HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1939-01-20, Page 1� I � ,.. ° ,. '."' fr' ri t r"':! les 'k'i„ arr,Y YSn ""i t% >� ',�lxylt' �' Iytytta2yr✓,r�tY: u ff .r{f'2+''., 1 ,t> 11 alar , r r I.ii n i Y S i6 r1:1 i�dJ� 7�nd,a '� L�r1tk i'�A 1, N v fi� ,t - ) r +r �" t' I fl'(iy 1 1 • 7;; er, ) r .. . V �S"`-' .,I : ,; 7 # r a ` • ". ¢a, �l., " i 0 ,4.E +� 1" ,. it 0410 1,at." �i§ p� ° rqx , I exa ,, I , ;' p -,.,yn � I I r `. , n I'll•, A �: k �' "I , . 10 J, p', , i m.. on �� 4 11 I " I .. 11 I � - . I .. � -_ - I I 1. iEightleth Year '• . . ' W,holy Number 3710 _ \ — e. C I ,1 , t•',, t >' n r are n s f J1k!L �.�I�L' h' Y v - M '� 1 , ,d 'vjN 4 } A , u , 4 ry %,� Nf"a` �, yt �Y •�1,��tt r �— L'' F.it' 'leaf l.>1�µA1�"�t t .P, . 4 X14 b t r ., . -vF "✓,�w m„wh� ttvYP wF r. "� t.... �.y, ._• e c , ` fill ” 1� 1".""I", I 11 a %` b i , � .. . . t � ' 1 17 .1, y . . • ,SE,AFORTH; '�'RTDAY; J 1A % 14&N 1 6 Y 2p, 1939 • Robt.1'urner,oderich Reeve'bic 'Tz I��spect',ew A ddaA ion .M ' a. ,_ Js ;Elected Huron' Warden At Inaugural Council Meeting I 10 NEW WARDEN New Warden is FYrst To Hold Office From Gode- � ' . d ":f: ' k rich in Thirty Years. _ �. I �� e�'I'' i0 ;� REEVE J. H. SCOTS j • ., �;F � ,::. ON GOOD ROADS ;, '� r F, , A rate of 4 mills was esUmated' for 11 11\ r '! ''g rr>1f, If 1 9 b Covnh Treasurer A. 1i, Ers- 1e� t,� "v 93 Y y �..,, ]cine as he pre�enrGed hes eetimahes u. $� ;:, for the yerar.to aou� council oo, Wed- A. I: y ,. 1 nesday. The equalized, assessment 0 n \oo � �\ " �• .;f will 'not affect this year's rate as it \ r i does not coarse into effect until next `f year, Treasturer Erskine told council, a. . �,. .%�> as the rate. is reckon,ed+on ¢Ire ageless- •: �' �.,;� "' • <> rent of .the previous Year. Subject � \,� ���\\\O\`�\\\\\\\\\�� a `" "' r.,. to revision in June, the rate based on ,e'r : fir. \ \� ft- 1.;..� � , . u, the provisional estilmabes will be four ��� M; mills for urban- municipalities; 4 mills -' "f plus the costo of secondary schools for \\�\\ IM, rural munici'pali'ties, made UP as 1161- 1 lows,: General account, 1.80 mills; county (highways', 1.90 .mills; Provim- ��� G -D tial highways, .30 mills. • The auditors' report presented by .' Robert Turner, Reeve °of Gode- M -r. Erskine, showed' a surplus- on ac- Arrangerr%rts have been made by the Collegiate Board 4o" have the public inspect the new addition at rich, who on Tuesday was elect- tual ,operations in 1938 of $4,814.14, the S. C. I.' on Monday and Tuesday of next week The above drawing by George Daly, son of Board Chair- - ed Warden of Huron County at man J. F. Daly, is reproduced by permission of the 6: C. 1. Alumni Year Book. the inaugural meeting of the 1939 The provisional 'estimates, in the council. ' general account -for 1939 were report- ed 'as follows: Aldm:in'istra'tion of jus- . • ,tice, $19,000; hospitals, $14,000; mun- Public wi,II Inspect 'S. C. 1. ,BEA VERS TIE • AND icipal government, $7,500; Ohiddren's _ Yf PUBLICSCHOOL Aid Society, $4,500; grants~ $3,600; D �b Addition and Improvements' .LOSE IN TWO GAMES jail, $5,000; County Home, $7,000; D, p BOARD ORGAP IZES 1, interest, , $2, ; insurance, printing haat -•••_ AGAINST TAyI T and 2e,lrephone, $2,200; printing and - • ---` j e (' pogtaga $1,3ao; registry office, etbr, ICdllegiate Board Will. Hold, • • • • ® • Oe audit, $250: Horn boner in,spr+etor, , J. A. Westeott is Named $300; new equipment, $1,200; schools, Open House on� Monday other tihan secondary, $11,000; sundry, School DY Chairman At Inaug- $200; reserve