HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1939-03-17, Page 3" ( A 4 11I 4 4 1 f,., ��,'.�,!,'� �,,; sl,,)�ll ,;��,,�! , ,� �, i,", V � j�Flj. , I '�,, �,'­,,� �,�,,I,j . , I . ,,.,:,� - ,,e� ,I,.. � , 1,11 . , I Q W;�J.".•1,,��, ,�r,j,,�i ��, , . I I � 4 I. � � �, i , " MARVICIR 17, 1.939 � . . ; �. I I . . . I � �, �. , I ( I , t I . . I T , . ' I , W" I" , -.1111—-',"—" —, N — ­— . � % � . ... I I . . I . ,,--�ll,��'11,,4".��,,�.��j",4�"",�t"t"","�,�.�."A,.".�""?,.'?,-�,,� 11 — — ­ � ! 01— 'I I +'. r , +)+ 1, -1 11 11 . . - � ­ I I � ,,, , . . � a ,iii ♦W4114k*12a1V1 � I ., I . I 1,�, � " 1;� , . 11.11 I I I ­­­­ I I ­, 141.1, I.; 071 #0 t t "'A I 1, � .191111o. ��""j , ," ... I � - ­­`­ � e;j " Tw 4 . , wk 4914WOPA,wr- , "" � JI ,i , , ), 4 . � 40A wwle 9 tK . 'gould see Vill, 10t, 10, "I ��, , ­$ -i"W" , , I Ul ". 1, lia v*,Q "I `i4 � 0 � t, , - . �- , " �. 250 Metres � I I 1, D " � . , , � g ! t 'the '61yeWng ,.%t V, 01; .�� ,�, ", �;];" IT" , " , " ,O%P'L' " , "I �, �, I I �- I _ . . . . Ir �, I "I - . , 114. , I . 'Am I V r " 11". , I ff .. V�JlliEKLY PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS 11 ABE I , , :W , A , ... � . ,� �� , �00 Kea. I I I � Th, e 111 .. on atated thaitAo b" com' PPAM�L .­ . XV,WWV ". 1. , �. 6 " I ,1� n" jl%� --­­ "I I , , 1W. 11 ��."414 � �;� ,,,, plainto MIA millors that OQM4 109 'tom 4 . � ! Z ' ' , A Vut �, -W , , VA 11 , Firtillay, Margin 17-10.30 a.m., Salva, LUMBAGO, '' " , . . ;1 10 � � � Almeirle oalifaidiiizoa wheat waa U ' ' I . J 00m. I co.'am.' , . "11 tion Army; 11.1-5, Be;*ity Ti En. . '. - Ing In. While be did not say 90, ft �Me atv; Nimo. l4o, 0 , 0-ow"10, idureol; 12.45 p.m., Poultry Talk; 7.30, Zn Pdawa,I ,�', I was evident that he wanted. to :�, , In Pain for Weeks I . liqk� ?d the91 ph, A .. -P 11;? I . y 4L , " � � 0000aaU Calove Orchestra. Ap"­& - (hA.. -0 $1-u -- Wis with the Tmide, Agreements., The o4 the, gam6 njeasu'r* I ,-..,�?� . 4p,j I nauw4lay, a��h 18--11.05 a.m'., L­4-V,Ly�w Monday, March 6 fate[ is.,bowever, that wheat Is DOt In readilafg, wwelx moo" t I , tq%�.prt, Saturday Morning Frolid; 12.45 1,.m,. , . tat, - , .��q 11 I (Continued fro& Page, 2) you "Ow ft good, t1b4ng ,hell your the agreement at all, 01PI's '10 adopted' Th)MO 'V 111. 111'111111�,� � 1 .11, ,..�,�f,1111 it," a man who has had, Today was $Ome . , 1, � 1�10'r I �inotber private, - .!�,. CKNX Hill -Billies; 7, Wes, McKnight . friends about -i vate, mem, ­,, 1, , 11 f . It is generally conceded around a, . I ".1 I l., ­r'.,; " I ormcism Of the setuli. Of- twww , 0001-wlla ��.� 1'�". I ,11�� I,",,, , . i iig lumbago pai," writes as fol- berg day � and '-.two resolutions were , ­, 0 "Mep 'moi Ili including several se'lections by the 7.45, Basan Dance. I very bad lum ­ ,PW,n 11 11 � .,�r..,J ,� r,, � .. 1.jllj�­"', . ,,'. 1, � "I I House ithat the set Wee for wheat miBsjon, hut ,ther,e is no. doubt - iQ I 1.1�,­ . : ��� 11" ��'f , - school orchestra, aleadings ' by Mrs. Sunday, Ill 19-12.30 U.M., lows: 1 considered. The fimt was introduced 11 " �' I 5,,6.. . . ,`,"'I ' ' j4' - , . . 1, , K'M will go-by the boards 014 year. Wbat the bill will fliiaslg jftait HoVae. this sea. 1, 1�', 111 , ""'; Hocking Of Roys, -two solos by Mrs. SobWs Amateuirp-, 1, "I 04ffered from lumbago, and for by Rev. Dan McIver (Liberal) and was ��I� --J,.� , 1,i�,'� R 1�?,�." ­ I 11, " ��,..,,,, Sunday's Mail will, take its place, Is, not definitely won, . .. .. " '­ I'll � ".. ,­pf';, , ­ �', 111R ­ Bert Here of Motherwell. Mr. 'and Rag; 1.45, Temple -V Bible Clug; 53c, weeks could scarcely move in bed. I to the effect that the Federal Govern, ' p. V. I ' had treatment, but it not ease the went should make a period* knowal ais yet. 1, 0 0 * 11 : g, F-,,, 11 111.Mlrlll�,j�'I,r,olll, ' -, %211 -*1`111 1,01WA I - ­ - ­ 3 't , Me, exam bine t G nd , I'll .. �� ' "F111i, ;-.;,�t'7 i%��'�,.,.l%,�!�.Ar ' . '.. �41,,;$ 0, , , .111. the Little German Band; 7, Rev. K. of he stories am u the cog . . 