The Huron Expositor, 1939-01-13, Page 7. 0 4 t r . , , I . . . i . , , , t . . t, . I 0 = i, ,M, N M M NARRISTER4,, 151OLICITOR8, ETC, LOFTUS E., PANCS1f, K.tC. P. J. BOLSBY iiIiODERICH . , BRUSSEL8 1 1 0-717 ... . ,,.. 1 .:4 , 41. ,.. I 4 .4 . - :, � ,� ,4 a 11 1Wi£i • '�+0't'T Me,U ,1ti}he pw.o !G�!•p; Y�F :�i/Y�,iq�f ,,rye �",� W4,j• i r ,�44i , + � f j� i � ix � k / d Jj A oP tlrRe testes d 3h, aA ��k Ift, aoi}FyM� ?? .M J't�A. M1•'ryw.rM�Mkhi �1 rid},' F� 1 f F � §1 ;li( `"i 4 'g Aguirs come f10M R,ra'U„ �1p fCa7ltE�leA"1,;'r ., �s 0,' 'i p�'�M+�i�P �a� s' ; r iyr t' Fq men, or fi cul ve'gular •�Pr' who k4o'w" ��� .`A� 7�, (�'i7 +r>,�`•7� •"k r��p�r # jq'9� }' ^I pletuTvs when they aree oaiew. 1 t►lo�ri11, ftP404 t e war "'7" ! 1�1 7 'e', It Coats,thomaudo, to ipmepare a 1,1F,..as, a rovui3oat 4?> 413%Y rl f opt'; e l minute newareeL One company est. +- " tamer f 1 v , t� y r. _ �� k rt nr¢tea that two rel ea each week Auer thila as tate 1100'He#Il ' ` N' '. l> ? lb a t t h u z P11; E i ", of i,t 4 repne sent an ex ditwr of shoot tape ilAF�t3,t rregt�lnx effort, oxo t6 c.4 ' �y'f," u rl� ?aOi Fi tVr ��+ n rl ;,'tu�✓� . (r' .. Q "Playback " a a)�t 1,1, T`tfat is, th}11/3ii$'ll,:'. s Y,., ✓I 1 Fr. 2f1,400—or Fnore when oqune especial- � t Im TS I- , ,c. 1;. t ly expensive picture is included again, with 4X�e voice, I to 444 ' il,• WIVIRIMIRMI +s<,, .. «. �s Gamermarr itm tYra war zone of Ina eqund all mixed for relative lruilalne;:. .�'ipD •� . `, w�� S as it will b6 heard, are ansuxed and Lloyuls ,asks `£100 hearxi iw the hheatn . 1 k tF „ b iu e 3 ( ap1 C. per m if It is approved; The edi'txira and `t t n au r, ;y"` +"Vf AVe i p onR>r premium, .equivalent to TAIL i��'�t"'1f,1�:, T° 1,r7,rtr (i,000 a .year. A. brief shot of the writers and .commentator and'•sound RpM p !!, ME :�,:• t. ,"� d mav'y all of whorl a ' Mt t 4iR , ,,, i RZ r bombing of Hankow may cost $5,0o0 had band, in molt rr'a ,_, �',�'� "�;,�t ,�' e ams 'this particular Picture, -are . lied t' ' i''� ' rt �t to get, while pictures of the Panay Pa ca' r in ,to listen and, criticize. s , 4r,a r' Y L, bombing last winter' coat $25,000 be "How do you like Rhin?"'the editor- . w; 'r �� W i ii . fore they reached New York, having 1 in-chdef is asked after one playback LONDON 444" - a been rushed across the Pacific by the . r of a light sont of subject. ' k , kU" �' . China Clipper, and, by special .planes 111011h � � P He shrugs' an, reply'. "We certain � across the United States'. ly need it," he says. "Fires, funerals,. �,.u.e.. t� ' A p}eture 1dke that of the Panay l Oxeter ... fi,,? t � a bombing, or 'the landingof Howard earthquakes," he, adds eloquently, ' t' "Who wrote the linea,?" !�...*: ". "*.t�jjo1 L §t 4 . Hughes' after his world flight, or of Ka$pen,"•...... 1..f.... ... � "Joe didt" � li �i'�;zi' Dough Corrigan in Ireland, is rush- BxtoeSeld,.,.........,. ,..r a "'You sa'tiafied, Joe?" 4"'1 -it ed to the theaters as quickly as pos- Clintara .:. - - - ::, '. , d o ti a „a sibla( b air express if necessary - Joe 6hruga too. And so the sub Londesboro ' °' f �^ Y ..,.••..•.... .. , su ject is shauldereyd into the reel. The Blyth .. , , • . , . , , , 1 " s and this is advertised, a s a "Special." Beignave ' • "orf When the pickaback Plane arrived in voice tmusdc effechs )business is done .. ii' W New York from England recently it over twice' more for recording on the Wiagham .. +a, ! film, and then -the sound man shouts, •. •••.• brought newsreel films, and, they were „ ygp11. ' on display In, the bag• 1 -meaning that subject , ° 711147$1 P yin Broadway ,theaters with. Pn�z�irt,,r` f; is finished', and the next may, be in three hours(. That means' very fast Winghaua ..... 1,"�f made, In some theaters, certain sub- .' . work, because not only mnis't the pic- jests may not a ave .................�` Q' ) taitea be edited and prints made, buj appear on the screen Blyth ....•.