HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1939-04-14, Page 4,: .. r n
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F � N & 1�.ai � CA,ttle Entry 1tI ter
to their;
ds. Tehd Ilow`iU9 dale r, lee I4 dies, and folllolspleing the
°Uh® annuaul Giner ddaaawrsdng ayPltmdid'r�- ,AiK 113Continued from Page 1) Presbytberial meeting tO .be theld in nuers, le the exhibit of the live
nennf'yi, Mr. acid Mrs. J. P, Itau, of gown, at-
t ��I � i % ssined Cattle Winghaln APx 11 27th: Mrs. Clh,amdler, stock gave voidance of large numbers
s lr / tended the funeral of their soar, Earl,
rl+ I � Angus -Aged bull. Edwards Bros., Mrs. Henderson rind Mra. �Spnfiei211 and very flee sgelens.
i ' �ti w held at Detroit on Monday. Deceas-
1a' tl si,,"� 'a Vinatfoad; A. W. Etherington, Hassall; Building OPesayions aro n'oly gains
° 1 " r' °" bull calved 1937 or larva, Edwandis od passed away last `Friday at that - an lively on the fine up-to-date garage C
;,�� n� nv� ssified'. Ads will be inserted at new low cash rates city after ., irlvess of some ,weeks. �3ENSALL of Mr. Orville Twitchell, the cement
tifit't I si' 13ras.. A. W. Etheringtan; Cqw, any Y
age, Edwards Bras., Bert Kropp, Zury He was forty-one Yrs old and was fauntletion beinlg well laid by Mr.
,�.,y. , r i�1 �*,; Salo. Wanted. La.t cad Found, Conics la.M1q. Sac„ --Pea WW42 born usage Drysdale. His wife and ar
1Fi'w ich, A. W. Eervngton; heiPer'oadrved Ladies! Jalst arrived, smmrt wool les Wolfe who also has the oon-
ril�'' 1wt week i cent 1937 or Pater, Edsvards Biros, and 2nd, three soils sulvive. ulloveis and Bonita dues® goods, at trod for the brick work which is, well
f ;;,:,'` Mr, and Mrs, E, F. Klapp attended 'p
""(m, 4t Std week ..-,-... !► K Gesafl 23ert Klapp cxoodwari's on its way, while Mr. James Sangstter wi
} the fuaerPul of the late Edmlln-4 Zeller
f i'k,; . Miniaaurp•che�ge, ileal tt»�actham Y5 caulD Shottharu5 Aged bull. Wm Oes ,held at Windsor on Saturday. United Church W. M. S. Meets has the cont act for the wood work. er
trlFzy�t"' leoy agate taA�;"! and wbbrmrctioo a•;nta a. •ms �„o a- tr•icher and tad; bull calved 1937 ar Mr- Twitchell seri the pipe111's and all m
l L aro. O Rer•.1Y ort ao atnam Dor week later, W. E, Parker, Watford; Wm. Teadiars aro being called for by the The W. M.' S. of I%emsall United ,eonne,ctiolis made for the supplying e
err, -.> •i Thanlu. Iv Memorism Nouix -1 cent .,� Police Trustees to extend the village Ohur•ch 'held their A -pill meeting on of gas and oil, while the building is c
� ^,•• Engni�de. may b• direebed u- a Boz blunt•., .3mr. * Hnnom > �"• spa 10 rxnbs Oesirieher; 'cow, any age, W. E. Par- hater stem to supply water to the Thursday ad`ternoon, April 0th, with
r t,extra. ker Wm. Oesfireicher; heifer calved s3 in progress, which prath al 'to make in
,,,, 'fen sang additional per vvexYk wall be mhargerf u wd. in etsaa• da.. �' ' °` thv 1937 or Latae, W. E. Parkes and 2nd. school. it is expected, twat work on a good atbendaxlce, and tJie meeting a fine appearance with all 11uacLein m
t4Iy 3i'r,, Saturday night in tho''week in wbwb the xd tees run laying the pipes will be commewOd was presided over by the President, converdenoes and improvemlents that a.
%�R",-• girths, Marriage. and Death, inverted trea oar chic-ge Wm. Oestreichea. at once_ Mr's. W, B. Cross. The meeting op
, t Auction Salmi, Notiw to Crediioau, Etc - �#` on avi"ficatiom. Herefords - Aged bull, Howard characterize a first-class Public gni
M----~- Wright, Cromarty; O'Neil Blas., and Miss Ethel Hecs vRsited relatives gn'ed with the singing of "Whew 1
".'. Wanted Far Sale or Rent noir friends an Detroit over the week- age, and which Hassall is noted far
�ra.� 3rd, Denfrc:ld; burl! calved' 1937 or hat- Survey the Wondrous, Cross": follow-
its already fine ones in different Plac-
e end, tura reading by MI'st C. Cook, foLlow-
i ,,r _ -�--- er, O'Neil Bros., Howard Weight. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Staskapf, of Kit- by the Lord',s.,, Prayer in unison; as in the village
1;. �ANTED - SECOND HAND ELEC'rIt1C I HOUSE '1'U RENT -- SEVk�T ROOMEll O Neil BIY?S. ; OOW, any age, O'Neal Mr, and M4'S_ C. Hart and family,
t ,:a ` ' • stove. Apply to Box 198, HURON Ex- house on victtoria Street, Seaforth. Apply chener, vistied at the ',home of alba 'sat minutes and 1011 call, and business Ca
gin;,:'', stove.
