The Huron Expositor, 1939-03-03, Page 1N
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• Eightieth Year ,
Whole Number $�16 * 0 SEAPORT$,, r FRIDAY, MARC"•s'. 3, 1939 0 -',
I . ., y .
OTHER ATTRACTIONS Record Crowd Sees Seaforth - IIENSAU S' „ •
�U,.) es 14'iovies As t A/Iakn
CUT ATTENDANCE AT Beavers �C-ome From Behind ENRS ARE V�
. ER C,h�ldrert I3Yssatxsfied9 -Nor#h.
BALK FUND CARNIVAL . To Defeat Clinton- Colts 5-4 BUT QUALITY", HIGH Huron Ins ec `. . -- rInspector is Speakel"
I t,ul ,
Bessie Phi Ips. is Named 0 0 0 0 0 o Beavers Carry One Goal, Inclement Inclement Weather Results 3. -"" A" kl 4" I
H. Kincaid, Public School .ilV.
Queen of the Carnival 84th BIRTHDAY ',Approve, Abolition of ..Ini�% �� �,
. Lead to Clinton � For Sec- in Slight Decrease at Inspector, Addresses Sea- r' 1. v�dual Corrpettion in t
in Judging. Record. ? ora Game of Group Fin- ' Alanual :Event, forth Lions Club on Mon-'
Old-timers in Seaforth wlso re- alg• Many Sectioh ' f
BURLESQUE HOCKEY member hockey games in the day. 1. •
good old days, claim the crowd x FAIR DATES S�T,. ,
that raw the cynic,-Seaforth CLINTON GOALS ALL DISfiRICT CLUBS °"";
The Seaforth Lions' Club annual ice game on, Tuesday night was the
f' �:::1 `
Stormy' weather was. held account- N <•
carnival, i>L aiydi of hive Milk Fund, at- g y g IN FIRST PERIOD ���.
largest muss in the rink, 'total able for a alightly lowered e.nt�ry at ARE REPRESENTED f.;. Aau' fanpQrten,t meeting, the: coApc ' -'- 1
trraeted a fair athendanoe of skmters paid admission bei'rig 1,364. It the annual Sough' Hugon Agricultural aY which wdIl effect drastic eharrg in, 1 v;
and; speeCabgns on Frfday evening, may be that; some fprmer resident ,� -
Seaforth 5 Clinton 4 Society. Seed Show held. in Hensald the Huron Clouuzitty_Rtixtal' t�e�ioo7r Fades, ;, n
eotnnter attractions lowering the at- may recall a larger crowd, and if Towns Hall Friday afternoon, "Movies have done more rbc snake w lysed in agricuituial ofPi, {;jiup= art;• ;'
tend'ance, however, from previous so we. would be pleased to hear Attendance records' for many years v children dissatisfied Ithamt "` ��`{
yeaae- any other ton The m
Exhibits dtowever wens to stern• meeting was called 'to
of it...,. Just drop us a Aeries tell- bask were broken at the Palace Rink Eschar," J. H. Kincaid, North Huron 4sn ative dates for tate 1939 fairs ".;� ;x
lard as, g Q '
Two piqued' teams Enam the Junior ing about the occasion. on fiuesday 'night, when the •Beavers regards queenly; aci�ordin t Public Schaal Inspector told the Sea- to revise flus prize Mists, }
Farmera' League opened the carnival Prof. A W. Mason'. Oni`arlo, Agricul-
defeated the Clinton Colts 5 to 4 fn' forth Lions Club on Monday eventing. ;••
with, a burlesque hostas' sante iv hhe first game of rive group finals, twra3 Coi'iege, who acted ae jtidge. He was spealaing on, the new courses All the school fair centres were re- `
nica3r a rugby bill was substituted 10 p FaLiowing the judging Prof.Mason i ,
Fovttean hundreds fans' were Packed .of study and the , changes, im condi- pressed. and: l tbns J, M. Game ..
