The Huron Expositor, 1939-02-10, Page 3M k II r I I +, 1 ,� a r' I At- *. r i' +•.t I k ,- W I 1 7 1 1 t I h , 1 J f +' 5 t X Y , 1 a 4 I s .,I a . f , S t i n 'd t 1 r `,f a� R f 1 �' k ry � r R + i 1 I � a i s ' ' , 4r 'I ta- , 4�j �,I- a�f.rta+ll�"}ut Y F+ r 1 ��yt� ya �j/�/ /��/ f t t j l trTf'.! I ^.!. J IR'T., '','M KAY, 'I "� ) j P 1 I �, '�{1� Y J �! A fi �r , , 1' p ?Y ..r•• •...., ,. ° k � � �'I ''� �,, 4 Iv' I , , II � r1, ........ ., t.. .. . .. y +��'42'^.. ", ° i; '�, X11 "y„ t.� jl� n.., �' 141' *,. �T 1. 1-1.7 5. ,:_; c 1 t1 " ... ft, ..1. N ", . " , �' , , , ti " , H M 1 . ­_­ , . i I � ""' c C a nada of . .. *u fes, 'b Ililit ` �4 ` I .' .., . .' ,ft� tin 11) , ITZe4'„-th1� �t7 %_V 4 n (AU artit1e PzePamed ,byi k. A. Cloy ' .$T!°il�iehom (.nf' aft t1.n ('ta..tw— !elrhauaberd, move edbgsaY tutu. ,rv......,rm,.. ,,v, ,pet, ll'I,A:, Director of ,the C xuU,au . ___ ___ -r,> .aa,. , +,Iva, W;W,s, +n-a,-«+1.xt>. a.w,p 44%131at7 ,t.iernesue w�„ 4"li ... AIt sslodatdou for Titdo wfomlaq><'e Where to Toa, glee? - (Continued from Page Z) adult FJd(ucation. and - e 1 x�b ' yr of -The Ohl '19 'by, the ; O.ntawio Tealjhers, the VVIPPt� l that Teduce � suf.- beiw boat l>ku�es baton" distributed. x for& 4D something lib°, bell 1z0es'-fid Youngest soon, Allen, wthA .pass!ect aw'a � '`y� ��" r'e!ean' 'the A"wt _ Wednesday rnaitni Polo , in connection, with i3duoation o's'r�, ,. Pexiese MttKI y ,Council, fated , Abilets. She tried as into the A'tlanMe t Y a)g owling an Weelt k�eb. 5 to 12, x939). ofd; ;� PILI!,; Ail > ,bp . bre pre, Illness from without a'�T. Only. Kru Ghon CMM vailing' cue e�ilt Tlra s is alT ' bha:t w1111 pnelyinpalaa. 't`tie loft,° Adult ldaacyat>i-on as aan to / ` ` ear Ile known oP .fie rgandaed r.> .,a ,o r lad had been 1,11 .for a. number of Movement; do Canada, 1s ,a1 .recent ori- c help .l1ut. ttftaster tAnat ' /" : r. „, I efe thesis. 71he tiaYs with two m+arvea in attevdauce. ,°; ;i gr I used po get fiery '., iteadaahes;' nC for i loo gin Ln the sUinjmea of 1934 with -the •,• !>:'.: .. curn�emce was well esttabld�i>edl lie was in his 8th year and was !a 'assistance lof the , ` j' , she °writes,' , Net tab pts or i e Cao rugs l Corpora- rt''. s y.:< I► )de of fu Spite of Pupils in .Uhe .second gr•aai!a of the Ex- tion, a' sr �,.i, 4^r �` hl� '�v1d c them. pale �`�• >�le•'s "J. FLa!b- YmPasivam was held at •the ,' ng, casually, Krnisrlhen akvk Jepson's Statement," and'•„,,rianly °ter Public ,school. Mr•. and Mrs. Vof- Undvemsdtp of Toronto when 'lead ' '� ; m'ornrt casuall I �kid'ed other tales, �tab!8shdng flue name of "att and family Moved to Exeter Promo education from the ,mine Provinces Salts In a gla' of hot water. I 'Can- tinier, 41a>ein� it, IbuC I have rxa� had, the bang ttJs Ma1ne .Celeste, this is the Toronto sue in the fall r oY 1986, Mr. Ma" ;gathered to ,setter to reports from a trine Stoiry, strange and 'terrible en- lath succeeding Mr. R. H. Sayers 'as large'number of ,officials one of Uhose awful lyeada. siim:cw manager of the Canadian; hank of to and v+olun hnusotivem serifs me tartar 'than .am - Ooh ern' the most ardent believers of rt' ageiacies at work in this field. 