The Huron Expositor, 1939-03-03, Page 4hF.l i y )'l'n. a f r.i } 1 ..y,.i ., F r: .. i 1 d. n 4 &. r s ,� 1 ,: ;•: ��I # i s s 2.., i yti h fM fl ro i .�, � 4. >C, ,.a , �• i I„ r yk, ,. a.. 4 Ur, e { s lop 17 , s 1-W, eS .a �,+ Y� } .,r, ^°S r .,, .. "f ;. I, kul I�..r. p.,;Ga tr.r '`ii:�} , t,. ,# .,. -d �,, ;lf,. t ,.1 ,,, f , �, .. !"I.N r �"t ',x.,.�., # uu{a ,.f. 4 i L' o- art t;',r, t ..1 iS f` n m `1. ,`► ..: 0 eJivf` .,.,7'_ &)T, KWPEN Ij P:tl 4 f�, K. as Is i- f t" e d IT .>ri, f h ,z . Mr. Boheli Da a1 Tuckeatsi#31 i1'�`�a4;7✓i{yn✓,t attended the funera3ofhis brother -in, .1 ,' �1CLtfil r law, Mr_ WiNialia Sullivan, who died P °r y ll,,i a at his homle in Toronto on Sunday '. ,1 40sified Ads will- be inserted at new low cash rates 1)he, funeral was held on Tuesday: Y't I, .1" 1.x: Mgr, John McMurtrie, of Stanley, vis ti {I- & fi., ol% Wanted. Lest sad Find. Caress Jhmrb ir0� Sar -march g..d✓�il+'M ited over the week -egad with his bro +5' _11 fit`' >' 1st week . . 1 they Alex_ of Taros ko. 411�,z 2zo w % Mr. and Mals. E .Kyle, of the village `� - Srd week ............................. % Cetaf 1. si 2�t. •. Minimum �� � Insertion ...... 26 , entertained a number of their friendE .° 11tA'- Emb there. int and abbrrevdatba groat; as one wool. on Monday evening. �4t"�"-i Card •t Than)a. ICY m.marL� Noticm-1 eras per wow linowa. 60 c� per weed Mrs Ries Mousgeew of Zurich, is �# i3 °I r} VaQWrits may be duet, to a Rex Nnudm ear. cd Tbs Hmon ratites, for 10 cents spending a few days at the home o. ' $ r�" , ; eztm her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. ane 1 i,", Tenn cents ulditfon°a1 per west w111 be etaarwad ti do above rices an not paid h7 tics Mls- E- Mousseau of the village. r t?,f..'' faabnrday nitrbt ;m tea wed bh.�,#w,_�birh t8a ad ,>r smo Mr. Peter Cameron spent a feu I 11 Births. Marria>zea and Deaths fneeabnd Edea of t6 It t, , }Suellen $alp, Nsiios to Craditoaa, fife -Ara on days visite friends in Toronto cur ,I .tluln_ -- - jug the week - Personal SLUGGISH KIDNEYS IMPAIR YOUR +he,470, R. • T.O_Wby Aon quickly cleanses uod' 4nv� the Kidwys- Use Rmaca ps. KEATING'S DttUG SM 6-1 Wanted 7 VANTED TO BOILRow-64.000, F1iLST YY �.�3e on ysnfitnhle In as se- curAy_ Apply Box 191, EXPOSITOR, 3715x2 Property For Sale HOUSE FOR RENT—ATKB380N REM - r1 denee, .c."conegiate: amtlstoom and fw- nace ; hardwood floors; 5 bedrbonxs- Posses- sion given immefbately- Apply MnCO NELL & BAYS. -1IVME FOR SALE —THS CH APMAN homme on Jarvis Street; necess-=s to close out es a Appay W McCONNF-T,r. & HAYS, Sea4uAh. or L_ C, CHAPMAN. God_ Auction Sales gUGTION SALE HORSES --THE UNDER- si Tied AVtioneer has been ms-tracted to sell by public auction.' at_ E,ust 'half Loft 29, Concession 11, Hibbert, Thursday, Marr$ 9th, 1-3,9 o clack p_m-, the fallowing: 22 es ,-,sing tbxee a¢rd four ye=s old; have been bitebed aad quiet; two span aged isors�es; 2 Yorkshire saws, due m Mamb : 2 saddles. Terms- -Gash. KINSMAN BROS., "ProDrie- tiois ; Wad- Naim Auctioneer. 3q16x1 AIICITDN SALE--THEI{E WILL BE SOLD " try public auction on the premises' Lot 16, Cons 10, McKillop, 4 males east of Win- thriap, Wednesday, March 1,5,tih, at 1 o'clock p -m-, -the folloWiug : Two bedroom suitor : 2 + mut&esses ; 3 dining room chairs and couch; I 5 kitchen chaffs; dining room table and Xmbes : huggT ; set ssnzle haruess ; 2 small tables; Idttohen cupboard : quantity dry hard- wood ; other aum auricles vio nuerolL, to 'me-n- stioa- At the same tame there .PT be said ;the farm, eons ting of 75 ac'ms, with good bualdings. Term -s on Chattels—Cash" On parm-10 per ctfut- cash and balaacc in 301 ,days. NUS. W. J, BOLTON, ,Proprietress:1 Geo, H- Elliott, A uctio neer. 8716-2 EON'T FAIL TO ATTEND THE NEXT Community Auction Sale at Clinton. an . Tuesdav,, March, 7 . 