for a pack. Referee Dat Reid dad. his addnestsed a'-llargely attendco 'meeting Walkerton, whose ins ,,:N
In every possible space, even, pp on tions under which •th, child of 'today r peetorate fn ,,
'best to keep order between, hhe gaol lead on th Coals had a three of farmers and weed men Other lived which lade u' to tits new courseeludes'.a portion: of North: Huron, i7, �
teams and his effort caused ,Hatch speakers were L C. Shearer, agmicul- ' p
the rafters. T at one time being iratrorUuoed, C. Beacom and J. H. Kincaid,' Gods- t `
tmewriin n"t for the spectators, T1ve Jit- rural rep;esewtatnve for Horan; Rev. ., e� , Agri Representative,
on, w '" u 1
in the frost period, but the Beavers, The child is being educated' 'xll tette Bate pees_
2enbng oro skates followed rile hockey proved, to be a stronger team and kept W' A. Young an t1 Dr, A. R Campbell, time, but now it' is in many castes „r presents iv , J'.
game with a program'of fancy stat DUNCAN CUPCHAM�S the Colts soorel'ess in; the last 'twa president of the society. the radio taus movies and, hire arrest, C. S'heaser presided and Miss Bessie r
frn'g and sioigh't of4hamd'- Holism, of periods, T•he ice `was very soft with the were won as follows: ,rather than .the home that influence eta'y. ',
Watt was seer
the lucky admu'ission ticlfet No. 38403 Pall wheat—W. R, Dougall, H. 'Des- him most," Mr. Kincaid said. Tike new The dates' armange'd are as follows:. ' x`�;
water forming on it towards the end jardiue, H •Truemn;er.
svgs Frank Salsbury, Mitchell. of rile game. course of study is designed to make September 11 to 15 each day incl"- f'
judges Mmes -M. E. Turn- Early oats W. R. Dougall, H. Des_ George A. Sills, well known Sea-
Carwival Final (Games Are Played At After the face-off tate puck was kept the pupil do, rather than watch, and save at Belgrave, For+dwiph, St. Hel- ,.'
bull, Alice Daly and FJmi1y Lester in Clinton territory jardin,, Lorne Chapman. forth business man,. who on Fri -ens, Currie's Corners, Carlow, res ec-
aY mo:5t of the time, to R Da to encourage a condinuul "Why"? day celebrated his 84th birthday'. p
awarded prizes as follows: Link 0'ri Saturday Dougall, H. Des tfvel Se,
Ladies' Nrutional Dress' Sdatch, y but afted• four minutes and 10 sec- jarmiine; W J The •speaker was hitroduced by the Mr, Si'Ils enjoys the best of health )' pt• 18 ,at Hens,all and Sept.
ones of play the Colts broke fast and. McKenzie. chairman, Dr.'J. A. Mundy. The meet- 19 at Grand Bend. There is also a ''�
Mrs. Ferguson Hensaal; Uncle Sam, Morning.. Earley, six -rowels --•H. Truentn,rr, W. and is daily seen about town.
1.Gibbs pinked the net on a close she ing was arranged by Dr. ,Munn and possibility of one or more fairs be. Dougall, Robert T,hampsdn. Lion J. G. Mullen. Lion E. C, BOG Hosts' of friends in 'Seaforth and ing added this yeas. `,
Dorothy Suu when he was• 1'eft open on the right Field beans—Lorne Clhapman, Robt, throughout the district will join "�;•
Mao`s National Walter Boswell, Bruins 2, Bears 0 wir.g. Lesis than two, minutes later well presented his report as chair- The following changes in the
Michael Bechei The fust Thompson, H. Truemner. The The in wishing him prize , ;;�,
y game on Satu'rdray' morn- Ci'inton was awarded a disputed goal, man of rile Carnival Committee. The lists and methods, of co'nductii:g ware
Best dressed character Field peas—Owen Geiger S Sons, many happy returns, of item day.