1111 E , VD- Hoffmeyer weir called to . , I ,,�J� , - .,;'.'4j �� , 1. '?,,­�,­,,,,,,, , �j 11�;­­ � " 1,,� -�l 3" . PadU Very much. A friend said, 'Why im"tiOu Of the heath Of alt citizens. Friday, March 10 I . "., "... .. ... � . � ,,�) ,,�"n%�,l ," ,­­ _", � , - s .',Jrm awl while Mrs. Neilson Baker Lean. not taloa Kruschen, Salts? ridors is that Parliament "I only ad. DefellMel Par- � "XRPRIA., , -p-;�g - Take them In easence, it'means. state medical. a,t- The DiVO -to create -a to ,,� 4��,�'N sir R94 C, ,,5,, atead the addwess, Sam Davis and Wil Monday, March 201-11.30 - am, "Pet- every moamiug - journ for a week while, the King and ��')*W "'.",�",' ."" ' ' �� -R'1,1",� ­ .,►A i, I Hum Pelling ,presented the honored ea MacGregor"; 1.15 p,m., "Clippings",- , and you'll ]likely get tention. This question has been dis- ebas=9 Boalrd imaks as one of they , .. , ,R,%'4 "i Queen are in Canada- It was thought pw� i&,-- - ,,VKW� - ,- guests with a solid walnut dinner wa- 5.45, Souvenirs; 8, Kenneth Rent relief 11,10M. 'that Pain in your back., cussed every year for some time now. it "" ­­ ", 0"IR3. I , ,,,,,, Oul. that there might be a month's adjb,,,- ms alleamVes of this session �, coaug" ­­ ma -s. Ellah a leather tmv- Tuesday, Mar So I ,have taken them every ,morning It is 4 matter over which the Federal 1, � I ­` ... 0 gon and to mi ch 21 - 11.15 a,m., meat, but as this is only -gossip it was forecast in the SPO,eoh from the w for some time and I am in fit condi- Government has no jurisdiction but Throne. Hon, Ian MacKenzie made . I &I I . elling ease. Mr. Hoffineyer thanked Beauty That Endures; I p.m., Royal bon for my work again--thanim to that does not matter to those who de- should not be ,taken too seriousky. a elaborate speech,tabing about two � g tl,em• for their kinduess. O. C. Me- Chefs; 130, Glad Tidlings; 8, .,,Tena Tlhe Senate started yesterday to re- 4 - Dougald was called, on to say a few Rew. . Kruadherr,'�-C. B. sire a little publicity by bringinc in view the Penitentiary Bill. This mea- 'hours. He expiai#ed waist 011,g bin I �� � r Nvo -d-s alud, Uris. Pellingsanig "A Per- - Wednesday, Maxdh.. Why, is A that lumbago, backache, these resolutions year after year. . . 1 -22-11.30 a.m., rheitfirrintism. and iniddgestion in many Another ,resolkition: that created sure was turned down last year by PrOPOsidd to 00, the consipioDuo Yea - feet feet Day." Rev. Leitch,aeted as chair- "Peter� MacGregor"; 1.15 P.M" '1011p_ that boldly, as it was ,claimed there tune being the near elimination dr� .."11111 -.11-11-11-11, ­���� ...... I'll, "I'll", , eiam,-Mitchell Advocate. cases yield to Kru&ehen Salts? Be- quite a discussion was the one again profits. The intention is to call far � '► ' � L 11 '. "I 1. X�, , PingsP; 8, Te"e8water Review, cause it is a combination of several introduced by MT. Heaps. This reso- was not Sufficient time to study such tenders, but where onlyone teAder is - eel Prod"t " llyl'q Thursday, March 23-11.15 a.m., Joe an important subject, i Eastem S! ,W I Fractured Arm ' mineral salts that are vital for your lution would reduce the,age for Old submitted, the curb oil profits wilt[ be f •I 11 ; 'N Peterson, I p.m., Royal Chefs; 8, In all probability the vote on the , i 11 , .. . Gladys Pioliell, piano. bodily well-being. Each of these salts Ago In to 65 years,. it mzftells, effective. It is recogmized that it is : PRESTON ONY.-cr-,,R�,if4�t,f�ot��l-r,-MdONTREA�,".,. -1 , ` I" V%rihile working -about ,her home .. I has ,an act -ion of its own. Stomach, not that we -are not now ineefirrig our Trade Agreement wqli be, taken on I �� � , ,), . I -sday ,night. Years ago this mea- not alwtayti� Practical to call for tea- I �. ­ 711, , .. Sunday morning, Mrs. Muriel Clark liver, kidneys and digestive traot are present obligations. Some of these Thui� ders4 )here again the curb on profits I . '' , , I , ,• . - sustaining a -esp bility sure would, have been c4onsidiered of will be used). The new , . �Ii stripped on the fleet, all benefited and tonied- up to a .hdg,b gentlemen with no i ons! i fracture to her major importance, but some of the board will his Miff. which would provide a P.� q "', left arm between BAYFIELD state �of efficiency. would pile up further obligations for have to do alit with, tt, . .