HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1939-01-27, Page 8f H L 3. Small 1410 r+inti I i� { T ,� ;zap 26CId ti yI io4 15c e TOMATO SOUP '2i5c e i1wtA�ei-.,rtl�r'1¢ts' • ...................... . ()WN BAKING POWDER 25c f "�v , water -bottthe vanilla; all fox.... �TTJDIft PEAS c (is Vh'pice-2 Urs .............. 19C d l�iYt �i UMT SOCKEYE SALMON. 18c f 'tiCalwres ...:. • OWN BLEND 'COFFEE 2'3c biaN,, Pound ......... . ........ ' "x'' i[a0}11rERDALE ORANGE PEKOE I f ' TFW--At 38C ImU Pound,, .................. Sys; -1CMISTIE'S FRUIT CAISE 25c fu' 2' lbs . ...................... L . i00OI3 BROOMS at 25r. each........................ M&KING MOLASSES. 1®ri MJAVEJ, WATER 25C ... 3 bottlee. . . ......... . .... . . . i MASTER- PIG STARTER art.....................52. 5 tc:.. f WARD AGAINST WINTER ILLSe- �'r Eat pleich'man,s, High Vitamin 4c t yeast—Each •................. v hw TUMER LEAF TEA -A bleed q8�, of choicest teas; pkg. ....._.-L Y %t CH -ASE & ISANBORN DATEIT 37c ,:,• , F. CopFL _Hound ............ V, & S. MAGIC COFFEE 2�9c Poumd G A Good) Coffee at an attractive price A. C. Routledge PHONE 166 �t 'WE SPECIALIZE in FIRE', AUTOMOBILE, CAS- ''} t1ALTY, GUARANTEE BONDS, r1' ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS, BURGLARY, WINDSTORM Representing Companies who give Security with Service Also Agents for Ontario Trhresh- '` ermen's Mutual Fire Insurance. Information gladly given. K' A number of desirable properties in Seaforth and district for sale WATSON & REID M. A. REID Proprietor Phone 214 Seaforth SPECIALIST IN ALL LINES OF INSURANCE �t ," © 0<> O O<> 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O Figure <> S. T. Holmes & Son O <'> FUNERAL SERVICE O = G> :Main Street, Seaforth C EVERY THURSDAY O„ . C `Y <> S. T. Holmes, residence C Goderich Street, West: phone C • . Curling Club t N'o. 119-W. Charles Holmes' C attendance. <> 'residence, Goderich Street, C O ,East; phone No. 30S. C O Ambulance Service C C> Adjustable hospital bEd for C Our Co-operative, Company is ship - O rent. C is -0-•: Night calls, Pboue 30S C Same sto,age and handbag ciillar•g- O Day calls', Phone 119-J C °y <> Charges) moderate. C e. O • 12-37 C 'cents per ton added to above prices <>O00000.<> oc TERMS -CASH <� 0000OOOOoo OC �. O C CHANGE •DF TIME o H. C. BOX c ' , O FUNERAL SERVICE C t=' O Licensed Embalmer C UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT o Ambulance Service Davy, 5.26 a.m., .nil:,, 5.25 p.m , <> Hospital Bed < Daily. 12.56 p.m ; Dat.1y, except Sun- <> with adjustable rachet oper- < . 'a wind 80batidas's, 12,50 p.V, ara 10.15 pi: O ated spring for ren L' < Tora'oto *Q London. C> Nigfht.'Calls Day Calls < "." <> Phone 175 Phone 43 < 1237 < 00000000000< >000rALKE.'S 00<> < ''' < FUNERAL SERVICE < C> W. J. WALKER and < p M' 'C> JOHN R. WALKER, Jr. < }w- 'O Ilioensed fvmba.lmers and 4 Funeral Direotom. < O Day or Night 'Calls In < }; •d attended. < ,r C9' PHONE 67 < 12-37 < ,t' 000 0 0 0 0 0 00 0< 6;r�< Y . E McK�LLOP MUTUA E IN�`URANCE CO', t ; l AJ) OF*ICL 8EArORTH, Oh 1u1�4' : itt ,Boylan 'S §eaffoorth - Pr VOnx i lOX, Loi1 s616ro - vice -Pr t ,�rtaA'A.. Reid, genEonth Sec:the r - - Dink`"OTORS : f�. t 1 Iritarii' �•i1�o%, Londesboro; (lea: y1�+„h; >�•+r�ii; SlydtTlih.g� 4 ..Jaa9�'e» C Yt�t��t`l��l a =��'' j��€Yrritss"h��+i,E1.T a��l`�iad` Mffi'Ia�wl tl+tip, �, di9iif'iVtlG'rititi`i 7!. .