�......,; at all, because the local ma ... •••1`r �r d4 script and' music 'must be arranged, and often do, cut the newsreeels four Lomddras.lioro •••...1 240, and .the sound recorded_ Clinton • •.. 8.08,` ss, reasons of their own. That is a s!tomy in itself. The writ- It is v Bmeefleld. ,, n very late .when the staff fine .... . • • • • • • 8 28 H fM' ...,. . err Prepare the scripts to fit the num- • Kippeg ... . .. . . ...... . c..8$' . r isdies work on the newsreel which r her of feet in each shot, and there Hentsall...........4.......... 8.45,11 will flit so bmdyfly acrgsa the screen, �j� can be no trial and, error about it;. it Exeter a,5g_. ;J,t11 I f.} ..,.....:. w, is dyne 3n advance: These script Yet it i$ history in vivid form- it -+—I�11�11, r has involved arduous and patient writers have also, to verify their facts. • '`'� work. And after it is all over, after they have to indicate correct pronun- r� 7�t��,�yyvy p ra ciations oP such words as "Siva- 11 it as ",in the bag in every respect, IC, .�� TIME TAELE �,� ry the editor ,can, only say, ' Well, that's -,� ����.� and they have to be quick, interest that! Now 'T'm :thinki East,'•'. ng' about the jug and accurate, next issrue!" A• -M• P.M.i.. ` Usually, after the general content ` GodOmiah 6.35 2.80' � of the reel has been laid out, with HoLmesvulie 6.b0 2,58; 7W.'"" ; footages carefully indicated, activity Clinton 668 8.00 shifts to the sound department where TO AVOID FLOOR El3UJ Soh 7.11 g,16 Y t1he magicians of music and voice and St. Colum,ban ' . •• • . , • 7.17 3.22 4y ";r • effects to their parts toward' Dublin 8.29 ' prepar- 7.811 ", I , How can, floor eggs be avoided? ins the finished newsreel. Mitchell ..11 ••-. 730 8.41 , This problem faces many Poultrymen k'rt A library of records contains music yye particularly those with recently hbus- I, 1. . and sound effects of nearly every sort, Mitchell , , • • , • • 11A6 9.28 •� These may be combined to sprit al- ed pullet flocks. It is also typical of "•"' '.::J socks that have been allowed to stay Dublin 11.14 9:36 ;. fit most any occasion, The music re Seaforbh 11.80 9.47 cords are divided' roughly as follows out on range 'for some time after lay- "'""'•"" ing has started and that have not Clinton ... 1146 10.00 . —and newsreel, devotees will realize gait in the habit' of going into the Gtderich .... 12.Ob 10.2. ._; yet; . 1. immediately that they have been hear- nd sts. ing music from these s,hedvea often. enough: ' Oriental and In addition to .providing at beast . C.P.R. TIME TALE primitive, U. one nest for every Svc layers, it is a f S. A. martial, British martial, Ger- East good, plan to darken tale nests so man martial, French ma cal, Italian ......, 4, t•„ patriotic, folk music, sac that .each, layer wril have some prrv- hod alch , •..... • ... • ry red', Russian, acy when able lays, When floor la Belgian, Latin-American, Greek, Swiss, y Menset ........... . . • ... ,..... 4.24 `::,. ing develops, some poultrymen spend McCaw „ln Philippine, — with subdivisions and Aubria,m 43a . ,, , considerable time in their pens and . - , . • . titles under each, • .. 4.48 { . r, place in a nest each pullet that is Blyth 4.62 `'y' Them there are'sound effects again ••- roughly classified, but with a long ti at seen squatting in the corner by her- Walton-,., S.Ob 5. :. self. This ,helps to form the .habit M�eNa of varieties and modifications under uBdit ................ • ..... •....:.... 5.15 p of going into the nests. It is a ra- Toronto . , , • , •l 9.00 .Y" I These include airplanes, mo- • • • • • ••• • • 1;. each. ther. laborious1. tors and mechamioat; manual labor Procedure, however, Wait , and is not to, be advised except as a sounds, crowds, traffic, animals, horns, final resort. A.M. ;;r whistles, sirens, chimes, bells. Toronto.................... ... 