HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1939-03-17, Page 63
91`iskais s ?a'k► I
No Entrance Fees
hiiaa deni'ng is a universal hobby or
•.treoreatilon open to both sexes, to the
Hold or young. Whether we live in
tile'-ez'owded city or out in the open
caumetry, in the south or up to the
edge of the Arctic Circle, gardening
is always possible. Only a few
square yards of soil are necessary
ter satisfying results. Even t h e
apartment dweller with a few hang-
ing pots ,olr window boxes is not
There are no entrance fees, and
equipment, Unlike golf or fishing,
costs only a dollar or two. A spade
or trowel or rake are all the tools
necessary. Other equipment consists
• of a few packets of seeds, iterhaps a
shrub or two. As our interest de-
velops we can add more plants and
flowers. Rules are simple to master,
the ordinary Canadian seed catalogue
supplying all the essential data. As
we become more experienced we can
add to our garden library. •any of •the
many excellent government - garden
•buldetisns that are available in any
province of Canada.
Intensive Gardens
In the Ismvall 'vegetable garden ev-
ery foot of space sthould count. Rows
are narrow and as one vegetable is
used at:Rather takes its place. Only
the most productive things are Want-
ed, like beams, reddish, lettuce and
spinach and also those which 'have a
flavor• all their own, whirr: taken from
thee garden at the door. In this cate-
gory will be peas and corn, never as
sweet and fresh as when,. picked, cook-
ed and eaten within an hour.
Small vegetables like lettuce and
radish require rows only 12 inches
apart. Beets, beans, carrots, peas and
spinach need at least 15 inches be-
tween while potatoes, corn and stak-
ed tomatoes must have a couple of
fleet to 'tthanty inches. Space may be
saved with the latter type if some-
thing quick maturing such as lettuce
and spinach are ,planted .in between.
The bigger 'things will not need the
full room at first and by the time they
do, the early Drops will be out of the
way. Tender vegetables are those
wal & are grown quickly, therefore the
experts force tiheirs along with chem-
ical fertilizer, cultivation and, if pos-
sible, water.
Sow Grass Early
Grass makes its most rapid growth
in the cool weather of spring and fall.
On tluis account lawn work of a new
or repair nature should be carried out
just as soon as the soil is fit to work.
After cligging the ground should be
allowed to settle for a few days at
least, and then levelled again_ It is
advisable to repeat this' process sev-
eral times. The top soul should then
be raked fine and the grass sown at
a liberal rate, once across and once
lengthwise. This double sowing in-
sures an even distribution. Steed is
sown on a day when there is no wind.
For permanent lawns of deep green
color and • fine textures good quality
package seed is advisable. In cover-
ing the gardener is advised to rake
one way only and then firm the soil
with a heavy roller or pounder.
AllAboard British
Engine toTourU.S.
Ln England they call their locomo-
tive engineers ndnivers." This is the
title of Frederick C. Bishop, Who mlate-
ipulates the throttle of the Corona-
tion Scot, crack streamline express
train of the Logs(1on, Midland & Scot-
tish Railway, who came to Baltimore
to inspect This pet, the locomotive
Ooronation, after it was unloaded
from the steamship Belpamela, which
brought it across the Atlantic for ex-
hibition in the United States. Mr.
Bishop was accompanied by his fire-
man, Joseph Carswell, and F. W. So -
den, master mechanic. From Balti-
more they will take their train over
3,121 miles of railway- track in that
country on a visit to 38 cities before
it goes to the New York World's Fair
for exhhdbition.
Mr. Bishop has been in the service
of the London, Midland & Scottish
Railway for twenty-four years, and is
widely known in the English railway
world. He said he had only one wor-
ry before he came to Baltimore, but
this was dispelled when he examined
the rails of the Baltimore & Ohio Rail-
Hot Beds
A hot bed for starting garden seeds
A hot bed for starting garden seeds
early is usually prepared la. early
March. It .omelets of ,a bed of fresh
manure, which supplies;- the heat,
about 18 inches deep. On this two or
three inches of fine soil is placed and
atter the bed has heated up and then'
cooled down again (a shatter of•tlirce
or four days) the seed is sown in
rows a few incites apart. The bed :s
protected by rough boarding along the
title aotl un top and sloping towards
the south about 10 to 18 inches above
the bed is, placed a window sash well
gin seed.