1 tfhdn,g else- I bmd it ve'Y 'good."y Oommenee. Besides the bereaved noyab�Y• " Par- bhvnit that everyone, was amazed at ;fir „••%>'•� r en+t's two children, James and Mitzi, the extent and variety of adult educa- 'o (Mrs-) L. A- W. at+e left' to mourn the lees of their ti-onal activities alreadyin Heardachels can newly alwaYls be progress. :Y,,' >.. �! - , mooed, to sluiggi51bn1ess 'of the kidneys, CiJ]1r if T►11V ate) brasher. The funeral (Prov In addition 'to the extension work of ,:, "x . " liver and 3nhestines, and to the un- t HAM• ate) was held from: rtilee home Friday the vn1AOus universities, with which '; ` {. f`. ,r suspected a,�e� ff � the afternoon with interment r in es. Exe- most of -us were familiar, we heard systom of 100 Kca. 250 Metres ter cemetery. `Exeter Times -Advo- interesting ,stories of tx' terial which is, : stagnating mra, • oly 'po carve, Pioneer work '<;•: U oils ,the b god- TT1ie numerows,g�lts in WEEKLY PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS $Illlaltilnlg' waste f-rrom thirty�seven ,organirrations. These `. : rid:A iirusohen, Stimulate bh10 internal or- .Pridilly, Feb. 1q--10.30 a m:, Salva- Qrillers Through Salt Formation reports revealed the fact -Nbrat there �.� �� " Bans to 0nealthly, regular Tetuan so was a ,great mutual -interest In tJle Arm, • Hour; 11-15, Bassett' Mat Early Wednesday morning Gregory 'Pramotaou of .edvcatiomal oppartuni- "hat no clogging waste is allowed to tion y u collect. Y,oror inside 18 kept cleans and Endures; 12.45 pzx, Poultry Talk; and Son, drilling eantractors, encounr ties for adults in 'every 'province of E. A. CORBETT, M.A. •ser!emle.' ' And that is lush ,brow. Kays Slouvemdarg; 6.45,-. CKNX 1 H}ZiRA_ tered a Isalt' 'formadon at the Huron- the Dominion. As an outcome of the c`h!en Saints, brings quick and iasti Bance fle11d at a depth ,of 1,220 -feet, symposium, a :temrlporary executive • - relief from ,h hes. ng ,Sa:turday�, F'eb. 11{---12.45 p,m, C CNX Which continued to a depth of 1,252 committee was s,et up to bring in a' Hill•wlies; 1.3f), Hoosier Hotshots; feet. The drilled d Ptosed canstitwtioar and to arrange omit appeal. On. the other hand, in 7, Wes M.gKndght; 7.45, Bamn Dance day oP the well Western Canada, where interest in of t was 1,280 Feet rlUivrsday morning. Mr. Soo- a Do!mirdoan Charter. adult education is stranger than any- t�ho� ort �� FurChetznoarff Cap- Sunday, Feb,. ]2--11 a_ms,. Wfl'n'ghnm Gregory ,Said that the drill was now Meanwhi-le, a Dominion 'Survey of BaiBgs was IM , as a most U�t� Chuareb; 12.30 p.m Ken Adult 'Edhnfration was authorized and where else, with the exceptliou of c �seamran, in man of quick trees_ sable'sr Amateurs; 1.45, Triple V Bible working in brown ,hale and he thinks arable It is Possible that they may °roasts- the undertaking financed by the Mas- Nova Scotia, the method in mast oom- pion, who aiwagis exetcyised the ut- ,Class; 5, George Mccul slay Foundation of Canada At the man. use is entirely different• The anlosrt caution. ,e stood well with the 1, St ter another layer of salt at possibly Wesb, rhos had, a len Andrew's Clhureb 'another 1,00 feet. Wdren drilling was organization meeting in June, 1935, a g and•.s-omewihatj ttandeswritea+s Monday, Feb. 13-10,30 arm. Church started at S'tkaPleton in, 1876 salt was constitution was adopted, a Dominion. tragic experience with the consumers' On, December 4, in the Atlantic, sof the Air; 1.15 p. -m., "Clippings"; •found at 1,151 feet , and, continued 'to Charter presealtted; and this mdmeo- co-operative 'idea, It d-eveloped, boo about three ,hv ydrred Wies west of 6:30, Birthday Carnival; 8, Kenue.th .a depth sof •1,239 feet. Other dril')ings gra,pbed survey of. Adult Education in rapidly, and it developed not as a Gdbralrtar, the' EQrrittr�x bark, Dei Gratia, Rantoul. 