HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1939-02-17, Page 1G I Iq.. _r . fi 11 9 /iI I'll\ 1 401h,2 Eightieth -Year A. ; Whole ' Number 3714 • - ..... :� I ­ �� � �:,.'­ 11 (,,III I �, 1,1011, M. • . . ' - i\ 7 A h h— w ” . — •uM . _ __ SEA FORTH, FRIDAY, DAY, FEi3RU '7 _T TEACHES IN SCOTLAND McKillo • Insuran . .....,.' p ceCompany SEAFORTH GIRL SEES Had Very Successful Year RISTORIC SITES Annul�l Meetin ' . Learn II �____ Mis�si Ethel MacKay Writes e • ® Dwelling Losses Lower of Christmas Trip to 1938, 'States Secretar Italy. Enjoys Expositor Treasurer in -His Repos "Find enclosed a money order o , HEAR POPE SPEAK for $1.50, our renewal subscrip. THOS..IVIOYLAN tion for The Huron Expositor, We have been continuous sub- I RE-ELECTED PRX Mrs. Hugh MacKay, Jarvid Street, soribers for 46 years and look Inas just received) a very Interesting , forward to the paper coming ew account in a letter of a,trip during Fry Friday night, it like a The annual meed -nig of 'bile Mc'K the Christmas holidays to France, 'letter from home for mol,other, IOP Mutual Fare Lneurance' dompan Bwrttzerlamd and Italy, which her as it ip• her old ,home town," 1'eld in the Town Hali,, • S�eaforth, r daughter; Mises Ethel Mae ay, of St. writes'J. S. McNeill of Fullarton, Friday last, was largely att'e'nded, iPollox School staff, Giasgdw, am, ex- in a letter received this week. Mr. Thomas Moylan, the presider change teacher fry Toronto, made Many thanks, Mr. McNeill! +occu'piedl the chair- and the financi in caffipany with a party of exchange report presented was a most encou d.•eachera, numbering fifty-five women 40. • • • aging ors to ,the members& athree mens from' Australia, Can The cash receipts for the year wel oft da ,aril the United S!tatest receipts$36,200,78, and, the total,ex•Peuiditur( � ,, I They spent Christmas Day In Flor- $9,804 82. Trine total assets) of tt enhee where they enjoyed teas tradi-/��Ii �op i A®� t� Cone,PanY are $74,501.67 and the 'tot: ti'aml turkey and Plum pudding and iii��,lll4 L L L Il I•i9abildtti� $10,706.86. 71hs fire iossle maw 'tine 'orid alsso of me b famaus during thte Year amounted to $5,723.9; gtannbIngs' and some of the best scalp STRUCK BY CAR The :cabal number of poldci,es i, ttuam in. the mored Time water was force at ' December 31st, 1938, wer ✓high the dray they arrived in, Vendee 2,758. representing insurance of $9 avhere they were taken to a hotel i'n 00'3,872.50. a gondola, all, the entrance ,hall of Mrs. Frank O'Reilly in Scott me rletininig ddrectors, Messrs- Ales #:he . botel being submerged in, water. }3r oadfoot, W. R Archibald and, F le) ' It, however, went drown later. "How Memorial Following St. McGregor, were reapPointtted. theRa remarked, shay firm" Mess Mc- At Crash. At the meeting of Ithe directors fol Ray r+e¢narked, "I don't know." loving the annual meedtig, Mr. Thos . The eceountrr �betweeni Rome atid - Maylatn was m-e'le- eted Pnesdd+eu+t- Mr Naples, they noticed:, . was ,terribly Struck by a 'car as she, crossed No. William Knox, Vice-Ptesfdlenet, an( poor, people 'living in little huts, 8 Highway at St. Colum'ban Wed,es- Mr. M. A. Reid, was reappointbed' Sec scarcely ,good enough for animals. day afternoon', Mrs. FrankO'Rei1]'Y, retary-Treasurer, . The ploughing is all dove by oxen. 2nd concession of MoKidlop; is in The faplowtnig is the report of t:h< lDrangie groves are numerous- The Scutt Memorial Hospital, Seafortb, I Seoretary-Treasurer as presented to party visited) Naples and anold emater suftiering from a broken 11e9 and in I the mleetd•ng•: of a volcano near Vesuvius, where ternal d'ujuries. Her condition is not "In' presenting any annual report, l whey saw bodlltng lava, and, sand._ The regarded as, serious+. (have pleasure in advising that you ground wags quite warms, and the sul- have [hard a s'ucces'sful year, that your phur fumes choked them a little. Ms. O'Re]-ill'y had been atitend�ng a' finam'ciad' position is improved, all, of Mount Vesuvius Inas so much smgloeke funeral at St. Cblumhban church and whdch ds' rWT gnati.fydng- and. steam, coming out of it that you aPPar'enfly failed to see the approach- "Ari analysis, of your tosses. shows can't see anything down amends of it, inhg 'oar. The driver oP the ;cru, J, that& ttvo farm barn fires' have 6 although people do ®o up josh foeen r the Golemt'an; 13 'Savoy Avenue, Toronto, tbre largest ,areae, Unfortunately, the .fun of it. 