for Unforeseen- expendi- And Tuesday of cooNews Next Sickness and Injury of Sea- ture 'of couneit, $2,000; exchange, 'forth Players Pla Handicap ural Meeting. $2'00; equalized, .assessment, $4,704; Week. in this issue wi91 be found the' y 1? ovgrdraft, $1,815; total, $90,665. tress I first in a series of columns cov- in Second Game. the following estimated revenue:- ' ering the activities of the Colleg- M,embems of the , Public School Towmhfipa re hospitalp, $3,000; ad- The pdblic will have an opporrturn- iate. Written in an entertaining -- Board organized for tete year on. Wed- miulsbn'ati'on of justice, $4,500; luoen's- dty of inspecdmfg -the addition and manner by Alastair Wigg, School CLINTON THURSDAY •nesday evening when J. A. Westcott es, $700; finest, $200; registry office, other Improvements at the Collegiate News will portray the day-by-day was namred, c!b'aia^m'an. $2,500; re corm boner, $150; 1.8 mills Institute on Monday and Tuesday ev- happenings at the S.C.i. and give Commdttees were .named as. fol- on assessmiewt, $44,711,75. Total $90, evings and Tuesday afternoon of next an insight into the extra cirrricit- Group Standing lows: Property, M. R. Savauge, Dr. 738 'Estimated surplus, 73 cents, week- Under constructdion, since mid- lar activities of the students, ,- W L T Pts. J. A- Munn, J. Henderson; .Supply, J. summer, the. ad',49ti+on was put into Tavistock ...... 3 0 2 8 Hotham, M. M'cKeDair anx)i J. A^ West- Estimafied revenue of provincial use at the commencement 'af the new• • • 6 .. • • Clinton ... 2 1 0 4 .vot#i�.. Ed'urca+t'ion, Dr. Munn, J Hath- highways, $13,286.27; expem,dtdrtures, year. Members sof the Board and Godlerich ....... 2' 3 0 4 ami d J. A. Wtestcott. $13,975.46; estimated surplus,, $310.81. Staff will -be present to explain the a Seaforbh ........ 1 2 1 3 Repreventtlatives and, officials, were J. C. Shearer, agrlcultural represen- vrar'iorrs clhanges. /� I� yy �t C /(j ggr Mitchell ........ 0 2 1 1 reappointed, an fallmvs:' tative, submitted a summary of the Commenting do the new slchaol, bhe FORTY CL�L4I�U TAKE Tavistock 3, Seaforth 3 Srebary-bneas�vner, M. McKellar; peti:tiolr!s circulated! to make Huron 1938 S. C. I. Alumni Year Book says: FORTY Playing a postponed game here drua,mit officer, J. A. Weslteott; rep:^es- County a restricted area for the eradi- "Visualized by studlenis, of the p pr Thu,rsdlay night, Tavistock and Sea- *mtative to Collegiate Board, C. A. catinn of bovine tuberculosis. school for many yearis, a 'larger and PART �T LN B 0 N S � � E � forth played to. a 3-3 tie in 70 min - Barber; to Pubitc Library Board, Miss Of the 5,972 cattle owners in the more fully equipped S. C. I. has nowAR u•tes of fast hockey tt•:th a near re - S, 1• McLean, county there are 5,237 in favor of its become a ,reality with tdre completion _ corm crowd attending. estrahlish,nrent, a percentage of 87.6, this year of an addition 'accomlmodat- Harris started .the ,`=e off by • which is 20 per cent. above the nee- img auditorium, gymnasium and. class- J. M. McMillans Rink Cap- scoring 11 seconds attar the puck was es•sary requirement, the highest favor- moults, Ifaced off. Tlhis goal took Tavistock Friends Honour tures Silver Spoons on able vote of any in rite province. "When irate in 1936 new c'ours'es' of, lJ by surprise, but they soon recovered There were on,l 735 opposed, study, including shop Ipractdce and to scone at 6.46, Vogt scoring with y I Wed'nesd'ay. Hullet$ Newlyweds Tire p�ercenGlges In favor in each daouseU>ol,cU economics, were