8.80 ° ', If sufficient comfortable nests are MCN •.., 1203 anig7it �1�X-, One of she editors .laps out the •••-•-•-••••••.. music and sound effects, and, with. $ .Provided and the of rds do not use 1aGlelltwn , , , , .. • ... , . , ... • .. , , 1218 sound technician, plans the setup. The them -it' is a 'good plan to -,Place the' Bl'* i 12,23 1=5 soundm�an has a "mixer board," con- nests on tlhe floor until the birds get Auburn ........•.,„,•,...,, 12.32 tainir.g 24 dials. each of which will the drabit of using them, after w(hdch McGaw .....................: 1240 .11 -efl they may be placed an, their regular Menset ;.`+t control the volume of sound from •••-•••�••••••••,•• 12.48 .., some record, or other position, t3oderid� -. ti ;turce. These ... 12..5 ih sound's lie calixes sl,.'I;ully to form ,,'ri; one sound, track. Nc' that he works so many, but to manipulate even three `� I . 0. . I �nT cul ij to six dials is busy work. In a small s 1 : %., studio, equipped' with screen, loud ,1 speaker and microphone, the com-Uqjc �5 mentator reads his script into the Si�AP�F�� Q �� NIGHT microphone while the picture unreels s: before him, - Like an actor, by inflec- tion and emphasis die gets the utmost a :„;. l :+xIr K ::.,F' in effect from the lines. In an ad- ^'`.1Z...M i• joining room, th,e voice is funneled h >.. % through the "mixer” board' and com-to. rrF`> r'.• ` Wit' binexl with music and sound efflect, u, A11 of this is piped into a third room s; 1 1e(here it goes onto a record called a>LI. '' l�; . : k, "acetate,” an one recording, or onto ��.:' {pt raw fibro in two later recordings. T e : L'•. k '. F ;: `-- { :�j acata[e is held for use if either o iiili;k .: the films is spoiled. The films are Yr te11 a; used, along with the negative of the { tt, `'�... a: pictures, after the cutting ..E""i 's r {r!?�' F;#fx>.. ! .,: e,,.,:,:.:,,:7: groom has yah ff fti'.'.r'.. i r c finished the editing, to make two Y - moster blues,' from which the finish- 's: �� s ;:a:` / Y ed positives are printed for distribu in : ,�## �I. r:::h... , tc•,x tin to th h <.:.t;::ra:>.t:#. a. n e theaters. s % $ti: s -FN-eryone who has seen a newsreel y!.' Y :.•:. " l and wiho has not?—has seen a pic ,. 4 l lure of a big Bre somewhere. They ?' are all much alike, and the fire in s a ;ria u' i,ht, newsreel we are seeing made re•1. Ii: uemhlPs the others. The picture be k. h, 'Ills with a printed caption and what `°'" ii rte might call "fright music"—music ,.K, "I.ir:t is ominous and threatening, care- , ti: pf t R D. DELL, B.A. you in, lids' arms-" I 'ellx?" Suoce�m to �rabll H. Beet NLNTM. INSTALMENT him" at atTl" lelgh and Mr. Judah that 4r1>cy xl let .you in any sense of the word? . . SYNOPSIS "I wish," ate said- with Coolmea�s, the Meats of acme peculiarly y 8arrkter, Solicitor. Notary Public. • almost with wunnebsluace, "thea you'd gamtblers 0A dl .that .,before dayftl 8eatoebb - OttrAtai+lo Jocelyn Hauulowe, raised in a .- get rid of Ayleward, Pay ]vim off and -they wild certaluly 00.;udder, wast start again and, poorer gerp mom'eno?' . f 12-it6 Fro iebconvent, at The age of eighteen, joiws bel• .mother, Mar- "Willy so, • gracious and gentle Aa he 'spoke this word which' r zany another (highly respected mil- cella i� Now York. Worriedl ' lady?" Called W Lynda her III use of Kent "He )n McCONNELL $I: HAYS about lid�r safety, because she 3c. Ihlas n prison. He is a name in Jock's, lea . been fig, rhor very e: eater husband than a less' success- unfamdlia,i' with the mndldemn world professional gambler: I haste tothink Pent partner made a,, ds-a�te glare p, ` 'Barristers. Solicitwo, Etc: and has developed' into a beauti- that you are' dependent upon his ed doubtfully down at her;. recovere 7Patrlek D. McConnell - H Glenn Hays ful woman, (her mother's first wiah charity, that you live by what he lydmrsehf and, almost with violent FSEAF'ORTH, ONT. is to get her safely married, At- steals." 'drove her, doubling Ple time of thei "A Telephone' 174 tending :her flt ball, Jocelyn gambler doesn't stead, Saint rhythm and; .dancing .like. a devim , 3693- meets Felix Ken, rich, handsome Lynda. He eases People from their away from the pact of the loom an background as in the picture above.