- - , ., I ,the elbow and shoulder. She was press are impatient with the discus- awarding of hol�daY to celebmte the ena0bMieut. "� ON �. - the Government to meet. , Mr. Dun- contracts over $5,000. The contracts the I . $ , taken to Stratfocril for an X-ray and ' (Intended for last week) -- ning pointed i�bis out. ston. They want the, Government to statute or welstminstm, I , MD4,1 I He said that wida be finally O.K.'d by the Cabinet. Church opposed this � , . is now at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Aldwort(h, (b) W. Coleman, (c) G. in place of the 3a.,% million y move On to the performance of mer- . U- � . very bitt1fto, , , ,'.. Fc. I'll, Mr. Harold Scotchmer or the Union this, ear, The chairman will be & full4ime em- while Mr. Lapointe, . .. 11 -.1; . 11 J, E. Brooks. -Mitchell Advocate. . . Dick, (d) B: Willert. Road No. 3, (a) it would be 46 million in �941, and acles, such as ending unemployment Minister' of . , All. , �� ,�� I Stockyards, Toronto, is visiting at his pboyee, wb-4,10 'the other will get their t ,�� "0-11" , 1'� - I " C. Aldiworth, (b) A. Mousseau, by putting everybody to work; by ice, concluded that we had Piano 4", 1. ..... ­� � ,�� . � home here this week. Road that A would continue to ke��p going and expenses and so much per day While holidays now without malidim any� ­�.J� Afternoon Tea No. 4, (c) A. -Reichert. Road No. 5, up. He spoke making the C.N.R. pay its ways, her*. '. 1�, , Mrs. Robert Middleton having v18 of ,the popular role in I "� Exeter Chapter Order of the East- ited her mother, Mrs. Ma - (a) H. H. Pfaff, (b) S. Blackwell. these days being to advocate more many ,other things that are consider- Cher legal hol4ftys,.. . .;i � M . , .. 1 , " Margaret ed of major importance f Most of those who spoke were all � - , 1, " ; �", , 1�9 , Woods, the past mouth, left on Satua- Road No. 6, (a) O. Grab, (b) J. Bat- money being spent, but apparently , Pram their � . .. ', 61 . 4,1 .;; P for the Bill, -but not so with Mr. Jean - I - -----,-�.;;;�, .1, ern Star held an. afternoon te,4 in , y I viewpoint. I T, 11, � ", �,,,,�� . the 0haptea, room on Sitturd-ay. The daY'fo(r her Bonne inVort Credit, tler. Road No. 7, (c) P. Neus,ch*=- those who advocated -these things, for- Francois Pounk He was positively �,Z�� Mr. and Mrs,.Praillk Erwin and son ger. Road No, 8, (C) M. Gerber. get this •.money came from all They apparently forget that a mar, - I guests were graciously Welcomed by the peo- against the -11018 measure, as he did .�,�� I'll . V ket for our basic ,products is the one -;w I - I )h , f Kitchener, visited, friends in the Road No. 9, (a) R. Miller, (b) G. Sur- ple. To lower the 0 age to 65 years t think that it was in accordance -* the members and ushlred. into the thing that will assist in helping all 110 , village on Sunday, ecus, (c) E. Orb. Road No. 10, (a) woil.14 i eddately increase the cost with Liberal principles. The resol . I'l newly decorated and furnished these other problems. I . . I,., ,,,�� . ,:� fW rooms . The Ladies' Aid of St. Andrew's J. M. Ziler, (b) R. Adams, (e) R. A. by -about $19,000,000. l' W192 A record of 50 yem 88 a M"t vajrar 7%vIrich presented a very attra,kive ap- tion, Passed and now the bill will be fa, factory ' ,L .. I United Church ,are ,holding a St pat_ ,Dehorrrmle, Road No. 11, H. Becker, All of ,these arguments were brush- I discussed in. committee. L trextmmt kqr Wes or heM,r,b,jft,'.1A-. I ,�, I pearurice. daffodils and , � you can I ,; "� Bouquets of daffo Thursday, March 9 poatively di)eiilli (in , I I flowers graced the room. A dainty rick's social dn the, basement �f th,, Jr. Road No. 12, W. 1P. Turnbull. ed aside, send 4f.the Social Ca ed- ' In the private members' hour, Mr. • ,It, . 