HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1939-03-10, Page 1/ ~ NO " �, I ��- ;�' �, 71 - , , I � , ,:� , i ;�'­ I � , . !­­, I � t ........."11111 11 1. I �;Z.T lo;�-', 7l, , . . � - .- � - , I -.1-1 , , . � - OEM . .1- I.. I 1! . : I 11. 1. � I . . I , , ), , i'll, I I I . :, ; " �i � �� ,��:: - ,�. 1, I , �1� .,�.,.-.W r: t BRIGADE- HONOURS, lPresidentCongratula,tesSh�'ut.-O!(.4�K,ing RETIRING FIREMEN . I AT MEETING I"ML K4 Leod RetireAfter, Many . Years' SeMe'e. FORMER OFFICERS I Members of the Seaforth Fire Bri- 1. veteran members who retire after I 11, served thirty years, were prezented -with an end table and a pipe, reappc- . . brigode during their years of =,em- .. W The presentatiom were made by. , .. Chief A- W. Dick, and former Wei! R. imrvivis rendered by the ,retiring , . 11 I. Ial Association will meet on Monday ,I '., 1'jl��,', - - ------- - ~~~~^~^ Craw, McKillop. . 'All the ministers of the -town And 1 district are cordially Invited to at- -,i I ' shown ap he congrata Beattie, shutout king of the The March meeting of the Junior Bavitam'.:Leaque. of elghtgarnes which his team, the Midgets, have . Women's 1r,stituote was held at the playe d, Neil has had seven shuto, -tip 1, nesday evening with Mrs. .W. Cbb- - discussed,. !ess was Tdie Toll call, One way of showing courtesy,- was number of p W"11 Co M'menc'e 9 Is nere Shortly -lie was not able to be present, Mrs. 0 0 0 * * 0 Every Owner of Pistol or Thlas. Gove-alock Bang a solo and, Wil- -son McCartney __ Revolver Alust Register It NIVas accompanied, by H. McLadhlan the To Neil Beattie * on guitar and Mrs. With Chief of Police. Dave MrIntosih on the mouth organ. Mrs. Paul Doig gave a readin'g, A song fo-r Settforth's silintout king, — — "Guriga Din." Two community songs And tile smart Seafo,rth Midgets; O IN ners of pistols and revolvers are we* sung and ,tihe evendirg was spent Tlhoy surely ought to win the cup required by regulations to rekister in Car'&-, with tile winners asfollows: With this brigIlit bunch of digits, thos- firea.rrn-, wit,li T)oilice depart- Meri's first, Mrs- Ted Brown; 2nd, I me n4s and wll,ile t1i,, registration Thos. doven,lock; ladies' coneolation, It isn't every littlIe 4oy fo"17149 h,'Ve Lut L-vn re(-vived here, Mrs. T. Govealock; gent'geonsolation Who is a first rri-te, goalle. Cidef Of 1'0'4('(, floirnw- Sn��:l has re - Uric Doig; lucky chair, Mae Scott, � -Harld,ling a hockey stick with joy, oelvrd �'olkl t", it L.:(, rp.",�-qfl"adon must delicious lunch wlas served. I As frisky a,,i a foalie. be conil0rted by July ­t�q. Cri-tief SD2,11 40 There aren't many lade of nine th-ree years, ago. Athletic presidents in line, TAKE PART IN FESTIVAL 11 star i,t yet, I'll wager. , H. 1. 0. departnlont here. VVhf,il stmall arms are register -ed Lh,i,,,,,e 1. oegiStration Pa - ,themselves at the recent Stratford Jorni goes to O,tt;iNv,a and the third, I Mus,ic Festival, E XDrCT LARGEM, VDOWD is' retarined by tile local police. Doris Fiargueon was finaUst in the FL According to law any person who omsisunder u years, with, 166 points. owns a revolver or plslol and faklis to r; ­ ", 1r,L,-";� "# , 11 '10 I I 'I , l L , t . � !�, i 111,22 .. . PDT J(1,1t '. I I . I , I LISTOWEL PL YERS Beavers Come'From Be'*hin.d,., , bt , ,�,� 11,__ "e, " , . I -GUESTS OF ' Lu"LCAL To tie S Third Period , , 7W uto I A IV ' ,, I ,i, " "'I".....r, .. .`.''