�y e�lyy�°v y9 y► yC"i�r�Yi7�', 1Yl.ti!`N , I�d`�' ks9w1 Wolatenr>I li,oepit;# A►Ick Wit hest, Tlh+e regular meeting of the, Wo- DWa Iliorspitai Aid to Setytt Me'rralamlad osllital will ba hokId in Carnegie b,m,Y oa' Tbu'rs"Y, Feb. 2nd, at 30 p.m. rd of Miss Elizabeth Shawor he dfeatth Occurred i•n Detroit ana Sun ry of Miss Elizabetlh Shaw, chap er P Atlee M " Mr. and Mrs. W'm. Shaw, umuealy of +tbdg town. Wss, Shaw ldv- 3 Suttone and) was found, after she had utter and blvkeen, her hip. She went r Dotraft,t'o work in, a large OPOca'1 stabldshanend as bookkeeper over 40 ears ago, Nbrxs. T. G. Sett, *Mr. W. Tdipms,pslou, Miss Elizabeth Tihomp an and Mer. J. W. Beattie are cou,sdns f the dexeased. Mies Shaw was bur. sal on Tuesday in nlaitlas>dbank. cem- leory. Rev. Hugh Jack officiated: W DANCE to AB. WARREN S. t the C. I.a AT -ROME FRIDAY, 'JAN. 27th 9 p.m. Invitations may be procured from Teachers and Pupils of the ` Collegiate. Admission 75c - Lunch served ,]seI�r t sin 'ifu Funeral of the Late Roland, Ken-. becoming more serious he ,was atemnov- iedy.-The fIMVral of the late Roland ed fie, two days, to, tore Goderich e lnedy took place on Saturday, Jan, Hospital. Mr. Chapman ,name f'rol f4thh to St. Jamest Chu,,,r•ch and was Forest to Seaforth tweety-tsix years rery laxgely attendadt Rev. Father ago and entered into pa'r rshll) wi-th C. P, Hussey, assiieted by Rev. Father the late James -Hays in, the Monumlent peeneey, Londkvn, and Rev. Father business. This partnersihiP was dig - )'Rourke, Talsonlburg, conducted' the s+0ivede in 1915, waren Mr. Chapman .uneral services when, Solemn: High purchased the business and, continued, ,%lass' was sung. T`he pallbearers, were to resildtn here until tris death. He &Iex. McKlnnon, Tuckers+mith; Roy wa's• a valued msidlber of Nortbsdde Eteylnolds, Hamd1ton; Angus Kennedy, Undtedl Church and a anam of good, London; Pat: Jordan, ' Pat blalwleY rinciplee, strictly bonovab'le• in his and Wilfred Feeney, Dublim Those rplealitng His wife predecaeased wiho attended from a distance were: saryearsagd.�Survivinlgarelfour Mrs. O'Connor, Kibridge; Mrs. and a daughter, Langford Chapman, Klein, and MT. McKinnon. innon, of Wing- Goderich; William, POtterb0m; Dr. hang; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Murray, De- Garm.+e.t Chapman and Alonzo 'Cha trait; Angus Kennedy and Miss Hilda mean Fort Erie, and Mrs. A. J. Walker Kennedy, London; Mr. and Mrst D. R,i.�,, a son, Herbert, was kill Ducharme, Zurich and' Mr. John' Reid, in the Great War. The remains w Stratford. brought from. Goderich on Monday forenoon and the funeral took p at 1.30 o'clock from No`'Pthside, Uaite C.hunch, Rev. IL V. Workmanoff'01 ated and' illtmment was made. in th Har'rislton cemetery. Death of Mrs. R. L. Clark. --One o Seaforth's finest citizens passed awa "Come and worship, come and worship, on Sunday afternoon at her home, o 'Worship Christ the New -Born King" Main Street in the person of Mr Sermon Subjects For Next Sunday. R'i'clhard