` and nFeli en years older than money only by their own consent. In before she knew it he had 'taken he For night snapshots, tea camera herself. Encouraged by her other words, you are ashamed,of me, out through one of tlue glass doers c VETERINARY mother, she and Felix quickly be my life, my friends and my condi- the exiltranrce. the "super" type. With slower flims,, come engaged. Alone In her tidm?" "What is the matter? Take m' 1-1 apartment one night, a cripple, "No.,,� back to Nick." "Then, or three times as much light. And for A: R. CAMPBELL, V.S. Nick Sandal, enters by the fire why try to change them? I'm going to be fool ,enough ''t Graduate escape, con -fides in her .that he I've no intention of changing any- take, you home." thinig for "Mr. of Ontario Veterinary Col. is (ber father and that her real the sake of Mrs, Felix Ayldtl ewar" • liege, University of Toronto. All di -s• name is, Lynda Sandal. Uncer- gent." "Toni P•adrona.'s woman is, in Cher, eases of domestic animals treated by tin about whether she wants toWe mustn't quarrel," dancing." the most modern, principles. Charges gat married so ' quickly, Jocelyn "Ah, 'so you dolove,me a Tittle! "And you're afraid of Toni's fists?' a�sonable. Day or night calls goes to talk things over with her I'm not angry mow, nor hurt, Only, "Perhaps,, though as a matter o Promptly attended to. Office on Main mysterious father. There she Lynda, dbn/t try to change hie- As to fact, I dont think Toni is present Street, Hensan, opposite Town Hall, meets Jock Ayleward, a gambler, young Ayleward, if you fell in love Certaittely it is not Toni• who is dant i'hwue 116. Breeder of Scottish Ter- wtho gradually interests.her more with him--" ling with her. But I believe Niel rlers, Invernbse .Kennels, Hensall. and, more. When she,'mentions In love—with him!,, would want me to take you home.,, 12-37 the name Felix Kent, he tells his He went on evenly, "then- I should I canit possibly 'trust you." ,_.,+ ,story, of ,how he was a mining en- be forced to free myself of you. Nev- 'tMiss• Sfandal, if you force me tc , , "�•" worked under Kent and er of him, Now, listen, the boy as make a scene you will regret it mo3.4 MEDICAL wars, was sent to jail :far making what g°Id'" than an Amer Have .tau fo y rgotte'r . was adjudged a false affidavit up- on which stock way sold "You did not say that before, Nick, how angry YOU were with me once You said that he was not ,tihe man when I involved you in a scene?" t SEAFORTH CLINIC wnspeopl his townspeople. Jocelyn ole that Felix is, You said that he had Ayleward stood above to block hei is telling je his telling her this 'tale a poor outlook on life, and a charac- view of the glass doors; so she miss- DR, E. A. McMASTER, M.B. bu ll but tells her mother that she'd ter that might ed the rrllythniic passu ght be ..called unsR,a.l11e." ng of Tone Pa. Graduate ,of University of Toronto like to dielay her marriage for a "Well, ail that is true. And of all drona's woman clenched in the arms J. D. COLClUHOUN, M,D., C.M. while Her Her father,Braving-mov- possible husbands)—" of Felix Kent, her eyes' blazing into "But I should never dream; " his with siometltdng that looked like Graduate of Dalhousie University, ed to better a, apartment, she to see him to offer tohelp �°biro, m, "Of all Possible husbands for Miss hunger and, re'proacb- Halifax. . but before she makes, her offer he Jocelyn Harlowe I can ima.git,e none A•' few moments later she stood, out- • The CIinie is fully equipped with anticipates 'her pian and, denounc- worse. A man with a grudge against side on the pavement wjuh Jock_ complete and modern X-ray- and other es it, . life is not a happy partner for any He hailed a taxicab. ep-to-date diagnostic and thereuptic I 'r'om'an• Better far a man who has "I'll send you home, Miss Sandal?" equipment. I given• life a grudge against him." "No.