HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1939-03-24, Page 1i c• Y t d A H r x n , h ^, Y s'A2 �s d M j 1 r !� d k d 3 " 3 X ! t t I a t< '} f i t k } a r a ri tk r A s+ 1 +' s Y, a d 1^ f} '1 k9 iy e. f E ' .lt > , f , n /•Y I rY r 1 ? 9tIi 9 i s�f -,{' �:: + 1 t tf `� .,;". ^',"sna �1i l -." , i ty > � UI Ih M rt{Yds(„ %U f�Y16,1 �,,W,' " f# �4'y'r 757 is �� { 1{ ry �� utlh lair all f r T A j a BE a l v }+ a r l ��� k nn t cS° 1..' + t r eu�+� Y fl xV� n- �rtnaxal lN,tytt�� k,��, �1 nr� rr� EY�t: . •.„ rya• C Eightieth Year • Whole Number 3719 • . 0 SEAFORTH, FRiIDAY, • Hyde; duet, The Wearin.' of the . er, ,g,to to end th•e soaping for the Green," "Did Your Motihier Come From through The Expositor. manuy, greet- gaol) C. Rintoul and, S. Fa.irseeir•vice , 1 Ireland?" and "My Wild Irish Rose," .,ir}'gs an this . oecasfon• we81t off togebhsr fm this period, fol- ( Mrs. George Hew acrd' Dim. Maude • kiwed by another Londesboro pWaity H dkl'e anriet hili G L k ,j e n, acoomrp ssI u ar, At the coneoluslon of the programEghnondvlile'--Coal, Pu:� toe Bruce Raityy, Mac Rdnioul; , Claude BJlowes in h*9 usrtmday plea- VACANCY! ON HENSALL E g m o n d v i I 1 e and D u 1 i n' Retires in June COUNCIL IS F I L L E D, Survive Hockey 'Playoffs , ,lune BY, ACCLAMATION ' Battle For McMillam; Cup . Seven Are Nominated, But Roweliffe and, Laird Mickle. The con- • Eome- feense, S. Fairservice, K. Arthur; con- :. from the active md,nire,try of Rev: Geo. • • • • • • 'Arrange Home -and -Home Gilmore, of. Staffa, was made) Tues- . Henry Horton is ` . four received prizes. Miss Greta 'day at the meeting of the Pertly Pres- Riley, Sihadddck, i I Lammie presided at, the piano. •, , I Games on Thursday and • Elected. Spring.? - ' 'etraldn{g paint avid making the evening Gellmore's a'pplicabion for ,retirement The Dublin-Kei,n'burn s'e,riees was very • the 'success it was ,by Miss, Lam'mie, Saturday, with Games to even,, bhiq accountingfor the_f4mall NEWS OF HENSALL in spite the date. the cal- Count. 4 ' licious 'launch way served, of srandwicb- . ardor, Seafofo rth citizens had dif- es, cake, coffee and, ,candy, Cbnviener ately arnnounred. tTe will retire to eager Irishmen 'cam'e. out victorious', ficulty in pe•rfeving that Tuesday, ' (Continued' on Page b) • Harry Horton. was elected 0 Hen- March 21, was actually the first IF NECESSARY, THIRD ' ,sail cou teirl by acclamation., Return- ing Paterson day of spring. The day was cold GAME ON TUESDAX Officer- J. A. announced and stormy, the weekend being ' following the expiry of the .gualifiea. one of the coldest of the entire tion perioid. Councillor Horton occu- winter, On Saturday night the Kinhurn 2, Dublin 2 Itdes tthe seat made vacant by the ' thermometer idropped to. 6 I*Iow ' Kir>,bur•nr and, Dublin played to a 2- ressigmatiou, of Councillor George X. zero, according to Chief of police all tde in the first game of the semi - Brock. ­t.Other Robert Helmar Snell, I finals last Thursday night. , Chaviie nominations; were: Reeves scloved Kinburn's first goal on -Cameron, Jdmews- Sangster, Peter L. • • • • • •a closeshot in the first periodt Two McNaughton, FredSmlallacom,be, Ow- minutes after the faeeoff, Reeves -en Geiger and, Laird, Mick'le.made it. 2-0, scoring out of a s6--ramble.y Co-operative Elects The annual general meeting of the MANY "W"I { • F �1�ES This goal made plenty of excitement anxi a few minutes latter Jahn O'Con-, Huron Parme•rs(' Co-operative Co. was 1 norscored Dublin's first. Kinbu'rn •. held one Saturday afternoon in, lire 1`o%yn Hall, Hensall. "t. R. J. Scott, AT LEGION DINGO had a good, chance in di,is period when N. McQuaid was. in the box, • rresident of the Unit& Farmers' Co- penalty but tailed to change the score- After operatite of Toronto, addressed tile �— so"ne m+iu'ut-c's of c6olse checking Mock- . meotfng, The.. shareluol'deers elected Welfare Branch of Le g 'ion 'ey, Johan O'Oolib r broke clear avid . seven (iirectors as follows: Albert scored the -411ai goal to make it 2-2. . Hendrick, Dashwood; Blake Horner, Benefits From Bingo The tihie'd period wits notch rougher. Zurich; William Alexander, William - ---... . Rintoul and lMcCarChy brad meet of Pepper, ,Henseall; J. C. Bell, Janie, Party. the hard work to deft, ltaw"lanld•'d¢•ew • Wright and Andrew Bell, all of Kin- Itbie first two minutes; lteevus wenst )ten. At the meeting of the deireotors Sic•kn(rss, bad weather and count'e'r next for sliash.lug, but he was no soon - . which follawod,. Albert Hendrick, of attrEtetions failed) to spoil the attend- e2' on the Ice, than, be went off again Dashwood, was re-electedpr^esdd'ent; an'cr, at the Bingo party held und4•r with McQuaid fo'r mixing it up. G. k_ T, H. Foroyth, K'ippen, secretary, and the a.tinpicos of the Welfare Branch of Scott was the last, to be penalized. William Pepper, Hensyall, manager. the Canadian Legion in 'D' Co. Ar'ru• Dubliu'---Goad, McCarthy; defense, Alex, McEwen, of Clinton, is auditor, ou'r•ies on Tuesday evening. 