The Huron Expositor, 1939-01-20, Page 7r pmt 'r, .., awn . 1`. Gf,AL DANCEY •&.UOLSBY BARRISTERS,' SOLICITORS, 'ETC. LOFTUS E. DAN'lREY, K.C. P. J. BOLSBY GODERICFI - BRU8SEL8 U47 • EI,MER D. BELL, B.A. w'SuBceswr to John EL Best Bairestor, SoWitror, Notary Public Seaforth ' . Ontario 12-36 ' IVIeCONNELL & HAYS Barristers, Solici-tors, Etc. Patrrick D. McConnell - H. Glenn Hays SEAFORTH, ONT. . Telephone 174 3693 - VETERINARY A. R. -CAMPBELL, V.S. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Col- lege, U,niversi,ty of Toronto. All dds- eastes of domestic animals treated by the most Modern principles-, Charges neasona,ble. Day or night calls promptly attended to. Office on Main Street, Hensall, opposite Town Hall. Phorve 116. Breeder of Scottish Ter- riers, Inverness Kenmrels, Hensall, 12-37 MEDICAL SEAFOR,TH CLINIC DR. E. A. McMASTER, M.B. Graduate of University of Toronto J. D. COLQUHOUN, M.D., C.M. Graduate of Dalhousie University, Halifax. The Clinic is fully equipped with •complete and modern X-ray and other . up-to-date diagnostic and thereuptic equipment. Dr. Margaret K. Campbell, M.D., L.A.B.P., S•pecialis+t in diseases, in in- fants and children, will be at the Clinic fast Thursday in every month from 3 to 6 p.m. Dr. P. J. R. Forster, Specialist in diseases of the ear, eye, nose and throat, will be at the Clinic hire first Tuesday in' every month from 4 to 6 p.IO. Free Weil -Baby Clinic will be held ion the second and last Thursday in revery month from 1 .to 2 p.m. . 368V W. C. SPROAT, M.D., F.A.C.S. Physician and Surgeon Phone 90. Mice John St., Seaforth. 1.12-38 DR. F. J. BURROWS Office, Main Street, over Dominion Bank Bldg. Hn'urs: 2 to 5 p.m. and 7 to 8 p-im, and by appointment. Residence, Godei ich Street, two doors west of the United Church, Phone 46. 12-38 • DR. HUGH H. ROSS ,Graduate of University of Toronto, Faculty of Medicine, member of COi- 4ege of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario; pass graduate course in C'Mcago -Clinical School of Chicago ; lboyal' "Optrhalmie Hospital, London, England; University Hospital, Lon- don, England.' Office -Back of Do- minion Bank, Seaforth. Picone No. 5. Night calls answered, from residence, Y3ertorra Street, Seafortb_ 12=36 DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate in" Medicine, University of Toronto. • Late assistant New York OPthal- mei grid Aural Ins'titut'e, Moorefield's. Eye and Golden, Square Throat Hos- + pital, Landon, Eng. At Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third Wednesday in each momth, frain 1.30 p.m. to 4.30 ,p -m. 53 Waterloo Street South, Strat- ford. 12,87 DENTAL DR. J. A. McTAGGART Gradutate Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Office at Hensal'I, Ont. Phone 106. •12-37 . AUCTIONEERS HAROLD DALE � ... Licensed Auctioneer �Specfal•ist in farm and ,household ealres. Prices reasonable. For dates and Information, write or phone Har. old Dale. Phone 149, Seaforth, or apply at The Jgxposritvr Office. 12-37 tlJanvaeser: "If you can spare in, ffIve maull1tes, sir, I can show you bov to eam>z twice the money you are get lblift.~ r Sad Mato: "I do tthat •now." • s � He hard laved) sill Hifi life in: a sinal village. This was his first visit t London- Walking; into a City post of rice, he staid: "Half a Pound of burry Tease." ,,We doWt sell bixm here; ' repiie an amazed' w e+iabamtt. "Ye (Unna?" exclaimed the vi'Mage in surprise. ,,Ye're awfial behind tb fhimres. In the goat o,ffiio wthhire mm M s from, 'tbrey ,sell 'foam, apples, fit, iigbters, eggs and a hundred r rothe things:' ,a . �. d A. , , o.: . , a ..,,. • � ,, , , :.a r r rv, 7- t F-,' ra t r r W t! t ... .. .... ,. ...... -.. ... ... .bs- t , � " . " ..r .�' RI -111,111-11 4 n f�. I, sq , ;.� :. 1 nt4 hd..i:S �' it r.4�k It 'A.':44n J'. ±1 11 S n .,. .. ..- .. _:.,.,....,..._ .: r.. _ rr.�., i, ;a ..k: r s. ,+'�.� r�,.L, J{ rtsr ,t I1 E+,.` .` .. , r n ,:•j l i r r g ,, ' tTMfitfi'Ar,)any. 4 q Y {n .fly �r7.y; k S� 1 i 1 Y„ ' 1 ' (�Y H. r ti } .r, t f ,I I' Y r'u 1 15 Y c r' I a :'1r i :a,•; ' ani:'.`.:' , "`i',1Y}„Jrrria i:w�. },?tor �,l1'nvicrl {.t.''t r. , t:. ., w_:. r . ; r ., ,, ?en,,'r r , 4 . . Ir__ r,. .,n}r r I , r bn ' It 1 ti: ,'t I '5,:.. ., ,T i”" ly! ,J ;, , , r py� r t w T:y,xz""•+..a•. 1 r �", miy { fi r t i•.