HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1939-01-27, Page 4t;,. -atyp �s 1RMs t lc A?ur .9e br ?'4•' � � SSITUc�d �ds.l .. r . .x•. . '.']...a lsn: R!1 v.., w ten.. 91qx.� h t ro.•Y•n Rx .. ., ., .. 1 .. 4 + ^t•Y'F •h'".... '"iF7 ±RY .`IFI. f... .'I. 1:' •V. - : , ,.. .. r, , ,• ., a "+ Cf , ,..5., .. n, .. a .I t. 4.,.. D.. .I , !, I : :: w ... •.:.. .: r , .i : ...t .IF i•' . 1. i. 1, ,1 '.�,"Yl I. , �,r 4. •4 0.r. .. f .. + 1.a. ,.� �1��';'� ..�f la '., 11� , �h. i,,j. )l�;}. .<. r. .� ..:, j �' .. - (' t : ti--• - . i ;ly idose- Fl * � , TUB I- ". nka and q1>V' tfou of +Cbl tt iota d the l3ienarall Tutidohe the inJesus-mesnle ' aft which t xutests sols( nese tett �atmd Lit, Paul n is altt'C 900 �n z� rxQellt�trC avalk of Ed. IdVttle Lti eetl?,; of tbfeOir mgmgll Anglit au pilurtih, gaaci 'pRtice+a ...; s ha,tl pen. oil " of � Ttom o a .5 vo ell butau the l on o - games ii -:ant and cu of )1�1t - Ltm a C3haP- the gifts. Tice axlyd '41W W Q: arrest, paY�g high tribute to the Cliff W'aNs�u' ie day • We we of H04=11, were Postmaster loan Butt, between ufdvmle tBiltee{d tQurvRat� 'ftp beaut iul tpass Hrotili Mesgartkt Grieve were �IUuioa of the atrtoocb w(hicU &W been given us(Weat1QY of tP 1 { led the i Sam R see" of a�Wry happy �� Qd c [y,yn�.u,,,a,^�u�: Snt ali-N Gwo�l, L4tttwtbe(�. �dtya� T� The Y/�o}u�>�<1gynP A on Monday en aysttcialeuts were served- t hour in •Your ilwur+e of Kdppen , Dan DewO f Huron,dale, neighbors and '� �omn tate .Coln. 1"*t l� (C,i' tri f�•:t. li '11: ,•` - LC+1„r.�`o, Iialdtsatt, Foshee-', wdlli'',@, �'•'.-"^C- ll null WLiWW" �r % t ` ° i d :; vv�ll he inserted st neW low cash rates bell, Toyat: certtl+a, P¢tssmtlae; subs., dmg with,'a.®p1'�d attelluall7e. Mics. shlare xn t11e h-- -1w- an)d kindholess Hugh McMuntrine of KipPen, willdam mlunity tendered a ,reoerPtioU to mm r+ [,ass ase- Fara. t^.a.ie= Svnw. tae.-r•r .r.�d: Sau�a:rla. Sti J Ra-Goal,�K Manns; ening 1tY 'slake Idfe and I�Jt {n b of f the oho +,nave teem Uhiatk- al oftHlenoal'1t, Jim P Interment as do Era- er Miiss Dane*HRailcina ,and > t- V�]�� _ _ Doreenpres�ffiv& '11he OP_ Of ad - i n4 4i�r�l �l >nt tUefen9e, TiuineY, Noalps; centre, Car It i3e" was fol]owexi by praYter by lug th{a tpast Sew ria been as4torhabe� tao�zny and beautiful, sllowdng rote hd ed them with d :tlmee l�e(Ie dlues}taer- " r 'pr kl�tle, Wanted, of tQYe natty ce y. T[he flora tribuiete w �t we" tett, wings, Mousseau, Ohapmaa• June Saunldferaook. The roll call was yearn Ghat you slave Ugh field suitre with an aeG� on r sgitril i xrndd we ., ... .. u Celt Hockey fans wdtntesae(a fast and anclwered with the.name of a mels- wbtb'oupr church 'ae the' choir leader. esteem in which. the deceased was dress, Ma. T. Forsythe doing the bra ,t r1`�" Minrmum dh.arexe. east rn.crtiea .,.... 2= CerxID a grLly- sd•analy. Manures and Nur- business per We thlave halt that df only we could 'heli(, The hire- Mr. Petty will be ors, Dancing to the sitl'adns of 14}[ur- exciting Iexthibittion thockey gamr c>en avure, int, .inn ubaar4atbo:, canota .