37'2-s I to J. e M�n,ur r ars- 3712-r Bros. and 2nd', Howard Wright; heifer tar's m that over Sunday, of Toronto, are speaiding two weeks
calved 1937 or sates, O'Neil Bros., q' period- The annual birthday Party with rhe latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs'. at
"!; `Y SLUGGISH KIDNEYS Ih1PA1R Y O U R I FOR SALE OR RENT -3/5 ACRE ON NO. Howard Wright, O'Neil Bras. Mr. and Mrs J. Kerswell, of Buffalo, will b0 held on Friday, May 13Th, and w'h
�1 speant the week -end at the h0mle, of A. -.
i s:, S 'herrLifh. RumawaPs' Tw+o-Way Aetion quick-' 3 Hfl=rhway, aeljoiv.ire� SeaforCh, alba Uro- a Special g11'PaRt speaker is being aver ed
/Yy Mr, Albert Passanore and 1'rien,tl+, of
ly''houlth. ane dcaPs' '1'w the xdnays. Use party of the data Rabcut Dodds, with a r<o,ncd Market Cattle Butcher srteer ar the latter's pa renis, Mr. anxL Mrs C. ctyred, for the occass'on �'he quitting tee
�;: Ramey nd invNG`s DRUG STORE. name house with Hydro, barn and chiziter, bei'fer, W. E. Parker, Howard Wright, Delhi, 'speslt the Weekend with hr- so
x722-1 house- Also easpberraesY, &trawbera-u� and O'Neil Biros.; baby beef, Edwards Schilbe of town. is to be held 0r- tih'ustaday„aftarnoan, form'er's par•enits, Mr. and Mrs. John
:,l�a M•a.:k F.rLPreW1t.4. For Earthier partimraam ®.p- Haberer -Westlake April 27th, and,, the lunch com>onii,tee so
^� r ply to MARY DODDS 372oz3 Bros., W. E. Parkes, Wm. Oestreicher, Passan:ore.
Howard Wright. Rev, E. Tuerlvhedm Performed the appointed was Mrs. W. B. Cross' and W
.:,; - Mrs. N. E. Conk. The visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ca•nmichae1, Of
- - Judge -H. Snell. ceremony on Saturday foren'oan at ting eon T
Property Far Sale Toronto, were Easter visitors to town.
the Lutheran parsonage which united mittee for May is Mrs. J. Passmore 1
Notices in marriage Margaret Ann, eldest and Mrs. E. McQueen. The Presby- Mr. Bob Passmore, who is attending
�j OR SALE--SIX-ROOMED FRAME HOUSE --.-- – -- �p i daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred. J. P Toronto 1Jnaversity, spent -the week. I'
acre excellent NOTIOE-EL[TEKLY LADIES OR GEN- �n O�grn L�t�Pi� retial will meet at Wingtham on April end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
,� rn silage of Bensall; F_ Habeaer, Blind' Line, Hay, anti Keith 27th, delegates appointed to attenddi
I a dared; number of good fruit tree ;Hard and furnish
t wanting Reasocomsonable
tease may R. Westlake, son of MT- and: Mrs. the Presbyterial being the president, John Passmore, of
' 't soft water in house: stable. Five misuse I funs sh ,an i room IreabaaablY . Wanes (Continued from Page 1) )VII. cold Mrs. Jack Faber, ac vas
',F,: soft
to Public or Oantinuute'an 5<-huoL�. Rea- 'ed --Good badaug cook ,allose, bmrn accts or Thomas M. Wes'tlal[a, of Stanley. MTs. Cross, and Mrs. C. Ballantyne,
.,i,,: son'able price and terms to right 'party. In -1 woo�L Apply at once. MRs- LUCY BURNS, easy to invade helpless countries like the panted 'by Mr, and Mrs. Beat Serves,
i.3722 -a Seasanth_ 37 1 Albaniaand
Itai'I of the British opia, but when on too nheStavdey willy after ontheir r etz� f m Mrs. Crossr�anci appointed a nominating gcoam� spent
Mr, f uesdhy in Cecil Cooper and family, of Le
- quire :,,t Yost Office.
4 \ NOTICE their wedding trip to 'Rochester, ail were
M hard you're bound t0 get clawed Lucart, are visiting with Mrs. Eva p
Fact is the entire world is tired of and Other pointer mitbee for Presbyterial va[sancies. b
Agents Wanted TOWI1Shlp Of McKillop Late Edmund Zeller MIs. Maude lIedden oantributedl a Stapleton, Mrs. Cooper's sister. g
the crazy antics of both yourself and
': LL TAXES IN THE MU�fICIPALITY OF the house Painter, who sports the Word was received here last Tmar7s solo, "The Old Rugged Crash,” sunlit Air. 01vi11e Ford was in Goderich p
?3t':+ MEN l HERE IS GOOD PAYING WORK AMsKilloy not paid net or before satunday, day of till® death of a former well- Mm T. J. Sties tilt 'accmpamyang at the oar Wednesday to identify hl s w
wil:h a largo manufacturing concern of I April 29tm, proceedihrgs wish be taken to col- Charlie Chaplin, You 'may win for known resident of t'hih village in the piano. Mrs. C. Cook was appointed a acetylene tordh which was stolen fir
i 200 daily necessities used in every Home. Sure lest at once Ali t1#,se in arrears of baxas the time being, but n'Ot f0I' long Will
and quack rePsites d experience needed- please b®r xi mired ,thin will be the hast you permitted to ride rampant Person of Edhmuild Zeller, who died at conveyance coanmi'ttee for the Pres- foam ht's blacksmith �dlop on lave night
Goon pay every nay if active, ,and permanent nwr ce given before rnRection across the world. Your hopes of re- his home' in Windsor Wednesday b`yterial. The study, "Learning to of the recent robbery of the safe in w'
