HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1939-01-13, Page 41,•.� :.,.,.. rt, + t t I:.iV ! � I ! 11 , b,,P1t,��k Vt{i+llyvib�',x '',f'7td11't Tt b5.' - - ar u .i k�?aJ f �50 t)I'I` 1. s) 0 Pf spy ,� ti + tl dii�iri � r,+'• �' ;<, (,+ , inti 4th" 1t�: i g. ,I a,1 aP + a ' , t �' �y"� `ted Ads Pill big inserted at new low cash rates c° ° " ,fit(. t il(fr I il1j`gi S l ', Wiliness, Loot and Found. Coming Event% Etc.—Pew word: g n'1 41" + )st Week ............• ...... .. 1 Cent I t ��m� 2nd weeds ...................... . . . . • . §� (hmt e�+��g�kA�"1111 8rd week ..... .. ........ Y Cent f plgF , , if,ti ,mium charge, fi si insertion ...... Va ^gets �``L o ii t�� - '•.' Bash figured iniitiai wad anlibtevfattan sour.(( as mne yRorxi. t, `VImuka., In Memnoriam Notices— I cent Der wor<L blinhmum, 50 cents per week. , 8 , _es nM be drreC teal to a Bax Numhnr, care od '!R a Flnron Exa oo,it cu, fr.r 10 cents 1 ` rfQ7tt}C6. t �f r �cents additional per week wiu ibis cherEed ff ads m shave edeas ase not paid by the 1,aF (` ��.�<ra ,?edgy. rti,¢ht in the wok in w,hilzh the ad was ran. ) S F,t � 11 ,�kAW7a'. Man7ageu and Deaths inserted free of charge, 9 �, Ant i I Sales. Notice tb Creditors, Eta.—Ratak. an application I t "1 �';, ' .. `Personal Annual Meetings t „„ � _. �+ rr1N0--WAY ACTION ON THE KIDNEYS, ANNUAL MEETING �,' Ynn,tMepttic aund ,m-v1goratmng. RumacaP3 i' �'ld mttaek iQre caarse pf Rheumatism, Sciatica. THE ANNUAL MEE'T'ING O,F THE SEA - ,'t, L,rr�)raglo KEATINGS DRUG STORE iarth Ad riauttvsad Society w Il be 14e1d in } + -,.i 3709-1 the C.Ogle Library, Sea forth, on Saturday, 1,� : a Januaa•y 21st, at 'L p.m. Business : Finan- .Y't'" d•+ r. -----. '— —._. _,. _ sial s'tsrbement and elltyction a1 oHlcets for �I For Sale 1939. IIUMPHREY SNELL, Pr�ideat; MRS- J. A. KERB, Secretary, 3709-2 , I , _.� tl ��• Fj OR sAL>i Two P,ORTL.&ND CUTTERS' ANNUAL MEETING tr do forst Mase Condit on: also set team T' ANNUAL MEETING OF THF. SOUTH ,td.;. ' ,I•eigho with l0.foot box.,. &ides do attaoh ; r aa- I Tiuran Agricul Eral Society will the held �, '; so 1 paw of sald'd oak Sar& ske'ighs with flat Y 1)t' platrform. APPLY W, E, BUTT, Kipper- in tlhe Commerciasl Hotel, Hensaal, on Satur- �,. 3709-2 I day, January 21st, 1939, ant 2 p.m.., 'fur the purpose of rece,hdng the Direoboatr' and Audi- -•, g gAI PW,O DURHAM COWS. ONE bans annual reporta, thhe elect3an of directors aF ,L also one pair ti•�r the current year, and tlhe tsunsaet Bon of due t(o freshen 'i'n Fedrrdary : � other business. DR. A_ R. CAMPBELL, i E of geese. Apply to A- W, TWtAY, Kippen 9 2 Presid nt. K. M• McLEAN. Secretary. 1 arcs z F °`nom ANNUAL MEETING gip,. led'reit M6.00_ Apply alt EXPOSITO OF1 t7�� ANNUAL MEETING QF THE BAY- ' +:, 'PICEi '1 field Agricujttnim+l Sne3A4v will be 'held in i the Town 'Halt, Wednesday, Janney 18th, at s 1 +pan— Ow tine eaeetiom of officers and direc- �,1 I Farms'Foir�Sale tars for 1939, rtk wing reports Cif 1938, etc. . WILLL &_M SPARES. P..Wemt; A. E. ER- a " r{ ARM FOR 9ALE-75-ACH,E FARM WITH vvnr, Secretary., 3709-1 I goad 1=RZdinds. and flowing well, beans 1"' Lott (t6V clomCa�ilan 30, Tova�hiD crf