1, .... � i I � 1, qq , � lunch was served to,over thirty table's church on Tibursday evening, March Road No. 13, P. Schade. Road No. iters who say there is abundance of After intermittent debate since Feb- Garlepy (Lib., Three, Rdvers) Spoke on Dr. Chasers Oi � ��'Ili . " I ( San 16th. 14, (a) P. Campbell, (b) U. Pfile, (e) wealth for aU. One cannot help wan- rear 14th, the resolution approving &I of four. - : -- Worthy Matron Mrs. I - T110 committee of the Bay -field Agri.' E. Hendrick, Road No. 15, H. Brown. dering just where we are going ill the Trade Agreement with the Unit- I -- -�;4$'` ders expreased, appreciation for the � . . I - 61 I ,Road No. 16 W. Ducharme, Sr. ed States was sanctioned by the . 'V, ", loyal support accorded the Chapter cultural Society is arranging, for thedi- I . I � ',� I Road these m0derl� times. Debt does not � ,�'�,�, .. "ji g , I - .and presided over a sh6rt program. annual masquerade carnival to be No. 17, R. A. Deac,mme; Dashwood seem to have any terror for many of House without a recorded vote. I - i. I � , 1 " held on Wednesday evening of F P. V., D. Haugh. Accounts, covering ,the Members of this House, Unless When the Speaker was asking for . . . Mrs. Win. Hicidgins rendered ,a piano I Easter 11 11 I . Instrumental; solo by Miss Reta Rowe week, payments on Hay Telephone, relief there is a change, there is certainly the,yeais and rrays,'Robert nrin, mem- . I I . I I Rev. and MI and general accounts were passed as, trou'lil4a ahead. her for Halifax, was insisting, on his I I A 1. I I.,) I "� 11 ac . 11.r�� I.t . companded by Mrs. Carey; tap 's. Bugler, of Burford,, ;,�A I , -1 . .... .. � .. � .. � ­ ,,, ... - vouchers: Hay Telephone Sys- I It.* il ,da,13,cing by Dorothy Green al,ccompan, were callers in the village on Monday, per * * * right to speak. . In listening to this, . I : ''.� " . ­ iedt by Labelle Sims on the Plage and 1 The ladies of the W.A. of the An tem -Bell Telephone Co., ,tolls, Dec. T ... day, March � . argument on the part of Mr. Finn, ,��11{111 � . several readings, by,Dorobhy 'Green. glican Church are budding a Saint to'Jan., $118.62; H. G. Hess, balance A real Nd -fashioned soluq�bble, � ma,ny Members could not bear the I .11 I 1. �"I'R u I'll I last- Speaker with the uproar g,tAng on, I I 11 1, I �� 11 � � .1 , Patilick tea at the home of Mrs. salary, etc,, $191.00; Northern Elec- ing ab,out one hour, Nvas t)he prelude , I I All numbers• were well received. -Ex- N. i . I - - I - 11, - .: inter ')times -Advocate, W. Woods on March 17th, from 5 to tric, Co., supplies, $42.68; & R. Guen- to,toolay,s sfil.flng, ,,fft. related' to the The result was that the mollon NVIS I I I -1 ,;�,,,,,, 11'' , I '! � I 8 o'clock p,m. . tiller, cartage, 35C. Relief -E. Hen- proce-ed-ings of made and L*irrivd with none opposing , 4 q , . the llousp. It was . -- : .111 . it, It was rilb,ar a. curious situaji(m, . , 5 chick, rent, V-51); W- Hay, al]OW`al)ce� brought about. by the Prime Millist! . -1 ,­ � "M - ------ -- — ' er's . ­ ]! olli-tion to the efi­i ;­))�,L 011 �tn,l I ,$iy,f, - 1 $20.00; 1-1, Thiel, txanMc.,nt,;, $12.25; re, as the Conservativos had condemned -11111, 111� - 0 GODERICH TP. CHISELHURST Will. Bvnrle'r, 61iowance, $10-00; Mi's, after Mond;ty, marc;i � :i:,, -,ha,L clay these,treatics in every l�ay, sh�ipc a,nq,l � I `'fir,, . I.. I . . IN, . I . form. .!; � �i � . I G. Moulton, rent, $3.0(f; Mrs. C. Gais- would b�, talo,n ovc) ! .. izov�.rl]mpllt . '. is 6'. RL 1i SIE 6 . L I 1-10a. 11, 11. Sle�(�Tlg 51)r)kc, On the Uff- ". I I (Intended for last week) (Intended for last week) t,r, milk, $6.72; llr�inn,n &- ,O,oll, acct., bll.,,,4 n (I.."'S'. . "? 11 ` a, $12,00. Gen�eral Acemints­-Zuilch Hy- question today and zis usual played to C ?, Mr, and Mrs. Ad. 'McCartneY, Clio- Oil Walne,,day evening, March 1st, Dr, Manion. denoti:w(-(i this action .. .111 . - i� - the gallery. Ilis sIx,E,c!1 NN�I.s orl-o 1. 11 toll, spent Sand -.�T I dro, hall ,lights, 2 months, $4.19; E. on the cart of the (�.�fLl'tliii4E,rit. � of ,S AWAYS -2 : 1, ) -. Adain He . .;: als-ti, clainl,pit 111;Lt the ,!­, ;111liell t110 WeRkeiit I h, ­o e\ev heard him I ... Sunday �Nifl �1 SULTeS�SfUl crokinolo, party and bO,'� Nodig(,�r, half ',Miort Course expenses, ,, 11 -- �,� Cantelon. , .Liacial was Il'old at t1be home of Mis,s IL has 'I; e,epsla- I -frorl. to say rho leaii,t, I T�iward Grigg and $50.00; J. Albrp<ilil, balance sal�ary, 1110t, a,s Yet hall any ini;1wiant i . 