'shopped witlidu 15 feet after (striking rine had: to be ,jailed as unknown, al- The­-weather was sunny `aqd 'bright .the womain, according to Provincial tiraugdr it was .preswme<b to have start - when the party reached Pompeii, This Tmaffdc Officer J. W. 'Callander, who ed; from'olidldre,n •playing with match- -ald 'burned, city is 12 miles out of in'v'e'stiggate'dl es. The other, which was a s'eaious Naples- Mussolluw! has built a s'pe- The dnjureed %r'om'an, who was at- loses, was caused, by an upset lanrtern. , ciaj speedway to it and you have to tended by Dr. M. W. Stapleton, Dub- The other major loss wars a dwelling. Pay to drive 0111 it, Pompeii was a ]iti, was later removed to the hospital and was caused by a defective chdm- ihruge city and the ruins show streets, in Box's ambulance. On Thunsday ney- This is a serious question and avenues), stares, public buildings, the.she was -Potited as resting comfort- one wthic'h mhoulld be 0;ransddered by . atres and aro, aampli tthep.tre. ably- every Policyholder. After arriving in Rome Miss Mac- • "fu 1937 our dw�el-ling losses were . Fay went to see the Pope. The Vat- heavy, and the 1938 impnovameere dean is- a huge walled city and build- �] leads me to believe that Ings are enornhous. Many hundreds Ola Bops Attend you ce ev- of Ineople were lined UP on either side J er'ed' precaution and request to ith- ev- oi a large hall and. His. Holiness Poe . theery P lq,owifan and practised fan chi faith -fully P Church Service the fol'lowitryg precautions: clean candm V Pius was carried on, the shoulders of nzys amid four m,en; all in fancy undform's of Pipes regularly; keep stove - purple, yellow and' red. He wore the ptp'P.s away from all wood; reimove all The tenth annual church service of rubbish; dePosdt ashes, only in metal brightest sed gown with )tat to match. true Huron Oki Boys' Association of containers; avoid) us'e of . Tlve people cheered, He spoke In gasoline; cdo h iit�I#an• atndl 'bleshset7 all, especially Tbranto was died Sunday averring at tr'o't use kerosene ,Ga Start fires; watch pecially one St. Paul's Presbyterian Church with and clear, coal oil stoves and lanterns; bamdred Young Married couples 1M about 400 members of the association smokers, be careful, extingud,sth and Borrie on their honeymoon trip- being in attendance. 'break your match We before muobored Into the country, she it awry; .practise Bre you throw oontlmuetdt, and' 'slaw the Pdpe's sura Rev. R. C. McDermlfd, chaplain of Pr'e'vention meth - mer home, and afteirward, went on the association; conducted theserviceode daily. Your efforts„ undoubtedly,sightseeing trips to St. Peters, the and, took as hissubject "Elfjab " He saved a heavy property lose or the 9azgest cahatr^ch. in the world, the Vat- stressed the importance of old friend- 'life of one or more dear to you, which Scam, the coliseum erre the catacombs ships and elaborated on. the theme is the mlost dreadful disaster of all where Ciha istaians hid dM that we'rat the w or•Id nip today was dwelling fires. t3mtg the time's faith. "I wo-Od� aa,k ever ' of pensecuCfon. We saw 3t. Paul's Y member 'to read Church and the beautiful new stadium A fireside service was later ,held in 4aa+efully 'Did You Know?' by Fire Mussolini is 'building- We travelled the sahoolmoeom with a very large at- Marshal W. J. Scott, K.C., on back of , by train to Pisa and viewed the Lean to iCt nce. A program of old-time this report_ Also to read easeful ly ing Tower. I was led; up its 300 steps 'hymns. choir selections, vocal and his or 'ber policy and