- iota ed on the local rink Friday evle'nang', iod followed with'Che president, Mr. remember the mousy thitag8 you have much wisseti by his many relatives, (ooh {ijraheetra �Nals enjoyed � MO G .i Tharrr�, .o yrun roam N' : r� 1 �4 per , an nl.suw mz a cenre Pei, week. Jan. 20th, between Dashwood •' and Kenneth 14eks, presiding over the tried to ttlelll us along musical laces, neighbors and filicn8s' flan the oom- neral �eV�ang ,enjoyed 1(� ,,,tf •�4uirtea may ire :ped to a fLia �' �,ti ,r, , �® g,�i,n s vautt.r. for 1e cent HH B Hensali winning by a scare business period. Bon Hess and How- and could succeed ins being the kiiud, I nntnity lu which hO lived and the d+is- A m itei .- huof,the ,offioi'a1 board of N 2lne Un1i betdl Church was 4eeLtf in iltet extra >, amd Love were appoduted• 'tlo take UP of singers Y wdll'iV1 nage llu be. that trdot at 'laaige. t (zt Tea seam' addrta.•rt rrr rice n lr be . �a a� tt act .n smv esq not said b9 too o� 10 to 2. Keen Pass�o¢e was the vestry noar�n vIL Friday everting Iota 1x4 N SatnxdaY uaBh( n Lae wee 1.5 hila race ad vma rub,, main'scorer of H'ensrall by 4 goals, Ed. the offering at the congregatiionlal our debt to youallcould never he repaid. The auction (vale of the 'lutO Mrs. ^tt 1 Blzth3; MarrYagc, amu '+i tit :me,"ta tree 9d chame Little 2, Geral$ Passanane 1, • Lloyd meetilig on, Mooldiay ev�eninrg next, A Darkey one called on a lawyer for 'Arueti.on Sala, Notu•e t,o Crediton+,fc--aat� o...as*►- Brock 1, B. Brown 1 and Max Hudson Jen,. 30th, and tbl+e social committee,l>0gsi advice on bow to straighten A'gw �4od,r nes held an Saturday (Continued on Page 5) lun+aln d thltee ducal- a lrnottty problem. After listena7l'g, at- _ Wanted WANTND-HOUSEWORK FOR AFTER- zt YY ,roans and evenings, Apply to Box 188, ' EXPOSITOR OFFICE. 371W Personal ;�'?• _ �.. '('�'H;Y SUFFER WITH itHFIU'M A �SM�SCT- Way r "y�J°: • • ati,�., Lumbago Y Rumawa9s' q�v A,ot'ian quickly relieves Pum while attaching the cause- KEA.TING'S DRUG STORE -3711-1 Property For Sale HOUSE FOR SALE-dN SEAFORTH. A •�+ seven -roomed Prama.'e cottage anti garage. conveniently situated on Wrest W.ilham Street: ApPlY ,to JOHN cI.ACH1 AN, R. R, MRS, ]St Ne. 4, Seaf.,tJ , Ont, or RORERT J. ELGIE, R. R No, 2, Ki Ppen, Ont. 37113 a' Salesman Wanted AMBITIOUS MEN! WE WISH TO ^ CON- : tact you for stehdY emplbYment—'goo 9" ,pay—�i',demendence. Everybody buys our 200 guaranteed pwductn. Higher. quality. Lo,w peces No experience nettled. Your success ;+ -takes ours, w we help You- Big combbwo us ¢repeat saleb and profits. No 'risk. Free calla Bogue and doaajls. FAMTT,F,X OO., 570 S '+i": C1emFsut, ManoeA. 3711- Tenders Wanted r' ,„ rnF,1�LDF.RS WAN rED-12 CORDS OF BOD 1 wdod, beech, Maple, 16 inches Yong, d 15ver+ed at Caven Church, w`inthrop: also tenders for caretaking for 1939. Tem( cUse January 27, 1939. OLIVER ANDERSON Secretary- Landesboro R. R. 1. 