HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1939-01-27, Page 5S I
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Wa' ne IN
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to fi,Aisih the 'scori
Beavers.: Hubert
Harries (Hrubetnt) 1
(G. Uiidlebara n+d) 1
laird 5,00; W.
17.05, A. Doak (W
S,ecti Pep id
Harris 17,00; Mite
Penalties : Mitch
1 mbkirk; .Bletav'ers
Third Period:
(Marie) 3.45, FP
Fumtrlery (G. Hsi
Hildebrand 19.30.
em Hubert (21),
•e'nlby, A- Doak, 'S
Hubert, Kruse;, ce
Muir, Schroede;
brand, G. Hil+deb
Flannery, SIR,& -
Lopparid, Sitonerna
wings, Gatwonby, C
Habkirk, Wright,
Referee --B. Norf
Clinton vs
In the most tal'
number of years,
Lost to the Clinton
crowd of over 800
daty, -
The game start
Beavers closim'g in
and doing everythi
f rst penalltq of tih
Rath, of the Colts
was goon flollow•ed
same offense. W'it'
man short,' Harris
.only to be s+toi)pe,
when the latter t
called for a penalty
taking' it, only to
the shot. With e
fihe 'ice, the Colts 1
which kept S, i der b
•wkas.give,-i a l -TIAt
as soon tvs he cam,
Foster were, penal
W Ith 45 sec o rids
scored for erre Colts
The Beavers stn
onus .period and wi
some, G..Hild.,ebran
fr'onn,A. Hild,ebran
given a penalty for
off G. Muir tallied
The Colts were giv
when Stade came
stop Fosibee and '
ihim Rath ,took t
Ion Staide. The peri
hs. and Foster getti'
Tire third- period
ter being p'e'nalized
slowed sib ortIry by Y
men ,off, Oldwbon h
who were fighting
that would give th
.their two mien bac
ed the play' ,and
the Reamers' term
from Pickett slid, o
hind Stade- Pick
.I% minutes to go.
BPar•ee—H_ M
Sumammar'y — Fi
(Colts, Streebs, 19.30
Rath, McEwen, Fla
Hamrds, G. Hi dd ehr
Second Peres
Undebramd, A. Hulk)
6.05; Ctaltis, Rath,
Beavers, Willis;
Third Perilodl—
,ett (2), 16.50, 18.25
,ems, -wore; colts,
A_ Hubert, G.
ria; wings, G. Mud
na4tes, G. Hildebra
C. Flannery, F. WdI
,COLTS—Goail, Ell
I no". Younghlwt; c
wings, Flos'ter, F. M
K. Pickett, Streets,
• terfield.
mold mnadtese of Into
gatiow were disc
Carmel Church Hof
The annual caro
of Cannel Presb
)read Monday -ev
-fihe church, amid d
e bomrddt tons there w
tehdtan.ce. Hymn,
.In Ages Past" was
' followed by Prayer
Young -and the La
sop. Scripture, Rio
1ow'etd' by Prayer, a
'tor, Rlev: W. A. Yo
,o'tbaiirman. for the
tttes of tlhie previi,
read by the secrets.
and adopted as re
antiports were Pa
ed ah9 rerad : Seslsi
W. A. Young was
men's Missiornary
Dongail; Ladies'
Murray; Sabbath
J. W Bontlhron, in
lain Davie irin; M,11
Mise Irene Hogga
Miss Hai Mur
,Ce aeftdry, Mr. J.
user's repout", -in ,arlb
Bonrtlur•on, was 91
Bbnthron. This re
armee on hand and
adopted. Mir. Ross
'hips appreciation.
• wkelfame of .the
tthlan,ks to Rev,
- Ahefr trnuring efll
-• wo. 9*!- 01"*.
1. 1
. 4,
rg•;u., t'k,;,,,'cSdA1,n" �,.!+4�t' w,4.t,,,h (i1
t3'-, , ,, --'Fr'" _•. .q + �':-.1. t'�w+. 1 ;',: ., , -0 ,, , pI.,:i? fn - -11a ,; k,P11_11,a i7 tl," t,'�IV� ,, r ,lei,m 1 cry+{+WhJu ^ '' 1. 'fi J r i 4 t..
1� , ?k R, t X rr ,1}+., �antr`, hila W1, }i>tJ1 �, kt�I �`�, a1+' �;%
r t" �p.qQp_ ,,. 1. IF , d- tis S }i ''I -.;if J �4r ', A art 1 e ! �� ri , ~io"g; 1f ys ,t dl.` �, '�' uj ,�a 1 ,�, �,,I
*'t:If1Y' " t;i , fi *�1,1� 1}k'tl + { Krp, F,'x^i ➢ � ""'tf }S' '�, W'{
�, v
,��i.�ulr % accl on. Ma; B� .W114 I?�up
1i?af?ii7°it vat!' tbua u o , of ,,,
R 'Sholoing Owe, . e re* $ Manager, Mr. h a J. 5 r .
