HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1939-03-10, Page 4� g ',tv r . ,�a� , • 1 't . siIfied Adg0l,. ' `az ` ' `Ads will bein�erted at nevi' lo`v cash rates r�yt,e�' ,, t�ty "� Ft r• .��. a; : ii� N` 10: ,WvmRwl. Lost and Fen". CRmins BU6-•Pet -149 -. i' Ri let week- ............................ 1 Colt " �1, - 2nd week Carat �£ rr 8rd week ..... „j,.,..... Cent r y ' �tk "t f � Minimum charge, ,� •Insentiligh , - ... - 85 Cents ri _u k-�' bash Ileum in3tiai and abbreviation amts au ane word - 111V •I�L. 4rt Slha+ilty. In Mrui.,, tap. Notre -1 ten: p� word M$rirnum 60 amts per week t r Vii- �- i�rrl,& may be direcu�` w a llolt Number, ran 01 The Huron Pzpasitrr, far 10 cents cerlEs addWorral, Dm aces wili be ona aged if air im above class ary not paid b9 the t ., 1 =.day night bo the week in which the ad we& ron tt kDirtiio, Marriages and heaths inserted free of ehwge- l►114tion Sales. Notice rw nredriors. >s'te -Rata on applkstion . ,_ k �4 ' r - Personal Coming Events �. - x § ,• . ,-- ------ . UCIiRE`4 BrOX SOCIAL AND DANCF_= LiY SUFE t WITH RdiEU'MATISM, rFtoarestleru' 193M. Can•,tance, F'rulay, March I'rr 'y jwtlbW Lumb'agiw' Rumaeaps' Two 1 Wirth boxes. thee. Gelds 25� 4 T 4r ytllgy . Action quickly relieves pain whifle at 3717x1 dlacicin. the cause. KRATING'S DR00, cUTfORE. 3717-I ``f Articles For Sale p k; . Agents Wanted •. ^:t` IANO FOR SALE --FOR SALE, GOOD A GE�N1S WANTED I FAMILEX WILL PIANO t�,n.„ Apply alo Box 193, EX- '•atf J A .tar you in a profitable business dike' PaSIrOR OLWLGE 37153 fix. m.., hunda'eds of others throughout Camndar.' No ,tr ,ex',pernence requinrd. We train YOU- Liberal ...sr. eomuaissil m for stai:ng 200 guat+anteed neee o - I'll :sities. Meet a,X competition successfully, Property For Sale ,,. , o , ,t:: AmlhiLious salesmen. write far free e Mind plan wnttruut obligation. FAMILEX CO., 0 4 FOR SALE - THE. CHAPM,AN ' 670 SL Clement, Monitr-L 3717-1- H home om J'ao-v&. Staeet: hce,eaary th w:, - close out t,a Ap6Jy'to McC0NNELL & HAYS, awdiodth, or L. C. CHAPMAN, Gode- t Auction Sales rkh 37164if CLEARING AUCTION SALE AT Wanted Bayfi�d Lirve Goderiieh. Towvship. • I miles east of Bayfield, on Tuesday, stock. 14th, at 1 o'clock, consisting WANTgD--TO RENT OR LEASE. WITH implemeanrs, grain, 200, cards w,aod, 200 alar fr option of buying, or will buy if suited. and numerous -".di r r '+;unaj =1a"- "-, I -. 4dy rid 7 , . . ` 1. Hensall Village I nreatened By ,,dire ,f L 10 . I NOTI%x, . A general meeting of th Patrons of 'bhe Hensall. Mixin;; Station and the amwgtl$ >�td� of The Hurons Farmerse 4* Operative Co. Limited, will be field at , Heuslall in the Town . Hall, Saturday, March 18Th, at 2 p,m_, for the Purpose Of r0 • ceiving auditors' statement, re- pot•t of the Manage!', electing , . directors and tranalaotln�g', Auer business. Everyone is cordially invited to attend this Ilrting- 1. T., N. Forsyth . - Sec. , Counci'i Meets _ The regular meptdng Of the village council was held Monday evening' in: the council chamber. pouneillors G, E. Brock and W. Shepherd were ab - ,sent. Reeve S'haddick presided- A delegaitiofn including Miss. Pfaff, Mrs. Hicks and Mrs. Mic'1o1e, from the Lad- ies' inst6'tute, appeared, re the decor- ating of the stage in the hack Twit- chell and Jones: That the 'town Bull - ply tkie paint for the decorating of the Town Hall stage, also •the la:'b0r, and that -the Reeve supply the' pafmt. Carried. A representation Of Gutta.- .. Perches Rubber Co. appeared; re firs hose, submittfDg samples and pdoes- Twitchell ' antd Jones: Thlat Nle town ' household fn�r ire purchase ha feet & now hoses fi�on- about loo acres or %ess, with m- ngo- Gutta-percha Tire & Rubberossie; l s, other articles. Everythiing to ibe sold as vr'o- Close to Seafor,th, on highway or good road. . t Ing Old ID0Up117I$!9, if Possible; ,also r ��~ wrest MAURICIi SWITZER, - flax• dal which will improve • rg b0[YLS: purchase 8' pair off fil+�en 2 r . h ' ,• praetor LL3 gaang ry+mg, Proprietor'; Geo. Ii Eliiotf, Aaatiaaeer. 5717-1 W,IIl be the s"L Addbnm your !Cotes to Roe 194, pair size 7, 2 pair sig 8, 4 pair size HURON Ii:XPOSLTCR. b717�1 9. Carried. O. Geiger appeared for 11 AUCTION SALFr-THERE WILL BE SOLD Lot - HENSALL the South Huron Seed and Stock s ,_ try public auction on the' names, a6, 0Dm 10, MCKdZop, 4 milaas east of Win- dor Sale or Rent Jnlsh arrived, anew range of Tip Show, asking for the usual glint, '' tilxrop, Wednesday, Mareli 15d0n, at 1 o•dtoek Two bedroom suites; 2 - - . - _- Top Tailors Spring sam'ples', at Good- , VIM, ny. :tore fcalow,fng: aaaittuteses: 3 dining roam chairs and conch: ; duct g rdomr • table and R ;Ally OR RENT -SMALL FRAME 1 cotes in EgmWndv',tile, near p'hunch. Ap- wiII'B. M. CARD- , stable Hedden reported re the fire 61 kitchem Chale '. buggy: sot single plyNO McCONNELL &HAYS. or J. truck, also stated he had painted the l11 dishes; Iditc'hem ranit'e: 3716-2 Mrs. Andrew Dougall' was visited cells, also re the streets and gutters harness; two small .tables; k1bohen and dry hardwood, on Sunday by Iver cousins from Lis - and requested the purchase of a quantity v£ other articles taw numerous to men- other -At there wild be sold towel, Mr. and . Mrs. Roy Hastings For. Sale MrSt . fb&mr the same time and Miss Emma Buttery, also F. _ ;the farm, consisting of 75 acre, with good Ghatt�-Crib. On Ferguson and daughter, from Sea the • ins, . nice adjuster, The tag cot- -_._.-... . __ bilMngs, Terms ,on l Farm -10 per cent cash rend bagamee in 30 FOR SALE=THREE TEAMS GOOD_ FARM forth. ^ in ictal also one house lector's report was -read ,as follow!;: k MRS. W. J. SC1LTt)N. Proprietress : days. I g716_2 horses : 1 mare : to rent Gua seafQeth. J. A_ McKENZIE, Mar- A comedy -drama, "Too Many Hus- Collected since last meeting, $b7.35; balance outstanding being $4492.89.'F. Coco LL F}f7rtt Autiddone�. . ket Street. Phone 25_ 3717-tf bands," was presented under Nle auS- Beer and H. Horton reported re the AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EF- has been in- - I picea of Hensall Lawn. !Bowling Club Fire Department, in Band affaiTs,- stating the same in .good-. ' s�� Gin by auiction on ,entre Farms For Sale. by the Brucefeelal order a>yd going ahead now, also re strutted to sell public Street. S ml3Drth, an Saturday, March 11th. it 1 p.m._ the f6tlowiag articles: iron bed the Hensall Town Hall on Wednk s'day- FOR SALE OR 4&T-•120 ACRES, eventing to a full house, and was un- questing grant. Jones and Twitchell: and .,;'rings, oak bed, springs, mat rem and FSM aide eas4 of Walton. Lots 4 sad 5. 