(lady)— ing between the Bears and' the B'ruitir I;'as,tc:r getting credit.. for scoring, meeting' was la'rge'ly attended, Lions adopted. Competitive classes will be
Martha Storey, Jeanette Baker. " was -played to decide w iio wauid play Clinton continued to pile up the score W Alexander. from Mitchell, Goderich and Exeter -- oontinu•ed only in grain, 1
Best Gamic lad Yellow eye beans—Owen Gf igc r & bei,, lrotatoes,
y—Mrs. Zimtmerman, the Bisons' in the, finals, -:as' these when at the nine -minute mark Mc- g Pr'esenst. roots, vegetables, fruit, flr;w,,r's, pouf- `t
Sons. The s �U� E �M�T� T k;
Mrs, Muir. teams wet e each tied,w4h 5 peiPA99 A swen made it 3-0. Youngblut was peaker regretted that educa- p try, livestock, public srpeaking, alai rec. . ,
Best iris, ,Hier 14 —Barbara in Cite standing. .The Bruins shut out s'ent,:t. ,fear charging and with him in Soya beans -Alex. Buairanon, i
g g• g Timothy seed—H. TruemnAr, W. IL• tion in Canada was a provincial ra- + itatiots. All individual cc,ntpetitive ,.kgs
•Sproat, Doris Fergusson,. the Bears 2-0 in a hard fought game, the cooler time Heavers ran in, 2 goals. then than a national obligation, as is 'APPROVES
classc s involving academic or sclrooi rr
Rest comic under 14 (girls)—May Southgate was one of the stars' of the. 'Flannery n Dougall, H. Sejardine. the case in countries where denracra- AFpRw�� �" n work are eliminated and in place of r
y paned the score slice just Red' clover Seed—Bert Klo!rir. W, R. cies do not exist. _ Ii VV +Prrr� GRANT them, exhibits or displays on the fol- <<
Clark, Anne B.eaukord. morning, getting both Bruin goals, IU seconds later Hubert banged it in
Best gentleman chartaseter—Ed, An- while "Punch" Messenger earned tbre agnin. With one .minute to go, Gibbs Dougall, Lorne Chapman, "We pride ourselves on our dean- lowing subjects: Health, natural sci- ``
derson, Exeter; D'O'rlean Sills. shut -out for his team. Hod ert and scored his 'second Sweet clover seo —H. Desju.rdine, y „ ;a'.
g goal„ oris being W. Alexander. Corso he said as he recalled that `�'� en'ce, art, crafts, home economics', ag-
Best boys, under 14—Garfield Bak- Dcur'b were sent off in, this game. Clinton, Inst goal of the game., mak- is Germany, Italy and Russia a cer- Township Council Receives riculture azbd science will be intro- w^
err, Donald rerun, Potatoes, early variety Lorne fain trend of thought is ordered to dntred. The purpose in this is to
Americans 8 "Athletics 1 ing it 4-2 in their favor. Bell''s sihoul- ,'ri'
Chapman.. PN
Best boyar comic, under 14—Donald i der was injured in tills be taught in three schosols with the re• an 0 t5e Ort Of
The final genre in the "A" section period and Paiatoes, gen ea ad crop—W, i;. Dou- p p have the prize lists nxrre cl'wely corn_ , ,
YVtuir, Jack Htrdssoa, was unable to return far tir'e rest of sult that the child is brlougtht up to Auditors.
form to the' new slchranl c•urriN11unr,
Oldest couple on -skates — George was very fast and not as onesfded` as gall, H. Truemner, believe juste what the State wishes PhK,s'e exhibits are to be arra.nge'd by
p g the .Grime. it to. In a democracy everyone is free teacher and pupils an the r, Hing of
Reeves, Mrs. Hildebrand. the score indichtc>s. The .Americans Sweepstakes badge—W. R. Dougall. ,
Youngest couple ra akates�—Ronny won the group champiousdtip by de- (loth toarrs missed good chances in
fc•ating the first place Athletiva 8-1, the srcantl, with Elliott and Stadle dry e to think as he feels. Tuckersmi•th, council' met in the the fair axed in a hall rrontaze of five :4'
Muir, Anne Bauford,. "Education," the speaker declared, Town Hall, Seaforth, on Saturday, as t'er2 by three ismer in dep4lt and will 'h'
Queen irf the Oarnlival—Bessie Phil- "Gusto" Messenger scored 4 goals, irvg great woak in the nets. Two Olin- "i's a preparation for life. lou must f'rovidecl irn adjattrument. • Lieene S.� rihher demrinh2tate a lesson or be a
fps Phillips 2 and Cas. 2 for flu° Amort- ton players brpt:e away from a scram- iCl etS Cubs flay absorb what you can in school and W'hdtemore '
cans, While McIver scored the Ath bbe at 'beir own end, for what every- 9 presided, A resolution display e'f work done in t.i:e school
• letics' lone counter. There were 3 one thougd:t was a sure goal, only to L then adapt it to suit couddtions as you w -'as ''pas's�ed authorizing the payment on th,e subj'eotst.