13710. F {� Articles For Sale KARN CHURCH ORGAN WITH ELECTRI Blow,er—,ib1g'le wl=wad: solid oak dose 21 stops wittth 14 sets of reeds; knee sinal ty�� - control amd' gsvamd organ pedal- Factory r buiht by exp�•ts and in perfect condition »,t 5350.00_ HEINTZMAN & CO. LTD-, 242 Dun des St- Lwrndon. Ont Write for cormpl a 3711-" Iiatl of reconditioned exT„rans. " Auction Sales `4 POSTPONED SALE j.!tr.. Sheriff's Sale of Goods SALE Ul GUO;)S AND CHATrEL Card of Thanks \�J WLSH TO EXPRESS OUR SINCERE • appreciation to the rnhuny friends for the aural offerings- 'hra'r>t of carts and ex�s,iona Of sympathy in our recent sail beaeavem*at; also Rev, Hugh Jack and Ladies' Qxiartette of Presbytarrian Chnreb. MR. AND MRS. OF6A.RUDS R- CLARK, NMS. JOE PINK- NEY AND FAMILY. y - 3711x1 Births MYERS-In .the Maur"Brie Hbs',Aitm 1, God,u i Fh, on Sunda; January 15th, to Dr. and 2Irs: G. E_ Myers (nee Helen Lane), ,a stn, Lane Antshar_ REYNOLDS --In SciAt Memorial Hosgital on J-anaary 19th, .tow Mr. and ? rs..G+ordon Rey- Inolds, Searxfm)th, aI dalaWbber- MoIM4NAN-la Scott Memarial Hospital, 'oar 'Jlanua" 23rd t> Mn o.'nd Mgrs- Joseph E- 1Mc'T ttrmm+, Kltp®ere, a dasughter. Deaths CLARK -In Senfort3 on Sunday, January +2'gnd, :M ret', Whitehdad, widow of th d ,laite R4ciaaad Clark- in her 76th year- , CHAPMAN•-,Ica G roh. On SaturdaY, Janii �, fury aL_o. Vinlitam E- Chavnxw, in his 82nd year - St. 1 HENSALL Don't fail to sere Goodiwin's ad. o Page 4 of this issue. Bengt Enchre ,and Dance, Tow Y Hall, ' Hennsall, Wednesday, February e- list, au'spdrees Chamber of Commerce a Good pI'izes; music furnished by Mur e,s d,ock Orethestra_ Lunch, General ad m.issaon 35c. t2 The trimming of the village tree is nearing completion and will give 'them largely a uniform, appearance and .has afforded a good deal of fire C wo0&. i The sadewal,ks have been very slip' plery duTing the past week or so ant sanding ;haus been: necessary. Con+gTregaditonal mectings • are now �; the order of the day and we notices y t.h,--ougb th,e press that Rev. Ke_ltl Love, of Kinrto'1v, .son of Mr. and _firs William Love, of this village, bad o-: pressing invitation from his cGlagreg;l tion to rernein as pastor for the eiglhttl year, which invitation he amefpted. The funerals of the late V L. l'ct ty and Wiihiam N. Glenn, were quit( largely attended from the village an( district. Several from the village are plan ndng for an auto trig in the near fu S tune to Florida. 1, whilte Klump anti Ness scored fol to arrange for an Dashwood, Hensa,ll lisle -up: Goal, cal nimn'bem ,mss Irene Douglas tentively to what 'the lawyer had to Jack Tudor; defense. D. Brown, Ken- favored with a pleasing piano solo; (say, he reached for Me cap and was neth Manus; centre, Maurice Tudor; current, events of the week were 41ak- about to walk out of the office wthen wings, Ed- Little, Max Hudson; alter- en by Mr, Kenneth Passmtore, in the lawyer reminded. ham that he Tastes, Ken Passmore, Ralph Brook, which he introduced much humour charged for his ,#dvice: "Well, that Lloyd Brock, Gerald Passmore, .Tim and wit. Stcliptul-0 lesson, Luke 4: may 'be alari•ght, ' s+ai�d the Darkey, Campbell,- Caney Joynt, Jack Sim- 16-20 was read by Miss Norma Cook. "but I ain't (going to ,take it." Now, Mons. Dashwood hnie-up: Goal, The topic, "The World in Canada," we feel that you -have given us mush Goetz; defense, Restmeyer, K. Weldor.; written, by J, I. MacKay, superintend- 'advice-' Some of it has meant an im- centre, Restmeyer; wings, Wine, ent