18th der the direDtlOIll of Mrs. G. Swan. That we grant trhe Band $100. Car - Panther mattress: settee: pictures: 2 eaten- 4 small Concession, Mownship of Grey. Large bank This play was well presented and well ried, Correspondence was read as fol- ®ion tables, 1 cherry: music cabinet; $ r+or3ci,ng ohairtr : 6 during' tbam beam. frame hoose. etc'tdlleat gravel pit. AD- received, and abounded in wit and lows: Geo. E. Brock, re Tetsignuiiron': ;;. t,-rh11a� : ,(' chain; with leather rye dozen small ply to FRANK F7IVGLAND, Cdiritan, 716-tf humor, was wt,onL rolughdy enjoyed from F. Finglan�d, K.C., Provincial Officer' dl,aft:4Seremader• 7;tabe radio in A-1 condi- starit to finish, with not a dull mom, McCoy, Good Roads Association, Hogg ;: tion. 3 chairs; white chair: china. cadrinet machine b'rreav 2 FARMFOR .SALE -190 ACRES OF CHOICE ens, being sI0 typical of real life. The & Quinlan, Township of Stephen, (oak) . 1Zaymraa,d cewis,g sthrnds; iaronirrg board; 2 tabs; trunk; buildings faam Well wretar� goad bnildimgs Gast f9 t0 'be congratulated upon their s to Hands Fireworks Co., J. S. Duggan, wash 2 sh drat irons; 2•+bur nen electric Ho'tpd'ste ; 2 efterer irons;leetric .-ndludiim 4 god poultry pens; Crouse and bca,:m. mor' paaltrcblans apply splendid presentiation, Special num- Dept. of Highways, Liquor 'Controf Iiotpbata: eQPpea 'tea ket- neer dyes keitHot pair pffidows; Lmoges MRS• CHARLES WATSON, Londe�xo. hers were given between scenes. Fol - Board, Milk Producers' Association, t0e; e; drhlnes: meat chopper: pots. Paas, wash 3715-4 lowing d6 the cast: Colonel Thaddeus Monteith & Monteith, Muir Cap and +c'' ' basin, ptails, Cid can, axe, dawrr mower, buck- - - - Grine, of His Majesty',s Service, J. K. saw, 2 •tnuet Bets. _22 rias pair leather. Baby Chicks Cornish; Dorot' Crane, his laugh- Bible Society Meets have never been used ik ladder. 240 lb, by Regalia Md., National Drug auld - r, �,� scale_ Term6 - Cash. FRANK J. ter, Arima Ad'kenhead; Obauncey Cbil- Fire early Friday morning at ;Hensall completely destroyed a gar j deal' Oo., Sickle Seagrave Ltd Dept. SMAiA p1torvetor; Geio. H Elliot, Aub• � POULTRY, FEED -WE PAY HIGH- t�4 his Secretary, Carlyle Cornish; age and an adjacent frame building containing apartments and offices i The annual meeting of the Hensall of Municipal Affairs, Czecho-Sovak�ia. tioneer•. 3717xI eA cash prices for eggs and poultry. Or- Arthur Maikland, a 'poor author, his The Dashwood and Zurich fire, del ariments assisted local residents to Branch of the Western Ontario Bible Indushrial Survey; same filed Twit - AUCTION SALE AT LOT 16, CON��sION ser ymer ,cricks rho year fmm KerAlake's ivepolew, Gordon Elliott; Ha7ry Brown, fight the braze whish took hours to extitvguish. The above photos Society was held in St Foul's Angli chell and Jones: ZRaa< We accept the 4, Stanley, 1y, miles W.t of M.fteld, Prloduoe, all k-- .that ran are receiving a bookkeeper, Gordon Wright; Milly show: Top, a general view of the smouldering ruins. Inset at the can Church on, Sunday evening last ons Thursday. March 23rd, at 1 o'elfack •the `Bert." !retched by Fairview Poultry resignation Of Goo, E. Brook as OQIIII- °DnrsTl ,say, �� mrd, a yam. ofd Fern,." Give your baps chicks a -better start Brown, Harry's wife, Mrs. Alex. Pat- right is Mrs. James Dick, who lived in one of the apartments. Mrs. and was a union: service presided' ov- cillor and that wehold ra no'mlimUton 4r11y: 6 year old gelding; Clyde mare Ciattle with Pimreer Chick Starter. We have an erson; Reverend Ormsby, a preacher, Dick, hearing the honking of an Huta horn believed it St be a wedding ler by es J. a Ort as president. .meeting ar March 20th and election, hand at mtri Mimes cod diver raid, oyster shell, if necessary, Marc& 27th Calried- '? --Phar ydar cold Durham cow, due tat :April; Suoa been oil roes! mill feeds, Aldse Ma.Isba,ttdi; Mors, Sheffield, Har- party id�tead of a fire alarm. Lower left, Harold Stade, Seaforth i The guest speaker was Rev. Denny Y year add Hereford caw, due Iso AprH; s Q oil service ed W. ry'9 mothear-irr4aw, Mme. R. Dawson; goalie, of` Zurich, who was returning ,home from Seaforth when he no Bright, of London,, fields secretary, who ,r;, 7cmm sac whi!ie tow. lona lath May; 6 year Bilin sad accounts yea@:"'- W: "1lv old roan cow, fresh; a year old Assns Caro, „�Rsr w*r�, P'hone 40, HewaM Monde, a servant, Martha McDonald; ticed tfie'6laze at the rear df the q;;rage and save warning by patrol- i spoke oa Misivioma in. Africa, illusja+aJr idlson, retal�t, Cook ii7; . i),' 4i;d a 3716x2 g. , relief, milk, $5; I14: llm3+mav; 'relief, bred Cis weeks; 5 year old Hereford cow. Janes, an exptres8man, MT_ A Dilli�ng; ling the streets with horn tootin Lo✓.er rip.itt M;ss Margaret Mac ed with motion cc int Mr. $work e rk fresh 2 months; 4 yea' old heifer•; 8 year O'Flyurl, of patrolman,' Austin Dining; Gregor, telephone operator at Hensall, who found business rather slack gave a graphic sen Africa, c the wlthe glocerlQB, $14:40; .Cook's Cash Store, cud Mein cow with calf at foot; steer 2 Rudoipol Buaar, Arcbde Mustard. when one of the main telephone wi,--s was put out o1 commission duo+ being carried on in Afrlee and the . yearn old; 2 baby •peeve+: one year aid bull: Tenders Wanted splendid response given by the na relief, groceries, $14.10; Lee Hedden, l , . in the fire. salary, $55; Hydro Cormmisslort, By - ;i a yearling 'heifers: 3 mantths old calf; $ g shoats arouad '70 lire.; 40 one-y�4uld hens. TENDERS WANTED -TENDERS WILL BE United Church News fives Rev. R. A Brook and Rev. W. � $6.79; G. Hese, PrinQing, $452fi: ImplemerNs-Massey-Harrh pincer: Mabsey- 1 ,�,�o_L For to Carse ararawnod orraple A. Young took pari is the opening H Horton, sec. Band, grant, $100.00 ` . Harris pear, saualer with Puffier; flocl a itt and beech, 20 inches long. to be delivered to The Y.P.U. of the United Church the immediate relatives of the con- I labor. He had the soul cf an al>tist Services and aiso spoke ,briefly, The mama spreader: McCormick mower. 5 foot: U.SS_ No, 1, McKillop, Were Miarfeh 18th_ met on Monday evening with a fait' choir was represented; by members School Board current cap.. ;1,000.tfire 10- � n3 -+hoe Dearing drill wibb Mawr: Intenaa- WILLIMfI DEV�EREAUX, Chairman, R R_ 4. tra:Ctillg parties were present- The 1, and therefore did his work we1L He National Drug & Cpt. of81 igtk Ys, 4.. tiou,ul cultivator; McCinrmick ,hay rake: land Ste„&,. 