For Bantam Trophy find thlem in Life," of a grant of. 425 each to spring sUi+ow These exhibits will not bo judged �;
pena' harncletl out in this game, 2 be brats, by Stade who came cent to J i''he nets course encourages the pu- at HenSall, Seaforth and Clinton, but a tour of 'the exlcitrits t=:I1 be ar-
Varilahu�°cl�Pflans to Tom McIver and 1 to O'Conm'or, lha blue line to save. F,lliott xis had pie to rio much more than undos the rattgetl during the afternoon or rise1. •,
a few ;lose calls when flue uck miss- The auditors presented their report
+ Bruins 4, Bisons 3 p I' e Bantam Lc -ague, under th , 'qld systleim. It tends to make him which was accepted by the, council, fair with the school inspectot and the I
ed, the open net by inches: 1'wo pan -
1',h.^ Rruilrs won the "B" group tutelage of T. A, Reattie, finis,h'ed its more -,enquiring. teacher in charge. Thi, ri,,w arta,
Social Evening al'tis alties were evenly divided in the schedule an Tuosda when the Mid- congratulating them Gn the very, com- ge-
clrampiotr ship in the last game when ,,econd, an° going to Hubert, the y Referring to local facilities, Inspect prehetrsive and carefui s4atetn'ent of mint was adopted for ail the schorol
they downed the first place Bisons in gets and•,Cubs secured, play-off berths, for Kincaid expres;skcd the (hope that the finances of the muruicipal'ity, and fairs in the county with the excep-
A social everuing will beheld- in the otflest• to Povtorfieid, tion of Belgrave where the c'om .
overtime. It w"a5' a tough game for Final standing was Midgets 11, Cubs ,,ocn' Giudes 6, i and S of the public the Treasurer was ordered to
hall on March 17tih, under the aus- pay rash ugh -
the Bis,on's to lose, after Brown tied' Twe Beavers practically had their 9, and Mites 4. and eparate s'Uh,00is ,, ,i;�d be able to $25.00 for their work. five classes will be con,tinucd' through-
pices of S2. John's Church. A pro- it up for them in the last minute, but own way in, the final peiitid. "Tim- play-offs will commence at 4.30 on take advantage of the rneeconomics out the prize' i'ist. R
gram is being, prepared and lunch will the Bruins took them in overtime by mer" McEwen almost scored for Chn- Monday next week; the second, game and shop practise dei,.i tments at the Bylaw -No. 4, a ectorols the pay -
be served, so come along and have a scoringthe first ton when he had, Stacie right out of men.2 of grant to strhoobs purchassiug
goal. The other Baal- at the same ,time the, following week, Collegiate. •
night's fun, getters for Glee Bisons were Wes. the net, oudy to shove it past the side; Ob,j(,etive of the two teams, is thr, The s'p'eaker foresaw the time when land far refarrstation was pasted. u
The Worldy'es. Day. of Prayer. was Combs and Eisler. Southgate scored This was the best chance they Iliad. Beattie trophy, whicih has been p school boards' would be a.m- Accounts to the amount of $122,00 F+ ells From i A r
glees. t n w u' h i a
'held in' St, John''s Church Friday and 2 more Willis' brought Seafortrh's total to 3 wire Paid far rebief and $145.00 for se `+
in spite of the bad roads and storsiy goals in, this game for the anted for annual crtm'petition', illic alganrute'd into township boards of ed- salaries g c pay list.