Andrew A �lbsarty vote of
Claire Tre ar
of 1 T
iY e A +bo
S M• U
th.,��i�,,� N lto
'�aatu 'tom r.
El 7PeC!UI41t'ileo4'.
yr lie I and
f Ghful
W serv�.cee.
early. Wedlresday $ eta slidlresa by Mr.,,: ; • Weai'k-
�k iaerbecf I�aballall rr dib �'rtLnUl y HcO,tiofo$ wi�, given
s GiQODBY- The Week At the Seaforth Collegiate tatute
Cesar Romero and tasked diet the open Sunday be '�`"'
noble eaCMIA � fir a iopposred. `r0 Gddl of Bethel" was -- (By Alastair Wigg)
coudyb not live. srrrig 'and 'the closing prayer ,by, Rev. .
Donald Woods in W. A. Young •brought the succesAU1 As bar! 02 'fie population of this report of the l marks from
OWN GIRL" " . evening to a Jconiebu d,omC I world is made up of tam fairer sex, 189,0 W 1910. Many told damud7y
last Dinehart Carmel Y.P.S. Hears Talk an China mWmalT 'vmraen, d't is only fair tit • scanned tuba 'P `�'o show ro, edr sans
ar of "Big Town" 4, their activities be mentioned ,jn, thitc and daughters it'lgielf marks
r Fl+iday, Sabutdk q The Young People''s Society of column. Scarcely was last week's edi- years, Blur the and d ughte s
I Henry Fon3ia
., armel Presbyterian Church met on ti'an off ik,he :press wlhen : neral irate i y attempts of
leniarles reprimanded us anaghted at then
0o Carrillo onday evening with a splendid 'at-' y for the ,Paarents 'to Wne'Sl the Iii rks Met
-- RomamO Loven'l tendrance, Mrs. A. L. Kerslake, pkresi belittling drheim a�aiivifi ea. After proem- were bellow 501 TbGs book dfispustes
ENT OBSESSION" dent, ipne4sildUng. Opening hymn., "Jes- ises of more ubte,n�tio lin the futtlr'e, the- evsdlencae .that the
present 6itr-
ws Shall Reign," Prayer by Mrs. Roy wee were allowed to ,Pass On bur way, dente axe degenerating (,that is, in
McLan+'en; 'Sc pture by Gerald Camp— What follows shows than the girls many cases),
bell; detno�tionad talk by Miss 'Mar- really+ 'are fa 'part of the S.C.I. s . s
genet Dougall, "Gospel in Europe"; r s s The students, in the shop are al -
The girls' -athletic society is a very ready turning out credWta:bl'e pieces) ofr
savers offering, mlinutes and roll call ams'vmer•-
ed by short •prayiers, Miss Helen Wal. busy' unit 'these 'dayts And when wo- wbrk; Book-endls, metal boices and
from Page 1) kes had charge ,of the mlissi'ongry men are 'busy, It usually concerns wooden 'oamta aeurts turned. oat on Oahe
with 30 seconds meeting on China. Miss Hannah Mair- Cliorthes. The girls thave been holdnng lathe have akvady been completed.
ray, gave a letter b Mrs. Langdon, a'mee�tin'g nearly every day after four These
y .pieces of work, when finiethed,
Period: Goals— picking, Clhina; Miss Irene Hoggar th 'to decided on ,the sbade and texture become the -paroperty of the •s'tudrent
15.00, Hubert 16.30, 'on Dr. Goforth In China... Mrs. Kers- bf the new t1wits they will wear •dur- to dispose of, at will. The 90 boy,.
8.00; A. Hildebrand fake ,gave a paper on '%hftess Cue- dug Physical training'. The class will were �sd�ded .the project of making
9.00. 'Mitchell: Lep- tams"; duet, Misses Lofs and Marion be brightened 'considlerably by the a wooden frame ,for winding cord
Doak 16.12, ' Leppard M�ucLaarem, "Fallllow" ,the Gleavi," ac- new, official umifomms, -adopted by the and, : very excellent work was headed
Doak) 1927. Pen- comiparid,ed. by the= motlheu e' the girls, whish include green tunics, fm-
'i)s; tcttreld:';Rab- white blouses, white socks and oboes. • s •
plant; closing hymn, "Who is am •flits There must be an Trish m
Lord's ,Side." and, Prayer by Mrs. aim -lily. Several of the boys acting as guides
d1—Goals: Beavers : Kerslrake ,clo+sed the meeting, after m } ", this week were surprised • when gent
MI-; Leppaad 10.30. which a geography match was enjoy- Too girls' athduytic socaetly' has +pus- erous vi'sfltors bandied them taps'.
