The Huron Expositor, 1938-12-30, Page 5esTee,
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114E01011, VIIRATRE
,„„.. ,Nalfrelingriflqf •
•TheStIperdterfOrehrese Of iiit Omega
Bela . katiegt 11) 11:LRACli LAP'
„ ttOrle,Keariett be •
O*ia'Von taskessitee After, 'twelve mil
ing SFIO
• ' • SitindaYejtoe, begilaltatW 12.05
„ . . .
•. Monde*: Tuesda0.. Wednesday
• John Payne, Margaret .Lindsale
•• Pat O'Brien
It twineles 'with stars. magic,
comedy and roma/nee!
Special Matinee Mon, Jan. 2,3 p.m.
Next Tharsdak. VridaY, Saturday
Joe E. Brown dune Travis
Man Mountian Dean, In
Joe returns to &liege and teem/tee
the suPernsan of strength.
The Lane Sisters and Gale Page
• (Continued from Page 4)
Many Attend Commuity Tree
Hundreds 'attended the community
Christmas tree held in Ileneall Fri-
day afternoon, Dec. 33rd, and spon-
sored by the Chamber of Commerce.
The dbiairman, Rev. W. A. Young, in
bis opening remarks., made special
mention of Mr. George Brook, who is
ill at his home at present and this
being the first year he was unable to
be present, and bow meek he Was
missed. Mr. Owen Geiger gave a
brief address, after which Santa Claus
tarrived in a sleigh and as usual re-
ceived much ovation frOm the chil-
dren 1•11 attendance, and also tem the
grown-ups as well. Between some
fee and 'six hundred bags of candy
and oranges Were distributed to the
children of Hensall and surrounding
=districts. Bags of candy were also
distributed on Monday to the shut-
ins be members of the Boy Scants.
We understand that the Exeter-Hen-
sall branch of the Canadians -Legion.
donated $50 to the funds of the tree
ond also that Scotty Easton ane Ken
Clark, •of Exeter, members of the Le-
gion, ected 'the role of Santa Claus
On Sa.tuiaay evening in distribufing
stell-filled clothes baskets of Christ -
mats cheer to th„e families of depart-
ed wer comrades and to the families'
of their comrades who are on the
ick 1-t.
The Hensel' public and centinua-
tion schools held their annual CAhrist-
roes concert on Thursday afternoon
with a large attendance anti a splen-
did program of recitations, drills, tap
dance selections, songs, eialogues and
plays being the feature of the after -
neon and a very enjoyable time was
spent. Santa Claus arrived and dis-
tributed !hundreds of gifts from at-
tractive and decorated trees in each
roars Mr. Lee Hesiden aeted the role
of eanta Claus.
With the basement of the church
packed on Thertday eveting last,
Carmel Presbyterian. Sunday school
presented their annual Christmas
concert with Rev. W. A. Young, pas-
tor, ecting as dhairman. The pro-
gram was of a very fine order and
much enjoyed', and the decorations of
the basement were attractive and
well in keeping with the Cthristmas
spirit and a brilliantly lighted tiee
laden with gifts added much to the
decorations. The concert opened with
a welcome by Kenneth Campbell and
recitations were given by Paula Han-
son, June MacKay, Nora Young, Don-
ald McKinnon, Lila Moir, Bobby Hed-
den, Marion Greene, Ronald McKin-
non, Johnny Sangster, Ellen Bell,
Arnold Campbell, Dianthe Young,
Alin Hannah Munrays class; duet,
William and Andrew Dougall; song
by Mrs. Young'e class; recitations,
Elmer Campbell, Ruth Yonne; dia-
logue, "Making the Cake," Gorden
Moir, William, and Andrew Dougall;
song, Freddie Robinson; song, Aileen
Munn and H. Mouse,eau; play, Mrs.
Roy McLaren's class; recitations,
Boeiald Bele Norma Greene; panto -
mine, "Um Nativity," Miss Irene Hog-
garthis &age; song, Mee Walkenes
class; piaeo sloes, Margaret Dorman;
recitation, Carl Deters; play, "The
Bootblack," Mr. W. L. Davidson's
class; piano solo, Helen Dick. At the
conclusion of the program the Ladies'
Aid presented Rev. Mr. Young with
a gown in reeognition of bes faithful
'work amongst them. The presenta-
tion Was made by Mrs. Roy McLar-
en and Mrs. • George Walker, while
the accompanying &address was read
by Miss Hannah Murray, while Mrs.