Bruins, while Dcaro and Doig when he scored on a diard low e'hot „trophy is on display in the window "cation. Prinlin and Fractures Leg
weather, there was a very good at Council ad'
scored mere other two, Penalties in From well out to front. This goal of the Tasty Grill. "lN';,y have sixteen boards of edu- adjourned to meet on Sat
tendanee. this game were given to Iiodgert, Els- seemed to encourage the Beavers and cation in a township, each looking af- urday, March 25, at 2 p.m. Falling to the pavement whets the
It was with regret that the people lei-, Dcaro and Southgate. threw minutes later Sill's tied the • cat a ,handful of pupils, and each with • horse he was riding Slipped of this village learned' of the heath score- The Beavers worked) hard to g on the
different policies and Opinions? A
of Mr, Wm. Stevens, bf Seaforth, who • break ,Lhe tie, one • to be kept out by i•cy read w•,es't of Gawp on Saturday,
y reeve and four councillors ' do tile WALTON W.M S MEET AT Greely Wankel' suffered a fractured
for several years drove Grich's bake Elliott, but with four minutes to . ga � Eb ONDYILLE DROPS work of the towns'hdp. Why wouldn't an'kie.
cruet. and wasmost trustful aHyl Gori. Hildebrand finally scored the 0• R H A. PLAYOFF a board of education do as well?" he HOME OF MRS. BENNETT He is at tis#, home -of his sister,
eourteous� • ersatile w-inm,i,ng goal from ,one of the tunny asked. '
Miss' Lizzie Ward, who has been s'eram,bles aroundi Ute net. The play Mrs. .lames Carnodhan, Tuckerswith. ,
e Tile same Belli good in a town and
rooming with Mrs. Austiw, left Satur- Archie Hubert, star defeifeeman on from then on was mostly in the cenx St. Jacobs 11 EgmondviUe $ 't would be an advantage to have a 1
(lay to reside with that brother in the Seaforth Beavers, proved Wednes tre zone, Gibbs drew the last pen- board of education, rattler than seep- The W. M. S. of the United Church toboggan party.
Clinton. al of the game for tri Egmondville, having received a bye
day -that hockey is not hi,s only s't.rong tY tripping. crate boards, the speaker staid', met at the home of Mrs. W. C. Ben- Mrs, Hoerie returned to Heidleberg
The dance sponsored) Elliott in the O.R.H.A., failed to go any fur1.
_ point. ,,,, Summary: First. Period —Clinton, Cher than the first round in the seu'iar Dr. R. P. D. Hurford, in moving a nett. Mrs. Wes- Hackwell read, Gime after spending the past week with her
Q3huter and, Gordon Horner Friday Curling for the first time he was' a Gibbs 4.10; Clinton., Foster 5.16; Min- vote of thanks, re'call'ed th the word) Scr1r•ptUre• The women quilted a daughter, Mrs. Charles Sellers,
semi-finals. St. Jacobs defeated' them
Might was l F31iss, member of the rink Which, won tlel. ton, McEwen 9,11, Seaforth, Flan education is derived from the Latin, quilt and bad a sale of aprons. The Mrs, Lloyd Porter returned to Brus-
in Elmira 13.5, and on Monday night r
liir, Harold Elliott, oP Kitehe>ver, sliver ,s eery 17.50; Seaforth, Hubert 18.00; next me'etin'g is to be art, Mrs. Lawr-
pow s a2 Muer weekly ban�wBos- in Seaforth they lost again 11-8, los- to lead out, to draw gut The new eels after vissfting Mrs. Roy Bennett,
spent the w'eeM. Elliott.with his parents, The rink w��: Hubert, Boshart, Bas- Clinton', Gibbs 1 00. , lug by a total of 11 goals, on the course of study, he believed, was a once Cumming's with Mrs. Nichol and who Iia. not been In good health. i
Mr, awl ffi e• M. Ewell, Keatinsg (akip). Second Petiod—No score. Penal- truer expression of what education WE% Silg,s Johnston on 'the lunch com- The juvenile boo
round. The games, were both fast but Iney team decided' 1
ties: Hubert (S.), Port°tfield (C.). was in4ended to be, mittee. Lunch was served by the not to 'let BrUsGOls away with their
writhe open, as 37 goals were scored
Third Period—Sealorth, Willis 8.00; ltostem, assisted by Mrs. Wes, Hack win of last week, so track they went
Seaforth, Sill's, 11.10; Seaforth, G.
in Etre two games, well and Mrs, D. Ennis. on Saturdra
The first period on Monday night • y and defeated Brus,sw>is
Hiid feree Ronisaw The Young People are planning a 6-2.