business certain i,f persevering• Inveb,tigate By order, mor.nin'g'of last week in his 73rd year. Idve Togelthe r" fourth. chapter fram the Clerk's office is 'Ube Town Hall. G
" cru• Plan at once. c.9'rALOGUE FREE. GEo,B, CoSkeotrrr. crea'tin:g the aid Roman Empii^e ds but He had 'suffered a stroke in April, t'he srtudy book, was ably taken by Provincial Police, Percy McCoy, of
FAMILEX GO., 570 St. Clement, Mbrutreal-� 1 3722--2 a ,hop-thead'S dream. m. And ,had best be
w - forgotten! 'Phare is no doubt but what 1938, and never fully recovered there Mrs, E. L, Mickle and proved very in CroderfCh, is investigating, and some o
f31 . NOTICE you Nave accomplished great things from. He was a son of the lane Mr. terestting and profitable. The meet- suspects are at present in custody at A
"I'' " for your native Italy, and why should and Mrs. Midhael Zeller, of this sal- ing closed with the ganging of "There Windsor. f
,1 ' _ Township of McKillop want to span a good tiling is quite be- lage, and, was born and spent hi,s eal•ly is a Green Hili Far Away" and the Mrs_ George Brown and son, Mer e
Vii;' Articles For Sale APPLICATIONS' FOR TiIE OFFICE of life here- While living in Zurich de- benediction, vyn, ,have returned hoose atter a w
�r Assessor for the Township of McKdlloP for gond any reasonable man. Maybe ceased was
v cti" in public af- Miss Mildred Forrest, Reg. N., and pleasant visit with Mrs, BI.Own'a
t,;, OR SA _-60 BUSHELS Ft'–ED VW'1iEAT, the year 1939 wD be received by the under- you've been reading Herr Hitler's • .�
`�'t E,�1:5 to no clear quick, ckay. Also 2 chop bins : (sinned until Saturday. April lsur_ Appian- dream book and allowed' yourself to fairs, having been a candidate for the Miss Marion Bnydon, Reg. N., Of Fer- 'daughter, Mrs. Jack19On, of Strad- a
'I so02,5 scales : 2-wheelquick, trunk ; wagon and, tions 'w,di be opened at 3 p -m_ at Carnegie be swayed by Ube teachings of the House of Commons at one time, also ; gus, were visitors over the week enol forxi
I box: garage and 'henhouse building: barn' Library, Seafo'rth, oar alcove date founded the Local newspaper, the Zur- with the former's parents, Mr. and Jack, Jimmy, Harry and Dick Stap-
�.,,., frame and druvrnt;--'bed frame and many min- JOHN McNAY, R, R. 2, SeaSO&h. Swasrtika artist, Should that be the ich Herald, cold built the local tele- Mrs. Wm. Forrest, of Tu'ckersmith. saran, ah8ldsan of Mrs. Eva 5'taprton, o
,, ceiianeous articles. Sr DOUGLAS at Clin- clerk of Mclfai]ap- case you are fallowing the w]`OTLg road
1., 2712-1 3721-2 phone system in the early pant of Mr. William Fee and sister, Masai of Hentiall, MOMa and Dcma.ld Hadden
t: ton Mill.. and riding to a fall greater than that
TOWN OF SEAFORTH of Lucifer. 1980. In 1914 he disposed of his print Marg, were in Goderdchr om Sunday af- ,had t9lerir tonsils removed at Mrs'. R. b
[11-1.1" �jOR SAIF - S'l`Ew:ART-WAR ER BAT- ing business here and moved to Wind ternoan to stair a relative, MIs. John J. Pat arson's paIvate hospital on Mon- s,
1. tory radio, do excellent condition, used Misaiiriected ambition has wrecked sor with his family, where he has Pollock, who was •stericiusly ill, in her clay.
*' one yeas, to be replaced by electric set. For mightier men that you can ever hope
in.;� , ^_,• Dublin- since resided_ The funeral se'rvice's 83rd year, and w,ho on Moa1d'ap least The kl�ensall Senior Institute• will
a. ,i further particulars Phone 43 r 3'721x2 TAX PRE -PAYMENT RE- to be. It sent Napoleon to St. Helena
4 r' and Kaiser Bill to Doorn. It has sent were held Saturday afternoon at passed away. meet at the home of Miss Mabel c
'' t
OR 5AL� GRAss SEEDS, FEW SETS CEIPTS FOR 1939 Windsor. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Fred Manns, who has been in Workman on Wednesday evening,
Vii'.. every kvtown Dictator to unmourned four daughters, Mrs. Arthur Wliite Clinton f'or the past couple of weeks April 19th, and which meetting was
F! of •team harnes, al] kinds of Master chick graves and placed their names On 'dire
rill feeds. W. E. BU'1"I', Kipper- 3720-3 The Town will pay 4 per (Alice), HightlIaW, Park, Mich.; Mrs. visiting Mrs. Kyle, returned home the paatpon•ed from Wednesday evening,
lr roll of dishonor that all the world Co1•nnelius Luneman (Irene), Mrs. end of liast week. April 12th. Roll call is to be ansnver
�,ti �vAug.might know of their perfidy and gen Francis P. Woodman (Ura), both of MT. and Mrs. Hilliard, of Kinds. ed with a noxious weed and a means
.robe; `L solid walnut chair:: solid walnut cent. per annum up to ubera.l cussedness. So also will futurity
1A` parlor table; small ;wives mirror (above ort- Windsor; Mrs. George Moore (Fran- vide, spent the week -end ,in Hangars of eradication. Motto, "What one I
-r ic!es are genuine ami,iues) : small birch ward- 31, 1939, on all prepaid 1939 look upon the name of Benito Mush ces), Rockport, Mass., and, five soars, with, friendb. They were former regi- sows he must reap." Mons. James A.