ellI Leppard (2), ed with, Mrs. Roy McLaren as (prize abased a badminton net land four These ltads, so VIteased are they with
Hubert, Flannery. wdmner, Tacket'a to start a new sport In the themselves, are, seriously considi nng
�Beav—Schroedier• A Valentine social will be hold in g'9 -n- Presently energetic girls will becoming ben, boys land, making a bus-
aands (Schoeder) 9.30, the g,choo,lroom of the chutrr�,h ,on be seen whaling away at innocent lit- anlesss of it.
dlebrand) "13.00, A- Monday, Feb. 13th, under -auspices of 'Cie birdies, 'all for ,the ,sake 'of sport. s s s
Penalties: Beav- the Young Peoplers Society ,of Carm.21 e s s • Students are looking forward to a
Sills; Mitaheu, Gat Presbyterial, Churdh. When .the
8011001 was splen for in- very pleasant time at their dkancle to
bomeman, Sacrament WE 11 be observed in Cal= spectilon this week, 733 visitors, cramp be rheld this week- As anu giemeuts
Stacie; defense, mel Presbyterian' t'kvurch on Sunday to see the improvements, the aregds- are being rapidly completed by pu-
Are, Harris wings, morning, Jan.. 29th. ter reveals. These ' visitors were cap- pile, • outsiderro, look •ori) with interest
alternates, A. Hilde- Mr. R. McDougall, 'of M'oos,e jaw, ably bandied by a staff of boys and and look forward to ar good ,time. The
nand, J. Dunlop, C. ,has been visiting Md,ss Minnie Reid girls who conducte4 a guide service, Invitation committee racked Its brains
I for t'he "past week. showing . .the people through ,the on Monday night writing out the invi-.
al, Casey; defense, . 'school. After the visitors had regis- tatdons, tracing ,back record's of for-
a; centre, McAtree; Play Tie Game tered in the office a 'party of b to 10 men' p'u'pils. The bell will be gaily
ulliton,; alternates, was placed in charge of a guide who decorated and arm. interesting program
A. Doak, W. Doak. C,ednton and! Hensal'l played a tie then conducted it' throughout the is ready far the danroers,
olk, Stratford. gamae of ,hockey in the Cyclone League budldling. Many ex -Pupils visited the s 0 ''
. Seaforth on trhie. local rink on Wednesday ev- school for the first time since 'their The setting Por the operetta, "Ask
ked of game in a ening before a large crowd, of fans. ,graduation and' were amazed at the the Professor," is famdliar to all stu-
Seaforth Beavers The Credli�tiou line-up was as follows,: change. The Home Economics and d+ent's. This (takes -place at a girls'
Colts 4-2 betor'e a Goal`, Smith; defense, Wolfe, H, Shop Reomo weredf special interest school on graduation day and from be-
fan•s here Thugs- Wolfe';
cenCre, Engtantd.; wings, Fa'h- to visitors and demonstrations, were gimmmng. to end wild amuse the audi-
ner, 'Bowmlan; alt., Bayuham, Taylor, enae. Thrtoughout; the operetta are
put' on in each of Uh'esle rooms. A
Bowden ,and Hadst. Hensall line-up: variouis dances as Gypsy Dance, Barn
ed foist with the room that attracted considerable at -
Goal, J. Tudor; defense, Maim, Brown; Dance, Tap Dance, Lambeth Walk
on the Clinton goal tention was the principal's office,
n'g but scoring. The centre, G, Passmore; wings, M. Tud- many a graduate remembering anxrious Couriers Drill. Mises Woods, is ir-
e gamie went to or, Hudson; alit., Campbell, Little, sessions spent,struoting the dancing and steady pro -
for tripping, and Passmore, Black and Simmons. The * * � � ng « m g
scorers for Hens+all were K. Pa,.sismiore The first person to use the now
by Muir flan the All the women who visited UYre
amid D. •Brown,; for Crediton, Falmer showers installed tai tents basement
b both teams one Hoare Ecav,omdcs' room were envious
and Bowden. The score was a tie, 2-2. , wasone of the visitors inspecting the
staged a lone rush of t1h,e neartness 'and• exoeWent •an-
d. by J. McEwen D. .Brown was an outstamdimg' stick rmgement of the 'equipment there. si h,00l. Untlortunately th-e victim dud
handler, not recap the full benefit of that in-
rfppeal him. This This room is divild,ed into sections, a
gihct, with. Hubert Churdlh services in the .r 1 o c a 1 kitchen, a sewing room, laundry room vigoratin,g stream as heavy clothing
hay^e EiQ'iott Stop 1_n,tl dining roam. absorbed the r
churches o,n Sunday bast uveae very * * , ,* greater part of it. Whe-
very rerun back on well attended con,siderdng the very thor this was an accident or clone in-
on a u- bac play stormy state of the weaGtrrh The.-.. The Home Economics class is split t•entionally is left to ,the reader's im