Referee—"Homey" Kuntz, Ki,tchenet. getting 10 pucks bit the net, St Jacobs SMITH SHOE STORE a I
SE.AFORTH--Goal, Stade; defense, getting 7 and Eg�mondville 3. Schmidt
Hubert, Sills'; centre, A. Hildebrand; 's'cored 3, H. Sproh 2 and , Hoolaher. wings, G. Hildebrand, Schroedier; and Kenesky one each for the viii- OCCUPIES NEW HOME Dublin Leads Jr. Farmers I
torsi H Nicholson scored 2 and' A
' An wag hod meeting of the W.
M. S. was held in First Presbyterian
alts., Harris, Flannery, Bell, Willis,
Mrs. Fair 'was succeeded• by Mrs. Muir.
Colin F`1'etc'her, of Thames Road', a
Nicholson 1 for the locals. Only one
penalty' waq Ihamdwd cent in, this mer-
Removal Smith's
�s Schedule
Near Finish
CLINTON—Goal, Elliott; defense,
of shoe store to
Church on Tuesday. Mrs. Robert Eb-
lady of -rare gifts and charming per- Rath, Porterfield; centre, F. McEwen;
iod, going to J. Nicholson.,
its new home in the McTavish block,
, enhart, president, opened' the meeting
sonality, ,who was responsible in a wings, R. McEwen, Foster; alta.,
The same type of hockey was play'-
opp,os,ite the post office, is now com•
with 'prayer and conducted• the busi-
very great degree for the many years Pickett, Streets, Gibbs, Draper, Yaudrg-
ed in the second when 6 more goats
piste. •
defense, C. Rintoui, J. Nicholson,; for-
• mess, Mrs. J. C. Greig read' several
of pioneer missions ry work Ian Huron.. bluclt.
were scored- A. Nicholson and, Venus
T4ie new s4oTe is modern tv, every
- W I. T Pts.
wards, Flannery, H. Nicholson., Gem-
items on enrrewt events perZaindwg to
A lasting tribute to the memo of
brought Egmondvillas total to flue,
mspert.. Display windows are partricu-
Dublin ............ 4 0 2 1U
mail; subs., Venus, Ni h.
g -
missionary Work throughout the
Mrs., Fletcher, who diet, in 1916, was Seaforth 6, Goderich 3'
while R. Stroh, Hoelslh'er, MacLeod
lxrly attractibe H. B. Edge was gen-
Lond'esboro ....... 4 1 1 9
Dublin 4, Winthrop 1
+ '
the booklet, "A Sheaf of Memories,"
and Kennesky were the goal-g'etters
fral con+traetor for the alterations
Egmondvilir 3 3 1 7
In the second match Dublin dyefeat-
{ 11istorical events of Huron Presby-
prepared by Mrs. McL, Smith, a form- The Beavers elim'inateds the Gode-
for St. Jacobs. Cameron and R.
while John F. Scott was painting con-
Kin'burn , , , • . • .. • . 2 3 1 5
ed' Winthrop in a ,rather amusing;
aerial, which were Compiled by Mrs,
'er Presbyterial president. Proceeds rich Sailors' in the final game of the
Stroh drew ,major prnnit.ies for fight-
Winthrop ..... , , , , o 6 1 1
game of hockey. As Winthrop is out
1 Dunlop, of Godserich, Presbyderial see-
from the sale, of this ,book added one home-and,home series when they de-
Ing, while Venus and It. Stroh each
Egmor.dviile 4, Kinburn 2
of the play-offs,, they changed the
I rotary, were read by Mrs, Jas•. Kerr.
thousand dollars to our irdes,ionary feated them in Seaforth 6 to 3 on
got 2 minutes.