=y robe; butler and extension table: 4 walnut olini unless lie takes heed in time to Marshall, Kransas City, Mo.; 1-lazen, dents of this village for a number of Paterson. The guest speaker will be
M o,ttomauro; drovtea.f table: walnut omam in taxes. Certificates and full escape the storm now gathering
( A-1 shape', victro;a and records : small ales- throughout the world Russell, Gordon `cold Albert of Wind -years, Mr. Hilliard being an account- Rev. W. A. Ymtnlg, and' a deligrhtful
_1 trio radio; kitchen ehaira : '1 bcwk ah,.rlves ; Sincerely yours, sor•; two 'sisters, Mrs., William Klop'p, ant i,n the Bank of Montreal. nluyical program is also being arI•ang- A
walnut settee and arm ,-hair; grandfather oarticulars may be obtained 'Gurieh, and Mrs. Edward Appel, New Miss Kathryn Drysdale, of London, -ell.
, j cloak with West'mimAer chime. 'rHORNE's g y rpt , JACK W. YOES. Hamburg, alga survive. There are al- spent naster holidays bene with her The 'bOneymoon of Mr. and Mrs. i
H.1 REPAIR SHOP. 33::._1 from tyle 1 own Clerk S of- p
so eleven grandchildren. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Drysdale. Adrian Plue Of Codrington, Nortilivm
SSP in the Tawn Hall. Muss McVicar, of the 'Forest. City, berlan�d County, was terruri'nated on
, VARA A spent a day here recently at the home M'ondaY afternoon by a motor acci-
n Auction Sales D. H. WILSON; °-_� KIl'PEN of Mr. and Mrs. Drysdale. dent which Raw the bride of only a DOMESTIC CJMEDY
Holiday visitors: Mr. Harold Rath-1111111111111� Quite a number of the residen,ts few hours receive head injuries w4rich
rt � A ucTION SALE OF HORSES A'r COLe's Treasurer. i719 -d well and Mr. George Foster,'of Winld-
t, ri Livery Barns, Erie Street. Stratford- on sor, with Mr. and Mrs. J. Rabhwell ; Miss Etta, Jarrott, of Toronto, have been suffering from flu abtacks necessitated medical attenrt ah Her "Simple , limon S*Ie9
+' weslneaday, April I0'ch, at l P. m.: Thirty -flue spent the week -end at the home of daring the past couple of weeks. `husband escaped. The cr'asth, attri- _
g j notatin bred April
19,, bt Ip greys, bays: _ ..- Miss Irene Cibuter, of London, -with) r merther, Dr's Isaac JerroLt, oR xhe Mr.'iiam lde s°b,errrt+i as De�",ll'but�d to ollgpvey rostra can'dlteoas roe FRIDAY, A� RIL 14tk ,
nee mpostly youre8 har=es. 3 years and up; several her parents; Mr. Harold, 0110tt, of visage. spent Easter 'holidays with his par- suiting from the rain, occurred at the
naar'es .in toad. and some mated teams. Also Carts Of Thanks Kitchener, at the Parental home; Mrs.
„a, Mr. and Mra: Willitam Kyle and ohil- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Sher- inttersiection of Highways No, 4 and HENSALL TOWN HALL
..,ti a few aged h.rscc. All first-class horses. Walter McBride and Mrs, John Me-
Tei+ms-C,atih. .J. C. DILL. GacttihFlt, Prroprie- - dren a,e visiting with friends in De- ritt, of the village. 84 Here. Chief Constable Lee Hedxlen THREE -ACT PLAY
tsar; M- Roth, Auctioneer. 3622x1 I MR_ 13ERT MrdiAY AND THE MOFFAT'r Bride, of Zurich, with their parents, r
fmmvty Wish to exiprets their sincere trGit. Mr. and Mrs_ Laird Joynt and little who investigated, said that a machine 8.15 P.M.
i !s'I.INloN c•oYiYtU ITY SALE WILL BES 6 ®� mfor the hW- Mr, and- Mrs. Chuter; Mrs. Dodstworth M, Clarence McLean', of London, 'son, of Toronto, spent Sunday with awned by Thomas F. Conley, R_ R. 1, Auspices of S. S. No. 9, Tucker-
V held on We lneulay. April 19th, at l.so and son, of Hamilton, with her Mother, ��ted at the home of Mr_ and Mrs. Mns,, Alice Joynt, Mr. Joynft mother, Glanrworth, was in collision witch smith,
"'#'li the illrrec,g and dea4;b of wide and sie,ter.
a,, P -m. Usual run of piy;a, young cattle. cows. Mrs• Smitb Allam Johnston,, of the Tow", Line, also Dr. Harry Jaymt, Of Byron, spent Piue'a machine, forcing it into a ADMISSION 3[►c and 15e
cedar paNfs, grain, farm. implements and num- M$ AND � Fo AN. Miss M. We are sorry to report the illness over the week.-endi Faster (holidays with his mother. ditch. Mors. Plue, was tr';eated by Dr. To be followed by a DANCE
emus other asialia:,. Anything you have to A_ O'Keeffe and Mrs. B. Devereaux wish of Mrs- Nelson Reid and Mr. Alex.