3717x1 attendance, Miffs Gladys Passmore brid'e's mother, Mrs. Quance, and the had many interests outside his mega- from the three !opal churches, with supplies, $1L88; Dept Of Higbwsays, fN rater: Noxan disc; '&et ,hnrmwe ; tet. Mani- presiding. The singing of "Draw Me groom's mother, Mrs. Taylor, received lac work. He was passionately fond Mies Ethel Clark, organist of St Aoha p0eiglis ; steel.wheeled. wagon•; 'flat r'ack-- 'TENDERS ,;Nearer" Opened the meeting, followed° the guests. Mr.. and Mrs. Taylor lett of music and could play manly inatr•n Paul's presiding at the orgarn . and a, floe truck oaJ, all, $3 $2; W. c David- , new Fleury wylkhw plow; OhAtham 'Smnnkm .9 ,,With prayer and the dlervot on,al per b motor for a wedding trip to De- m,erift well. When in Zurich and in son, coal, hall, ;36.05; T. R1Chalvillou, Ilya; .et Stewart power dippers; Bet new McKillop TOWrlShl y pleasing dust was given by Mrs. W. labor, rink, $27.25; D. Sangster, Is `ting rapes: Mme -Harris root pa ltwr: set p p ivci, Scripture lesson was read by troit and other points, tolls bride tray- the West, he conducted the town O. Goodwin and Miss Greta Lamdnie, bor, rink, $1.10; V. HO&J, % lit", • aleavT harnew; set new horse hisnkefb: newWILL BE RFICEIVED BY THE Clarence Smillie; devotional by Miss elling in a smart navy blue ensemble Bands with great acceptability. esled,. -Cling To the Bible, . My rink, 40c; Harold Hedden, Ilrabor, '.M.Wa Vie.. ev-H.rrre .r.. .gator, 450' 11� Cw- T .a�� our shins and trmckbig of Goldde Cross, and a Piam nolo b and accessories. Upon, their return For several as the Scout Boy';' A idbera1.0011ectiAn was taliQu alsitym : Quebec heater. Parse size: churn: 30 froCOW rho 8,000. cubic yards gravel, ,to be y syears the w •Fon. park, 90c; A„ Dick, watching fixe, $2; rads woven dvcken wire; Mcolary feed cook- dcqivrxred m issy part bd Township, Colada^artbor Miss Ruth Brook and a Bible contest, they will take up residence on the Master of Hensall. There are those up. - I Lloyd Heiden, vmtebang ��'e, "$Z• iL I er; 200 burs mixed grain: quanttity b y to use hi, own v4u pment and to spelcify followed! with the closing hymn and groom's fine farm at Cbiselhurs't- who will never forget his influence' as nw- amd potatoes; tail. ani artsee too runner- aALe whim he can be" work. Sereen'to be beme'dietRomt Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Petty were vie- their leader. Being a good Scout Passes Eighth Grade Piano Kyle, watching fire, $,1.80; D. oug ao 'melon Everything wda be sold an used rib mare than 1 inap_ proprietrtee is Inving up fazming mid farm Satisfsotmq band an be fwuished. ' Sunday morning servdoes were well ;ted by their young grandchildren, dlimself, he made an efficient leader. girth, Greening fling $2.80; B. ]gyp bas been rented. MRS_. KATHLEEN TAY- LoWmt or eaiv tlen.der ,not neeeBusirily at- attended amcl the pulpit occupied by Dian and George S'niith, of St. Marys, Mr. Hears was a great lover of natuma_ Miss Norma Clog, daughter of, Mr. $2; O_ Green, teaming. streets, $].Z.bO; LOR. Proprietress, Brueeaetfd : G. H. EUlatt, eeuta,L Trade, to be opened at Qan egie the pastor, Rev. R A Brook. The an- who came by bus on Plriday evening The processes of growth and develop and Mrs N. E Cook, of HenaLall, 1 C R Broderick, teamdmg. atresia. ;3 50: A,rat;oneer• s717xz 23r[t a 118x,0 Sesfbrth on Thursday, Mascp ceiv+ed word. that she bad success- A. Prior, labor, streets, $1; A. Smith, 2g� .y g pm, theme sung by the choir were "Re and were later joined by tille�lr par, mentfrom attracted him, and to get away full her eighth grade in piano labor, streets, $1; F. Dates, iFabor, EXECUT'OR'S SALE JOHN McNAY, Oterk. member Now Thy Creator" mold "Be enha,,Dr. and Mrs. G. L Smith amid, from his work occasionally into the t pal ,,f g• R 2, $03&rth. read the Cross?" daughter Elizabeth who spent the out-ofdoors appealed to him and. re of the Taranto Ooaleervatory of Mus streets, $1.40; W. Datela, labor, ,.Ar of FARM LANDS 8717-z fre&hed .and reon-ated brim The Pin- ic, the examination being held in Ho- stie0id,' $1; A Hildebrand; labor, TO CLOSE AN ESTATE, THERE WILL BE The W.M.S. met in the schoolroom week enkl here. tel London on Saturday last. She is streets, $1; C. Wolfs, labor, streets, 'a' offered lim .sale by public auctiar4 on on Thursday afte7mo,m, March' 2>ad, cry near Grand Bend was one of his FrGdryv, Memclr Lath, 193x, at a.00 per. with a good atteII+dlance and the choly Death of Frederick William Hess favorite resorts, where he hada ®inn- a pupil of Professor Andtelton of Clic- $220; M. Cooper, labor, streets, i3: '1 during the Cumm+tzaity SaOe t ,fire Dick Notice To Creditors mil• 'home. Here he revelled im the Con, and is to be congratulated upon total $1,37L32. Janes Sud Twitc>hon: Home- 9oari Oci� ww' SolaoaUe Iandk taken by Mrs. C. B•allalityme, Emst vice- A well known, and highly esteemed her splendid showing. That bills and accounts as read be �J'F PaareL Or e --.Lot, 7, Concession 7, Township NOTICE TO CREDIT0RS president- The devotional was in resident of Hensall. Out., Fredm ick beauties of the world about him anc1, P s i of Tuckessmishh, Huron Rasa Survey. 100 IN THE ESTATE of WILLIAM EDWARD often invited many of his bosom 1 Mrs. Thomas Parlmer, W&O recent- Paid' OanTled, Jolles dna TtvitoiletT: c'barge of Mme Bailantyne's group, William Hess, passed away on Thule- That Bylaws, 6, 7 ami 8 be given Brat acres, an winch is said to be crectod a small Chmprsta n, Dosed, I friends to enjoy the things he enjoy- i ly suffered •loss of her house •tftrough frame house, large hank barn about 46 x 78. An rom®k bavong d1aiarh mgarmit the Es with •the Scriptarre lesson read by day, March 2nd, in his 71st year, af- ed, He built up .a close comradeship ; the recent fire here, moved on Tues. and second reading. CaTri:ed. Twit - 4 I cement sitlo, drive .shed, Pig pen, hen house, tame of w�iam Eawamd Chow -an, name of M•re. D. A Cantelon; Prayer, Mrs. S. ter a brief iliness. He was balm In chell and, Jones: That Bylaws 6, 7 two wi.;druias, thx. weals. tate Town of seaaea4tr, in the County off Hnr- with kindred spirits, who today mourn � char to room at Mrs Anomie Saun,dler- v Paroe7 Two -Mast ]half Lot s, Concession S. arq hlarl$e snores, deceased, w•ho died on or Mennen, and the study on "Healing" Zurich on November 23, 1868, where, and 8 be gdveit third final read 4. of Tvtkersmitfr. Huron Road sur- ai,oat �e alar day oa J�ro�y. lass. are Very ably given by Mrs. I. G. Smillie, die received bas earl education. In 'bis departure with deep regret. They Dock's. y , ing and finally passed. Carried. Twit- veg, 50 acres, on vftch there is said to be hembr notWied :to send in ,to .the undea�ned Trbe visiting committee for this 1892 he was u•.n.lted in marriage with loved the that th •,-s a man who Mrs. o waifmes Dick and son, Arthur, ` created a frame barn about 34 x 64 waft a on or before, vre idlth day of March, 1939, loved the eidnple thinks and wllo 13vec1 (wfio also suffered kiss of their home Ca and Jones: That rs adj1ou1 . mond'h is composed of Mrs. M. G. Drys- Mies Isabella h u sora they lived to- from the recent fire, have moved Cfadled-Jalnss A. Paterson, Clerk, furl P of rang otIarma, verified by P� Cion the beautiful, the true and the. . : Parcel Three- wept half Lot 9, Concession aaldsAiL dale and Mrs Stan Tudor. The an- gather to Zurich until 1918, where Mr. (Continued oU page 5) . 