114eQuuid, Hanley; cerutre, Itoebins,on; It Much business wase transacted during The Legion will .repeat the Bingo w•tngs, Rowland, F erg, SetaploLod ; 1i, the meeting and the auditors' report 'the party (in Tuesdeay, April 11th, and will sub'~-, John O'Connor, G'lleiily, W. Me - of financial neview of the oom- appreciate thea same splendid support Quaid, Lane Frank Stapleton.pany's affairs indicated a very suc- that ivas given the worthy cause this Kinbilim-Goal, Reg. Rintoul; qe- • ces'sfu3 year for the company and the week fens'.(', Reeves, Dale; centre, Dar- Fiprospects bright for 1939. App4ica- The lucky winners were: I)oor ranee; wings, A. Riley, "Bun" Riley; ra tions for sihares were also received. prize, set of dishes, L. Logan; case subs., Fred Riley, A. Scott, G. Scott, Exeter Lions Meet Here The Lions Club Exeter held their bacon and eggs, Miss A. Spiers; erase 1 • Scott, Carter, of canned goods, Artlhur Faaiser; 1 bus. Referees—Fred Willis, Cyril Flan. . regular dinner and meeting on Mon- groceries, Mrs. Scoot Habkirk; case neTy dAy evening guests of Ldone Stan Tit- canned. 'goods, Emmett 'M a ire; box Egmondville 6, Londesboro 2 t dor of the Commercial Hostel ,here. chof.*latets. Dave H. Wi•1 cane or Egmondville seurpilseed the Canada • Some 41 members were present, in- anges, George Hildebrand; case bac- Bud winners by defeating them 6-2 in eludieng eleven mercillantsi from Hen- ,on and eggs, Rex McGregor; ease the second game, which gave 'them a •� sall, the idea of the meeting ' being to "the grapefruit, A. Bell; box chocolates, four goal lead Den the round. In the become acquainflied with H+ensall M. McTavish; set dishes, Margaret first period of tits game it looked' . district which lire Exeter club ihas Grieve; case aimnegles, Joe Smith; bus, :ike anyone coaled win. 'S. Fainsee,rvice taken over and to formulate plans) for groceries, Ada •Speirs; box chocolates, passed to Snell, who made it 1-0 ro•r • future actions, Reeve E. Shatdd•ick re- Mrs. F. Sili-,,: electric table Lamp, Londesboro a few minutes after the presentpd ,the town coueneg, and G. Mies 1V'esrra Trade; box cbocolia(tes, :start- J. Nicholson scon•ed Egmend- • 3:o -gee, 4 F6 chavaiber of commerce. Mrs. S. Habkirk; set didlies, Merton vitlee's first unassisted,.starting ft-om' A deifglutful evening was spent at A Redd; box chocolates, Mrs. W. C. the defense. Scott Fairseervice made the hoarse of Mises Mildred Madge on Bennett; ease grapefruit, Jack Cud- it 2-1, getting this one on Ben Riley's Monday evening when some 40 neigh- more; busix'1 apples,, Mrs. T, Phillips; Pass. Venus and Snell wen -t off to. 't" ... bons and. friends presented her with„a case • bacon and egh c, Mrs, F. Sills; ge'ti:-e•r befone they had time to do miscellaneous shower in beautifublti' eiiso o-ran,,es, A. Bell; apples and any further ba.btling, and Little threw decorated) baskets in decorations, of 11,ej,ol:c.nd'iso, Miss A. Speirs; case two udnu•t.es for hooking, With just Easter colors in mauve and yetlow. grarflfrudt, W. Secott; set dishes, John one minute to go, Venus scored Eg- The numerolr+,sl lovely gifts were pr•”- I herr:): apples arid medse., Mrs, D. inondvidle's tying goal. en -ted to the 'bride elect by Mrs, .Jack I Petit; box ch.acolal:es, ods., apples, _ The only goal of t•h'e second .was j, Faber and Miss Helen, Welker. The I Miss Peggy Cli�esney; mdse., Mrs. H. put im by Game•rr>ri Rlr:eluul on a seol'o. {I1 evening was pleasantly s9ent in so- Trapnell. F-gmondvillee had bhaier owrr way in tial intercourse, after which refre:lh- the se-cond and thirei', not getting any I ments were served,- • scored on diem. ,I. Nichulson picked I Hold St. Patrick's Social I off a nice pass from Messenger to With the basement of the United Observe 50th mealre it 4.2. H. Nicholaon