The Huron Expositor, 1938-12-30, Page 8ett
• - •
Wishing pou all
Outall the fops that life ex-
4fealth, Contentment, loyal
, friends.
May good fortune bring to
Day bp dap the whole' year
A. C. Routledge
• 311fitiralICC
A Very Happy
New Year
-ss re "re ,re rre
"Come and worship, come and worship,
Worship Christ the New -Born King"
Sermon Subjects For Next *Sunday
-,St. Thomas' Churchs-eunday sdhool
at 10 mese 11 a.m. subject, "Be Of
Good Cheer" (Ceurage); 7 p.m., "Re-
deeming the felesortunity."-Dr. R. P.
D. Hurford, 'Rector.
Northside United Church: Rev. H.
V. Workman, etinister-L11 a.m., "Re-
trospect and Prospect"; 7 p.m., "The
Rainbere ha. the Cloud"; 2.30 p.m.,
Sunday SchooL Remember the Week
'of Prayer services.
Mcleillop Charge -Winter schedule
of set -vices, commencing Sunday, Jan-
uary 1, 1939: Bethel, 10_30 a.m.; Win.
throp, 1.30 pen.; Duff's, 3.15 p.m, -
Rev. R. W. Craw, Minister.
First Presbyterian Church -Sunday
school, at 10 a.m.; mid -week meeting
on Wednesday, 8 pee; Bible Class
at 3 p.m. Sunday moseing„ subject,
"The, God of Hope"; evening subject,
"A Meditation and Its Results." -Rev.
Hugh Jack, Minister.
<> S. T. Holinet;- & Son <>
0 Main Street, teaforth
.0 S. T. Hoene* residence 0
Goderich Street, -West; -Phone 0
0 No. 119-W. Charles pelmets' 0
.0 residence, Goderich Street, 0
0 East; phone No. 308.
- Ambulance Service
0 Adjustable hospital heel for
.0 Night calls, Phone 308.
0 Day Mills, Phone 119-3.
Charges moderate.
' ees 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Licensed Embalmer
Ambulance Service
Hospital Bed
vrith adjustable rachet oper-
ated spring ter rent
0 Night Calls Day Calls
.0 Phone 17E' Phone 43.
12 -so '
0 0 0 0 0 -0
• Mr. Jack Daly, of Edmonton, is
spending the holidays at the home of
his parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Daly.
• Mr. Edward Devereaux, of Beres-
ford Lake, spent Christanas with his
mother, Mrs. Frank Devereaux.
• Miss Frances Bragger, of Alma
College, is spending. the holidays at
the 'home, of her mother, Mrs. F.
• Miss Florence Laidlaweof Toron-
to, is spending, the Christraas holi-
days at the home of her mother; Mrs.
J. C. Laidlaw-. '
• Miss Ria Hills, of Toronto, is
epen.ding the holidays with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs, George Hills.
• The Misses Annie and Jean Bro-
die, of Kirkland Lake, spent Christ-
mas at the home a their paren,ts, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Brodie.
• Miss:less Grieve, of the Char -
ham Collegiate staff, is speeding the
holidays at the home of her parents.
Mr. and Mrs Themes Grieve.
• Mr. and Mrs. Jolla A. Stewar4
spent Christmas at the home of their
daughter in Stratford.
• Mr. and Mrs. F. R. PaXSOIIS spent
Ceestmas at his home in Hensall.
• Miss Helen Ament, of Windsor,
is speeding the holidays with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wlm. Areent.
40 Mrs. David Carr, Mies Ann Boyd,
Mr. D. H. Carr, Mr. and Mrs. T. C.
West and daughter, Miss Dorothy, of
Landon, were Chrlistmas guests at the
home of Rey. W. A. Bremner and
Mrs. Bremner..
• Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sadler and
Mies Kate Sadler, of Indianapolis,
were the Christmas guests Of Mr. and
Mrs. W. H. O'Dell.
• Messrs. A. W. Sillery and K. 1.
McLean, of Osgoode Hall, Toronto,
are speeding the helidays at their
homes in. town.