us•y. G. Hildebrand up into three h�roups and these groups aginati.on,
w�a,s a .good atben4dla.nce in Canons)
y for tr•ippiug, and Pres•byter•ilan Church at t5ire morning rotat0 so tha.i. ,very pupil receivrs a k i
back, H.VlTis' and fuel course. The Home Management The Principal recent:iv tole) one of
ized for slarsilin:g. d',t of evenwoi)ving,
ip, and thrtr service in grow do blue ivondn and laundry tens seeming . wt's withdrawn on ac- P g Y and the boys (who seemed to have a ma -
to go, K. :SUreets count of the weather conditions. book 'after the Sitting room. They tura,l gpft of laziness) t1mt. if he, were
The mail trwaas on the London, IIur- make the beds and learn how to put to work sawing we )od on a- farm
reed fast in -the stet- manicure their nail's properly. The at 150 an hour and made, to buy ,his
an & ,nesday were pretty well on fume own meals, he would,
Ch 3.35 of this play Nutrition group prepare and serve f APr`eci^,.p the ,
an snowplow
following the blizzard, benefit of an education, The boy die
d aoarod. on a pass the m,2als and then wash ,the dis(h,es.
a snowplow Lrwmr the south im the d. K S,taveeta..was This week the meal prepared was a Dot adopt the sugge than, howe�'e,,r:
P n r.
ors o0 o n u r•• h e
Pent g p
Uh'e sad•. T
tripping and while light breakfast. The Family Group perhaups he knew F:aVier ways w e:r.rn
vice. snowplow also slid goad son- 15 cents trhan at the c9hil of a s<rw,
for the Beavers. 'seems to be bele lucky group far they
en a penalty sbut do the sewing and eat the meals pre- s s c
The rural mai). couriers found the
out of bias net to pared by the nutrition class. Several Pupils have been• wondering this
reads on []]reds routes in this ddstrict
ticcide'ntly tripped boys wishing to be hobpful, no doubt, Last While what inspirations causptl
very baruii following the heavy snow
shot sand scored ,have volunteered their services in re- the archabects to build the, school ser
and wind storms of the early .part of
ad ended with Wil- moving any excess food., A cup of far from ci,vilizWon. It. is a long.
h'Le week.
ng pen•alti�es. coffee and a plate of sandwiches cold walk on a winte'r's morning for
Mos. Andrew Dougall and dqughUer, would certain] everybody, but we are told walking
opened with Fos- Mists Cassli.e, ,have been visiting with y touch the right spot is health
far uit_ With fel- Moa Fred Bengough, Mrs. Dougall's in any boy's stomach cueing a Latin !y s e e
oungblwt_ With two sister, for the past taupe,.. of w,ee:ks, or vvathame,ticsmcl*s,s#
eYd off the Beavers Although nes vast. Crowd's ober*r the
to tally the goal A ,book on display during the open- Collegiate hockey team on, to vie.bory,
em the lead. With Ing this week drew a crowd of visi- they are none, -the less farmous for
k, the Colts revers- ZURICH tours. '1lhisr was a register containing a they won their first two games, a rt
with every ram in cord any Seaforth teal would be
tory, a wild shot A ,hockey teams of school boys from proud of. Playing their first game in
Goderich last week the S.C.I., team
off Kruse's adnate be- Hrerusaid were out Saturday morning ( won 8-5. Seaforth 4had a bonne m:= -
scored' a:gain'with arca)' played the ,local juniors a hotly EGMONDVILLE woemit when Ube time bell went fn the
cod the
game, of which the visitors The January meeting of ib e, W.M.S. third peniod 5 minutes too soon. They
va-ney, Gaderich, 'had the mar4ngdm of the'scoring. Con-
Period: Goals, eiderable enthu,stimm, was d'emonstrat- was 'held in the basement, Mrs. Gard- settlied down) arnd. ,;l the end of the
penalties: Colts, ed. nor presiding. A b m n was sung and third period the sicore was 5-5. in
s or; Beavers, Muir, Mr. Percy Weston., of Bayfield, was
the Loard°s Prayer repeated its trmfisom, the 10 minutes' overtime, Seaforth'
and. in ,town Friday. He brought Mrs. followed by the minutes of last meet- scored •three more goals. Playing a
od -GoaIs: Beavers, G. Weston, who ba.d reciently und'erpone i'ng'i roil call and treasurer's report -return grams with Godtenich 'bids Wod-
ebrand, 3.35; Muir, an operation. in Clinton 'hospital to by Miss Young; sato by Mrs. Ivan For- mesday the Collegians rose to greater
8.53. Penalties_ he ander, Mrs. Herb. Bender, of Zur- .87113,,- Thee study book was taken, by heights py g-me,winning 6-2. This was a
Colts, Streets Fos- lch, where Mrs. Weston is improving a number of the •laiddes. Mas'. Mcmil- fast' peppy 'gams, both teams d'eserv-
' nicely. Ian bad charge of the worship ,per- ,Ing credit (or playing clean hockey.