,�I Y wffer trot sale, brims it to Connell's sale Murray, gaol we hope for both a Mr. Lawrence M!offat2, a£ Regina, The Pessiov, week services .y the D. G. Steer for head injuries, The Murdock's Orchestra
Renx•ns Clinton, on Wednesday, April 19tH. QrPr'�aE1r' sincere ttR'aka 4r- envois and 'Who 'has been spending a brief visit three rocas churches were fairly well Prue madtuue was damaged to the ex-
tlors 4 kindness and sympathy extend -
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Hen-maill ,
Ll be at W. O. 00odw'iu"i1 BLOM end
Y 1�t and 3rd Tueada* In *6
oruUh, for the PurPorle of testiMa
yes and Sitting glasses D11 CWt
asses and thos'H that have Mot b0ku
ropei'ly fitted are sPeoilaW 'rem
ended to consult'.malet. Hoiden: la
m. to 6 p.m.. Phone Hensall 0
fon appo}wtmlent-
PriestaP - Thompson
A lovely wedding was solemnized at
1 -mel Presbyterian Manse, Heusall9.
11 a.m., Wednesday, April 12th„
en Rev. W. A. Young, pastor, unit,
in marriage, Agnes Pearl, dal�fgda
Of Mr. and -Mrs_ Robert E. ThmM W
n, of Kipper, to Clarence Sydney.
R of Mr. and Mrs. Priestap, Of
artsburg. They were una�te'nided-
he bride was ' charming in a Street
e igth Queen's blue, gown with. match-
ng accessories, smart grey coat with
lie lamb trimming- The wed=
ng dinner was served at the home
the bride and the 'house decarar
ane looking very effective with Eas-
r lilies. Only the imlmedlate 'vela- ,
ver of the contracting parties w+eae
resent. Mr. and Mrs. Pr}estaP Left
y motor for a wedding trip to Nan
ora Falls, Buffalo, N. Y., and other ,
aints, and upon their return they
lit take up residence on the spoon's
ne farm on the highway a mile and
quarter' east of Mitchell. The bride
as a former school teacher at Mavlo
rove School near Stratford.
ly),r•s. Robert TthomVsOb was h00bezO
n Tuesday afternoon and evening,
pril 11th, at her home near Heusratl
or her ,daughter, Agnes Pearl, a- bride
sect of Wednesday• The tsousseaia
as displayed by Mises Mabel Wlork-
lan, of Hensall, cousin of the bride,
nd Miss Hazel Thompson tile briala'fu
sister. Mrs. Walter Pr}estap, Of,,
Wartsburg, and Miss, Blanchs Thomgr-
on, sister of ,the bridle -elect, poured
ea, wthile the guests were receivedii
y the brid'e's mother, Mrs_ Thomp-
on and aunt, Mrs. D. W,irkman, of
Hensall. Between. ''-six'ty and seventy'
relatives and guests were pres+ent,, in-
ludi�ng a great many fcom Fwlarton_
Celebrating with thedir parents, Mf.
and Mrs. William Dougall of . Henza:ll,
on the occasion of their 54th wedding
anniversary this week, x -are their
am-ily, including Dr. and Mrs. R, P.
. Dougall and family of Petrolia; Mr.
cad Mrs. Milne Rennie and family, Of
Seaforth; Mr. and Mrs, W. R. Dou-
gal! and fanmiy of Hay Township, and
di'ss Alice Dougall, of Toronto. Both
Mr. and .Mrs_ Dougall are Life-long
•esidents of Hensall and highly es-
Remed. %
ECi Kindly Wore cnArrU of date. A. E. TOWNS-
fid $FND. Manager; Geo. H. Elliott. AucGinneer.
ner7Kh or
ed to them during 64heir rocent bereavement.
Also fa,. ,the aero, spi,. ,t tonilvees, and
a recovery.
p' 1'Y
Mra. Rabhw'ell, of Southward, and
lvith relatives owhal to the serious
illness and death of b.is s5s4.er, Mrs.
attesuded hailraugh0tlt alta week day tent
nervi 's, and, very largely on Sunxlay, soma
of $200. In lca ovs are a
time will elapse before the trip
l` .i7,2 1
the ions df yrs 372221
son Charlie, are visiting at the home
Bert McKay, left for 11ue hams this
Mise Amy Ikumoaue, of W+ndsoa, is
resunned_ Mr. and Mr -s. Piue were
of Mrs. M. Reid.
week, accom'pani'ed by his sofa, Lloyd,
spent the weekend bare with her mearrred
in Dublin on Monday and
deaara ,qo t7cpress their sincere apprQeiar
Miss F. Mossop spent the week -end
w,ho lives in P,rtimlce Al'ber't.
mother, Mrs.' Wm,, IAim■nie, and sis- the
bride ist a former Dublin girl.
tion of the many kind exVrVWionb of sum-
with friends in Detroit.
Wedding bells are ringting'in 'this
ter, Mind Greta.
Easter Services
pathry sbown them in tflir recent bereave- ,
They mp�ly Wis'b to thank their r
Mr. and Mas. Ted Tama* of Blen
1 the farms must positively be sold- We
and ,those wdro loaned
'- and Mee'' Ed_ Bisset, of London,
hei,m, spent, Easter holidays with Mr. Hsnsal}
Churches were filled an
b ane instructed by the Executor to offer the..
. by public auction at Lot 7, Con-
visited at the '.rom+e o[ Mr. and Mra..
and Mrs. C. A. McDonnell, Mrs. Tam-Sunday
as worshippers listened to
cession 7, Tuckersmith, on Friday, April loam,
W. L, Mellis, during the past week,
an'•s parents:
m'Christ' the
Mr. William Kearney and Lawson
.- at 2.00 p.m. First mortgage will be aocepted
For further partieularb a'�
Many from here attended the fun-
Mise Margaaet BuC'havart, who has Eastsr
u coon a
Resurrection and Christ's tri -
in part payment.
spent Friday at the home of Mr. and
eras-oi Mrs. Brett McKay, which was,
been visiting at several places during umph
over death: At the United
1;7 ply H. G. MSIR,
Mrs. Erle C. Dow.
held from Brucefield United Church
the past inantlis, is now in ,her home Church
Rev. R A. Brook preached'
Solicitor for Executor.