increased �i' � Church beautifully decorated with Ir. i:eh the lead once more, scoring on Nigeh's emblems, amd presenting an, at. tractive appearance rhe` anvnral. �t. Wedding Day rs pass wltibe S. F`ui.aervice wars In,the cooler. Venus finished tibe scoring • PatrieVs social Wit held on Monday for the night. S. Fairseervice drew an- evening with a spl-endid attendant, dr- _ ath,n'r t-wo mi.ruu•fes for tripping. spite the €scut that flu woe, very prev- Mr. and Mrs. C•:b, Walker, of Had F.gmonclviLle—G(al Mac Rintoul; aleni and there were other numerous Axe. Michigan, quie't)y euaebrated cleFe.nse, J. Nlichoeiseom, C. Rintoul; ten- ' attractions. Rev. R. A. Brook acted bh(�rr ';o'lde'n wedding on Saturday at, tree, John Flannery; wings, Venus, TT. ars chairman. True evening comment- their home there- Mr. Walker was Nichol -oh; subs„ Geinme[I, Mess, en- inging of "Onward Chris- ed with the singing the youvgcst scan of Ohee late Mr. and g(,r, Nigh, A. Nicholson., Ins" and the Lord's Yrrayer tion Soeldtigr ylis• David Walker, w?ho -lived on the Landrsebaro — Goaal, Radford; de - in unisod MorA of the numbers ort fa.l,m now owned,wned. by Mr. Davin Pap- fens,e, S. Fair.9Brvice, K. Arthur; con , the program were impromptu owing I':'e. Mrs, Walker was Elizabeth tre, Brtw* Rliey; wings, W. 1'.idey, to so much, ielineses and other reasons,. We n•umrber's•, however, being Broadfoot, daughter of the late Mr,' and Am. James Broadfoot, Mild Road. Snell: ssrbs., )scW alper, eir, Littile, Ben itiley, all well Mr. and Mrsc Walker were Shadedick. gluon and much enjoyed. The first married Ileferee's--C. Flannery, F. Willis. f number wase a readdnig, "Thee Wasted orr March 11i, 1889, by Rtw. J. FI. Sdmp- Egmondville 4, Londesboro 1 I Crust" by F.lanmee Beer; piano sato, cont, of Lindon Church, 11I., field, Dublin and F,gnion&vitne each `con "The -Girl I Left Behind Me," Miss when Miles Kate Walker was brides- bhp.ir games, 'on Seattin-dea. nd ,li an g t d gfor Gladys Luker; duet in crositume, "The maid and, James 13,rctad'foot the best i will now meat ien the finals the . IAttde Irish Girl" and "School Days," m1nn. The bride was attrired in a tan i M(^Mi71azNZ Trophy. Lonrle,.gboro was Billy and Betty Mickle,mm accopatuied gown, witch brown, accessories. They honeymoon was spent •at Warsaw, N. ezey for F�grnondrvil-le as they defelat- st the ,iiiano by their mother, Mrs. E. ed t:hern again, tihia time 4-1, rivokin-g ! . L. Mickle; solo, "Beldeve Me If All I - On t7wir• return to Tickers pith a I a. total Def 7 goads up on bhiF mnnd. Those Endea.`"ing Young Charms." reception was held at the hone of Drrbhn and Kinburn had quit,, e• time I Rev, lib. A. Brook, accompanist Mises bhe bride's parents and dancing was e secAtlei .ing their sries- Th„� first game Gladys I.nket,, piano solo, "The Roses enjoyed unt.i•i the wee small hours.I wal a 2 -all ti'e, but Titiblin ou'tsroa-ed • Green,” B4liy Mickle; read•i'nrg, 'TarryThey I fader moved to Michigan where ; ,.hem 2.1 in Me second of bhe series. McGee,"'"Mrs. George Hem), violin, se - 111-i'y hfave. since resided. I)g•mordwille and Lond+r>seboro played • IectianS, Mr, William Hydse. In the Their frini,`i,ly includes, Mr. and Mrs. 60 minartes of bh) fasdr6t hockey ween absence of Mrs. I. G. Smdthe, who wa, G. G. Wa.lke•r, Bad. Axe, Mich),: Mr. In the leectgue this. winter. The flme . to bktve been time guest speaker, but and Mm, ltoy Walker and six grand- period was very even, the gctealtlenalers who was called unexpectedly to To P Y ch,uldron, (if o9dn, Alberta,, and Mrs, dkt•ing most of bh+a w•(oT}c. There were • ron;to, Mrs Ken Hicks very pleasing- Carrripbell, wiUlu whom bheey restidle at no goals scm+eeci. The second peeni0d Iy presented- the talk of Mrs. Smil- Bad Axe, Mr, Waiker held many pub- started th•e score for bine night; Cam. r he's recent trip to Ireland; cornet offices but ion account of iii 'health IITtlnri s•fippede in two bP'fam S. Fail -- solo, "Beautiful Isae of Somewhere," had to give them' up. Both Mr, and, wirvicp uld come back for IUondes- Jaha. Beer, Mass Greta Y.ammde at till, Mrs. Walker have been, invalids for horo'la ion Two goal pemal,tiees, Ito Irian; a piano solo with a group of fi1e years and enjoy folks who drop S. F1ai'tmoxvice and, one to Tittle weals- ' Irish songs, "When I Dream of Old in to dhat. on the pioneer days of M16h- 'aned tho T.omdes,bom team for six