The Huron Expositor, 1939-02-17, Page 7, "I
Y 7? 1,939
d ty t ji i,4 "roti
ii ' uana c t i't
Successor to J+olbn H. Best
Barrister, Soltcitor, Notary Publie
Seaforth . - Ontario
Parnivbem Solicitors, Etc.
Fuer ick D. McConnell - H. IDIOM Hays
Telephone 174
3693 -
Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Col-
lege, Universdtty of Toronto. All dis-
eases of domestic animals treated by
the Moet ;modern principles- Charges
reasonable. Day or night calls
promptly attended to. Office on Main
Street, Hensall, opposite Town Hall.
r%ene 116.. Breeder of Scottish Ter-
riers, Inverness Kennels, Hensall. .
' 12-87
Graduate of University of Toronto
Graduate of Dalhousie University,
The Clinlc is fully equipped with
complete and modern x-ray and other
up-to-date diagnostic and thereuptic
Dr. Margaret K. Campbell, M.D.,
L-A.B.P., Specialist in diseases in in-
fants and children, will be at the
Clir:ic last Thursday in every month
from 3 to 6 gram.
Der. F. J. R. Forster, Specialist in
diseases of the ear, eye, nose and
throat, will be at the Clinic the first
Tuesday in every month from 4 to 6
firee Well -Baby Clinic will be held
on the second and last Thursday in
every month from 1 to 2 p.m
W. C. SPROAT, M.D., F.A.C.S.
Physician and Surgeon
Phone 90. Office John St., Seaforth.
Office, Main Street, over Domindan
Bank Bldg. Hours: 2 to' 5 p.m. and
7 to 8 p.m,., and. by appointment.
Residence, Gode'rich Street, two doors
west of the United Churrch. Phone
Graduate of University of Taranto,
Faculty of Medicine, member of Col-
lege of Physicians and Surgeons of
Ontario; pass graduate course in
Chdcago Clinical School_ of Chicago;
Royal OptJbalmle Hospital, Landon,
England; University Hospital, Lon-
don, England. Office—Back of Do-
minion Bank, Seaforth. Phone No. 5.
Night calls answered, from residence,
Victoria Street, Seaforth
Eye, Ear, Hose and Throat
Graduate in. Medicine, University o
Late assistant New York Opthal
mei and Aural Institute, Moorefield'
Eye and Goldeu Square Throat Hos
-+- 4% The 1»t`'' Lay' i u her two lxr
I Quid ux,ei , .tor ' Kai t, !�000uor
-k4lp Q t ,tiara. By tier trteOOl ery. A'ia:'� die d
� V6Y0ellps+en 'her :to be ilia wjfe.
ha,must cd^hel putt -'#e PaA Ck
be ,k1enit for all her I:Vb, loyal to
�l � RRInE AENLIN BURT. l.. "►i ad, gas, er• to at w §0441orA Itwn
and goover to that windrow arutl btrem'
down toAbe aouvmtvie man who wait-
ed. at the botttom: of the wall.
As she learned but sihe 'heard q, sound
behind her terribly close.
'FOURTEENTH INSTALMENT She had entirely forgotten: to the river. With no further hesdtartion. she
change her dress-. She had , left .her She took her disguise frm its, -bid- threw. 'the .heavy bundle of letters in
SYNOPSIS parcel in her fathers room., ing place and &Iissed herself. She ttheir lyand: down to Jock Ayleward.
Jocelyn HaaloWe, raised in a It was not until ' she was in her ram 'her fingers- throtiugh her hair. Far "•Get out. Be quick," she called ur•
I,hjoeel convent, e, the age of Bolt and perfumed room in, her bed this one last time she must wear the gently. She had swung her leg o res
eighteen, joins her mother, Mar- smnboth and cool, and had her head dangerous semblance of that "contsgric- the still when heavy fhaaurds clutches' at
against Them pillow' that she began too uoue young woman." Ler and pulled her back and a weight
,cella, in New York. Worried think ag�t it wag nearly eleven, O'clock when er---hed down upop her blinded head,
about her safety, because she is Then she sat up straight from her she, reached the toot of the fire es- The room' , wfhere" Lynda Sany+:la.l
LO' t aiti fa• the arrriva.l of Jocel
unf+amilla,r with the anoderm worn a w .ng r yu.
and has developed Into a beano- Harlowe'e fiance was nelttlier• com-
nor luxurious. It was -on
contrary incredibly ,grimy, dtngy,
depressing and augges•tive of down
guilty and hunted ,laves.
rh; ee mien were in attendana- upon
Pillow amt the darkness and spokYe cape.
aloud the: ;trutlh.