McAiiloR IF: Card of Thanks irF. w,hnat 4 mild& sant of Wurfl8rob. Far par- , ry ticala� , oply to WiILLIAM. BOLTON, Wal. - tan R R 130 2, ar ELMER D• BELL'' Sea R AND OTELS, JAMES A. PATEHSON forth, - Out 3709x3 M anrd IhR6� and edstaeas wish to thank z • their many friends `who were so kind and Mhcs>*aul during their n* hher's illness and Tenders Wanted �� y '�v. W. A. Young. Di•. f L as - G. Smillie, tins :M'eet's Quartette arced Choir of TENDERS FOR WOOD Cite Presbyrar'�n- �' alas the sleeve y�,d Council. 3709x1 �� ' F1ifxFRS'NV(if.I. BE RECEIVED. BY THE JLE E�GIE FAMILY DESIRE ''�O EX- Tunders,isned up to January 23rd, for T prs;s them- s,i care apprcoiatson to Rev. ' aAzht cards of, chard body wood, beech and Hugh Jack, also Dr- Sproat, ,Miss McDougall, ,if.; . ample, Uaf .4u be'aaaPae- mase, and friends and .veigd,bors for their p.... A. NICHOLSON. ninny nets of kM dnoss shown thD Mire& in i Sec., 6, S. Nn. 7. Tucketsmibh- ,the death of 'this fes•, also to tetanic those , .:: 3709-2 wiho sent fiowesa. 3709-1 a: s , ,�_ Auct''ion Sales In Memoriam C, �I d�' AUCTION SALE I„m,� M� 'wWU1,mm $ ra,t1h � IIDase yq of HOUSEHOLD 'FURNITURE AND RESI- ed away two yeas ago, Jmrinary :13, 1937: D1yTI A L. PROPERTY T w>z.L . BE OFFERFSD FOR SALE 1 DNmtl Ni,th,Z, you. are "nbt •'tbrgof:ben, ss;?-:. by PutsI'ic Auet6an ort Saturday. Jaama'ry Tdsrnrgir bn earith you are mo nosh 21st, 1939, Fat ' 1.30 o'clock P m-, at the res(- ( Still in memowy you are 1with 'us, . r' dente of the Baste Helen Moir, in As' you atwa" were before �•;. HE:NSALL, ONTARIO —Ever remembered by Daughters and Son. much of the household fua+nitare ahhd effects 3709-2 of tr}sB dote Mrs. Hem Moi. and kit - 4 living doom. dirBng sten furniture and furnishiugS, gaiT� tools ane houselsold acce-brdes- _ Births The above wo be sold without a rve- be ' ,;�, At t'he same time and ph(or GALLOP --In Scott Memorial HaspitAL Sea- � offered for sale, subject to 'n<' ^•l(•eserve bid and fortb,i on January 51h. db ,Mr. and Mrs. ``.I ,other cam' of sale, <iY4ft-• •'�tfid�we and ( Jahir Gaflogx ar son (still bac:(). de•: appurtEmaart lautts of (the: ' Mrs. Moir, m " the V�Ihge of H'ensatLresidence da of ,STEWART—,At Royal V•iotorfa Hospitmi, Mou- {, , :tn•eml, on Friday, January 6th, tad Mr. and bmck aonstrnehiam, fin .g+ood r•*Pafr, with hot Mrs. C. B. Stewart (nee Many Ellen r" w•alt� beating 'new'lY imfmiled, and on t3he 0,Br�), a sea. ",° I=& b said to be erected a baso a•n good ',;%, nVair- The 'lands oarsist of four acrd one- - __- y;: '` bait " Deaths lW. For further partica5ars apply to the under- eigned. JOHN IL ST@wART •and F. FINGLAND, EL.GIE--In Seaforth, on Sauturdmy, January Execatiaas of the Estrate of Halon Mair. 710x, W++illiam Elgie, do hnk 88th year, Geo. H. Elliott. Auctioneer- O� 1'r, Semabrtlh, am Wednesday. January 370- 2 lith, Lottie Elva Hiea.rn, 'lheloved wife of WiLlmam Oki mn her ,52nd year. i• 'Ih`' N°�" Britain Must Take '^ _ CUSTOM SAVING --WILL DO CUSTOM " (Continued from Page 1) v saw�SihK every ani. rat I.ot 19. Concession ` ;' 4, TueIlcersraitlh- DAVID 1t cL LAN- ti re cosi of the distribution of th �. 