HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1939-03-10, Page 5''.i 1P>,,+.v, i� , ,n•'�1;�t� vJ it :r;fa'1�r a.�,Mrt7e�., h�°>6 rdl i,i} f j'!' � as !�nl i4 r t ,�T- ..x r' '�i'1.r' ' r,ir `' A t ,:Y; 4 N. Rj ::YI JW .+r] {T,w, GC, .4,1,1 i N itifl kYrl�l4" 1 T- 1 � til y.t;M 77�8Uk( .43�•K Y,�d.. lir.'',}l i r..;) Y�11'4",j ' a �>. ;[:zY �' r�, C.-�1 ,' �' .7'. � .� ', :i.�) h� a , ' ,.}Q; i', t,4rl! M l t a� t �+) T , �t7 P N 1 J �i 7 PrYi? E r6l � th.i darn IIC L. ;y4 J i' N nS„�n . , � i'S f ti : t, a, r� 'f'�j11K Y )!cA, � � ;;a Ajj�{ tV,t� sulky � k� i rrt Ht!✓ p� rhe Pc 1' ii .: -, , - Vit' + I } y {P u s I f �; `1; GN FR? T A'CR: u as T!ozggto r Tol+otn#a w M �peclalAs I �! i w how'an she w tx1 Mian'tmeal by her' Jame New N - Carol Hughes paaents' S survived by th'crr par I, •emits, ,one ister, ]Martie, of London; � � "RENFREW OF' THE two brr ROYAL MOUNTEp" ot.rsau Harold' of Hay TOwu!Cci - r Monday, Tu ay. Wednesday Edwa rsbinsmmon C ' • bile man, 'who outsteiois theall i dn'ama, in . . "I AM THE LAW" with Wendy Barrie Next Thursday. Friday, Saturday Tex Ritter • 'inn a new ,tale of vi'gilanti jItatice i "THE MYSTERY OF THE I HOODED HORSEMAN' Coming— ' Je'a Arohur - Lionel � Barr mor , � { > n Y "YOU CAN'T TAKE IT WITH YOU' James Stewart - , Edward Arnol . HENSALL (Continued from Page 4) '- On Friday evening some 7§ neigh bort and friend's gathered at the 'hon of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Corbett, of Ha Township, in honor of Mr. Corbett' 56th birthday. The evening wa • en i pleasantly spent to dancing and cards music for the dance being furnished by Messrs, Frank Kenny and'Art Fin- layson, Wm. Hyde, Earl Campbell a son, Roy, and Morenz Br•op. of Gr Band, Mr. Corbett, who is enjoying excellent health and hopes to be 8rpar. ed for many such gatherings, wa presented watih many 'gifts, among wthich was a radio, the gift from his family. . The Hensall senior Institute will be `" the ,guests of 'the Kippen W- 1. a the home of Mrs. George Glenn on Highway No. 4, near Kippern, Wed- nesday evening, March 15th. The roll call will be anewered with an Irish Joke and. /the motto, "Canada's Coat of Arms," will be repeated by special request by Mrs, R.. J. Moore. The guest speaker will be Mrs. R, Y. Mae - Laren, who will speak on "Ganadian Industry." A splendid Program has been prepared. ., Arnold Circle Meets The Arnold Circle of Carmel Pres- byteria.n Church held' a delightful sup- per ,meeting on M'o'n`day evening, Mar. ifth; at the rhomie of Mrs. W. A. Young with 25 'members present. Following a delicious) supper the worship pro- gram was followed, taken from the Glad Tidings, in charge of Mns, Roy Bell,,. president, which included the following: Hymn, "Fraise My Soul the King of Heaven"; prayer in uni- son; responsive readings led' by Mrs. Roy Bell; hymn, "O Lord of Heaven and Eartih and Sea," and `minutes, roll call, business and, collection.. Ruth Young contributed a piano solo and Dianatha Young sang a missionary song accompanied at the piano by her mother. Miss Beryl Pfaff 'and Mars, Roy Belli gave Interesting papers on ••lite life '• of tho late Mary Slessor, mis'sionar`y of Africa; hymn, "O Mas- er, Let Me Walk Withr Tibee," was sung, after which Missy Mabel Work- man presented the study on India. A vote of -thanke was extended to Mrs', -Young by Mrs. Bell for her hospi- ,talirty in operdag her .home for the evening, after which the meetiag con - •eluded with the singing of "Oh Lord _wl.andr.l.ogae ,1a Power," ®nK3 the prray'er -Vy t+ue pi�sid�t�t The s'ympaithy of tibia communaty at ']barge is extended to Mr, and Mrs. W. ,i1. Bell of Hay' 'Ibw,nsnbdp, in, ,the tma. gic death of thedir daughter, Reta, who away in 'her 14th year follow- 1ng a serious oiler atibnl for an abscess ,of the brain, performed in Montreal -ton Wednesday, of Last week Eby, a ,en, brain SPS-c'iali9L,, Despite all :.filliedlew , '..isel.ence oou34 do ,her +fib-aleeutrt+ed 94 • Saturday morning. A. .b7+f11d�t. ,iptudemlt . ak Hensall con-` thion ' ... �clrac+i, Leta, - who W wiays' Won npbp9 pries for fiber work and. jeWAinlg at the local school anima; fall Maim, will 'be . much missed by her �menrts, brotherg and eistter, redia Nv1es amus ,schorolmasep, where Ae was Wry Popular.. Her oomktion became acute some weeko ago and she Was liken. to London for conaultation by .., 1 Better ,29 (j Ford A Coach, a real buy, priced IOW: IChev. 