- 1 5 + ., r h., ', ,;:°•"�,, r v t , r M . v fir, r 1 �h 1M } A' I , e '`" i - - v; '�,V:" d, Y r;1p Irl :xh ?iv +r:r,9r v r r• ,a:f r!?1 B' v; :x:.'; 1 Y"i't �ti .r�!r,rr h� kY-s;. I I Z B� I . � Ile: 1v rt rr:. M ry., ,�"a,�• �a,l n.. ..Aa'.'' .1 I�� .� .�,.. .�� .�i uC. .n• r�Mit �. ,,'412'- .� L Ir � r .d'� rr ru1.'„,. ,paF..,ne ter ar,... y, •.,i� ;�r,,,..d I . \ ? ' , A ? &1,( Uwe t i. .,,° 6 , - -` ' v7t"7 . `'' i a3: T�'� 7 fl r,'It k�•i a” > >ayita P J ihY # -.�'�A�r r tf +r Yr{: C "kSr'tVj�i l,?v�93 ' l:;: r�/ti lar. �� y K"FNAR1#iE t1Et�C�#1.�T' "•ki ! , I ,k „„r .�L tthl1Yir 1 r (By G. Q1►a!1? ' Y Q41j 149:` .. A”, . . # r" ?,it `!=2 ., f c' n J �r ° rf^Fi5. TENTH INSTALMENT "No, Mother. I heard yotlr movingS'YNOI'S, about. I wondered who at could lie' "I'm sorry, MoPher. I -I did, not Jocelyn Harlowe, raised in a think that you were at your prayers French convent, at the age of You were holding something. 1 eighteen, joins 'her mother, Max- thought you were, .11 h t at vvthe little u cross, at the sella, in New Rork Worried end of. . my marker. It had come un end about her safety, because she is ' Hastened from the chain. I was trying unfamiliar with themodem world to fix the links together so that 1 and has developed Into a besutl- leaks it the book I ful woman, 'her mother's first wish tied me went back to bed, You startled went is to get her safely married. At You did not look -like yourself,, J'oce tending her first ball, Jocelyn lyn. Why -didn't you speak to me?" meets Felix Kent, rich, hapAsome "Mother," Jocelyn'a• hand rose tc and nineteen years older than her throat, "I too -I thought that you herself. Encouraged dby ,her .did, not look like y'ours'elf.",. mother,'she and Felix quickly be- Marcella bent over the girl for one come engaged. Alone in her of the dry kissesand went out. apartment one night, a cripple, Jocelyn lay -broad awake. The clock Nick Sandal, enters by the fire- in the living -room' chimed five. Chim' escape, confides in her that he ed six. is +her father and that her real Her suspicion, her curiosity, had be name is, Lynda rSandal. Uncer- come a fever, a. pain that she could tin aliout whether ,she wants to not endure. Ghost -softly She crept a' get married go '?quickly, Jocelyn gain out to the living room. Her heart goes to talk things over with. her pounded and, her head sivam. She mysterious father. There she went to the narrow leather dloors, meets Jock Ayleward, a gambler, opened 'th'em, found herself within, wiho gradually interests her more Having cl•dsed' herself .safely botch with and more. When she 'mentions doors and curtains, she lighted the the, name Felix Kent, he tells his two cand'l'es. Her heart stoppeil and story of :how he was a mining en- started again. There was no book, nc gi ateer, worked under Kent and cross, no chain' anywrhere to he seen, was stent to, jail for making what And yet stbe felt sure that hes mother was adjudged a false affidavIL . had taken 'nothing with her froTa the , One night Jocelyn goes to a par- crypt. Jocelyn searched ,the enclosure, ty with her father and Jock, Sud No drawer, no cupboard and no shelf d'enly, during a) dance,' Jock rush- no possible receptacle for any object -es her out and, says ,he is going large or small. Almost instinctively to take her home, thus, staving ,her from seeing Felix there dano- her hand rase to the velvet drapery 'ing with a gangster's girl. Alone behind the altar. She lifted it. .with Jock, he kisses, her passion- A 'emiall deep-set door, with .a Pock ia,l�ly, wrhen s'udden'ly her father the key stili int it lay behind that comes in and orders Jock to leave. altarpiece. Marcella had been start Her father has a stroke from the led, -had moved away quickly, had; left excitement, and after sitting with her key. hunt all night, Jocelyn finally Jocelyn tightened her lips and goes to Jock for help. spoke to- her uneasy conscience: "She o will'not;let me know her secrets. S'he will not love me. I must learn the "Nick's suffering terribly. I have truth of my own, fife by my own ef. .o leave him," forts:" She turned the little key and pull Hie 'reasonable cool voice answer- ed' open the thick small metal door. .d instantly, "I've been expecting it. Behdnrd. it lay a leather box and C11 be there." this she drew out and set upon th.e In fifteen minutes Lynda admitted top of the prie ttieu. She raised the Min to Nick's bedroom. He passed lid