I.. Clark, in hew 76th• year -St. Thomas, Church Rector, Rev. Mrs. Clank seuffe,.red a severe heart , a Dr. Hurford. -11 am., "The Message tack six weeks ago and had been co Of Jonah"; 7 pan., "The-"`1'ask of the fined to the ,hospital for some tisr Church," Sunday School at 10 am. On. Saturday pmevi+ous to her d'eeat Fiastt Presbyterian' Churcll�--Suruda-Y she had recovered sufficiently to b School e't 10 a,m.; Bible Classs at 3 remtoved' to her 'home, and' on Sunda p.m.; mid -week Wig., Wednesday appeared, to be in excellent health an eventing; morning subject, "Is Man spirits uni :ill evening, when she su Immortal.?"; evening, "The Chri,sdans fered a stroke and never r Dual. Citizenship." -Rev. Hugh Jack, canesciousnies,s. Mrs. Clark, w Minister_ • maiden name was Margaret Whit Northside United Church -Rev. H. heard, was a daughter of the bate 'M V. Workman). Minister. -11 aur., "Lest and 'Mrs. Charles, Whitehead, pions thr Christian Forget"; 2.3p p.m., Sun- residents of T'ucker•swith townohd dc•.y School; 7 p.m_, "Surprise's For where she was born in 1863 and wrhei Lneuirers." Prayer ,meeting, Thurs, sb!e resided until her marriage to dac, 7.45 p-m- E�noad�ville Church) -Morning sub- ject "Laborer's Writth God"; evening subject, "The Lonlgring For God."- 1„ev, A, W. Gardiner, Minister, r o W. M. S. Meets. -The W. M. S. of First Presbyterian Ohurch• met Tues - dray aftexreoon, "Jan. 24th. Mrs. Robert Eborlhart, ps•esaedeentt, was in the chair and opened; the meeting with Prayer, i - Mrs. James Kerr, the new se'cre'tary, read the minutes, of the last meeting Bray Chicks are real money - and also the minutes of the executive makers. I can. prove it. Place meshing which were approved. Miss your order here. 100% live de- Leia Graham, new library and liter.- I;�y guaranteed• tune secretary, gave a report of ld•tera- _ w tore and leaflets o 'hand- Mrs, Davis. THOU DICKSON ' Home Helpers' secretary, reported a a.�,J �.Jj� new scheme for raising money w-tlidch is being adopted in her branch of the SEAFORTH Work. In the absence of Mrs,. J. M. Govenlock, the president read the slrpply allooation. Mrs. Patter•s,orr hrad charge of the pnagram and everyone was glad to rwe many who have been unable to be present taking port again. Tthe Scripture' was, read by Mrs. Gibson. Mrs. Thomas Dickson txwk up the collection. and Mrs. Neil Qil.lesrpie gave a well arranged paper on India, the imterest of which, was iccrease,d' by the use (A a splendid mop of India, the work of Miss Mary > Gillespie, Which' was Madly loaned to >. the W•M.S. by the Barbara Kirkman > W.M.S. The s'ecre'tary received fees > for tine new year_ Any who have not > paid will 'have the opportunity of do- > in.g so at the February meeting.. A - speciel .collection for the' supply fund > wzll also ebe taken at the Februrary > meeting. The hymns- for the aftler•- > noon were: chosen by. Mrs. Harry Jeef- frey and Mises Barton.. > Barbara Kirkman Auxiliary Holds > Supper. -The Barbara Kirkman Aux- > li liaay of First Pregbytenian• Church > fhold the first meeting of the New > Yearr an Tuesday .ee,vewing. It was > something more than an ordfinary > meeting, as the MeanebeTS and• flrieneds > sat down, to 'a delicious supper serv- > ed by the Social and, Ways and, Means Coram4ttees, at six-Ublirty. After that was over Ube regular meeting wa's heeled. The program, was exceedingly interesting. The president, Mrs. Munn, opened the meeting aftte�r which Mtiss GTetta Ross took charrge. The Scrip- ture reading wars given by Mrs'. H. Scott; prayer by Mrs. Jack, and Miss McCl'oy resin a most unterorAtwg ac- count of edtuebartional work among Chiine.