11/2 ton 1 truck, dual wheels, stake body. .9 3 4 Chev. 2 -ton Truck, I long wheel base, stock racks. J5Ford V-8 Sedan, in good condition, heater, etc. 3 Ford V-8 Tudor, heater, radio • in excellent condition. FORDSON TRACTOR, governor, pulley; tom- pletely overhauled. DALY 1 6 Garage Ford -Mercury Dealer Phone 102 - Seaforth r1 , sliip, and Alvin attending IJndverstity e e Hay s s Grand s g s t 'qWI'm " '' at London;. Ther funeral', which was i>,eld leer f The Week At the Sea�foith-iNlleg'late a private. was from late home ,titttte on Saturday, Rev. W. A. Ymng of ($Jt Alastair Wlgg) , . Carmel Presbyterian Church oB'iciat ,,- ing, the floral tributes were beauti- Once more the `belle' peal sweetly' Wednesday that a vwrse Speak ful and many. The pallbearers were and merry laughs resound through the Contest will be held '&p soon as plant Allan Gould, Percy Gampbell', Earl balls. The exams Aare over for •the could be arranged.. Last year a si'mi n Campbell., Edison McLean, William Easter term and just In time,'for the lar contest was .relit and prizes wen Cooper and Glenn Bell. Interment ' studentshave other activities on their winning fits was in Exeter cemetery. hands. Students of the S. C. I. are Wilson MacDonald et,,stu : Pte, war Del'phine Jackson, young daughter loyally supporting the Seafortkt hoc- present and acted as J dge. Titre con of Mr, and -Mrs, George Jackson who key team, nearly ald'of them attend- test was very. ,sucoeaful and a nun" ' had been seriously Ill at Victoria Hos- I pital, London,, with- diabetes, is im- lag a game in Stistford. Although, the her of students took rt. There wil d xams are over, the results are. be. several prizes ofCe for the win proving slowly, accOrding, to reports, still coming back and students are vers who must rieel:te, poems'. Thu given, us -by `her mother, and Mr. rather shaky. Of course everyowe contest is held to encourage viers( Jackson, who has been, very ill at can't tonne first, so students console epeakinLg, which Is a fine thing is t: Westminster Hospital, London, is al- themselves with that happy thought, school. so improving and they both w1il be When the 'report caixlu orrme out a • � • home in three weeks. lot Of students W,U1 wish they were The new equipment in the gyne ie better at pennibm- aWp, or to be more being used a great deal, lately, ThE - �� KIPPEN explicit, wish they could duplicate high bars, eepeoWly; 'are the object the signature of their parents. How- of much use, and soma of the otudents ever, that is forgery' and is never perform well on tbierm. The old gyne Dr. James Ja'r•rtobt, of New York, practised (that is, hardly ever). Stu;. without such equipment, but Stu, and sister, Miss Etta Jarrott, of To- dents are already looking forward to ,vfas dents are rapidly atdapting themselves, ionto, spent the week -end at the thle Easter holddlays, `whdoh are only a P. T. classes are much more inter, home of their mother, Mrs. Isaac Jar- mouth away. esrting, as there awe a number of rota, of the village. * * * things to do—volley 'bal'l; basketball, Mn, William Daitz, ofd the London An epidemdc of influenza is re�sptonr- mat work, or on the various bard, road, who •has been confined to the sdble for a number of students being + • house for somrs time, is now able to absent this week.- There are four or Several pupil's have been. injured be out. and around again. five absent from every Form, but while playing basketball lately. Last Mrs. Alex. Mousseau; who' hat been school goes on without them. At first Friday Bruce Wright cracked a bane visiting at the `home of her ,son and students dreamed of the school clos- in his thumb when the basketball hit daughter-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. E, Ing down, but their .hopes were wast- it. On Wednesday, In the game af- Mowseau; has returned to the home ed on thin air, for there is no possi- ter four, Frank Golding dislocated a of her daughter, Mrs. Melville Smith, bility. Some of the students were finger while playing too strenuously. near Zurich. very unfortupate in missing their ex- s s ' Miss Ruth' Watson, of Clinton, ams, but health Gomes before educa- A•ltbbugh . girls axe usually rather spent the week -end at the home of tion. Perhaps some were alsio. fortu�n- timid and are afraid of lions and boys her parentis, Mr. and Mrs, C. Watson, ate in missing their .exams! coming in late at night, it ip seldom of the village. Mrs, James t McDonald and daugh- * * * It was announced: at assembly this {(list they are afraid of roosteM. One gilt, ;however, lives In mortal dread ter, Marguerite, who have been visit- _ Of roosters and affords othrar students ing friends in London for some Inne, much laughter to see her 'chased by have returned .to their home on the '2nd.concession of Stanley. BAYFIELD a 'large rooster. This girl is in, the The Kippen East W'omen's Insti- habit of coming very nearly late for tute will 'hold their March meeting at Mrs. ,George Woods returned home school and so to save time and: catch an extra, forty winks, she takes a the 'home of Mrs, (reor•ge Glenn on last. week from Bolton Landing, New short cut to came to school. But in Wednesday at 8 p.m. The Hensall York, after a three months' visit with taking a short cut she must pass 1 W. 1. will join with .them in this meet- friends. through a yard dominated by a, barge ing and furnish the program- Mr: Laurie Fowlie, of London, and and frisky rooster. Whether this --- . - - .�" Mr. anid Mrs.