• Mis6 Mary Stewart, of the Kin-
cardiue Collegiate staff, is spending
the holidays at the home of her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs Harry Stewart.
• Mr_ and Mrs. Douglas Beaters and
ehildren, of Loudon, were Christmas
guests at bhe parental home of Mr.
anti Mrs. John. Beattie.
• Mrs. Janet McNau.ghton, of Ham-
ilton. is the 'holiday guest of her ,els-
ter, Mes. Robert Govenlock, in Me-
• • Mr. W. C. T. Morson, Mrs, J. H.
Best and Miss Barbara are spending
Christmas in Brampton and Toren:Q.
o Mr. J. A. Wilson spent C)hriet-
mas in Toronto.
• Mise Rcrse .Dcrrsey, of Toronto, is
spending her holidays- at her home in
tow -n_
o Mr. aud Mrs. Geerge Love, of
Toronto, were Christmes guests at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Scott.
• Miss Laura McMillan, of Toron-
to, is upending the tholfittays With her
mother, Mrs, W. F. McMillan.
• Mr. Gordon, Rennie, of Sundridg.e,
is spending the holidays with his par -
eras. Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Rennie.
• Miss Gladys Thompeon, of Nia-
gara Falls, is spending the holidays
at the home of her Mother, Mrs. J,
B. Thompson.
• Mr. Ronald IVIoKay, of Toronto, is
spending the holidays with his
mobher, Mrs. H. McKay.
• Mr. Dai -son. Reid, of Guelph.
spent °best/noes with his mother,
Mrs, J. F. Reid.
• Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Smith and
family spent. Christmas in Milverton.
• Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Walter, of
Dundas, were tlae Christmas guests of
Mr. and Mrs. .T. E. Willis.
O Mr_ Percy Hoag, of Tha.mesville.
is spending the h,olida.ys with his
mother and sister here.
• Mr. and Mrs,. j. IL Reid and Ken-
neth spent Christmas in Stanley.
• Mr. and Mrs. Harry Steinberg
spent Christmas in Kitchener.
.0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0
W. J. WALKER and
0 Licensed Embalmers and. 0
Funeral Directors.
4, Day (or Night Calls Promptly 0
0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0
corrsITY OF Meow
Office in the Domini= Bank Build-
ing. Senfesttb. Office beers: Tues-
day, 'rhursday and Saturday, 1.20 p.m.
to 5 pcm„ Saturday evening. 7.80 p.m.
00 0 p.m'
Insurance Agencies - Seaforth
the merebase tbe insurance =Mauls t,
of Halm & Mete. and the addition a
their complex= irs err PretdOXIS
• emaileS us to stye =excelled
it ell Coot.
'THE Melt
OP muntim
rout, Tn4 S. Sign. '
• Mr„,.Xtad Ilenttiet, ot ":0ttaven..
'Vete ,tbeei woakv,to iot the liftme of
les Mother, Mrs, Jernes Beattie.
• Ale. anti Mee Lerne Dale and
family srpent Christraas in Binh,
• Mr. William Seell, Of Toronto,
elSent eh:reset-Inas at to home of his
mother. Mre R. P. Bell. •
10 Dr, awl Me. H. H. Faunae, of
Toteseto, and M. T. T. Fennedl, of
Galt, were Cer.i.Mmas guests at tee
home of their mother, Mrs. Fennell. •
• Miss Prances Houston, of Brant-
ford, is spending the holidays at the
home of her brother, Mr. Andrew
Honstoa, in Tualterstaith.
o Mist Margrete . Snell, of Ham -
Won, is spending the holidays with
her Collette Miss Jean Turner.
• Mr. Gerald Stewa)re of Toronto,
spent Christmas with hie parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Stewart.
e miss, Gertrude Crkeh and Mr. Fred
Ore.:1h, of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs.
George Crich, of Stretford, spent
Christmas at the home of their par-
ents, Mr. and MTS. W. A. Crich.
• Mr. and Mrs. James McDonald
spent Chris,tmas at thew (home in
• Mr. and Mrs. li. G. Meir and fam-
ily spent Christmas int Windsor.