As she stepped briskly out along
fiul womlan, her mother's, first wish
"I Love bdm. Why, of course . . . the
street past the awning of the fortable
is to get her safely married. At-
I hove ;him,." apartiment
house, she thought that a the
tending her first ball, Jocelyn
A truth that did, not make ,her man
emerged from. t'be, alley s'he had
meets Felix Kent, rich, handsome
situation easiler. just
left and walked, not very rapid trodden,
and nineteen years older than
"You're';.gtiving me everything, Fel- ly,-behind
herself. Encouraged by her
ix," Jocelyn murmured late one even-
She 'bad to wait tem.' minutes for a I
another, she and Felix q"
ing, the wedding dray just sixty-two vacant
taxicab. On t;be opposite cor-
come engaged. Alone in -her
-hours arhead, "except one thing and nem
a mal seemed to be w-aiti>xg. She
apa'rtm'ent one night, a cripple,
,thtat is what I want most." signalled'
and got Cher cab,, cifimbed
Nick Sandal, euter'g by the fire-
<t�d,! Now I'm going to hear iusro
it. Looking back s(he Saw that
escape, confides in her that he
,sometbdng worth while. Just ask me the
other foot passenger was fran-
is her father and than her Teal
for something good' and difficult to tticall'y
signalling. •°
name' is Lynda Sandal. Unser-
She dfstmdststed her driver at the door
tin about whether she wants to
"It,s just—your confidence." of
Nick's first residence. Another
-get married so quickly, Jocelyn
"All right. You shall have it. taxi
swooped to a shop at the corner
goes to talk things over with her
What do you want to know? Ask me of
that street and its fare dismnount-
mysterious father. There she
meets Jock Ayleward, a gambler,
for a secret." ed.
"I' ca'n't ask for anything definite
She wenn into the unlocked door of
wtho gradually interests her more
of course. But I do, feel sea outside the
tenement, ran up the stairs and
and more. When she mentions
your real life, Felix, your everyday entered
Nick's- roan. Jock rose.
the -name Felix Kent, he tells his
interests, I mean."
"Speak low," said Lynda•, "Is Nick
story of Chow he was a mining en-
"Oh, you're jeealods of Becky Deal. there?"
tgineer, worked under Kent and
again, ante •you?.- is that it?"
"No' I hook 'him tilt a hospital- for
was 'sent to jail for making what
"In a way. I truly am. She know;3 treatment.
Heil be cable to get out
was adjudged a false affidavit.
you, the .real Felix Kent, better .than in
a few days."
One night Jocelyn goes to a par-
I do. She understands what you are
"I'm glad he iWt Mere. I've been
tty'with her father and Jock. Sud-
tbinkti,ng'of all day when I'm -tot followed.
A maiVe across this alley
dtenly, during a dance, Joek rush-
with you. I was ashamed, when I in
a doorway. My mother has en -
.es her out and says he is going
was in the office. I didn't even know gaged
a private detective to find out.
to take her home,' thus- saving
at first—don't laugth, at mte!L that
who took her jeweils'. He must have
Cher from seeing Felix, there dant-
you were interested in mines. She seen
re comer out. Jock, what sball
ing with a gangster's girl. Alone
-boasted—Yes, she really did boast,
we do? If we got out together now
with Jock, he kisses her passion-
Felix—in a careful poldtte sort of way,
we'll both, be arrested."
ately) during a moment they had
that she knew all about your affairs."
Jock said, "There's another way
alone, she says that she will
"Wlhich she doesn't, not by a long out.
search Kent's safe for papers on
"Won't they be watching it?"
the case and vt^t hi t marry him if
"Sthe ,said you called her your
"Probably. You. left a dress. IIW-.
she finds what' Jock says is trite.
other saps,."
Why not change?"