Lawn Hints
Beneath hard spots'en tine lawn wiil
urs1ally be found })00h or sour soil un-
derneath, it will be necessary to di'
l remove any gravel or stones till -
Me up with good earth and sowing
i y
tl irlcly with a good .quality of Cana -
Mian gr,i,; ;,eel. For this purpeee
i isalways best
and for
new ]S t
O nlawnsll
high �of hr lctutlily
to get a good m!ixturcg ]
pee caged grass seed blended by e.c-
pert y �timen.
NEXT WEEK- Shrubs, vines and
n u r•sery stock.
Pleased by Rails
"I was worried for fear the Ameri-
can tracks wouldn't hold up the Cor-
onation," he said. "It's a main big
engine, yo•u know."
One look at the rails convinced
him, however.
"They are heavier than ours at
'home," he said, "and now I ani wor-
ried no longer." Railway trains also
are heavier in the United States than,
in England, and some of the locomo-
tives there are twice as big as the
British type."
An Ounce of prevention
may save your hiealth•,
Build up with
Dr. Chase's Nerve food
for 17 years. His work day is not so
backbreaking as it was formerly, for
the Coronation has an automatic stok-
er, and r 11 he has to do is keep an
eye on it and on a couple of dozen
gauges and dials.
Thethird member of the party, Mr.
Soden, started work in the railway
shops as a lad of 16 years. This was
20 years ago. He has come along as
a "trouble-shooter" on the American
British Official
' Robert A. Riddles, nrechrandc<a.1Nel-
ectrical engineer for the London, Mid-
land & Scottish had charge of the
unloading Of the train and its assem-
bly and conditioning for the Ameri-
can tour.
Col. K. R. N. Spier, an offcial of
the company, will have charge of the
train on its tour and while it is on
exhibition at the New York World's
The Coronation Scot will, on its
American tour, use the rails of the
Baltimore & Ohio, the •Pennsylvania,
Michigan Central, the Big Four, the
Louisville & Nashville, the IlLinais
Central, the Boston & Albany, the
New York Central, and the New York,
New Haven and Hartford railroads,.
The Coronation Scot has been driv
en:7' as fast as 114 miles an hour on
test runs, Mr. Bishop said, adding
that he preferred railroading in Eng-
land to that in the United States
chiefly because in .his. Koine country
a locomotive driver has a compara-
tively easy time. He faces no grade
crossings and the tracks are fenced
in, with the result that it is a rare
thing that personas, vehicles or cattle
get on the tracks, Moreover, there
is a stiff penalty under English law
for trespassing on railroad property.
:1lr. Bishop's proudest possession is
. •al crest.
. t.
with the re
.I silver watch
of Bulgaria engraved on its case.
"It was presented to me by King'
Boris, who drove the Coronation Scot
from London 'all the way to Carlisle,
on the Scottish border, and would
let no hands save his touch the con-
trols for the entire trip," he said. '••1'he
King mettle Fireman Carswell 110(1 nils
stand on the footplate. He knew his
business mos. and
wouldn't be told,"
:t11•. Carswell also displayed a watch
r sented� to by
N Inch has. been presented:
Mr. Carswell has been in railroad
service for 18 years and a fireman
Pasture experiments during the
last decade or so have demonstrated
very strikingly the improvements that
can be secured in yield and quality
of pasture herbage and that these
can be secured economically. Experi-
ments conducted at the Frederioton
Experimental Station, states T. C.
Chiassoce, Agricultural Assistant, have
shown how pasture yields can be in-
creased by the use of commercial fer-
tilizer. A pasture field receiving a
complete fertilizer since 1928, has
given an average yield, for the last
three years, of 7,277 pounds dry mat-
ter per, acre, compared with a yield
o et Results
Position Wanted
Help Wanted
House to Rent
Coming Events
Farm For Sale
Live Stock For Sale
Grain For Sale
A Classified Ad in The Huron Ex-
positor will get you what you
want or have, to buy or sell "out
from under the bushel basket." Us-
ing The Huron Expositor's classifiied
columns is the mostdirect and inex-
pensive method of making wants
known. Our rates are only 1 cent a
word (les for more than one inser-
tion). All you need to do is pick up
your phone and call 41.