• Mr. Charles Dickson, of London,
spent Chriertmas at the home of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Dickson.
• Mies Marion Scarlett, of Fort
William, is spending the holidays with
her father, Mr. Robert Scarlett.
• Miss Margaret Smite of Toron-
to, is spending the holidays at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
D. Smith, in Egmon.dville.
• Me Roy Oke, of liamiltoie spent
Christmas with his parents, Sireand
Mrs. WililamOke.
• Miss Hilda Kennedy), of London,
spent Ohristmae with her parenth,ler.
and Mrs, Roland) Keinnedy.
• Mr. and Mrs. Mortimer Clark, of
Toronto, spent Christmas at the home
of Mr. George Seip.
• Mr, Thomas Nolan, of Niagara
Falls, and Mr. Clarence Nolan, of
London, spent Christmas with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Nolan,
in Tuckersmith
• Mrs. J. G. Cameron, of Toronto,
and Miss Mary Walker, of Ottawa,
spent Christmas with their parents,
Mr. and -Mrs. W. J. Walker.
• miss Mary Holmes University
of Western Ontario, Lon,dors, is spend-
ing the holidays at the thome of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Holmes.
• Miss Ella Elder is spending the
week in Ottawa.
• Mr. arid Mrs. C. C. Hunt, of Low
don, and Mr. and Mrs. Gledson. Camp-
bell, of Hamilton, were Christmas
guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
E. Hunt in McKillop.
• The Misses Mabel and Stella
Hildebrand and Mr. D. Knightly, of
Kitehetter, were Christmas guests at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hil-
• Mr. Dan Hagan, of Parkhill, and
Mr. Joseph Hagan, of Hensall, spent
Christmas at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Hagan.
• Miss, Reta Duncan, University of
Western Ontario, London, is spending
the Christmas holidays at the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J.
• Miss Mary Neville, of Sarnia,
was a Christmas guest at the home
, of Mr, and Mee J. M. McMillan,
• M i Dorothy Drover, of Strat-
ford, and Miss Margaret Drover, of
Ethel, are spending the hotidaye at
the home of their parents, Mr. and
MrF. Wnliam Drover.
• Mrs.. G. D. Ferguson, Miss. Doris
and Miss Joa,nie Clifton were in To-
ro:ter this week.
• Mr. and Mrs. Douglas McTavish.,
of Detroit, and Mr. Howard MoTavieh
,of town, spent the week -end in Brus-
sels at the home of the latter's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs, E. .1. McTavish.
• Christi -nes visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. John Hotham were Mr. and Mrs.
Clayton Laithwaite and eon, Arnold,
of Goderich: Mr. and Mrs. Duncan
Cooper and son, Douglas, Of Kipper;
Mr. Fred Buret -vile of Bruesels; Miss
Doris Plante, Miss Verna Plante and
Mr. Bud Worthy, of God.erich.
• Miss Mary Johnstone., of Hamil-
ton, speet Christmas with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Johnstone.
• Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Haines, of
Simeoe, were the Christmas guests
of Mr. and Mrs..Reutren Frost.
co Mies Margaret McKellar, of the
Palmerston Collegiate staff, is spend-
ing the holidays at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. McKellar.
• Mrs. R. Murless Jones spent
Christmas art the thome of her teeter
in Toronto.
• Miss Margaret Thompson. of Al-
lentown, Pennsylvania, is apeeding
tee, holislays at the home of nor
father, Mr. W. T. Thompson.
• Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Henderson, of
Detroit. were Christmas guests at the
emote of. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Wilson.
• Mr. and Mrs. J. K. B. Brown, of
Tororuto. Mr. and Mrs. S. Phillips, of
Cleveland, and Mr. Nelson. Govenflock,
Lois -and Joan., of Waterford, spent
Cbritmtas at the parental home of
Mr. and Mrs. J. M..,Govenlock.
• Mr. James, Grant, of Toronto, was
a Christmas guest at the home of Mr.
and We. Keith McLean.
• Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Woods of
Toronto, were Christmas guests at
the home af his mother, Mrs. Wood,
John Street.
• Mr. Clifford Cox and Dr. William
Bruce, of Kincardine, were Christmas
guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Stewart.
• Mr. H. M. Jackson, of Toronto,
spent Christmas at his' home in Eg-
• Merges Angela and Bessie Eckert
who are on the staffs, of the Carrick
and Brant schools, Bruce County, are
spending the holidays, with their par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. 3. M. Eckert.
• Miss* Beulah Soott, of St. Cath-
arines, Miss Violet Scott, of Toronto,
and Mies Grace Scott, of Kleintesg,
are spending the Christmas holidre
(POSTPONBO,FR0117 DEC ffilttl,
Lunch Sereed
-Ili Man „Wien lwoitat iteo visiting III
• Mao' Anna Sutherlaud, of To-
rdates • seeet Chrietelas with her
leathee, Mrs. A- D. Sutherland.
0. Iker. Denholias, of Houston, Texas,
.was 4 guest at the. biesee of Mr. ad
Mrs, F. S:.11jels.
Few Elections As
5-,,,...?gostau, 6 Seaforth - Pres.
VIiidettborta - Vice -Pres.
It°44Sri 14-eido ,Befateetir - SecerreeS,
Undatiborof George
4atnee don.
e%r oot
41. %atoll&
oiegoi it. it. ,gtterlitig at the heftier of Me and Mrs.
Npettttartt 4latt'yt:SteWart: - • -.;-
01,iirertlio; • 40SVI#abeth MCPeali'land MSS
4; tit) gotilt
and Mrs. J. A Keating.
• Me. and Mrs. Asiesserong, of To-
ronto, were the Ceristanas guests of
Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Sperrast. "
* Mr. and Mrs. Gordon W. Willis,
of Detroit; Mr. and nire. H. L. Wat-
son, ef Godes-Leh, and Miss E)lizabeth
•of Detroit, • were Christmas
guests at the home of Dr. and Mrs.
F. J. Bechely and Mr. W. G. Willis.
• Misses Anna and Dorothy Mc-
Lasen, a Toronto; Mr. James Mc-
Laren and family, of Clinton; Mr.
Keith McLaren and family, of Crom-
arty, and Mr. and Mrs. Keeling and
family, of Grand Bend, were the
Christmas guests of Mr. and Mrs. W.
E. McLaren.
e Mr. Joe Eckreet, Who spent Christ-
mas with his family, has returned to
, e Fifteen friends of Mr. Stewart
Plant met at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. IVL McKellar on. Thursday eveos
ing last and presented 'him with a
• Mrs. H:.Minnett, of Toronto, was
a Christmae guest at the home of Mr.
and ,Mrs, E. L. Box.
• Mr. Dominie Scalise of Wood-
stock, was the Christmas guest of Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Phillips.
• Mr. Ross McNabb, of North' Bay,
spene.Cleristmes with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Ale*. McNabb.
• Mr. and Mrs. T, M. Grieve spent
Christmas at the home of their son
in Windsor,
O The Misses Ida and Eva Love,
of Toronto, are speeding the bolidays
with their mother, Mrs. John Love, in
• Mr. Donald Kerslake, isf Toronto,
spent Christmas at the home 'of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Kerslake.
• Mr. and Mrs. Langford, of Lon-
don, were the Christmas guests of
Mn. and Mrs'. W. R. Shaw, Victoria
• Mr. and Mrs. John Editunds and
two children, of Mitohell; Dr. Reed
Edmunds, of Brantford, and Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Edmunds aria daughter,
of Hamilton, were Christmas guests
at the home of Mrs. W. G. Edmunds.
• Mis,s Mary Hays, of Torcmto,
spent Christmas at the home of her
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Hays.
• Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sherwood,
of Toronto; Miss Aline Archibald, of
Wroxeter; MISS Jessie Archibald, of
Toronto, and Mr. Frank Archibald,
0.A.C., Guelph, spent. Christmas at
the home of their pare,nts, Mr. and
Mrs. W. R. Archibald, in Tuckeremith.
• Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Dunlop and
family, of Kincardine, were the
Obristmas guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Harry W. Hart.
• Mr. Cern Reynolds, of Bright,
is spentding e' few belidays with bus
parents, Me. end Mrs. James Rey-
• Mr, and Mrs. Evans and daugh-
ter, of Goderich; Mrs. Murch and
Mrs. Palmer, of Stratford, were the
Christmas guests of Mr. and Mrs. A.
W. Moore.
• Mr. Sylvester Allen and two sons,
Messrs. Russel and Ross Allen, spent
Ceristm,av Brantford.
• Mr; Neil Patrick, .of Toronto,
spent. Christmas with this parents.
Mr. and Mrs. IVIontgoineey Patrick, in
• Miss Verna Graves is speeding
the. holidays with' her sister in De -
• Mr. Murray Savauge, of Toronto,
spent Christmat with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Sivaug-e.
e Mies Verna McGregor, of Toron-
to. spent Chtletinas. with her sister,
Mrs. J. C. Cede
• Mr. W. E. Chapman, who has
been in, Scott Memtoriai Hospital for
some weeks, as the result of a ser-
ious accident, was eufficiently rsscov-
ered to be able to be moved to the
home of his son. Mr. Langford Chap-
man, in Geer:36,0h, on ThursdaY.
• Mr. and Mrs, N. Wilcox, of Rip-
ley, were the holiday guests of Mr.
and Mr. A. D, Armstrong
• Mrs. W. A. Campbell, of Toron-
to, is a guest at the home of Mr. and
• Mr: Jack Habkirk, of Montreal,
spent Christmas at his home int Mc-
• Mr. and Mrs. Jameel Gillespie, of
Toronto, were Chrizemare guests at
the home of his parents, Mr_ anti Mrs.
Neil Gillespie.
• Mize Mae MeClinchey, R.N., of
'T'oronto, spent Cheistmes. with her
mother, lYlrs. J. Mcalinchee.
• Mr. and Mrs. Ohartrand, of D
trent, were Christmas guests at the
home of Mr. arid Mrs. A. P. Cluff.
• Mr. a,nd Mrs. Gordo's Bender
spent Christmas in Ketetiener.
• Miss Mildred Shiflett!, of Tercet°,
spent Obristmas at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Atm S. Shinan.
• Mr- and Mee Stanley Gray, of
Toronto Vett *Chris.ttlies with Mts.
• Mr. and Mn. 141ortaan McIntyre.
of Owen, 'SCOW, wero ehrbstmas
(Continued -from Pagel)
For Counelle-Jasper Cook, Deloss
Taman, W. G. Betts, George H. John-
ston, Edward Johnston, W. H. Mor-
rie, A. L. Kerntiek.
For School Board -Wm. Mills, Wm.
Thuell, Ab, 'Taylor,. Teems Denham*
A. L. Helmick, Arthur Barr, R. Me-
th.F°Yor..P. 13'. C., -Alonzo Smith (peel.).
For Reeve -Henry Keys emcee
Thos. C. Wilson, John McNab, Walter
For Deputy -Reeve -Thos. C.
(acct), Thos. Dougherty, Leslie
untill--Alex.„Alexander, Thos.
Dougherty, Leslie McKay, S. H. Har-
rison, 'Welter Broadfoot, Carl Me-
Donaid,Jas. Hardie, John, E. Rowland-.
For Reeves -Jobe: A. Br-yene, K. W.
For Deputy -Reeve --David L. Weir,
'Louis Delleerling, Albert E. Toner.
For Council -Michael Strong, Jno.
Winter, 'Robt... Baker, 'Sheldon Brick:
er, David L. Weir, Wm. Ries, Jr., Ed.
For Reeve -J. N. RoDor-
ranee (wee)
For Council -Peter Maloney, N. R.
Dorrance, Elmer Hackwell, Hugh
Alexander, Albert Harrison, Daniel
Beuermania, Gordon McGavin, Chas.