When asleep one night, Jolegyn'e
` Well, I've .got bigger and better
"Wbuldmit it be beater for me to put
mother wakes bet- and says that
ones whose contents are just, as
on some of Nick's clothes? They'll
Ther jewels have been stolen and
much Greek to Maws Rebecca Deal."
be looking for a Woman:'
Jocelyn suspects Jock or her
"But she can get into them and
"Good thought. You could wear
father. She goes to state her father
find out for herself." 'thema
pretty weld." His eyes imperson-
who seeemis to know nothing about
"No, she can'•t, darling. Do you tally
measured her.
the jewels. She meets Jock, there
suppose she's got the combination?"
He took her into the bedroom, tum -
who kisses ,her against, her will.
"Oh, hasen't slt:e?"
bled a suit from, the closet to, the bed,
She tells him that hie means moth-
Jocelyn whispered, "I wish - you -got
a shirt, a tie and a soft heat and
t her and, that eche is going
h ►i b '— 1
ft her
They ringed her ilke a wolf
p:,ch. axed like a wolf pack they snap-
ped and snarled,
She .stili wore N'ick's shabby suit
but •area• collar had been torn ope:..
"I vton't tell YOU anything." Jock
roust be given his chance, her will
doggedly repeated.
A voice in the room beyond her
torture q armber put a question
sboiply and, Jocedyn Opened her
strange and lovely eyes to their best
Width while the color swept across
her face.
That wase Felix Kent. She forgot
Cher attendant inquisitors. She sat up
straight, commanding the cruel, be-
wildered throbbing of her head, and,
as the door opened', she rose slowly
tc her feet. -
Because of her guarded, and se -
eluded life, Jocelyn had had even
fewer opportunities than most people
for seeing the faces' of (her intimates
as they looked to other eyes. than, her
own. In the first unrecognizfng meoem-
ents, Felix now showed, her a face she
did not know. It was not the soft
ingratiating countenance of a lover
w,th indulgent smile'and incandescent
(Continued Next Week),.
"Old Tom's going to marry Miss
Flighty. Stag can ride, swim, daace,
sing, drive a racing car, and pilot an
airplane. Reals aluounder!"
"They ought to get on fine. Old
Tom's quite a cook."
taolo, and eiitwts will lro� A c d :
1039 t+o colaablish eiw* .t� P't TO -
ton stereo. At the p4•' t time ;tie
bulk of this Frodlt A IS sold. to thte
hateA a¢a "fit uramtt trade,
Tobacco Production
Tobacco acz'e+ge in Caaiisdra. i%mreas-
ed by 20.7 per cent In 103.8 =4 date
crop of 96 -million., poumds' Vass the,
,largest ever -barves,te . The main ex-
pamsion was tin *e flue --cured pradue-
ing faa•ea. of onrtarnio, where the in-
4'reaste was undertaken with a view to
replenishment of depleted stocks, of, a S l}t
old leaf and to provide- for an amici- i'ty and, sales aree beim �� ✓ rt�l ��,t��
Patted' greater demand in the United • mens at-,atroulid .$7.60
Kingdom market. No: 1• seed- Laixybtant ,�tepvrt�wy++"; �tl��,'"'
The hdghet- production of 1938 will several eras to 0, �. chcAwas,
result in . a . material increase in that tie have,' 'been dhiwiirped tY An4�rjea�6t k
sticks of flwQ-cured tobacco in Can- markets in ,atlas put two sP�7�,' 011
ada, unless there is a substantial ex- very satis,'fact�or•y, prices bating gbtban
panstion of -exports to the United King- ed. Demand pi` Sadtgi� ti'iYeef � r + c
dom. T'hepe was a sharp increase in rims been, very -active ill Mid!t�e5ex�' ��� '7
exports to the United Kingdom aur with load's '.of the best lit vty &1tPe144' ,+,
ing 1938 aver 1937.but -this was- atttl i- gt,aving fieen `pumbooed. for i whe _ e
buted to the relatively short stocks di�tt f 1
shipment as well as for dtelivtemye i'St „ rj°,
of Canadians tobacco in the United A pail and: May, at $7 to $7..50 per cwt
Kingdom at that time and to the fact preparations are,.being made for 'tthe pr
that there was in Canada a large sup- Mndxllesex Seed Fain• in London On, ;�'r•
plly of high quality leaf from the 1937 March 13 and, 14. Potatoes : hiave, +in. l
crop' avaJiltable for export. Stocks in creawed' somewhat in price in: Went. � :
the United Kingdom ane now Large worth, ret?aliling at $1.25 a bag, A. carte )
and a recurrence of the heavy exports load of Western how'aes •were 'breughtt t
-of 1938 is, corristidemed unlikely for 1939. in and sold) at auction bringing arouni�
'Me flue -cured crop as largely mat'- $100 each. Renftew rgpomts pnospects. r' a
keted througth grower -buyer arrange- for sante of seed•grain this year some.