her and went to Nick. The sick man's - The glory that bad lain hidden there ,ontorted' face smiled crookedly. Jock glittered across her eyes like a mesl passed 'hist arm under the writhing of ,living stars. Jewels as rich as e body and' seemed at once to give it queen's. Rubies, emeralds, s'apphiree +eater ease. Neither of them said and white diamonds cut into blazing ;cod -bye to Lynda nor ever seemed angles and set in a heavy intricacy :o notice that she went. away. o•f, dart: gold. Two long ear -rings tc When she climbed to at her bed-. match were cra,d,l•ed at eithhr end of window She was scared by the room a the old leather box which was decor• brightening sky. She could not be- ated with a Worn golden coronet. The lieve that she had not been seen- But value of these jewels in such a set she was more afraid of what she ting m+uSt be fabulous. most meet when she should be in Jocelyn closed ,tram in, returned the that small bedroom face to face with to its place, snuffed out the can the future Mrs. Felix Kent. That in- dl,e dyes and hurried to her bed. torview, 'however, was' postponed. The shocit and the excitement o! As she slipped into h'er nightgown, the long night were suddenly toc she heard a movement somewhere be- much for her. She fell down anL yond that bedroom passage. It seemed to her, that there sort of wept in a sort bf helpless spititua' wa1.s some agony. stirring as of step or dress, in the When Felix Kent came to see hg living -room. The little clock on her fiancee next morning dres=sing table told her the time, Pour whichoring da which was a Sunday, li'e found her se in the morning. She put on her bath- and heavy -eyed esso that not only robe, thrust 'stet- feet into soft slippers his pr his pride of a possessor but his lover`: and stole out alongbhe passageway• tenderness was roused, startled. At its end the door stood partly open "Darr -ling, do you feel ill?" and a faint and golden light shone "I didn't sk• ep." from. tine room. "Let me take you down, to bhi Jocelyn came as far as this door. coast. Sea air how about itT She could see then that the leather . . . entrance to her mother's little sane- "I'd 1ovcr that, I've never been tc tuary- ,Thad not been closed, that ' its the seashore. Boulogne, when wr curt=ains too had been pulled aside. sailed, was just a wharf and the big The two tall candles burned steadily Steamer." and a figure crouched', surely the fig- "Dear," lie began when he was -t` ure of a stranger. It had neither the the wheel of his car, "I wish you', attitude nor the aspect of prayer.) try to tell me what's in your mind Dressed in a dark and 'flowing robe ' I hate you to worry and to keel it bent sidewise w-it:h a sort of greedy things to your self. If you area' fixity over, some object on the top or, happy'--" the incandescent eyes turn the priedieu. ,Its long hair Chung ed toward cher apprehensively. doyn in heavy braids on either side Jocelyn was touched by him for the of this, gloating face. It lifted itself first time. Hitherto he had made nr slowly, saw the silent intruder-a�n� - such, appeal. treasum. ftnh doubled down over i�_ "Felix dear, I�-I want to be happy a chill downs her flesh Jocelyn then r You are the only person in the worst recognized Marcella. Inow who seems safe to me." There is, a German word' for that "Safe? What a queer little lingo nightmare and. ancient super9titionafl you +have all of your- own. Doesn' an astral body, of something, -shat your mother seem, -safe?" walks both together and apaft with I "I can't know her, Felix. Will yot "Have we lost her?" he asked. every human form, a Doppelgarn.ger, that which' goes double. It was not Marcella but Marcella's Doppelganger that Jocelyn seemed' to see. It spoke breathlessly and harshly. "Go back to your room. What are You doing there?" and as, it spoke and the young girl turned away, it drew the cur - taints close across that hiding place. A few moments, later there canoe a knock at Jocelynts door. She opened It and stoo4 aside. She was tremb- ling. But the woman, who entered, in a long red dressing gown was now Marcella, her usual self, sterner per- AirgW, prepared, to deliver a reproof. "Did you � feel ,ill, Jocelso?" please let me know you? Don't kee your real self from me, plea -Ste. I' rather know anything, cruel or moron sir queen- . .. anything, no matter ho, frightful, no