3709-3 milk. Dr. Huafordb spoke as, follows: ^' NOTICE There has been a su y; ggestion the r' THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE SEA- BrltFLir1'6 attitlld'e in th'e IOCent Eur , 1 , h H,,or,tkWt�,� suety will be held opean crisis sruggesrts' a policy of iso ?n Ithe cmrwgie Laolaay. on Tue3day. January_ lation, from th'e affairs of the Contin 'i;..;' 17:tdh, '1939•' at g p-�, MJSS F1'HEI. 13EAT ant of Europe, leavin Nazism dlomin �" TIE. Pre;Fhdetrt; P. B- MOFFAT, Secretary- g N ,�. 3709-t ant, and' leaving th,e democracies °' their fake. This is im.pos5ible policy r _ • for it would mean loss of prestige o " Meetings the Conti.•n,ent and t'he danger of at ',.;' tack from) a Germany strengthens by Britain's w'ithd'rawal. Great Bri :' tain can only exist as a first-clas °'; power and in order to maintain sur, ?I,;' a posittion slha mush be a dominan `'r � influence in Europe (inadditioneto ex ercising a considerable influence else where in the w•orld). No doubt Eng 4 .. y ,tk band ,has lost prestige among he v - t t�R neigh'bors, but this may not last fo 5`1. � h long if she is able to play a stron,ge 'z' hand i,n airy future crisis that ma F?;: :,` MEETING OF HURON arse' Then, too, there have alway ,' been European states which prefer t '''" COUNTY COUNCIL be ltink�ed with England rather tins Gea'mlany. aI: THE NEx'C MEErTNG UP HUS,bN cOUN- The question+ has been asked] -I 1 uy Cownail will +be ,,field • •in •the Council "What would have been' the posdhia ',4,, Clharobers. Court Houser Goderich, convnmo of obis A}lie9 if Germany had' provok >'r. ing Tuesday. Jtanuary 17th, act 2 p.m, 1439. +r ala accmrna, ,noticcrr of deputations. wopli_ ed or declared war?" A careful esti eat: ons and otlh,ea business) retlu,ining atter- (date shows that. Great Brirtain 1, tion of council ahould bo as the bands of *: France, Rosana and Czechosiovaki sire Clerk by .Januat9 14tiL would have had a suoeriority in ma yr' I J. ISL RO'BERTS, Clounty Clerk, power, naval power and air strengt .3)z , Goderiotl, Ont~ Ad English authority estimates tha �'�^,, 3708-2 ,fr Germany and Italy ,together migh .t.� N.OTICE muster 5,500 first-line machinres w4t , about 2,500 in reserve, whereas. be 'ra'.. TOWN OF SEAFORTH opponents could put into the air 7,00 _,' pla'nes with a reserve of 3,000. Bu .� Re: Ashes, Etc., Olt StreetS . more than mere superiority is, neede .'.r ` IT IS CONTRARY To THE BY-LAWS OF in modern warfare, for a speedy c -fl, the Tiown of Sa#afodth, to deposit ashes. decisive victory, overwhelming nom y 41" rubbish, etc., on (rtreeto or -aadway; of the hers are demlanded. Of course th �.t`%••. town_ Any person or persona having sone &sire ilial rP,a,OV PCQR Of Great Britai ',,,N so must remove same immediately, or the ,�•� DmaattueB of rhe By-law will be strictly en- anrj tar AAHes are greatly superio :,i)Il1, fareerl. to those of Germany and Italy. ��: , ,BY ORDER OF THE COUNCIL. Was Grist Britain ready to fight 3708-3 The crisis revealed hler military we'a �< _____ nesseO, her unpreparednesrs. The pe 4 ' ' — le, thou h did not like the idea o °; Notice To Creditors p g ' �6 a, .submi•tting to Hdt}er; ttney did n ;