`see wro nom M:1st. J. E. Dalleyand Mrt. Gedid'es sang a duet, "Does Jeous Care?” Among the corres- pondence read' by tie secretary. was a eleetter from the �� tftranhing the suAllarye for the clothing they bad went betiore ob i, -tineas. Mrst M. A. Reid told of the objeelvtrive that Par this year is to bee, before the different gr mpe, 3 iesa Gretta, Ross gave the first talk on Inldla, eche seubJect for the yream's shaft, and STS. KerStake rpa�d tfre Introduction to the work by the awLabr, 'A1� Lamont. 'Nka. Rtoss L thanked Miss Gillespie for Adie mealp she �. bail drawn and, colored of India for use In the Women's Mis0lontary Socfe- T. ties, The hymtner mug during thee- eevenineg were danseew by MTs'. Beat Muir. 08'0g` Death of WilliaChapmanr-W. as. E. Chapman, a verb highly esteemed resid+emt of Seaftorhh, died, on Sartur- ,ge day evening ra;t the Gotparich Hlosrpidal. on- Mn1e weeks ago Mr. Chapman Md R. th+9 ioaWortwne to dl p of balm Otreet n I and iiractth> o a vet arae. Tie vw X{, taken do Scott -Mem bilall 1100 tAl, Seafoe"f,1r, V410ft he was• a Patient for E$; abl: ku" He wens' them- r'tTtn,oe oA to the '1110 le of biro Roily Latiofdard,j lCiJiatl- Il }rT1 an Ta4.Ao&4,r It beat hos tCOnfNidet on A: NETE 1 ..,.. ,. . ...... .. .... ... ... ... J of 1 in. I&�Qx.' >�or all SixthWO c�i,1 w� �[k�avR� hd b� �� l a t'!'Tdt' +P II .I )li%atllMdt591QIfIQ 44iSVPt 4'Ii I ^ "ore M . v€eme of Beatitude >Qr +�ecbrUory �ilwterwOrl4 Ia iu txu@ ',Ili oad� tnadittC#011 of dew^oti'Q111ai' 6 taker) by i t Cra€w'. The study' 'parlcxd wafts foot :& J3egr " t�rriitlfr r faator5t. Fifty llt s. one yew's 11: + Y puro4 d' T. tabun 'by Mrs. McFarlane Ruth Fetlh-; Kyders gtoct�A. ; wines ou Main St., ic'k Karthieem Shaltn,ars nett Mtsudel' a 5 a and have sit on ever eemee, Dolmrage ';glavO a firplondie4 ,dfamattizlr Mus. Clark d v4jXq • oondiuotud, thte busi- tion of .the sateen of thee. Life Of Jesus ness since tho ;:Idokt'h of 11or .husband Il'tl1l'e'r the lesardlerphip' of M.rs. Orm.`ty. in •1927. MM C1'ark was a w!omiam• of It was. enjoyed J)y sill, and Mr% Cram Intermediate T" O. H• A. s'tes"ling quatA lees, interested in all closed the meeting• by beading ir- = good work. .mai for QladP a century a PTaYm'• Kerr- Little valued member o$ First, Presbyttreufiam 1 0 C K E Church, also of the Wom,en'a Mission- On Tuesday, Jam. 20Th, at 11' a m., ally Society, Ladder+' A'ikl and Hospital MoKil,llop Manse w'a's 'tfie scew4`e of a Aid. A soon tdmdr daughier s'twvive, qm�t wing when Rev. R. W. Crtaw Charles Clark, of Aylmer, and Mrs. J. ultatGedf in manniag+e' Miss Norine lea -Jan, �� W. Pirrltnery, 9pth4 naso five grand- bel Lithle, younegels,t daughtgr of Mr, Tu'esday, children, Carl Pjkmiey, Toronto; Ruth 'a•nd