemetery with Rev. Reidie officiating.
The sympathy of the community is
extended to Mr. Norris and family.
Y. P. U. Meets
The monthly missionary meeting of
the Y. P. U, was held in the base-
ment' of the church Tuesday evening,
April 11th, and was In charge of the
missionary •conveners, Norma Cham-
bers and Harold Cudmate. The meet-
ing opened by singing "Jesus Saves"
and the Lord's Prayer repeated inn unii-
som. The roll call was answered by
the name of a missionary. A • biogra-
phy from the book, "Boys Who Madre
Good," was given by Benson Stone-
man, which was very interesting, The
!hymn, "Stand Up, Stand Up for Jes-
us" was sung and the topie taken by
Harold Cudsnore. The 'hymn, "Blest
Be the Tie That Binds" was sung and
the benediction pronounced. Every-
one then joined in a Bible contest di-
rected by Ruby Dalrymple, captains
being Percy Wright and Laura Din-
nin. Laura's side won and Group No.
2 won in the snow white contest. Next
week will be the literary meeting in
charge of Edna Mills and Bill Mc-
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse James 'ankh Miss
Margaret James spent Mondiay with
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ferguson).
A meeting of the W. A. and W. M.
S. wag held in the basement of !Con-
stance United Church on Friday, Apr.
7th, with the W. A. president, Mrs. E.
Adams, in the chair, who opened the
meeting by singing the Doxology, af-
ter which all bowed their heads' in
silent prayer and ,prayer by Mrs- P.
Lincbsay. The Lord's Prayer was re-
peated in unison, after which alter-
nate verses were read on the Resur-
rection. A memory selection was giv-
en by Mrs. ,Walter Soott. The min-
utes were read and adopted and dur-
ing the business period the society
d'ecid'ed to hold a dinner some time in
June. Mrs. W. Britton then took
charge and silent prayer was observ-
ed and Mrs. Britton led' in prayer. She
also gave a short sketch on the
Madras Conference held in London.
Mrs. B. 13. Stephenson was appointed
a delegate to go to Winghem conven-
tion, and Mrs. George Addison was
,the alternate. Mrs, J. J. Hug -H1 took
charge of Group No. 4 and silent pray-
er was 'held, atter which' Mrs. R. Rog-
erson led in prayer. Miss Ivy Sim-
mons grave the study book and as us-
ual was very interesting, Mrs. Lind-
say gave a talk on Easter and Miss
Clarissa Dale gave a splendid read-
ing. The Scripture lesson was taken
by Mrs. C. Montgomery, who also
gave a talk on Easter. Mrs. Hugiil
closed with prayer.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Lawson were in
London on Thursxlay and called on
Mrs. W. McMillan,
Mists Doris Lawson, of the Progres-
sive School of Commerce, London, re-
turned. ,veixh td?P'm and.. ssaren'L. a Ewa
Miss Ethel Dexter, of Orangeville
Commercial School, is spending a few
days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Austin Dexter.
Mrs. William Britton returned) on
Thursday from London, after spend-
ing the past two weeks w th her
daughter, Mrs. Andrew Reekie,: who
has been in St. Joseph's Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Reekie and
two children, of London, are spending
a few days with Mr. and Mrs, Wm.
Mrs. Jack Busby and Shirley, of
Chatham, spent a few days with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Roger-
Mrs. E. Adams, Donelda and Kelso,
Mrs. John Ferguson and Miss Vennor
of Ripley, were in London on Satur-
Mr. and Mrs. Ross McGregor and
daughter visited Mrs. McGregor's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson, in CI (-
ford over the week -end, -
The Club of P'rogreess held the regu-
lar meeting on Friday evening. The
minutes were read by th'e secretary,
Miss Jean Anderson, and the treasur-
er's report by Mise Edith, Britton. The
program odfeeisted of the following:
Harmonica selections by Roes Mama;
reading by Jack Kellar; musical selec-
tions by'Olnirles Riley, Bernard Riley,
Robert Grimoldby and Ross Manh;
Mr, J. H. Scott gave an interesting
talk on "Seasonable Observations."