­,W,�,­;:, " ! , 1, I,,.,,' 1,Y ­', I 1� _111 . ��(, " I X , ,\�,­, I 1 C, fl�",!: 1, � I �, _ X-1. .. I I I y'' i?5; - - . BADMINTON CLUB , Necessitating ,Fourth Game FEAR M,., _�Iliw �­ , ­1.3�#w"`; , i Perth County Players Re- JSeaforth Overcomes Three 0 ,_, "!'L�l Weeks Ago. in Less Than a Minute. Narrow Escape -"" �­` "' �"q. ON WEDNESDAY NIGHT MEET AGAIN narrow escape from carbon man ..._ `� ., '', , I oxide gas 'Qq Tuesday night 5 STORE RLOCX -14 I on WedldJesday evening, when aseries Seaforth and Clinton, will,,ha-M to A leaky exh ' a,uft Pillie is believed which wri.t4du,,gve diay0_djSgtVy0,d. i% - 1114f, try once more to break the deadlock to have allowed fumes to enter - I as, T uesday night's game in Stratford the_car, affecting Miss'Mclver to ,of Stores, is underwa* wft Provi"614 - .�l I 11 blollowiag play a dallicious lunoh was such an extent thatwhen the car Constable P. MCODY,'Of 'Goderliol,4 lo' , ; '�' reached V, , Ted Stone, of Lisit,owel, expressed nearly twen,ty-fave hundred kwo Who Searforth -she was uncon- charge. Constable XCCby was in the , :.il I saw the game were almost 'evenly, dI_ 400UG. Other occupan .i ­ the thanks -of the visiting club, while ts of the village on, Weduesday.,and again on I .,!-�W Peg Grieve, president of the Seaforth vided, Clinton supporters talping. I the were slightly affected, Thursday and, in, company wilth Chief I : ' !", " 11 Club, spoke bAefly. -seats on, one side -of the rink,b&d Sea- noticed that she did not answer Heddeu examine a number of wit- ' ,.,., The guinea: forth the other. There may he a hot- ... 'Ll I . ter class of hockey playied, in otliler to'have fallen asleep. Officials fear that a i mlav ,. :i Mixed Doubles leagues, but it couldn't be any More L at work in the village. .. D11r1n­. the' , , ,, Stone'and, Moffatt, LlstoweI, defe,t- exci�einj than the last pe'dtid of this TO "k 0 0 0 0 0 second fire on Tuesday nfght,7 Chief , 1. i ed Dorrance and, Wood, 11-8, 11-7. game. The Calts were leaAring 4-1 at I . Lee Hedden located, ftotprinfe leading `-11,*..'-,`,;: Kibler and Black, Llstk>wel, defeat- one time, but the Beavers oveircame . from the blazing building to Gelger'a 'Iy. blie lead to go in front 5 4, only to - INV MAI nearby. , _ 4.0.1" and Grreve d,efe&t,d lose it to Clinton w4tthl last abOu LINTON 11 ' UP Mre brobe out about 11 ,o'clock' rrr 11-6. . Botih tearms were ait fiill strength . TH WIN Tuesday evening !a a two storey . . �:'r, I Souftga,te and Southgate deftoted on Tuesday night, so now it's begin- SERIES WfIn frame residence and despite fast wark .. "A. Andrews a4d Livingstone, Listowel, nlag to look more than ever like a by the fire brigade .tdie building was 11"! rr 11-7, 11-8. toss-up. On the winter's playing each completely destroyed. 0 1- . _,,;�" - have won tha"(1e, and thist tie makes Capacity Crowd Sees Beav- A!cEwen estate, dlt heA, not been occu . . . . . !I I I'. ed Brown acld Rays, 6-11, 11-6. them as even as possible, Chniton Vied for a number of years. . . Smith and Smith dlefeated 'Momp- made no indetake in bringing Gibbs ers Come From Behind Firemen 0011COntrated on saving ad- .- I �, I son and Kibler, Listiowel, 11-7, 11-8. back for thie play-offs, as -he looks like . joining buildings, parti,'Cularly the esi- .:��.J� Mee and Garnet, I.Astowel, defeated the main man on'the Clinton line-up. At Clinton. den,ce of Village Clerk_Jas. A. Pat. _� �111 MacTavioll, and, McCairty, 11.5, 11-D. but as long as some of the Seafortli erson, which I itu 'q McKenzie and Meir defeated Mee players keep on playing as - ,.A_-_eI1'_ a,s Clinton 4, Seaforth 3 feet from the b,14�ing bu-ilding. I , and Parker, LiDtowel, they have been, they won't need to As a result ,of Thursday Mr. Pate ;on Was atten,oiling Vb,e . i take a back seat from an -y of them, game in Clinton, Group 7 was st, . ��* Stone and