'at Godenich, Brussels, Blyth, Seaforl h, "C .nada dis'tributerl. C.hTistian way of living, as it has done Captain Boyce, bound' for the 5tr+ait, Tue,day, Feb. 14-11.15 a m., Beeu- Hensall and Exeter Liotund salt iyl ids- It w quite apparent from the sur- in 'Nova Scotia. I•t was regarded in lifted a sail ahead. As they masted ty that Endures; 1 p.m-, Royal lances varying .from 1,000 to 1,315 vet' 'khat for many years there .had ,the main as a smart way of doing th!eyl uredte 'hes tont -Uo be a brig,Chefis; 1.30, Glad Tidings; 6.45, Wayne . business. The required education, Ial'I sa=i11 set, steers With feet. -Clinton News1-:Reooa�tl, been d�eveLo+p:in'g a consciousoless. on ng wild', yawing lour King Crcires,tra„ a national scale, of the need for edu- and tratn3ng far successful admimdstra- ,ppm or more, up into the wind, Wednesday, Feb. 15--11.30 ac_m., �_ Passes Eighty -Second Birthday catianal a tiola was ,la;ckiing. The co-operative ,backing'Peter tin ptpar tvmdties for grown mea- and credit union idea thrives 'beat • in: and filling, Not a sign op NlacGregaa''; i. Ip1m Black- fn t 1. Congratulations to... our esteemed pie. It was also apparent that there amryawe on +hes+ ,poop or at the whool, pool' -Organis!t; 7.30, Cocoanut Grove unto clear cat ecOnam�ic un+its, and arming not a 14ead ,above 'lyes• bulwark. The Orchestra. was.a vast am -cunt of overlapping Of wrhdt townsman, R. G. Robinson "who on great ,deal of wasted 'People who are to same extent ascus- Dei Gratia's ysignW, -What s-hi,p is while Feb, 16 -1. p.m , Royal w services, and a ac Sunday last ,passed the eigYrty-second tOm•ed 'to group action and inberd'e- that.' re time and effort. >yv'erylane wise 'agreed " �n� untam!swered, 1_ Chefs; 1.30, Rex Ba},Vroom, ma}n' noilesltone of hif� life. After supper• an the advantages to be gained from Pendence• Western; farmers live at Ing well ahead they Iowered a boat, on Sunday _!h® ,knot ,,°venal callers t'o great distances from, each other, They Matas Devon! Irnenred the brig. Already y Th erten-d ,good wishes his birthday. a DamInion orgy lIza-ion ,to serve as a are of necessity r term clearin house and directing a en Y rigged individualists; t=hey had read :her name and hailing They were Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Rab- for these various interests, g g � they do not co-operate .readily. Mare- port, painted across Uhe transom, > th,e fins on, Mr, and Mrs, Lorne Boyd, and; Im, 1936 a full-time Dinecto'r was a over, every community has a cross- Swinging up ,the nasal chains Mr, Dev- Advice on PIIgS his I Mese Ina Elliott, wlho .,,pent an hour p section of several national groups on orad a ra ducti or so tivitkn him. Mr. Rabintsan is in pointed. In the two years that issue a Pid inspection, called; up Two hundred Western Ontario far- Pen passed, we have, I think, made Lyon- who are boo often called foreigners one oP his taxer and ']rad him, take the mens learned. about hogs at the Swine per good 'health and able ria be about si-d!erabire Progresvq,. A marxthly rn;aga,_ and are outside the regular life of wire°,. town 411 the- time, enjoyingfr zits d rdeserted?-School at th'e western Ontario Exper_ of th °anent the community. Western leaders now "Sh+e's the hailed. ,,Not imentad Station, Ridgetown on Janu- farm ,chats w},bh his old friends_ -Mitchell a publas+hedi, a literature service realize that a len an -d a working library es'tabldsthed, and g Period of training 'a)Idvdng soul on board,," cry 25th, when Dr, Lionel Stevenson, Farm Advocate. more and more the .headquarters of is necessary if co-operation is to They hauled up' the courses and wafk. As a result, adult education hove her to: The and Gratia stead, to pure ca1use anal �ci, ladycofsa score of pera Accepts invitation to Logan ChuFoh the Association is ,serving its purpose g in Western Canada has been almost windivaird and ,her mast;ar, Captain swinge diseases and internal as a Canadliaal centre for advice and entirely cultural