George H_ Elliott, Executor.
Mrs. Duncan McLeod (formerly
on Monday. Mrs. McKay wast a
(bene care of Mrs. John Jahn specia=l
Easter messages. and commun-
. •:.4
away an Aura 12, 1937:
en Grant). of Coniston, is stpendin,g
daughter of ,tare late Mr. and. Mrs.
stun, at the west, end' of the village, tan
administered at the morning ser -
14.ovet 2nd r+emembei-ed-"
few days with her parents, Mr. and
John Woffatt, of the London Road, and
who is couhned to her mom through vide
In the morning anthem Ma.
--trig dau8�, M� w. H- l�C'n, Tudor.
Mors George Grant.
wag well and favorably known, and
illness. Harry
Harton was the soloist, and a
..r 1 Household Effects of the late Mrs. Keat-
M;r, and Mrs. G•eorg0 Kers'la.ke and
her death is deeply mourned by a
The stores am now open on Tues
well -rendered duet, "The Name OP
Ing, Church Street, Seaforth, on Tbu.rsdmy.
g'. April 20th, at 1.30 p.m., on the premises:
children and Mr. George Young, Of
large ci'rcl'e of frdends. The, sympathy
day and Saturday nights, but doming
Miss Bella Smnale and) Mr. W. ;
g Electric range: Quebec heater .with attached
bur ..awx, Mrs- Alex. Iogrram, Who >a�d
Kinloss, spent Saturday with Mr. and
of the entire comm indty is extended
ttlle summer mon't'hs wi-ll continue so.
o_ Goodwin, and the soloists 1n the J
11.",%- oven: kitc}ien chair and ta:hle5 ; Singer sew-
buffet: diming
lthib life Avria 6. 2938:
To dwell in the heanfa of dense .h» roved her
Mrs. John Hocking,
td the bereaved husband, brothers and
Mn and Mrs. C. A. .MeDonell re- evening
anthem were Misses Flor- i
tors machine: secretary: -morn
', ;'� ,. eXUen'siPn labia ; couch : hail rack : 3 -Piece baa-
Is not to die,
:y Hu•"� gam
Mrs. J, W. Dow' and Harvey who
sisters LII tiliat adient sad brant of be-
turned t111K7 end of test week from e'nce
Welsh, Bella Smale :and Ruth
,`r:' iodn mite: 2 ;ron beds: arm ser; 2 stands:
Ever �euibered m.xii
have s'pen't ,some time at Granton,
Toronto wdiere they 'spent some dlaya
i:+:l severatl small tAles: cberrp chitiianer; odd
have returned home.
Mr. and Mra. Cook, of Lozydan, vis-
with relatives card friends
At Carmel PresbytQriaw Church Rev.
Y.,q chairs: mattresses; dishm; kitchen utensils,
1 and other articles too num'e�us to mention.
,Mr. Jack Crawford spent Sunday at
Red at the home of Mr. and, Mrs. Jas.
Miss Alice Dougall, of Toronto, is
Young preached morning and
Terms: On Etiects---Cas'n. On Residence—
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Craw-
.McClyniont, of the village, during the
spending Easier holidays, here with evening,
i with special l by floe
•L'; Made known on day of susle. W. J. DUNCAN,
past week
bar parents, Mr, and Mtn. Wildianr
r MoFAc
chair: Anthem,.Masco "Easter Morns sorb
,fry - Executor; G. H. Dllidatlt, Auctioneer.
s, + 6722-1
A ,splendid m ,051g of the Daugh
Mr. James Dayman, of Utl,e village,
Dougall. tat,
Mrs- Malcolm Dougal}; quartette,,
MoYI.AN rn scam MeaaorW 7llar'tal, sera-
} ,pt
ters ,of the Kirk Mission Circle was
1 atbanded .the fuDeral. of his brother,
We be'ldeve Mr. William Foster, cOr-
"Christ Arose," Rev. Young, R. Y.
Sorth, on April lath., ,to Mr. and Mss. John
herd at the home Of Mrs. Albert Hey
Charles, of Usborne, on Monday of
rner of Wellington and Richmond St.,
Ma,eLaren„ J. Bengough and W. A.
,HA!:' $book, Imlplementy. Household Effect, Peat
Moylan, VirKilbrr, twirx--son ane
ter. ,
on Saturday. After the business meet-
this Week.
North, intends ereotinlg a !neat dwel-
MacLaTen; nolo, "The Christ of the
Machinery Equipment, Etc., at Hillsgrem,
r, arnieF, Welt of Kipper, an Monday, April 17th,
ing the .hostess IRerved a delicious
-The 'many friends of Mrs. Trhoma.9
ling at tQie east eafd of Main Street
Cross," Mrs. J. W. Bonthran; anthem,
at 1,30 p.m., consisting at: Team of horses:
luneb, assisted' by Misse's Margaret
Workman and gen, Orval are pleased
an the south aide.
'Opals the C,ra,te8 Of the "1`emtPl`@," s'al0-'
'1" set •team harness : set sleighs with flat rack ;
,., team ,trailer; Chrysler engine; Chevrolet en-
and Dorothy Mahaffy.
to learn that they are much improved
Maws` Minnie Sarntgater spent a few
Miss Margaret Dougall; quartette,
$��',� gine; about 15 cords 4 -foot poplar wood; cir-
Mrs. Wilbert Mahaffy, who has
tai ,bacilli after being COn'fiIlrPld to god
days recenbty with friends at TillBton-
"Calvary," F. Battersby, James Ben-
STEWART'--lar 3cafordb, an F idss7, April
e`,' ,`, enlar saw oufit; set scades, 1,200 tbs. 1141-
spent Rome time with her mother,
through sdekm,esla-
sough, Miss Irene Hoggarth and Miss
;s' ::) icy: 3 or 4 tans of lay; 1t; ,ton irnema
ztl, ttartee 5txree.rt
Mrs. Dalrymple has returned to her
Mr, and Mss, Ibobert Green and
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Buchanan, of
Mabel Workman' ladies' quartette,
t•,t,�'4 tional truck: peat machine case and
between 2 and 3 thousand Peat crates, suis-
daughters, of Dutton, visited at the
London, and Mra. George
"In the Shadow, of the Cross," Mrs.