1.30. when the follav:ing stock will be offend for scale, Property of Joseph Crkh : 1 team heavyhorses : 1 Sow due to freshen time of sale; 1 cow due 'Z freshen May Lst: 1 cow due to freshen July lit; 1 cow due to freishen October: 2 he nisim, 2: 3 heifers ris•inv 1; 1 steer using 2; 1 steer rising 1: 100 White Leghorn hens; Oliver beam scuffirr, nearly new. This sage is lopeins wdu patronized and pr ices good. Terms reayoxrable. For fuller pasiticulars, Phone or wa to A E. TO WNSHEND, Manager, 23 an 606, Clinton; Goo. H. Elliott, Auctioneer - 3716 -1 EXECUTOR'S SALE of FARM LANDS 1 CLOSE AN ESTATE, THERE WILL BE offered Pur sale by public muction, on Friday, March 10th, 1939, at 3.00, par. drsrmg the Ooafmunity Sale at the Dick soon S+ctalloath, the following 8ands:— Pan'tel One--Lo't 7, Concession 7, Towix-,WV of Tuckermrth, Huron Road Survey, 100 acres, on which is szA to be erectai a —1 frame house, ,lar•_e bank barn about 46. x 78, cement .tido, drive shed, pig pen, hen hvuse> two IrJDAMM115, three wells. Parrceil Toto- Fast half Lot 9, Concc�2 c G. Township of TuckQ rnith, Huron Road Sar- veor, 5.0 acres, on Which there is said tlo be ereoted a frame barn about 34 x 54 with a weul Parcel Three --Welt haif Lot 9, Comrl%sion 6, 11trm7wliip of Tuckersmith, Huron Road Surma vey, 50 acres, an which there is said do be erected a tunall frame cottage on stone Wun- da:ti� frame barn about 36 x 56, castle barn 32 x 70, wall at house, spring creek - Terms of SaLe--Cash. payable ten per cent- at entat .bine of sale, and balance in thirty days. A11 parcels offered subject to reserve had, if requested., parcdls will be offered en bloc. For further particulars apply to . Ii G. MEIR, Seaforth, Solicitor for Executor. George H.. Elliatt, Auod.,teer. 3716-2 Notice To Creditors NOTTCE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM EDWARD Chapman, 13 -c ed - Ali pen: rn having claims ar[ain•t the Es- tate of W-r_kiam Edward Chapman. late of the 7bw*n of ticai'orth. in the County of Hur- on, Marble '1 deceased Who died on or about the 1st day of January, 1939, are herebywitified 1A, send in to the underaiuned on or ?afire -the 18fth day of March. 1939, fiijl Meddlers of their olaims, verified by aii-xf r, it ImMadia th l adber khe ,add last mentioned date, dire ah,_ of the said estate will be dsirrihuBdd oritorritat: the parities entitled there- to. having rexa-r d only to dopa ins of which dbe umimi-isvied ..shah] then have notice, to the excau'"sibn of all obliery, and the urndor•- §ig iced w tM not be l fable to any person of wbaw claim the undersigned shall not Chen have ifttice for the assets so diAributed or any vwlt 'thereof. DATED at Sdaforth this 271& day of Feb- ruary, rim. LAN'r"RD CHAPMAN hod A ONZO CHAPMAN, Executors. By f ufir snili"tnre, McOONNELL & HAYS, Secafottth, Ont 371" Notices NOTICE , . THE HURON FARMERS' CO-OPERATIVE On- of Hensen. Ont-, open the season c4 1959 with a £nl] bare of cedar. 1 car od Manilbuilin red cedar: fertilizer (hwredrentg), mixed if d-ried ; corn and other ,feeopde end tueals ; EngUf h barbell wire aad motor o6L WILLIAM PEPPER, Manhgor. 3714-5 . TOWN OF SEAFORTH TAX PRE -PAYMENT RE- CEIPTS FOR 1939 The Town will pay 4 per cent. per annum up to Aug. 31, 1939, on all prepaid 1939 taxes. Certificates and full particulars may be obtained from the Town Clerk's of- fice in the Town. "111, . Mall; ' cy ' W 1i J,�.ik701\, •4 I '.. �uror. s7 k Articles For Sale Mrs, Morley Cooper, of the 2nd con cession, Tuelaersmitb, and Mrs. Bell, Wrights, Of the village, &pent the -eel Fj OB, SAI — 1 SINGE BOB sLoop kA.k&- Chi ftr cia.h Appb W W- A. end in London visiting friends. GRICX 3715.tf Friday, Feb_ 24, was t' -e World Da? of Prayer, the day when women ",holt I7IAN* o FOR SALE --SVS SALE. GOOD uvnd&bt Apply to Box 193, RX- the world together by prayer" and ere POSrDOR OFTICE. 3715-3 ate a day i+hat stretches its length to forty flours fitom the sun in Nev Farms For Sale Mand where the women have a sun rising prayer meeting, through th, mK mng and afternoon hours in cit ��AB 43 DDA SAi. OR RENT—ago ACRES, ieB, towns and hamlets amun'd th mile eb.Gt of vlWAun, Lob; 4 axrd 5, !lath goncessiun. '17�nship of Grey_ Large bank world, as new groups continue to joie ha—, f: rou5e6 escEdlent graNe] pit. Ax- in praise and 'prayer, until the da; ply 4b FRANK FiNGLA-ND. Chutiion, Ont ends in lee and snow on an island o1 Mlle tt the coast of Alaska, thirty miles fron the Arctic Circle- A group of St. An Fj ARM FOS sAI1� W ACRD OF CHDICB W� waeer~<d, QiaDd