Established 1860
of 3,303 pounds dry matter per' acre flavored maple syrup" for use where
for a freid that had no fertilizer since flavor strength is important and su-
1923, This was an increase of 3,A [ 0at• content not a disadvantage. This
pounds of tiny matter eost.i.ng $3.1i1 or was developed as a result of the dis-
$i $2 per ton. Therefore there doe, revery that maple flavor is a ,product
not seem to be any doubt that for- of a tasteless substance in th•e sap.
eHy.ng,will ierbage yields eccelreit- \V}lile this substance has been id!enti-
oIly, The ]herbage on the fertilized tied it has been found that it changes
was also mdcc`r more vnitlah!(' inti the flavor -forming material, by
tit- ft was made up largely of I1ul.r1 heating the concentrated sap under
t`.oths grasses and choice~•, w'!uilt the moderate pressure to a temperature
herbage on the largely
tilizt'd Pnstfh'1' above its boiling point, Hence a syr-
cacomposed r e rtf un PI ab e
s la, g ly [ � tat � up of e.r•cPirtioually strong flavor is
glosses and weeds. ma.dr, by Processing the sap so none
Pastures that are bully run sewn ((f 'the flavor -forming constituent is
and contain mostly we(,e!e may prove lost, and finally heating it in a
inh ex ero:e to herfYr r 10 a high
sure • h l,1
s,imilar 10 the lomd5tic
of fe'•trl ri. In 1
pressure -cooker. This too has been
may be well to fertilize a small area , patented s(i unit the Government can
at the start to see whether wild white prevent its abuse, not its use, by
c'l'over can be made to grow. Liming manufacturers.
may also be necessary to encourage
the clover. Unless one can get wild
Improvements Reported
white clover to grow, pasture fertiliza- Improvements in commonlyd • used
tion will not give very ecc'nomical products include a "non -mottling cast
returns. maple sugar." One of the reasons
'Phe following applications have why maple sugar is a seasonal rather
given good results at the Fredericton than 'are all -year delicacy is because
Station: Where no white clover is the cakes tend to become hard and
present, a complete fertilizer is net- take on a mottled appearance soon
essary to give best results. A yearly � atter being nese. Several years ago
application of 100 pounds nitrate, of the laboratories developed a cake
soda w'iitIs 280 pounds superphosphate which broke easily, did not mottle,
and 100 [rounds muriate of potash per and had a fine full flavor, but being
acre every .three years usually gives
good returns, This should be con-
tinued until a thick turf of wild white
clover and Kentucky blue grass hag
been established. Once this turf is
established, one may dispense with
the nitrogen and maintain fairly good
yields with the minerals alone, every
three years.
New Uses Sought
For Maple Sugar
When the Pale Facee first arrived
in, North America they discovered
that the Redskins were eating a new
kind of eugam• msade from trees. The
visitors sampled it, found it surpris-
ingly good and straightway adopted
it as an important item of their food
supply. For many generations it was
about the only sweetening akva11ab1e,
and then, as cane sugar became ,pro-
curable, maple produces fell back to
the more humble tasks they fila to-
day -as candy and as syrup for grid-
Considering how delicious 21.1111 111pw
widely popular is the maple flavor it
i.e nu -pristine' that tstltt t al seletere and
industry have not lone ago found
countless ways of tttru.ing it to com-
mercial uses. It would seem that
Government authorities have boon
surprised tlteinselves, because narw
they are taking up the search end al-
ready in the iaaborratortes of t'ito clivi•
siva of chemistry, Crone.+Ilan °Nationual
Resoarolr Councii, official's claim hien
they have developed various new
maple products and made improve
ments in the old.
New Developments Sought
Among the first group, they have
invented and patented wlmt they call
"concentrate of true maple flavor."
Hitherto, they explain, no really satis-
factory coneetitrate of true maple
flavor has been available for use in
the making of confectionery, soft.
drinks, ice cream and so forth. Now
they announce they (have found a con-
centrate which has been approved by
all maple experts who have tasted it.
It is prepared by addling alcohol to a
concentrated syrup, pausing a large
part of the sugar of the syrup to .rya
tal1ize out,.'leaving behind the flavor-
ing constituent. The crystallized su-
gar is filtered out and the alcohol re-
moved from the remaining liquid_ by
evaporating it off. The •residue is the
flavor concentrate, and the alcohol is
recovered and used • agaitl for another
batch. This concentrate can be used
Where the sugar content of ordinary
maple syrup would prevent its use.