�' Sth(e spoke quickly, arrogant - Dr. Margaret K, Campbell, M.D., "It's just exactly the night I (have. `What does that mean?,,ly. "To Nick's rooms. I must see L-A.B.P., Specialist 3n diseases in in• The d'is,pensdug of cruel wrath is a "A man who has put his' foot on him again tonight." fan4s and children, w111 be at the parent's first privilege, my dear." the neck of life and, thrashed the hide "But, Miss Sandal, I have to go Clinic last Thursday in every month "I have :bad very little of the truth off it!" 'there now myself, at once." from 3 to 6 p.m. from either of my parents!" cried "You ti•in•k that Felix Kent is such "I'll only be a minute." Dr. F. J. A. Forster, Specialist in Lynda. "If it is your privilege to be a man,?" "Please go back and ask Nick" diseases of the ear,cruel, eye, nose and then I might at least have the ' From what I know of him Felix "I'm not ready for -whim to leave, throat, will be at the the fust benefit of your 'honesty." Kent is such a man-" He'll hold the party together for from dry every month from 4 to 6 At that his eyes, his face, his wholeThe "swell joint" was really ,rather me."Tuesday P'seemedsoul 'seemed to narrow itself. "You -your pretentious though Jocelyn suspected In tlhe taxi she asked, "Shall I Free Well -Baby Clinic will be held have more of the truth in tongue it to be rarely frequented by people have to wait very long for Nick?" Olt the second and last Thursday in than you've admitted- The 'she y � known to ,her mother or to Felix Kent. "No. As soon as I get back there •every month from 1 to 2 p,m, truth,: Lynda. I will ask you now ,to Through glass doors, the supper room I'll send him to you.,, 1-1. 3687- go back to Mrs. Harlowe. You are, after all, 'her daughter. That is to appeared, decorated quite charming= At the door of Nick's lodging house ly to look like a formal garden ,with a Jock let her in and in svi•te of her be remembered." Darrow pool in the center where a repelling gesture he mounted with W. C. SPROAT, M.D., F.A.C.S. Lynda started blindly for the door, fountain played. her, She was ,opeainrg it when Nick flung Lynda was of course enchanted. To - "1'm sorry. I must get something." Physician and Surgeon himself after her, caught deer and one of the re(tined tables Nick led 'The some,tihin:g was an automatic Phone 90- Office Jobs SL, Seaf turned -her about. "Aha," her. Here were alveady Jock Ayle• Pistol. He ,took it quite openly from , "-as he triumphed, malicious, ward with two of the men Lynda !lead the tablo drawer, examined it and laughing even wiA-le he winced with pain of his impulsive movement. met an ,her first visit: James Drury dropped it into ,his chat pocket. and, Gustav Lowe, looking extraordin• Lynda said slow*1y, ,',Some day yo,i ,the - •' - DR. F. J. BURROWS With some extraordinary effort he arily sleek anal solid and, greeting her ,will'see agal'n the inside of that . had changed his front, impelled by a with a good' deal of startled gallan- stfAe'a•p•riso,n, I arn:.abw4d. And, that Office;"Main Street, over Dominion sudden panic at really losing cher. try. ' will break Nick's' heart, He thinks Bank Bldg. Hours: 2 to 5 p.m, and "I've broken,, down Miss Harlowe's Almost immediately two other men You ane—pure gold." 7 to 8 p.m-, and by appointment. high mightiness, eb?" Roughly he joined them, young fellows in well-, "Please give me the gun. I'll be Residence, Goderich Street, two doors Pushed his hand to and fro over her cut evening clothes, very slightly the alone ,here. Quayle may find his way west of the United Church, Phone shining 'head uvRil its repressed curly worse for liquor, with the grace and in." 46. rxm"es were wild enougib to shame a the tang of gentle folk and the flex-' "Not a chatnce." Tint Jock's voice 12-36 Fiji Islander. "You came hereto con- ible frank faces of youth at revelry. 