Mitt. Susan: Desch who was recent fodk. Hymn. 261 was sung, followed ` ° s
Goa'1s: Copts, Pick-
Penralties: Beauv- ly taken to Clinton Ibiospital, was op- by prayer by Mars. Keys and the of- Thin only 'drawback the players s,uf-
Faster, Yoarngblut, erated on the past week for gontre fering was taken. The temperance ter is'that they must be good' little
trouble. Mrs. Edmund Oesch, who topic ways taken by Mrs. John, Nott_ boyar do school because 'bad little boys
H. Strode; defense, was also taken to the same (hospital, Hyman 571 was sung and prayer fn are not allowed to play hockey. One
was orrer•vted on for gall bladder trou- unson, Lunch was served and a so- little boy wa's aunt so good, so Ire was
Kruse; centre, L. Har- ble. Both patients are doing quite tial half-hour was spetrrL not allowed to play Wedin,esiday night.
r, T. Sift; alter- well. Alas! the clever students are not the
red, A. Hildebrand,, Mr. Ward Fritz muade a business hockey players, so the hockey boys '
Itis, V. Bell. ,trip to Toronto, early in the week, MANLEY must watch ,their conduct in class.
iott; deP�e, Ken- A short session of the Tenth Ddvf-
wihat connection ,conduct lar class has '
..mare, R. McEwen; Sion (court was hold, inn the Zurich Mr, Fred Ecloart bias rented the 76 witch ability Lo play hockey will never
oFSwen'; alternates Town Hall Monday ,morning• be known, but perhaps there is an
Draper, Ratdr,, Por- Mr.. Menmo Desch, Mr, John Oesch acre. grass farm, lot •10, con il, Mc- .answer in the blare book. You can't ,
, and. Mrs. N•ooMp�man Gas,ebe were at Kilop, from Mns. R4ldhardis, SeaPorCb.
Olinton ,on T'uesda visiting the sick. Last Sunday's blizzaad 'caused many Ply in class and play hockey bath
Y g ' Take yarn• choice', boys)
Mr. Jim Parkins, of Adbsa Craig,.rhas to refradn •fro®,. 'going to ,obnrrch ser -
taken a position with Mm. Herb Mous- vices,, whale some ,started, out and re
mumu ars mechanic in the garage. turned Suomte on acebunt of poor vis- Miss A� Kenney, of Grand Forks,
to the oanigre- Word has been received from Mr. fbilityr and some who continued on N. D., a brather in B'arkervi,lle, B.C., ,
I,� T. R. Patterson, engineer of the their jovamtey were ditched 'but n , one and ,ten grandcbild.reni The •b;odry will
ds Annual Meeting County ,of Huron, GodeAch, ,(hart the was injured. Some haurdsnbap was en- be returned to Grande Forks for fun- .
gnegratiolm,i meeting ,Departtm,ent of Highways, Toronto, dured by those wilao hard, to drive their. era.) ,services 'Tuesday at 9 aan, in St. '
yteriam Church was has 'approved' trhd taking over ,of the stock to water. Michael's Church. The body will lie
Gofiben Line from Zurich to Ssmepta A large number from here attend- in rtat.e Monde eveningat the Iias- I
erring, Jan. 24th, in arc' the bound'ary•'road from Kippen ed fihe 8utnrera.l ,of .the 'late Wildiam u r funeral laome.
..spite the weather I
as a asplerrdid at- to Drysdale by the county as county Siemioa, of B,mcl4hi�gen,, laigt Satwrdary.