Tho Rinbury News was read by Mrs.
R. Grim'oLd'by; W. L. Whyte gave an
instructive talk'on "Reforestation"; a
'reading entitled, "Ann Shaw's Pet
Jug" by Jean Wakefield; a solo by
Ross Mann. The meeting closed with'
the National Anthem.
Mr. F. Whitmore and Mr. F. Gar-
rett are spending Faster week at their
respective 'homes.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Matheson attended
the Mabheson-Sheardown wedding in
Goiddenich on Fjriday last.
Mr. and Mrs.' F. W. Lawrence, of
Hamilton, visited with Mr. and Mrs.
F. 'Pow,n'send during Faster week.
Mise Dorothy Reinke of Seaforth
Visited with Mies Sadie Ball part of
the Easter vacation
Miss Marguerite Black, of Hamil-
ton, is spending Easter week under
the parental roof.
The men of the community attend-
ed the Spring Fairs, but most of their
he r -
wives kept the home tires burning to
counteract the cold winds. a r}
Miss Ethel and Master Jack ole
are spending their Easter vacation
with their grandparents,. Mr. and Mrs.
tariff. Crich..
Howe - MacKay
A quiet Easter wedding was son
einsaized at two o'ciock Thursday,
April 6bh, in the Holy Trinity Angli-
can Ohtlrch, Exeter, when Rev. M. A.
Hunt united en holy wedlock, Bend°,
youngest daughter of the late Mr. and
Mrs. John. F. MacKay, of Tuersnndth,
and James Howe, 'Sion of Mr. lirod Mrs.
James Howe, of Cromarty. The wed-
ding music wan played by Mise Mc-
Fani, organist ,of the church. The
bride, eb'armi•ngd:yr attired in a floor -
length eostume of pale shell blue net
oyer Sag; wore t'he etla a ile'ry ;WOW
wreath et orale bloss!oma h three
band etyle. aril earxyd¢ug p. prddab •bon-
quet•af Easter lilies, wbite'carnationns
and fern, took ilei 'place with the
groom° before the altar, wii ere an dan-
presslve ceremony twee performed.
Only the immediate friends of the
contracting parties were present, and
immediately after the ceremony the
happy couple left by motor for De-
troit. On • their return they will re-
side on the 7th concession of Tuck
,ersm lth, farming on lot 10.
M•i•s's Camilla Grant, ,of Kitchener,
visited with friends in the neighbor-
hood during the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Lennis Se'am'an and
children, of Kitchener, visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McGregor on
The many friends of Mrs. Robert
McGregor will be sorry to hear she is
confined to her room with illness. A
speedy recovery is looked for.
Mr, and Mrs. Reg. Tebbutt moved
recently to their new home in Wood-
Mr. and Mrs. Kaiser, of Hibbert,
moved recently to the home vacated
by Mr, and Mrs. Reg. Tebbutt,
Miss Isabel Moir, of Hensail, is vis-
iting her sister and brother-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs, J. D. Stewart end Miss Win-
Miss Nylle Doig visited during the
week with Miss Janet Doig.
Hold Thankoffering Meeting
The Easter thankoffering meeting of
Cavan Church was .held at the home
of Mrs. William Church. Mrs, C. Hit,.
len: presided and opened the :meeting
by singing Hymn 304, followed by
prayer. The roll call was answered,
by 19 mennbers and a number of visi-
tors. The minutes of the previous
meeting were nerd and approved. The
secretary read letters ot• acknowledg-
ment for fruit and flowers. Mrs.
Hogg, leader of Circle 4, took charge
of the remainder of the. meeting.
Hymn 105 was sung, followed with
prayer by Mrs. James Hogg, The
Bible reading, "The Four Parables,"
was given by Mrs. E. Habkirk. Mrs.