Dolmage. (Malouey, Dohnage, Harri-
son, Hackwell qualified).
For Reeve-Elstoa Cardiff_ (accl.),
Wee Henderson.
For Council -Francis Duncan, Ed.
Bryane, R. Lawson,' Cecil , Wheeler -
For Reeve -Fred Watson (acct.).
For Councit-Ferner Watson, John
Pepper, Wm. Feigner, Sam Thompson
(accl.), Edward Glen.
For Reeve _Stecphherter mawhiliney
For Depute -Reeve -Edward Lam-
pert (accl.).
For Council -Thos. Love, Roy Ratz,
Ed. Shepton, Arthur Amay, Peter Eis-
For Reeve Charles MacKay,
For 0ounoili-Sam Whitmore, And,
Bell, Harry Chesney, Arthur -Nichol-
son, Herold Jackson (the last faces
For Reeve -Percy Pasemore '(accl.),
Goecocrigie. Wes, teott.
Ceroper, Clark Fisher, John Hodgert
For Council -Hugh Berry, Bruce
For Mayer -Geo, H. Elliott (accl.).
For Reeve N. W. Trewarbha, Fred
Livermore, W. G. Cook, D. T. Church-
For Council -N. J. Agnew, J. W., N. W. Haines, N. W. Tre-
wartha, J. T, McKrviget, Fred. Liver-
more, K. G. Waters, D. T. Churchill,
W. G. Cook, Ernest Adams, Robert
For School Board) - St. Andrew's
Ward, G. E. Hall (accl); St. George's
Ward, Mrs. Chas. McKinnon, M. C.
Jordan, D. H. McInnis, C. G. Lobb;
St. James' Ward. W. N. Nediger
(accl.); St. John's Ward, G. T. Jen-
kins (accl.).
Grand Bend
Two old and one new trustee were
elected by acclamation here Monday.
The new office holder is Joseph Oli-
ver. Joseph Brenner and Milton
Webb were the ones re-elected.
Trustees for this village were all
re-elected by acclamation. They are
Dr. R. Taylor, Addison Treman„ Ed-
ward Nediger.
POI' Reeve-eHenib!)eirt Kay,
r ,,„10t5 COUITICi 1 -Joseph Nagle, Joseph
tkinson, John W. Hackney, Frank
Allan, Lloyd Colquhoun. (4 to be elect-
For Oouneile-Wm. Roger, Watson
(la rbu t, John Ra te Wm. A. Taylor,
John Turner (4 to be elected).
Reeve -Geo. Armstrong, Max Turn-
Couneillors'-Roland Geiger, Fred
J. Haherer, Wm. Haugh, Max Turn-
bull, Fred Corbett, Simon Hoffman,
Arthur Weber, Neleon Stanlake.
Filed qualific,atiens: Reeee, Geo.
Armstrong. CoUncillors: Malted Gei-
ger, Fred J. Haberer, Wm: Haugh,
Max Turnbull. All members of 1938
couneil elected, by acclamation.
at the borne Of their pareitte, Mr, nd,
Mrs. J. H. Scott. \ ,
• Mr. W. J. Faulkner, of Sa la,
event Christmas in town s.
..ratdirocri,,.wthnzlia.,&becanDeridi!iig.. -0
weeks 'with her mother, IVIrta. Ohs
Ptinidieiner, 'A'sitiirtieti With 'titio, •
, • •t,..„ '. .,„ . i0!fl' ,, .- 0 ,mr.....414- 41 Mn and -Itre„ I... oti, Xruso, 6t
Williani:1000e, 10--Gailt4-,Vr. tx.,
. . •-••• ' '..' 6 :. • .' , IVIr' n... gager:Laws' on" and'kftinar • ' '
,Atieei et Aulntrkie -..• ' ' ' "-• '' If -
Palace kink; Seaforth
See Seaforties revamped team
In action. The boys are going
places! Help them by your
- Be Tnere Early -
Adults 25o Children 150
Seaforth Amateur
Athletie Association
Effective, October 24th
StratfOrd,Goderich Coach Linos
C. 118AN88 - Monssor
Leases Sealesei for Stretford:
teele, SeS aU bane, exess:a Sun-
' deer end leatilier, e00 ern.; geneses
eta Bellareteeeee' efts 6.25 tun+
Leave ikaforth for poderieb and
Dolisf,t 1.86 Ottg-lat,.. elteepd
days 11d4O!4tYS*05 Oh* f30•4•113
* WAO f104'
y Otott„
,tawo ,
, c4
e eeeel esieset se, ,..-- ,oes t „,
New Year's Eve
Cardno's Hall, Seaford)
Music by Roy Whale and His Orchestra
See the New Year in at Seaforth - Grand March at 12 p.m.