- I
1'� . able for gates or snow fences; Ohrydler loupe
Mrs. Dalrymple, we are pleased to
Iborne of Mr. and! Mrs, James DaTman
aster its,
of near Hentaa.11, spesnrt Easter w�i,tld
M Dougall, Mrs. A. Dollgatd, Airs. W.'
c'1S in Kood runninz •order; cook stove. glaod ms
't Furrrace�te s'tbve. only usod one secant;
say, is imprOwin$ 7r- health.
of the village during the past week.
their niotber, Mrs. Alex- Buchanan,.
A MacIraren and Miss Irene Hag -
J new;
MT. Oliver Lemon,, of Becton, spent
ML$'s Ruth Watson, of C'ltill,tan, spent
Severer} chanr,;ee iu real estate are
At the service
!!� crosscut maw: mledve; wedres, and other
isles too numerous to mention. Terms- Cash
the weekend' with, Mr. and Mrs. Ed.
the week -end at tate home of her .par-
likely to take place vilify soon in the
garth. -morning a very
diedigartion, of a beautiful
+�I , Evory'tnira>X to to cola in order to wind uA
Mrs. Prod -or Pahaler'is speeding the
ants, Mr. amid' Mrs. C. Watson., of the
quarterrut oak baptismal fount, in
�'`i', the partnership which existed between Robin-
wy son 8c Davidson, CHARLES A. ROBINSON
holidays mouth Mee. Elsa
The Late Mrs. Robert Barbour
Mt'. and Mrs. Fred Bonthr+an are
fine improvements in
m�emvriam, was Presented to the con -
and W J. DAVIDSON, Proprietors : Geo. Fi
- Eltiott Auctioneer. 3n221
Mr. and M•is- Parnell Fositer of To-
W. M. S. Meets
Members of the W. M S. met at
making some
bhe inrtelhior of their dwelling do lila
gregation by Mr. James Bengough',
' i"l,
roMto visited with Mr. emit Mrs. El-
M're, Robert Barbour, lot. 19, conces�
the Manse for their April meetring, A
the ceremony Wn
Y' g Performed by Rev,
deed Yeo the Past wwek
Missl Dorothy sax spent alta lvariday
Sion 7, Hibbert township, passed away
at the home of her daughter, Mra.
bea3utiful Easter eervice of worahup,
Mr. and Mrs. George Gram were
the family
W. A Young,
At St. Paul's A>ngHca.n Church Rev.
,h •;
ivitkl her parents, 116x. and Mrs. Leslie
William Drake, 265 Wellington Street,
"The Nearmpss of God Through, the
Great Fes(tiva7s" was usied for the op-
visited by members of r
over the week-endL,
M. A. Hunt preached very* acceptably.
Stratford, early Wednesday evening,
her 79th
ening period. With M•nR. Chandler
Mi•s•9 Joyce Scruton, of Toronto,
Special musi=c 'by the choir waA enjoy-
The men are quite lsusy keeping
these days.
Mrs. Barbour, tubo was .in
Y ear was formerly Mary Miller,
leading, all prevent united in the ser-
agent a few days bare during the past
ed and the church soaked beautiful
with F•asterr lilies, the annual gift
rsa�. power c9oretainea in a certain mor tgatte
the wood to the buzz slaw
daughter 'of the late Mr. and Mrs. Meda-
�- The roll call was respooded to
week with 'her mlother, Mgt. A- seru-
from lite Brook iam6ly of Montreal, in
,r bidn Wn1 be Produced at the time of sale,
Ir I ere will be offered for sate by public auction
Mr. Bert Holmes oe To�onfx� is vis,
iting h i btvther. 11�3r. Kenilbeth
thew Milner of Hibbert. She was mar=
by thoughts an love Resurrection. A
memory of their igte, father and
s,. a the Huron Hotel, Dublin, Ontario, on rntan-
rie<d more than fifty years ago. Mrs.
s'peci+al contribution to that ESastel
Mr. Ray Paterson, o£ Toronto, was
;flat dam, the Isiah day of April, A. D., 1939, art
Barbour (had ' been in ill health .for sox
tLnkoffering meett>E'ng came from miss
a week -and motor iviAil his .parents.
.y.., 230 o'clock in me afternoon by Fred Anraxns,
inonMe and had, spent the past foils
Mitchell, tike travellin=g secretary, i.n.
Mr.4Bla'ad "d son, from the Wesh,
��uctroneer, subject to a reserved bid, the fol -
al, sbwnrrg fsrtn laniaa Tina prerlti9c5, 'drat to months is Stratford with her dauglh- the form of a proem, "Like Old Gentle- were ret�1>it gves+te pR Mr- sand Mrs.
°I'lls ':• ai%X: ALL AND SINGULAR that certmim EGMOI�TDVILLE ter. Havl'ng .suffered a sli8ht stroke, man Gay on a °Ilt►a7lksgivin+g DaY, re L. J. Paterson, their-relatrives.