In the first game in the Junior•
team by adding some kids to their
The devotional program was in charge
funds, Mrs, Jaanles Hamilton, of God- Thursday night, winning by 2 goals
Egmandvil'ly outplayed the visitors
Farmers' I,e3gue on Saturday night,
line-up, who kept the Dublin team
of Mrs, T. Swan, Smith's( group.
erieh followed Mrs. Fletcher and on the round, as the first game was
to the 'third, getting ail three goals,
New Bleachers
F.gmondville went into third lace in
very busy. Montgomery stopped a
Hymns far lire afternoon war, Whoa-
years valuables Other 4-3 in favor of Goderich. The Beav-
H. Nicholson scored two mote, bring-
the standing by defeating Kinburn, 4
lot of pucks., but Hanley and Rowland
on st Mrs. A. D. Scott,'Mrs,. W. E.
Seralake 'and Miss F. Brine. Mes-
press h ere will now meet Clinton, -who put
presidents who contributed' ,to the nuc-
'out the Taviaboclr Greensltirtsy in the
ing his total up to four for the night.
Cameron banged i.n hhe
Built Rink
to 2, before a small crowd. In the
ea,(% scored goals for Dublin In the
cess of the society were: Mrs. E. Il,
other goal on
first period A. Ridgy opened item Scor•
first. period, bosh an close shots.
sages of Scripture stent in by Mrs, J,
C.' Laidlaw Mrs. Andrew
Sawers, Brucefield; Mrs. Neill Shaw, other semi-final set. One of the larg-
est crowds to witness, a in many
ing when he 'beat Mac Rintoul on a
The Winthrop team was a little bet- ,-.
and 6►rohi-
' a bald were 'read
E'gmondvdlie; M,rs. F. H. Larkin, Sea game
forth; Mrs. McL. Swihh, Hens Mrs yeasrs was on Irani Thursday might
you feed
New portable bleachers erected 'last
haq•d shot. Egmondville worked! hard
txt even things up and after a few
ter organized, in the second and gave
McCarthy plenty work. This
Prayer was given; try Mrs. J. C.
, to see these tw,a 'teams play.
J. E. Hogg, Clinton..
week at the Palace Rink 'proved their
nrsites J, Flannery finally h&t the net,
of per-
i'od was the best of 'the game, +befog
I Gi!eig and ,, Bible lesson' by Mrs,
T George Hills. A duet sows by
11w,on Presbyterial-Beigrave, Olin- Oply two minutes' and 10 seconds
tofu, Goderich and Seaforth Auxfkiariea of key had been playedr'- when
Only Quality Food
usefulness on Tuesday
y night in the
Clinton- Seaforth game.
to end hhe scoring for the first per-
tod. There were no Penalties in the
mare even than th'e others. L, Dol- •
Mrs. J. M- Govenlock ud Mrs. Jack.
Stew. Grant opened brie scoring for
Seating 300, the bleachers ,plat-
mage scared Winthrop'sWfnGhr'lane goal on
Mrs. Brodie
—have each celehrated 'the fifitl'eth an-
bbe Sailors. Tine local fans were
a close, hard shot. "r
very ably 'discussed' the
niversary' of organization. very.
ed on the curling rice and, rernovedi af-
The second period was faster and,ra
Dublin outplayed their rivals most '
topic, :the missionary work in the
Seaforth, Women's Foreign Mia�ion blue, as they realized this goal gave
-ter a game. Addritiona.1 sections will
little more exciting. Alvin Dale tried
of the time in the 'hArd; getting two 'i
3lransf and DWI fieldls in India. Mrs.
ary Society was organized, In 1877 with Goderich a 2 -goal lead, on the round, •
Feed furance
be built betore next season, according
a long shot that ,rally ended, up in
goals, while Winthrop was 'Ona.ble to
T. l8wan Slnlihh read' atm dnbtruWtiv,
Mrs. Thomas -Goldsmith as president, but a. penalty to Stew. Grant, the Sall_
to the rink management.