11,11(e. His ( PURE, . I ` Mr. and 'Mrs. t. I �,�'. was r,.: . , Jean. Ve-nirer. Owing to the ho-ekey ,,arefiLker, $3.75. 'five COLIRCil adieurn- tion b(4ore the, Hou-�,-. iind that ,�'I.i• 9 certainly', ­ 1;m-Ini.,, i I,. S"­(.111ed to 1 6140114, .., . I . 1, , I I . baby spent Sunday with mr. and MI's. I �iine boing played in Hensall between ed to meet again on Monday, A -pill vats Meiiibor��' nesahWon, on the ot.. be fioundeiin,l,' aromi(i lot bomething i t;wS11 �: ­ ., to say. : (,iadstone Grigg. � fIrn'sall anti Cildselhurst, the crowd 3rd., at, 1.3() Oy,t,ock in the afternoon- der paper j,., ulore ,mpni,tzll hon. on, F. 1,;Alwl�'lli and llon� i '.1 F - 40 •1 I "I , ss Bernict, .11flIer NVIls tiik(,n to, wasn't. as l-argo as it -t I Pt , He � .NJ I. I ! inigh lrave - A- F- I -les(,,, Clerk. � chargeo the Prime )I, �j,,I(,,- with try- Mr. I)unn1n,,, -w, ro (i,isciiA . ki, 1.�� ;vine 01 I t, . . Goderich 1,.o�;p;tal Monday for Nil, op-. hoen, about 30 being pro..,,ont. Cliis,el- I . I i n .• . . . . . . . .� �1� . nig to scare I ill., Hou- ­ollit. , Wation. 11pr many ?i ioi:;Is hoiw for,limst wa.� defeated, Mis-.,; Atiilrpy Din. ­ ­ tillip, ago t le points h" ss 1�'Yir­� 1- make And I :1;J - . 'I - - ­*­-­ by refl-rin.,g to the 'i,;nlion in th ho accused ill,,, two Mlll:st".1*11 Of ll'ot - .. I , STIPOdy l`('C0%cr.V: I Tlill Won first pilzo fn,, ,girls for t1m, r, i� . .. N�-ol.I(l today ;ill(j C�IZaj' -1 'hilL Ill, dri,l llstc.A)lng, and startk,J.an aI .. . .. '-i I . -,�Jr. ;:7'(l ,Nlrr'. AIv14) Proctoi- a-11. r ­*t number of gameg in ei-ohdriolv, 1%, ill,to,ndt'('1 for 1110 press. He . . . . . . . . f,jillilv, of Skv 1-fal-b0l', sp011t, SlAn(laY �;rq? JO,'111 Verner, Ilie consolation Good Rwups Usiog Butter it tt' �­O!rl - P. -Ver: , - wo (�eflnjtf,,. , , bawl- I � ,.6. ... - . _ . I (111"stiorls. "I 010 Chief Wll�jl) out for not being IN THE AIRTIGHT WRAPPER - I I . ., . in ill(., lfou�o for s�olrlt� [ince, \k,herl , �. . . . -.�ith Mr. and, M"O. ]lorry Ck,inonl. ' prize. Frank Young anal Harry lAnnin Plum Pudding With Butter Sauce The I'llipo 'Minist r 11 11 . Mr. James Harrison is under the cut for first prize in boys, Frank be- J111-im pl�ddjng for the holidays! !i!i.c,�,i, (,harge-.-,,, stateol i!.; � il answering r('-,)IIY tl­ Chief Whip has had a very � . the Trade , 11.1 . doctor's care. 1-11s many friends hope ing blue w4niner, and- the corl,50latiOu With roamy butter sauce, wbat a de- I - I " ol !,(, soon trill be out again. prize went to Bruce Glenn. The- pro- 116olus, dessert, Agreement -s ,we am„ � ihf� rno,st ini- --- � ' portant Pieces, of I ­`,'ori brought . II 11 . Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Townsend, An. coeds frorm, the sold were, about 1 cup brown sugar before the House in ya;iuy ymns. Tills I 4 irla and Joyce spent Sunday with Mrs. $4,00. Rev. It, A, Brook' very willing- 1/3 cup butter . . , I - 11 I , ownsend's' skater, Mrs�V Tim i;- ly acted, as auctioneer. A Very en- 4 eggs, beaten. has not been passed as yet. H& claim- I . 11 - , e,d that all the res')Illtiol)s oil the ol"- . li . .. -.W,of -sboppoxiliAm jayable tifurre wa,,-; had by alit. ?.i/2 cups dig bread crumbs � 1, i 11 I I �? I I � d,Jq paper srtandMg in, the najne of , The mont,lily devotional meeting of % eu p fl dTr pAvate members could bt, dealt with . .1i . the Y,I'.U, was held in, the school- 2 teaspoons baking powder I . . I I � ELIMVILLE noom of the church Tuesday evening) , under various Government mptLsul-esl ­ .-I - 1, . I �easpoon salt as they were brough,t fomal,11 from �, . J last. Mhe meeting opened by singing . ­ . I., U2 as cinnamon time to finie., . :11 ,(Intended for last week) I. (lie hymn, "More Love TO Thee," af. 1/1 teaspoon nutmeg . Mr. Icing said bh;it ,.on January 20th I 11 ter which Rev. R.