- Gid Koehler, of Zurich, rooster has a Particular grudge against VARNA were visitors with the Misses ran- F.thel Fowlie the girl or not will never be known, • ces land on Sunday last. but Mr. Robste•r takes great delight Members of the council met in the Miss Margaret Fergusson, of Wind- sor, spent the weekend with her par- in chasing the screaming girl and peeking at her. legs. Of late, drowev- hall Tuesday- eats, Mr. and Mits. Wm. Ferguson,, er, tho+ girl has been getting up earl- Several from tihis district attended' Rev:'Mr. Moritey, of Chatham, was jer ,nil taking the'lowg way around. the (hockey match held in Stratford a guest with Rev, and Mrs. Gale fast s * * Tuesday night. Monday nigilit a program was put week. Mr. James H. Reid was taken to A meeting of the Commencement committee was held last 'Thursday for on by the McCormick -Deering tractor Clinton Hospital on, Sunday evening the purpose of disposing of the pro - and, farm machinery'. The demionstra,- last with a sudden attack of apps"- ceeds. of the Commencement. As us - tion was good and a clever magician d•icitis. His many friends hope for ual, prizes will be presented to etu- a,ddary much to the cltar•m. The hall his speedy recovery. dents !raving the highest per cent at was filled to full capacity and many Miss Josep+hdne Stirling returned the enol Of the year. A change wa.s were turned' away. The •evening waz- home on Monday after a three made, however, and no pupil tarn win finished by the Murdlock orchestra and . months' visit- with relatives in Sao- a prize unless his or her per ce(ntage' a social chop. Much credit is due G. katchewan, amd Alberta, is at least 70. Instead of books being H. Beatty, and if this is to continue The 'local baker is having a new presented, silver .medals in commtem- larger space will have ,to be found. baking oven installed this week, oration of the visit of the King and Keep in mini the social on the 17th, Some of the local hockey fans at- Queen, to Canada, . will be given as when old-time community sduging and. tended the *eaforth-Clinton game at prizes. These prizes will be different good music will be furnisbedl. Bring Stratford Tuesday night, from the books. that Suave been. pres- along your old•,time songs. Lunch will � ented before this time. be served. Police Investigate Werk is prOgret"sinig so rapidly in TUCKERSMITH (Continued from Page 1) the shop ,that 'there„ is hardily room _ _ Y - structures Were. • fr mre and trey burn- far the camliletied $rojects Dozens Mr, and Mrs. A. Matheson visited ed fiercely. By dawn only smoking ,ruins were left, with not a welt errand of •book -ends have begin $Pmpleted and numerous bell and buzzer seto .have with friends li Stratford on Sunday. The Prevailing flu has invaded 1riiQ lire Fire brigades from Zurich and been lard out. . The model, house is neighborhood. We hope for early re- Dashwood villages lent edrtl an a fight keep under construction and some of rite fixtures are already completed. An coveries- to the whole village from going up in flames, electric buzzer at the front door, one Quite a number of bbeltey fans at- The fight centred) on alleyways at at t�rre back door,,and a hall light have tended bbb games In Clinton and Stratford on Thursday anid Tuesday either end of the burning block. At ,ail been installed. Students are work - evening, respectively, one end was the town, halt and the ing on this and also are learning how Mr. and Mrs. R. Townsend visited other a block of business places. The town ha'l'l was scorched and ces.w1nhe to charge a baUemy. Pupilh are also doing jig saw •Wcvrk, 'Aeutfling rnrt pot at the lady's Parental, home on Sun,- day' were backer from the beat, but rite holders: and other trssieful artieleis. The Mr. and 'Mrs. - Jos. Crich. are lean firemen kept it from burnins& At the latest project''started Sa 'desk sets: . 'Ing our midst to take up their abode other. epd Charles Jinks' swop was al- These are constructed of 'wood' and r will be greatlythe m sfo scorched. The fire apparently sitatrted in Twit- .hold p6adlsti pens and other writing Im'prlemeuta- The studemta are alto ed in n "s missed im Turner's Church and 1n the community. chell's Garage, and it was -burning learning the, various ripe splices fiercely when Stade ,raised the alarm which' will come in handly, New • shortly before 1 a.m, blackboards -rave been placed in the CROMARTY Before the f4le omcihed the dwel- shop and also a 'two-way Ventilating faa • .liege there was mfficient time for volunteers to carry out all the fur,ai- . s . A pleasant evening was spent at tore,, While Mrs Palmier w 1 A tbreatenin Tetter was received g as a one the home of Mrs. Quance on Thurs, at the time, Mrs. Dick's son, Arthur, from a (unknown) student carrying,a day evening last, wizen a ,number of was with her. Telephone communica- sindster warning. This particular pu- friends gathered to present her young- �tr1ons were chit by the blaze and only Ptd objected