announced, _ _ itae giving the assist. Bath t --ams tow'imhip were fisted' asf follows: Ash- the Board ,immediately took steps to were playing wide open hockey when field 86.4. Colborne, 80.7, Godericih 89.6, arrange a•ccotmmodation. The appoint- J. M. McMi]lan's rink captured the finally 'I`avisrtcick broke away with a maA of Wi,lltam G. Murray, Lontdlon. silver spoons at th,e Seaforth Curling three-mun combination, scoring on Friends and neighbors of Mr. and Grey 84.7, Hay 92, Howick 79.3, Hul- Ma•s. John Leiper entertained trdnemt: at lett. 91.4, McKillop 91.5, Morris 89.1, a`Clhdtect, nae+ made ,early the ne Club's weekly banspiel ctn Wednesday Sli,,d,e Mathies tallied with Reid and a reception in Lomdesbona Comttmun- Stanley 87.5, Stephen 88.4, Tucker- Year, and, fo19owdng some delay ,in ob afternoon and eve•nimg. The rink: Dr. SC7e.1,1er assisting at 17.06 of the pAyr- ity Hall Wednesdray evening- Mr. a,'rd smith 89.7, Turnberry 79.4, Usborne taluing approval from ,the Department J. A. Munn, G. D. Ferguson, J. E. iod over. Mme• Leiper were msamried the pre- 89.4, East Wawa,nos'h 95.2, West Waw- of EdructaU n, the contract for the ad- Keating and, J. M. McMillan (skip). T,be Beaveft' obe goal down at she dd,tion was awa•rdM to Mr, H. Edge, The bonspiel was the most success- start of the second kept the play in ulcus week. The bride was formerly anlosh $T.l, of Seaforth. Work camm,en,ced, early ful yet held by the club: Ten rinks the Tavistock area until at 8.53 G. ]Mise Jean Neilans, of Clinton. Standing Committees Struck in July of this year, and the addition were in play and following the first Hildebrand tal4iedi with A. Hildebrand 7he evening was spent in, dancin=g, The foblo-"ng report of the Strik; wiT4 be ready for occupancy in Janu- game, dinner was served in the club assisting. Boehler of Tavistock scor- more than 400 people being present. ing Comm4thee was, brought in: ary, 1939. room ed at 9,53 to put the Tavistock team ,Hueck was furnishedarock by the Aldan Executive Committee --George Me- "pare was taken• in designing and Guests at t'h'e bomspiel were the, me up again. Three penalties were Ot+Che tri of Harlock, Mr. and Mrs. Nall, W. C, Kerr, Gilbert Frayne, Jas. g members c,f a Clinton rink: F. Fing- Hert Al41mm,, ,James Neilai6s, Ira Iiap_ planni.n fire addition that it conform lnamded ,out, one to fire Beavers and Led -per, llhoa. Webster. closely to the 60 yolr-old parent buiid- land. F. Ford', Dr. Thompson, Dr. J. two to Tavistock - son and Art Colootn. o Legislative Cnmitbeer-Henry A. Ing. th In Mks e architect leas been' W Shaw (skip). The Beavers and Mrs,. Leiper were present- Keys, vkept Tavistock in ,Mr. with s]. a parsthe presentation b- Keys, Alex. F. McDonald, T. C. Wil- particularly suecess,ful.. th,oir own territory from the start of ling made by e, Welds and the Col- 'son, R. 1;. Srhadddek, N. R. Dormnee, "Of whdte brick, the new wing ex- • the thdrd peniiod and at 15.03 Kruse F'inance,0dmimitbeel-W. D. Sanders, tendis 39 fe,-t'to the north of the old s,c,ored, the tieing goal- The Beavers lowing address read by John Anru- S. H. Whitemore,m'h Ed.. Lam -port, J. W. scor,l,. projuviing to the weg-1 sruff.;ci- PENNY BANK DEPOSITS were IttAA off by Fauchafer In the strong: `Nlr, and Mrs. Join Leiper: 'We, Gamble. David L. Wed,r. � erntly to altrow a new main entra.n+ce, overtime when Tavistock were two your manly friends, have assenibt,ed (Continued on Page 5) "On the r*roun+d' floor are cl,assroortrrs SHORN INCREASE men short due to penalties. The ov- hare