the ,set. This wigs Kirgburn's last
score. ltow•land. scored his, siecond
Article 'e'brhitted, "The Church At
In 1907 an 'aff/i,Ilated• auxiliary to the ora' 'Sias defeneemami, proved costly;
goal of the game. Jack Niohlolson
goal and O'R,illy got the last ane of
a mice g•
pass from the wan H. Stroh
t ' Work." The Glad Tidings Prayer was
read' by Mrs. BicheiL
Women's Home Mie'sdipn Society was while with him off the Beavers ran
formed tai 3 goals. Bill Schmoed'er opened the,
Quality Fue�
tied R up a Pew minutes laud on a
the game. Winthrop had some good ,
.411, Mtn Rats Itt- reviewing hhe work of
Whainging• to tore wom'en's
Home Mission Auxiliary in 1912. Un- books, Harris' tied' It up and 19 sec-
and Venus Brach Bot 5 minutes in, the
rush and Venus gave Egrmorrd-
villa the ,'lead when she shored dhrriaYyg
chances but could,n't s'eeni to be elate i
to shoot wnhen they to the
y;. the �Presbyterial broke age follows:
ands Pater G. Hildebrand shot In the
ill Its amalgamation with ,the Foreign
ry /
thirds, the other penal -ties going to
Flannery Hoelrrher. St,
a svemmhie. Reeves received the only
came goal, i . !t
This game, xis well as bbe first, was -
fluran Piires byteriai was or-
• 1 ,ganized at Seai+ortd� 3n 1885 with the
bbird one, to give the Beavers, the
Missi'owary Society in 1914, this Home
lead for the first time in the series.
Missa�ion Auxiliary was most energetic
and Jacobs
will now meet Creemore. There are
reemo e.
Penalty o£ the game in this periods.
John Flannery scored his' second
very j,,
ry clean, neither team drawing pens
alties. 1i
Following officers': Pres., Mrs', Thos,
in helping on in every possible way '° Beavers continued to row thetri
118 teams In Lire this win•tes.goa
of 'the game to increase the lead
Dubliau--Goal McCarthy; defatiis,, d;;
Fair, Clinton; est vice-pres„ Mrs,
the various activities of the In, when G. Hild•ebri nd reds his
St, Jaoabs—Goal, Good; defense,
to two goals, getrtin has
g i wu
N: McRuaidl, Hanley; £orw rdl5s V.
Robert t1re, 'Gladenfch; 2nd, vice•press.,
society in Western Canada, In. second just ,half a amsi,nute ''his
R. Stroh; centre, Kea,rlesky;
forwards, Schmidt,
slated' oro a rush from tees, ower 'btu',
Stapleton, Burns Rrrwi r4lt, +ba.,, ,.M
Dora• d,0it,. Seaforth; sec., Miss
goal. Five mdsnutes were haft In.
n,ecur o, the nauxilir of Members
H. Shrcv}r,; subs
line. Kinburn faumd bhinigs, a little
O'Connor, O'Reilly, M'cGuffilct, n6billt.` jay
cif J. Anderson, 'Seaforth; Issas,, Ura. S.
d son,
ad the Period wlrsn ,McKay scored a nice
's'eeu.retl', hire auxiliary had th, priv-
Horgolt, MacLeod, Hoelscher, Garner.
hard in ,this period' and fabled to syeore
t ,,
stn, >t;:
J. 1NCCaug y, forth. Tate Presby-
ilegs' of naming a tot in one of,the grDal for the Bailors, to mak, it 4-2
Mac Rintoul;
grog goals.
Wi'nthuo t
p—Goal, 14lontgomyer�*; d
aerial then Coinriilged fowluxiliariea,,
hospitals. Ting hospital at Grande the end of they hArdest fought per-
defetvse, C. Rintou'1, J. Nieriolsan; Wen-
Ktarrburnr-,Gaal, Reg Rdntoul; dl,f.,
fAnme H. Monrtgomory, L. W Hila:
v Drucefield, 0110ton,. Godericlu and
Prairie, Alberta was seleoted and the lad' syetwrh1i1,3 wlutar;•- Sills drew a
ire; J. Flannery; wings',
ngs', Gemmell
A. Dale, Reeves; forwardai Dornainoi&
forwards, Beattie, Case, 'LisftM,= `�,'•�'I
Forth,, with 6 •t0fid WembeMhip of
cot ea'iled `'Seaforth," a very fitting venarc r. r the Beavers; making t,"
yy� � � �v �v (� �i/�"�
Messenger; subs,, A. Nicholson H.
Nicholson, Dale, Venus.
A. Riley, B. Riley; su'be., A: Scott, E•,
Scott Scatt.
, ro +m :',
Woods, Habkitt, K6rr, McCltlf, r , , ;;
' ! �.
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