E`ri.n." "My Wiled Irish Rose" ani lgan or barn radsskngs on the Mill minutes of fihp second p(,riod. "Gusto" ' "When. Irish Eyes Are Sm'ildug," Mrs, Road. Mrs. Mary Manson, of Dgmorad. Mess'en'ger also direw two minutes for E. L. Mickle; duet, "Let's Call the i-ffle, and. Mr. Walker are bhe only trirpping ' Whole Thing Off" and "Ten Little ones remaining .in the Wralker family Tine F.gmondvflle boys outplayed Miles From Town," Joyce Broderick and Mrs. Wa'iker ,and Miss Mary the Canada Bud winners in the (m -tire • and Ross Kennedy, Maas Luker at the Broaldtoot, of Florida, are the remeiisrt- last Perini. Nigh p4naspdy to, J. Ngch• priano; musical cb2lites�t directed by irvg members living In the Broadfoot ,0119;an to make it 3-1 and thmee mfnr- Miss Kilpatrick; violin selections, Mer, 1.extend flam-1 Their Tuokersmith fttti'emds to Mr anile Mrs• W_lk utes Faster J. Niobolessan• banged it in • Hyde; duet, The Wearin.' of the . er, ,g,to to end th•e soaping for the Green," "Did Your Motihier Come From through The Expositor. manuy, greet- gaol) C. Rintoul and, S. Fa.irseeir•vice , 1 Ireland?" and "My Wild Irish Rose," .,ir}'gs an this . oecasfon• we81t off togebhsr fm this period, fol- ( Mrs. George Hew acrd' Dim. Maude • kiwed by another Londesboro pWaity H dkl'e anriet hili G L k ,j e n, acoomrp ssI u ar, At the coneoluslon of the programEghnondvlile'--Coal, - Staffa Minister toe Bruce Raityy, Mac Rdnioul; , Claude BJlowes in h*9 usrtmday plea- defense, J. Nicholson, C. R.Intoul; cen- ameg manhr,er, presddied over a cbetmt, , the four contestants; on the, platform Retires in June John Flannery: wings, Ve'nu's, H, mahois,w subs., Gemimell, Messlen- rtaking part being Miss Shirley Fatir- ,lune ger, Nigb, A. Nicholson. . b4trn, Mes srM W. O. Gcnod,wim, Elgin Lomdesboro---Goal, Radford; Ile- Roweliffe and, Laird Mickle. The con- Announcement of the retirem'enet. feense, S. Fairservice, K. Arthur; con- . destantts were to gues,.4 the title of the• from the active md,nire,try of Rev: Geo. tre, Bruce Riley; w!•nc•,s, W. Riley. sons played anneeedflos^s to say all Gilmore, of. Staffa, was made) Tues- Saeid; alt%., Ledpeear, Weir, Little, Ben ` . four received prizes. Miss Greta 'day at the meeting of the Pertly Pres- Riley, Sihadddck, i I Lammie presided at, the piano. bytery of the United Church in Knox Referees)—C. Fiatnn•ery, P. Willis. A vote of thanks was moved to all United' Church, Ta.irl toclL Rev. Mr. Dublin 2, Kinburn 1 ' 'etraldn{g paint avid making the evening Gellmore's a'pplicabion for ,retirement The Dublin-Kei,n'burn s'e,riees was very • the 'success it was ,by Miss, Lam'mie, from the ministry wag dealt with, by even,, bhiq accountingfor the_f4mall Iand seconded by Dr. A. Mcdr. A di e- , bhe Presbyterial arc( granted: The scores. This series could th,ave gone 4 ' licious 'launch way served, of srandwicb- I date of retireMent was not, lmmeedi- to efther team, but Jerry Holland's es, cake, coffee and, ,candy, Cbnviener ately arnnounred. tTe will retire to eager Irishmen 'cam'e. out victorious', ' (Continued from Paige 4) 1 Londohi his former home. (Continued' on Page b) s � Z i .f , .r., ;I .,.ay,r,f,,Ir,.rii�f,9:Nr,��1i,^,?.N ;r-,t_„_..,d.¢,,5•, .64tki: . .. .v,._ bra ..: S A ��J'� :N a. ,f ” q A, . i e "?' s +w i �n ' rb six, y r.r it ,i l ° ^, k '':�'r r ! ren s „y et i i n N n+ \ ,w„ -:....w.« a.., '.+. t �i.S:f �., hl �""�grti{��'S' dk+,f d>'i}•1y1'rt'!s '75d y y r�yiaty4� .�,Ir I f�M S,L., i .Pint r "y'' I yj,I„: 1 b x , .. k itq r.. , fl t i1n } 9 n 1 rpi'�°r7z ya ;�i" y ry6 i{N i { r ! Y ` . n abl Ur �4 N � hyI" I . ^I+ 1 1 kl M1l 1 t t Y" f l+ ,y ,stYl,, 1 r' i ,h,d5x ", i dr"� '14H`frta>�'IrY.t gry}x1.s}� +��,rt�,yri;,+Y k hc,�r yj.> �e� ":, s t ,; .f. la PNZYI'alit"!,3rA'�ks75i��y�ai,J4,ygr.'45'.:rd'Sltral}°�..; („ t , -. ,c' fy.: •r 1y,� j t`oyrt , ,{ ` T 1t ,7 41� k. a y ' l w4 � y 'Ir� 1y p,Ifit' ,,,1 Ii,Y' fi;� ', F''i�',1` i�'C ,NJ 1E,H'Y I{I Ll I, J S li^�t�rt l ,w � y y{� r� ,Yo I Y `; - +' 'arra+ ,; ,t ; "F i 4 . ,,,'' T "SSG �d l'�i,' 4tu '!"%i "f SA' i�, 7 y, {Ir'A:i". a. l a cI {{s J, u 1 . 1 wrt ;a�11 In. l,''- inn f! s ''!r"r2 1I •{ni{ f.�fv rr fl h' rr � Y'F�} oV��, r>;'�, S ,} l e z f s a,'' i' ,I ,>a rn l' ad d y F4 11 ,11I -) 3 , •;° d a e it •a h r S 1J t \ a - i alb,, _ k S'_01Y- 1. . 1 } lit \ J s J' r,g Vt �'I.JIrpL�� iso r � •%x,'�c Rx " 111 t e, tNtJ'd3'1 1. ;",ar 24, 1939 . - • 0 4 � ,, i �l.