> A. Brook led in 711/-, cups ralsins he land called Dr. Marlon in 10 sll,o,,v . . -Visitors at the home -of Mr- Win. prayer. ! Wilih tli,e� abs,p�irce, of the IY2 cup ohopped nilts him some confide ,tial ureGsagcs jr)(Ii- I .1. , Bob Acroid, of Toronto; Mr. Fred 'abie. The hymn, "I I'tay � overseas. r , .,- , .Johns during tire week -end were: Mr. secretary, the m4riti-tes were unavgil- 3' clip sliced candied' orange peel. caring g�rave sdtiration's ov rsea.. D . My Sins, on sift Hour and measure and sift with Manion adirAtted that the Prime fvlin- - Long, of Atwood; Miss Margaret Jesus," was sung, after- which Gordon baking powder, seasoning and salt in- isler did bliris, but complained, tii,af, lit, . Johns, of Granton; Mr. Allen Johns, Hodgert read' the scripture lesson. Mr. to a bowl. Add fruit and nuts• and had not been callt,d in last Septera- .1; . � of Winchelsea. Percy Wright then favored with a mix to cost with flour. Cream butter- ber, but he was romill,dl &4,ha was -5-ee Miss Joy Whitlock returned to her moinh organ and guitar selection, Mr, adid sugar gradually and beaten eggs. not thpn a Mem � ,of the Bous,e. Af- . . . . . . . I ... -work in St. Thomas on Mon -day af- Ben Stoneman took the topic. _ b,l, . I ter spending some time at her home e 'I somewhat , -111)- Stir in flour, fruit mixture and bread ter , .omewh t he;ited discussion, till, ward, ever Ilpw-al-(p was sung amil the crumbs, and mix thorouphly. Pour ".*. . I . . �olution was car- i;:,r�':*:.�: . ­ . ....Z. I �. Prime Minister's i,- ,, .. .: ; - . I . . I I here owing to the illness -and death benediction pronounced. into paper -lined molds and cover with '-led without dil�,kion, but not berol.t> -;.� i. ,: :-.-';%,:, ". , . , . ,": , N'r.7. .,,. , I . . :.:;:;;..;:;:..:;::j::::,:-!.. 1�0 � ,.,;:., . . ,- I I of ,her father, Mi-, Peter Whitlock. . Miss Maxine Purdy spent ,a few oiled paper. Steam .the pudding 3 to (ho, Prime Mirris�h-r had shown 11r, .. I ::,* . i� � ", 11 . , f Her Mother, Mrs. P. Whitlock, re- (lays last week witth Mi.,�s Ruby Dal. 35,, llollr%, Foamy butter sauce is a ,NJ,, 7' . � I . turned with her for a short visit. rympID. - 1,N.'d very clearly Milt l,he late gov- '`.:, I: . : � . "I , " " I , . , I I,- . I lcolpt.in'.9 accompaniment: '/, cup () f (IrTinlont. of which 'li,e was a inember, :::;..";:�,;;, * -.:: ,�:, -Mr. and Mrs. John Allison, Spring- We art-, ploaspol to btlar that those sagas, 1/2 (!ill) butter, 2 teasP60119 (]ill not �,ive nearly as much time to :1.-j:; ': I 'i....-...if,.��,.. -rinient *:1� .field; Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Whitlock, in this vicinity who have been under milk-, I egg beaten, 1/2 teaspoon van- privato, members, ;',,i this government . I Misses Winnie 9miLlison and Mabel the, weather owing to the Outbreak 'lila. has. Cattanach, Rev. Gordon Rayner, IA,-orr of flu, are improving n,ic(-Iy. -,. .­.. . . , ..., Stir the .sugar, butter and milk to- M r. Lapointe's penitentiary bill ::��,.�j::::'­.. . -..;,.�....,.�,'e,,.;,.,t% ."­:: . I , ::I .. I . , . ::::11-:', , Hoag, Chas. Raven and Chas. Pearce, Mr. and Mrs. Archif, Ryckman anis gether in a saucepan over low heat went, through thj!,; reading. This is .. .* :��, ­ ::: I of St. Thomas, Mrs. Win. Spry and (laughter, '�, "..." "..­:::,-.,�'. ; ::;:,';i-�.�,- '.. . ` I � ....� .1 . -,::,�k�­4::` . Dol-Of1W, R.N., 'Of Victoria until well blend Pd. Keep warm. just the. nim, -Sure thro\%ii out by the yen- ..... i . ... " .. I *� . ­,­, '. ,,*�,1.-:%-,1- : I son, Ronald, of London; Mr. and Mrs. hospital, London, spf,n,t Sunday with '­aten egg and T"it. House will have . : . :: . � - .-1: . before serving add the bL ate ),ast year. :::::::: . . .. . .. .1 .. . Harvey McLagan, of Willow Grove, Mr. anO Mrs. Gorge Dalrymple and vanilla and stir well, plenty or umc. lo',ji.,cu,-4s, it this ywa� , , .:".;i:` . I - " I ' - " 1, passed. 0 .. .. I tante who attended the funeral of kr. dmd Mrs. Win. V(,n,n(,.r and Mr.. Delicious butter cookies in attrac- Senate. its,serribled 'o,day and will have . . - I'll, were relatives and friends from a dis- family. Butter Cookies Other minor bills N�-,,re 1) T)l : I , I the late Mr. Peter Whitlock on Wcd� r.nd Mm. Wm. Kyle went to Parkhill tine shapes and packed in decorative some work to prEr sed with now. . � , I nesday of last week. Monday to see the rernains of the boxes rn,ike delightful gifts for friends Ot,tawa. wa.,� :�'­cked today when :,j::.:.:%;.. . 