matter how bad. I soul love you better, I think, for knowin all there was to know about your lif, about yourself. I would so hake t marry you, Felix. and then to fin out-" She faltered, her tilted wt eyes' turned blindly now upon him "And them," said Felix, "and the to find out what?" "That you,• were not this man t all- That you Were not MY Poll Kent." . "I'll be that in any case, chil• ;� µf {a` ir$ . "For peace and 'rest come to .Cpata'. Z U" �df+edr wiith "a 1+eli sash ofkkY , ,," �� ;v;. Roca " 7 i' r s' i s_. the alluring ug 4u v3 wi >r I ivy fx � t � $ y's° a ♦ y Si d talon held out to t'rhvellsra by ,the, weuist,'two,pa• Ores Maines end l�rnot'=` ( �I „ a What awakes You think I'm going to # ��: � Tourist Board of San J C,oata ftdl ra,t .0o riegdlit; and a y Change? You're gain tG be my wife, .Rica Gulared'. l g , , - °° n" r' ru you see. And I dlan,t'wamtt a morbid .hAaidlk GhNfpf ¢assawed' about �'; %° ra (' )r,1 „y�i � w Aa+e there really such places' in the rthte' neck. w it t r ,��rP',y ,, 7 wife. I want a lhaPPY one" world tmday?"' 1o11g d'lt..;'flAill�r},"rlb1lalYi�; „' .f you ask The women wear, their 'p1l�K41► ANT.1✓ C� "Yes. I want to be happy." Yes' are a . few -and one of 'thin• +prarted i'nt the mrriddle 'anti ,a Orin. I �%.. I'll,. "Then we're agreed," 11 thorn yisthis little ootlntly in Central' lett wi�ib flower 4tj1 ,the left sYde. lRgOM) �TP�lrr ti1�n htki. "And I want to make you happy flMl�ll(1&' I.0 : (^m'� tqj? America, consisting of Daly 23,000 T1»ey, ,stt'ill: wtoal• -I�rw-ne'eketl'blon+s,ea rqf �, >. « r, N>, ' �, Are you ,happy, Felix?„ 'square miles,- Its mou+ntaiinous area white' cloth, ,trimmed with lace, em- Tow^wl� j1 �tSk'tt:tinsI. „Sure 't'hi'ng. That's easy, sweet forimed, by that portion of the range broadery or fi ,ahgl,� ruffles. The FJWJW PEi!QT 1pi$`:l... � __ heart. I'll soon teach' you how ,to do which runs from bhre Bering Strait in 'bloaee, is tucked tato a start made of�Qnl(": irir ,that. if yrou'd stop all this question- the north to the Strait of Magellan delicate cotton ' material ,in', d'aaaltY - •' • it*� , t ° a ing of yourself and me and just lay " 11, I im the south and which narrows down flowered patterns on brightly Colored ' - � hold of life with some sort of con- at this -point where Costa Rica is lo- grounds, A "� t �. A gay shawl of silk deeply high oarbo%yd t� � '-� 4 fid'enoe . . . you know, Jocelyn, life sated', ,'has earned it the name of the 'frinlged is daiawn"' is a queer sort of animal." gn°a eefully aCrces the trues to area)te a gra r` P `• "Switzerland of America." Boasting shoulders and arms, while about the than before. fit'` ,;, : "A wield 'Horse to' ride," suggested of the large number of teachers a'mon'g throat is worn, a ell -ken kerchief of11 ''. t Jocelyn remembering Nuck. i� population and its back of soldiers, vivid, hue. , ';; i' �y�tc "Thai's, rt. I'f you don't ride him Costa Rdea has not been influenced Bulli -fighting was the principal am• N lir Wilih a arrur and a quirt?; he will sure by the -chronic turbulence wflrflch has usemeut of the country until recent- , � �a 11 . enough ride you." kept most of the Spanish-American ]y, a Predilection for this forrm of Farm .q-� . . "Felix," her tongue felt dry and nations in constant turmoil. It is a sport having been inherited by the ,,z 1, moved with difficulty but she forced purely, democratic count •.. x', country, whams el- costa Ricans Y -rod their -Sparuisih for- � ,� ,r it to shape the words, "did you ever ectione are ]veld Vegetable growers hear of a man named+ Aylewarti?" peaci�tilly every Four boars- It lass teem largely replaced fkr k 1 t pears( and where ld y reigns m ev today, however, by most of. -the mod- Over 300 vegetable 1 , p "What the den- Now where did gmoweq+s are @ i ery phase of life. ern Sports. Nevertheless there still you ever dig up that ,name child,T' c m , r petted to attend tthe anpuait +l gnvy l � y Its is ate es from tro ical remo;a;ins the "NovilU a•" r � P rad o amateur tion of •t1h,e Ontario Ve�gertaihle �r�"qs For the first time, to keep Lynda's heat along' the elidree of the Atlantic bull=fight where -the a-ing is filled with q secret, Jocelyn 'mads use of an in- A;��; ars' Association at the Carrld-Rote 1 " . 