Cumming, of Walton, gave an insole message on"Easter." Hymn 510
was sung and Mrs. Hogg 'closed the
meeting with prayer. A dainty lunch
was served by Circle 4.
With deepest regret we learned of
the sudden passing of Mrs, Andrew
Montgomery. We extend our heart-
felt sympathy to the husband and six
small children in the loss of a loving
wife and mother.
The euchre and dance ]held in the
hall last Thursday night was well at-
tdnd'ed. The prize winners were:
Ladies•, most games, Miss Joy Per-
ham; lone hands, Mrs. Archie Kerr;
m,eo, most games, Mr. Joseph Hugill;
bone hands, Mr. George Hoggarth. Af-
ter lunch a few hours were spent in
danei ng.
Miss Isabel Betties, nurse -in -train-
ing in Victoria Hospital, London,
spent Good Friday at the home of her
Mr. and Mrs. Foster Bennett and
Billie and Mona spent Good Friday
with Mr. and Mrs. George Eaton,
Mr-. and Mi's.-...Walteg., .Eaton -and,
Larry spent a few days with Mr. and
Mrs. Sperling of Wroxeter.
Mr. Fred Zigler from Marton, has
been here renewing old acquaintances_
Mr. and • Mrs. Fred Eckert, of Sea -
forth, and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cron-
in, Huron Road East, spent Easter
Sunday at the 'h'ome of Mr. and Mrs.
Fergus Horan.
Making maple syrup is the order of
the day, but so far the run. has not
been good, 'but with the late snow
storm° and frost we may expect a good
season. yet.
T▪ he organization meeting of the
Dublin Tennis Club wag attended by
an enthusiastic group of 'members in
the Bank of Commerce building.
Twenty-five members responded to the
roll call by Art Roth, secretary -treas-
urer for 1938. Wm. Hanley was ap-
pointed cbiai'rman and Mise Genevieve
Feeney, secretary of the meeting. The
following officials were elected for
the ensuing year: Honorary >lmesi-
dent, Dr. J. B. Ffoulkes'; presidetat,
Fergus. Sta:ple•ton; recording s+ecre.-
tarp, Misty Genevieve Feeney; treasur-
er, Joseph Dill; convener of entertain-
ment committee, A. A. Roth. It was
moved by the executive and passed' by
the members that Gerald Holland be
appointed chairman of the ground
committee. A resolution was passed
at the suggestion of Chairman Wil-
liam Hanley, tb,at the executive com-
mittee be authorized to 'set the price
of melm'bership fees. It was decided
Ghat sehoal age children be allowed
full 'privileges• up to 6 p.m. Plane are
being drawn for the success of the
club for the current season'. The
newly -appointed officers asked the
wholehearted, support of each mem-
ber. It''was desired that neighboring
clubs be entertained- Members pres-
ent showed great enthusiasm and bhe
response given at the meeting indi-
cated that the coming season will be
a successful one. I•
Dr. a'nid Mrs. Louis Dill, Detroit;
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Dill, Detroit; Ken-
neth, of Toronto, and Muss Marion, of
London, spent the holiday week -ends
at tee ,•alorte of Mm and Mrs, P. Dill
and attended the DillePurcell wedding
in Stratford on Eaastev Monday. Miss
Veronica Dille who .acted as 'brides-
m'aid; Joseph. and.• Mr. and Mrs. Dido
Were also guests at the wedding
Vi'si'bors over th'e week-en'd includ-
ed: Mr. and Mrs. James Hanley, To-
ronto, with Mr, and Mrs, Wm. J. Hata-
ley; Mrs. Leo Kenney, and Miser Patri-
cia., Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Philip
Kenny; Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Rey-
nolds, Detroit, and Joseph Carpenter,
Chatham, at the home of Mr. and Mns.