in its approach-stu- Boyce, cine parasites: sh'ipp R,ev. Welber assistance anti srs W ]off ,tank -to e i this r of n h Work. rk, There are joined Mr. Devon. Hare is ex• lie declared that drugs would not $5,511 St. Jaeob'is Church, of Normanby. P'IrtY-seven affiliated' societies, most fly pups' etc, I do not know of a a' tly what they ftcnrnd and reported, -take the place of samdtat.ion and goad' The Township and Trinity Church, How. of them of notional 'importance. All state university, for instance, that « « « care and added: "If ick, has accepted the inn+itation to of the u•niversddes and Departments would •dare attempt, the ,organization pigs are ,to be ing.s +becc ,6 the pastor of the btirst Lutuh- of Education are affiliated members of direct actian'as St. Fran -cis Xavier 1, Not a person on board. pnt,fita,ble', they must start growing more enan Church of 1.ogaan aand! the Re. and' 'five of the Provinces have made has 'done so affect}vely. 2, Ship in good order (with one from the day they are born. If a pig with Everyone 'Who spends an time in exception). does not make a steady gain during net r 11011 Sur ay last Church in Monkton, generous government grants Uo assist y 3. No signs, the first eight weeks of its life, it will ti.ans, �n Sunday Last Rav, J. F. Schutt de- in the Cart•y,ing -out of our program' Western Ganadra is aura zed at the ex- sof trouble ,having oc• traordinary IvuMber and var•iet of vol- c rnred (ficbiOr s of bloody .,cutdasso'g, li hope) essly Stunted the rest of its turns livened his Earowel,l sermons to his aitrhouph- our main source of revenue Y etc., to the (yrnntra life." Dr, Stevenson loon' is &till, ,the Carne untary culltural activities. In the tagged the been gregaii'ans. Rev. Wentzlaff has gte 'Gorporatian I>rovdnees aY Alberta, Saskatchewan, 4• Bunks in cabin,,, and in, fore- Riwnd Worm" as one of th•e worst of an been in the first menti}on•ed charges We 'have not attempted to ;arrive at for t'he Past twelve an Manitoba and British. Columbia, al- castle, made up; crew's '6va:�h on1 a euem}es of a pig. Seventy per cent. flee s years.-Mitciheil Y generally acceptable Educational tact of m,� every school district below 4dn'e• of young pigs die as a result of these sible Advocate. adult education, Ecarri do ay sovi- re 5. Ample rr weans, hce' raid_ HP also decried the incom ti -es far ad!wlts are carried on by � a secti,an,al musical festival. Thera I ovi,sians and water an are over fifty city and count musi• 'boaTd', old method Of allowing the pig to wall ,these many different .agencies and in such � 6. In mate's cabin, two run-down low- in mud and filth }n which places are a wit's variety of Istr�bjeot matters; cal festivals .-iii .the Province of A�- ber•ta ,alone. Each one of those watches ton table andr a• 1!etter Start_ worm eggs and disease germs were ,such "And beleeve me, mum," said the Uh1eY cross -cut so many -phases and Prov- ed, Fanny, my dear veil® prevalent, In places of such condi- ea m tc0untr•Y postman, "I've to walk over uar•rts of educational work, that we ince, has a Provincial Dramatic tions 'he recommended- the colony du'e parvo not, and I think are not d'itaely I.,ea.gue, with hundreds of participat- 7. In after cabin- a s�ew•ing arra• to mile to the farm over there, just i chine, and a thimble and erose work, I1°u'se system, sirailar to that employ- tildeto set Idmdts to these programs by a � dramatic glroups do district ed by fire iota., experimental farm. to deliver non I -g,,, �ar.