become familiar and stiff as a boards the next day. Piano solos were 'much 'enjoyed by with its requirements. As a Poldcy- Tiherre was alwaya.a special coach re- the members, Short addiresees -were holder, you agree to use certain rea- t served for ua an the trains and dight given by mermbersl'from difiereat parts eromble means for protection of your , served slat is a ca rains and I t of the county, and lunrtheon was seri- Propert'ty. ' Fadidng to do this you place ' Genoa we visited the home of Chris- ed by the ladies of the congregation, y+irtraelf and Board of Directors in an dophrer Columbus and 'the palaces and awkwaard situation should. a Bloss occur,, • )had a tri • Pameteck yourself and, your Board by a p h &Icer mtouataalnt 'Ito see becoming Familiar with its ,equine t �e view, w.hltt14 was beautiful.le we Receive New Books I ,)raft left for NfiCe The meats. , saw- at the casino, Monte Carlo, were . • .11 conclusion, I would like to state a M moist unhappy looking and 'haggard,. I At Public Library that I endeavor to keep records and maned not say i2 was a place where mailing lists complete. Change of ad- I many dbrtumres are made: drness, removaits, !t, On their return; to England, via The following new b'ook's' have been policy foto olat]emi Boulogne, the .received, at the, Seaf'DTbh Public Lib gttments of Policies, far collateral i panty to visited. Pattie and rary- security, and trtantsfers are all policy ] saw fire (gay' and; historic sighrts. The r'equ'I•t'ements, and! exchange teachers are locking for. Adult Fiction—"Disputed' Passage," your imtimeddate ad- ( vice will' be greatly appreciated'. ward to visiting Germang during tote Douglas; "And Tell of Time," Krey; •'T ,wash' to take this predated. of r Ferric vacation,"Wisdom's Gate," Barnes; "You'ne thwa(nkitig the Members, A Doctor Galahad," Seifert; "She Was ge'n'ts' and g • CaM'e Eaton," Corbett; "Maris," Hill; Directors for their idnd c"P'erlation which ,has made possible thda report, "Hotel Hostess," Baldwin; "No Arm - Regional Meeting ' aur rp and aiL Of which is, respectfully sub Against- .Face,,' edea,; "Serpent r in the Gard'en,•' Dell; "The Wall," witted." t James' Ri�rehart; "Tire Glass Slipper," Eber- • s 1. Heid at St. James hart; "More Knaves Than One Pack- I- 1) -1 and " iiaddera of the Spanish Peaks," h The negib'iale 'divtfsdoll of the Cai h- Grey: "Lonely Road," Partial; ,'kRob- Appreciate Many tt ,dole 7%p payers' Assoclaatlon of On- ert Harddnlg," Slater; " Tilien I% Look e 2ari'o for the ricVng of South Huron UP," Mowat; "Three Measures," $eat- Years -Co-operation matt 3n dile Separate school hall, Sea- tle; "The Fur Masters," Sullivan; _ e; , . forth ata Tue'sday,, F1eb. 14. "The Mandrake Root," Osttenso• „All B I - Thatec dei This and Heaven, Too," Field; „Ma- Mr. Aud:rew &tie who retires this g, p e W, t from each of were lice of Me Dee years as. Sea- parishes dor the rddd: a," Ping; „Road to Bag- monrth after seventeen, tr ng, who were dad'," Gibbs; .,The Buocaueers," forth, wei:ghtn ster, speaking to The a, Peb. 6, net parochial meetings the#rd W Warton; "Night Must >' nd'," Price Expositor tt)tds week wished to thank o Feb. 6, t#ogdther wnrolr hlrpi'r pastors, „,e SPY Master," O 'the .public floc the courtesy he had ' were lWeseaL p'Pe'nheim,' 'Hand been shown dwt ng his years Itneme. 1� Regional oSSeerm tousWtg of a One Her shoulder," Pa+ice; .Misty „I Land." Su'therl'and; "A Shi of the rPa'rtilcuitarl , aPPreciate the eo- t gtres Ment, vlce-Press &,tit; s'ecret'ary Line," Forester;' "So operation and cbur ter s sad treasurer woM atpFokdedt lug of Years,' Ald- y shown me by • rloh; "True Valiant Woman " Kaye- .Ohfe Commission, the coal dealers&, Che "Pdlbr for, sive Pr>eseni . um of our Smdt'h; "VailleY Beyond" M'owary.; beamta'bers and •bhe public in geuieral," case for r$ jet sIi>ttire oR pnblte chili- "Doctor Bradley Re'mem�bersi," Young. he aa.'id, • &fes and'- c . porattion taieees, ta6!bdleh la Mr- Little leavers' this week