meats. The negotiated mininudm ay. what slower 41hram the record 1938 sea-
erage price for the 1938 crop was, stet sou, In Hastings County steed! clervn- y'
at 22.5 cents per pound, or 2 cents be. ing is the order of the 'day, with the
low the 1937 minimum average. The cleaning and. grading planus, reporting
1937 crop was actually olid at 27.3 the seed is coming in for cleaning in, V`#k
cent's per pound. or 2.8 cents above a very satisfactory manner.
In Greer }.
,the negotiated mtinimum price. Since ville there has been a decided in -
1936 there has been a general ten- 'crease in the number of flocks 'beaneg
deny for decline as a con- blood -tested' in order to supply hatch -
sequence of the.. rapid inctrcase in :pro. jug leg eggs. Livestock in Lennox anal.
duction. Addington are reported doing well.
Current lrarm Report Butter Consumption y
Cattle brought particularly good Contsmmnpption of butter in Umpire
prices at auction sales in Wellington countries higher per head of popu-
Covpty during the `past month. There lation than in foreign counttnes, states `
is also keen interest in breeding the imperial Economic Committee. It
stock and many breeding •sows are amounted in 1937 to 40.7 'pounds- in
being purchased there. Brant County News Zeaaand'; 34.2 pounds its• Austm-
reports, that demand for 'horses is lira,; 32.7 pound's in Canada, and 24.8
much less than a year ago. Young pounds in. the United Kingdom, com-
pigs are selling there at from $5 to paired with 19.6 pound's in Germany;
$7 each. Dealers report a plentiful 17.9 pountils in Denmark and, Belgium,
supply- of red clovem of excellent qual- and 16.7 pounds din the United States.
rang o wall thank I m worste t ran a s y. e
to ,marry' Felix next week. but I do wish I could tell: herr that 'I The clothes weren't sttcih a bad fit.
_ knew that combination." 71he felt haat, because of her thick
Felix threw back is head and (hair, was a tight squeeze but she pull -
Jock wet his lips. "You'll let me laughed heartily and) tenderly, -the ed it down. When obe, cants out Jock
knew when yod are going .to look in- laughter of an indulgent elder. s'm'iled at her appearance.
to that srafie?" "Little goose! What good would "You'l•l die, I guests, on a foggy
"I will let you know. You'll be that do you?" nrglit. Where are we going when we
there''• • "No good of course. No practical leave here?"
"Yes." He gave heft' the number good. But—spdr•itually—" "Have you one of those small
and the name of this queer street. "spirittually? Ta know the oombiu• searcilliI this; Jock?"
She looked about and found, her- ation of an office safe?" "An electric tomb? Sure tilting."
self asking in a changed voice, "Why ."Well, psychologically -then. It Felix's, office downtown."
are you in such a place? Aire you would give me a feeling of lmowfng Three blocks away from the tall
hiding from tire. police?" you better, sof being in your conoj- marrow .tenement they took a taxicab.
"Neo. I'd quit gambling and paid dense, of being—" her voice -fell. She said tv herself, "After this ride:
back some moneey. I had a job as a "really your wife . . _ (And I ant I shall r;iever• be alone witch shim again.
mecdianfc, But I'll pull stole sort of going to be his wife, his: faithful And I Dove lam, And I have never' $ice]
game between now and next Wed• wife wtho, to make amends for this given him a word of kindness. He
nesday so's I can look after Nick. one act of treachery ---or is it an act will remember m,e only as one of
Wait. 'I've a w•edd'ing gift for you." of trustt?--must obliterate from her many wound-;." Arad the longing to
He tock from the table drawer and md:nd all fanciful rebellions. Sar rhea s'pPak ratify to him took posseeseion of
handed to Cheer the picture, of his dog. writhing conscience justified itself). N r alnrosIt. irresistibly.