tonight t0 spend a social tirue to bou -,e ill:,, new depa.rtmerls while' ertime period ended wi41h, neither Isere her with --• the elrttire first floor is devoted to a - team su,a>•ring, but the, Beavers were you and to extend to com'lYi'nation auditorium and nuns av our best, wisihsess for a long and �' Total arrr'rnr=nt that Seafortin school still in Tavistock territory. happy, married life. We wouldhaveI Ian Carnival iurn. Alonr the south s'id.e of the cirlfl'dren have on deposit in the Pam- Rcvferc*cu -thick Appel, Stratford. preferred to have you make your ro'clm runs a galbeiry, access to both n,y- Bar.rk I:rcr.� increased to $1,350.56, Summary --• First Period: Goals, home right within our midst, but we or February l Q the gallery and alidiit.ordum being.grain- -as of October 31, 1938. The •com:pa-a- Harris (S), Vogt IT), Murttivies (T).' None - are a eased to learn, Uhart you are not I ed from the first floor of the old tive figua-e the previous year was Pe.naltietss: None - re to be very far away- We wild -- - buii,d'r+g. Ac,-o,so the east en(e of the $1,247.58- Second Pernod --Goals: G. Hilde- g auditorium is a srtn;ge, Ifimsbedl in fir Seventy-seven, per cent of the Sep brand (S), Boehi,er M. Penalties-- laok forward to having you come and The arnnuat Lions Givh,ice canoival =enjoy with us many of our su+cial is being held this year, it is expected, paT140 irsg, at mf ch side of which are ante School pu•pik werre ,regular Bell (5), Neil (T), Faber (T). gatherings. We also trust that you I on Fi;dtay, Feb, 10th, according to groan'e dfrss'ing rooms. Tlie walls are weekly depositors, and in the Public Tbird Period] -Goals: Kruse (S)• fim6sh,od in interior brick to a`hed,ght' Scholl 47 per cent. of the students Overtime--Goale: None. Penalties will iciest wifitu us individually wluen, Loon F:. C. Boswell, f -t treads the diap'osdted. The figures are for Sep - ever you find i.t convenient. You, oo,wmrttee in change of the evexut, of six Yeet., and rough plaster. Large -Hubert (S), Ei,ch,IeT (T), Faber (T), Jack, have spent the most of your At'rrrn�g'ementa are being made to wirndows give adequate light. tdm'ber anti] October, 1938. (Continued on Page 4) ' ldffe in this community and, hove made ltres+eir•t a. paibloulariy special abtrac "Shovers and, locker rno'ms acre pro- • a frost of fri ads. Your easy manner tion on that evening- vided i,n the new bsoemtent as well as --*—• so well with boys, scud girls' lunch roams, Legion Euchre on j tiro boys will not soon be forgott'erx. • Few changes have been that enabled you to max made in g Hullett Couple 'You, dead, are too stranger to many the old kidding, other than to im- prove the fen,estra,tiont rMis has, been I Frida Evenin bore tonight We are sure that you M. H. L. Telephone dome by, the insrtalllation of a sea-ies of y g Married 50 Years will m'ever regret the step you have taken. Ym, too, will always be miade . Elects Directors windows'• welcome when you return,to our com- • i 'Me Legion Seaforth branch of the Cana - I ion wilt resu,mte its $?ag Mr. and 1\'[rs. Robert. Ira.wscm, Hul- apanity. ' We are glad' to include you euchres Friday evendhg lett, were at home to thse,ir friends on with- our circle of friemdvhip.. The The anlnual meeting of McKillop, Formerly ,held on Tbarsdlaq, the Saturday afternoon an and evement it x,oad6f ma,trimanny that lies before Hibbert & Lagan Telephone Co. was Lady Bowlers are befmg g. 5rth anniversary of their volt will not ailwanys be paved'. You euchres is future will take place on