Mss,. Percy LittLa t'o 'MT. Apex. _. PiwknleY, S and Loewe, Glenn Kerr, The bridle "ked,- clauTring in and Fiioyd, S�rtlh; also a sister,- a amarine Alice 'crepe dress tf"immed �= (� Mrs. M. Ira+sTisim, Mich., and with a piclobed wfhwte lane collar, and MITCHELLiS• SEAFORTH i a brother, Andrew Whvtehead, ,Helena, Wore rust shoes. The 'brddle and groom Montana. The funeral took place were attlendect by the biidte's Motor, 1 from pli+rslt paesbyteriaaL Ohurcir on Mists Marian Little and Mr. Lewis Seaforth has defeated Mitchell in three games. Can they do it again? her birthday, Wetlneesdu;Y, January Bolton, After ,the ceremony was, per! 25th, at two OCloCk, and was largely formed a'`sumleptuous ddun)eT was! s'erv- 1 attendeed- Herminister, Rev., Hugh edto the dxpimo irate+ relatives et the t Jack, B.A., offledwte8d anal during the bride'm home by Miso E' ht'h H111em Thursday,— service 'twee Ladiest Quartebter Krs. J. and Missi Elnaa Pnrym. Amid showers A. Munn, Mre, W, A_ Wright, Miss' M- of rice, and' coallfeM the haPPY YOU09 Feb.e P. Paitterwom• and Miss' Harriet Mur- couple le'f't on a elluort Ihoneymioon trip +ray, sang "Resting Niow." Interment to Toronto, the bride travelling im: a made ade in the fameily Plot In the rust colored 'coa't, inat and shoe% CLINTON vs. SEAFORTH Egmondivilbe cemetery. The paiJbeatr•- grin gloves) and purse to match, On ell'S wereDF• F. Hawburrnti W. J. their return Mr. and Mrs. Dun- Kerr will The game of gamest The locals are ready to avenge the defeat caw, Ricba%A Ficin, R. E. Bright, A- W. reside, on the g'io0m'se farm in MoKii two weeks ago. You will see a thrilling game: Dick, J. E, Wil- ass and the Sower bear- lop. arse whn. sinnu€, J. W. Mclwtosds, Don- aldold MoDoaratd, S. Allen, W. J. Wil- - - liailnlB amt, Jt A. Stewart. .During' the CONSTANCE eons time of the service the business plat- GAMES CALLED o.15 P.M., SHARP es on Matin Street where closed a,ncl Do meat forget the Club of, Progr s's the town 'bell f wm lolled as m mark of • �'.- t'his Friday evening she hang Admissibn Adults 25e,t Children 10c P• respect us the, wmemory of Seafomth's ,house- A good) Program i$e being' pro - pawed busing womanl- ,ekj pawed by^ thea Trus'ttees'. There will ' . were be Skating after the.,;pmograam at the Seaforth Amateur Athletic Association LOCAL BRIEFS community Burns, aimek. ),� Burns, 'Glvunch W.M.S.�onset at the d •Mrs. Farnham, of Cliwborn; was• a home of Mrs. Robert Ja'm:ieson Oen. wee Mrs.' Faint at the home aY Mr. ' ies'day evening, with about 40 e being present. a ext hear on the program and was munity night will: be held in KIPpen and Mrst Williams Freeman. The Kiniburn skating rink' ihas ex e Mm Carey, of Listowel, w+as the cedlent- arse now. Come and' enjoy it very interesting, the nations T Italy, Hall ab'ou't the middle of l bre a w•'eek-end guest of Mr- and Mrs'. 114. yoitrs�elf. enhed being B,ritai'n, France, Italy, and the March, meeting will be . at. f Russia, Czecho-Slovakia, U n, i t e. d' the home of Mrs. George Glenn.' A, A., Redd. Mrs. George Leitch is, at present in y e Mr. a4d! Mrs_ Robert Smith spent ,Scott Memorial Hospital. Her many States and Canadl., each doing their vote of thanks to thm hostess and the n the week -add with friend. in Chesley. part very well: Mrs. J. Sinclair will singing of the N�itional Anthem clas- s friends +Mope for her speedy recovery. be piandst for the remainder• of the ed the meeting.. A social half hour • Mrs'. R. A,. 