buadimgs drew's women met at the home o encbrd roodl p� 33ydrto louse ,,,,d I— Eby pe�+�as applyy Mrs. T. N. Forsyth and joined in" th MRS 4111ARI&S WA11SON, II boxce, great fellowship of intercession, fa 3725•'4 lowing throughout the Program Pr( pared for use by all, the theme N Lost and Found ing, "Let us put our love into deedf and make at real." Mrs. Chandle] piresident of the Aupliary, acted a TRAYED HI R—ON OR ABOUT 1Sth S •IdomemNsr, on Luo 23, Comaessiim 5.Trrck- leader_ All present united in respoi ersxn66h; red, with %vh*be in filet, own- sive readings and prayer. The regula er may abave ste ass �rifk6ring and payer monthly meeting was combined wit SeafordL HN SAD§ OOT. Phe a 1413716-1 the prayer service, Mrs. Cooper tal rich, sn6-tf ing thb. study on.. `Ministry in th Storms Cert r'es, Chap. 5 of the Worl in Canada, .dealing with the problem J For Sale or Rent of the siums. Unbelievable condition in slum areas were described. In tires 'horrible surroundings there resid FRAME FOR SALT: OR RENT --SMALL r aheh, Ap- .nage in ER,mondvs'I3e, fzm'm- some of the finest of our people- p1y McCONNELL & BAYS, or J. M- CARD- people of culture and intellect; peop] NO. 3716-1 of excellent character, driven by mi fortune to seek shelter where th lowest rent was available. Also ther is the Prohe 1 m outside the slums I • Baby Chicks the great cities are always to be foun I areas of vice, attractions not only fc evil seekers, but traps for the your, EGGS, POULTRY, FEED—WE PAY HIGH- est oash pry fo5 ew-gs and Voultry. Or- and immature. Important work is b dez your chicks this year from Kerslake's Pit,duce- and know that are receiving ing carried on in downtown and su you the "Beat," hatched by "Fairview Poultry urban areas Of almost all the lars Farm." Give your baby ehicias a better start cities, the workers of Women's hli with Pionc-er Clii,k Starter. We bave on hand at all trimer cod liver oil, oy_ter she]], filOIlary societies and Home '.1115S1C oa cake. Soya ben oil mea], mill feels, etc. Boal'ds co-operating_ Sat;5flect3on_ (bL-Ality. Service. A- W-- KEPLAKE, Phone 40, nensall ; ,, 3516x2 WINTHROP -•-"-" Card of Thanks The euchre and dance held in t1 hall Friday nigbt was well attende MRS. JAMES DICK AND FAMILY, OF Be=an, wish to expos they Thanks for The prize winners were: Ladies, mo the kimda4;s of the .neighbors and friends games, Mrs. Joseph Dolmage; lol during rhe iilitness of the !este Jaynes Dick' the officiating mia.i Aers, Rev. W. A, YoanK hands, Miss Margaret MOn'tgOmer; mrd Rev.. R_ A- Brook, nod syerw thanks to men' most $amen, Mr. Perham; sol the men who so kindly •presented her w;}yh a hands, Mr. Reg. Littie. After lunch purse ey' few -hours were spent in dancing, MSS_ JAMES DICK AND FAMILY. 3716-1 Mr- Gillies and Mr. Bill CampbE left on Tuesday to assume their d ties on the Captain Secord at Tre Births ton, Lake Ontario. We are sorry to hear of Mr. Re Pryce, who attends Normal, is lion McCLURE -in Scott Memorial Hospital_ Sea- forth, on February 25th, to Mr. and. Mrs- W. J. McClure, 'Waitbn, a son On fire SICk list. We wish you speedy recovery, Reg - The changeable weather 'still sta; with cold stormy, rain and sleet a1 sunshine. Roads are still heavy GODERICH TP. places. Helping Hand Mission Band Meet Mr. Rabest McCartney took in the excursion to Toronto on Saturday, re- The Helping Hand Mission Bar turning Monday- held their meeting in the Wautbri Miss Dorothy Cox, of London, spent Church on Saturday when the met the week end with her parents, ]Mir. ing opened with a hymn, after all r and Mrs. Leslie Cox- peat,ed the Mission Band Purpos Miss Dora Harrison had the mister. The World's Day of Prayer progra tune to burn, her hand badly. and for children was carried out, Junio break ane finger wthen putting a large and Seniors worshipped together. Tl block of wood in the stove. theme was "God's Children in Mai Mr. Jam Cox is visiting his cousins Lands." Those taking part were E at London for a week. itch and Berva Blanchard; also Ru . Pethick. The Scripture -was Matthe 25:31-40, read by Anna .Soammervill All repeated the Lord's Prayer. DUBLIN vary interesting letter was read 1 Ruth Pethick