^ circumscrvbiing definition. tion. If we do 'branches. The two winners do the a'Pparently droppt>d hastily. "How annoying," said the sympa• .nal contest then'. go on to the DonSin- 8• Small bunk with bedciaUhas Forty per cent. of the fault of swine thet}c villager. Wouldn't it be much arrive ata satisfacCory definition of 1orx Drama Festival at Ottawa. It is producer :s today is that they don't y post?" adult education, it will grow out of throwrrn black, and imrpr•es-sion of a mpiier to ,curd' it b a sdgZrwficant thin child's heats 4n the Il1ow, keep t(be animals clean. Pigs are one Practices and programs as they de- g that every year P' as if inifani of the cleairarrt animals we have if dramatic clubs from country schools, hid, been saraltcbad' from wleep valor n the future. 9. Monney untoudhed an given the oppdrtunity to keeiP clean," I t+hink, 'however, that our p'hiloso- Particularly in the last Few years, capbadn's he declared_ have won their way to the final, in desk• H,ifs sPexta.n,t, the ch.ronemete.r be of o simply ply stated. ion in Canada may competition with experienced, and w*e11 •.and the Ship's 'comr,lmg,,s, gone. be quite simply stated, IP our demo- 10, ;Ship's 1-09 book, open' at the IT POURS cratic institutions are to endure, citi- trained city groups_ 1�7 zens will continue to be called; u'pOn Great emphasis is placed on handR- entry., a few days be Core, "Weather Fish to decide by ballot difficult economic, crafts as a part of the homemaker's fine, wimul nggih1-" Quick Fish Loaf A finanraial .an, art in all the Provinces, and the Can- 11, 'Boat Sally dangling' from davits ® ' [HAN �� rrF. ' .sr d Political issues. we are ad•ian Handicrafts Guild, with branci> ar12as the stern; boat glome. Life -Saver 0� D(]s Days convinced that the education and dis- es in all he . Food in galley .. ci,pidne of the elementary, h Provinces but one, is Y Pots cooked to `fR,..?": school. secondary c1,�lY associated with the Canadian a crisp, Some days g0. 111cmg like clockwork. a atrci even the high school is not aatrP- 13. Tire ]as 1'ou thou° plena A,1soc}at}on for Adult Education, t item, and the MOSt y of t.im+e for all the Study far this responsibility. livty. Any Adult education im Canad,a does not s<rgnnfi'rant., Th.e main hatch tarpaulin homemaking tasks, and to o � ;; study of the educational level oP the spend an Canadian de,penid for motivation 'on the had been, r}pPed open,, INIparin ,dinner. But let bar Pres- UItQ wooden P g people would at once reveal ,hatch covers .hard been the Y young- '* that a large majority of our sure aP poverty. In the mrain, tibis awn o$ .the sten lake a spi'il -on his ,sled, or come W people now ,demand for increased o st"0119'ba'ck and 1'ay, bottoms u home, with g !have ha:dt 1•ittle more than comdmon PPartumi- p, on l cut finger, ami' the Lime I .education.. They are the poo,_; ties Sar axlrudts to continue .to learn •dleck� Below avgrytlin,g seemed 9n Ynv had,al}oted for din•trer vans$hes. derives from. a variety ,of eourees-=- Order' barrels stowed, "bilge and It's hirci to make it up, and the tam- ple who are-dureeting the affairs of parti? from economic ca:nrtline," bungs up. Slight odor of sly that° to find, ditrQe ,delayed. That's ]HE U�NDY PODUING SPOUT the matiion. Through th•e vertical ex.' , Pressure and bemsion of schooling to all who desire the desire to know more about the spirits. w"hen you'll save .a lot of flmderr on ;t, we hl hidden human agencies that rule The De's Gratia put, a salvage crew your own part by having a magic re %' �]�(( ape to assist in, developing a marts, destiny anid limit hi,.s horizons, o,n board the MarR.e Gc3leste and cern ape like tii'rs irzt Cbe back of It's free -write rfor one NOW vigour of intellect, a maturity of youlr tboug,ht sufficient to ensure -a citizen_ Partly from a dleslire for knowledge vOyledl lyse into Gd,bralitar. mind. (P.S. It's good for wash day, •• Pita the specter top of the 2 1b. for its own sake, created by radio, by From' There On the start' is, tori me Cain, when those little extra things tin of Crown Brand, able demands,ofta d 1 democracy. extentsion courses, by diwtrict agricul- Pt. Marcus, 14. Treaty of took 'irhrre time) tba,�tp you pie.naied. and Karo syrups. White hY the late Cis lural agent.