Novelty Prizea and Cots of Fun !
Sponsored by SEAFORTH BAND
r -ss tr-> t
surplus. This year, he said, fire liytd-
rant rental to the town lied been re-
duced by e5
Finance Committee Chairman M. A.
Reid spoke briefly as did' Charles
Holmes, chairman of the street com-
mittee; R. G. Parke, chairman of the
Ere and water committee, and Come
calor le E. Smith.
Seaforth Gives
St. James' School
Page -1)
lowing ratepayers elected to the
schteal board for 1939: Charles Stew-
art, C. F., Sills, J. M. McMillan, J. J.
Cleary, Gorden Reynolds and M. Mur-
Following the nieeting a euchre was
held under the auspices of the Holy
Name Society. Mr. C. P. Sills won
the prize fo.r most garees,• and Mr.
Peter McIver W041 the tone hand prize.
Me Stuart Knoi-ofW4nditser 'irpetst a .,
few days with reletieet here.
Misses DorethyeSsrals. of Toronto,
Ellen and Ina. Scott and Margaret
Aikershead of Lontlicas spent Christ -
Mae at bheir !homes here.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Smith and)
family of Wingham; Mr. and Mrs, Al-
vin Smith and daughter, Mr. John.
Smith of l3luevale and Mr. Elmer'
Smith of North -Dakota epent Christ-
mas with Mr. mad Mrs. H. F; Berry,
Mr. and Mrs. 'B. Shouldice -and Mr..
and Mrs. K. Shouidice mid Iletty of
Crediton, and Mr. and Mrs. M. Shaul-
'dice of Loudon spent Monday with
Mr. and Mrs, A. -Patterson,
Mr. and Airs. J. K. Cornish and
family spent Oluisticias. in Mitchell,
Mrs. Carr spent Christmas in Clin-
Mr. D. Swam Glen, Miss E. Bowey,
Mr. and Mrs. A. Zapfe and Keith
s,perit Christer:las. with Mr. 8,nd Mrs's
Jas. Bowey of Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs,: W. McBeath and
Douglas, Mrs. Brock and Mr. W. Mc -
Beath, Sr., spent Monday with Mr,
and Mrs. John Murdock.
Mr. and Mrs. Thompson,, of Sarnie.,
visibedi at the home of Mrs. W. Stev-
ens last week aed returne-d to their
,b,onse with them to spend Christmas.
Mrs. Annie McDonald, of Dundas,
and Mr. arud Ikers. McIntosh and daugh-
ter, Of TOPOB40, were visitors. at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Haugh last
Elsie Prouse, of Loadeeboro, 'is
spending her holidays at the home
or Mr. and Mrs. L. Forrest.
Miss' Violet Petrie, of Sault Ste.
Marie. spent Christmaa at the home
of her sister, Mrs. Robert Allen.
Mr. aud Mrs. Monteith and family
of London spent the week -end at the
how_e of Janet Ross,.
Miss Olive Harrison, of London,
-,sisitcd at the fhome of Mr. and Mrs.
Johe Aikenhead.
Mr. and Mrs. T H Wheeler spent
a few days in Stratford.
Mr. and Mrs. B. Kaiser, of Detroit,
spent Christraast with Mr. end Mrs.
I-1. Zapfe.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Monteith and
family of London spent the holiday
with Mrs. Janet Ross.