from Mrs. Cowan, to Mr. and Mrs. Leo Bolger, of Wyan- dotty, Mich., were recent vdsitors with ing -how the Indians spent, Cha-is't'm, Mr. and Mrs- James Jordan, at Christian Island- Mrs, Craw to Mrs, W-71haml Curtin was a wee! . about three girls from other lank end visitor in Taranto. Trinidad, Obina and Korea, shown Mr. Joseph Looby motored' to Allis- the value of our time spent hel#pii ton for a few days. those of other lands- A prayer hyo The following were week-enxi visi- was sung, and we then, divided f tors at their 'homes here: Miss Nora the study, McGrath, Clanebtloye; Miss Rita Stap- Senior Band leton, TOroEdo ; Miss E"bhelene O'Hearn, Goderde-b- The roll call was answered 11 mel Ars- Katbleen Feeney returned home from bets. A fiymn was 'sung and, Oii- St. Joseph's Hospital, Pryce gave the study of the first bot London, after a recent operation, of the New Testament., Matbbe Margaret Habkirk gave an indere: ing paper on Pioneers from the fir STANEEN chapter of the study book_ Mrs. Cra donated money to buy material Mr. and Mrs. Neil McDonald, and start work on a Iyette. Worn, met dmughter, of Goderioh, visited last ing was arranged,, to take place at .tl week with Mr. Pod Mrs, Bruce Mo- home of Muriel Dolmage. Roll ci Clnnchey and other friends in Stan- for next meeting will be a verse of 1ey- favorite hymn. Sentence prayer w. Ml's. John. A- Armstroug spent a given by Muriel "Dolan ge and Ru few days last week with cher sister, Campbell. We then retired to clo Mr's. Bert McKay, wlho is (taking treat- wibh a hymn and Mission Band Pre ments in Toronto General Hospital. er. Mr. Art Keys, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Keys and Mrd. Bruce McClinchey at- Junior Mission Band temded a lubmionary convention in Roll call was answered by tweet London at SPL Andrew's United two members. The stud y Period w', Church: last Wednesdiay as delegates taken by Toll. The offering from Gosberl United ChPurela taken by Roy Holman and a hyo was sung. Va'entines were distribi ed and candy served_ The meetli EGMOND.ILLE% closed with Hymn 597 and Missit Band Prayer. The regular meeting of the Eg- mondviiie Y. P. Society was held on W. M. S. and W. A. Meets Wednesday, March lat. The meeting opened with Miss Edith Wallace pre The W. M. S. and W. A. Societi Siding. Hymn 390, "Hark, For the met at the home of Mrs. Roy Patri, Night is Coming," was sung and the on Feb. 24, with a good attendan< minutes of last meeting were read' A'f- Preceding the meeting Mrs. Wil'm ter the bvsdnexsa discussion Isabel For- Cuthill played quiet music. The pre Vest, Edna Macdonald and Murray dent, Mrs. Alexander, then took t. Williams took charge of the worship chair and led the Word's Day Period and the hymn, "Take Time To Prayer !program, A moment of s Be Holy" wary sting. Mr. G. Brown, enPce was followed by prayers by M1 of Seaforth, gave several instr#umen-. C. Dolmage, Mrs. G. Smibh, Mrs. Jc talc of iris own comrposi•tlioD, which Hogg' Mxs• H• McGluTe ani M1 everyone enjoyed. 'Men the hymn, Blansllard. The presentation of ti "I Am So Glad, That Our Father in need of Christian literature was ab Heaven`' was sung. Games and con- taken by Mrs. Toll. The offering w tests were directed, by Mayme wat, received after which Mrs, Cuthill to eon and warden Haney. A lunch was •ored with -a 8010. The dledicato b"eftVut-d after which the Mizpah belle- prrayer Was repeated in unison, th, diction was rrepeated. ' - ,,we T11annk Thee That Thy Cbur1 ", . , "' -", I , � 1, 11111'111111� t- ,.. .I . .. . .op , , a l.G } ser -, . x44A�,}. 'JJ:1�.4„ 14..4..>ti"l, x51..,.., ,.v .Jf:_) .. .-. . ...1. a W f -C Y ' tt :P ' 9 h l Fa ✓c J {, '� t tY 1 n t, 3 A 4 h. ,9t 1P A Y YF xY Y I r a >r +'d a 1 1 r, . Nr It i� x r, o• t a ) It >i" � 1 V 4 4r1 h 1 i 4 � S J l l. V 1' r i A Yy �zz A,'- N tY r 4 del'" S': Y 1,ti Ff ki, 3 ! Y „ �ti. J, �'°�I rL i � �� yy '� t {"•>;'� , >< 1T a "t r. Fl � e � � � v . y ! 41 xv ,f.. n 1, , a 4. P p � 1! , � it v i ) T! h 1'i ..v{I tF SV 'S �'4' cc'�.S"S '1 �# .Y ���y �a . t n'76In , •1 'v a 4, n7' t' R. k.. k m } r5.,4. i . `h r. h�' ,a�`Fro 6 Y ''ii 1 h i T°J , 4 .� t '�J .G as . 1 1 i :� . ..r kh'4 ,.: err " ,,,t, . , ,, ., - nsnl.