�� 1. sf'. fHIEV :S ' 'C IVEt IN TUREiE a E �' : ES ON TUESDAY-.-- Police Investigate Break-in. At Tuckers'mith, Hensall and Zurich. SECURE SMALL - LOOT Huron County officials are .inrvesti- ating a series of robberies which were committed on Tuesday night or Vednesdar.y morning. In 7,'ackerslmeith he farm +home of Alexander Sdn,elair as entered crud a radio' taken'. A afe in the Hen@U11 Town: Hall cle'rk's ffioe was' forced open with 'an cotelayne torch stolen. from Norville lord's, blacksmith shop, whale at Zur- ;lt Crartig's serrice, station and Sil- erwoodse branch office were entered. When Mr. Sincloair and other read-' ents of 1» home returned, to their .run bate, Tuesday night from Kippen hey, found) +thieves•'had smasrhe-d in wo doors and; sttolenp a radd,o, Chief f Po -vice Hebua.r Snell, Seaforth, was otified ands he, in company with ounety Constable wJoehn Ferguson, in- esetiegWted, The officers believe from •acks found ,that ,the thieves used a enalI c(i:r• or light truck. Constable Lee, Hedden discovered it Hen'sall robbery when, he went on uty Wednesday morning. Pruvincia;l ous,t-ablLe McCoy was notified, and iut- ieddately, commenced an inves ,,-a- eon: The thieves a'pparetutly gained entry :rough a ti•el.et wdeke't in the office. •0016 and an• acettsynye torch, later tuned to have been stolen from l'ord's lacks'mddilr: shop, were found" 'lyinc; bout the floor. Tihee safe door, was pen and papers scattered; about. 'Vii- tge Clerk Jamies A. Paterson isi com- !eti'rng.a check to learn if any papers -e missing. Cash taken amounted to aly $2.14. The same gang is blamed for break - g the pumps at Clang's service sta. on, Zurich, in a futile attempt to 'P'iendssh thodr gasoline' onpply and :tering Silvyer•wood's, Zurich branch. 'fice. In the latter place they ob- Lined only $1 j1rat wras left !a the rsh regiMer. Provlinycial C'onstabi;e McCoy, of oderiah, is in, charge of •the invesYti-i, ,tion- Authorities thought from a ml -rarity of operattioni 4M& .the gang rat atterrupted to cwt. its way Into a tnk vault at Dutton on March 10th ay have also, stiaged Monday neigla's lid. • ...W.L. Holds St. Patrick's Tea Tlir• rasho;ic %*,)men's League held (bMighihil tea in St. ,lamas' 'Tall on, • day, March 17th. 'Tiros )tool w'as tastefully dc•c•otatei in P;L(rick's colors of gr(`en and hire, the -tables N%Ibh silver ba3k.�-ts daffodils, The procei'lls amounted $F)O.M), Aearch 31 Is License Dead Line Motorists wirer negicc,t to secured lair 1939 license plates and to re - ,w their driving permits by March st can expect no sympathy from oto whose duty it is to enforce the w, according to Provincial Traffic fficers in this, ddetriet. The traffic fleets ,have received orders, tdrrat un-' tr no circumstances, are they to give arising to motorists w l,o fail to pur- i al* their car markers by the dead - no date, March 31st. Provincial Traffic Officers Charles . Anderson, Strratford, atuh' J. W. Cal- .nd'er, Mitchelll, -have received orders lat they are to warn motorists be - ,re Mat -oh 31s1. that. they mu&t have 1 reir new car mar .ora and new dnv- Ig permits but after Moxc•h 318-tthere -o to he no warnincw, Prosecutions ust be carrier) out on the first of- -nce. Traffic Officer Cailiu ,',,- said that any people 'have the e! ronseous opin- n that they may drh v- th•air cars if ee`y are on their way to Stratford ar cher centres wthere licen%e plates are dd, even after the lisle date. He sa.ld tat under no c'ircumgtances are cars lowed on the highway after March Ist, with 1938 mearker•s, even if the .otoris4s are on their way to pur- lase, their 1939 markers. The mark - •9 must be procrired by March 31st .'the latest. Rosedale Alberta ,, - Splendid Fuel for this tit�ne •,of Year q. CL UFF & SONS C1t.bllb E�r4tly=I�t�l�l "' t ds. to I Huron makes Definite Move CREAT 3�17'.� T PRECT A Clinton Meeting 1�1�rnes A r F r� . ti S ER I. OI C S a ,, ;.\ Ref orestrat i o n Committee ELECT ' LADY HEAD ` 11 w;_11 trt committee of Three Will 11 _ _ �� ' 14 • • • • • • S. B. SttSthers, Former Ag- ;. "� Survey County and Re- ;<�' ricultural kepreseltative I J" port to Agricultural Ad- Larger I�Il]k Addresses Meeting. 