to having ,his school es - est daughter, Dorothy, with a miw,el- rp"ne main line was open- Many of the capades published and' warned that laneous shower. After a pleasant telephones in the village were out of if the correspondent wished to 'Live to hour of contests, the gifts were pres- order. I 1. he three score and tent, to refrain stated to the bride by her cousins, There were no cars in the garage from publishing any more articles, * • m Mrs. Harold Coleman and Mrs. Al- at the time. Mr. Twitchell ordinarily The girls' basketball teams went to fred Rose with Miss Margaret Aden leaves his automobile in lids garage reading the address, after which, the but because he bad been to a hockey Mitchell, but .in spite of hearty sup - bride, in a few words, expressed her game it was not put in its usual plate. p'o'rt by students,' they received. a appreciation. After singing "She is It is understood Mr. Twitoliell hag shelilackdng at the hands of the Mit- a Jolly Good, Fellow," a sumptuous purchased the land- where the burnt chell girls. The IV Form team was lunch was served. out buildings stood and proposes to defeated: 16-6 in a hard fought game. shortly erect a modern garage. Both teams played fine basketball and the game was not as decisive as - the score looks. Members of ilbe LONDESBORO i T team are: Alma, I twrence, Clara Dol - Clinton Ties V p mage, Franca Matthews, Betudee Miss P1tyl�l,is Manning hta,s svccoed- ed in passing her Grade 2 Th`e'ory ex- (Continued from Page 1) Manley, Alice Reid, Barbara Bust, amination with honors. Miss Man- g)ven a major in the last minute of Betty Matthews, Zetta Dunlop. Ding is a. pupil of Prof. A. E. Cook, the period; other penalties went to The V Form leant was decisively of Westfield. I Sills and Hubert (S.) and Rath and J. squelched by a 31.2 scane. Tthe girls Elliott (C.). I met more than their match, but in The third 'period started off with spite of this playrd spirited basket- Porte`rfiebd still in the box tleds(hing hall. Mem'be'rs of the team: Edith BRUCEFI'ELD his penalty and after a minute and a Wallace, Ardath Sproule, Isabel An - half of fast hockey, A. Hild`ebrnmd derson, Merle Keating, Hazel Earle, The annual meeting of the Bryce- soared the tying goal. The Beavers Jean Anderson. field) Firemen `will be !held in the Odd- outplayed their rivals during the re- " e * fellows' • Hall n cru Monday eventing, mainder of .the period,, but with the The boys' school basketball league March 13th. All mien cordially invit. Puck -in the Colts' zone most of the is progressing smoirtirlly. There are eel, ,time Elldott had few hard shots to four games a, week, and each, team Mrs. Aliee Ho'hnrer has returned handle, as the Colts spent most of Plays Once. Tlhere is a great deal of home from (-rodericlr- their time checking. Red Rath was emithus)asm shown and the boys en - Mr. and Mrs. C. IIa.bsltead and Floyd injured in this Period, but it to ex- joy tyle competition. On Monday the of Stratford spent. Sunday with Mr. P'ected all will be in the line-up for Falcons defeated ilue Hawks 13-5. and Mrs. 'I'. Alie(>ler. the next gamer, Points s,Cored: falcon, --A. FeR("i 6. �. — A. i 4 li Err rle � e > Mr. and Mrs. ,T. R. Cornish and An- Summary first Period: Goals, Wigg 3; Hawkst--(,rr �r. mr spnnt. Sn+ay in Exeter. C 'ntcn Gibbs (Por. tl) 6.00• Gldn _ d I1 r(radfoat 1. Mrs. John Grainger spent the week ton, Gibbs (Streets) 15.112; Clinrton, The F,ar;l(*s defopied the, Ciari1,s 6.5. end in Tiric'rinii. }cath, 18.05; Seafarth, Sills, 19.30. Pen- Fagles—H. Rennie 1, J, O'Connor 2 ; Ili,, L. 1'a.lmer spend, iho week,ond alties: Hubert (S.), Foster (C.), Giants Dererewix 2, Haney 1, S. in Tgronio, Second Pc,%ri(rrl — Goals: ('11in on, .Wigg 2. Mr. Elmer Smith. of North Dakota., G)bbs (Pickett) 15.05; Seaforth, Hub- On Wedtrewcley tiw> Dodgers ,defeot:- wbo has bren visiting his daughters, ert (Stills) 18.05. Penalt'ies•—Porter- e'd 01st, Aces; 15-10, and the Beavers Miss(Ni Fl"io and Genevieve vm!it(h hold (nnajor), J. Elliott, Rath (C.); drfeatod bhe Cardinals 7-2. I3'etrver•sr-- and other relatives, leaves this week Hubert, Sills (S.). I Coutts 2, ,N. Srott •1, Nott 1. Cardin - for his home in the West. Third, Period—•Seaforth, A. Hilde- 21: l'1;iill11•, 2. Dodgers — Kate 2. Miss Marie Elliott spent Saturday In brand, 1.30• Ja.mi•es+rn 3, Melvrr 8, Quinlan 2. Aces London, Refereer-"HoneY K s {�chen--S. Wigg 1 F. ' a i g 7 MacTavish ' What hast eighteen, .cgs and cartohes eT• 1, J. Southgate 6. flies? Sure, and you'll be after find- SFAFORTTT—Goal, Stalde; defenve, Standing Wins Louses ing out if you come to, the St. Pat- Hubert, Si)lw; centre, A. Hildebrand; Carddnals ...... ..... 2 1 zdck's social the members of the Hort- wings, G. Hildebrand, Schroeder'•; Aces ................. 1 2 iculture Society will be having on, the alts., Harris, FlanAery, Willis, Kruse, Beavers .............. 2 1 seventeenth of Marchi. The directors Muir, Dodgers ............. 