I'llNed'. ',' parcel or bract of land and premises being
�' cusnpdsed of Lot Number TWrmtfy-Aarmee ;m the she failayd to recover. She was a you want to be 1raPPY, stole somestfhang Mr. and Mrs. ()brdi'tes Wolfer were
y <' First Ccareew0cm of the Town•rhip of Hibbert, The P1gm'ondvilW V. P. S. Ibteld their member of Staffs Unitled Church. Suer- away," The .theme, for April is "Give visitefd by ,members of their family
,.,• . nn tate county of Pcvsth, dontaardiw 100 sores,, me'e'ting on Taesillray evening wbieh v}ving 'her besides her husband are h0art and soul, ami miler and strength Eimm , different places over bhe week-
, , e6tcedtang ti,erefnom 'two acres heretofore sold
lif" far railway punPoscs. opened will, ilium IsabeU por,rellit aiat- two sons, Sterling of Stratford, and tto serve the K4n!g of KIIII96." Mrs. end.
Yt+ 4 The lunar .Prem.iseri aro Weal 9ocaurza on Pro lits as viceprealdtent "Rejoice, the Advin at �bome; four daughters, Mrs. Heade7son watt bet e'lfarge 4 the stu- Mr. Olin S. Hudson continues,in
►irteioJ Highvw No. 8, about 6ii"uarter mile Load is King' was sung and flue 'min Wallace Brown (Mabel) Toronto; dy, "Becken5mg Frontiers," chapter fi about the same state of health as dur-
! ^ da* of, St. Clatlur bgn. Them afe sand to be
t eiwatif am thea,41 lands tarootorey Wtiste ares of the last meaning crone read Mrs. William Drake (Rhoda), 'Strat- of the World in Canadro.. We learn ing the pas year m two, noxi is a�till
tr,1, `' ispiek hoose witli ascan roof `'and brick kiradhen, and the oifslSln= aarss reeeive+b. "Dear ford; Mra, Dough® Neelands (Myr that 'there (are scores 'of areas wihich conrfined too his home.
4 5k 'tf e; eirivirllt stied, strzw shed, 'barn's barn with Lord and Fat�+er a8 Ma.uldnid" was ale), Cleveland; Miss Jean, at home. are still mglected 'by tlhe church, new Avery full report of .the prize win-
,,,+ s: sitd and cement stabling and two
t- 1;,;,, hr tb> tering asks the wortlriedp period waa in, '1'llere are also three brothers, John, froutters .ever'ywhere franticla,lly M111- Hers am exhibits of our annual sgrivntg
z T!e ft f3-a25go ren &wh mx the telae of sale. urge of %ds Lelabel ForeWt Wind Fto'bert and Bert, all of Manitoba, and ing. for 'attenttion. We keep moving show appears 'in another eolu r, but
m1e r �u Eleawor avd Stnaat Love. Gee® Gem- two eisteraa, Mrs. James Watt, Aiber out to lire ed of settlement, but we may be privileged to add to it dhat
f a , • e 'bbr 16r6ker ,4'teand land ,pa#iewars *Poly to new as ens far libier north OPeV up. 110twrtbstamdiin,g v cold ands trhreat-
t i Ih. br i Iixell provided an S ntai, `Ihb ta, aJl(1 Mrs. John Jamess Lanark, Out. r
? to- G}1~ly 'i'KUIIiPStiN dt 111dDP3HS(11.1,
ale ii ipirice'• '!�!! t i leer of the One brother, David, palgsecd p,way ]lost Right across 7ihl� Rats+tra�tcltlnig land, a onliYg weathe7� thane was a large at
ii, Y> . SBtafd tlsitatg"• Sieg dp6IIt glk Cdnft3t3t8 mftlkl tall. Elevbn grandrChi'ldrPsii also sur- naevi north 98 plwayg vvideniug, p0)fu bendanCe, °and fire procestlioai 'dt 1.30
;�, rI.
rr4 ;�itlbie��ydar 1llfdriteee h!ha3 alnesatg cdlnsle8 by . rm sive. Fftueral•arrangennents have llipt fated 'by atLveiroufi apfim3tty, acrd a p,m. an, Mddal Street vgee wiknefseedl by,
d eta' the 8t)tb tl ttii�aedr.' 1599. ahurab tblab would be aid veMttlrons, very 14atge, crowds sold made da very
67zo a i?eat kin Ml'sPr b¢ietda�_
aa yet been completed.
" . .,a
.fir'F,." -rr'i .,ii'.u.r :i �t :'A J1"' :.•tG F:. .us
it:A..`kyr, r"?,lh r.,?fY,.::..( •:. ., X„f}iC3 iYrc„h:.i4'Si d:.libw.. a,4:ri t.a,'i,Ae:rru+r.°,,,�fR.rt('y�r}s;'.•lW.iii�uu.F:oiRt�k h.¢r�,(3 z't4.81,f.i
Our complete stock of
Used Electric Radios,
$25 to $40, to clear at
$15.00 -
Come early! Get first
choice of these Bar-
Marconi Battery Radio,
only .......... X20.00
Phileo Battery, brand
new, $35'.00 model, at
only .......... $2.x.00
6 -volt one battery mod-
el, at ' only ...... $2.00
Phonola Console Bat-
tery, new;
Special ........ $Q.00
We're NOT Fooling!
You won't find bargains
in radios ANYWHERE
at these prices !
Radio Licenses Issued `
I F. Daly
Phone 102 - Seaforth
RA '�L 1 �
9%edal price® for i'milnediate orders. A post card WfUR bring us to ymar
home. , New designs and, now` gr nate. Free transpottakian 'Paid to
our a lca
I • . Sn4 V
II "
(.gyp:,;p Yi !e•iiii ,t .R,.jr' Ak
1 ��^-',