Another new product is a "super -
light in color ile was felt that the,
.public would doubt its purity. Fur-
ther efforts Ibave now brought a cake
of deeper color that does not mottle
and retains its sparkle. The tprocess
consists of heating the (syrup up to
244-250 degrees F., stirring (rapidly un-.
til crystal foruhation starts and then
more slowly until the mixture is cool-
ed considerably and almost too stiff
to pour into the molds.
In the owe of "maple icing sugar"
--,which ,te readily prepared from cast
euger or granulated sugar -officials
explain that the .only precautions are
to have the sugar quite dry before
grinding, to use sugar low in invert
content, as otherwise it picks up mois-
ture too readily, and to seal the pro-
duct in tight containers. It is best
hprepu'ed in winter e when the
humidity Is 'low. 1hisnely powder -
cd sugar has a very rang ora le
flavor, and for icing use can be used
alone or ,mixed with one or two parts
of ordinary icing sugar. It is also
suited for use on cereals, for camping
trips to make syrup las required, for
home candy making, and in cakes,
cookies and so forth.
The development of serious fertil-
ity problems in Ontario seats is large-
ly the result of inherent low poten-
tial fertility in certain poor soil types,
and secgndly, depletion of rich soils
through improper management under
continued cultivation and cropping,
and failure to replace these fertility
losses, states Prof. G. N. ]tuhnke head
of the Chemistry Department U.A.C.,
Paulty land utilization and poor soil
management combined are the ma•ior
factors responsible for most soil fer-
tility problems at the present. time,
Prof. Ruhnlce declares, adding that
tillage and rotation practices may al-
leviate or intensify losses of valuable
surface soil by water or wind PToston.
Fall sown cover crops should be used
where possible to reduce erosion.
Prof. Ruhnke suggests limited use of
rolling and hilly Land for cultivated
or hoe crops and more extevsive use
of then type of land for hany and mea-
Shortage of manure neceselltates the
use of green -manuring crops as a sup-
plement While legumes are best for
this purpose, non -legumes may be us-
ed, particularly if they are handled
as "green" manuring crops should be.
Two tone. of cereal strasy per acre
plus 200 pounds per acre of a nitrogen
fertilizer will provide approximiaately
as much active organic matter as 10
tons of average farmyard manure. It
is essential that the nitrogen be ap-
plied With the etnaw when it is turn -
,ed down_or nitrogen starvation may
reriouely reduce the crop that fol-
Orrteid.e the Niagara Peninsula coun-
ties where at least 80 per cent, of tlhe
soils are l.imve d'eflcient in varying de-
grees, the acidity problem is purely
local and .soils should be tested be-
fore lime applied, Prof. Ruhnke advis-
as. Sohl tests are a valuable means
for detection of deficiencies and farm-
ers should Consult their agricultural
representatives as to the nearest 5011
testing station of the Ontario Depart='
talent of Agriculture.
It is no longer lreresey to advocate
the use of commereiel fertilizer ®a a
meceereary Harm practice if crop yieeldte
are to be maintained, ned, alnd 110 get the
maximum resulea from _commercial
fertilizers, farmers shoui'd know just
what their sail leeks 'by having it test-
MARoll, 117., .1939
Backache may be the rust sig. of Kiley
trouble. When your back aches, look to
your kidneys. Don't fail to heed this warn-
ing -it is too implant. Takeyrwrpt action
to correct Backache, or isle cause, At the rta=
sign of Backache tin confidently to Ma's
Kidney Pius -for over half a century the
favorite remedy for K1&iey absents. Italy
Dodds Kidney Pills
Maple Cream
Although it has never been imtprov-
ed by scientific methods there is
probably no maple product more de-
licious than "maple cream" or fudge,
remembered by all disuse • who have
visited a sugar camp.. It is made by
boiling the :sap to a certain tempera-
ture and "beating it until it is light
and fudge.
Then there is what the French-Oen-
adian calls "gumette":-a hard sub-
stance caused by pouring the beilintg
sap onto stn7ow. And no amount of
research has discovered a better meth-
od of obtaining sap than by "trapping"
the tree, although enterprising farm-
ers possessing "sugar bush" of mapor
proportions are saving mnanval labor
by piping the sap from tree to cramp
and are utilizing modern machinery
for battling, bottling and caking.