1 2 have prepared a novel atnidf iueresiting CLINTON—Goal, Elliott; defense, Falcons .............. 2 0 program wlluich will 18111t everyone. Porterfleldr, Rath; 'centre, R. McEwen; Giants ............... 0 2 Bring your frlando and enjoy yourself. wi'n'gs, F. McEwen, Foster; alts., Pick- Eagles ............ . .. . 1 P Lunch will be served. ett, ,Streets, Gibbs, Draper, J. EI( -Nott. Hawks ............... • 1 1 " r , A .+ Zt 0°b 9h _.. Attw3r 0511 Sts{, 1 ' '' rs w "'1 >, r u i s. it Qi., ,f,:lr,. l'w !! J d+`'v .1 n ,"'{qfp r �'`.^ r'"i" x "� r i- ,, i t �; CliaWn's oerontd go'ai w''" of (4o:` a r 4( }" , 4, awarded' vazdte!ty, Keiu I'101ecti, wi1111'11 k�' k 'ut , s. d u,�.,, the Bba'forCh defenucre behind1 )luitm, � �� r a � � *, %gU ru } T h �i,> r ,t 1 r waltzed au on the Ser for tin set fie "I ''�1� 1,,Y n u ',', ,c ; shifter!, pulling Stade oust of position:` „ 1_1�,.,;', ...t h 2� � $�yl�� �t �t �ui,,1,,4aWy� The Seaforth goalie Tient his s't ek. fly � � ark ,l a y.�ui it t,�,y t��l ��� Ing "rosy the open half of the net. �owen s � � �� � 1, (.. ,; a `,, �'�tx °, ' Pickett didn't get, the puck into tlhe . . ." yl (•,,+ .t cage, but Referees Charlie Talbot who. " i ' ` ""f sir." 1. was on ,top of the -play, awarded a M1.. •� :, ' . , ,�4, goal for the tihrtown stick. ", r h ,t�(` i Punch MoEw•en was back within 30 'r� ;. A r seconds. He beat the defence, antiSS " 'Y,•?f, had only Stade to fool, but the goalie � � ' came sliding out to smother this shot. 1(i t Spial purchaisie of .: New Archie Hubert finally 'gave the Sear � forth fans a chance to whoop It up at Rayon. Slips, lace temmed, t om; ' ' 12.40. Doing a solo up the rdght hail, C. in Tea Rose and White. a Hubert fired one from just inside the U ,�• 3 ifs (.r Clinton blue Bulb. It was a drive that Will wash ane wear excep- � _ • left a trail of smoke. Elliott, the u` �r Clinton goalie, made a futile stab tiOnally well. t r :t' '�'' with itis right hand, ,but the puck bit Sizes 32 to 42. A _t w tt the strings in the upper cornier. recd 1Jargall2 , . r, 49. �' � � , > Clinton. got that one back in less ... - ~�. , than a minute. Dori ° -;:; . During a,. am session a Rayon Satin Slips,tailor- around the Seaforth net, Red Rath >'<:V.' i . is' � , . , -slid the puck through a tangle of feet. ed .syle, fdlgotting at yoke- .; ?; : yr.. Stade apparently didn't 'sea it until Tea Rose and `White. Sizes -, the puck was in the net. 32 t0 44. OhiunkY Arando• Hubert chased a . � 79t , - . 1 , loose puck through the Clinton. de- Special ....... - fence, to start. the second period!. Geo. . , . Elliott made a dive from the Clinton , cage, but didn't get the puck. By this New Cocktail Slip, `made with embioidered vent ` time Hubert got this stuck on the disc for eat stepping. Made of finest Ce18IIi'se Sil,tlpy" again, the was pastt the post, but it y PP g - was close enough to bring a groan Embroidered yoke ' and vent. I - � . - , .._ from ,the Clinton; foll'ower>s. Sizes 32 t0 44.. ' Wben Benny Flannery of the Beav- ........ ... • • .. • • • .... • • - 000 ers drew the second Seaforth penalty for. tripping Ken Pickett at the four- . minute mark, the Clinton customem set up a chant for another goal. The Unusual Gedts probably would have accommo- ' dated.them, too, if Hail Stade hadn't turned in a smart effort in the Sea- .:,.;:y', . • forth net. The blueshirts kept five ' ' :I... _ * . men back of the Seaforth blue line, :: 1. ' Showingand' gave Stade a busy session. y\ At even terms, the Colts didn't have 1, -- ;�, the scoring chances they bad in the High first period. Punch McEwen and RegPorterfield fashioned ;•their best scar- ing chance of the srta.ga, with Por- f' terfield taking McFwen's pass • in the--- clear and no person to beat except >,. Stade. Reg tried to drill the puck Gmde' through the end of the rink, missing I ,;: the Cage bChancfoot. Wasfed _.-- . 1 - __w Clinton's first pen- •, .alt of the "" Vr__ ����y game, mid'-w'ay through the t.;«<, ';, S%%<%period, for using )ti's elbow on AI��,�; Hildebrand. It was a chance for the ' ? I Beavers', but they didn't seem 'able to ".�sYr.!r::>.;:::#'. *-`' ' °:.:; Came in and see the do anything about it, The Colts work- i ea a Tittle pepper game in the centre newest shades f o r zone, to keep the prick away from >'`''. r - Johnny Walker's boys. After that, r Spring. There's Suez, they kept the puck out of danger by een's Blue Japonica, `. P . hoisting it up the ice. During the ;,'' ,''.'. two minutes of P'orterfield's penalty, �''<� and many others. . Elliott in) Ube Gunton net didn't drove�,I�.s Anil they're styled a shot to handle. ''': x .>, . y Clinton's first Nue of the McEwens i ' ;f ` differer><tly too, in crepes and Faster opened up in the usual `'T r 1 s .� .