6, ']bwoship of Tuck'nrsnith. Huron lboad Surf- lmmeaiAdy ane, the said last menSimed nu'al birthday party will be held bit Hess carried on a 9•icce�saful jewelery goods their household efltho to rooms Ili • wy. 50 acres, on wfirich there is said to be date, faro tam*ta of the ashy! estate with be Friday afternoon, March 17th. � business. Mr. and Mrs. Hess--tbon. His sickness came as ... a surprise to, the Petty Block, although Mrs. Dick - f oreeted a small frame cam age an stone noun- distr%uted aatlonmit the panties entitled there many for he kept at his work as, long is at present staying at th home of dation, fraame barn about 36 x 56, cattle tui 'having a+r»rtd only to eatai'm of veAich moved t0 the wash. Miss Lettie Love, of Toronto, Spent-�----. as he could ands •never complained. Mr. dna Mrs. Geo. Hudsofa. barn 32 x 70, well at house. spring creek. ,the undexwmwd 'sllihll then have notice, to living 1 n Bigga.T,'BRAY Terms of Sade^-6aah. Pab-able ten p� sari the escrns'2on of a'n dthreab. ami the nnd�- iJkte Week -end with her parents, Mr. ',;If;1a 11 Late in February, dl0w'2ver, she was I at tial of sale. and balance in 'thirty days- a5gr:ed will riot be liable fb any person of and MIS. Wm. Love.._.,.'..<r SaSk. 1'n 1923 they Mds's Amy Reynolds Was Operated compelled to take his bed. Medical :>:.- .returned east and upon in SL Joseph's Hospital, London. ^ Ail p®r•aoln offered subject rq reserve hid_ If wtase claim the unsigned shall not then '^' advice was souglht.t'1•om marry kIODtOra11 Mr, and Mrs. Harold Cook and Geor- ysettled in bile village and finally w-dhen his dm.ar was an_ on Saturday lash for an appendix op- requaAed, pare lls will be offered eu bloc_, kni Partite fvr retie ets,afe so iii-9EYibuttetl or li amy paw �� gin spent the week -end with relatives , a of Hensall. Having eration find other complications, and For tnrtp� Particulars apply to DATED et Sdafordlh Nhh4 27mtn say aP Fah and friends in Buffalo, N. Y., return- y ` nounced a great ehaxitow seemed to I' i / / .H_ G, MEIR, Seaforth, . r..;'. learned in his early at date of writing, altbough suffering raary. 1939_ fall over the whole community. Mr. Solicitor for Executor. LANGFORD (�iAPMAN nr,d ALON ro ing home on Tuesday. a a y 9 telegraphing, much pain, is doing as well as can Gearge H. Elliott, Auetioneer. LANCOAN, Mr. `J. W. Ortwein was in Lom,don Mr. Hess years ago Hess will be greatly mdssed in his be expected- Her sister, Mr+s. T. G. a71s 2 By filer a�;eiera last week attending the annual meet- home, in the 'business affairs of the ' was the flyer tele Robinson, aec:ompawied her TA Lon! Ch. � V . �! . - McCONN1 r,T, &. HAYS, ing of the Western Ontario Branch village and in this eburDh_ He leaves seamalm,, oat graph operator of � mourn his Loss his beloved wife Cion, remlaining for a day or so after ' 3716-3 of the Bible'Society. held- at London. the village. For the t'1xe operation. Miss Reytnoidrs many Notices and son, George, and two graudchil- ,t Why write letters and send money Taylor - Quance past 15 years he has friends wish her a speedy recovery. orders? Order our Bray C1rici:ts dyer, Bobby and Ruth. y +'' NOTICE Card of Thanks, been carryil3g on a printing and jaw- Mr. and Moa John Fisher have r e through me --personal satterltion, A love! wedding The funeral service was held at spending the win- prompt delivery. *;. ; � • y '� was solemmdzed' elery business. Ms. Hess endeared turned, 'home atter THE HURON FARMERS' CO-0PZRATIVE on Saturday, March 4th,' qt 11 a.,m., himself to a great number of people the family residence at 2 p.m., Sat- ter monitdts visiting members of their Co. of Hensall. Clot open lire season of R_ AND MRS WILLIAM G. BELL AND inlay, March 4th. His minister. ,Sat - THOS 'DICKSCJN 11 lass with a fart line of cedar, poo,, I tar a M faairdlr desire th express their einaeen at the bkfine of Mrs. R. Quante, Caom- in and around Hemsal] because of his famdlg in Toronto and Windsror. R. A. Brook, of the United Ohtrrch, Marniboalm red agar; fertilizer (ingretlieatsl, apprersatalar of the kiraincth and iddougi#int- arty, Ripen her daughter, Dorothy F.d- outstanding gnahties of character. As I Miss Itatltlnydd Drysdhle, of London • I '1" mixed sf dEsirreti: eSOtr+s and other feseds dna nest eztendtdRa Liter by 'their nes¢}ibarr and na, was unit,'d in marriage to Edwin a business man he Wes quite popular conducted the seltiice. assisted by wag the weekread guest with her par SEAFORTH r, �-. meals; Eoglhsh barbed wive ,and motor oil. fTwn da during (heir recomit bereavinnemt. Taylor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard because the endeavored to be just Rev. W A. Young, of the Pregbytler- eats, Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Drysdale. i', 1a,.. WILLIAM PEPPER, Manager. 8717x1 • - a714-.5 Taylor, Sr., (f near Hensall,. Rev, with tlm public. He seemed to ,have tan Chllrch, inlPrment was made }n lt' i,,; 2 MRS, W. H. STEVENS AND FAMILY DE Bayfield cemetery. The attendance at S <;'. - Bire to exwess their appwciatinn rhr the James Reirc , pastor Of lire tbip f. the ronfidtowa of the whole and ,Di - the service was unusual; large and TOWN OF SEAFORTH telian Church, Cromarty, was the ot• ity, and toward all, young dna old y taxict , eyrrro th and marry acro n ,q and ryn th ficiat'i21g minister, The attractive alike, he was kind, sympathetic and among the frirnrs from a disfleld,I ROUND TRIP BARGAIN FARES - eddo to ohm, an,•are the iRnesa dna up�r, rare were Mr, and Mrs. Vern B1oomReid, j'( �J g� LJ j l� s ' ' dearer or Mr. s2even9, 37t7xt bride, who was given in marriage by frierndiy, and hits dosposition remark - y TAX PRE -PAYMENT RE- her uncle, Mr. Alien, of Cromarty. ably even. Mr. and Mrs. Wylie Kirk, Mr. and ! Q �° A j� - ` - ---- looked charming in a midnight blue He was an industrious man and Mrs. Steve Noble, fir, a.nd Mrs, Wm, l March -17-18 From SE:AFORTH 11 4 CEIPTS FOR 1939 ' In Memoriam statin floor len bh Pike and, Mrs. Truax, all of Fairgrove, : n g gown, high Wats. had exceptional lifts a.9 a prerisdon vlicliJgarl enc} 41rg. TlPlt Thurston, of To Stations Oshawa and East to Cornwall inclusive„ Uxbridge, Lind- ., and draped over the bodice dna mechanic. No mahter how delicate or r N LOVING 1t EORY OF A DEARTHUS V;bw,ar, Michigan, al4o Thos. Martin, say, Peterboro, Cam bPllford, Newmarket, Col,Ungwocd4 Meaford, Mid- I sieeveg with over ;'acs. Her shoes and difficult the track he had to dfo, be p i ,"".. Tile -Town Will pay 4 per band «rut faaiior, Thomas ConaitL who aroassorles were in matching s~hadPs, gave himself to it ,with diligence, and of Landon. land, North Bay, Parry Sound, Sudbury, Capreol and West to Beard- ,:, passed aoasy vFarrh 11, 1937: g `� cent. per annum u t0 Aug.rid- she carried an arm bouquet of because of his patience and determin- The malgrnificent floral tributes more_ p p g• ,b-: , re,.,, sad nl�err,ar5es which banrkerl the bier afforded a fit, pink carnations. The bnlde was orlon he was much admired, and his g g P.M. Trains, ARCH I7 All Trains MARCH 18 1, : t1fi n dray ane gone to rfst: tilu settiu. a.