wedding- Mr. and Mrs]. Lawson were held in Loo'by's Half, Dublin, on, Wed- (� n�yb, s of Men Friday married at the home of thw bifide',s . are bound] to .meet wdbh discourage- n, 'day and recotds one of the largest Guests M anvntst acrd` unpleasant experdeances, .attendance for marry years'. Tuoketr, Mrs. Deco Johns. West Finby d. but weer trust ,that tbiose times will be Trrckenamiltit December 25, 1888, et hastily forgotten 'by, ,pleasant experi- Owing to the death of two dir^ee^ Mdse MOWY Havgh, Miss Minnie Dor- ROSDALE Rev. Joseph •Ed'ge, of Onrtanio Street eneNs and the brighrtmese+° oY sarccesa tors, A. A Colquhloun and John Mur- stay, Miss+ 1JOvetta Faullkn,er and Mrs.. Ohumlh, Climitom 'Miss ,Mary Lawson. and prosperity. As a si all taken, of ray, during the year, it was, necessary Richert Smith were 'hostesses at a sewtet of the a groom, was coo bridesmaid, err friends'hi'p and beat wishes, we to hold nominations and voting for �y sociabile bridge ami Thursday ev atuct Mr. Ira Jahns was groomsman, ask you to accept tflnial =All sum of ,seven, directors,l Those nominatedcloying at Mus'- Smith's home. Sex tables both of whom are deceased' 'praaY The guests were received byi• their nvnep- May It emtalvl ' you to get were: JohnBennewiea, James Scott, were in play, surd Urs. R. J. S daughter, Mrs,. Jack Davidson,avidson, of and Miss' I -A eitto Faullmer were theALBE �A Some Oman, ,remembrance oY t,Ue days J. J. Holland, Rob Burchill, Joseph . ze wri,nrie+nw• Brueefieldl. Receiving with Mr. and spent its the Londtesboro community. Worries, James Malcolm, Matt Mux•- Tuesday eventing flue Lawn Mrs, Lawson wvme Rev. and Mrsa Al - You know, 'someonte Inas said: ray, James McQuade, Jerry, O'HmTa, Bowling Club entertainaled the Ladies - lam, (Iodenitc'h; Mus. A. S"I,ey, Clin- "TIAs world that doe ,are living In Wil,liann Mamq,ey, Peter Dill, Archie � eucbro it Cric'h's south storey fres,- y tom,; lima. Alex. Le1i'tch, Hullett, and IS mighty hard, to beat; Jaffray, the first seven being elected. ,siert M. A. Reid welcoaned the guests Mrs, J+a'mtes, McQueen. B,rUcef3�eld. The ]io%°w And a thorn with every rose, l�roe�u►ees °d tYu'ac dining rooms was, prettily decorattedi im Resolutions were passed: Author- and Mrs. Reid) thaT ext' the men ,,or I3st aren't tthtg ama�es sweet?" their h�ostpliRality. The p,•ize vrimtnera , gild and w>fhitte, while the table was Sigped on behalf of .the I,ondes,boro izi,ng payment of a, 5 per cent. divi- were Miss Hairy Gaulbpait'i, 'Miss Dolly centol*dt with, a bouquet of yellow dead, to slblareholci:,i m; adtiptin oho Active Heat. ,ebrysanthemums- C`ommunliy Club: Age WeI4 Pres.; CatrWin and Mrs. W. J. Dwnaan, Jobn Armstrong, Sec.T am audtilors' report'• and appointing Al- A buffet lunch was served' by the Bert Norris and W� L. Qiiereallgesser • M'esd6imes FAWI Lawson, Leslie Law- • --•--r-= as auditors for 1999. Mrs, L. C !qu- - TRY IT• son and Roy Lawson, and 'tea was "Is, h v2lallitafto `' hours wbo 8ulehdd her ,husband's, Cerin "Yott dv�ia t like my pastry? W,1>gi poured by' Mr�16 Robert JawSesa'iu. A "7th, .yea. '.lie dio te4 $25 to a as seoretairy--treasurer, has iaWgrted, I was making pastry before you were .• large number of friends carllled to Of- - wortlry emnw every time the makes and a iww s'ecrertarg4,reasntrer will be .bots." fw, their cotigmtulations' also a nuM a< tions,-ina'aw, . appolUt,ed ort Febn airy' lot. "I�sybe,, but why serve it nary?" dal • U V,J 1 F "SO'i {''� her of t�eIbdme celflrt �- ,, + y, . a r 1 -.., a .. .. ..:R r.. ,,.' ,..... , ,r ..,,4 r.,. ,.:) ...t. ..fd :,,. , d.. .J tl i .. +..,. c .. a. ., Y.. . ,.,.