Joseph Carpenter; Mr. and Mrs, Wal-
ter Bre'nmr, St. Thomas, with Mr. and
Mrs. Leo Krauskopf; Frank Kf, aus-
kopf, Toronto; Mies Florence Smith,
Gadshlll; Miss Gertrude Stapleton,,
Toronto; Misses Gertrude and Peggy
McGrath, Kitchener; Miss Dorithy
Molyneux, Drysdale; Mies Laurette
O'Rourke, Toronto; Miise Nora Me -
Grath, Liman; Mists Anne McGrath,
TVoi4M7 la1i gaN"P
Brescia Ilan,l. ,
at OleAr peoe:'
tine 'ko nes; Mrs, Gua. Denome, Z!u
itch, at the homes of Mr. am* We -
Thomas, O'Rourke;, Mt'.,urns, lira Bob
McCormick and Leh* Kraushopf, De-
troit, with Mr. and Mriw,, Jas. Kraus-
kopf; 'Charles Beam with Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Evans.
M'rp. James Stephenson returned
home from London last week where
she Quad been taking treatments for
the past two weeles. On her arrival
home sire Found Mr. Stephenson had
been sick. Dr. Addison, of Zurich, was
called, who took hem to St, Joseph's
Hospital, Lon'd'on, on Saturday, where
an operation wast performed. At last
report the was progressing favorably.
We hope he may soon be fully re-
stored to health.
Mr. Allan Keys, of Western Un1-
vereity, London, spent Easter at his
borne on the Babylon Line.
The funeral service of the late Mr's,
Bert McKay, wliieh was held in the
Brucetieid United Church on Monday,
was largely attended, which spoke of
the esteem' in which the deceased was
held. Much sympathy is extended to
the bereaved hushamd and relatives in
the loss of their loved! one.
The play, "Aunt Minete From Min-
nesota," which was end on by our
young people in the Varna. Hall last
Wednesday, wars much appreciated,
and will be put on at Brucefield on
Friday eventing of this week.
Papple - Gordon
A pretty spring' wedding was sol-
emnized on Saturday, April 8th, at the
home of the bride's parents, Mr. and
Mrs, J. K. Gordon, 'McKillop, when
their only daughter, Ruth Mae, was
united in marriage to, .Mr, Gordan Ed-
ward Papple, of Tuckerrsmith, eldest
son of Mr. and Mrs. David Papple.
The ceremony took 'place at 11 o'clock
and was performed by Rev. R. W.
Craw, of Duff's United Church. The
wedding march was played by Miss
Annie Papple. The bride was given
in marriage by her father and was
gowned in lady's blue crepe and wore
a corsage of pink carnations, sweet
peas and maiden hair fern. MisesElla
Papple, of Brantford, sister of the
grpom, was bridesmaid, and chose for
her gown a navy sb:eer, and wore 'a
corsage of rose carnations, sweet peas
and fern. The bridegroom was sup-
ported by his brother, , Mr. Robert
Papple, Following the ceremony a
dinner was served, the tables being
decorated .in pink and: white and cen-
tred with the bridle's cake and serv-
ed by Mr. end Mrs. C. R. Henderson
and Mrs. R. M. Scott. Later Mr. and
Mrs. Papple left for. Brantford and',
other points_ For travelling the bride
wore a suez crepe gown, grey coat
and navy accessories. On their re-
turn Mr. and Mrs. Papple will reside
in McKillop.
Mr_ and Mrs. W'mt. K• oehler, Ebner
and Morley, spent. Geed Friday with
]iQixw Hexvnan M I.._Agbo_ is at pres-
ent in Listowel Hospital. We are
pleased' to learn that Mrs. Mandel 'is
somewhat better.
Mr. and Mrs, Charles Regele spent
Good Friday with Mr. 'and Mrs. Geo.