7-:i . � I Mr. and Mrs. Ben Williams, Mr. and :­roplane cnisill which oc, ­ Sat- a members o ..:.!:� ;..., cUl I ed nd ,membe f the family. Here are. WOrd was I-coviv-1 thii. Mon. ltobtrt .. -.4 ,.. . . Mrs. Rollie Williams and daughters wday night. %.`�­11- X,:,;.*::�, . I ... a few simple rules that will en -sure Weir, fOrnler Wo -;t(-r of Agriculture, . 1".., ''%...ft. .... 1. . .. !:, !, I , .. I - ; ­­ .,.� .. .�. were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Far[ success if faithfully followed. Be sure half been kill0d it fill accident at his ­ . .1,X.. %,.,11. . : j­!;j::�. . : Johnson, Dear Granton, last Friday ev. * , , ., I..:.,.-,: I . . I - - your ingredients are cold, mc-asure h0n),O in S.'lskalcli, Ivan. Mi-. Weir was .1. I ....: :"".`� -,.... �... h,1..1 1. . : I ening. -HAY them -carefully and combine them born at NA'inglialli and taught school . ::.:-�. .,*:, . Miss Laurn, Poro is, spending ,-*mn, "I. . ,::-�. .,. I . �,.'. , . -­-�t , ??W ;,I-. !;� quickly. (,hill the (lough before roll- for so>mio time ;ii iiarlovk. lit, pIay (I I A � � , - r .. ,.-, .,. \ :::;.. � V time with Mr.. and Mrs. Robt., Dobson (Intended for ]a week) ing it: Bake ,is directed. ;' ; I � at KirktOn. , foolball on the old recreation grounils ,.r I .,. � %`. 4 � .. ,. , . . _ The re�gu&r monthily meeti,-nig of Sour Cream Cocoanut Cookies I in Senforib in 11),, (lays that are gone.. ...: ,. . . I . the CO-111),cil of the Township or Hay I cup Brown sugar 1-10 will be missed, is he ,had built ) I *1 I I I- I wao beld in the Town Hall, Zurich, 1/2 cup butter ut t p a very pro�:;�orous farm in Ore. . on Monday, March 6th, with all mern- I egg, beaten West. 11 . 1. � --- bei-s pres,eirt. The minutes. .1 ..... I . I of the 1/2 cup sour cream Another outstanding figure pass -ed .. I February me,etinig were adopted as 'A teaspoon salt on in the person of Sir Joseph Fh-t . IT POURS read. After: disposing of the centrum- 2 cups (lour ; 11 .. i,catf,orrs, the foillowirig reF;olutions % teaspoon nutmeg I velle. TJO was a citizen that exercis- I . od a great (Iml of influence in, this, N were. pa. -sed: That the petition of % teaspoon ,soda counlry of ours, for many years. I --- ­­.�....­,­S��,�­ -­ .[L�AHLY Robert Munn in,(] otilrers asking for 2 teaspoons baking powder Th'e, sweopstah"s MU was up again, ­ - -- . . I I ' ' . . .....'.."* 4. Improvement of a detain be accepted 1 cup grated cocoanut. . but was G-lIk(,d ()Ill. 4 . '? . Cream .shortening and miglix; add . 1. ) ­ and ,that Mr. S, W. Arcbibald� O.L.S., Wednesday, March 8 11. - 1� .. engineer. be appointed, engineer beaten egg. Sift dry Ingredients and � to Doti the Senolp and the C Guardians of the Home! I I I maker a survey, plan,,; and report on add, cocoanut- Combine into mixture Gammons - ----- �. ., o -.. were in ses,sion today and both were 1 I i I .. the drainage area. That the tax col 51tervately with cream. Drop by tea- , " , " . " lector be authorized to continue the spoons on greased baking A devoid of any exeitoment. 'Me Com- Your telephone, like the Long Arm of the Law, . 11 dish. Bake �� I P �: , in a hot oven 15 minutes. marts returned to the discussion of I! I ..1 .- I collectilom of tax arrears and, shell, re- the Trade AgreemiEmits; there are is always on duty. Throughout Ontario and I . turn ,Ilia roll on April 2, 1939. That Date Bars " 11. I We following gratitts, be made to Agri- I 0 egg yolks) a number yet' it) speak an that Im- . . Quebec more than 3,000 operators are at work , 1'. 1. . cultural Societies for 1939: Vaurricli 2 cups sugar portant measure but wheti a debate I I at Bell switchboards along with other guard- . , �,�, . THE HAN POURING SPO School Fait-, $50; Exeter Pali Mix, I cup butter eras On, too lo -41 it 11loses all inter- I "t�� , pr W ' p&W&Vn $10; Hen,sall Spring Fair, $15, aluld . 1/4 cup cold water est aull there is houiri)d to be repoti- ians of the service. , 1.1 &M $5,00 to school Pairs'. That the rate 3 cups flour dons which, of coume, do not add to , - . 