O God end Help roads, dtating' from Jan. 2, 1939• Service was held, in St. Peter's Luth- • '1
The Royal Knfights M'en's Bible Bram Church and burial was made, in. ST. COLUMBAN
,the opening •hymn, Clash of the Evangelical Church lield
r by Rev. W. A. thisir annual social evening in ,the St, Peter's cemetery, He awas a life �
rd's Prayer in uni- church on Monday night, with a fine if gend+ent of this place sail was' A program, Followed ' r ay it d ev
mans 12, was fol- attendance. Thee main object of -the
of a genial ddsposdtr7an and was wall ening, is being given cln 'Friday tYtrrder
iter %-ihioh the "pas- gathering was for roorganfo icon, attid favorably;` known, and the family the auspices of tine C. W. L. I
ung was 'appointed which resulted ars follows: Presid'en't, have the sympathy of the comtmundty Master Louds Line, who un,deirwent
.in thds t+hleir tbtrr of sad affliction— I
Proceedings. Mir Oxcart Greb; vice pres., Edwin Gas a serious Aper a.tdr�n at S'enrtt. Memorial
out meteting were cho; sefc.-trea:s„ Delbert Geiger, Mr. Died in Minneapolis Hospital, is progrpssifng• favorably,
ry, J. W. Bonthron, Alfred Melick is the teacher. The bal- Mrs. F. J. Kenney, ,long-time resi- Miss Ague's Lynch, R.N., of Detroit,
au'l. -The following dont of Grand. Forks., died) unexpect- is visci ing at her home in Me illop.
sults of the evening was spent: in a '�
social way in contestsa•and other am- eldly early Saturday, Jan'. 21st, at the M'an'y from hemp attendied rhes. excell-
esented epo all adept- hlome of her sisiter, Mrs. John Tr,eacy, l-en�t ploy in, Dublin on Monday night. an report by Rev. usements. g
outs'tan'ding; Wo- The ,annual meeting of the Zurich of Minneapolis. Shad was 73 years old. Mdss Verornim. WOoninor is r> cover -
Society, Miss Jean Agricultural Society was held in,the Mfrs, Kem,n,ey went to Mimaieapolis Ing after .heir rvmrnt operation at the
Add, Miss Hannah Town. Hall, 7,umch, on Friday after- last Sunday, the 1'5t.h, to visit her hoslpitra,l,.
Sclbool report, Mr. noon, with a good attendance, in sister, `arid became ill Thursday. She Mrs. Augut7t. DmbarrTnio visited' .her
absence of rt, Al- fact better a.ttoud,ed than in some lived at 224 North Sevenibbi St.. Sh,' moihe'r•, Nli•g. R. Fin:reedy, in Seaforth
previous years. The secrodary-ti- was born in Sarnia., Ont., and in lQ 2 lars,t week.
ssiokn. Barad ,report, urer, Mr. E. F. Klopp, gave a very heV parents, the late Mr, and Mrs,
nth; Arnold Circle, good report of the past year's a0tivi-
Henatall Union Frank McMahon, moved to Dtrbidn,
ray; ,,'ias. Th'o treasury' is in a very heal- where be was foreman in Mr. Kidd's •
W. B•ontihr•on; treas- thy condilion' with over $600.00 oh ' "TANLEY
sepce of Mr; F. G, ham.d, which is indeed commendable. 'fav cult) far a, number Gra ,of rks, . The
ren by Mr. J. W. The fair dates for 1939 were set, as family moved to Grated Forks, N. D., Mr. Charles Gnd�holt sued Mr. (?oak, '
port ,shunned ab�t- Monday i and Tuesday, Sept. 26 and 2 s 52 years ago. She wa_'4 married Here of Exeter, called on fnendis in ,this
d vv'as unanilnously The ,reorganization resulted as fol- forgysix velars ago, and her husband, varinity on Monday.
M,"Kay expressed lows: ,Pres., Wm. Decker; lot vlee- a 'retired Great Northern Railway en- On account of the severe sit,ormi ,on '
nd thanks for the pres„ bred Ilaberer; 2nd vice-pres., gltreer, died) in 1930. He wars a Son Svntiray no servi w Were held In the '
dhairch and. Moved, Oscar Kloppr; sec, -trees., E. F. Klopp; of the late Mt. and Mrs, Thlos. Ken- Goshen, Blake and VaTfis United
ney, of Dublin, Ont., and, 1PTt thea..
sued Mars. Young for Di,rectorts• R. Geiger, Alf. Pfaff, M. murohes. •
rihen a' ytotitttg main, Surv.tving' are
orrtl3 'as' spiritual d�eac� Belden', M. Smritli, H. Truerm:iner, , Y. The young peo4ple of the anr$maruriity ,
't! -to-aw llfa'd by Halttler, T; Mglems, A, Weber. two daughters: Ma's. Tn• -E. 000eY and theld a m9stcellaneous shower,rofr, Mr".
q, a1. a. ¢l a+,:
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n^�'l d5
Tuesda a"I
te. , , �11 �y
is the Instday of th�e9% n�,,.: 1. a
Cambridge - , Clothes
Johnson' s ADDroned Cloth
® House , o f Mone
- Can°ada's Leading Tailors have
.all participated in this o){ut
standing o p,p o r t u n ity to pur-
chase ' a perfect fitting, fullly
guaranteed Spit at regular'
prices and get a n "'`
extra pair of pants r res
Don't Wait ---Corn.. N
. .r.,
1 .