'Walter, of Dundas, is Mrs. William Britton (held a mis a guest at the home of Mr. and MTs. sionary tea on Wed,nesdiay aid of year in 'Plate of Mm- J, McGregoT,� was spent unfits everyone enjoyed' a t J. E. Willias the supply .fund Por ,hospital_ work. Who has gone to Egmondville, Com- sglendid lurch. n` a Mrs. Kenneth McQuaig, of Big t-.. h gar, Sask., is a guest at the home of ,�.�.,�, her father, 'Mr,Jothn,A.Wilson. GODERICH TP. ■ ■■®®■■■■'■®■■■®■■■■■■■■/'1� e e Five', rinks of curlers were in ■ '" ■i y I, itghenor " on Wednesday evening, There was a large crowd at the ® at d where they wter'e the •gues•ts: of the dance in Butt's Hall, Holmesvills, on 3D f- Stratford` Cvrling Club- Friday migiht. All report a grand time. ■ op DOMINION■ egasned • Miss, EWe Smith, of BTmcefleld', Mr. Bert Harris' wears' a broad ® ■+ hose is a guest at the home Of Dr. H. H. ,smile these'-daysl-it's a baby girl. n. FOR EXTRA VALUES S. Ross. Mrs. Jane's Harrison has been ill ■ e Mrs. A. J. Walker, Wangham; Mr, with nueralgi'a o fthet .heart. We tope ■ ! er Langford Chraplluan, Goderich; Mr. she will be better $'0011. %y ■ P, William' Chapman, Peterboro; Mr. There was no church service at ■ � r � � V ■ 'e Alonzo Cha.pn= and- Dr. Garnet CbaP- Grace United' Clhurch on Sunday on man, of Fort Erie, were here, on Moa- account of the ,stormy'. day. ■ RiCHMELLO ■ day attending the funeral of, their Mr. Ray' Cox had the mis'fortun'e to ■ COFFEE - ,. lPll MAS ■ Wher, the late William E. Chapman. cut his, hand with a circular saw Sat- ■ e Mr. and Mrs. Jack Carter; Mi'ss urday. We h'jpe it soon heals. ■ EARLY MORNING -ff go Myrtle Fraser and Mr. Gordeoru Van t ga- Miss Dora Harrison., of Kincardeine, ■ �®�p �j ��° ,. � pk stone, of Kent Bridge, visited with spcnt last week at the home of her ■` Mrs. Violet Gillespie over the week. pareJnts'. ■ PURITAN, OVEN -BAKED Red Kidney Beans 28 -ox. end. ■ BEANS Yellow Eye Beans iI California Pea Beans 1°r C • Mr- and 'Mrs C7r'arl'es Clark, of ■ ■' Aylmer; Miss Ruth Pinkney, of Stra1v CAMPLELL'S405 ford, and Mr. Carl Pinckney, of To- KIPPEN - TOMATOO�� 3 Tins 8,46 Is roneto, were 'here on Wednesday art- ■ THE NOURISHING FOOD -'DRINK tending the funeral of the late Mrs. The January meeting of the, KIPP� .8 r/t_n, - � R. L. Clark. East W. I. was held at ,the home of ■ FRY"S '�®�OA Tia le ■ • The lice diarvest has, started and Mrs. A, D. McGregor ons Wednesday v ,the quality is good 'this year, but the 'afternoon when there was a good ;at- ■ MAPLE LEAF �� t ■ LARD 1_lb. irndustry is n•ot as extensive as it was U,ndance of members and Several vis- ar- � ens, ■1 a few years ago ,before fnigidaire was itorsL With the president las the clhair ■ PRINCESS ■` invearMr. the meeting wasrte opened by all 'sing- ■ SOA! FLAKES 3 Pkgs. .30 . Mr. Fred' Forrester, newly ap• ineg the Institute Ode and, "'Ble$t Be ■" poi>ated C.N.R. agent for Seaforth, the Tie That Binds," which was fol- ■ Grade "A" it with Mrs. Forrester, have moved from lowed by the Bible reading by Mrs. . � �� _ - • ■ Dublin and are now occupying 'the ave- W. McGregor. A good report of the 23 idenee at the station. W. I. Convention, in London was giv- ■ ■' • The many fr+iendts of Mrs, G. F. 