1. g• visory Committee ► Time . Although the hockey season is ' `t: 1' or June Session. hardly over, the Seaforth rink ,•a management already are at work MEET IN CLINTON ,„ on plans for improved accommo- ZURAL SCHOOL PLAN dation at the rink. The ice sur- Mrs- D. A, (Slclam+) JSmiltlh, wel3 , face will be lengthened by eleven ! IS WELL ADVANCEID'e Goderich Tawns'bnp grower,11 feet, new bleachers will be built3 vis elected presddtent at the annual at the south end and new hockey ,` (, meeting of the Huron County Fruit- ',: A definrite move in Huron County's dressing r thereastsw ng be construct- growers' Association held in, Clinton 11 eforwstrabieon plan was made Wed- ou Saturday, marking the first time I'll �:a tY esday w hen a committee of three was - ,in the history of s@miler organizations I'll amed to mselet the agricultural ad- • • • r • • ii'J Onetario that a woman , has .held •-,;�1 isoryr committee in a survey of the ithat office_ The meeting, an all -day n11 MAY. y- event, convened at 9 arra. in the agri- Members of the co+mmm'itte.e are J. cultural office and was presidled over - il r. Thomas,. .Goderich; W, L. Whyte, DAD CREQUE ARTIST by President J. R• Stirld'ng, Hayfield. N [u lett, and J. C. �Sltt,earer, Agricultural The. first item of business, after r> '" representative, Clinton. They will brief opening address by the presi11 - teet on March 29th. FOOLS MERCHANTS d'art, was the report of the secretary -J tnoasurt r, J. C. Shearer, a l Meeting in Clinton Wednes'd'ay af- agricultural '• ?rnoorb with the A'grricvltural Advis- repreeerrtative, who gave a resume, of . .. t: yj ry Committee, inte'rest'ed repne,eenta- Find Cheques Given on Pay- the activft£es of tih'e Ass•ocda.tfou for ' ••!� ves from throughout the county thor-thepast year such as the ordering of 1 uglily dascus5e(i the quos+tiuu of re ment of Goods Were spray supplies in carload lots, cir- A. cular•izing the membersihip with in- tre,s'tration and couservation. L. E. Forged. 11 ad'di.strn(:tine letters on prop')+r, times for . fP, MorHsl 'I'owil:ih4p nereve_ and spraying and bhe kelp of sprays to __ .., hainnan of the C�Ommitt(hL, presided use Fat the raricrus st.a�es thrau�hout Public School Ins S. afcprth merctham.,, in at least two Inspectors, E. C. Bea- the season. b tl >m and, J. H. Kinkuid, spi)%i, brie\fly cuse,s, have been the victirus of a bad rtrd told of the neforestnal.ion work cheque artist within recent weeks, it An address by J. A- Golddee of tilte ,. w'aS leltrneed this walk followin com- On.t,ario Department of Agriculture, )ing done in connection with schools. g .,1. v�: very rural school child in Hul,on plair,t.s to Chief, of Police H•elmar• Barrio,, on ' The Future of the Fruit <., ou'nty is ordeerimg five tteees for either Snv•1;, l3IIsinPS.," featured the morning sec- ;,;t In each ca,4a bhe man purchased' sic)". Gordon Blair, Burlington, and .a ,im,dbreak or woodlat planting to >mmrern'orate the visit of rte King goods and .in payment offered a John Pu ad, Clinton, represented spray id, Queen, the meeting learned. In cheque for $12.50, drawn on the ac- suPply companies, were also heard, iditnon, niany townslhips are backing count of a piomin4wnt McKillop farm- I'110wing a dinner• at the McKenzie11 ie plan of leaving sclrool sections er. Tile man explained he was em- Hotel, S. B. Stothers; a Huron notice .ant an acre of forest trees near the Ployled by the fanner and that the and former Huron agricultural repre.s- ;.pool. The Huron County Council ciheque was far wage6. The march- entath,e, now of Wellington County, illpap 50 per Dent. of the lost of ants accepted; the cheques, only to spoke on reforesetrrationr and the benee- find "'Pon fits derived in the cone) re land, the local townsthdp councilpresenstatdeon to tilteY,,ir bank quant conser- ill pay �.5 per cent., and the balance ,that ,they were forged, vation of modseture. Trees should be ill be ,paid) by the sehool section, Al- The dlesoription given :the police is planted on farm land's, school grounds .j lady the fol -lowing townships) have of a Young man 5 ft. 9 in- tall, of 175 and particularly along the lake frontiy pounds- He were a dark overcoat from AsihfieLd at the north end to i ieilanse,d the idea: ellullett, Tucker- Phen, Township pith, U•ssborne, Hay, Stephen, Stan, and a grey' cap. Ste at the south and Al more particularii^ at the mouths of p and Goderich. Last year over • the three rivers, Maitland, • Bayfield 10,&00 trees, weere planted, in Huron. and Saubl'e. ecordineg to presemet indications, this I Badminton Club Hee spoke also oP the opportunity ,, rmber will be greatly increased in for Huron fariners to cultivate at 139. least 1'0,000 acres .of corn for feeding , Councillor Frank Si -.1s, Seaforth, Sponsors ,Dance purposes by trsdng flint and. the new11 .