of the church of all nations, was provement in ouT work and some of Ness; alternates, Klimp, Guenther, t'a'ken by Misses Elva McQueen and it, much to .our rsorrow, has not been Desjardtive. Durcing a slight alterea- Ruth Brook in: a; very able manner. .put to the best use. -However, we Mon a Dashwood player received a The cth'ap'ters dealt with ,'the work would like to express our appreoia- fTa,ctured nose and was attended by that the church has accolnplisted in tion of your help and to recognize in Dr, D. G. Simr, establishing hospitals in Alberta: An some tangible way your kindness and United Church Societies Meet open discussion on "Should the rhos- .patience toward us at all times. four The Wohelo Class of the Unated, pital or chumch be. estta,bif•sLed' linsrt in position. is not an easy one and Yet Church held a delightful evening in the eommual tty;' paovr&d very inter- we know that you have tried •to a1A the sehoolToom on Friday evening esting and instructive; duet, "In, the your part and have shown falitthful- w4tlh an alttendanttee of 25 members Gandlen," was pleasingly sung by ness and devotion to your work and anld 'guestos present. Miss Gladys Pass- Misses' Ruth Brook and Goldie Croats {have been courteous to us at all times more prestided, The hymn, "E;how'etrs with Hawaiian guitax aocomtpanimrent, to ,'tan amazing degree. We desire, of Blessings" opened the meeting, af- "We've a Sttory To Tell To -the Na- therefore, tto ;act differently from, the ter wh]ah the Scripture lesson, 15tHh Itiom" and tibenedictilola closed: the meet- Dankie. We want You to a�oeept from e chapter of John 1-10 was read by inlg our haudb this 6'mall token of our Mise Hazel Smn'illde, followed vAth the Honor Choir Leader esteem and pledge of our loyalty to roll call, minutes aura thymn, "More you ,in this work- We are pleased Lova To Thee, O Goal," fololwed with On Thursday etvening 'Mr. W. O. that you have been appointed to di - a ,short program consisting of the fol- Gcood,win., lora der of the United Church Tent us again for another year and lowing nnlmb'eTz: Solo, Mrs. M. Hex- ehloir, very pleasantly entertained the we., all hope that our work togetlber don, with Hlawaiian guitar accOmPa.n- members of fhde dhodr at hds resti- will be enjoyable and helpful in ev- e dment by Miss Kay Drysdale and Miss' deuce. A very enjoyable evening was ery way. May we again wish you and Gladys Luker accompanying at the spent in contests and a musical oom- Mrs Goodwin the " greatest posslible piano; reading, Miss Margaret Grieve; best with Miss Maury Goodwin and happiness during 1939,. and we will Town se- �_ a ilarold Cunrciin;;ham seized by me at, the scat of Masala Gunaingttam and adver-' The annual congregational meeroing of the Uidted Ohurch will be held OnVERYTHINO reduced to clear the present stock to tl e SPECIAL ---Work Shoe Value., All Solid Leather tired for sale on .)xmuarY 25. 1939, has been pestpbned an accoz:unt at weather corx{ations. 'ebrry '. 1939, at 1 p.m, at to '1`hursdaY. Fu:i M'on'day evening of next week. On Sunday despitethe raging bliz• bare walls. Your chance to fit the entire family at small .'