'en by Mists Grace Tremeer. Miss, E, ■ * * ■ h- 1 rl' nuimeber of rule- for will _rggXot ,to learnt t pre Sailulol read a t Learn Your A, B, C's in seriously ill in Scott Memorial IlOs- a Happy New- Year and sides were ■ again chosen for an attend'aance cbu- Sliced Breakfast Canadian Maid, Evaporrted i,tal, ■ • Mr. and Mrs,. F. Lupul, of Wa- test, With Mrs'. W. Kyle audi Mrs. Geo, BACON - ,b. w27 MILK - 3 r,..14 eud guests at the Glenn as captains,. The roll call was � Christie's Premium Old Colony erfo,rd, were week I6 -oz. 19 ome of Mr, and Mrs. W. M Swloavt answered by "Things, My Grandmother ■ SODAS • - pky, .10 MAPLE SYRUP rrtL .27 missed." nest Mrs. J. Sinclair favored Crosse b Blackwell's Burn's Shamrock W n Iucker'saniUli, ■ CREAM OF 14-0x• • Miss Evelyn, Nott, of the Dash- with two fine. piano selections,, "Red SOUP SHRIMP Tin 015► SAUSAGE - Tin ■' school staff, spent the weeklend Wing" aped "Star of the East." A ■ Roiled No, i Ontario Mile t her home on the Huron. Highway paper on current events by Miss E. ■ OATS - 7 lbs..25 CHEESE - Ib, 15f � ' Clark was very well given. Mrs,. W. ■ ■' e A very successful euchre was McLean ,hart a splendid paper on cur- SALE AT ALL TIMES ■ eld in the parish dsall of St. Thomas' rent bc'oks and a review of Miss E. ■ SELECT FRUIT AND VEGETABLES ON on Friday evening last. The eChapm•an's book, "With Flame of ■ AT ATTRACTIVE PRICES ■ Grindrod is P Figure t h i wood Skating a Wetat. EVERY THURSDAY h Church Palace Rink, Seaforth P Under auspices of Seaforth • . Curling Club t An Instructor will be in, attendance. ADULTS 50c CHILDREN 25c Farmers, Attention! ANOTHER "COAL" SNAP Our Co-operative, Company is ship - .ping us Two Cars of First Claes, Amt-braciAre land oae Car of M -Grade " Alberta Coal Same sto,age and handbag ciillar•g- eas by taking this fuel direct from oars. ALBERTA COAL Qi1�1 iAf1 �A Vs1JU per ton . HARD COALi Stove -or @12r Nut Size, per ton . .. "ADD 1 We will deliver in Town at 60 'cents per ton added to above prices off cars. TERMS -CASH J • H. 'SCOTT PHONE 336 CHANGE •DF TIME TABLE SEAFORTH Effective January SO b, Stratford - Goderich Coach Lines UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Leaves Seaforth for, Stratford: Davy, 5.26 a.m., .nil:,, 5.25 p.m , Lathes Seaforth for Goderioh: Daily. 12.56 p.m ; Dat.1y, except Sun- days and Holidays, 9 p.'ar., ;' Sundays . 'a wind 80batidas's, 12,50 p.V, ara 10.15 pi: Dircet eoarneef 6vis ,'at Stratford for Tora'oto *Q London. ADEN-Ta-(I*eerl Rotel, , Commerdal 1'0otelt Eck Rouse. 