1 was low and uncertain. "He doesn't descend to me, didn't you, my girl? Have I taken, the condescension out of They seemed to Lynda predestined know t(hls, place." victims of the ancient game of Fox I , tock the blunt firearm and slow•- DR. HUGH H. R088 you a little?" and Geeso, two goslings ringed by i ly', as though fiber eyes compelled hint, Graduate of University of Toronto, It was the trubli add she recogndz- the •hard -eyed, thl•ee. Lynda was. the, lowered it and laid it on her open iP'acraMy of Medicine, member 4f Col- ed it, only woman at the table and these hand. And over this hand', gun and lege o1 Physicians and Surgeons of "Co,me, Lynda. let's go out. I'm newcomers visibly re,ioired. all. his fingervs stron;ly closed. Ontario; pass graduate course in darnefl if I like the rooms, myself. -One ou• each s•id+e of her they sat d I've Chicago Clinical School of Chicago ; hard a bid to join some of the and made love., pleasantly .The were Lynda felt a rapturf• of body and' or y Royal Optha}mie Hospital, London, c'r °wd tonight at rather a swell jtrint. blond. it. was sweet, r than li3One noE ss, far gone to wine that they ,had y, England; University Hospital, Lou- W'aut to come'? They'll like to took lost their wit and gentleness. Lynas (n1Ore ,heady than rets wine. She ,at , don, England. Of[icer -Back of Do- you." „Are would blanc liked to warn them; but stili, knowing herself pos.•ses:sed. She minion Bank, Seaforth. Phone No. 5. re Y'Ou reVly well enough, was urrt ashamed-, nc,r afraid And thti's seemed not only treacherous but I Night calls answered from residence, Nick"suddenly .was her only protest. teas she knew wy she hacome an act of such peril that tier heart' ` ,hd Victoria Street, Seaforbh sired rouphlyr by being told to mind fluttered at the Lhought. And Jock al,I ba'cic with him' why `lie had allowed 12-38 her own business, she went into his ready hated her? He, obviotrsdy wish- him to accompany llvr. Jack,. camp . bathroom to wash away her tears and restore passable order to her hair. ed her• anywhere else. W;hy, g.110 round, the table edge, drew down her 'heard hili mutter to Nick,had he hand to the other in her lap, fell to to 'DR. F. J. R. FORSTER In a taxicab w•itdch it cost Nick brought �tbe girl? his, knees and( laid his forehand on some tod"Curing moments to enter, "She'll be all right. i'll look after lifIr 'Nluds. She felt his lips moving. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Lynda forced ,herself to ask, "Will her." she heard him say, "I love . • . I Graduate in Medicine, University Aylt,ward y be there?" I�]are slay." "It's not her'safety I'm hhdnking of, love . , .' • It's business." And .•fie was conscious of what he of Toronto. Late assistant New York Opthal- "Nick, do you know lois history?" Jock tauntingly roso and asked, said, of its meaning, of thdi havl)c Y red her mel and Aural Institute, Moorefleld's man's history is the least ]m- that it caused. S -he lifted her eyes tante. His expression dared her to portant Eye and Golden Square Throat Hos- t thing about him, Lynda. But I know it," re as tlhough for help. refuse hurt. They dtanced. togerther ' They met' Nick's Vitals, London, Eng. At Commercial _p"',, "And you believe his tale of parse- ymoobh!y and in silence. eyes. He had fol - 10wed Them from the cafe instantly, "You've learned," said Jock Hotel; Seaforth, third Wednesday in culion and of treachery? Do you know pres- en -fly, speaking close toher ear ,h.'td com,o in, had seen them, and'now r, each Month, from 1.30 p.m. to 4.30 µ.,loin P.M. 53 Waterloo Street South, Strat- he accuses?" I throwing himself in, o'np "you've learned to bear ldie touch e ainful con - ford. „Ye,s Your young man." a jailbird. You can even let one hold tortion acrosa the roam set his tor- m,ented hands upon Jock's collar and, 12 37 ° using all ,his strength, Jerked hili up and back. "You dare, to taho my daughter here, to male love to fifer- DENTAL t � t My dtaugh- ter! Kiss her with your mouth of a convict, touch her with your ands • / h of