. the prem,aj-e;. Loc :50, Concession 3, Towauhil) of Maty%- JOHNSTON. zavd there was quite a. large atten(l- take in the Laited Church both morn- , NO RESERVE. Shoes, Slippers and Rubbers — A-11 ' ' ROBERT Shona of the County of Huron- 3711-1 -in* and evening, with eighteen mem- 'r•S ;n the chtldr- 'Pts cost. Lines Reduced. 10% Discount on M. W. LOCKE Shoes. ` t` S --- -_ -- -- - Notices Cllra.mber of (Ammerce in the near future intend holding another euobse �a'nd dianc;e in the Town Hall. All other lines of Leather Shoes O t0 25% 4�4 _ 'CUSTOM SAWING -will DO CUSTOM every day, at Lot 19. Concession Mr. Drnis Shaddick, Reeve r o- turned bomle from attending the �„rn- ' Some Lines More • � sawivag 4, Tuckersmtieh. DAVID McLEAN, 3709-3 ty coun(-i•1 met -ting at GOderich on Satwnhay last as dud also Reeve Geo •• - the Cana'dia,n I.e•gio21- Twlenttp prizes w divOribut-d da -4— the even 0 piano solo, Miss Gladys Luker. Mr. Miss Greta Lrammie presiding at the endeavor to make your restllansibdbity Edison Forrest presd,dled over the el- piano. During the 'evening Mr. Good- lighter by following your leadership ection of officers and the following win. wars presented with a hymnaxY on with greater regularity and cheerful - will form the 1939 slate: President, behalf of h+is choir members all( Mrs, mess Signed on behalf of the Chad;."' Mr. Ted- Munn; vice-president, Ken- Goodwin with a bouquet o'f spring flowers. Mr- Harry Horton reads the The fusleeata:l of the 'late Oliver L. ,beth Passuore: see., Mists Gladys Luker; trees.,. Miss Gladys Passmore; accompanying address,, while Mrs. Petty, who 'passed away in his 75th pianist, Miss Margaret Grieve; assist. George Hess and Mr. Cotrn'elldtus Cook year, was held from his late home Miss Kay Drysdale; conveyance, Edi- presented the (gifts, A delicious lunch loci Thursday afternoon last, Jan- 19. son Forrest; press sec., Mrs. Maude 1i`, -tonal- We- t-Ta.ve was .verved. After the presentatfion Mr and Mrs- Goodwin expressed their and was largely attended and was conducted by Rev. M. A. Hunt, Ree fA^ TOWN OF SEAFORTH �_ a ilarold Cunrciin;;ham seized by me at, the scat of Masala Gunaingttam and adver-' The annual congregational meeroing of the Uidted Ohurch will be held OnVERYTHINO reduced to clear the present stock to tl e SPECIAL ---Work Shoe Value., All Solid Leather tired for sale on .)xmuarY 25. 1939, has been pestpbned an accoz:unt at weather corx{ations. 'ebrry '. 1939, at 1 p.m, at to '1`hursdaY. Fu:i M'on'day evening of next week. On Sunday despitethe raging bliz• bare walls. Your chance to fit the entire family at small .'. the prem,aj-e;. Loc :50, Concession 3, Towauhil) of Maty%- JOHNSTON. zavd there was quite a. large atten(l- take in the Laited Church both morn- , NO RESERVE. Shoes, Slippers and Rubbers — A-11 ' ' ROBERT Shona of the County of Huron- 3711-1 -in* and evening, with eighteen mem- 'r•S ;n the chtldr- 'Pts cost. Lines Reduced. 