- and sheers, that look style to start the third period. Punch like n1IIch higher prices. McEwen split the Seaforth diefence in .:. '' the second mdmute of play, but Stade I 5,>-�.' '` Sizes from 14 t0 46. came sliding out to :make the save. ��'^, ,N ;. � ' McEwen's brother, Frank, 'pdclnedl up ff ''"' Trlily 21 WO$(ler value; II the rebound for another drive --and ;x!yf . : bit `the goalie again:' " .' The ^sa`me line was back on Stade's ; toes a few seconds darter. Frank Me- Ewen missed the net after coasting in for a shot, ,but Hal Foster snared $6e75 the puck and slid it in behind Stade. The time of the goal was 2.32, and it looked like the tally titer cooked, the goose for Johnny Walker's crowd. With seven minutes of the period globe, the Beavers still weren't show- ing any signs• of getting into conten- tion. A Porterfield -Hubert feud was developing-, -but it was Hai Gibbs who finally -pulled the feet from -user the Seaforth defence, and was ,waved to the penalty box. Within, ten seconds of the GibW penalty, the Seaforthe bad casrhed in for a goal. Hubert poked a pass up to -the goal mouth, where Smoky Har- ris was waiting, and Harris banged tine puck past. Elliott. In forty seconds, the Beavers had the red bulb bi ming again- Gord. Muir Pumped, a abot into Elldott's pads from well out. Elliott made the save, but the puck dropped on the goal line. wrbile Elliott pawed fram- dcal)y, trying to swipe the disc el -ear, Harris swooped in again amid,ppked the puck over the ],Lae. Hubert came within an eyelash, a couple of times, before Gibbs' penalty had expired. The teams were back at even strength in the tying goal. Archie came out of the corner in the . Clinton end of the rink and did a , dipsy-doodle waltz u'nfil he god, into position in frond. -of the net. Th.,, he drilled an ankle -high shot, that. struck the edge of Oliott's pad and glanced into uh,e cor or of the cage. The Beavers had pulled their' old stunt of ewar ros. coming from behind in the last per- iod, and their rooters really mrade. wdioopee. SEAFORTH Beavers on Top Right from the face-off, the Beav- ers were back for Lheir second goal within sixteen seconds. Ai Hddde- brand bounced a long shot off El- Seaforth oet, and at. 18,35 Punwh Me- Summary liott's pad. Renm'y Flannery barged in Ewen slapped in the all-smporrta.nt First. Period --(foals: Clinton, Gib to pick up bhe rebound. He followed tally. Hal Gibbs picked up..the, puck. Wiokett) 3.00; Clinton, Pickett, 11.2 hi•s sihot. into the net. Elliott, anid Nick of the Si-afarth net, where it Rmfortlt, Hubert, 12.40; Ciinton, Rath Flannery landed in a hmp, with the had landed from a shot by Reg Por- Wickr+tt, Gibbs) 1:1.05. Penalties pack behind their. The goal was t.erfield. (`Tibbs passed it, across the Flubert. stand At 11.•{5, face of th+• nett, and Mri.wen, who was Sec(rrid Period:—(.oa.l": Nona, Pe Ono goat down, the, Cxrlts finally w•aitirng hanged it against. the strimgs, allies: Flo.nnery, Porterfieldi- got organized and took the upper Mrh;wen ainl(Kst got. the pay-off Third Period-C.r);tls: Clinton., Po inind again in the p•lity. \Viol a. five- count*r on Iwo or thr(v> cxrasion.s in ter (H. M(Ewen, F. ATcF:w'en) 2.3 man attack, they stormed arorrroai tll(>' the osertirrn1. 'Twice wiren h'e was Se:r•f0rlh, Morris Olube,ri) 7.35; gc in on the net, Stade b(vt, him. 10 c. f(rrih, ll,r,•ris fMllir) h.15: Seafort i;w•(>n': bt,st, chanre, thom,,h, e:rno(, a- 1111hert. 11.29: Serlforlh, Flamsery DUBLIN hmil rninufe and ;r lhalf hw•foro tho })ildehi•prid) 11,15: ('Tinton, R. M ov(`i•linre expire(]. Ken Piel((*It s,lip. F,wen ((;Tibbs, 1'ortetfiold) 18,35, Mr. an,d Mrs. Robert. McCorm)ci( lied past the Srafor(ib rcargimird and an•d: sun, of Ddroit, w(.re week -end l tiro Slarle in Ilue wic!e of the net_ }i *> F� visitors w-it.}r Mr. and Mr's, Jaynes' poked a pass (rver to McF;wen. With fL� CC kraus,lwpf. I tho open not yawning in front. of Mr, Harry Ryan and dnuglrters, of him, Prrnch ovet-ekate-rl the l»rcl;. OLD, DISABLED OR DEAD Stratford, were sunday visitors with C1,iNT0N—Goal, G. Flliotit.; dr - Mrs. ®A1► CATTLE c ft,n,s( 11 h n HORSES as Mr,. A. M. Trnoby and fan>sly. ah P rt(wrfield; cettdre, Tl. Mr. anal Mrs. Wm. Aliryod, Lonvhon, McT;wen; wings, Foster. F. McEwen; F;p mt the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. a.lis., Pickett, (Gibbs, Sheets, J. FI- femoved promptly and effiCjWd1/' Jvrs(>ph o'itou'rkP, of MrKillolr. )ioit, Kenncsfiy: Neila,ns sub -goal). Simply phone "COLLECT"tie Mir" Helen Dantzer is able to be SF,AFORTH—Goal, Stade.: defeuse, out Again after her recent illn,essi. ITubort, Sills; centre, A. H.iMebr•and; WILLIAM TONE SONS Mr. find Mrs. Lloyd Flliot ani] fa,m- wings, G. Hildebrand, Sch.roede.r; � TED ily were recent. visitors with relatives alts., Harris, Funerary, Muir, Bell, PHONE 21 . iNGER in. I'uarld)*). Kruse. PHONE 219 - MI7rC,,H l . Jack Nich(rlls spend. the weekend Officials,—J. Jones, Ginelpth; C. Tal- wit.h this parents in Cl.Inton bot, Preston- i ' Gibb Ill a; t vN '1 ... , x # 1 •a , r,.H : rh rr(4. 'y }�`a , l� id' F rla�r'.Yi [.�11�.14k4tfn1h34,i�1M14.A11.NK... v.'1:r..u.Yaf. f.. 2u.A..u,&,.W .Gi-S.