-4... s ,. Yt. > ( :r. -fir .. , ,S. •�:. .ilk .. n r 4.t, •.. R t: t -:r. ,. t e. ..M1 " it Xh! ..,rr t ., ...., 1. , .,r :,,, �.t..,k ¢ d,v. ,at u.l, ,_1 ... .,.,n .. ,a .Y,. >.,r.. ..t r5 .Y' ,,, ( " a.. , ..r r i. n.. r , ,,r.., ,a r. _.. , ,,., i' Ix:.. ., 7 1 a :,.. �. ..P .. 4i. .r, .r,r ,, ,", ,s r. .i•' ., ). ,,fa ,,,,, ,. c..,.. s, ,.,.. Prat +i f •„ i. {{.t.t.lt, v ,stJ 4:. .\fM a ,tic -.1,� }. n. ai. ti- n x, ;n� ,1` '3 t ., I f ,. s., .i 15.i. la.. �b..\, 4 n r, ... ,, s ,. +_., 1. ,., "0. rh l„4n ., ,. ,F : ., x,. v ,,l tea,:..,=..U. c 4 ,.,.,,r f.' },t,� ,c 4 •\,. ,< tr• „on ,fa,tLia). r 1-r�rvY7` { t ,r � 1 k v,t7 r , il�di tr 1 "'R f i , 1 'hi halos_, ,Miw1. N> .. �4� ,r<.. o i >r,s%. ,i. fir,,,, ,f ..t,p'v. k,,.,, ,M�i,1V. e., .,n N;, n.. .,r, .bs.,. ..1 i a it s �tr�-,! k., tI. s ,+'# ,,. , . i4 £ . ah.,autr, _ . o vd r,: eid� v- ''.::.• "r"... r •dr re n f F+pt:,P'� 7A'sr r 4 p°5 , ik kTIiAJ, at o-1 y �rYkcj: 1 +, i''(r 1'"1 t r tv� a , * - , , i !. •� : 1 }'ri 1 t Y � J,t �Jehlp ^,It , Sr�t ': 'y" , Sn "'Iia i� r2' r P+" *hl 'tih,M 1r t,,'4�)ttd'r +t�j91sA%',�tt's kM ,,1''t >; l� f uis ,{' s, 1 :,. ,, d. til ,, t T.,v" fil'y� d y a y �7fu t} 11 ` N �, .� �3 J' L; d , S y ,' '.i 1, , , -,.! ry 11 �,' c (�4�I, �+rA l� p 11 1 Y �R ig°n r er; Q��2 a i I i.w 7 J,}i} E; y 8r .ri s/ "I" 3.t1: 1-1 11 r g �%` K, A R 1?�pntn'r�rr�,`fj , o a �' t _+ t,° Review ',lCttvl#lest+#�5�i ` h+its 1 i .. At Annual Chu�rci �#r,111711 1-1 11 L �t Yi trI it • �I r ', First Presbyterian, North- i �yf,�� side United and St.f ` i�` �� 'Thomas' Church Hear 211 plaiy�:rS 'r'.":0, ai,, ' " 'Splendid Reports. A check-up an hockey plalrera ik, .. reveals the fact that 911 plaj,ers err s -games ptark^ .in rherluiatbNl f"t NAME' OFFICERS FOR. games at the local rink this ilia ' an, increaso of four over lafst: yiear w ,COMING YEAR - Duncan Cup players lead with. 82, � )W � " Junior Farmers• hav4 ',50, Ailittes, . ' 35; Intermediate Q. H. A„ 1$, lint First Presbyterian Church ,,cit Lions Juveniles, 14, and the $, ar The anmrial congregational mee2i.ng C- 1., 14„ During the -past week telt] du. the stehoolr+oo� of First Pres ten seheduted games were played byt -rian Cthnrcht on Monday evening was well attendied. The in the rink. pastor, Rev. laugh Jack„ conducted ,tihte 'opening . exercises and! Mr. G. A, Ballanihyno, •.. ' ! • 0 • • fi chairman of the Board of Ma iagemaen,t I , f ` presided' during the remainder of the N1r1f►�R � read meet4by the h pastor, expre session, essed apter for 1prec- JUNIOR ' FARMERS " �: L moon for hive whole -hearted support' �,. of every member and, adthreren,t and Rr p ' rep�irted ,six baptisms, 23 added!'to FLAVA TWO"', . S `*. the communion ro'N, wthdch had been 0.` x purged and now contains the names t�si. of 466 members, Sex elders w, --Pe or- Bad Weather' and' Soft' Fee y '' dained during the year, G. A. Ballam- •,, tyne, John Beattie, Robert Smith, Delays Opening Of - Harry Stewart, Marfan A. Reid and ^ : " ° Robert Eberhart. Reports from the Rural League. ,,�",. , Board of Management and Treasurer - �3;; indicated a great improvement in the The Junior Faa�wrm finally got ��' finances of the church with an in- Idler way Saturday night after week- 1 • crease in 'loose collections, and offer- endsr of soft ice, tiervtrltdng in post- Nt ings and the debt reduced by overpoeeTr;. $400. The total receipts were $4,- gamles, rya 325.64 wZth a surplus of $375.76. The Winthrop vs Egmogdville� Ladies' Add raised $345 and sent an The first game was iabe in getting outfit for an Indian 'boy, A life mem- started', but soon after the opening ,, �: bershdp certaficataj was ,presented to held J. Flannery scored with J. Nich- t" the presddewt, Mrs, Robext Eberthrt. Olson getting the assist. Egmondviile ..; The Barbara Kirkman �Auxilharcy ril ale kept in the Winthrop berritary for ; ed $522 for Missions and sent a bale remainder of the period, but Mont- �? 