10% Discount on M. W. LOCKE Shoes. ` t` S --- -_ -- -- - Notices Cllra.mber of (Ammerce in the near future intend holding another euobse �a'nd dianc;e in the Town Hall. All other lines of Leather Shoes O t0 25% 4�4 _ 'CUSTOM SAWING -will DO CUSTOM every day, at Lot 19. Concession Mr. Drnis Shaddick, Reeve r o- turned bomle from attending the �„rn- ' Some Lines More • � sawivag 4, Tuckersmtieh. DAVID McLEAN, 3709-3 ty coun(-i•1 met -ting at GOderich on Satwnhay last as dud also Reeve Geo •• - }.0 Ol�k's Ofivice in .the Town Hall. Treasurer. Armstrong of the Tower bip of Hay, and report very interesting sessions, Mrs. Wilson Allan i'n Ma ` INV, • (3f,All]�tA1�, SPECIAL ---Work Shoe Value., All Solid Leather D_ H. WILSON, 3711-tf Tax Prepayment Recei is la were Buffalo last week. v : A Bingo was hleld,itnf the Town. Hall Yp For 1938 MTs. Alex- Burohanan,11� Ill been ;i r ti •.. Grain Leather Work Shoe Panco Sole ^ n< ,,.., THE TOWN wILL PAY 4 PM CENT. PER to August 31• 1939, on aX p - cm filled to, her room through i1.171ess for tale past .two weeks, is now 'im- a packed +house and was under the Waterproof Dubbin 17c a box. 4�4 _ ,,r m up Lid, L939 tries. Celrtifttz - and full par- tkulaas may be lob twmed from the Town proving nicely. A benefit tlran'oe is to be held under ' ti ° Ol�k's Ofivice in .the Town Hall. Treasurer. the auspices, of the Chamber of C om- ` INV, • (3f,All]�tA1�, iY' D_ H. WILSON, 3711-tf melee very shortly. Women's Shoes v : A Bingo was hleld,itnf the Town. Hall t�l]fe 1 itv�"e'M'onday* ev- 4 ;i r ti •.. on Wednesday evening, Jan. 25t1h, to Broken lime's. Regular to $3.00. Farms For Sale a packed +house and was under the M �l �: 11�'r. s�f�'Yf� ,rrr'v,: ,iL++ '{._ { a `•t ", au t '.. �., ••�., , ,�.. ., _ .. .•tilt �•. ., & .• .. Baph�t f 3•'. jr 1 J w ausp — of the B,E.S.L. No. 167 of S Y : 1 r. r. 7: 187F"'I t Y �'•arry . •" ':-: :., ,.., :+., FOR SALE -120 ACRES, MILE Lots 4 and s 18th Can- the Cana'dia,n I.e•gio21- Twlenttp prizes w divOribut-d da -4— the even 0 Children's Shoes Oxbordis and Straps. Sizes 8 to 2 in lot. 1.57 X2.57 $1987 Small Kiddies' Shoes Patent Straps an d Oxfords. Siz- es 5to7'/z' x:: Towwhiv of Grey. a 'k and good ,evening enjoyed& Women's Leather Men's Brown Leather baa n. frame house, excellent gravel pit_ Ap- Kiddies' Felt and Suede M' ' ply .m FRANK FINGLANDr Clinton, out During P1act78e 071 Monday evening Boudoir Slippers Romeo 3710x3 before the :hocktey game ffiehedulted 'be- y ..' tween the Swamp Rats and Hensall, Cloth Strap Slippers Black, Blue, Red and Green. 0asti,c •aide house shoe FARM bu SALE -76-ACRE FABM WITH 1,67 Ralph $rook received a dislocated el87c ' E16. uses ion 0 ttowing well. being Lot 16, Cone�S on 10, Townshib of MaKiltop, bow, therefore 'keelring him out of �7c ±; ubmt 4 mile, 'east of winthrop. For par- the ,e. He was attended by Dr. - ticnlatn apply to WILLIAM BOLTON, Wal- D. G. x tam R. R. NoMcor . 2, or ELER D. BELI, S- ti r` forth. Out 3709x3 Amladteur Night will be held in the Men's Rubber Boots$147 Men's 6 -Eye Laced and $1 37 Town Hall Friday ervenFdl g, Feb. 10th, No. 1 Quality ....... ■ 2 -Buckle Work R{u'bbers ■ FA.RM FOR SAI.