-ought to the •attention of tlhe meet- by^brid Dent varieties of field corn. f�, g th•e advantages of reforestration �" a oin a tourist s,tau'd,peoint. "Huron The annual dance of the Seaforth He pointed out the ten -mile strip of ::j is ties tine "finest streams in the conn- Badminton Club was held land from uhe lake shore eastward as in 'D' Co. ' y-," Ire said, "so w•hy not get some Arniouric� an Friday evening. Ment- the suitable area. Miss Flora Dur t- 'neftt from them?" bers and their friends enjoyed dance- in, Dungannon, srpo,ke interestingly of 'I Lack of un:itieatior stnessed as ing to ruus'ic by Ken Steele anti his the: hoalth value of apples as a food to drawback to n .e, e,nalion and Hotel l.on(lon ore:wproduct. 1I, alla, At the afternoon session the s'Peak- .1 tn.ervution in the 1' ;r.� oon of J. 1). h it ars w,�re ( -John Mitchell and Mr. Mus - oma Goderich, w::o has sd.udied grave, of Thornbury, bile latter a for - Ref 1(:, po esfor y�(,aIias. IZurieh Man Injures mer kluron resident. They snake on restration has synipabhotic' the subject of advertising Ontario ap- j 11•1.wrt llu•oughout the county. All it Hand in Saw Ple`s ill ord'er to increase consumption, ' !,organization and It;radership," and George Mitchell, also of Thorn - r.. '1'h(vmas said, biiy, ''v"ho spoke of the activities of XV. I,, Whyde, Hullett, told th(+ meet- Mr. Gotdom Bloch. cjmplr)yed at the, Canadian Ilorticulturai Council. g he %vas planting 10 aores of un- Kalbile iscdr's mill, hed th•(r misfortune The ,(•Yt 1.%nd in trees this year. Hc' The election of officers took glare he other flay, while working at the, an(1 the new officers are: Honorary, •otrlim,d his sur4ort for any scheme circular saw, to have his right hand presidents, George Laithwaite, Gode- Iat wuuld rrgult in reforesdration, come into contact with the saw, Six - rich Tow nshjp, and J. R. 9tfrling, Bav- Several speakers were heard, all of teen stit.c•hes w•ery needed to close biJP field; president, Mrs. D. A, (Sloane) homt were favorable. to the project, wound. I Smith, Goderich Township; secretary-- ough of differing opinion as -to some Mr, David Duch,arme has purahased trF,astrrer, J. C. Shearer, Clinton; vice- �r'is. t` e the ctwe•Iding property un Edsw•ard 'St. prc�tiident, 1t..T. McLaug+hfin, Brussels; i Those• who si)dke in addition to rhe from Mr, A. W. Pock, Bayfield; and � directors Is n I Xwe we>re lteove6 Trewartha, Ciin- c , C Cyto Laithwaite, D. J. which is now Mtupie.d by Mr; S. M• Lassaline, Stewart Middleton, George ,ri: Scott, S4taforbh; Mee -all, Blyth; Anderson and family. Mr. 'and, Mrs, i ,Jo'hns4on, (;eorge Sow•erby and Vb'es- rlit strong, r W a t s'o n, Passmore, Ducimi-me intend moving to •fiche vil' ley Joynt. Lucknow. aackp lsborn,N, fray. Stanley and lage frnmh the farm nepxt fall. He than cderirh Townssheieps, rented his farm to his son. I •, '1'114, project of a 1,000 -acne block LMx.' (mmav Bohm has parrhased 1111) "r..g procured) for r^eforestration wa;; house and lot in Blake owned by the Hospital Aid Plans discussed. The difficulty, of b so e J. A. Manson e,slatte. Ife i•ntende; fix - g 'able to procure a block of 1,000 ing up the hroeuse, and will rent the �j '•r•es in Hn uryat any reasonablecost Propemt.v. Theatre Night a, one of rho clik,f objection and Mr. Allan Milder Ehaa purchased the ;%-,as Lhougtht. by the majority of fine faer•m on the, Blue Water Iidgh• )ealcers that. a 100 -acre block in each ic••ay ,sttt•th of Sd. .Tosepeh, from ghee Tickets for the Hospital Aid The :wnshilt or at suitable latcntlons Andrew [tirnbull )sial), including Ire Night are findi.ig a r(ad. sal'), ould better serve this purpose. but many w'ho wil'I wish to assist the stock uttd implements and gels ini• 14ostat•tl Aid may J. C. Ssheettrcrr told about fcrrm•er, ]cur- 1 • � y Possibly have not mpdia.t4, posm-Tion, 'Mrs. A.ndT(,w I repros,&n", tive, S. it. Stothors' plan J'f,f seeeor'ed ticl(els. Those riul,}' be litrurar will continue to ter, ep cvn I obtalned from any meniber or at the ' refnresf�ition of a strip all along thr farm with hrr daughter, Mrs. ie laic) from Ashfieldto the north ,yiil•lerdoor,, tibhaealre nir<,l id to IN -,lower boundeary or teh,r, Mr. Emil Fl(mdrick