1 to Saskatchewan. A 'life member^sibip g'omery in the Winthrop goal held t in the Women's Misedonary Socdety tJnem .back- NZ was presented to 'Mrs. Jobin MacTav- The second period opened with )Cg- ish, an interestedworker and. an, "In mmondville stillputting on the ,pres- i Memoriam' certificate to Dr. E. A_ euro, which finally resulted in a figlbt McMaster as a tribute to the mem- between two of the piayew. Neither Gf ory of Mrs. McMaster. The C.G.LT, team scored) during the rest, of the . �qz reported itnteres•ting programs jwith perioc>c( selectaroncs from the study book, "Who Messenger started the third. period is My Neighbor?" Scripture v+ers+es by scoring with Venus giving ,the as- _! gist. Winthrop then ,put on a power `I,.. and ,tihe creed were memorized and a , bale sent to the Industrial school at play but were unable to score on .a. Kenos Earle, wiho is 'playing his first year ,; ", ;, ;_ The following were elected to the in this league- The final Score was :;;W Board of Management: W. L. Wdr'yte, 2-0. 1 ;,' M. A. Reid, W. A. Wright,'K, M. Me- WINTHROP-Goal, Montgomery; r. `;: Leary; Frank Kling; treasurer, D. H, d., T. Eaton; lid., R. Carter; centre, l ' Wilson; auditors. A. Y. McLean, Ilaz- F'arquarson; r.w-, McCa1d; l,w., Nich- Vz. eI Rend. A very ,h,earty vote of thanks oils-; a.lternates, Case, Kerr, . Lamont, .. 11 I tendered the retiring president Bettles, Habkir•k. _�.,: of the Ladles' Aid Society, Mrs. Win. EGMONDVILLF.-Goal, Earle; .rd., ";,3 AmegS, for her efficient, services in C. Rinidrrl; l.dt., H. Nicholson; centre, kd I J. Flanmmry; r.w., B. Gemmell; Lw., J. t. bhat capacity,•extentintg over 10 years., .,,{ Lunch was served by the ladies- Nichleon: atternates, A. Nicholson, t"�: Messenger, IUn,toul; Venus,, Nigh- ,44 Northside United Church Londesboro vs. Dublin Y The congregation of Nortdrside Unit- • The second game opened with both . ;', ad Church held- its annual meeting on 1 t.earns playing fast hockey and' both Wedn'esdiy evening, when the pastor, t;mliss wen kept oontinualdy busy.,, ." Rev, H. V. Workman, pres•id,eci. Ar• 'Phe period ended with neither $ score :;,, tbur Golding was secretary. or penalty. Reports presented by the saoretar- The teams kept up the same pace r (Con>tinued from Page 4).,.,, (Continued on Page 4) .+ " Juveniwles and Duncan Cup I. Commence Hockey Schedule• ' Juvenile Burins and the 13isoms, At the end 1' The Juveniles, spaomsrcrred by i,he I of l;, first period the score was- tier]'. ;1 Lions Club, got away to a bad s.L,1rr.. 1-1 with Southgate of the Bruins and on Thursday night by being defea1c,1 I Bnn,wrn of the Bisons %corin.g, The Bis - by Clinton 10-3.I ons book t`he lead in tete second when '1 The second game of t1his group, l Dale and Coombs scored. Hodgert which iveludle% Stratford, Mitchell and notoNm omp for the Bntins. The . .