%, by regional 'librarians New York, when he puns Chairman of Make it a. regular Ond•ay night sup. • iveasind over a and can be used But if there Is a general agreement and commu,ndty educational organiva- the Board of -Goveraors,, .New York per). over and over agate, w Canada with regard- to a sound tions In aUh-er words, Uha desire for Sibatbe SehoolvilIp, Captain, Tracy ,was • Pons without a dip. working philosophy of adult educe- making a short cruise with me five the Quick Fish Loaf • Provides means of accurate knowledge in Canada' as in, other measurements. tion, there are also three or four countries, is a erfectl New'Pmrt• Of as eve.ninr we discuss- '• Mattes the 2 tb tin an e:ceBent • bChoola of bhaugh•t with regard to •Uhe p' y n'O7ffi'a'I h1u- g e 1 1 -lb. ca.tr Canradian thicken rhaddie tablecontatner. method to be used in the applicatmom man appetite, which needs only to be may thfi,ngs• for this former ship- or Canadian salanon '46 Tif'e protective cap rovides n . of that philosophy to existdag Candi_ stimulated to at once demand satis- 'master, then a shipowner, had, seen Poon salt �' C°vei' tions, In the Maritime Prrovimces, as taction,. kbrces at work in the world mtrcla We menlfionlA the Marie Cel_ 1 teas este- As mean• as I can recall this was 2 eggs a result mainly of the •success oP to,day which challenge every inherited 1 cup thicit white sauce. . what is Coming 'bo be known as the Copt and tradition, forces which his comment. Flake the fish. Add the salt, the threaten to destroy tr,, are the real I was lying in• Gib when the (brig bertpv egg yolks, the white srauce, Tell the boys that portraits of famous "ape Breton Experamernt," adult edu- dynamic in this world-wide dastard came t° ancitr°r. SRtc excited the mosit ,bocl::E stars can still be obtained for °Arson means education for social ac- intense im and the beat>An egg whites. Po dn- "CROWN BRAND" label. tion, The idea is that for adult education teresrt. A A. boa of survey you cant more wras called by' Lldydrs Agemik. I sat to a greased baking dish and bake in CROWN ORMD readily interest pears° if you lean' r On that boast" a moderate oven ty to 400 deg F.) Show them how to mla"]re their study « # « for twenty to thirty nnlintites,, C®RN 51fRU� ate`'! their thintkin:g 'pay ddv}dends. We The, Famous 0ivtaian Tra Boiled rice or macaroni will cool, have no fault to find with that alp- « cy recited the facts ad- in Uh,e .same 1(n'gUlx of Mime, and proadh The results olbtained b St. neadyr set diowm. "Our opinion in there's no The Famous Energy Foo Y f Marie. Celeste whioh a11I agtreed, was this. prr a w peeling to Stop and bather Frankie Xavier have Qui with. Open a. can of vegaetables that The CANADA STARCH Co, LGnited,Toronto Proven the wis I afternoon, the woather f,a.ir, a sudden the family likes, and, door and, effectiveneald of ,the aeon- - For sdxt,"oveai years, rft'oe- her ,sail- terri:fyi,n+g exPUosion, either because of t'on'ne all' set. Ing frOm a Trier in Brooklyn, there a ligiht carried below. or otherwd.:ve, if You find yourself with a tittle ex - has ,been' specvdq.tion as to what be- blew u Uhe tra time on your hands, whip up a. P mnin h,».t°h tarpaulin and ono-ogg cottage pudding and serve it clorne of tho-ge who left .i,n the Mue+ri- covers- Smoke rase from the hold can brig, Marie Colesrbe, 3'o0 tons, }ad- and there msy helve treeu a sudlden with riraple syrup for dessert, Or make. on with 1sphribs. -says$ a writer In a re- flame, as of alcohol fumes. Knowing a nnrtmcg :PaUce. 