. �
1 � � � a ' . � I '... I ,;f{'�'
�ewar 1100s. ea - r 3
� 1.°a
nd :lies. lint McBride, newly -mar -
ed c'ouplo, a.t their home on Friday
A formor• resident of Stanley pa'ss-
d a,n-ay at his home in Clinton on
vnday. Jan. 22nd, in the person of
;ob ert. Webster. He was his us-
e b5 r in
it 'health up till a week ago when
e :sufferud a stroke, which resulted
i his death. About 20 years ago, he
red ,his family came to Stanley from
ucknow•, residing here until a few
ears ago when he. and his wife re -
red In Clinton. Surviving are his
ire and tehrpe sons, Falmer, Watson
nd Melvin, all farming in Stanley.
The weather is, still cold and
A very large vrow,d attended the
ante held in the ,call last Thursday
Don't forget the euchre and drane,e
i the hall this Friday nd gh t. W haat
rusic? Why the, Cornhuskers! And
vdi•es, 'don't forget lunch.
Mrs. t1aton and: Donald spent a few
ays with Ma. and, Mrs, Peter Me-
owan, of Roxboro.
Dublin and Wiethtmp hockey teams
layed a tie game, 3-3, Saturday night.
fot had, boys! Let us have a win
ext trivie-
The W.M.'St. and W.A_ will )Mold
ledr regular meetairg at the home of
ira. Irwin Trewartha on Wednesday,
eb. lit, at 2 p.m.
Mr. -and Mrs. Add,sbn and Mrs. J.
ebbutt visited with Mr. and Mrs. L.
'ebbutt on Wednesday hast.
Mr. F. Whitmore, of Lumley, spent
ie week -end under the parental roof.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Coleman, of Mc-
:illop, spent Wednesday with ,Mr. and
irs. F. Townsend4.
Mr. and- Mrs. L. Tebbutt visited,
•ith Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Holland on
hursday of lost week.
Miss Stackthafuse of Brucefiel.d is
siting her cousin, Miss Ada Stack-
Mrs. Elizabeth Watson, who recent-
, attained her 91st birthday, has
=en confined to her bed for several
colts. Her daughter, Mrs. George
otter, of Sarnia, is ahtefri4inlg Ivor.
The Horticultural Society erre hold-
ig a pnngre,9Sive euchre and croke-
Me in Memorial Hall, Feb. 1st. -
The Firem,en's. danco haled on Fri -
ay night wa.a weld pairon.izod. Watts
r"chestra supplied excellent. miusic.
The annual meeting of Blyth Agri-
al'tura-i Society will be held in the
ranigo Har.11 WedmtAday, Feb, 1st -
The Hoang nad School Club held
weir monthly meeting on Wednivo-
ay at the sch,00k The president,
Irs. Cowan, presdded. Dr. Volces
ave an illustrated health talk and a
iano solo by FM7,a.beth Mills were in -
,resting numbers on the program.
he February meptinig will be holed in
ie sobool when tho election of offi-
yrs will take place.
.lt the annual vestry meetbag of
'rinity Anglican Church held Friday
veniag the reports • premeiuted Indd-
ated a very progressive.year'a work
the, guidance o , re Rector,
ncLer gu f Rh ,
ev. R. M. Weekes and his amiable
rife, wbo are regarded very 'higbly
i the community.
t 4Y, res 1 .,111. ,J.. I {. .� .
T .} h.. L! tJ
, � u t� v
4r r
:tett51 t..49A.,t. .,?id.,.xd 11 �S.i� `��._,._
i ne Week
Wednesday, January 25
Entorang now on itg eighth clay, the
opening debate of Parliament wi.11take
all of this week and will go well into
newt week.
On the Orders, of the Day, Hon- Dr.
Mannon. asked the Prime Minister if
the C.B.C. had charged for •hds time
to deliver the address which 'he diff
the night before. He asked (how much
it cost the Liberay Party for this
''The, Prime .Minister stated that the
C.B.C. had requested all the heads of
Government Departmientsl as Mrinds-
ters to give the people an idea of
their duties. Tthds bad' been done and
as Prince Minsiter he closed the dds-
cu•sisrion by telling the functions of the
Prime Minister in Government, whe-
ther it be the presient, past or the fu-
ture. The Prime Minister said tbrat
he understood that the Leader of the
Opposition would also be called on to
tell the people the duties of bds of-
The debate today brought out some
new angles. The Conservative mem-
ber for Saskatahew,au claimed that
graft wars rampant in coanliietioni .with
relief in his province. One of the C.