a card -shaper." DR. J. A. McTAGGART tirRoyal College of Dental a : .lock fairly cowered, His face look, Surgeons, Toronto. Office at Hensall, ed dazed. He quivervol at the two Dat Phone 106. ak 1 words s though Nic(hail used a 37 oA�IIII lash upon h•im. Than carefully, not "2 ~` I �� y to 'hurt Nick's liands. ha freed him- 1" , self and went towa.r,l th«+, door, He AUCTIONEERS , .. said nothing, ddd, not turn to look at. HAROLD DALE Licensed Auctioneer Specialist in farm and household •ales- Prices reasonable. For dates and information, write or phone Har- old Dale.' Phone 149, Seaforth, or APPY at Tne Expositor Of led: 12•-57 Mrs. Jones was taken by a friend to her firs,t symphony concert- She sat very m -tent drlr'iarg the first item on the program, and at the end., she whispered to 'her companion : `" What's that book the condi'uctior keep.% IaakIng at?" . "Oh, that's thre score of the over - h re," repVed her friend. "R *11y?" she cried, "who's win, 1,1:.1.,a ?- '�-�'�'•'Jb! • Persistent Borrowor: "Sir, I've been to the bank and won't ask you for money. They've fixed up a note arid. I'll get it from them just as soon as, you sign the motel" MacTavish: "Ah, I'll tell you .wiliat fill do, J`ou get the bank to sign the note and III hard you the money iftself t" P "lease give me the gun," she said. "Believing that, you let me mtarry you in, lids' arms-" I 'ellx?" "I've come !here. I must go through "Let you marry? is. it my business with it. I do not enjoy this dance." let .you in any sense of the word? "I think you do." d,on't kwaw th'e truth of Ayleward's, "Rlealiy?" She looked straight up ile. I don't care If Felix used Ihim mato ,his eyes. • s a cat's-paw to pull a million out of "Some of you e4joys it," he went bad mine it's probably no worse a on in spite of dyer icy loo -k. "We dance tart toward fortune than that of well together. We both love music. zany another (highly respected mil- If you could forget everything you onaim. Having What he wants .now, think you know about me, if you ecurit.y, wealth and you, 'he'll be a weren't jealous, 6f mei--" she half eater husband than a less' success- stoppedt "with Ndck—" they went on, il• and more scrupulous mem." "arid if you weren't a little bit "I know him well' endvugh. to die- atraadr-" elleve .cock's• story ut=terly. But it is "You're Wrong. I'm not a Gbit at easy for me to meet Jock, There afriaidt" ' r a sort of dialoyalty in my knowing "Then why don't you bell Mr. Par. ., " .", •site heard her father saying. "He won't touch you again," She could not speak. i "You did wrong to come to me," groaned Nick. "No matter where I live any life defiles your fingers." , Speaking, he was caugthR by a par- oxysm of physical agony which kept 1 Lynda. there in pitiful and 'sacred at. • tendance Until nearly morning, , At last she was driven (to summon'- 1 ing Jock Ayleward. Her father had g'astlled out a number and, almost at .1 onto after she 'had' taken down, the 4 received J0* answered. 4 (Continued( Next Week) t < ----------110--- I . 1 Lower Farm Produce Duties ( Concessions on, dairy ,aud: poultry- r pdooducits In the new Canadn.-United f States agreement are much the stare b as thosdl im the 1936 agreement, The ' duty on cream ,,,bas- .now been, reduc- f ed from, 35 to 28.3 cettits) per gra:Lion e and the quota left at 1,600,000 gal. I bans.- On whole milk the rate has r been reduced from 6% to 3r/� cents p PCM gallon on a quantity, not to ex• b it _ I R.4,Ym", 'bo7,w1�.,,"k,Q;', ,sect 3,000;000 gallons. The specifle, iuty on Cheddar cheese is reduced 'm'm 5 to 4 cents per pound, and, has beton: extended to include other non- woceiss,ed types of Clieddrar cheese. :)n dried buttermilk the duty has leen cut from' 3 to ly/2 cents per -yound. The duty on ducks, and geese s d(narmed, from 10 f.n R n nis nor Pi nervus auu citicKen6, tram lU cents ier dozen to 5 cents. The rate on certified seed' poGat.oes urs bean' cut from 45 to 37% cents ier 