Every spring the small boy will
have his adventure of boring a maple
tree and hanging his tin can under
the drip, and afterwards attempting
to boil the sap into syrup on tihe kit-
chen stave. All, the progress of :;cit
ence and invention
can never It
Tire quantity and quality of crop
yields depend upon many factors, not
the least of w'h'ich 'is the quality of
the seed used. Good 'seed should be
well matured, large and plump,• free
from weed seeds, relatively high in
germination and true to variety.
A great many experiments have
been conducted to determine the in-
fluence on yield of fanning and grad-
ing cereal grains in order to separate
out the larger or heavier seed for
planting, states the Dominion Experi-
mental Station, Kapuskasing, Ontario.
The results of the majority of these
experiments indicate that better
yields may be expected from large
plump seed than from ungraded Beed
or small or light seed.
All grains, clover and grass seeds
intended for planting should be free
from noxious weed seeds. This is es-
sential if the farmer hopes to keep
his land clean and to continue to pro-
duce profitable Drops. Weeds serious-
ly compete with crops for moisture
and plant food and sometimes for sun-
Cereal grains, clover and grass
seeds as they come from the threeher
are seldom in a suitable condition
for use Has seed. Further cleaning
and: grading with some type of seed -
cleaning machine are necessary. The
common.types of 'farmers' grain clean-
ers do a fairly efficient job when
suitable sleves for each kind of grain
are used and air blast and grain flow
are properly regulated. For best re-
sults in' cleaning clover and grass
'seeds, the special .equipment used len.
seed cleaning plants may be neces-
sary. See Bulleton "Weeds and -Weed
Seeds," Which 'may be obtained free
on application from the Publicity &
Extension Division, Dominion, Depart-
ment of Agriculture, Ottawa, for in-
formiatiom on cleaning grain and small
Since it is necessary for the farm-
er to prepare his seed with care, now
is a good time to do it. Do not put
off the task until seeding time ,has
arrived. Valuable time may then be
lost at a job which by better man-
agement might (have been clone weeks
before, states E. ,I, Doyle, of the Ex-
perimental Station, Kapuakasing, Ont.
Now that the seed.borne diseases
such ars bunt or stinking smut of
wheat, covered smut of barley a,nd
the smarts of oats, maty- be success-
fully controlled by treating the seed
'with the Vey ethyl mercury phospihate
dusts, which can be purchased unifier
various trade names, this operation
may also 'be carried out prior to seed-
ing time. Seed requirements, how-
ever, should be estimated rather
closely es oat equitred treated grain is
unsafe to use' for feeding purposes.
Fertility and hatchability of eggs.
although partially inherited, are in-
fluenced greatly by environment Fer-
tility, which is absolutely necessary,
to get hatchability, is affected by the
physical Condition of both the male
and the female.
Aids to satisfactory fertility aro
good vigorous males and correct ratio
of males to females. Although fer-
tility is needed to get any hatchabil-
ity at all, there appears to be rno re-
lation between the number of fertile
eggs a hen may lay and their hatch-
ability. Eggs which are 100 per cent
fertile, - incubated under good condi-
tions, may not produce a single clhick_
Hatchability as inlhenite'd and af-
fected .by both sire and dam. It may
be improved by careful selection of
breeding stock known to be of a
strain with high hatchability, and by
feeding a ration containing all the
essential nutrients.
Chopped alfalfa. not only makes a
desirable protein supplement for poul-
try, but it is especially valuable for
increasing the hatchability of the
eggs. The chopping or coarse grind-
ing of good quality alfalfa or clover
hay makes it convenient to feed in
racks, hoppers or troughs.
Although these feeds are too high
in fibre to be used to make up more
than five per cent. of the (ration of
hens in tcomnvercial egg production,
up to fifteen per •cent. may be given
in the ration of breeding birds.
Maple Syrup Trade -Climbs
A boom year in the' maple syrup
and sugar industry was experienced
in ea nada in 1931; when production
of the preceding year, and came close
to equalling the loosed commercial
production figure of 1920.