1 and Pacific Oceans, through mild and a group of m 'i' be toreadors harass- tel in, Toron=to Tweet' y, Jana. 24 nd v vention: cool 'temperatures of the Central Pla• ing an u+alrappylqua,druped which on the annual meejting being hells tl1Er ik' "Cousin Sara Muller once knew a teau, to the brisk cold of the moun- the morrow dill probably be liftched• li + following day. Presidtenit Geo ReeR*,e$ clergyman of that name ...who had fain heights to ori ox -cart an a nearby coffee plan -Dixie,; a son." An intnamerable,: variety oY trees tatiod. of wall preside loyal+ tike 1laeei� "And who ,kicked the ran out, and thrive in this ha ings wh°1Dh , promise iia herr �`' spy land, where they Costa Rica Iran several well-known most imiportamt tamd successful in t Sit changed' his own ftatme In order not are easily cultivated, including royal volca=noes. Of those which 'look ' �' to share it with a convie> Wasn't that history of. the, assoeiArtion. tr palms found al`orlg the coast line, down upon San Jose, El Poas and ha _--- v�' it? Yes, I knew that unlucky par- ,pines In the mountains, woods, of vax- Irazu are the most important. El .-�-�_ � 4 son." Irous types used+ for conrstru'ction pur- Poas, which is 9,000 feet high, has �t�,„ "What did the Bon do to be sent Inoses, snit many Species of lustrous .what is said to be the woild's great To Hog Producers to prison? A clergyman's son - it fruit trees. Among the ornamental est crater. It is over a mile in ddam- I seems' so -dreadful.", plants, there are hundreds of different eter and, its vertical Wal+le drop Marry Pinoducels of hogs is Oanadaam .,15 "Clergymven?•s sons. are a proverb, kinds of ferns and orclhdds+, Costa ,hundreds of .feet before termiaiating ended' that the increase+ in t'hs "T' darling. This one tools a bribe and Rica, having one of the largest var fe- in a seztbdn.g,' boiling lake of sul- number- of over finished. ands over• `' handed in a ._false, report on a zinc ties of the latter of any country in phurous mud whaclr makes it not so w�gtht hogs now being marketirecl ,g � mini*. I last a good lot of mron:ey my- the world'. much a volcano as a gigantic geyser. creating a very serious and* a=cute , � self through that report. Ayleward The leading agrricultur•al product of El Irazu which is 11,322 feet above' problem in the export bacon ,and do-. ;`�, , junior got away with his. profit all thds d'imi'nutive republic is coffee. sea, level, is not only one of the won- mantic pork trade. Farmeas, are threre s' right, I gves•s, but I was lucky enough Other products are timber from its ders of nature, but is also Ithe' only fore, strongly advised to refrain. from to catch h'im out and I had him sent rich forests, cattle, grains and sugar overfinishfrng and, to end�avor to mer- ',�". r point in .the Americas from which rea,Chintg a x r up. I was sorry for his. father and sante grown on- the Central Plateau, 'botch bhe Atlantic and Pacific Oceans kat ,their hogs before his two sisters but if ever a man je bananas and 'tobacco Brawn along the can be seen. weight of 230 pounds at the farm. ;• served what he got it was that fel- Pacific and Atlantic coasts. Costa Rica in general deserves to:: low, the ditty trickster!" Contrary to the belief of many of be better known by tourists in search Breeding Trouhles 'i'"!. "You don't think there could have our North American friends, only a of rest, healthy an ideal Climate, seen-, . Following long winters with deep �, r been any mistake, that. the owner of small proportion, of the inhabitants, ire beauty; and tranquility. Those who �; snow, as this winter 'Promises to. be l: the mine perhaps deceived bdm.? I of Costa Rica are of pore indigenous visit it for a shoat time only, leave - •'•,,I a great deal' of trouble is usually ex mean . . . I feel �o Sorry for that stock. When the Spaniards first ar- it with an instinctive desire to re- 'perienced w ith bairlessness in young cl'ergym'an." rived ]tare, there were about ..40,000 turn. "Be sorry far the clergyman by all aboaagines, but such Was the haste of pigs, goitre i.n calves axed lambs, and ;11 ; joint ill its foals. It is suggested that s means but don't was,tc your pity on the Conquistadors to destory and on- these troubles may be traded to a the young one. I knew that boy, slave the Indians and so great was lack of iodine in the thyroid gland of 1 knew him from the time he was a the oppression to which the latter Evolution of the pregnant female, and