C.F. members made similar charges,
and no doubt some of these sta"te-
ments are Lrue, as fit woaald be a mair-
Mr. amd Mrs. John Coltman, of Lon-
dbn, spent last week with :her pa.r-
etittrss, Mr, and Mrs. John G. Scott, of
At the) annual conigregntional meet-
ing of Roy's Churdh, Hector MacPhail
was elected manager in place of J.
W. Balfour, whose term had expimeri.
It wt's also decided to hold the an-
nual anndvensarry in June, and a ceme-
tery mcnamaa:l service later in the
Mrs. Mary Balfour, who bras spent
some time visiting friends amid rela-
tives, has returned to bier borate, in
Moose Jaw..
Sunday services at Rrofs Clhaerch
were cancelled one account of the
Mrs. M. ConmQl1y and R+osella spent,
last week with her parents.
eels to administer 'relief to the, extent
which it has been administered imp,.
Saskatchewan without some graft.
creeping in.
,! �;
The Conservative member from
Mount, Royal, Mr. Waisth, claimed .that
olitic, w
politics, were again being injected
to Phe C.N.R- on acoon.nt"of the w'urrc
tying undertaken on the subway ire,
Perhaps the outstanding announce..
went was ,the policy announoe,d ,to fm.-
ante the expenditure on defe>rCe. Hou."
t+� u s
Mr, MacKenzie placed a resolution wn
the Order Paper dealing with this im-
Portant matter.
d is ,i.
. r.
' y ,_11.r. ,,a,�s
Th,e r(asolud.ion will stipulate that
lih,e purchasing board shall have -ex-
elusive power. subject. to the approval
of the Governor-in-Counciil, to enter
into all contracts for the purchase of
. ;
munitions, equipment, materials aaa#
s ,A
supplies required by the Department,
of National Defence :in cases webers
the expenditures exceed $5000; to pro-
vide safe -guards to assure that suet*
equipment, material and swpplids
811-11 be Purchased at a reasonalblo
cost. to ,the Government and wirtltrtcs t"ii
unreasonable ,pr6fit to any mtamufac-
tnrer or supplies thalreof, and to pro.
vide that salaries, wages and otbe
expenses of the Board, shah pay-
able out of monies appropr�l by
The resolution would seet°`t o auto_
orize, the Governor -fn -Council to bor-
Pow such some of many as may be►
required to pay expeni.itures of then
Department wfb7ah are chargeable tv
capital account and to prcivide a
ing fund sus it-jentt to retire in too
Y'ears the sums 'borrowed for capita
ex'penditu're aft. 3 per cent per amautm
Up in Maine the rail•w•a•Y station hadit
been ,displaced by an old PaesenT+
The man from New York looked at
it with disdain and. finally approached
the tticbet agent. "Is this the best:
depot you can offer the traveller?" he
"Guess you're about right" answer-
ed .the agent. "We used to have a
real gond depot here years ago. But
the boya—well, they just ntatursoyc
Whittled ,her down_"
"Did you ever miaRe your Hving
writing poetry?"
"No, but I got lost in the woods.
once, and didn't eat for a week_"
"I just love to be the dummy In!
tlh'e bridge gam,e."
".Yes, one feels so free to t5alttt
1 r®Yn, ORTH
P.M. Trains FEB. 3 All Trains Feb, 4
• '.a
.Also to Rr•autford. Obattha.mr, God'erich, Guelph', Z�amilt,on, London,
Magat,ra, Falls, 'Owen .%und., W. C4'rtharines, St. Marys, Sarnia, Sttrat-
frrrd, Sfrkvtrh,roy, Woodistock.
To Stations Oshawa and Plast to Comnwald fnbluisive, Uxbridge, LiriKir
say, Peterboro, Ca4m,pbellford. Newmarket, Oollingwe'odr, Meafor Wdij '
rani), North Bay, Parn`y Sound] Sudbu iy, •Catpreol and West to�d-
< ;
more_ ).
i4 ,'
See handbills fel compli;6 list of destiruft9"S.
t+� u s
For fares, return liesils, ttain itrAnrmation, tickale ,etc.; ftnaYlt trt *4t6t she L .
1121 `'
''P '
A� :.�'''�.:
5 v,("4s.
J4"I tS J,I
d is ,i.
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' y ,_11.r. ,,a,�s
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