Atkinson, Listowel, 1, , Both teams controlled the rough stuff without a -ohampion. Clinitm won and on returning home found his home ._l! 10-11. in this game, only four penalides, be- this game by a score of 4 to 3 and a's to 'have had a narrow escape. In ap- 1.4 - Brown and Best defeiated Oliver and i.ng handed out, the Kine Gibbs drew the other was, 5. to 4 in favor of .the Preciation of the services of the fire- ., Calder, Listowel, 6-11, 11-2. being bbe most oostly, as the Beavers Beavers, they were tie& 8 a4f on the men, Mr. Paterson steryed them with . Ralth and Molyneanx defeated 13lark ran in two of their goals with him out roundt. The Beavensl have, had to ov- coffee and sandryvichles when ,the blaze I ..... .... and Zillliax, Listowel, 11-7, 11-10. of the way. ercome a 3-0 lead i1v bot,h these games was under control. .11 Ladiesl Singles The Colts in this game aa well, as which Clinton all,ways seems to get , Fire of mysterious oinigin swept the others, outplayed the Beavers in in the first pe(niod. some Of thei.local through a five -building block on, the , "I Wood and, Cluff dlefeated Living- the first period. "Timmer" MeRwen, people *have, been very disappointed Ma-im Street 01P Hensall early Friday � sbone and Zill,iax, I.Astowel, 11-2, 11-7. the sarooth-sk,ptiong member of the Mc- in the series as in the two gawrie& dils. morning, left two tandlies homeless I Meir and, Lester dk-,feated ParkeT Ewen -Foster line, Missed a great Putes; have arisen over four goals and and before it was brOught uDdler con- �, aLd Black, Listowel, 11-2, 11-6. chance in the first minute of play, the referee gave his decision against trol. thmeateped to wipe out the en- ,,; Gdeve and, Southgate defeated Mof- w1hen a puck off his srtick just rolled the Beavers in each cas-e. The soft tirle village. , ' I , fatt and Dedard, Listowel, 11-9, 11-7. past the edge of the open net, but ice slowed the play up some, but it Harold Stade, Seaforth goalle, on , Gar -pet and Atkinson., us,tow,el, tie- Gibbs madehup for this two minutes did not stop bliese two eveMilY match- 11' - way 0111e Lrbo Zurich,* saw the : feated Mays and Bek, s-11, 2-11, later, when flanies, an rov n o 6 . stowel, defeat- fliw bounced between. Stade's pads. game. , In"I"n",sIt", ,1� sounding this lip-ri unjil , Kibler and Calder, Id, e scored On a cl'066 shot ed team',; from Putting UP a great � d d e UP a d d wn th ed Jeffrey and MeC;141�g, 11-9, 7-11. I.SmokY" Harils did some great puck- In the first pedo'd the 0oltW rushes t , ,� Z, were aroused. - 11 Livingstone an,d Paiiker, Listowel. carrying, but he just �*uldn't seem to wvre more effec. ti ve, as they were trv,- r -I`0 Pl--,4e`&tV0Yed wem: Or- .4 defeated Molynetaux and Smith, 11-5. ]lit the net. Clinton was awarded a ing hard to ove.rc,ome bile, one gcn*l "ifle Tv,-itchell's garage. Gladman's ,:::� r 116. goal wheu Stadle Lhrew his ,,�Lick tu lead the Beavers, took up with theni law office, homes of Mr%. Palmer and 011 Men's Doubles I)iCk(Itt's 'AaY while coming in on the with the line or Pickett, Gibbs and Mrs. James Dick and- a vaeant .hou,se ,1 Sterre an(l Kibler, 1,istowel, dofeatMd. This g -,iv(, the Cfllt:L,, a two goal Sltre,ets beinig the mo�t dan.gerou& Af- between the latter tv%o. All the 11 . (,,d Dorranc.. and fhl�'.,;, 11-6, 5-11, 11-5. leind. Archie llilb.,!t, lkacflng three ter ,oix mi,nut,es -of play Gibbs, oppined (Contirued on lla�e.5) ; McKenzit, and Weed,mark dervate(l otll,er Beaveis up t':t ' ,, scoivd Sea- ilho store k%'h,('Tl he .shot it in during . , . MoffaU an,d Andrews, Ustowel, 1(i,l:t, forth'g first golal oil .! -ird Fthot that a scramble; -0- . 