for property by every trtgiut, W>eTd des• Non-Fittiom -- "Canadian Mosaic," Brau.tford where be will spend the cuesaetd'," said ,Au'gust Ditaba'ttme, who 'Gibbon; '•IA,Pe of Chtr]at," Caine; balance of the winter with his son, was -,appointed seenetary for the di+s- '�We'srtmans'ter Watchtower," Balmer; Mr. W. H. Little. tnOue delegate from each par3att rung "91,ven,ty Years Young" Vingal; elected to amend' a Diocesan, itneeetin "All Bib Byrd; 1, Through Lands of g the Bible," Mtortan; "With Malice To. 0 to be'itpld in St. Peter's it Ellis p, London',- wards' S61nie," Halsey; "Moau'idetrs, o4 l�'eb. 11�+ %r' ttliB wdy it is planned to National . Destiny," Sowards; ,,Sky joih t{te diffareint Pardalbles of Cath- Roaming Above Two Cox),tilnentts," Cold -rifles In'the prov'in'ce in :a united ef- Franck; "Swa „ ewt to eerCare' a Jurat snmre of Public .,Cja,Y; "The Seto Book of Maar�vels,,, experienced the r, utiliticre and corporation t=m. 11hild'bur'tow; '"Danger .Jai My Bugimte.m This district did '� coldest weather of the winter on • Craig; "Que0h V101:0714's Daugliberrs," Thursday mgrnling when the ther- n'J� "hi'aVe yams iarinch room In your new 13engonl. urometer reached 18 kielowi zero. deal:?" , Juvendle••--�'Gdve a Man a. horse - By 9 orclock in the inorhing it I "H%aVebs, tD MY' ldtch69 and din- Mxigerb; "Wlako p+obin;, Burroughs ; had risen to 4 below. Sing atloa'tf! 6110,186 small that I have to "ntmuds Mem and Wb ierb," MCKim- , div® oil cam "em+ adlilit and s�xort- . I 11 . I r r i • 1'+ . • h S 1 f ,+ Na. r '::•r,M !+. (fin F,.; ii Q, *', i 'l tt., �F y ra r;,;I el ,r - e' .!.t 1 t '...:, at 4,.. ca r I „i �, .. r ,'•'. tt r s.Vbyan.t3. ., r Y- a d i 1 i. D. S�. tt 1 .1 S 4. x n e �I< w k �" ti Y ,r '. I S R i � =n l S d t r Y i x � q 4 41 - I t S� -t � o .y 4 ¢ ri h r 4 t 1 t rr 1. N t x I '4 ,E I. t ,1 r� � 3. 4 3 1 7 1 , t r r '� - r i� � � t i � � 1 ! t M 7 r C r. ., I s �l :... .,• �i;! ,,,,,,,,,,,,,4„�. a, .r„�t Wi,..�:d,r., 1.,,,.,��,.vt,av�.r,-stn,.,r:.,tit,,��,-lt,'1,rd/�,..�><.er,.� .,it i<1r......4;,,.a& M1 ,,�au.�,4�k.ti•,rsua4 ee,,,,.M1.,?n.5,e,.. 1,79 1.939 0 r a 1 d '11 3' ;jil ';M `_ a +.,�yill ' � �l+� tfr 'ftp' -NIX{ TUCKERS rrrp }7n 1 r 2sf'fk{`i g,) ,,y but RSMITH'HPLE :eforh� Idea v �� K F� nA tn�Ns ers Continue CoUNI EIG,It+r , ORSER�E „ 4 °` �` TR I R i��� nning Streak '1" ` �:� ,<�ar,l�> •' ' e W 4 al P� iyYrFr JI r11 �4Y'� L D � N,. W E D M N G • Tavist ,,,I �� _ 1.ock For First PIace ANO {n. Nt� L {�� in Mr. and Mrs. R. I3, Made- Defeat ' Cliylton, Tavistock, ' •x°r ',S �,�r , , �' Y- land Were Married ','ori ® * o i O A d o $ t s ' Re ti t o 'f , ��, �l ' Goderich and Mitchell , �� I, t. February 13, 1889. VVeghmte,,.Retlr , �s�li� x During Past Week Before Win in' New Yonc� ' �, ' "' Tlll� ]Oc1h. r u , I , LIVE ON SAME FARM Large Crowds.1. Appearing in Madison Square r a Gardens, New York, this week, 1. ft >• Irif`e Iomg and drdghdy" esteemed a esi- FINAL 'SAME IN John R. Walker's two Dasehund WILL ED ERID ..,i dogs were awarded two first, a ---^t ==Y'*^ '�� i, Y dents aY T(rc,kertsutith, Mr, crud Mnw. second, a third and two specials, SearParrth� eP? ', i]_ R H. Madeland' oat Monday observed CLIN'iON THURSDAY erea�edt 11 *� nthe fiftieth anniversary of their mar'. according to a wire received (here precteattugn of tore• services• rBrud�redl by, ' �ti mage at their home on •th<; , Wednesday from their owner. The An'd'rew Little, for 17 years n ' l'at saootid Standing dogs last fall won $coccal prizes welgilimaster, Wrhra T� thte w!eelj ;- r' i;`i corueswiom. The day was quietly i spent at their home, and in ' the even- GP W L T Pts'- when shown at tlrie Royal Winter A. motion ,sipgnhorie'd 1W C.o'unci,'llar r za, rl ing' neighbors and - friends Seat ....... 15 9 5 1 19 - Fair in Toronto, but this is the Sills and Smfth'aead: .4n,at 'a caro= ' ""'; ', gathered ,Ta stock ..-... 