Hoegy in Grey:
Mr. and Mrs_ John Beid'erfelt and
son, Johnny, of Southampton, event
Easter with Mr. ande, Mrs- William
Kenneth Bauerman entertained a
number of his friends at a birthday
party an Sunday. ,
Mr. Will Doerr and family, of Gads -
hill; spent Easter Monday in this vi-
cinity. r •
Miss Marne Hoegy has returned
home after. spending the winter
menthe in London
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Steinac!her
and family of Stratford spent Easter
with Mr. and Mrs. Weal Koehler.
Mrs. Charles Regeie entertained a
number of 'ladies• at a quilting recent-
ly. Among those present were Mrs.
Wes. Fisher, Mrs. Wm'.• Isle and Mr. -
and Mrs. Alex, Stoskopf of Sebring'
vi Ile.
Miss Jean Klea, of Mitchell, srpent a
week with her anent, Mrs. Henry Wefi't-
A number of ladies from this line
attended a quilting a.t the, home of
Mrs. Charles Ahrens• at Brodlhagem.
• Mrs. iWi'lliam Siemon enter -tabled
the members of her family on Easter
Friends in this vicinity will be
pleased to knew that Mr. Will Grosse
of Blyth is now able to walk to the
barn without any assistance.
The friends of Mr. Manuel Bauer-
auermann are stilt living in hopes that he
will soon be making better progress
towards recovery.
Mr. and Mrs- John Melnter& and
Jean and Mrs. Carman Haugh and
children, of Toronto, are visiting Mr.
and Mrs. C. Haugh.
Mev. E. Munn and Aileen, of Hen
sra,ll, spent a few days with Mr. and
Mrs. G. Swint
Mr. and Mrs. T. II. Wheeler spent
Easter at Stratford.
Mr. and Mrs. Jamee Hil} and son,
of Stratford), spent the week -end with
Mn and Mrs. T. Dunlop and stens of
Chatsworth spent the week -end with
Mr. and Mrs. .Rose Stott and Mr's+.
Rattend ury.
Missies Ellen and Ina Scott of Lon-
ondon spent Easter at thieir home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Ka'is'er, of De-
troit, spent Sunday with Mn and Mrs.
H. Zapfe, who returned to Detroit
with them for a visit;
Mies Irene Sandier, of London, and
Mr. Melvin Sn'id'er, of Winigbam,s'pent
the holidays with their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Snider.
We wish to extend our very sincere
sympathy to Mr. Bert McKay in the
death of ids wife, who dfred, Saturday
Mn Lee Kiptier, of London, spent
Sunday with his parental, Mr. and Mrs.
S. Kipfer.
Miss Dolobhy Swan, of Toronto, vie-
lted with her parent*, Mr. and Men.
G. Swan, over the :hd$Iday':
Messrs. Rosh Soft Wink= Scott
31t i tuttb beep oorrotu Due
announce the beats of
Q1 jarte0 Otetuart
partner in the firm of
'tetvart Oro .
tuba paIgeb atuap in ea -
forth on jfribap, Rprit tfje
gebentfj, 1939.
and H. Dalrymple are attending the
Sunoco convention in Toronto.
Mrs. George Doan, of Inwood., has
beer! visiting Mr. and Mrs. R. Daw-
Easter visitone: Mr. and Mrs. Wm
McQueen and daughter, Sheila, of To-
ronto, 'spent Good Friday at the home
of the former's mother, Mrs. James
McQueen; Mrs. John Mclntos,h and
daughter and Mrs. Carman Haugh and
family, of Toronto, at the home of Mr.
and Mns. C. Haugh, in the village;
Mr. and Mrs. Dunlop and stuns, of
Chatsworth, guests of Mr, and Mrs.
Ross Scott and Mrs. Ratten'bury.