"I woui want'hi:nr any more after Felix iiPted, the hair from one of it was mtore difficult than Jocelyn
next Wednt�sday•" the delicate close -set ears and bend- had' fercesrc`en, to locate the spot they
"Why not?" ing his mouth to it w'hispPred, "Three. wanted, But.finally they found it, v
"Because, by the grace of God, be- eight . three turns Ito the left At. Lha foot of the fire escape they
fore that day A won't be only Roger . eight -five -two , . . two turns s,tovni together looking up.
but you who will be forced to believe to the right. One -one -one -seven "You mu:�t wait 'hetes. Jock. I know
. d I h°tvI,
in me, even if you are alr•eeady Mrs.
six turns right. Six turas left. Dad
just where the safe s an s.
the combination. Let m,'
• Good times, that is, times of -normally prosperous con -
Felix Kent."
She said, looking I1 n, in the eyes,
you get that, my sweet foolis!i
memot"IZIPd ,
have your torah•"
ditions, are here, waiting for us to put them to work.
"I shall really be Or-. Felix Kent.
"Say it again, Fe'.dx."
"I must go up with you. You don't
take this
Industrial and financial leaders �t0l us so. - Bankers tell
And I shall not beforced -to believe
decided tlhe
He repeated It and she, in her bruin
imagine tthat 1'd let you
chance alone?"
us also that savings were never as great. Last year sav-
in you, I've to snake
,search. I promised only on ,one
of a s�clrboltgi.r•l, con.nea it ��•er anal
over, sick with her ,own deception.)
"You have to. If I anaJ caught I'vE'
know- who I am -n
ings accounts throughdut Canada increased by, millions
condition, . . .
To lie so in a man's at ms and to
only to Let them
order to be released. But if you are
of dollars. There's where the "good times", conditions
that you return the jewels."
cajole Itis secrets from him for what
rpdglit be . . . no, she trusted him.
founri in there
from him and
are—tied up in Savings Banks accounts, when a lot of it
"I shall ebe waiting."
"It is to prove my confidence inn him.
She tools the light
felt the ice of hien fingers.
should be paid an accounts, and the balance of that in -
"Lord! I haven'•- got them!"
,you will find them- if you look."
conscience must be silent-
ed! It is only to prove his honor in
"Keep the light low, Lynda. Be
crease spent lri normal buying at prevailing low prices
"You madte me a promise.'
' f�"
such a fashion that ire may never
know it has been questioned • to ria
ca re fit 1."
"I will. You'll watch down there.
would have us well on the way to normal good conditions.
A promrs,e to a tare
"Is stili a promise."
myself of tlhrs �- Other this
if—if I should find any papers I it
th�''ow, them down to You and: as soon
give you .more time. If I find' no Pa
"But you—tlriave done something--
Other . . . forever, and forever—
ytru get them, gay. Don't wait for
will change my prom'is'e
to me.,.and
"I kissed you."
"You kids upon my
Next day she w,rotea line to Jock:
"I masa believe you have not been
Mee, I may not come dawn this way.
I may wait and tell the, night watch-
Here'sllow Your $1.50 Works:mouth."
forced your
mare that I had a wager —some sill}
down and join you."
She had started -her dizzy climb.
She (had• begun to tremuble
able to return the jewels. If slue-
II 1
society girl's explanation, l)tiat would
pital, Londum,, Eng. At Comnowmerct3l
now and -her vonoe shook. For that
ceeed, an arrarLgrng mat ors a;c ualpe,
a I'll to you tonight abou
give you .more time. If I find' no Pa
Hotel,, S'eafor'uh, third Wednesday in
will change my prom'is'e
p.ers, as of cnvt:t;,e I won't, I will came
each month, from 1.30 p.m. to 4.30
p.m. 53 Waterloo Street South, Strat-
down and join you."
She had started -her dizzy climb.