( --150 AGRES, LOT 5, under the auspices of the YoungPeo- ,.. Conomsion 11, 'I'nclr,aasrnu4lh; and west lees i`. t slf Lots 5, Concessicsn 10, Tna� '+I'- pie's of Carmel Presbytlerltan ;2 47 $1 ■47 .,„ ('rood buildings : 25 arcres dust, balance under Gmndte Boot . , ....... ■ Bi oher Cut ......... . k emltivatlon, Seven . miles.i'rbm Seaao'rHI'a., four Mr. AndTew Be]), of Kippeu, clad NOW mks from Hensall_ For furthex partalenlars ?, the misfortune Monday afternoon Sys,} Girls' Bobber �i BFoy� 5 Dye ilaced Q� 1 iii Cw apply lo ANGUS 3UcKINNON, 'R 2. K 3711-3 71 -3 while on Highway No. 4 at Jnmee a97c W 1 .01 S �V 'z? SmOlie's calmer, to have his car inked Boats' .................... Rubbers, I - 5 ... - .. , ... �► K + an the icy pavement, causing it, to Laced EYE Boots R r Women's Rubber Smaltl Boys 5 Eye . 1t7`, r +} Annual Meetings ow+erve Sim one side of the roma to $1.17 Rubbers.Rubbers.Sizes 613 ...... J the other, alts( to orasth into a tree, MARK Lor ANNUAL MEETING da -malting 'his- a vary much. For t /� TANNUAL MrING OF THE MEM- tunately Mr- Bell was not hurt. Mien's 4 -Buckle Over- S1 97 v her-; of tilt Uwbarae and t7iibbert M.attaat Council Appoints Official[ shoe9 . - ......� ....... ■ Men'® 4 -Buckle All Rub �■ p `j (` . yl ('I 1t;ra tnsurmrnde. CornVany will be held in the At a (specie-,( meeting of the council p1.37 beer' Ovenvbloe ......... W 117 ARSNQ pubilic Hag. Fhrguttar, Sort Monday. February on Saturday evening, Jan. 21.9t, Mr, Boys' 4 -Buckle ■D 6th. 1939, at 2 p.m_. for the :PuTpore of re- .... • • . ceivirg:' thre Teyortts of the Dilrctcdburs ami. Audi- Lee Hedxden was, appointed general M:eN81 A'l1 Rtlbh�l• •Zi'P- ;,, tars fcr the vast year, and for hate election utility Tram, and his duties will em= Women's 4 -Buckie- .... $1.67 prey 0Ovel`shoe ..�........P1■37 d of two DbectlYts far a .three year term. and brace that of manager and caretaker a Yf'. fbr any Vther bu5mless tKat many be in the irr)toreait bf the tkltnt any. of town hall and park, inspector, sari- Men's 2 Buckle Over Me"' 15"� Leathea Top $2 O7 The Directors whose germ of offcee e•Apirea, 'taR'9'. weed and tbnead inspector, fire $'147 +DL.O . kf but who are eligible for re-etedvaan. are W. cleief arnY fire r5epsu[tment mortar re- tshoes ................ ■ Work drubber a 1' H. Coates and Jbhri MoG'iarr:tit. Men'Is 12-ITIofi Leaatheir . ch'arric, water. tank manager and gen- $127 $2.67 a.r s �ry.T�svRS eral street duties and hamdryman: forte 2Buckl� ■ Top . ................. a 1df,,° 3711-1 ta119 oouaeil and village. His dustier Q7e Men°s'15dnah A'll Rub- @3 r17 { , Men''st 1 -Buckle ....... ".. aorii slew, Laced at Top ..... . - `r A _ will commence Feb. I st, and' no daub t 4 he will endeavor to fill these posi- VELVET OVERSHOES tale+pf i' Notice To Creditors Lion -s credit -MY to himsteitf and satis- SIXfaotorily bo the otrtuncil, who have 15 ���Laced or �-ome ..... NOTICE TO CREDITORS ftrous ptacgd confrdellce in Ylim, choirs- IN THE USTATR OF PAUL BOA. Deceacsed. tt t i'OTIOE TS HF3REBY GiVEN THAT ALL Ing him out of a nvmbAl' of applicants. 