Death of Mrs. MacKay
The" death occurred on Saturday ev-
ening of Catherine, wife of Mr. Bert
MacKay, in her 43rd year, following
a long illness which she bore with
great patience and fortitude. She was
the youngest daughter of the late Mr.
and Mr_s- John Moffatt and was born
on the Moffatt homestead on the Lon-
don Road, where she lived until her
marriage in 1917. The deceased was
a member of Bauceifield United Church
and an active worker in all the or-
ganizations. She was th'e president
of the W. A. for two years and' will
be greatly missed by a large circle of
friends. Surviving are her husband,
four sisters, Mrs. Dan Kilpatrick,
Leland, Alberta; Mrs'. Andrew Mc-
Cartney, Tuxford, Sask.; Mrs. John
Armstrong and; Mrs- John McB•eth, of
Stanley; two brothers, Lawrence, of
Regina, and Alfred, on the London
Road. Tbe funeral was held Monday
afternoon from Brucetleld Church and
the large assembly that gathered to
pay last respects to the memory of
the deceased, showed in no small mea-
sure the esteem in which Mrs. Mac-
Kay was !held in the community. Me
service was conducted by Rev, W. A.
•Bremner and Rev. A. H. Wright, with
in'term'ent in Clinton cemetery. The
floral tributes were many and beauti-
ful. Mrs. John Cairns and Miss
Eva Staclihouee sang, "There Will
Be No Good-byes in Heaven."
The pallbearers were Alton John-
ston, H. F. Berry, Jarvis Horton, T.
B. Baird, Walter Moffatt and A. B.
Zapfe. 'The flower bearers were Alex.
McBeath, W. Davidson, Mac Wilson,
F,ld'rid and Gerald Moffatt, Allan, Ken,
Leslie and Floyd Armstrong. Those
attending from a distance were Mr.
Lawrence Moffatt, Regina; Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Moffatt, Prince Albert,
Sask_; Miss Hattie Bissett, Mrs, Jack
Bissett, Mrs. Ernie Oollins and Hugh
MacKay, London; Mr. and Mrs. Les-
lie McKay, Elmville; Mr. and Mrs,
Malcolm MacKay and Mr. James
Boyce, Goderich.
Mrs Malcolm Toms is visiting with
friends in Toronto this week.
Miss Elva Dewar, of Toronto, is
spending the holidays with ler par-
ents, Mr. aand Mrs. David Dewar.
Miss Margaret Ferguson, of Tecum-
seh, is spending the holidiays with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ferguson.
Mr. and Mee John W. McLeod left
on Saturdeiy to visit friends in De -
Master Billy Johnston is visiting his
father, Mr_' Walter Johnston, in Wind-
sor this week
Miss Donna Toms is visiting friends
in Goderich over the •ho'lidays.
Musses Maud and Josephine Sterling
and Mrs, McKenzie visited Mr. and
Mrs. Hugh McLaren at Port Elgin on
Tuesday of Past week.
Mr. anti Mrs. Ardell Grainger, of
Aiyi,nston, are visiting his aunt, Miss
Brow'nett, over the holidays.
Miss Jessie Metcalf and Miss Miller
of Detroit, are spending the holidays
with Mt's. Metcalf there.
Mrs. Mabel Prentice, of Toronto,
spent the week -end with her mother,
Mew. Stimson, in the village.
Mr, and Mrs. Jelin Stewart, of I'Tam-
+The Week
In Ottawa
Tuesday, April 11
The House resumed• its business to-
day after the shoat Easter recess.
Therewas indication in the prelim-
inary discussion dent there is a move-
ment to have business concluded in
order that His Majesty may prorogue
Parliament when he is in Ottawa is
Tbe fact that the Prime Minister
had a motion on the order paper to-
day to the effect that the House will
now sit Wednesday evenings indicat-
ed the effort that is being put forth
to bring the business of th'e House to
a close at the time indicated. above.
There seems to be.. a great deal of
uncertainty about the plans, both, re-
garding Their Majesties,' visit and
about when Parliament' will conclude
its brie -Mess. That doubts exists large-
ly -because of the changing conditions
in Europe. No one can foresee what
is going to happen. It is waving a de-
pressing effect on business, not only
in Canada, but in every other coun-
try. It is quite evident that until
this whole situation is cleared up, we
cannot expect to have normal condi-
tions again_
In the afternoon sitting today Mr.