� ' , �, u 4'CG. '. . h � t , C, �tt r .iia„t i” np�` . l?, �1, d .. X ,,.. r: ;<;C . `. �' . , �► . . --.=1I1- - 1. 1:11; 4 ­­ - . . I . 1 1 4----- . --VM-,,...,t, ,. ' . ,' . ,i.' ", [We+erlue wool' suux and the bea e-1 sbootex Pt the' 1aff pue Gindq Won bhe Coming to li�oxlr grioolp,unced. T #remainder 3 honer in, the lan�nual; •fs4=41all p�$� 1:� I 3.f , tha MP , yaps €f) chargs of Cir- ° poll of sports editoro, who 'voted 04 3 r jlfrs.. A, i'at clx OS captain. � the basis of three ' Iigi pto for first H ilaa .1 �vag sum; followed with choice, two for tsec�olmd, and one iolr Hensall , ides by b4rst dote 'Phe atopic was third. Efghtar n .edltOru gave M*O ,- .. ably #akeaa by Mfg iR Mcl?arlane, .the MacDonald 30 poinRe. Mise Maul 1'. theme lie%* "Ministry in the Storm aid is also holder o1 the Fecleraf:Ag1n. C. B. WILKINSON, R.®. Centre," A fitting duet, was rendered Rose Bowl, voted her by the. Wo by Mrs- Hillen and Mrs; Patrick. The menti Federation in November, whi0h OPHTHALR:IG OPTICIAN +' Bible reading was taken by Miss Ed- too signifies Canada'o No. 1 1938.all' VVingham ith maga, Matthew 25, verses 31-45, tete. She was promoted to the Grails r. followed by Hymn 38.4- Rev. Mr. in 1933 after one season with Gradu- will be at w. O. GiaodwlWe Store e - CraW closed the meeting with prayer. ettes, a 'farm team',' Miss MacDo - ery lot and 3rd Tuell"ye In the A dainty lunch was nerved by Cir- hid'has been: captain of thei.champlons montb, commencing June 7th, for cle3. 1 since 193.6. One of the tallest play- the purposo of te6d" OYe@ and AV ers performing at centre, 5 feet 101/2 ting glasses. Difficult cases hSud1 inches, she is considered by Coach those that bare not been Property . I ENt'AIaL Perry Page the main reason for Grade fitted are specially recommended to . continued success. In 15 games dur- consult me. • Hours, 10 a.m. W 6 ing 1938, c'hei scored 236. She Is en- p.nx Phamle Hensall 16 for appolnt- Knitting Yarlas as follows: Corti- gages in secretarial work for nine meat. 3677 colli, Homespun, Oldgovernment pos E3aglish and An_ !holds a schools in Edmonton, and she also ition. Miss gore, at Good'aviih's. of bile late Hl r. and, Mrs.'Phcrmpson MacDonald is a daughter of Mr. and Murdock, late of Hensall: "Secretary- The community at large regret to 'Ml's• Geo- MacDonald (nee Jean Hor- treasurer of the Calgary Stock E:.• learn of the death on Thursday, Mas. ton), of Hensaii, and a gland dough- change since 1933, Arthur Cleveland 2nd, of Mr. Fred Hess, in his 71st ter of Mrs. Agnes Horton':, of Tien- Hogm-th, 54 years, 301.9 Second! St. year. Mx: Hess rims been jeweller sa1L .%he was presented with the Southwest, died at his residence af- here for some years. Funleral ar- trophy kvown as the Rose Bowl at ter suffering for several weeks fl'om t rangements clave not been made as the Maple Leaf Garden in Toronto a Ibeartailment. Born in 1885 in New yet. A full obituary will appear next Saturday evening last at the conclu- Durham, Out., Mr, Hogarth attended week- sion of the Boston: Bruins and Maple public and ,high school at Nor-wicll,When,, The euchre and dance sponsored by Leaf 'hockey game, the presentation unit. In 1911 he married Vera Mur - the Chamber of Commence on Wed- being made by the Mayor of Toronto. dock, of Hensall, who with three sons nxsdap night was very successful She was escorted to centre ace by anal: a gmidison 13UI ,el.L "him. Mr. . there belag thirty-five •tab?es in play. Coach, Mr. Perry Page and Mr. Ed. Hogarth had been a resaflent of Cal - The ladies° first prize went to Mrs. Shore of the Boston Bruins, who or- gar•y since 1926. In 1930, be was You C- Wagon, Kippen;'-2nd, Mrs. R, Me- iginally was an Edmonton boy. Miss elected to membership in the Calgary Allister, Zurich; golive first, Albert MacDonalds& cousins presented her Stock Exchange and had been a mlem- R'eiehert, Zurich; 2nd, Max Hudson, witfi a purse of money and a beauti- ,her of the management Committee, Hensall; .ladies' consolation, Mi ®s A_ ful ring. She was 'unable to play at since 1931. in 1933 he was elected to Ryckman Exeter; men's consolation, Toronto on account of a heavy