14 8 3 3 19 first time they have been benched lution of the appreoiatpxxn of the 1 'll'F i t._ for a suaptise partly, C11d,ntom at the New York Show, Services of Andrew Little ,the nmtt g. Both are members of Pioneer Tuck- 11 7 3 0 16 ersmith frami'Ides'. Mr. Modela:nd, when Goderich 5 4 1.0 1 9 'r•ity that wa.s his, the . public mond- e I>e Mit<abebl• deuce he the and twro year@ old:, came with; his father .. 12 2 9 1 5 0 9 � � 1d•, the dovotion to S from near Brantford'. 'rete elder Mode- Tibia includes Tuesday night's game. duty he, ma3ntaiart with true !hope '# I e land %)craned the farm whd<th 'has been-Seaforth 4, Goderich 3, ithatt the remembrance' of 'these may +z .t• ,1 thea home of the Modlelamds since. The Bearers again defeated the prove an. incentive as they Must have 1 � a Goderich Sailors; this time in Sea (,IONS [CE CARNTVAI, been, an incvpLnati m, to any one In ev- i I .. , , senna, Mo4leland who was Sarney Mc- faith, Ou Tuesd ery walk of lite, and with: the hope • �Co�gl1 �befoa•e her 'marriage, was 1 �" �'ght, before one of ria.,. r born ,vu the Farm cleared ` b has the largest crowds of the �r �7 cry that Grad may favor him in his+ we12- ;� "t y This makes the fifth straight, nfarIS +ry' 1�uf 11IDAYrned rest with ha _ father on the Mill Road. "_Bobh are the Beavers' since they were defeated b ytes" happiness and „, an Pair (health Mr. Modlelanul is in Mayor Cluff his Slat do Tavistock on Feb. 3. This. game - ---_ presided, at tth'e, mreet- ; �8I year`, while he wife is in her wag much ddfferemit from the one in ing whdclh, was, short, 76th year.',. Goderich the night before; the hard SpeCl�l Program Planned A bylaw approving dk Mr, and'Mrs, Modelanul bare 'a stun, ice gave them a chance to la of up to. $30,0010 to the, borrowiui, ",,` play goad grovddle for fu �; :, Jahn W.x at ha'me, and one dalag+iufer,. F -or. Annual Milk Fund until ._. lu Mrs, R. C. Henderson: fast hockey. The Giyderioli team faxes are received,. was, passed jai, Their wedid'ing dear of fifty years 'rhowed improvement since :their first Benefit. by council. ago, 'the appearance here niter they were beat- Commtunleationsi •from the P. U. C., rut. y .recall, was clear and frosty, en 12-2. It was crow h — respecting A* R' �, but with much more show tIlt" there,' g game, as is ng poles; from the Ontario As- , w4 is this year. The ceremony took place always meelt. s the case when these twro teams The annual ice carnival, sponsored sociation of Mayors and •frown the Sail- �1 by the SeaFonttu Lio'rtg Club in aid, of vation Army, w^ete left for aomtsd,de'tra tom, at the bride's hone weever Rev. Joseph Tote first t'he milk fund, will be held :in the tion until an adjourtved meeting wiltdch McCoy, of Egnnan'dville, offdcfabed. Period •sdrarted fast, the Sailors. having a slight edge in the Palace R'luk on Friday eventing of will be held Friday eVendrvg, a; Diss Polly McGeoch Suri bridesmuaid first few minutes when they next week. Accounts were approved as Fallows: acid Win- J. Ohesuey was groomsmen y gave Miss McGeo'eh is note Mrs- Mitchell Staxire plenty of work. A. Doak and Heading the list of 'high class en- H. Snell, $70; J. Currie, $60; T. Storey Hubert were runt off for .rou hi $60; D. H. Willson, $66.43; A M. Hud- - II land' lives in Philadelphia, white tete up, and Sd11s drew a y g n'g •it- tertainrment will be a hockey game, $60; $19.50; J. A Wilson, graomsmnan 4s deceased,. persalt for hook- Played, in a new way, between. Picked lso'n, $20; Bell , Following ing Ja'hmmon. After 13 minutes of 'teams from tble Junior Flarmler•s' Telephone, `Ca-, $4.62; W. G. Willis, `ti°# the wedding the Party drove to Sea- .Play McKayg $2.75; J. H Stcott, $24.31; J. F. Dal forth in a F'orbesr very pleasure passed' to young, who League. Amotlier feature attraction y, sleigh, where they took the afternoon it .liner Stade from leve right side will be the "jitterbug one skates" a $9.40; Caivadnau National Railways, ., ,of the, net On'e minute later Man- skatinrg' madman, who is guaranteed $1.12; Provincial Treasurer, insulin, train to Toronto for their honeymoon. rr $2.93; Gore District Mutual Fire IxLa 'cry tied up on a hard shot from the to be good for a ih"SanO laugbst • 'blue line, unassilated, to end the actor- Exeeldemt prizes aro being awarded sutaueee Co., $27-00; A. E. Wilson & ` • lug for the first period.large Co„ Ltd., gmemnrim, $26.22; Fidelity '+ Egmondville Plans Seaforth outplayed the sail do manttber of events amKl tete .., , topped with a spee'fal Sze for Insurance Co. � $8.00; Law /. the seCand, atvd, after 6 % minutes of the Queen of the Carndval. Umnon' &Rock �' e, premduma, " .Dance -on Monday hockey Kruse banged it past Doak, Spectators as well as skaters, may $111.40; E. C. ChambtrWu, Canaddatt • i:.. A. when be was refit open during a wd'n, the 5.00 door Y surety Co., $20; cash relief, $256.39; >:, The Egmmdvdlle Hockey Club have scramble. Muir scored' Seaforbh's $ prize wfhi'a � �- P.U.C., electrical, plar<ned a dance in Card -no's Hall on third g offered. $mery Ke.40; - s, v Monday evens goal at e. our a pasts from Har_ $5.80; Wm Montgomery, $32.40; ' A. ;,% rug next, when the pro- tis and Kruse. Young of Goderich General skating will follow the pro- W. Hart, $1.80.. - • gram 11 will include oil , and new time and Hubert' of Seafortit received, pen- grgm which conoludesi at 9 p.m. All • �, daences to excellent ttbttaic, alties, then Stoddard was sent off for Proceeds from the carnival go to the Lions Gtub milk fund Lady Breaks Leg '',' • boardd'ng Hubert. iWhdle Stoddard r was in rite cooler, A. Hildebrand icor- Plan Musical ell for Seaforth at 12.50, G. H•flde'bran�i ' While a#Constance i and Schroeder assisting. McKay was %ti' Air event of unusual interest N to mus. Y Find No Trace PIQ ip 'lovers will be heti)' i, Narbhside tr`iPpe<1 in front of the Seafort'h net k L:nited' Churc'b on Mondlay evening, during it .rush, so a p •^r hlty shot was • MTs, Bella Lawson), of Stratford,. J February 20th, when vocalist ,from given' to Goderich, but Stade made a r while A'si'ti/ng at ber nephews', Mr. great save, on Grant's ,hot. With 3 O f Thiel, es George Leitch, had the mis'fortuge to Stratford& Mitctuell, and SeaPorth, poet- fall}, causing a compound fracture fls Qf Mr. W.B. Rothwell, Music Mast- minutes to 90 MCK,a% :cored on a near au ankle. Dr- F, A. McMaster • ;1; er of Stratford Normal School will closer; shot to make Idle score 4-2 at No trace ,has been discovered of was sled,, who put 'the injured mem- tt Present the 'progamnrte. Most of the the end' of fire second the thief wllvo broke into 'the British ;her in, a cast and 'book leer to S'trat- :+ Pupils appearing an• this programmte. The Beavers were without the ser- Amerbcazt' service statiortt ori Goderich will, appear at the Stratford Music %•Ices of Flannery for part of the s'ec- Street last week. Entry^ was secured ford. 4 Festival- one) and third period. McKay scared by cutting throu'g'h a piavberboard Tlhe 1Aye Wire Class Of Consrtance , >a again for the Sadlors IN,hen he picked wall. Vnif'ted Ohvrab helld a very successful • up the puck at ,his own blue line and cruldnole party' in, the school roam' of AthleAthletics Bears stick 4a+nddea' chic way on the goal to . the church on Friday evening past j tics, hove Kane part Stade who had come The roam was tasttefully decorated by out a few feet to same. McKay and Chas. Holmes' Rink Mrsy Charles Raley in, keepi,g with J, Lead in Duncan Cup A. Hlldpbrattd were sent off for trill- St. alentine''s day. The winners i'n,;' Pdug in teh", Period. Skipper MCDoan- • crokinole ware Miss Cl eta Medd and � With one more group of games to alit who was still wearing the tape an Wins Spoons Hloewepd Armestronrg•. Tbee class,presi- r he'played. ttve•Duncan Cup series on the rut received Monday night, drew diem, Mies Donelda, Adramai, moved a €I Saturday morning was a race for ,play- the #est vote of thanku. Luncah was. served,.