1 1 1 ` g There you ,bktve it., dinnrer i¢n !half I ' cent isrsnrle art Phe Monitor, Th•e snob- •the i.nfl,ammrable nature of his, cargo, / 1 sequent Anld}n1 of the brig, }n an lurtrr, and we'll tart the famdi g. good 'havin.g fear' for his, wipe and child,. votes to have this dinner ovc r and i ,order, and in fine we-a.t.lh,er, ' wit.hout the master iman.ediately tlydered all Icer Crew, staxtdd) a train, of rumors, h,andis i,wfo a ovAr again. Try it the next time 1 boat ,banging on the you're delayed at the club, ,() wh'en 8paculrabironrs, fictions kind legends ev- stern dd,a.vits. He tool( his dnetru- Etr in,creasin,g. As, the years You has] to sew on extra buttons after• piss the mend, the compass, and 1ow•ared, washday. ! -r ,'-'�!c. '�«:.,: my!srtery grows. Here is a resume of rowing clear. il"MP<'rcbs,, and the rst.ory roe an Aaruenilaa.n "The watched floe sits f s S^ ;:;: ::::^•. tand.Prmlaster who swwved on the board most lbecalkmed. Nathi ha„ — F1NER y" "':r x:M. of survey when the Brig Marie Cel- ng Pltened. The ••,• •` groslq farm vn.lve of production "1m:!;ra.. ::; ` erste was brouglhrt into CAbra.lta.r in De- of the 1938 field cropq in Ca.nader. }s FLAVORED f� � camber, 1872. nrow ek ima:ted at $528,860,000, wfhich The facts defi.rroiUely k.aown are is five per OPT't below the value of A thlesa. On November 7, of that year, ' ' ' $556,222,000 in 1937, tlhre to price r,. ® :' the taut little brig Wtaad to sea past, dlrrtPoans m,orP than offs-Ptting ttua ef- L1.GHTER �' Sanrly Hook, lurr clearanre papers in fent. of in+cre>ra,sed prodlictiro-w, f° order! Hoeg m-a,glt,ea•, (;ant. flenja.min ` : TE)CitlRED 46 S. Brignls, otriginalay of Marion, Ma;sa., ~- -� wia,s n, mean with tlltr 1111.9 -hest. cha.ra.c- r 3,. te,r among meroh,anits. While the MILK PRODUCER'S RETURNS MORE �€` e Marie CEvle4wte was lacier w•ihh alcohol, , . '��' her m -aster an -d crew were temperate' `. MOM She w,as' a. "hone" 1 ; T11e Ontario Dairy Fn,rm Ma.nage- DIGESTIBLE a ship and rnPnt. Wild Milk Cost, study r(vOads / s,. tm,e captain, then' forty-five, carried ptf Striking variations in the not return tits l them young wife, thirtytwo, stet secured' by milk producers from their wribh �ihem was their }n!San,t daughter, �� . � • " _ i1 aged two. Two mates, a cook, four '1b... . WJ XF* P� C bu;simess. Studies Of a Similar nature ti seaInem and a boy 00t5&kitge,d the list in Other dau}ryi.ng'Is,ectibine of Canada and in other countries have at other ' sr, 1,. ,.,^,t.,;"f. ,,,..,ca t wi I I ,-11� Y?e1A,{, . all hSd.ad,hAvk�r. ),r>..aG.,, ,!,4,a, I f, , �< I � 1 i1 \"1, "Breeding tells", on the farm and a }�3�,{ l " as in the show # afid % ns, , ccs `` �i1fl` show -ring. Better strains in all livestock produce better � ref,§ 11 in and year ,but at no additional cost in. keep. � �1,11 Money to buy stock .that will make mon for the' P is regfllarly loaned by this Bank. We welcome the ' I� tunity of len OPP ^ ding money to responsible farmers who C. ^ , make profitable investments in pure-bred stock. I rt THE ` � DOMINION BA y. `' ESTABLISHM 1871 ' SE"ORTH BRANCH - E. C. Boswell - - Manager .'