cold, the position of secretary -treasurer and James McNaughton,, Hensall, The the first game she had ever missed. held that office until his death'. PriorRequire dancwas largely attended •with the 'Me team! left Toronto for Montreal, to coming to Calgary Mr. Hogarth was Murdock orchestra, in attenadance- 'thea to Kingston, Detrolt, Chicago manager of Molsons Bank at Revel - Wm. Hayter was floor ager. and back to Edmonton, Alta., where stoke, B.C. He was an active, mem- Miss MacDonald resides with her par- her of the Renfrew Club in. Calgary. Death of John Baker ents.C Miss MacDonald was heard! nov-g. setter heads er CFRB, Toronto, Saturday evening. Besides �hds wife, Mr. Hogarth leaves One of the well known and respect- three sone Bruce, Dennis and Leon - ed residents of the Township of Hay' Hold Successful Carnival ard; a sister, Mrs, L. O. McLennan, passed away on Tuesday at his home Aylmer, Ont.; a brother, H. C. Hog- fram pneumonia. He lives to mourn The carnival sponsored by the rink arth, Ottawa and a 'grandson, His Envelopes his passing his sister, MTs. William cammdttee was held on Thursday ev- brother and Mrs. Hogarth's sister, Luker, of Hensall, and two brothers, ening last with a good attendance, Miss Ethel Murdock, are in the city Peter on the neighboring farm, and with prizes won by the following:— at the present time." , William in the West. A private fun- Ladies' character, Miss Edith Dick Carmel Presbyterian Church servic- elal ,was ,held on Thursday afternoon and Helen Moir; girls' character, Len- es on Sunday last were well attended Billheads from his •late (home with interment in 'ore Normi'ngton and Shirley Hadden, with Rev. W. A. Young conducting the Lutheran cemetery at Zurich. The 1st; June Kennedy, 2nd;' Doris Buch- both services; morning anthem by pallbearers were R. McBride, John anan, 3rd; gent's character, Harold bhe choir, "The City of Our King," McBride Clarence Park, Sam McBride, Hedden; boys' character, 1st, Billy alto solo, Mrs. W. A. Maclfdren;" ev- Mickle; 2nd, D. and Mac Grant, Exe- ening anthem, "Sti , Still . With I Tome Dinsmore and Ray Lemont- � Statements Messrs. Ted Munn, Dave Kyle, Rus- ter; girls' race, under 12, Gloria Twit- Thee," soloists, '_Vire. W. A. -.Young sel Kyle, William Joynt and, Roy chell; over 12, Gloria Twitchell; boys' and Mrs. W. A. MacLaren, and a Brock were in Toronto on Saturday race, under 12, Alvin Smale; open pleasing duet, -'The Lord's My Shep- attending the hockey game between race, Roy Brock_ The judges were herd'," Miss Irene Hoggaxth and Mrs. Boston Bruins and the Maple Leafs. Mrs. Claude Blowes, Garnet Case, l W. A. MacLaren, Miss; Reta Bell, 15 -year-old daughter Reeve Shaddick, Jas. A. Paterson. 1 The Young Peopl'e's Society of Car- of Dodgers of Mr, and. Mrs. W- G. Bell, of Hay Hensall Band was in attendance under mel Presbyterian Church met Mon- Township, wrilo has been in very poor direction of G. M. Grant. The rdsult day night. The meeting opened with health for some time, was taken to of the 20 -minute hockey game be- the devotional, followed by a hymn Montreal on Tuesday and it is ex- tween the Leans vs. Fats resulted in and the Lord's Prayer in unison. The Counter pected will have to submit to an op- a score of 5-0 for the leans. Goal ten- Scripture lesson was read' by Doug rraxion, and the services of a noted dz,r for the Leans, Alton Fairbairn; las Sangster. Devotional topic entit Montreal specialist and hospital care for the Fats, Kenneth Manm ns. led, "Gomissioued as Witnesses" will, five trust, bring beneficial results. was tftken by Mrs'. Roy McLaren. Miss CheckBooks Delphiae Jackson, 10 -year-old daughd _ Mrs. Barbara Ferguson, rw druggist, Helen Walker as in charge of the captured first prize for 'best costume missions ter of Mr, and Mrs. George Jackson, ry part of the meeting. Ilan - at the carnival held in Seaforth re-" tern slides were shown on Home Mis- is seriously ill in Victoria Hospital, cently, cions, also Dr. Margaret Strang -Sao - London, with a severe form of dia- betes, but we trust Del"phine will soonThe council, following the heavy age. Mrs. J. W. Bonthron sang a Ledg ecs experience a change for the