13-10, 1�1 H). Elliott didn't ev,en s,(, ,. kater HUbiert reid battle. ,pile Reav,ors were lln- "I MacTuOsh and a(yuiligate deferalod was sent off fo.r h4gh .;; icking, so the able to get a &cent shot on the goal, Plan Hospital Aid I Mee awl Black, LiM.owe-1, 11-6, ti -2. Colts took advantage of thig bre.' 1. Bro,A n arad lZath dof eated Thompson playing every man up, and Itath, s,ho,t the Colts' area many times. While Iz and Oliver, Us -towel, 11-6. 11-9. it pa,s-t Stade, on a pass: from Ilickett. Illibert was s,ervi.nig, a penalty, C,ibbs Theatre Night I :, Smith and Brown, olvfcated Aiidrews and Gibbs. The remain,der of tile per- score,d agadn on a Pass, frarn Stre*,tp - and NlOff"Itt, Listowel, 11-7, 11-8. iod N�as hard fought, but rione of the to give! tire Cl-intnn N -am the lfa& The annual Hosvi-tal, Aid, Thea,tre ' 1.11�%.�Jro,� brought any results. � Three minUIPS later Rath drilled i,r in Ni,L11A will tke held in the Regent - -0 In the s*,cond period Seaforth hall ' agaill on one of his fiand shot--, to ,rll(*tpe on Nlooldny evening thi, vdge, on the play, allbough nei.thf,r ,' mak" it 3.i) in their favor. T , March , I ..h,D Beav_ 27tb, when the Popular picture, "Four 1, Takes Part in . te-ani scored. Goth gouliles looked good I ers trying d1(`,WeraLo,ly to g(�t thfir I)4l.ligihteN' I ' will be Sbo,hm. Tbpre will I liaving to save many Mots from the,, fli'-',t 90'al WeIN- finally newarded when be two sill-'Ows, at 730 ,and ,9.15 p,.. Nst breaking forwards. Flannery was 1 Torn Sills s,coired jtl&t 30 secarlds be. -Mvilibers or tile Hvspital Aid will I University Play sewt off ri,c-ar the begziriolog, but qea-: i`01Ntl!'El bell w -at to enil the perio,l. sell hornEl-In'ladle' candy in th lobby ! ful th's defelise held out the over-anx- I F(yslter drew the other poinalty fc),, Pre,cc,ding and during the program, 1: Members of the cast for the Spring hms Golts. -Porterfield drew the Clin- tri Tn*ng. I - taijo, are reheu,rsing 'Idds mon,th for luld to do soirj(- real defending. '11he the second, as th.e, Colts tri.e,d to 'hold I "Sweet Alot,s," wtA(�Jl 1.9 to be pre -q- McEwen brothers put on a great ex- their lead. The Beavers madle things 1; ented in Convocation Hal -I the las-t hiliflion of trickery during Porter- hot for Efl,iott more than once and it McMillan Rink , thireo days, of March. Takimig part, in field's ahs*-nce. 14anis. Hubert, and W" in this Period that o.ne of the di,s- : bhe play is Mary Holmes, diaughter ot th(I 1-11111-ebrands muld beat all but alk) -ed goals weire scored. Pickett Takes Spoo'ns i Mr. and Mrs. Charivs Holmes, Se -,I- Elliott Mth their Mick -working plays. azid Gibbs broke away again, to scu,rp � . forth. After two minutes of play i -n the Clinton's, last goal Of tile game, the J- M- McMildan's rilnk won, the sil. . third, Positer banged in Clintoori,s latter goltlAng bii,s third, for the night. ver spoon,s at the Seafor,th i *_ fourth g,cat whem he and fille Me- With two minute berit --cor- Club's weeklY b0ms'piel on Wednes.(JaY ... .s to go Hu Curlin Fvren's, combined on a rink -length Pd for the Reavers on a paw from . aftern,00n and OveIlinig of this ,JA.eek. I play. Poster was injuried sliprtly af- SiHs. to bring them witlbiu one goal The rink: Harry Steinberg, A. Moore, ... URON YOU ter this find was uniable to clome back of tying ,the series. popterfief,d was 1, Keith McLean and J. M. McMillian, for the riest, of Uhle game. Gibbs drew (Continued oil Page 5) � skip. PLAN BOWLING PARTY his pontal-ty in this Period, wbli(,h turn- . ed out to be a gileat break for lhhA- I The Huron Coun,ty