You decide to invest $ prosperity—the best way
> s ,a•
She found the window open. it
let bei --)elf
is to buy something that you have been putting off buy -
moved: up silently and she
n •.:
does,n upon the office Floor. She went
ing, or to pay it on an account—and if you owe us an
softly over to thI, safe. The electric
account, preferably our account. Here's what happens:
i :.sins..
torch, as MI's pross'MI gave out
round wilke spot whiclt startled, her'
That $1.50 is paid out in wage's, or we pay an account;
/ '
With its precise revelation of blue Blit
it from us buys something he needs
tering knob of the safe,
She repeated to herrself: "Three-
the one who receives
or pays an account, until finally you receive your $1.50
Graduate Royal College of Dental
eight tih!ree aur-r,s to the left.
back, either in articles sold, if you are in business, or in
Surgeons, Toronto. Office at Hensal'1,
e, t�
1 ^ "%i
Fight-five�two. Two, turns to
rl.ght. n,-once-one'Six turns
wages as your place of employment receives orders that
Ont. Phone los.
, � X4
right. Six turns heft." Tho thick door
your $1.50 has helped create.
opened ntyi'steleiR,s'lY.
The small compartcnienttse wbre label-
led, not with letters or numbers, but.
with hieroglyphics wrhdch meant noth-
The Huron Expositor has subscription's in arrears—
ing. Sthe took out of papers
and stealthd,ly examined them. Bundle
$1.50 accounts. Each one paid means $1.50 more going
after bundle, with names and titles
into circulation through our employees.
utterly tt'nl='n'own,, contracts,
Llccnsed Auctioneer
signed ,papers she took them out, re
Specialist in "farm and thomebold
eales. Prleest reasonable. For dates
turned them. -
"Altgernon Talley, Lost Valley
LOOK AT THE LABEL TO -DAY. If you are in
and informatRon„ write or phone Har-Mimte"
Pbtons, 09, Seaforth,
"You forced your • kiss upon me.”
She thougtht she hand 'tanagined the
make investment In prosperity with us.
GM Dale.
words but, her eyes had reaW picked
arrears, your
apply at The Expositor
6'olbCk. I shall have to ask your
them off a folded' stiff sheet. Slue be -
He was driven too a desperate btelp."
was �band.r own
goat now to ,shafts.
neer the
A tonmist travelling thorough the
jeering:"So you don't trust your Pleading �nThis
ked Fel
Dieamtondtt�." es's, site a
x kind of look in• you provided
'Texas Paan le gat intte canvema.
filon Vkh an old settler and his gofo
Knave of
stay _ to her
y that ly to
� safe he decided that lie wng ould take
you with
Her sick eyes Bran, down the
at to fi;Iks sciatica
"Looks as though we, might, have
pen thidon't
Whether mo�llt relief
would. be ebmsidlerabty Irleasanter for aisflying ge of tares tripsseab for one of
mne moi to Blaen 3t." 11i�w trips.
Sbe saw Another lleatter . I've got fi m where
him. it. wasn't socio easy dttt
sadn,' said the taur,l
io the
faltered nearer, fell on his "I'll take the eventing express and
we want
,,Well, I hope so," replied' the na
-mot much for for
kneesbefore ptd wn arms
Heegave Iyer
it owst hIOU I eq• job. But i rkerpt Min away
trice, 1 sb
It rat n.11
rmy bag fleas. I've assn it main"
hdad preparatieona, darldng�
- . an address to wire or to tet'ephone to
from a shaft and lith a go edema
Mamager.. .mat do you
against Inez•. He said ,nothing.
She snood there. She did not know if she Should need frim and krissed
ant• five o'clock
It was true. Felix K9nt had made
that mwrdemus bargain,. Felix Kent
anisan bylLrguimrg with. that customer?
The cusr
than she• fraud 'bent down hoc awn her fondly. This was
,)1 ullbjil her ides Made exl ads do rive afternoon,
head• baited a traQ for ant unsuspecting
friends boy 'he'd played witl►t Folex
Domvn you 1thY(►vw bUG-r rule?
Der $ ..
ha''r. Hie looked up into her. fact- and At half -past ten, Jocelyn gat up and
locked hen'. door. Outside the might
Kent lied epaid a mlilldan dollars flat a
IY'ltotori $]leu:, know it. Bart the
rem and let her go. They did, not
was tlhpek, F'og harms croaked from
worth:lests mate in.m er to sell that '
Insistedt "Wt'ollg'Y
speak atgWn.