Miss Irene Snider of London. an,d
Misses Eleanor and Kay Snider of
Kincardine spent Christmas with their
,parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Snider.
Mr.and Mrs. Win. Simpsen and
Me. and, Mrs. G. Vote visited their
father, Me C. D. Simpson.
Mr. and Mrs,. J. Hohner and family
of Goderieh spent a couple of days
with Mrs, A. Hohner.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Dawson spent a
few days with their parents at In-
Mrf and Mrs. T. Dunlop and sons
of Cbatsworth spent the Ohristmas
holiday with Mr. and Mrs'. Ross Scott
and Mrs. Rattenbury.
Mrs. Dutot and ohildren spent a
few days in Hayfield.
Mr. Hugh McGregor of Detroit and
(Co -aimed from Page 1)
entire obesity road system, all roads
of which were macadamized. The
cost et construction, he pointed out,
had dropped from nearly $10,000 a
mile to a figure today of slightly more
than $3,000 per mile.
TotIchng briefly on town business,
Reeve Scott called attention to the
difficulty atteeding the administra-
tion) re the 'hospitalization of indig-
ents. Recent amendments to the sta-
tutes be believed would assist ma
terially in recovering payments ad:
*anted in cases later found to be not
Priblie Utility Comanitsiener E. L.
Box spoke briefly and reyiewed the
work of the commission of which he
isechairmarr. Ile called attentioti
the work Which had been done in the
past year and whiten inCluded new.
Ornamental street lighting on Main
Street end a new' diettleetims seetetn
10 the Matt portlier -Of Vircruvent-:Worir
Outlined for the dotting lreitr, he
'hold; would *ittelUde the totopletiOn
Ihie work.
rriag to ifilve waterVorke slat
tok iiVirdOniil' thatith
A Happy and' Prosperous New Year
to All! •
The W. M. S. and W. A. Societies
of Cavan. Churcla, Winthrop, will bold
their meeting on January 4th at the
home of Mrs. C. Dolmage, at 2 p.m.
Old Man Winter came along fast
and funious. The roads were all block-
ed but the main road is now open.
Mr. andi Mrs: Arthie Campbell, if
Toronto, spent a few days with Mr.
and Mrs. John Campbell.
Mr. Jim Armstrong, of Toronto,
and Mr. and) Mrs'. Thomas' Pryce and
family s,pent -Christmas with Mr. and'
Mrs, Matthew Armstrong, of Hullett.
Mr. and Mrs., John Pryce spent
Christmas with Mr. and Mr S.. George
Williamson, of Welton.
Misses Annie and Nellie Pryce, of-
Seaforth, a,ed Mr. FA. Pryce Hui -
lett, spent Christmas with Mr. and.
'Mrs. Scott Bolton.
Mr. Bill Cam.pbell is- spending the
holidays at his home.
Mr. and Mre. Fos" ter Bennett and
Mona and Betty, ef Seaforth; Mr. Jnos.
Bennett, of Wingham; Mr. an -d Mrs.
Peter McGowan and Bobby, of Rox-
boro, and Mr. Melvin Merriam and Mr.
Sem Rennie, of Seaforth, were Christ-
mas visitors with Mr. arnd Mrs. Gee.
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Eaton and Larry
spent Christmae week with Mr. and
Mrs.. Sparling, of Wroxeter.
With deepest regret we learned of
tee death of Mr. Joseph Hogg who
passed away after a lingering illness -
We extend our heartfelt syrapatey
to those who are lefttomourn the
I less of a loving husband, father and
grand pa.
OLIVES Stuffed Manzanilla
I • S)
Tins .
aff sHIRitors JELLIED'
MINCEMEAT 0, 2 lbs- .25 Sa
If CORN SYRUP - 24 .16 S
6 TENDER LEAF 7p -a: 421171z48
* iniords FRUITS *
ORANGES Large Navels 29e Doz
5c S
MESH spplAcil -- 2 lbs. 15e
26 -oz.
jar s
12 -oz. $5
4-1b. 85
CABBAGE Firm Reads
esis „ •