` e9 shown: simalar wide difference h,e tam business returns. As is n business, some farmers do we others have great difficulty i clunulating sufficient net revenue t train living standards, Thi operator labour earnings is t h, used in this study to expres, return to the farm operator fo about and management after de ng from receipts all general ex cies, interest on capital values ,at , cent, and wages for all' member! e farm operator's family for sucl work as they do, except Uhe manager himself. The highest tar labour earnings for the year g June 3,0, 1937, amongst 46( ers of milk to fluid- markets was -and the lowest (minus) ---$1,879, ariation. in operator iabour earn - between these two farms was than $7,000. While one cannot accuracy souls° farming by the etuams in any one year of opera- th.is wide variation in net re - is a cbaracUerisdc whioh has revealed by all simdlar studies y competitive business. • There frverral factors .yythuch are respon- for the great difference in net e as between farms. Some Of factors come within and some beyond the control of the farmer, as weather and prices_ A farm - ay Suffer a reverse .in progress to unfavorable con,ditSons of wea- SWE, T CAPO � AL CF GARETTE - "The p.re.t Form I. wfriek eob.cw ... be e.ok.d" n, * �a �, a v g e et 4 a a it �F IS11 MORE AND MORE, housewives are ten- ing each other about the endless variety of inexpensive dishes that can be prepared from Canadian Fish and Shellfish ... dishes that fairly sparkle with appetite -appeal and make hungry husbands clamor for mare. Over 60 different kinds of Canadian Fish and Shellfish are available to you all year 'round, whether fresh, frozen, smoked, can- ned, dried or pickled ... packed with del% cious flavour and vitamins that build up Plowing health and strength. Serve fish several times a week_ Try the other grand- ' tasting recipes contained in„ the new free Fish Recipe Booklet Department of f=isheries, Ottawa. - ther, ,in any ,one year, but over a )0 iod -of years, he . may learn�t experience -the kind of weather bin es �j pect and cam make adjustmlenft JimEli the business accordingly. IIm>et+s> 51 ,„r conditions of weather do ,rat oewr`1; annually. The +bazardz of prieM fir, ri� can large mem be overcome in a lar '' by caredti ,tidy. Lt is tragi rise f ;w : er's esrtdioate of prices may be ii :;'.'', rect for b. period, but easeful sting of price information win assist ge€g1I in hurdling such rhandicaps. = 'Ski - - ki n, * �a �, a v g e et 4 a a it �F IS11 MORE AND MORE, housewives are ten- ing each other about the endless variety of inexpensive dishes that can be prepared from Canadian Fish and Shellfish ... dishes that fairly sparkle with appetite -appeal and make hungry husbands clamor for mare. Over 60 different kinds of Canadian Fish and Shellfish are available to you all year 'round, whether fresh, frozen, smoked, can- ned, dried or pickled ... packed with del% cious flavour and vitamins that build up Plowing health and strength. Serve fish several times a week_ Try the other grand- ' tasting recipes contained in„ the new free Fish Recipe Booklet Department of f=isheries, Ottawa. - lai'Q.M WRIM FOR IL. ...' • FREE ROOKLETI CREAMED FISH IN HOT BISCUITS ('„mbine 1 V rupArl, n( Maker, cooked or canned fish, and 2 rnhlespoAns of ,hopped pimento with one cupful of medium whire saucy Season wirh salt, pepper and a dash of cayenne. Bake rich baking -powder b+.,cvics, split and butter while hot, serve with creamed fish between the layers and over the top. Hot buttered asparagus is a good.. accompaniment !FDopartrnone or Fisheries, ouiawta. Please send me ymrftrtlr!` Bookkv -100 Tempty _ ing Fish Recipes' . j�fName................•.........._....:.,,» ... 01 (Please print icrnets plainly) 376 Address......,. ................... .r,s......a. - ....... ..............CWrt } „f4