<a Clinton, was played there Wednesday! Bruins attempted a comeback whirr night when MitebeN defeated the lar- I Syuthgat+e scored., which ' tied' the ,, cal boys 6-1. The, game w~as• fast with I aame, Dale groaned near the enii of plenty of heavy checking, especially f the period for the Bisons, the final I 1. on Seaforth's part_ Grieve scored I.he I outcome bMIng 4.3.for the Bisons. a{ first goal for Seaforth, but Mitchrll l The blid,rd ga.me found' the �At'hle,tics '. came back with a goal by Parrott. .nnd the Ares battling. This game This was shortly follow-crd up by How• I was a, roug:b and tunrlble affair and ; and and .Syke-s, the latter scorin_~ was called before timid was up, Quin- "i twice. 1mn s the sitar of this game, Scor- { The second period sdrowed no scor. ing tthrete of his tsam's ,four goals. E. Ing, but the only- penalties of tline game ' eTrer notched the other for the Ath- •weire in this frame, Nigh• of Sea Porth 11Ft.irs. Coutts and Flannery were the I obtaining one and Howard, of Mitchell Aces' goal -getters. The final score I the second. imus 4.2 for the Athletics. .Oji The third pertiod was th" bfst to The fourbh• game took place be- ". wid,n,ess, as Senfort.'h tried to even Lhte tw•een the Bears and the Beavers. The score, but wem unsuccessful. Near IDeavrrn wavy a the victors, 3-1. The the end' of thy+ heavers' oar.] etter•s were McLean , period J. Miller o[ Mit- g g chell tallied, and with, two minutes to and Do'ig.�the latter notching two •,;i go Sykes sm,red his third goal of the goals. O'Conm,or• scored the only goal game. for the Be'a.m. The boys take their ,, SF.AFORTH- Goal, Earle; deBerise, 'hl()(' -key serimusly anal thtere sihouid be , "q Nigh, Mclvcar•; cenlre, Messenger; lots of future talent from this league. :., wings, Gkiieve, Philidps; alternatas, Midget League t." O'N,eill, S. Wigg, Flannery,O'Connor, The Midget League, wbioh was `''(� ReSd, sltarte�d' hast year by T. Beattie, open- • a..;s,•, MiTCHFLT.--Goal, Obescs,ell; de- edSfaturday afternoon when two ";3, IA fentse, Sykes. Howard; centre, Pearce; gaimes were played+. '.1 wings, Kean*, Clarke; alternates, W. In the game first .gathe Mites defeat- a"'iGl Clarke, J. Miller, E, Miller, Parrott, ed tine Cubs 1-0. J. , Lamte scored the, ,A+, B. Jordan, only goal'.1 Referee -C. Flannery. The second game was' between the f Mites and the Midgets, with, the;,1 Duncan Cup mi'gh+ty Mites again vilctorious, defeat- �*,i The Duncan Cup series- opemed on, Ing the Mtid'gv_ a 1.0. H. Rose was. }Jti Saturday • when, 80 of Seafoi tb's young 'the gaoal,-getter for this, game. 13dth ,(rr;� hockey entltlusdasrtw took part in four games provtdedd plenty ofthrills and _mil' gain(--,; which. wemo full of action. The am.us,ement, for the fans. They sre Fi firstt game was between the Amerks played Satrturdiay a1,teTftn4Jhis, sohe r '(4�i� sure incl tivere ds tveok. a and Argos, w'hic'h resulted In a 3-3 ,,yid,' ti,e, Both teams were tied at the end 1''` The foams for the stgOUL ate `� of five fitast period when Rinhoul of �1 CUBS -K. swan, 13. 1+t►l7glltt, i3 �,"I the Amerks and Fillmdgtan of the Ar- Thorns, W: Bbstwnell, D,. ,13.x, Dtt Dt% , iii go a• tattler], In the second, Willtse pee, S. 13arxy, Velt1 ":r� Y -4i and Fiarxrigan beat Barry,' Argas to MTTESi:-F. oawrett, '14. s"m"MI,�dp 1.+' , % i gain the lead', while Gave soared) for Ross, H. Weir, C, t l'vk% X. $y "�.,,, Hite Amerks, In the third' bi►e Arm orka $. S x y . ti h "L Cite Baker, ?� YVltLnn, F , , came from bedtimd to tie the stCflre MITJC�I!. "S'w D S vwd i,' i�' i . ` " When, Pbillilps beat Woods. SnSi�tah; IN, S,lt,'t tt,,. S, %`,t i 9i, �. ri�4't �' y�l;N%L �,11 a ,, the �e�,bt3 , A tb�ri..l �� ,',,� t!{71,��� ', w't4 �r�',_' `riper seoonrdl ms 1Vras born- 01a