losses.Srom 3',''4 ]cid. He was always a pretty slick were subjected, that according to the ,, 11 1 I young customer. Queer how it came last census there remain but a mere i this cause may, be avoided' by feeding - ,xr out in him. He had a crafty gift for 3,000 persons of native stock. Through Ice: Cream iodide, in the form of patassiunl %?ry iodide. �' sleight of ,hand. He could make a out the Central Plateau where San 1, lx .pack, of cards do an�vbhing. He'd pull Jose, the capital city of 70,000 popu- (In Facts Digest) Potassium iodide has a generally �.. coins out of the air. Got a circus ]atian is 1'ocated, .as well as other stimulating effect, toning up they whole The evolution of ice cream, from .syste'm•, and exerts a '''i',Id chap to show him. how to throw a towns aF importance, a tvhite rase of Particularly ys, P lm the first crude attempt to freeze ices, s+tron influence on, the x,& or cream, to the present palatable g generative tly knife. I got this little scar n my Spanish stock pnrdominates with on-' All Bans. Females which are apparentip ... cheekbone letting Jock practice knife ly a rsiparll admixture of Indian blood. rW product, recognized as a nutritious, non -breeders will often' become stag u^ throwing on me. I certainly did It is on the Gentra'l .Plateau, where and pleasdn'g food, Is an interesting nant after this d 5., mcg has been admin trounce him for that He was a no Ann average temperature of 72 degroes _many of,0ite, fates of -f �it ey0--4stesed for a Sew months, account entry from tore starting post. prevails the year • round, that tjie iution are vague,.and unreliable- y Seemed, to settle down at coUlege and greatest progress in' culture and civ For cows,- dissolve two ounces. of Charles I of England., 3,00 years ago, potassium iodide in a cusp of 'warm `I came through the mining school with ilization can be noted,. Costa Ricans had a clever French chef, who, by his water;-sp.r•inkle this soltitdon ovei•,100' Honors. But that yellow streak was can today affirm with satisfaction discovery of frozen cream, so delight- pounxl4 of salt spread • even'Ip and in there: and when it came to riding that their perce-ntage of ilbitp^icy is ed the king and gourmets that the re- - a thin layer oar a sterna floor, and mix life -lo stick to our figure lip didn't exrcecLingly low. In every vllllatre calved a pension, of 20 Pounds a year well. When the salt is dry, place it tr} put his spurs in straight and, well-- there is a modern s ':rl ;ust a few Por life. Though he was pledged to `11 steps awn from a w + :-I;-e in a box where the animals have Ores .^a ice bit the dust-" p• Y pt Catholic Secrecy that. this concoction be IP- ^`1' "Did you dislike him always, Fel- church- Struts, pla ]narks, water served for use of the ro 1 table, the access to it. For ewes, follow .the , ix?" mains, electric ligrh,ting and we'1•I con- w same method di far cows. �, secret. was out by 1649, when Charles For sows, dissolve one ounce of , "No; there was a tune when I took strutted dwclliauge, show that the peo- i was• behead*,d. potassium iodide, orystals in one gal- yr an interest in him. I was fond of his ple, of this country have indeed cross, Ice cre•amt undoubtedly, had itsr be- loin of water, and mix one tablespoon father, of his sistersn . Jock was ten ed the Rubicoseparating the primi- ginning in the chilled wines and .ir r d cars younger than I. But t•d •t he cur•five civilization which existed through- per sow darty dm the feed or drinking gy y'" Y beverages of antiquity. Alexander water. For mares, give each mare a me of m affection for him. He pat out, the Republic• only Seventy ytears ff y the Great was fond rif iced drinks. dialf a teaspoonful of potassium iodide in(, through a ,rad time with that mins. ago from. tihat of today. There evi- Nero, who lived, ruled and caroused, in the feed grain or water on the first ' I never saw a crook so neatly caught denres of progress are Interesting to in the first century, sent slaves to and fifteenth of Balch month out :ind tied with his disht,nor." vi'sitors. themountains for snow and ice to '" 11 Again Felix uttered the flat dead On the highways can be seen many cool and perhaps freeze his favor"d ' `. laugh and swun his car out along of the latest and most luxurious types LONDON and WINGHAM g fruit drinks. Marco Polo, retiurllin the country highway in a burst of of automobiles, as well as ox -carts fronii the Orient at the end of the ,-,':j masterful speed. ambling and creaking along, men on badrteent.h century, brought back aNORTH l horseback and mule drivers. Because Jocelyn pulled dotrn her small ,bat recipe for making water ices said to A.M. *' the transition from an odder civdliza- and bent her- head. Even behind the have been in use in Asia Lbousands Exeter ...................... 