he,.; Tented his, lite anmtl rt is' being )unty, hie spokir of the fine spirit 13n-a,re farm ort lrir hway No, 21, I held Mo-rday evening at the Regeni ((tctprrsri.inn ho has found prevail. Gnuth of ,, ,Tos,1 to Mis rs. S:rm! rheatro here, when the special at- tract' yr Ig in'ihi, county anal citod the sue. I er t will be the play, "Four ❑nyi I.loyrl H(nrlrick for a Tenn of five) Iaau`htc -s." •Theta will be two shows, ,ss of t.itr T.B. res-ricted, prnj(-ct toitr:s. Mr ):mil will ccmitinue to live hick wend, over stronger here than on Ih:e farm, Nivinn" rfvserv(*o bhe use �'st 7,30 ani+9.15, Home -mode candy I anv crou.n4y in On•iario, 86 per cont. will be on sale in bhe lobby. of The, dwelling, scrag(, garden amt1� ' farmers favorablo. Thr projeef•,�n• (,,,hard. • ler• consideration tcrdny can b(* t°a.r- ,Mr, John 1lorrssvau, of Cerand Benrf, ed out jtrstit as Sr1cc4-s'sfhtily-, fie hies lc•ase'd his farm, lett, iii. eont,e';• houglij- Th -e chai•r•man remrarkod that cion 5, Hay, io i'vherritt Bros„ of Opens New Shop Was largely clue to the zeal anti Stpl�hrn 'ibwnsh+i p. .for the season of aility of fihw agiicul, ural rpprvti"nrfa 1929, who wild use it for pasture , Frank Klin who for A ve that the project woes) co s,urce,Ss- g, o a number o, 11. lands. yeea:rc has been employed. as a plumber Name Sub -Committee R1 r. and Mas. C'. 1.. Smith visci,ted and tinsmith, has made arrangements •w r(Astives in l,r)mdon on Sunday. to open lids own shop. Ire will occu• A motion by lteeves Scott of Sea Mr. and Mr^S, F;dwdn Hartman, of py the shop at the rear of the Fer, vrth and Tr•ew•artha of Clinton that Centralia., were visitors in town on �t he advisory committee select( three can Hardware Store, Tu,e�sdta.y. I to form a citizenry' sfub-committe.q The confirmation ciacsts will be ex- • ) procure data and report to the a.mlmepd at the evening services' of ammtittee who will in turn report to the Lutheran Church, next Sunday.�i he council, was carried. The com- Mr. and Mrs. Harold N. Finlay have • C1ends Honour rittee met and. appointed J. D. returned from their wedding trip and booT. m%, Goderich; W- ,, Whyte, bavo s'edtip'd down on the groom's Mr. and Mrs. V. Lee lulle,tt; J. C. Shean•er, Clinton. faadfl near Blake. The attendance at the afternoon esaoloen Included In addition to thr: • Friends and neighbors to the num- .' amen' already given, dire advisory (%'°�� f ter of seventp gathered at the Gem- ', omm,itteee, Alex. McDonald, Asshfi(�id; Badminton ir1L11? mall residence in Tuckersmi.ffir on 1;� eolige McNail, Myth; L. C. Wilson, j� Friday evening 'ane,] honnrerl Mr. and ,.�g" aa,;14R ley; Gfl'hert. Frayne, Ashfield; Rohl. /� . Mrs. Victor Lee, recent newly-weds. ,., ,,"! ulnar, Warden Huron County; N. li, Wins at lgode�'1(;h Mrs. Lee was before her marriage > ,�', rolrra once, McKii.lop; A. Y. McT;ean, k Miss) Jean G'e to ell. . $:ill eaforth: Edward Glenn, Sr., and Jr,; Presentation of a kitchen table and ''$1 E. Grovel% Goderich; E. C. Bos- The Seafortfh Badminton Club play- four matchingahalrs wasmasdle by M, :, ,ell, Seaforth; T. T.dvingstone, I,:, Pat- ed la.s,i week at, the Goderikoh Arm- HJan•ey and Art Nicholson, ,while Ado rson,, Clind'on: R. C. Beacom. Gode_ ourfe'a and won 13 of 20 ga.mles address was read by Edwin Ohesney. h in a tourney with members of the itch: ,T, H. Kinkead, Godprich; F, The evening wa•s pleas<tlditiiy`';,pend; " -• t : ills, Seaforth; Wilmot HaackP, Gude- Militia. Club, :taking 4-1 in men's (lou• in cards olid dtaarefng rcnisai' 1yp3ns ich township: John McFarlane, Sr., byes, 2-3 in ladies, doubles, and 7-3 in furnisbed by Messy,, 1lariv t`li`1i(*fteyt ? mixed doubles. Lunch was served at r+ ta.nley townwheip; N. W. Trevdarbha., th0 closo of bhe games', Hugeh Cbesney, Hairy S'tea+'aPt aftd . t ,% l; 1itton; Perry Paslsmore, Usborno. M.rs. Raymeond, Nott. ; ,,,Z )'t,, Kati .I. * {ir1 t ,r t I!,,Si l . r a, 1 x 1 . G}4, jN4 � { }lye �i'y, ,I ?,1\a ( .I ... :. ar l>- .si .i r Vin: i... r A+,.0+b "iv4 M1.<x .: _,... r, „. rl.. {:.•.., n{ �, .d. r,t a. lw.♦ ):r <,.4 J s , y. ;, t.;! U}. t 1 4 ..rt' w. ,\ „ .• 1 , { ,r•.. u. ( .,.o, .. .....a ,.,, f" a. ,..�.,,,, r, w' ,. ..0 ,.. •4,Y.,, .. d.. es. ;b..,e.. 1M,. ., e, t.k.,, StF ,b .... ,\7... a.e. .' ,,.(.. }, s.{,d"l,.J,..., trtr. ..�i". - .., ...✓ ., t' ... „w .. 4 � . S e , +-: ,... .a rt- , '�, ., sSv. rF„ s >~ �k . 3u k M, �, � ,,. - . , y+ , .