- r W berrth&. In .the senior group .the penetity of the Frame The At the weekly bonspdol of the k'thled— are still leading the Amerks Beavers, after a [ew toul�h .brealfls S V one point- The Junior group is. led 37 the Bears with the Bisons in see- )nd place. In the 114-st game the Athletics de- eated the Argos 6-1 in a very one- Aded game. J. Smith was the lone oconer for the Argos) with T. McIver, _- O'Connor and, Dale getting one avh amid' S. Wigg notching two, Venus Pored) th s seem to be cliclrirog at last-' Summary: First Period — Goala, Young (Goderich.) McKay; Flannery, (Seaforth), Penalties—Doak, Hubert, Sills. • Second Period—Goals, Kruse (Sea - forth); Muir (Harris, Kruse), S•ea- forth; A. Hdldebrand (G. WIdtebrand, Sc'broeder), Seafortb; McKay (Gmdee- rich), Penalties --young ert , Hub, g esti goal a, his' own team. Stoddard )time penalty was ,handed out, tills go - 119 to Haney of the Argos. 'l�hrrd Period—Coals: McKay (God The second eriob), Pena.ibies•--McKay, A. Hilde- ga.me was a closer score brand, McDmalol. +hen the Bisons barely defeated, the leavers 'by- a score of 2-.l. Dale and SEAFORTIi—(lone, Stade; defense, combs tallied for the Bisons and Hubert, Sills; Centre, A. Hildebrand, lodg for th,g, Beavers. d. Hildebrand GHildebrand,, Schroeder; alt., Hernia, ecelved tete oni I,f ,V' lan.nery, Kruse, Muir, Be,il. ew—Lu Curling Club held) on Wed- nesday afternoon and eveudUg, Mr, Charles Haloes' rink, composed of W. A. Wright, R J. Winter and, C. Holme, skip, was time winner of •fate silver atpoam's% with a score of 2 modus plus 13. • MacGregor and MacPherson) decid, ed to become teetot l,lers, but Mac- Gregor thought, it wduld be. best if they had, one battle of whistkey to''put in the cupboard;,, is case of illness After three days MacPherson could bean• it no longer, and he said, "Mae - Gregor, I'mt not verra,w+ee.,, "Too late, Macl?LOTson., I was vers sick mesel" 9111 day yesterday!" amp. J Pena y o£ this GODERICHr---•Goal, H. Doak; de- Standing This was a very fast game and fen -so, Grant, Stoddard; centre, Mc- W L ' T PGs. w•dde open ass the score Indicates.. The Trite ,third game between t h e Landesboro , 4 0 1 9 veteran net; mdroder, (Loy McGeoch, Kay, A. Doak. O'Brien; alt„ McDon • "' • • • roerlra and the Aces was ane of old Ilublin . , 2 0 2 6 madee his first appearance of the s'ea- •.atlry. F. Gold§n'g, bhe Aoe's• a'id, Westtnmok, Jahns'tan, Yousig. ..... ' ..... . goai- Referee,—Reis,e- Kinlburn 2 2 1 5 sant with Egniondvdile, replacing rider-, was' given a penalty when he Mitchell vs. Seaforth Eg'rniond�ville. .... 1 3 1 3 Harry Fasle. G. Fairservice opened .asbed at dire referee'�vittt .his stick. Wintlirap , .......... 0 4- 1 1 the y I'-% l for Londre' ervic but H. owever, no The Seaforth Beavers defeated the goals were QM•Ind while Nfi•tc,h'ell sextet 8-3 before the small- Nicholson tied it UP' one minute lat- e was or Ri mertoul, Gass and Coutts Kin burg 4, Winthrop 2 0}- G.' k`ai'rservice scored again to )lied for the Attack, with Montgam- eve crowd of ,the season o, Thursday A fainly la.tlge crowd o£ tspecbators 'y notchili g Me Aces 'only' goal evening. This was the fbu.rth can- saw Ki,bunn defeat oho Winthrop end the scoring for the first period. The last secutiv'e defeat for Mitchell from the team -in the Jundor Farmerai' Hockey ,i. Nicholson was, given the gate for game was e,tirely lopsid• Beavers. The game was ,held u for'iPPin:g, t when, bhre Bears defeated, the P game orb Saturday Might. The first Brit ruins 8-0. O'Connor led' the goal- outer five minutes when Hydro was goal of the night waw scored: by B, oe Miley scored; two goals for shut off. Riley, of Kizvburn., an a pagrq from T.nrrdesboro in the accord period, and ,flare with three goals. Baker got The first Ve.nnte scared Eguruanrdvil'le's' ro and Doig, Wilbe and, De Carroll Period started slow with hiq wing, One irdnute later Ray Car- goaI orad the others,. O'Connor got the n<ilher team getting past centre. Af- ter made g()etd uqc of a forward' pass when he (wklatted through everything to ter six minutes of plop Flannery net- to •lie up the score. i7. Dornance put beat