>rd we a tokens of love t'r. 31 1939 O'n all prepaid 1939 Ana t}r mrw wah,r think ,rf him to -day, at.t.endpd by her sister, Mae, attrac- store became a centre of attraction + and esteem ails! sympathy from many Air the ones w%o ,coved him bast tive IIP old rose crepe de Cherie gown. to those who valuer! him for lids g'en- To TORONTO ": taxes. Certificates and full --WIFE AND FAMILY, with Matching accessories, and car. Jura. Mr. Hess was a man of varied relatives and, friends. Tributes Game a717xt from Mrs. McDonald, of Dundas; Mr, Also to Brantford, Cthatball`1, God�erich, Guelph, Hamilton London, ried a bouquet of carnations, while inhere89ts. His knowledge of subjects I particulars may be obtained bbe groom was supported by his bra was wide. He was a clear bbdlbker and Mrs. Allan Esler, . Haugh hadd Niagara Fails, Owen Soustock. St. Catharines, St. mar", Sonoco, S rat 1.:. - - , T' ster, S"k.; Mr. and Mrs. Havgh and ford, S?aauhhrOy, Woodstock. >' tiler, Sydney. FolTowi'rtg the care- and wise philosopher. Hre a'pPreciat- from the Town Clerks of- Births Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allan, Brute- , ' at th a wedding dinner rose served ed People with high id �t and all his field,; Mr. and Mrs. George Howard, see handbills for complete list of destinatlona. ,I 1. at the bride, •home, the house decara drays was identtified with the Cfiri tan f, fide 'in the mown Hall. JAdSVM7 - Tn Sica0t lttemori.•il Hos --Wl, sem- of Exeter; Mrs. J, A. Ca.rnde, of May. F°* ms`s' �mrm Limits, train information, tickets, ate., consult nearest ascot y Barth. am Msrmfi BNh, Nor Mn•. nna 14Ir1. tions' being h color schemes hl ' wasthk man, ,b. He w o not a m ry - CANADIANNATIONAL a � y�" : H. WILSON, Aamrt JhW141. McKillop. a daus,•hter, and wfhite, while the bride's table was man, ,but wad more dnbereavbed iu do field; The -Hess Family 'of Hensal.T; , ,., wR14=r-irr Clanton' Public Htx�pii'it, on Mr. anal, Mie. O. Roweliffe, of Hensall; a ��t. M ttA Z6B, ab %r. oral MrA. W. G. WTJght, lovely with s+pri�ng flowers and, cen- Ing his work for the love of it, rather k;, TteaisiVq. 3719-tf So mimilr, a som- tered with the wedding take,, Only than for the finamcdal returns of bis Slhvn,, Ab. and Bob Passmore, of Hen- t�,• • ; ti a ,. r. � ' t 1 a 6 t µ In , 1 ill. ':. y 'r. .. l 1 : i . 4G 'fit I. )t ;. " ' w,,i;4 J , , �' v: ,, i' n' r u" fir 'ir k iii,. 9t! -• • a :.;y sole ,lit •A " t :i'°' i }A . .. .. (� r.: 7. y. .... . r. , ,.. v .. ....r :,..- . :.,,:..,, .. sit. a tis:. r.. d e .. ; h 4v d ..� &. 'fit' Y -. A r. ,x. .rrfy . ,- . S J. ... .., 4 .. '•9, „ ., ., { ..,, :Y H.✓ \: �.. u qe' �... 1 w. „. .r a. i , „ x k , .. a .. .. `�. i. . w` , .. Ng r r d r 9. u, t ..v a. S r, F S „ 6' '1 I .h , .e, U t . R t.. .r d .•.} f%: '9t' to ,.1' .. S. , r. ., ,.,: „ .. � .. . •. . ..t ,. ... is .. ... ^fi �. .': t, F ..,. kv ,.c. ,: � �.. :'- „ ,.:.,• i %,� . t ��� tl,.• � '- S +`r 1.., i s x dr e 9 i, .d � *�4 r .:7• � ,t,. '�h%. .�u.' q�, '!i=f '�'�,��Atf�taltk}x5�41JilcA�,kkvri,r'�'.�..sat,,... k , sall; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon, Bissett, of S. Adams and pair size 7, 2 pair sig 8, 4 pair size Goderich; Mr. and Mrs. 9. Carried. O. Geiger appeared for sari Erode, of Brouglhdale; Mr. and the South Huron Seed and Stock Mrs. Harry Hees and family, Miss Show, asking for the usual glint, .Anne Hees, Mrs. William Hess, and same to he considered later. Con - Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hens and Mrs, stable Hedden reported re the fire Jas. Allan, all of .Zurich; Mr, and Mrs.James truck, also stated he had painted the Brinsdie the Trevool cells, also re the streets and gutters ,B r Hensall School ,Board and Nle Stafe Hensall Pupils of the .school; the I�ensat and requested the purchase of a and Chamber of Commerce; Hensall Unit- w7heelbArrow. Reeve„ Sbaddick report - ed re the damage aerie to the Hall ed Church; The London Type Set- by the fire and his conversation with .ting Co-, and a,. beautifultribute of the the • ins, . nice adjuster, The tag cot- affection and appreciation from, followrng frieuai�, "In Loving Remind- lector's report was -read ,as follow!;: scences of Iivs's Haven", John 'lie- Collected since last meeting, $b7.35; balance outstanding being $4492.89.'F. Kaiser, Mervyn Brown, Geo, fie, Jahn Kaise Beer and H. Horton reported re the Pass- H. Follick, Mair, Jedln Ps Band affaiTs,- stating the same in .good-. . . more, Harry Howard, Geo, Douglas,A. order a>yd going ahead now, also re Wm. Reynolds, Thomas Welsh, Hen- questing grant. Jones and Twitchell: ry Hultont. The pallbearers were That we grant trhe Band $100. Car - i Messrs. Harry Howard, I)r. Alexan- John+ ried, Correspondence was read as fol- i der Moir, George F. Follick, lows: Geo. E. Brock, re Tetsignuiiron': ; Passmare, Cleave Cochrane and Thos, F. Finglan�d, K.C., Provincial Officer' Welsh. McCoy, Good Roads Association, Hogg 'Earth to earth, and dust to dust,' & Quinlan, Township of Stephen, . Calmly rvow the words we say; Hands Fireworks Co., J. S. Duggan, Left behind, we wait in trust Dept. of Highways, Liquor 'Controf I For the Resurrection Day." Board, Milk Producers' Association, i Monteith & Monteith, Muir Cap and saw, 2 •tnuet Bets. _22 rias pair leather. Baby Chicks Cornish; Dorot' Crane, his laugh- Bible Society Meets have never been used ik ladder. 240 lb, by Regalia Md., National Drug auld - r, �,� scale_ Term6 - Cash. FRANK J. ter, Arima Ad'kenhead; Obauncey Cbil- Fire early Friday morning at ;Hensall completely destroyed a gar j deal' Oo., Sickle Seagrave Ltd Dept. SMAiA p1torvetor; Geio. H Elliot, Aub• � POULTRY, FEED -WE PAY HIGH- t�4 his Secretary, Carlyle Cornish; age and an adjacent frame building containing apartments and offices i The annual meeting of the Hensall of Municipal Affairs, Czecho-Sovak�ia. tioneer•. 