Dunning's bill was up again to auth-
orize by way of loan sufficient to
meet maturing obligations and, any
new issues that may be required- This
bill again ran into a snag when the
Social Credit group went on another
spree to let the country know what
their policy and plans• are in .regard
to raising money. They think •that.
the country should raise money sim-
ply by the printing press. This group
spe'n't the whole aftej-noon in setting
forth their id'eaaa, and; had two amend-
ments ruled out of order, the House
voting to sustain the Speaker on one
of his rulings.
Notice was given by the Minister of
Justice that a large number of amend-
ments would be made to the Criminal
Code. Mr. Euler 'had a bill before the
House to 'regulate the activities of
the Grain Exchange. This bill seem-
eemed to meet with• genera.] approval.
"Fin leaving ma'am," announced the
maid. -
' But why, Mary?" raked the aston-
ished mistress. "I can see no rear
"I aunt bear that young man who
calls on Miss Et:he "
"But he doesn't call be eee yeti,"'
explained the mistress. "You've noth-
ing to complain of."
"Oh, yes," said Mary, "the neigh-
bors might think he docs i "—Toronta
Globe and Mail.
a it
Mr. Luckey Chad unexpectedly come
Lace to face with Mr. Putting, from
whom he had frequently borrowed
"Bn—aw—wtha.t was the denominate
enomint .-
tion of the bill you -lent me?" he ask-
sked nervously.
"Episcopalian, I guess," responded
tMr. Putting. "At any rate, ;;t keeps
Lent very well."
Chief Justice Hughes is a ready, wit
as has been proved on more than t1Ket.
It is related that shortly after kis
second election as Governor of New
York, Mr. Hughes was showing a
prominent lawyer through the exam
tive mansion, when the latter exclaim-
ed, "You certainly have a thandsome1
place here."
"Yes," said Governor Hughes; as
then remembering the bitterness or
the election campaign he had just
passed 'through, be added, "hut I had
a ibard tine getting t31ealt id.1ord to
renew the lease_"
iiton, are 'h'oliday visitors in the vil-
lage, also with friends at Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm- Ferguson visited
friends In Seaforth on Saturday last.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Grierson, of Wa-
terloo, spent the we'ek-ephd with Mns.
F. A. Edwards.
Rev. Mr. Morley, of Chatham, is a
visitor with Rev. R. M. and Mrs. Gale
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Middleton,, of
Port Credit, aro Easter visitors with
her mother, Mrs. N. W. Woods.
Mrs. Wm Elliott, Mrs- Robert Bas-
sett and Leslie Elliott visited Miss
Lola Elliott at Detroit over the week-
Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Churchyard and
Mrts. K. Moorhouse, of London, were
visitors in the village on) Friday last.
Wi'llia.m and Pete Tillman, of Lon-
don, spent Svn'da.y at their cottage
Miss Doris Featherston, nurse -in -
training, of Toronto, was visiting her
parents over the week -end.
Mr. Harold Scotohmer, of the Un-
ion Stock Yards, Toronto, and Mr.
Fred Scotchmer, druggist, of Toronto,
spent the week -end with relatives in
the village.
Mise Isabella KiriF, principal of the
public school, is spending the holi-
days at her home at Glanwortht
. Mr. and kiln W. Ewing Biie9.ia and
son, Ewing, of Lioydmdnster,
are Wetting his sister. Mate. M. *.
Woods, this week.
Effective Jarman, 9th
Stratford - Goderich
Coach Lines
Leaves t3eaterth far Stratford:
Daay, &25 am., and 5.25 pm
Leaves Seaforth tar credence:
Daily, 12.55 p.m.; Daily, except San -
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and Hblfdapa, 12.55 o.m. and 10.15 walk
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