970" w-einmeer's were: Ladies'' first, Freedom." ph,e song, "Gtramnty Onely ■ prices Effective Until Saturday Night, January 28th ■ Miss Bowlauld'; anen:s• first; Mr, John Left to Me HeT Old A•rmohair" and w ■; Earle; coasrolatioii, Mrs. Baker. the encore, "Little Old Lady," sarneg • Dr. J. D. Coiquhoun is taking a by' Mees,damms McGregor, Kyle, San- _ - wo months, post graduate course in cl'air and McLean were thoroughly eu a Elhicago. jolred by the meeting, The plrayettC Ate% • Mr. William Smith, -Who has been "par`adie of the Nations," was the pending several weeks at Williams- own, illiams town, Mich*an, has returned' to town. • Misss Joan Gtov'enlock, of Water- ford, spent the week-ead with cher grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J: M. Gov- mlock. MM • Mrs. E. H. Close spent the week end in Londkxn- • Mrs., B. Avery, sof Gorrie, and Mrs. Strawgw'ap, of Sarnia, were here this J 1 i `Ilfil'il ,•� I�� week owing to tihte 11e1n•es's of theirI' sas.ter, Mrs. G. F. Grindrod. • Mise Etiizaboth Broadtoot, R.N.; A of Hamilton, spent bbee weekend at dl her home in Tuckerstmith. e The many frk nlds, of Dr. F. J.' Burrows will be pleased to learn that be drag su<:cessfutly undergone a ,sec- ond operation in Landon on Wednes- day. Dr. H. H. Ross was advised to this effect on Thursday m',arnamg. e Mr. A E. Erwin, of Bayfield, and are frie do in of $uron, was cabling Shoes 3 on fri he in fawn on Tfliurum veryPair O • The many frientdts of Mises Rabim- son., Sparrling Street, will ,regret to 1 learn''that she crass "been In very poor hearth and confined to bed for some weeeks$. , The', Store i McKILLOP Mission Band Meets The Hrelpiwg $arudMission BaAd ,held. their regulalr meeting On Satur- day, Opening it by singing a ,hymah, , INE, after which all repeated, the Lord's Prayer. After thge installation, of ofAT. 11t. BARGAIN PRICES - ficer., the Jum;'uor and, Senior Mtggibn Band divided, EUth H'il'len- and' Mrs, T1ol,l t'a.Idng posmso on of the Junior mitrsd,on DandL The wars'hfp tthtemme was 'B'eIng,Goo'd Neigh(bora" A byrnur was thou suaug and Ri1Aih McClure led ft in, Prayer. Scripture, "A Good) Samar- r , se , 11 dtatl" was re by, Phri•1116 Cathill and • �' ►, i, �' Jean RaRtirfc, and the;—roll call W98 ,4 ialns'wered by �' t*a tVtWO memn€leers rRge/ : t " atu,dly perieod wlao- talker• by MTs. T011'. Senior Wseiion r'ff• ltd: SftipWre, WBA taken by Olive Peirce, John; ,15:1401 .i f Hal(a�n, RlanebbiarrrL• led in prahger ,atrd. - ,, 4 >t1J •41 ,�� ' f•}:,!1 l i.c .tr i kt. 3 to a. s 3 J + a, ..e-1 .v.. •.o. I N .•, ,� �,. w7,,,:' r `i ' � ..: •:r,,, t._ .}.?:e' ,5� '�'19i i 6� !, 'i., ;: H d €+..,y: , k YID.. >iti� %7f�i�.teVe{Aa .y.. ,� r @Q'1' rttr, ft 'M. aa. ,, aft"{'�Y'+:: Gllt ere � r I• r" Ifarl��4 f w § 1� a -4 ,7 f? 4 �:...1 •#1, r r �11hip. v, '+11'- ire. ,' ,,., .r,• t, •F s 1 a �:} r J Pr a. t•y r '. h;y a; +o ,4 'r .1. jd'1� + {.�(q< N I i r (.. ,. .;... f ,�'l�,. ,:• I 'ir I.. .. „ I.k .�' ,:.b .. �. V, iJ � .., W, •.til '+,. ' ..i - ,:l it Y : I �.. a ri 41.71... t i .ik(,J.+y„ys V4�'y`,.,.: g,la`te9rcn"kW�,:tyy'' ;., "�. T{.�Pl�,lr�€IJ;?;�„�,'.�;a, �,n b��2 f, i,.:, 1,?,. �. �i �`�f ,Ni �,�.r ,d �ri c�;l„!.�ie 5,.� }, HIi; W.,, r,7"w,,.�"F{ta t.r�s•5.. 1,.,, .r�u ,. t.,vt .•x;G.:, u..,. P.:,.:.,.W. •�1.' ,. aF.-,>;.tf"�,n,..a'°�Y14.,,M1+,..:+r,�,'tt(. ;v,r,a.'iu:�.f .t e�y. 3� >:, J:,�f .,{ istr. uJ,�al1�e.�aJ,.e:ss1��.��w:I..�r,1ti�.A.�1,a.c,lmata4,�t,,,r,..,,.i,sW�.�u'l �,a�ra�s,,t.i�ia�€:,Fl�Lifl,r,:,f.,Y ,.,:y�F� ,,, ... t . ,t r ��•iss��,+r',��v,�,,.,., rJ,:;. a,u.,r,.;} 4 f N