3717xI eA cash prices for eggs and poultry. Or- Arthur Maikland, a 'poor author, his The Dashwood and Zurich fire, del ariments assisted local residents to Branch of the Western Ontario Bible Indushrial Survey; same filed Twit - AUCTION SALE AT LOT 16, CON��sION ser ymer ,cricks rho year fmm KerAlake's ivepolew, Gordon Elliott; Ha7ry Brown, fight the braze whish took hours to extitvguish. The above photos Society was held in St Foul's Angli chell and Jones: ZRaa< We accept the 4, Stanley, 1y, miles W.t of M.fteld, Prloduoe, all k-- .that ran are receiving a bookkeeper, Gordon Wright; Milly show: Top, a general view of the smouldering ruins. Inset at the can Church on, Sunday evening last ons Thursday. March 23rd, at 1 o'elfack •the `Bert." !retched by Fairview Poultry resignation Of Goo, E. Brook as OQIIII- °DnrsTl ,say, �� mrd, a yam. ofd Fern,." Give your baps chicks a -better start Brown, Harry's wife, Mrs. Alex. Pat- right is Mrs. James Dick, who lived in one of the apartments. Mrs. and was a union: service presided' ov- cillor and that wehold ra no'mlimUton 4r11y: 6 year old gelding; Clyde mare Ciattle with Pimreer Chick Starter. We have an erson; Reverend Ormsby, a preacher, Dick, hearing the honking of an Huta horn believed it St be a wedding ler by es J. a Ort as president. .meeting ar March 20th and election, hand at mtri Mimes cod diver raid, oyster shell, if necessary, Marc& 27th Calried- '? --Phar ydar cold Durham cow, due tat :April; Suoa been oil roes! mill feeds, Aldse Ma.Isba,ttdi; Mors, Sheffield, Har- party id�tead of a fire alarm. Lower left, Harold Stade, Seaforth i The guest speaker was Rev. Denny Y year add Hereford caw, due Iso AprH; s Q oil service ed W. ry'9 mothear-irr4aw, Mme. R. Dawson; goalie, of` Zurich, who was returning ,home from Seaforth when he no Bright, of London,, fields secretary, who ,r;, 7cmm sac whi!ie tow. lona lath May; 6 year Bilin sad accounts yea@:"'- W: "1lv old roan cow, fresh; a year old Assns Caro, „�Rsr w*r�, P'hone 40, HewaM Monde, a servant, Martha McDonald; ticed tfie'6laze at the rear df the q;;rage and save warning by patrol- i spoke oa Misivioma in. Africa, illusja+aJr idlson, retal�t, Cook ii7; . i),' 4i;d a 3716x2 g. , relief, milk, $5; I14: llm3+mav; 'relief, bred Cis weeks; 5 year old Hereford cow. Janes, an exptres8man, MT_ A Dilli�ng; ling the streets with horn tootin Lo✓.er rip.itt M;ss Margaret Mac ed with motion cc int Mr. $work e rk fresh 2 months; 4 yea' old heifer•; 8 year O'Flyurl, of patrolman,' Austin Dining; Gregor, telephone operator at Hensall, who found business rather slack gave a graphic sen Africa, c the wlthe glocerlQB, $14:40; .Cook's Cash Store, cud Mein cow with calf at foot; steer 2 Rudoipol Buaar, Arcbde Mustard. when one of the main telephone wi,--s was put out o1 commission duo+ being carried on in Afrlee and the . yearn old; 2 baby •peeve+: one year aid bull: Tenders Wanted splendid response given by the na relief, groceries, $14.10; Lee Hedden, l , . in the fire. salary, $55; Hydro Cormmisslort, By - ;i a yearling 'heifers: 3 mantths old calf; $ g shoats arouad '70 lire.; 40 one-y�4uld hens. TENDERS WANTED -TENDERS WILL BE United Church News fives Rev. R. A Brook and Rev. W. � $6.79; G. Hese, PrinQing, $452fi: ImplemerNs-Massey-Harrh pincer: Mabsey- 1 ,�,�o_L For to Carse ararawnod orraple A. Young took pari is the opening H Horton, sec. Band, grant, $100.00 ` . Harris pear, saualer with Puffier; flocl a itt and beech, 20 inches long. to be delivered to The Y.P.U. of the United Church the immediate relatives of the con- I labor. He had the soul cf an al>tist Services and aiso spoke ,briefly, The mama spreader: McCormick mower. 5 foot: U.SS_ No, 1, McKillop, Were Miarfeh 18th_ met on Monday evening with a fait' choir was represented; by members School Board current cap.. ;1,000.tfire 10- � n3 -+hoe Dearing drill wibb Mawr: Intenaa- WILLIMfI DEV�EREAUX, Chairman, R R_ 4. tra:Ctillg parties were present- The 1, and therefore did his work we1L He National Drug & Cpt. of81 igtk Ys, 4.. tiou,ul cultivator; McCinrmick ,hay rake: land Ste„&,. 3717x1 attendance, Miffs Gladys Passmore brid'e's mother, Mrs. Quance, and the had many interests outside his mega- from the three !opal churches, with supplies, $1L88; Dept Of Higbwsays, fN rater: Noxan disc; '&et ,hnrmwe ; tet. Mani- presiding. The singing of "Draw Me groom's mother, Mrs. Taylor, received lac work. He was passionately fond Mies Ethel Clark, organist of St Aoha p0eiglis ; steel.wheeled. wagon•; 'flat r'ack-- 'TENDERS ,;Nearer" Opened the meeting, followed° the guests. Mr.. and Mrs. Taylor lett of music and could play manly inatr•n Paul's presiding at the orgarn . and a, floe truck oaJ, all, $3 $2; W. c David- , new Fleury wylkhw plow; OhAtham 'Smnnkm .9 ,,With prayer and the dlervot on,al per b motor for a wedding trip to De- m,erift well. When in Zurich and in son, coal, hall, ;36.05; T. R1Chalvillou, Ilya; .et Stewart power dippers; Bet new McKillop TOWrlShl y pleasing dust was given by Mrs. W. labor, rink, $27.25; D. Sangster, Is `ting rapes: Mme -Harris root pa ltwr: set p p ivci, Scripture lesson was read by troit and other points, tolls bride tray- the West, he conducted the town O. Goodwin and Miss Greta Lamdnie, bor, rink, $1.10; V. HO&J, % lit", • aleavT harnew; set new horse hisnkefb: newWILL BE RFICEIVED BY THE Clarence Smillie; devotional by Miss elling in a smart navy blue ensemble Bands with great acceptability. esled,. -Cling To the Bible, . My rink, 40c; Harold Hedden, Ilrabor, '.M.Wa Vie.. ev-H.rrre .r.. .gator, 450' 11� Cw- T .a�� our shins and trmckbig of Goldde Cross, and a Piam nolo b and accessories. Upon, their return For several as the Scout Boy';' A idbera1.0011ectiAn was taliQu alsitym : Quebec heater. Parse size: churn: 30 froCOW rho 8,000. cubic yards gravel, ,to be y syears the w •Fon. park, 90c; A„ Dick, watching fixe, $2; rads woven dvcken wire; Mcolary feed cook- dcqivrxred m issy part bd Township, Colada^artbor Miss Ruth Brook and a Bible contest, they will take up residence on the Master of Hensall. There are those up. - I Lloyd Heiden, vmtebang ��'e, "$Z• iL I er; 200 burs mixed grain: quanttity b y to use hi, own v4u pment and to spelcify followed! with the closing hymn and groom's fine farm at Cbiselhurs't- who will never forget his influence' as nw- amd potatoes; tail. ani artsee too runner- aALe whim he can be" work. Sereen'to be beme'dietRomt Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Petty were vie- their leader. Being a good Scout Passes Eighth Grade Piano Kyle, watching fire, $,1.80; D. oug ao 'melon Everything wda be sold an used rib mare than 1 inap_ proprietrtee is Inving up fazming mid farm Satisfsotmq band an be fwuished. ' Sunday morning servdoes were well ;ted by their young grandchildren, dlimself, he made an efficient leader. girth, Greening fling $2.80; B. ]gyp bas been rented. MRS_. KATHLEEN TAY- LoWmt or eaiv tlen.der ,not neeeBusirily at- attended amcl the pulpit occupied by Dian and George S'niith, of St. Marys, Mr. Hears was a great lover of natuma_ Miss Norma Clog, daughter of, Mr. $2; O_ Green, teaming. streets, $].Z.bO; LOR. Proprietress, Brueeaetfd : G. H. EUlatt, eeuta,L Trade, to be opened at Qan egie the pastor, Rev. R A Brook. The an- who came by bus on Plriday evening The processes of growth and develop and Mrs N. E Cook, of HenaLall, 1 C R Broderick, teamdmg. atresia. ;3 50: A,rat;oneer• s717xz 23r[t a 118x,0 Sesfbrth on Thursday, Mascp ceiv+ed word. that she bad success- A. Prior, labor, streets, $1; A. Smith, 2g� .y g pm, theme sung by the choir were "Re and were later joined by tille�lr par, mentfrom attracted him, and to get away full her eighth grade in piano labor, streets, $1; F. Dates, iFabor, EXECUT'OR'S SALE JOHN McNAY, Oterk. member Now Thy Creator" mold "Be enha,,Dr. and Mrs. G. L Smith amid, from his work occasionally into the t pal ,,f