The 1938 t rU1 was
reported in re-
eent Dominion s'lledge tO have been
3,32(0,700 gallons, valued at $3,819,700,
while the r
erd production of 1929
was 3,343,900 gallons valued, at $6,-
118,600. Considerably lower was the
1938 production of 1,673,400 gallons
valued at $2,245,000.
Meet Seth M. Vining, publisher of
what is billed as "the smallest daily
newspaper in the world."
Mr. Vining, who has served as prin-
ter's devil, printer, reporter, editor,
and publisher during his journalistic
career, established the publication in
1928 and says it has brought him a
wide reputation.
The paper is 51/2 x 8' inches. It
is known as the Tryon Daily Bulle-
It has mope than 900 subscribers,
including readers in distant parts of
the t?nitted S•tat)es, in Europe, Asia,
and Africa. From chlildlhovd, Publish-
er Vining relates, it had been. his am-
bition' to own a newspaper,
Hie was born in Eufaula, Ala., in
1899 and while attending the public
schools there he became a printer's
devil at the age of 12 on the Eufaula
Daily Citizen:-
itizen:••Mr. Vininig says his first, attempt
at publishing This own paper was in
1916 when hie brought out a weekly
about twice the size of the present
one. It lasted for one month and
railed through disagreement with the
owner of the plant. He said he work-
ed as a printer in Montgomery,
WA Quincy, Fla., until 1919,' when he
took over publication of the Hurts -
bore, Ala.,, Tribune and operated it
more than a year.
While attending Piedmont Acad-
emy at Demorest, Ga., in 1920 he paid
his expenses by working in the paint-
ing department of Piedmont College.
In 1922 when be entered, the college
as a student, he was made superin-
tendent of the college printing de-
partment and was elected ,editor of
the student newspaper.
In 1924 he established the Cornelia,
Ga., weekly, The Northwest Georgian
and published it two years. After a
year in Florida and Hendersonville,
he went to Tryon, N. C.
The first edition of the Bulletin ap-
peared, San. 31, 1928. It had four
pages, Mr. Vining said it was print-
ed on a press so small that only two
of its pages• could be printed at a
time. The press was operated by a
toot treadle.
The publisher said the expected at
the time to ineue the paper only a
week or two to get sufficient adver-
tising revenue to bolster his job print-
ing business. But the public• re-
sponse, he said, bewildered hint and
he has not stopped.
After seven months of free distri-
bution a small annual subscription
price was adopted. In 1934 Mr, Vire
Ing bought the Polk County News, a.
weekly the, since has published along
with the Bulletin. He also finds time
to participate actively in the commun-
ity civic amed religious life.
Although The Bulletin hlas corre-
spondents in Afrlca, England, Cali-
fornia, and many faraway places
through ante tIsted subscribertr, it is
thle little happenings of everyday
life In the community that makes up,
the, paper's principal appeal. One of
the meet widely read features is the
coiumn, •"Curb Reenter," whleh Mr.
Vining wrlteb daily.
Groom:• "I specially• went out and
bought you some bay leaves for the-
hepot roast. Why didn't you use them?"
Bride: "Well, wouldn't I look silty
wearing bay leaves just because my
trot roast was a success?"
Mts. Brown was displaying a large
lampshade she Ihad just bought.
"Isn't tat 'perfectly lovely, my
dear? And it cost only ten dollarsi"
tier husband looked anything but
•t d
"If you wear that to church tomor-
row you'll go alone," he said: "There's
;1 limit to everything, including hats'."
• A
e`AOK 11A%
Exeter 10.34
Hensel l 10.46
Kippen 10.52
Brucefleld 11.60
Clinton, 11.47
Londesboro 12.06
Birth 12.16
Bel grave 12.27
Wingham 12.45
W i ngham 1.5()
Belgrave 2.06
Blyth 2.17
Londesboro 2.26
Clinton 3.08
Brucefleld 3.28
Kippen 3.38
Hensall 3.45
Exeter 3.58
A.M. P.M.
Goderich 6.35 2.30
Holmesville 6.50 2.52
Clinton ' 6.58 3.00
Seaforth 7.11 3.16
St. Columban 7.17 3.22
Dublin 7.21 3.29
Mitchell 730 3.41.
Mitehel1 11.06 9.25
Dublin 11.14 9.36
Seaforth 11.30 9.47
Clinton 11.45 10.00
Godertch 12.05 10.25
God erich
M eneet
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