better, snfow storm of the first of this week,solo "Garden of Prayer," and the Mr,. and Mrs. James A. Paterson have ,had men at work on Main Street meeting closed with a hymn and were in Toronto over the week -end removing the surplus snow, prayer. visiting relatives and also attended Although ,the, day was cold and •Booklets the hockey gameBoston between Boston The village plow has kept all of roads icy, there was a good; crowd at Bruins and Maple Leafs on Saturday the streets in good condition for ped- the communitly auction sale ,on Wed -,Booklets evening. I estrians which efertainly is much ap- uesday, many buyers coming from a In the play-off game in the Cyclone preciated'. distance. There is a good demand for almost an kind of live stock, feed League between CreMon vs. Hensall y Tags on the local rink Monday evening, Large quantities of grain continue being plentiful and a good market for ' Crediton was,victorious in a score of to be brought into market, meeting finished cattle and hogs, good used 7-4 Aith ready demand and good prices, farm impk4ments, heavy harness, dry The Bingo sponsored lip the Cana• wood, used building materials, cedar We regret to state that Mrs. Wm" posts and man other articles were dian Legion held on Wednesday even- J. Jones, who ,has been veryy or ing last in the Town Hall, was well Poorly looked for and would have brought far a number of months confined to good prices. We understand Mr. patronized and twenty prizes were her home, is at date of writing quite Walker intends boldin' another sale distributed. seriously ill. in March, just as soon as there is en - United Church NewsMr, T. C. Joyn•t'has been suffering ough entries for sale to make it worth while. The community shed makes a any The YoungPeople's Union of the from a very severe type of cold dur- , inn the past week or eo, but we hope very suitable place for these sales; United Church will be the guests e soon to see ,him in the enjoyment of it is roomy, clean and dry. We hope the Young People's Union of the Evangelical Church, Zurich, FYidathese sales continue as from many this customary health, y reports they -help business in tl- ecenirrg, when the visitors will supply Mr. John Baker, of the Town Line ss he viother lege. Community -sales were held in the program_ Appearing'on the pro- In the Township of Hay, near Hills g green, is confined to his home through the old lands over a century ago, be g7 -am will be Miss Greta Lammie, Pio- ing known as 'Fails.' lin solo; Dave Kyle, coronet solo; an attack of pneumonia, which at his The Commissioners of tfbe Tuck,er- reading, Miss M, Ellis; age is ci5tical, and big sis- Ellis; duet, Misses smith Telephone System together Bella Sma1e and Minnie Sangster ; ter, '-Mfrs. be Luker, of this village, Printing g with Hensall subscribers, held a m�eet- iano duet, Misses Goldie Cross and is and has been waiting on him, and ing in the Town Hall Tuesday even - Elva Mc ucon; it is hoped he may take a obange for Q piano solo, Miss ing to discuss the advisability of p.ur- the better, g, possible, the Bell Tele - The guest speaker will be Mrs. R. J. The sanding of the sidewalks on phone System of Hensall. Following Main Street has made it much safer. Phone Moore who will speak on "Canada's Mr. Peter Stewart has been quite this mettin,g, another will be held in Coat of Arms." Refreshments will he poorly for the past week or so, but the near future. after more info! ina- served. tion has been secured. The Comhnis- is improving nicely. sioners for Tuckersmith Telephone The Y. P. U. observed Missionary The Day of Prayer was observed Syswho ho were the speakers, were Night on Monday evening with Miss in the United Churob on Friday last. Mr. A- Petrie, of Brucefield, and Mr. �� Doreen Farquhar presiding and the The program of the World0s Day of William Alexander, of Hensail. roll call answered with 'a Scripture Prayer was carried out when the three verse. Folinwing the singing of "A presidents of the W.M.S. of the vil- Crediton 'Wins Call To Loyal Soldiers," Shirley Fair- lage took charge of the service, Mrs. bairn led in grayer; Scripture read- Ballantyne, 1st vice-pres. for bhe