g• R 2, $03&rth. read the Cross?" daughter Elizabeth who spent the out-ofdoors appealed to him and. re of the Taranto Ooaleervatory of Mus streets, $1.40; W. Datela, labor, ,.Ar of FARM LANDS 8717-z fre&hed .and reon-ated brim The Pin- ic, the examination being held in Ho- stie0id,' $1; A Hildebrand; labor, TO CLOSE AN ESTATE, THERE WILL BE The W.M.S. met in the schoolroom week enkl here. tel London on Saturday last. She is streets, $1; C. Wolfs, labor, streets, 'a' offered lim .sale by public auctiar4 on on Thursday afte7mo,m, March' 2>ad, cry near Grand Bend was one of his FrGdryv, Memclr Lath, 193x, at a.00 per. with a good atteII+dlance and the choly Death of Frederick William Hess favorite resorts, where he hada ®inn- a pupil of Professor Andtelton of Clic- $220; M. Cooper, labor, streets, i3: '1 during the Cumm+tzaity SaOe t ,fire Dick Notice To Creditors mil• 'home. Here he revelled im the Con, and is to be congratulated upon total $1,37L32. Janes Sud Twitc>hon: Home- 9oari Oci� ww' SolaoaUe Iandk taken by Mrs. C. B•allalityme, Emst vice- A well known, and highly esteemed her splendid showing. That bills and accounts as read be �J'F PaareL Or e --.Lot, 7, Concession 7, Township NOTICE TO CREDIT0RS president- The devotional was in resident of Hensall. Out., Fredm ick beauties of the world about him anc1, P s i of Tuckessmishh, Huron Rasa Survey. 100 IN THE ESTATE of WILLIAM EDWARD often invited many of his bosom 1 Mrs. Thomas Parlmer, W&O recent- Paid' OanTled, Jolles dna TtvitoiletT: c'barge of Mme Bailantyne's group, William Hess, passed away on Thule- That Bylaws, 6, 7 ami 8 be given Brat acres, an winch is said to be crectod a small Chmprsta n, Dosed, I friends to enjoy the things he enjoy- i ly suffered •loss of her house •tftrough frame house, large hank barn about 46 x 78. An rom®k bavong d1aiarh mgarmit the Es with •the Scriptarre lesson read by day, March 2nd, in his 71st year, af- ed, He built up .a close comradeship ; the recent fire here, moved on Tues. and second reading. CaTri:ed. Twit - 4 I cement sitlo, drive .shed, Pig pen, hen house, tame of w�iam Eawamd Chow -an, name of M•re. D. A Cantelon; Prayer, Mrs. S. ter a brief iliness. He was balm In chell and, Jones: That Bylaws 6, 7 two wi.;druias, thx. weals. tate Town of seaaea4tr, in the County off Hnr- with kindred spirits, who today mourn � char to room at Mrs Anomie Saun,dler- v Paroe7 Two -Mast ]half Lot s, Concession S. arq hlarl$e snores, deceased, w•ho died on or Mennen, and the study on "Healing" Zurich on November 23, 1868, where, and 8 be gdveit third final read 4. of Tvtkersmitfr. Huron Road sur- ai,oat �e alar day oa J�ro�y. lass. are Very ably given by Mrs. I. G. Smillie, die received bas earl education. In 'bis departure with deep regret. They Dock's. y , ing and finally passed. Carried. Twit- veg, 50 acres, on vftch there is said to be hembr notWied :to send in ,to .the undea�ned Trbe visiting committee for this 1892 he was u•.n.lted in marriage with loved the that th •,-s a man who Mrs. o waifmes Dick and son, Arthur, ` created a frame barn about 34 x 64 waft a on or before, vre idlth day of March, 1939, loved the eidnple thinks and wllo 13vec1 (wfio also suffered kiss of their home Ca and Jones: That rs adj1ou1 . mond'h is composed of Mrs. M. G. Drys- Mies Isabella h u sora they lived to- from the recent fire, have moved Cfadled-Jalnss A. Paterson, Clerk, furl P of rang otIarma, verified by P� Cion the beautiful, the true and the. . : Parcel Three- wept half Lot 9, Concession aaldsAiL dale and Mrs Stan Tudor. The an- gather to Zurich until 1918, where Mr. (Continued oU page 5) . 6, ']bwoship of Tuck'nrsnith. Huron lboad Surf- lmmeaiAdy ane, the said last menSimed nu'al birthday party will be held bit Hess carried on a 9•icce�saful jewelery goods their household efltho to rooms Ili • wy. 50 acres, on wfirich there is said to be date, faro tam*ta of the ashy! estate with be Friday afternoon, March 17th. � business. Mr. and Mrs. Hess--tbon. His sickness came as ... a surprise to, the Petty Block, although Mrs. Dick - f oreeted a small frame cam age an stone noun- distr%uted aatlonmit the panties entitled there many for he kept at his work as, long is at present staying at th home of dation, fraame barn about 36 x 56, cattle tui 'having a+r»rtd only to eatai'm of veAich moved t0 the wash. Miss Lettie Love, of Toronto, Spent-�----. as he could ands •never complained. Mr. dna Mrs. Geo. Hudsofa. barn 32 x 70, well at house. spring creek. ,the undexwmwd 'sllihll then have notice, to living 1 n Bigga.T,'BRAY Terms of Sade^-6aah. Pab-able ten p� sari the escrns'2on of a'n dthreab. ami the nnd�- iJkte Week -end with her parents, Mr. ',;If;1a 11 Late in February, dl0w'2ver, she was I at tial of sale. and balance in 'thirty days- a5gr:ed will riot be liable fb any person of and MIS. Wm. Love.._.,.'..<r SaSk. 1'n 1923 they Mds's Amy Reynolds Was Operated compelled to take his bed. Medical :>:.- .returned east and upon in SL Joseph's Hospital, London. ^ Ail p®r•aoln offered subject rq reserve hid_ If wtase claim the unsigned shall not then '^' advice was souglht.t'1•om marry kIODtOra11 Mr, and Mrs. Harold Cook and Geor- ysettled in bile village and finally w-dhen his dm.ar was an_ on Saturday lash for an appendix op- requaAed, pare lls will be offered eu bloc_, kni Partite fvr retie ets,afe so iii-9EYibuttetl or li amy paw �� gin spent the week -end with relatives , a of Hensall. Having eration find other complications, and For tnrtp� Particulars apply to DATED et Sdafordlh Nhh4 27mtn say aP Fah and friends in Buffalo, N. Y., return- y ` nounced a great ehaxitow seemed to I' i / / .H_ G, MEIR, Seaforth, . r..;'. learned in his early at date of writing, altbough suffering raary. 1939_ fall over the whole community. Mr. Solicitor for Executor. LANGFORD (�iAPMAN nr,d ALON ro ing home on Tuesday. a a y 9 telegraphing, much pain, is doing as well as can Gearge H. Elliott, Auetioneer. LANCOAN, Mr. `J. W. Ortwein was in Lom,don Mr. Hess years ago Hess will be greatly mdssed in his be expected- Her sister, Mr+s. T. G. a71s 2 By filer a�;eiera last week attending the annual meet- home, in the 'business affairs of the ' was the flyer tele Robinson, aec:ompawied her TA Lon! Ch. � V . �! . - McCONN1 r,T, &. HAYS, ing of the Western Ontario Branch village and in this eburDh_ He leaves seamalm,, oat graph operator of � mourn his Loss his beloved wife Cion, remlaining for a day or so after ' 3716-3 of the Bible'Society. held- at London. the village. For the t'1xe operation. Miss Reytnoidrs many Notices and son, George, and two graudchil- ,t Why write letters and send money Taylor - Quance past 15 years he has friends wish her a speedy recovery. orders? Order our Bray C1rici:ts dyer, Bobby and Ruth. y +'' NOTICE Card of Thanks, been carryil3g on a printing and jaw- Mr. and Moa John Fisher have r e through me --personal satterltion, A love! wedding The funeral service was held at spending the win- prompt delivery. *;. ; � • y '� was solemmdzed' elery business. Ms. Hess endeared turned, 'home atter THE HURON FARMERS' CO-0PZRATIVE on Saturday, March 4th,' qt 11 a.,m., himself to a great number of people the family residence at 2 p.m., Sat- ter monitdts visiting members of their Co. of Hensall. Clot open lire season of R_ AND MRS WILLIAM G. BELL AND inlay, March 4th. His minister. ,Sat - THOS 'DICKSCJN 11 lass with a fart line of cedar, poo,, I tar a M faairdlr desire th express their einaeen at the bkfine of Mrs. R. Quante, Caom- in and around Hemsal] because of his famdlg in Toronto and Windsror. R. A. Brook, of the United Ohtrrch, Marniboalm red agar; fertilizer (ingretlieatsl, apprersatalar of the kiraincth and iddougi#int- arty, Ripen her daughter, Dorothy F.d- outstanding gnahties of character. As I Miss Itatltlnydd Drysdhle, of London • I '1" mixed sf dEsirreti: eSOtr+s and other feseds dna nest eztendtdRa Liter by 'their nes¢}ibarr and na, was unit,'d in marriage to Edwin a business man he Wes quite popular conducted the seltiice. assisted by wag the weekread guest with her par SEAFORTH r, �-. meals; Eoglhsh barbed wive ,and motor oil. fTwn da during (heir recomit bereavinnemt. Taylor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard because the endeavored to be just Rev. W A. Young, of the Pregbytler- eats, Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Drysdale. i', 1a,.. WILLIAM PEPPER, Manager. 8717x1 • - a714-.5 Taylor, Sr., (f near Hensall,. Rev, with tlm public. He seemed to ,have tan Chllrch, inlPrment was made }n lt' i,,; 2 MRS, W. H. STEVENS AND FAMILY DE Bayfield cemetery. The attendance at S <;'. - Bire to exwess their appwciatinn rhr the James Reirc , pastor Of lire tbip f. the ronfidtowa of the whole and ,Di - the service was unusual; large and TOWN OF SEAFORTH telian Church, Cromarty, was the ot• ity, and toward all, young dna old y taxict , eyrrro th and marry acro n ,q and ryn th ficiat'i21g minister, The attractive alike, he was kind, sympathetic and among the frirnrs from a disfleld,I ROUND TRIP BARGAIN FARES - eddo to ohm, an,•are the iRnesa dna up�r, rare were Mr, and Mrs. Vern B1oomReid, j'( �J g� LJ j l� s ' ' dearer or Mr. s2even9, 37t7xt bride, who was given in marriage by frierndiy, and hits dosposition remark - y TAX PRE -PAYMENT RE- her uncle, Mr. Alien, of Cromarty. ably even. Mr. and Mrs. Wylie Kirk, Mr. and ! Q �° A j� - ` - ---- looked charming in a midnight blue He was an industrious man and Mrs. Steve Noble, fir, a.nd Mrs, Wm, l March -17-18 From SE:AFORTH 11 4 CEIPTS FOR 1939 ' In Memoriam statin floor len bh Pike and, Mrs. Truax, all of Fairgrove, : n g gown, high Wats. had exceptional lifts a.9 a prerisdon vlicliJgarl enc} 41rg. TlPlt Thurston, of To Stations Oshawa and East to Cornwall inclusive„ Uxbridge, Lind- ., and draped over the bodice dna mechanic. No mahter how delicate or r N LOVING 1t EORY OF A DEARTHUS V;bw,ar, Michigan, al4o Thos. Martin, say, Peterboro, Cam bPllford, Newmarket, Col,Ungwocd4 Meaford, Mid- I sieeveg with over ;'acs. Her shoes and difficult the track he had to dfo, be p i ,"".. Tile -Town Will pay 4 per band «rut faaiior, Thomas ConaitL who aroassorles were in matching s~hadPs, gave himself to it ,with diligence, and of Landon. land, North Bay, Parry Sound, Sudbury, Capreol and West to Beard- ,:, passed aoasy vFarrh 11, 1937: g `� cent. per annum u t0 Aug.rid- she carried an arm bouquet of because of his patience and determin- The malgrnificent floral tributes more_ p p g• ,b-: , re,.,, sad nl�err,ar5es which banrkerl the bier afforded a fit, pink carnations. The bnlde was orlon he was much admired, and his g g P.M. Trains, ARCH I7 All Trains MARCH 18 1, : t1fi n dray ane gone to rfst: tilu settiu. a.>rd we a tokens of love t'r. 31 1939 O'n all prepaid 1939 Ana t}r mrw wah,r think ,rf him to -day, at.t.endpd by her sister, Mae, attrac- store became a centre of attraction + and esteem ails! sympathy from many Air the ones w%o ,coved him bast tive IIP old rose crepe de Cherie gown. to those who valuer! him for lids g'en- To TORONTO ": taxes. Certificates and full --WIFE AND FAMILY, with Matching accessories, and car. Jura. Mr. Hess was a man of varied relatives and, friends. Tributes Game a717xt from Mrs. McDonald, of Dundas; Mr, Also to Brantford, Cthatball`1, God�erich, Guelph, Hamilton London, ried a bouquet of carnations, while inhere89ts. His knowledge of subjects I particulars may be obtained bbe groom was supported by his bra was wide. He was a clear bbdlbker and Mrs. Allan Esler, . Haugh hadd Niagara Fails, Owen Soustock. St. Catharines, St. mar", Sonoco, S rat 1.:. - - , T' ster, S"k.; Mr. and Mrs. Havgh and ford, S?aauhhrOy, Woodstock. >' tiler, Sydney. FolTowi'rtg the care- and wise philosopher. Hre a'pPreciat- from the Town Clerks of- Births Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allan, Brute- , ' at th a wedding dinner rose served ed People with high id �t and all his field,; Mr. and Mrs. George Howard, see handbills for complete list of destinatlona. ,I 1. at the bride, •home, the house decara drays was identtified with the Cfiri tan f, fide 'in the mown Hall. JAdSVM7 - Tn Sica0t lttemori.•il Hos --Wl, sem- of Exeter; Mrs. J, A. Ca.rnde, of May. F°* ms`s' �mrm Limits, train information, tickets, ate., consult nearest ascot y Barth. am Msrmfi BNh, Nor Mn•. nna 14Ir1. tions' being h color schemes hl ' wasthk man, ,b. He w o not a m ry - CANADIANNATIONAL a � y�" : H. WILSON, Aamrt JhW141. McKillop. a daus,•hter, and wfhite, while the bride's table was man, ,but wad more dnbereavbed iu do field; The -Hess Family 'of Hensal.T; , ,., wR14=r-irr Clanton' Public Htx�pii'it, on Mr. anal, Mie. O. Roweliffe, of Hensall; a ��t. M ttA Z6B, ab %r. oral MrA. W. G. WTJght, lovely with s+pri�ng flowers and, cen- Ing his work for the love of it, rather k;, TteaisiVq. 3719-tf So mimilr, a som- tered with the wedding take,, Only than for the finamcdal returns of bis Slhvn,, Ab. and Bob Passmore, of Hen- t�,• • ; ti a ,. r. � ' t 1 a 6 t µ In , 1 ill. ':. y 'r. .. l 1 : i . 4G 'fit I. )t ;. " ' w,,i;4 J , , �' v: ,, i' n' r u" fir 'ir k iii,. 9t! -• • a :.;y sole ,lit •A " t :i'°' i }A . .. .. (� r.: 7. y. .... . r. , ,.. v .. ....r :,..- . :.,,:..,, .. sit. a tis:. r.. d e .. ; h 4v d ..� &. 'fit' Y -. A r. ,x. .rrfy . ,- . S J. ... .., 4 .. '•9, „ ., ., { ..,, :Y H.✓ \: �.. u qe' �... 1 w. „. .r a. i , „ x k , .. a .. .. `�. i. . w` , .. Ng r r d r 9. u, t ..v a. S r, F S „ 6' '1 I .h , .e, U t . R t.. .r d .•.} f%: '9t' to ,.1' .. S. , r. ., ,.,: „ .. � .. . •. . ..t ,. ... is .. ... ^fi �. .': t, F ..,. kv ,.c. ,: � �.. :'- „ ,.:.,• i %,� . t ��� tl,.• � '- S +`r 1.., i s x dr e 9 i, .d � *�4 r .:7• � ,t,. '�h%. .�u.' q�, '!i=f '�'�,��Atf�taltk}x5�41JilcA�,kkvri,r'�'.�..sat,,... k ,