100 pounds and the quota raised 0 1,500,000 bushels. Canada, how- ivei'r has removed the 75 cents per .00 pounds duty on United States lotratoes entering Canada., and has ,.greed to permit free entry of pota- ,oets except d,urin,g th'e six-week rer•iodl, June 15th to July 31st, at v'hich time the darty will be 37Y ier 700 pounds,. Canada obtained con. :essio'nsl bu all t11* 'major grains and heir prodrects except wheat, corn, and corm productd, and wheat flour. On rats and by Produ'et animal feed the rtes have been out by 50 per cent. lor other major items the reduction .ver -aged somewhat less than 30 per ent. The United States has redue- d the duty on both, maple sugar and xiple syrup. The former is reduced nom 4 to 3 cents per pound( and the itte'r from 4 to 2 cents per Pound, 'he rate on frozen, blueberries is cut rom 25 to .17 Vg Per cent, and unfroz- n blueberries from I t/4 to 1 cent a ound, 10, the case of crit flowers, a ee]proc'al reduction from 40 to 25 or cent ed: valorem has been made Y, both countries. -. Night snapshots are easy with simple lighting arrangements. it's fun, too, "table-hop" "1' ,,r to create picture . scenes as shown hereill SNAPSHOTS at night are fun, and results by setting the lens aperture . ,A1 ,i, a delightful way to spend long at f.11 and the shutter speed at 1/26 ;: winter evenings. Nowadays with in- g Y t of a second. j expensive lighting equipment espe In the picture shown here, the ,.I cially designed for the amateur, light colored' wall serves as a reflec- ;f. `' night snapshots are easy with any;; for to illuminate the shadow -side of camera. the "table -top" scene. Ordinarily, 3, You colt grange interestingand two lamps are used for a picture, one to illuminate each side of a sub- ,`' Ii artistic. "table -top" pictures, using Jett. By. changing the angle and post- ' ,i#; toy automobiles, doll houses and tion of the lights, many interesting " �,1 miniature furniture, -with A bit of shadow effects can be obtained. A .11 T! dark carpet for grass, or sugar -for snow, or a bit piece of cardboard can serve as a .. 'Iu, r `',c. of glass on to of a P background as in the picture above.` i' dark surface to portray a quiet pool. You For night snapshots, tea camera l"ys, N z can also take informal portraits of members the should be loaded with a' fast film of , ,111 :1,". i11 4, of family, pictures the "super" type. With slower flims,, � , of them reading or busy with other activities, snapshots of the pets, and it is necessary to provide two '�,, a,,,,• interior views of the home. Indeed, or three times as much light. And for Yl' ' there is' a wonderful range of close-ups, as shown here, a •por- .,,V,,�:::, pic- tura chances, none of which occur trait attachment must be placed on the camera lens(unless is �',, �,' outdoors. do rs. yours one of the finer focusing Cameras). , ill The picture above shows how nigErt snapshots are made. A In might picture -taking, it is im- photo bulb is screwed into a bridge lamp, portant to have your photo lights at hi .' ;'F, with a cardboard reflector replacing a correct distance,frort the subject —not too near, andtoo far "� the lampshade. The photo bulb pot away. An expoyrire guide is helpful in pla•c- ,,,, " `'s Yields an extremely -bright white Ing the lights—or you east make rev- w r, !. light, especially suited for picture taking. eral "test" pi ices of each stella, 1" �M't With two large photo bulbs Don't miss the fun of night s np- ml {'"s In cardboard reflectors, 'threeorfour shots this winter. You wil.l Idsrli ' ��•r+ feet from the subject, you have j much abduct pietilettok}iig; ofd tiyo ,_.,+ enough light for snatpshots with a 110% ' v'idit ;'many aw ttat"estlrig oaiitiiticln • . , , "�•" Camera. With a focusing type t0 your aibnm. r°� 11, { ` camera au would get satisfactory ,314 John lra'Adulld6 ' d;` !� Hol >a: ' ' ' ` .. _ .. .. -111,11.'. ,. . .... s - Mrr,'� f,W�p ��vI�,Tv11 cvrf �t,' ;" tri r. :ii�t�i];