11� It's fre#�wrlte for one NOW of pay for Nvork (Ion,(-. on to,�vrrshdp 'A teaspoon salt the, hitere%t. Day and night, they direct, the growing traffic - 4 'J ]I/ In this (Irbato, I .!�l . * k0b the special top of the 2 1b. ,01,fl% in 19,19 be, fixed as follows: ,, clip dates ROIAO ,of thle spoa.k- There are 9,762 of wj on the voice -wap; of the nation, so 1liat you I ,,',",� tin of Crown Brand, Lily White ',Vnn (yrily, 20 (le:nqs per hour; man and % cut) nut meats, telephone, people constantly working to I .1 . 1118 I .� ?4 I and Karo gyrups- d team, 40 cents lwl-r hour; patrolmarl, I W11- � keep the service at hi hest peak of (4fi- C an talk easily and quickly to almost an one'— -�11 0 Is easillyclestied and can be use Cream butter, add sugar and , �� evet and over again- 25 cents p0,T 1`110111, rrill,ri and 3 homes, I ter to well beaten egg yolko and C<)m- cienry. You'll notice anionix u,; a strong anywhere—anytime. . . , 1','f ''. 2V Uff a sense of loyalty to olir company and a . ,;il 0 Pourg without a drip. 50 cents per hour; mon, team and bine with butter and sugar milture. . 0 Provides means Of accurate mower, 60 c.(,..nl,, p"r litour; pit gravel,' sincere friendliness, making the "voice 4�.A ,�,�,j � with a sindc" soniediing more than a 'Al I measurements. 1� cents per yard. mbat it'llo'Clerk ad- Sa. s varicose Veins Fold in remaining ingredionts. Bake These are trained operators. They like. their I ", S " . . * Makes the 2 1b. tth an -eeltlent vertise for tender's for oporatinig thei In ,low Oven ,,nlil firm, Cool before mere phrase) work and understand it thoroughly. ('001 in , table container. I . cutting or removing from pan, �, I . 0 The pratec"ve rovides a toNvnlsbdp enislipt at W(-Iqbls pit for Can Be Reduced Holiday . Cookies . " emergencies, willing and able on all occasions I . AU� C:V= cover. season of 1939, trii(I-ers to be submit- 1 cup sugax &I - to ,serve. the Ptliblic, our operators give fliou le. t- A" , tedi per cubic yard. of material placed At Rome—Small Cost. I o " A I egg � I ' in bin: also for tenders %or trucking If you or a 3, relative or friend to 2 teas,pooris baking Powder . ful performan-ce to every minute. of their , �� I I �. i n .. I °o{;' "V- �� crushed matori�al On to the, township ried because IF varicose "ins, or bunches, 2 to 21/2 cups flour responsible jobs. ..., :. ,; �111 9the boys �thatp mous 0 cbea. � -­ �;�', omalts 022 bic I 411 bocke ill b obtained Y2 , teaspoon salt �:�5P ,,Z stars can stili e o ta ned for roaa%, tenders, to state price per cu na good advice for home treatment an ariv I BRAND" labels, friend can give, in to get a PredCrIDUOn -11 1'1�,11 `CROWN yard of road mileage hiauling and also known as Moore's Emerald Oil. I temPoon vanilla A10 - Like the police force,,;, your telephone company I , '? , V� I'll for flat .rate far trucking gm.reil on to Simply ask your druggist for an original V2 cup butter . �1111.-.�*, t ,, . Ill of Noone's'Emerald Oil and apply ' I 1. I . . tenders to be opened stands guard,, constantly striVing to improVe ." ,� . . CROWN 8 0 night. and morning to the nwollen, enlarged ' Y2 cut) milk- . , ,� , , I I � ,� 11 .. , I a service now famed for its effigiciAc'y. . , r veins. Soon you should notice that they am Cream 'butter well, add sugar and M. J. HABKTRK9 . , ..', , . an April 3, 1039. illbat, 0c following I � F, "I . Cie appointed road patrollinern. of the growing smaller and the treatment should egg. Combine dry lngedileqits and . . ... CERN R be continued anal the volne are no longer I �,­ , � " � . �, 10� "' 'I 11 1%, The Fooltoo-s Energy d vulil6as'-wad divialoniij for 1939: Road btirdenoome. So Venetfttilna Find efficient is add alfte-Mateli "with Milk. Add van- Manager, I '' -11 1�11 IN "WA STA#60 W, 006d, To I (a) E. Campbell, (b) R. Munn, Emerala Oil that it also helps simple swell- illa Inst. . I '11 11 ftM. ­ ro"fe * Roll bbin, brush with egg , I i �,, P % : .. . W H. UpMurtrile; Road No. 2 (a) C. bw due to strain to "P,vmr. k, , white, cut. - , - � . . � 1. . ­ 1- -- , . l . " 4 ,, �, I I I I 4.V�Moq , , I , ',Xqi�: 1 " , 11, .. . . I I I . -1