10.34 t. windshield the air of their flight tion to a newer one has been rapid, of years. Fromi water ices to cream Hensali 10.46 caught at her face sidelong and whip- the us•ags and customs' of former ices was a logical Step. Au Italian Kippers ...................... 10.52 ` times have not been completely eradi- • . , , ....... - . • , - , • • 11.00 'Fy ped her eyes. archifPct, I3Pnarclo Buontalenti, (]536- Brucefieid The fear that ran through Nick's anted- The typical dress pf Costa 1608) is, credited with being oho first Clinton ...................... fi11.47 prompted Iris Hirano of sixty years and more ago " delirium questions: to manufacture frozen drinks and Londersboro ................. 12.06 1 "You won't' heave ane, ,lock? Is that can also still be. seen There, dessert g. Blyth ..... . ... . ......... . . .. 12.16 you, Jock?" And then in, a changed Irk some of th,e remoter villages, Catherine de Medici created the Bedg'rave 12.27 "`< bine men wear a so-called Pamama - `,' ............. . key Of deeper terror, ' Do you think vogue Fo,r water ices in, h'rn.nce when Wingham .................:. 12.45 ..."i;; we've lost het•?" ,hat: a srhort jacket of black, navy sh,e brought h•cr own staff of cooks SOUTH "Sure, I'm here. Why should I blue, or green wool serge; a white tin Parisi. ''' P.M. 'i Ieare you?" linen s'lrrirt.; narrow buttoned trousers In the next century, ice cream came R'ing.ha.m ................... 1.50 , But when it came to "Have we into its own. At a court dinner giv- Belgrave . • .................. 2.06 lost her?" the answers though patient en by Louis XIV. "Toward the e•rrl ( Blyth ...... 2,17 11 �, had a different n�ntc: FEEDING BROOD MARES of the feast, his chef caused to, oe "Keep quiet., Old Nick. You haven't. Londesbom ........ . . ....... 2.26 Placed before +Bash giant. in silks+ (Minton ......... losi, anrythinrg. Here ... . yes-, s'he'll be To p y Brucefield ................... 3 28 properly care for brood. mares gilt cups, wheat was appa;11 a '', back. Did you ever know a woman during the winter months, it must be frossdnly 'land egg, colored idke those of Kipp�en ..................... 3.38 +`' you could lose so rasidy?" understood that they should he given Faster, but., before the com•pan,y- road HerisalI .............. ....... ,3.45 I `} By ten o'clock of f hat Sunday m+orn- mild exercise each day but deep, snow time to recover from thP.ir surpris.• Excior .. , ... 3.58 ing Nick's fever, w`Ifth the worst Of at such a nov,e'lty and the hauling of heavy loads should at. d+ea rc•rt, they 1. his pain, had left him and hP lay still be a.voide,cl. It is particularly import- discovered t,ha•t th" supposed ezrs .11 wraith a white racked face and looked ant that mares* in foal axe not al- were a delicious s+wertmeat, cold anti sanely at .lock- Thr young man had iriwPd to be side during the winter com,par.t as marts+'•" C.N.R. TIME TABLE '' not. yet changed from this, evening month m, as they usually produce weals The first. tato to ,,rrve water ice, EAST clothes. Mals -no matter how they may be and possibly cream nct+s, opened in, "You'd' better gn and get some Fed Parts in 1660. From France tih'e rec- A.M. P.M. °;y) sleep," Nick whispered. "Business A brood ni'are's ration may be made ipes were taken to England and the C.�iderirh ' ............ 6.33 2,30 good last nigpht?" up of a varier cond,inwnt. By 1750 ice cream recipes Holm", ville ......... 6.50 2.52 ,'y y of feeds, however, it is Clinton .............. 6.58 3.00 "Pretty Pair. Wi'l lost Judson." essential that. it be nutritious and con- appeared in books and in 1776 for Seaforth, ............. 7.11 3.16 `•t Nick's eyes began to beg. ta.in a geuerbus supply of protein and mak+inrg s,weert ices. M "I'm a, great one to call you a con- minerals. A good grade of mixed hay, "Firsrt evidence of the forerunner of St. lin ..... ........ 