%e.i v_'vt l.�ei,i «.. f:ni .' {.as t�.t«:, re!, .Y.A,.:':r.1A k•2.,f4::.Lt.4�,. 7v�.i7i�1.5. k,t�R...,r.,gi,ilh ):':.. :4_J,rh: Rb H/. �',Pi.;�:rdr„�}�j. �V,r.k7f r...l. ,ti•) ,H {...,, DOM .,�.. f�.FU v'"� " r , A .+ Zt 0°b 9h _.. Attw3r 0511 Sts{, 1 ' '' rs w "'1 >, r u i s. it Qi., ,f,:lr,. l'w !! J d+`'v .1 n ,"'{qfp r �'`.^ r'"i" x "� r i- ,, i t �; CliaWn's oerontd go'ai w''" of (4o:` a r 4( }" , 4, awarded' vazdte!ty, Keiu I'101ecti, wi1111'11 k�' k 'ut , s. d u,�.,, the Bba'forCh defenucre behind1 )luitm, � �� r a � � *, %gU ru } T h �i,> r ,t 1 r waltzed au on the Ser for tin set fie "I ''�1� 1,,Y n u ',', ,c ; shifter!, pulling Stade oust of position:` „ 1_1�,.,;', ...t h 2� � $�yl�� �t �t �ui,,1,,4aWy� The Seaforth goalie Tient his s't ek. fly � � ark ,l a y.�ui it t,�,y t��l ��� Ing "rosy the open half of the net. �owen s � � �� � 1, (.. ,; a `,, �'�tx °, ' Pickett didn't get, the puck into tlhe . . ." yl (•,,+ .t cage, but Referees Charlie Talbot who. " i ' ` ""f sir." 1. was on ,top of the -play, awarded a M1.. •� :, ' . , ,�4, goal for the tihrtown stick. ", r h ,t�(` i Punch MoEw•en was back within 30 'r� ;. A r seconds. He beat the defence, antiSS " 'Y,•?f, had only Stade to fool, but the goalie � � ' came sliding out to smother this shot. 1(i t Spial purchaisie of .: New Archie Hubert finally 'gave the Sear � forth fans a chance to whoop It up at Rayon. Slips, lace temmed, t om; ' ' 12.40. Doing a solo up the rdght hail, C. in Tea Rose and White. a Hubert fired one from just inside the U ,�• 3 ifs (.r Clinton blue Bulb. It was a drive that Will wash ane wear excep- � _ • left a trail of smoke. Elliott, the u` �r Clinton goalie, made a futile stab tiOnally well. t r :t' '�'' with itis right hand, ,but the puck bit Sizes 32 to 42. A _t w tt the strings in the upper cornier. recd 1Jargall2 , . r, 49. �' � � , > Clinton. got that one back in less ... - ~�. , than a minute. Dori ° -;:; . During a,. am session a Rayon Satin Slips,tailor- around the Seaforth net, Red Rath >'<:V.' i . is' � , . , -slid the puck through a tangle of feet. ed .syle, fdlgotting at yoke- .; ?; : yr.. Stade apparently didn't 'sea it until Tea Rose and `White. Sizes -, the puck was in the net. 32 t0 44. OhiunkY Arando• Hubert chased a . � 79t , - . 1 , loose puck through the Clinton. de- Special ....... - fence, to start. the second period!. Geo. . , . Elliott made a dive from the Clinton , cage, but didn't get the puck. By this New Cocktail Slip, `made with embioidered vent ` time Hubert got this stuck on the disc for eat stepping. Made of finest Ce18IIi'se Sil,tlpy" again, the was pastt the post, but it y PP g - was close enough to bring a groan Embroidered yoke ' and vent. I - � . - , .._ from ,the Clinton; foll'ower>s. Sizes 32 t0 44.. ' Wben Benny Flannery of the Beav- ........ ... • • .. • • • .... • • - 000 ers drew the second Seaforth penalty for. tripping Ken Pickett at the four- . minute mark, the Clinton customem set up a chant for another goal. The Unusual Gedts probably would have accommo- ' dated.them, too, if Hail Stade hadn't turned in a smart effort in the Sea- .:,.;:y', . • forth net. The blueshirts kept five ' ' :I... _ * . men back of the Seaforth blue line, :: 1. ' Showingand' gave Stade a busy session. y\ At even terms, the Colts didn't have 1, -- ;�, the scoring chances they bad in the High first period. Punch McEwen and RegPorterfield fashioned ;•their best scar- ing chance of the srta.ga, with Por- f' terfield taking McFwen's pass • in the--- clear and no person to beat except >,. Stade. Reg tried to drill the puck Gmde' through the end of the rink, missing I ,;: the Cage bChancfoot. Wasfed _.-- . 1 - __w Clinton's first pen- •, .alt of the "" Vr__ ����y game, mid'-w'ay through the t.;«<, ';, S%%<%period, for using )ti's elbow on AI��,�; Hildebrand. It was a chance for the ' ? I Beavers', but they didn't seem 'able to ".�sYr.!r::>.;:::#'. *-`' ' °:.:; Came in and see the do anything about it, The Colts work- i ea a Tittle pepper game in the centre newest shades f o r zone, to keep the prick away from >'`''. r - Johnny Walker's boys. After that, r Spring. There's Suez, they kept the puck out of danger by een's Blue Japonica, `. P . hoisting it up the ice. During the ;,'' ,''.'. two minutes of P'orterfield's penalty, �''<� and many others. . Elliott in) Ube Gunton net didn't drove�,I�.s Anil they're styled a shot to handle. ''': x .>, . y Clinton's first Nue of the McEwens i ' ;f ` differer><tly too, in crepes and Faster opened up in the usual `'T r 1 s .� .