Rad fond' an a hard shot. No tly penalty of the game. ted the first goal on Kruse's, pass Kinburn out in again, scoring be a Icnad.ties In The second, period• few when e lues left uncovered, in front on a w,111 -played solo t•vsth, A few H. Nielbols'on scored on J. plan_ of the net. Two minutes, later the r1lWates later Dorrance banrged it in hems pass to make '•thre' score 4-3, but lights ,went out an<t both, teams went again, B. Rdley a.sghistin'g, to end the Arthur 'a'ndl Grey put two more past Rose(ae in foci a reat_ With the lights on scoring for the first periods There MCGeoCiL The last goal of the•nigiitt ` again the Beavers kept Homuth in were trio penaltihs in floss periods wags pi -inked, up by J, Nicholson, F.g. 4 hot water ,for the remainder of the In the s,ecoind period both teams mK'wdiville worked hard to even thim'grg Perfodt tried hard to score -but Rintoul' anA uP but found. It tough going against Alberta Mitchell tied the score at 4.30 of Montgomery oortld mat be bantam The the fast skating 1,omd,pslboro boy's. S. th'e second Period, wthsn LePPard stag- onty penalty of the Flatirwervice was the .bad meat' of tele ed one of his famous solo rushes. to E. Scott for tri game was given period,, getting tete' only two penaltiw;s• Gatenbq was serbt off for tri tripping, LONDE_SBkOi__ foal, RadPond; de- PPing• and I)on Dale scored Wintthrotp',s second Pease, S. Fatirssrro3ce, K. Arthur; 'Par- ���� a Minute later Flannery notched his' goal on a Ione ra.uh• splltirimg the d� second' goal on a combination ,play frnse to beat R,i itoul ori' a ng,cloto shot, wandts, R. Riley. G. lihirs�ervico, W. width H'arrist Flannery came back 45 With about four minutes to play, A. Riley; all.' B. Riley, b• (may, T. Hag- second,' later to put Seafarhb two up. Ri.cy notched, the la.att counter of the gett'Ii'iB��' J• Shell proves an even Impar' camw+ back with anotherther solo gwrre for Kimburn. EG)N ILLS—Goal, McGeoch; y� [ rusili, passed' to Wri.glit, who dFled it I:iNBURN­ -Goa#, R'tnhtoul; defense, defense,.J. Nicholson, C iiintoul; for. 11 t III past Stader'. A. Dadee, C. fetes; forward& r— b' 'pl c'', Gemmell, i1,° Nlitc!hbl- T ea t ul The thttnd, sr'tarted with, Mitchell ranee, A. Itiley, B. Riley: alt. A. Scott, ' hit., Venus Nigh; A. 'Nich6larr(kn, . ^Dres'sing in an: Shade and' firiing from G. p,c .t, E. Scott Riley; ley; alt., Massem';t, M. Rigtatbd. ' all an-gles, tiG Hildebrand, serol from WINTHROP —, Goal, 11 mitgiot y; R� esu'' n`Y, Wi'i'fls% r;; U. temperature., ,bine (blue line anal scored., on Homutht deffkma, D. Dal Eaton; farwalgds b Cubs 'li in Gatenby received Ihds' second penalty Farquharson, C`artar, Caste: apt,, �;i.P, On MKurday aftrrttlo'ou, in; tyre 1.144,0t /�I �1 � of th'e game and, K.ru" scored' on Dettles Ddlmage,. Lamont., Ldagtf'e, tbie Ctitbiw beat tiro 11+LrrdI r -• CLUFF & SONS Harris' wtlnl:le he' Was a off. Lep ReBere �k Wdli s, C. Fiauntery, , 1�U` won'�n' itL oFty i c {Growtin'uevl au Page ii) Lon'dbaro 6 me Cttb:alii�yz�, M3Ir 8 +H r ,� 641dt1'ille s+ )til �tt;1)riitl>� itii3 +�!#►' iriV'' `` til +' ,rte' 1-11, r bt' t i, tv ' IV. .'F. '; / :f{ / / Ir dd;1r I �,,,vr¢ :�,. q't+r 'Yt 1„!�,r,i,i'�1r�£r�'r";i ,v. r,. I ,.,a, ..,1 ,u . J r ;.•l l ..>. ... Q } �� i. ! ul' . ,.r1 'Y .., i.. e e i J 1 w l f 1, 1. 1. J... r.. 2 J - .t. R ,• ..i + .,6 W a 1. �. „ ,1., 4 +, n ) t I. r 4 . , M1 .. , , v „ ., art f. r 1 y Si J ,. .lt . , f� � ... , .. r. . I, , r ,...7r•. ,..,.. ..r., x..,; . ., ri - i•, :t ,,...�... -.tA, �t.� .t„ +U..nr pi �i(, a\iI�I .y. A. a, 1JI..'G C'1 , 1..,u:lY 1 It+:. 1, F. A. 1' i L,v': v. li }.. , > F.{•: A1.. .,t I /,,,..n t4 N.1. t7�3' ,.,] ��.. 'Y11 1¢ 4k A q 1 Yvl? c '�„ }. , 1F, r 4 � .,:} Y d ( Y ��' i 1' mi i t 1 '>' '4.. 5 h .1 Y M ? -. .i an:Y,.4"'., /tJ). 5✓..fro".A: u, u..a. •.,. �.f, ,v��es;hm'?�1.,uS,lo �,t1L'�� �.�N,,a�.,lil!f ytknwerrr�)��r�i.'�-�e,hur�Ja".4'°wnGM��2u'.`�.��'.far9.4$�eY�.t�.:,tt,-ri_s �i1:v,�,n�ar�Ys3&aSti,�a.;>iCs��e�a�vcr:::iil �'•, �t,� ,.1'. e ".