9 ' - $1*67 creditorsand othe>a havini; elaivw alralnst T.he a�rnual vestry meeting of St.MISSeS a'nd Childs Baggage a S ;rhe Edt fol of PAUL BOA, late of the Town- Pa,01's Ar limn Churdh was held on Sale .......Laced only {ihit,� o£ TJg7lorne, Farmer. wixr3 deed on the '>' fl 20th dccy of DeccMber, 1938, are reoiDred to Monday ev4 ming with the Rector, Rely. {mrwmrd tbeirr aia•iirw duly proven to the an- M. A. Huai. ptramddmg, All accounts l 1 on or bef<rce the 6th day of Febru- 1 s ;5 dc+f4nttttwere mat- with a smmil ba r. on the ��� Lines � a dos•, , i92A. �(IJJ AND, NOTTCY; IS FURTHER GIVEN that ri'gh:t side of thP, ledger. Officers t 2k r1rr bfiter the fWd date tie. Admin;Fttatrn will eSecter] were: Mitrisher s Wardens G. Itro�aeIV. " a to di.tmbnt, the (.tate bavin(t re- C. Pretty; People's Warden, H. Ald- �1 sr ttl otifiy to the claims of, win ch he then ,rich; Lay Detegate, G C. Petty; Stub., 'n rt>fi p', glrttl) have netices f ,�, i'MSOITfS rand trend too The said L Wilkam Fee; Vestey Clerk sari au'di- ' "til' ptull • are rem1lte to betMe 1 r � tor, A. L. Case; seeretarytreasurer, 10% ¢ b vS1ic the ilrtii detsrtrd sterane the said .liner"< ��� tt � a i xrtt�i *%t ,%, 7:tels 14th dsiy Jdrdtl4t, t9g�x Musts MtiFvty bye; orgarttdsfb, Mugs Ebixe3 01srk, daTetalcer, Vtrdrlidam Jones. IVenstlt iNlrls Ywa Grafriestf"l'.iL► ` INV, • (3f,All]�tA1�, il �. 7th a . i aGoil. �. ' d f t hocke , vtrag pt - '� v : r #� k :AA .., �^i t�l]fe 1 itv�"e'M'onday* ev- 4 ;i r ti •.. •..:''e o'• ' evMjv 3al= 233rd, Wtweft 00 SWAMP u1 qs�>�il}, *'�I r r' . r,�e5�: +'+l�cj�S"t"�,ki'',�,et' ."�t :'. Jr" r ,. e n, M �l �: 11�'r. s�f�'Yf� ,rrr'v,: ,iL++ '{._ { a `•t ", au t '.. �., ••�., , ,�.. ., _ .. .•tilt �•. ., & .• .. Baph�t f 3•'. jr .i .... J w S Y : 1 r. r. 7: 1 V • 1 h <+Y .. t.. � , of .. t Y �'•arry . •" ':-: :., ,.., :+., Men's Black Oxfords' With leathbr sales and rubber IN heels. Boys' Black Boots and Oxfords Sows 1*77 11 to 5. en's & Boys' Leather Soft Soled House clippers 77C_ W 's All Rubber, 1 7c and 2 dome .............. a-! 8 Sizes 7 to 2 .............87c WomrenTa 3 -Deme Cloth.47 Overo toe ............. Wamewo Jersey Cloth 2 -Dome Overshoes $ $1■77 Jen's Zipper ersey* Cloth O'wei-sboe $2.57 Mlen'e Plain Boot �t 7 C Rubbers ................ p61 Boy's' -1 to 5 . - . - ........ 67c Men's Storm Front ......77c :Men's Piiairn Boot Rubber, 77c rolled sone 1 Boys' Rolled Sole ....... 67c Men -'s Jeivey Cloth 87c Rubber ................. Jano 26 tofrl Feb. 11 SEAFORTH---Next,'to Regent Theatre r t 1. W r •J 'v>• 1. Y ;}i2:.1' i� !ria ,, r ttt_�^l' fa. r,,f..,,Y A�t'^�ya @f•'i1s.1 F4vfl�i t�yg. W�: v la 1 r! e;•.: •Y-, '�.t a � - 9,a' , Ic',�..t,•'�V`'�-"A'trraM'�:� �N+� 5�� e-4 ,�t:�i•,: l�l�'y: av *YID °j ',y*ihi;a r'}:?'.1`• i, e Y; .It °.•q..` t t} fl,a Men's Hockey Boots S:koAes7 altbaohed $2■67 BOYS' ................ $7.37 Women's Plain 57c Rabbom .......... _.... . Ohdlda+em'sr•-S to 2 ....... 47C A Cleazing .Li:nle .........31c Chdlds' 3,,Buekte C1tolth � .g7 Overshoe ............ d Boys' snail Girls' All Rub - her Splasfhler, sizes 7 W 297c Men'9 and Boys eavyl .......57c 67C Rubber Rottom9 for$1 37 leather Ops ......... ■ Women's All Rubber $1.67 1 67 Zipper Overshoes ... • .■ Men's Spats ..... . . . ..... 8C I elt Insoles .............. i 7y c H6el Hugger Mickey l Ouse Dr, Fisk and all Special Lines 15% Discount' V',�f.',�I{Y7 ,t's�.a1A,a�•.1, ft� 7e�w i.�,v .,.'. A�',