- and sheers, that look style to start the third period. Punch like n1IIch higher prices. McEwen split the Seaforth diefence in .:. '' the second mdmute of play, but Stade I 5,>-�.' '` Sizes from 14 t0 46. came sliding out to :make the save. ��'^, ,N ;. � ' McEwen's brother, Frank, 'pdclnedl up ff ''"' Trlily 21 WO$(ler value; II the rebound for another drive --and ;x!yf . : bit `the goalie again:' " .' The ^sa`me line was back on Stade's ; toes a few seconds darter. Frank Me- Ewen missed the net after coasting in for a shot, ,but Hal Foster snared $6e75 the puck and slid it in behind Stade. The time of the goal was 2.32, and it looked like the tally titer cooked, the goose for Johnny Walker's crowd. With seven minutes of the period globe, the Beavers still weren't show- ing any signs• of getting into conten- tion. A Porterfield -Hubert feud was developing-, -but it was Hai Gibbs who finally -pulled the feet from -user the Seaforth defence, and was ,waved to the penalty box. Within, ten seconds of the GibW penalty, the Seaforthe bad casrhed in for a goal. Hubert poked a pass up to -the goal mouth, where Smoky Har- ris was waiting, and Harris banged tine puck past. Elliott. In forty seconds, the Beavers had the red bulb bi ming again- Gord. Muir Pumped, a abot into Elldott's pads from well out. Elliott made the save, but the puck dropped on the goal line. wrbile Elliott pawed fram- dcal)y, trying to swipe the disc el -ear, Harris swooped in again amid,ppked the puck over the ],Lae. Hubert came within an eyelash, a couple of times, before Gibbs' penalty had expired. The teams were back at even strength in the tying goal. Archie came out of the corner in the . Clinton end of the rink and did a , dipsy-doodle waltz u'nfil he god, into position in frond. -of the net. Th.,, he drilled an ankle -high shot, that. struck the edge of Oliott's pad and glanced into uh,e cor or of the cage. The Beavers had pulled their' old stunt of ewar ros. coming from behind in the last per- iod, and their rooters really mrade. wdioopee. SEAFORTH Beavers on Top Right from the face-off, the Beav- ers were back for Lheir second goal within sixteen seconds. Ai Hddde- brand bounced a long shot off El- Seaforth oet, and at. 18,35 Punwh Me- Summary liott's pad. Renm'y Flannery barged in Ewen slapped in the all-smporrta.nt First. Period --(foals: Clinton, Gib to pick up bhe rebound. He followed tally. Hal Gibbs picked up..the, puck. Wiokett) 3.00; Clinton, Pickett, 11.2 hi•s sihot. into the net. Elliott, anid Nick of the Si-afarth net, where it Rmfortlt, Hubert, 12.40; Ciinton, Rath Flannery landed in a hmp, with the had landed from a shot by Reg Por- Wickr+tt, Gibbs) 1:1.05. Penalties pack behind their. The goal was t.erfield. (`Tibbs passed it, across the Flubert. stand At 11.•{5, face of th+• nett, and Mri.wen, who was Sec(rrid Period:—(.oa.l": Nona, Pe Ono goat down, the, Cxrlts finally w•aitirng hanged it against. the strimgs, allies: Flo.nnery, Porterfieldi- got organized and took the upper Mrh;wen ainl(Kst got. the pay-off Third Period-C.r);tls: Clinton., Po inind again in the p•lity. \Viol a. five- count*r on Iwo or thr(v> cxrasion.s in ter (H. M(Ewen, F. ATcF:w'en) 2.3 man attack, they stormed arorrroai tll(>' the osertirrn1. 'Twice wiren h'e was Se:r•f0rlh, Morris Olube,ri) 7.35; gc in on the net, Stade b(vt, him. 10 c. f(rrih, ll,r,•ris fMllir) h.15: Seafort i;w•(>n': bt,st, chanre, thom,,h, e:rno(, a- 1111hert. 11.29: Serlforlh, Flamsery DUBLIN hmil rninufe and ;r lhalf hw•foro tho })ildehi•prid) 11,15: ('Tinton, R. M ov(`i•linre expire(]. Ken Piel((*It s,lip. F,wen ((;Tibbs, 1'ortetfiold) 18,35, Mr. an,d Mrs. Robert. McCorm)ci( lied past the Srafor(ib rcargimird and an•d: sun, of Ddroit, w(.re week -end l tiro Slarle in Ilue wic!e of the net_ }i *> F� visitors w-it.}r Mr. and Mr's, Jaynes' poked a pass (rver to McF;wen. With fL� CC kraus,lwpf. I tho open not yawning in front. of Mr, Harry Ryan and dnuglrters, of him, Prrnch ovet-ekate-rl the l»rcl;. OLD, DISABLED OR DEAD Stratford, were sunday visitors with C1,iNT0N—Goal, G. Flliotit.; dr - Mrs. ®A1► CATTLE c ft,n,s( 11 h n HORSES as Mr,. A. M. Trnoby and fan>sly. ah P rt(wrfield; cettdre, Tl. Mr. anal Mrs. Wm. Aliryod, Lonvhon, McT;wen; wings, Foster. F. McEwen; F;p mt the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. a.lis., Pickett, (Gibbs, Sheets, J. FI- femoved promptly and effiCjWd1/' Jvrs(>ph o'itou'rkP, of MrKillolr. )ioit, Kenncsfiy: Neila,ns sub -goal). Simply phone "COLLECT"tie Mir" Helen Dantzer is able to be SF,AFORTH—Goal, Stade.: defeuse, out Again after her recent illn,essi. ITubort, Sills; centre, A. H.iMebr•and; WILLIAM TONE SONS Mr. find Mrs. Lloyd Flliot ani] fa,m- wings, G. Hildebrand, Sch.roede.r; � TED ily were recent. visitors with relatives alts., Harris, Funerary, Muir, Bell, PHONE 21 . iNGER in. I'uarld)*). Kruse. PHONE 219 - MI7rC,,H l . Jack Nich(rlls spend. the weekend Officials,—J. Jones, Ginelpth; C. Tal- wit.h this parents in Cl.Inton bot, Preston- i ' Gibb Ill a; t vN '1 ... , x # 1 •a , r,.H : rh rr(4. 'y }�`a , l� id' F rla�r'.Yi [.�11�.14k4tfn1h34,i�1M14.A11.NK... v.'1:r..u.Yaf. f.. 2u.A..u,&,.W .Gi-S.%e.i v_'vt l.�ei,i «.. f:ni .' {.as t�.t«:, re!, .Y.A,.:':r.1A k•2.,f4::.Lt.4�,. 7v�.i7i�1.5. k,t�R...,r.,gi,ilh ):':.. :4_J,rh: Rb H/. �',Pi.;�:rdr„�}�j. �V,r.k7f r...l. ,ti•) ,H {...,, DOM .,�.. f�.FU v'"