Young P Bo,,avf,rs. Harris really went to tow " Hon. Robert- Weiry Native - .. Association is holkling a btrwliafg ll�Lrty pass,e% from Muir and Hubert, Cilin- I . "I Bowldmg Academy, 19 Temperance St aNd three m4nutes i%tex Hub. I Of Huron, Killed in West I Toronto, on March, 18th,, at 8.30 p.m. ort bling ate is, clordially invited to attend the, forth in the lfad Por the fitr,syt tie '.. ::.,:.., In*' Tuesday w -hen a load of grain upset '. . . . . . . I" howling party. on a nice Pas% fTom A. Hildebrand, on him near his farm a,t Weld -on, Sas,k. :.Iolil:! - time, but then the Colts took their )MA of barley ,�%-hieh lie wastaking .. . . Legion Wid Hold one minute and 35 se-e'Doix"'; to 90, berlenth tohK-, grain. TINe. accid�-_n.t it)c_ ...." , ... :, Members of the Seaforth Legion T,h)e play in tile oveftime wn,q al) wa.q lhis fativm-in-law, J. E. Bed -ford, . . ., voill hold their anduali Bingo party in e 011t of Nelson, B. C. Mr. Bedford escap. . D' Company Armories on Tuesday Plekett, )cam(' IVI'OsP to woring twice, .... I , nrenilng, March 21st. when Staide came out to make gjqmp, A doctor fr,oqn Princ* Albert rusilied, ... : ... Valuable prizes w114 be available, wonderful sRvP,R. It wa,q a wide open to Weldon by plant-, piloted by An- - . ;1 nd as- in past years all, proceeds go ten minutes of hockey, as each was gus OamphellMr. Weir was dead, be- 11 o the Leglon�s charitable fund, , trying te, get the wininting goa,i. The fore the physician arrivedi. . . I "I'll - next game will be in Stratford on Hlon- Robert Weir was well known . :-i Dun-nell, sports editor of that ;aperl County. He wa,,; bom Dec. 6, 1982, .... '. . . 11 ROSEDALE says: I I slon of flobert Wleir and Jane John- .,!! I Frank M,01,,"w,,n ,&, around the Sea, ,9,,,,,* He receivell his early education 11 fe"t'h disfenee in the first minate of in Clinton Collegiate Institute, later .. . . .11 ` Alberta Coal l5lay,, On a pass from Ills brotber. 9`0112 -_ 1; I I Piu-noll. Frank pultledi Stride out. of lie obtaini,d his B.A. degree.. From Mr. Weir was first elected to the , " postiflon arrid, then slid the puck past 1912 to 1915 he was Inathernabcs House of Cor=�Dris at tile gentral el- I'll Posit at the open sildo of the npt. teacher at Rvgdtia ()otiegiate Institute ection in July 28, 1930. and VMS al), . '.. For steady even. the venalt, to Archie Hub,w)t. and was public s,�,hool in I . tile Spector In Pointed Minister of Agriculture in the .i 11 . former Taviistock ace, opernied the way 'Sa9h-a-tchewan from 1919 to 1924. Rt, Hon. R. 13. BemlnetCq cabinet on ..- 11 burning qualities for the first gmil, at. tlire,(, minutes, On August 27, 1922, he was married August 84A of that year. . , ""I, Making advantage of tille extra. qri,�tn, to Miss Dorothy Va.pice, of Em-amon, Ole bilueshirtq moved down, Hal Man. He ,bad several children, Mr. W.eir ilost his Melftt, riding Ift `i�l He was well known as a , ,the 1936 general ellecdona, Va*A the �, means comfort 24 Gibbs, parked iT, fro -nit of the seafort,h breeder of ;11 eagle, took a. pa,se from bacl,t ,of the pure bred live stock and had farm$ - ,1�1't net by Kon Pickett, Gibbs made no at Weldon, Sask., and at He was defeated by. M. g,i-;U4i4 ihab- ,;'-r fly. Mistake on, bile sdifot. He drilie4 one Creek, Alta. The .Rom Mr. Wel,r serv- 'am . I . .' 'r* '"'t' - high Into the upper comer of the cage. led, overseas duping the Gr4mt Wkw as . ., \ �i;,'Al Smk)]W Havds 961, up for a sibort ,5n WmPan.7 commander in the 78th gat- ,..Ir",,; bhe Cll,nitopl net while his team AVE trdtilom He was wounded ' ,ed to, his; native coutty toovm, Wwg�, '��"41�,�"`