7.17, 3.22 Dublin ?.21 3.29 111,11 vitt and a• cardaha'rper, eh? When I oats a.nd bran will supply alt the nes• the .irre Bream mold was found' in Mitchell ............. ?.30 3.41' taught. you most. of the game myvself essary requirements. A few roots fed 1774. At a fecstive banquet given, by WEST a and live on' what -you make from it. daily will 'als'o prove beneficial. The the Iiuc de Chartres 3ry Paris, the Mitchell 11.06 9.28 Why don't you ('Busts me, Ayleward?" amount of ,hay and grain to be, fed frozen (R.-Aemt. was derorra.ted with the Di bliin. .............. 11.14 9.36 ,�, "Got the, habit of holding on to daily will depend upon the size of the ducm.l coat. of arms carved into the Seafortlt ............. 11,30 9.47 ' you." mare, her condition, and the type of cream i,t,,areif, %r At the Clinton .............. 11.45 10.00 _a, "Last nigh-wnhen I came in work sire is doing. Naturallythe s+ame time ice Cream was I rj Goderibh 12,05 10.25 ' i you .and Lynida., you know? I'd like more she ,Is required to do -the lar';- introduced into America.. A caterer, �w you to undrerstan,d why I• -why I-• Philip Lenrzi, anmrournced+ in a New "`�rj er the daily grain ration, Young :her flew out the way i did, When ] saw mares that have not completed their Fork newspaper t9va+t he was prepar- yau making love t,o biir' ] thought ,f growth must be fed quite, liberally, ed to supply various confections, in- C.ir,R. TIME TABLE yi otbe,r womed, I'd seen you with -and After the foal is horn, d+rinking wa- cludidg lee,creaui, learned in London. EAST ,4" of myself and-" Mrs. Alexander Hamilton. was among ;,i Jock swore softly. "Why not shut ter with the abill taken off is given the devotee's of ice Cream and s'er'e- P•M " up?" he suggested. "You were right to the mare. The mares firs, feed ed +the delicacy at a dinner for Presd Ch t" 4.20 r$A�a at that. Only it wa.s a superfluous, ex- after foaling nw always a warm omni d,e'nt George:' Washington in 1789. The Mewset • • • • • 4,24 ;,,1 .. . . math and grain ration, contains famous Dolly Madison served ice McGaw 4 3 ) '>' 1; hdbition of paternal chivalry. I don't one-half ,bran for la. week or more af- Auburn leve your daughter, Nick." creams at a White House reoeptiant 4l rt' ter the foal is dropped. By so doing Blyth 4,1i urn (Contin'ued Next Week) compli,cationrg such as an oversupply Scribner in 1883 published, the earl- Walton 6.05 ris,t - sof mdtk or, indigestion are usually hest book written about ice cream, en- McNaught .................. 5"16- ,yq4 1^ The w,om-n' in the theater were ask- avoided. When mares are thin at titled "Ice Cream and) Ca=kes." Toronto • • • • .. •WEST • • • .... 6,00 ', .11 ed by the manager to remove their foaling time, light feeiddng shoukl only The first 1c,a creauu come appeared WEST lra,ts- ' be continued for a few days. In such in 1904 at the World's Fair in ,$t. xyk, A few women in the audience com• Cases, the feed is usually increased Louis. Toronto ............ 1,44 ` pleteiy igrio>ed +l.e arnrlourcertrent.. gradually ,in order to endwre a good And iUtus is 13he colorful' history of ;1,.. t� �1f,.7 McNaught . , ....... , w Yf�'drr' Again trhte request wan, madb .nd yet supply of mill, for the foal. Mares ice cream, a products •recoguizeld its a ,iWaiton .. ............ .. .• , �' .l nl s; '. a tbtbrd time, ' still -without m ILIt. that are required to work while nurs- family food, supply fit for a king. yt 'a,w.'�:y •, "�% +kik,,, ,hereupon the manager anuoun,cted: ing their foals will require liberal Coritraxy to popultar belief, ice Auburn ...........,a.i �yy �, ,}t`3'r. '' ,+ it they ane to -be 1b b in cream , t a nt r f6W1 ` • - ,u�' .r, TIaartuk j�Ky11; all the ladies )lave now Peeling, t y P is not obol3 g : A Boot 11ICC7aw ,,y,,, r,�Fin,;1 removed' their )rats" gaol flesh and provide a generous sup- Ing effect se re peri nu ed fttf' h sth�lrt .,pl of .......... w �v., . r, t i�°;>„,$,f ;` It workerd!, I piny of milk for the fbraler. time after it is ea't'en but duo to Ito �h .......... W;ro.+,*r` � r �,l` �! , y, 1 (n ✓, ,,f 4° kr't, }itgj a�4's1,'''f n s �r Y,i,�r i1�„a ,i5br`ar ra, it y, ,> d r i r e v+ Y tr r I f{ fi>• .'_%„ , ,-•.'ri:. r,� ,'. ” ` - r ' ' - 2.1.°11''. •m,.,a,•1lrz.,i!i 4�. t .�.','."!T',' ..,�'4 2t, w ru y k nr, y',.N"'t _.....d_, .,,rr:d,.. .u. � .- o,- u.. ti„ G.a:.0 1r,_i„ r„" t c F,�,-.A,, i._,,_nr. th ..:Ban n.,4a Nos