Crediton defeated Hensall by a ing, Miss Edna Saundlereock; topic, United Church in the absence of the score of 7-4. Fabner for Crediton was �h Miss Minnie Sangster; a girls! quart- President, Mrs. Gross; Miss Mary Fee outstanding, while D. Brown ibr Hen V ette, Misses Pearl HarPole, Elva Me- for the Anglican, and Mrs. Colin Hud- salt Played in exe.ollent form, Owing Queen, G. Corse and R. Brook; piano son for Carmel Presbyterian,,Special t.o soft foe conditions, the game was t solo, Miss G. Lammie; closing,hymn, a prayers were given by Mrs, C" A. Mc- a little slow buts) ' both teamplayed beautiful solo, "Beautiful Isle of Some- Done]), Mrs. Wil. Lammie, Mrs. Good- excellent ,hockey- Goals scored for. . ope where" was rendered by Miss Minnie win., Mrs_ Manson, M. W. A. McLar- C`r"djton: W. F`ah:ner 3, A. Fah'ner 2, Sangster .with Mass G. Lammie ac- en, Miss Jennie Murray gave a won- Bowden 1, Haist 1; for Hensall: Hud- comPanying at the PiaJno. The clos- derful address on "Make Our Love son 2, Brock 1, Foster 1. Crediton ing hymn, "A Better Day is Coming" Real"; Mrs, J. W. Bonthron sang a has a three goal lead on Hensall to and benediction Closed: the meeting. beautiful solo entitled, "Christ of the start the next game. This game was -Expositor the Playoff Services on Sunday last were con- Cross"; Miss Greta Laramie, organist yo i ntbe Cyclone League. ducted by Atte pastor, Rev. R. A. of the United Church, played softly a Crediton—Goal, Smlith; defense, H. Brook- The morning anthem by the pretty instrumental during the offer- Wolfe, Wolfe; centre, Vti liabner; • choir was "Stand by Por Jesus" and tory wings, A- Fmihner, Bowden; subs., the evening anthem, "Beneath the , Karst, Baynham, Faust, Heist, Tay- lor. Hensall--Goal, Moir; defense, Cross." Miers Bella Swale contributed Dies in Calgary Manns, Foster; centre, M. Tudor; a pleasing solo, "Cling To the Bible, My Bay,'! and Mr. Wilson Carlisle The follovnng, which appeared in wings, Brown, Hudson; subs., K-Pam sang a' well -rendered solo, `The Old the Calgary Herald of recent date, will more, Brook, Little, G, Passmore, Time Religion," both request num- be of interest to the relatives and Brock- bers. many friends of the late Mr. Hogarth, In recent games Played, Hensall vs. r • A union service of the three local who in his early years was on the St. MaryB,- on St. Marys rink, the churches will be held in St. Paul's staff of The Molsonls Bank of this score was 5-3 for Hensall; Hensall vs. - Anglica.n Church Sunday evening on village, and later the ,husband) of St. Marys, played on the local rink, March 5th, when Rev. Denny Bright, Vera Murdock, the youngest daughteT the score was 8-6 in Hensail's favor, travelling secretary of the Bible So- ciety of Western, Canada, will speak in the interests of the Bible Society. I,eanttore. rn slides' will be an added fea- ture. ed- Lure. The Mission Ci,rcie of the United' Church will meet at the home of Mass Norma Cook an Friday evening, Ce W. WILLIAMS & SON March 3, at 5 p.m All members are requested to be present I (FORMERLY OF SEAFORTH) Niece is Star Athlete rRAl ]�Y I T E7 ' 'WORKS Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Paterson, of this village, spent 4drei week••end at Toron- S'ped4l prices for immediate orders. A posit, card, will bring us to your to visiting their niece, Miss Noel Mac. home, New demgus and new granite. Free transportation paid to Dona,td, 23 years '°old, who fres been our office, M-Aked tthe best c4 ii e'-dn : womeu-s 147 ST. PATRICK ST.. Phone 929=W STRATFORD basketball for 'live years, 04 captains -- 6Tl4.tf the' Edmontaa Grids, Catmaai�l's out• . standing girl a't'hl'o&m TPhe ace. ahxrp- r it • f i r " ; .!•,. „ y u ,. ';,. , „k:r. ,,, 'rlyn. .r S. v.1' }., ,, },vr ,.,dJ 11 ?,4 r?. t. r . ,, 11ii. rf '.. S 4 fop ^ 5' `l i r. ,: t ,..,rS� 1i'. f„ r ?;: r -. , 1,✓ , +A x 1 •Y] 1. ,j"r "..!r 1 ,,,....�v hi•;.J . ,., 'ii .,',,j, ..lt@ y P.� yt 4.1 SPl e�.,)✓„l +t r K k'bA.,y,,r„ 3 @r.'St vy n ter,, i,„ ..y i r i i s...v dz;C „: a , .,,, i !+<..., ., '.�, .. ,., ;�.. i d {",pi k li4wC-:: ,, .ri✓; u,a•x (i . ;d,,i i`y; ,.: H' Saa'r?,.. f '�""r v: Y t, ,l . 4 y; yp 3 r, ,MNQMM, 5 ixs 1