11. Weekraan asked the minister to
come forward; "Dear Mr. Young; In
appreciation of your kindly and un -
tinted efforts to pronaote the wel-
fare of our congregation, the mem-
bers of the Ladies' Aid organization
iof our church take great pleasure in
eresenting to you -this gown, and do
ask you to accept it as a mark of
• „,...•
,the .reje4.,* 4,701. Psait
tee exatitede felt or you faR440-
„w9rk enlong Oltr OrWeeee are that
you befeeeed to long'••. yew* autd
that 3t,Q1141 work In the Maeteeeviu
;fard eentenele fts efreaftfUllteste
Peke alld• good will'. With thlableee-
ing OetleWeeYeleia YOU and eours -a
Chrtaae .and glasheeele and
.eretleeretis 'Mew YeareeSigaed on hes
'halt -of 'the laden of Casmet Church:
HanUfab Murray-, . Moe H. Walk,
Mr. H. Workman, Mtn, RoY Mane. r-
em." 'Me arrival of Sento, Claim cane-.
ed mueh merrenent and folloWing the
distributicia of the ,g1ft0, refreshments
were served.
Miss. Kileatriek, kelp/taut teacher
at the Herman contikation school,
visited at. her .home for the-COnietmas
holidays at Strathroy.
Mrs. Bertha 13e11 spent Ohriklanae
with her sister, is. Cawthorpe, and
family at Tavistock. •
Mrs. Alex. Buchanan wes 'dated ov-
er the Ch,ristmaz holiday % by her
daughters, `Visa Mary, Superintend -
met of the General Hospital, Niagara
Falls; Miss' Margaret, R.N., of Port
Huron,and son, Jack and wife, of.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Blowes were
t'esited over the holidays by relatives
- end ,friends- from Exeter.
Miss MaeVicor, of I.ondotn,. was
the guest Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. M.
G. Drysdale.
Death of Joseph Hogg
One of the oldest and most highly
esteemed residents of the townehip
pawed away at his „home at Grieve's
bridge on Christmas morning, in the
person of Mr. Joseph Hogg. Mr. Hogg
had been in poor health foe the past
year and 's'eriously ill during the past
month. The .deceas,ed was a eon Of
the late William Hogg, a pioneer
resident, and' was born on the farm
now owned by Mr. Thomas Goven-
lock, on the north gravel road, sev-
' euty Years ago, and had spent his
whole life in the ,to'wns'hip. Thirty-
eight years ago he was united in mar-
riage to Miss Matilda Storey, of the
same townsithip, and ' for twenty-five
years they farmed on Lot 28 on the
fourth concession, and Mr. Hogg also
eperated a threshing outfit for, some
years. Twelve years ago he retired
from the farm and had Slum resided
at Grieve's bridge. He was adormer
W.M. of Winthrop L.O.L., ef wheel
he was one of the oldest members.
Mr. Hogg is survived by his widow
and a family of four sons, Mesers.
, Adrian, Robert, James and Joseph
Hogg, all of McKillop. He is, also
survived by one sister, Mrs. James
Henderson, of McKillop, and e a bro-
ther, Mr. William. Hogg, of Stratford
Another brother, ff. B. Hogg, passed
away three weeks ago. Owing to the
severe stoi•nr on Tunsd.ay, the funeral
was beld ff•om ,his late home on Wed-
neselay afterneon, Mina the services
e ern coneucted by his pastor, Rev.
11, W. Craw. Interment was made in
Mai tl an (.1 ban k cermet ery.
The annual Bethel Sunday School
Christmas entertainfment held recent-
ly included the following program:
Chorus, "GoodEvening, Hello"; mix-
ed-up welcome, by Junior and Marie
Storey; duet, "Don't Wait Till Christ-
mas," by Jean Mills and Ruth Den-
nis; play by school children 'With
Santa Claue on Christmas Eve"; reci-
tation, Hugh McPherson, "Fair Warn-
ing to Santa Claus"; gifts for the
Bethlehem Babe, Melvin Hulley, Hugh
McPherson, Helen Dennis; song "The
Christ Child"; recitation, Kenneth
Hulley; duet, "I'm Happy as a Lark,"
Murray and Jean Mills; dialogue,
"Aunt Sarah's Tooth"; chairman's ad-
dress; G'heistmas candles, exercise by
12 children; solo, Chas. Boyd; Alice
Blue Gown Drill by seven girls; duet,
"That's What I Want For Christmas"
by Donna Watson and Carntetta Mc-
Nichol; play, "Rooting For Ruth";
chorus, "Santa Claus is Comer' to
Town"; recitation, "Good -night," Ross
Leeming, anel Santa Claus.
Old Man Winter has us in, his grip.
There are drifts .piled high every-
where, but tha highest, ones are in.
front of the garage doors.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Coleman and fam-
ily and Mr. and Mrs, F. Townsend
speet Chrietmas with Mr. and Mrs.
S. H. Whitmore.
Mr. ;and Mrs. J. Turner and family
and Mr. amid, Mrs. Roy Pepper and
family were with Mr. and, Mrs. W.
Wailia,of Clinton for Christmas.
MT. and Mrs. J. E. Ball and Mrs.
N. Habkirk spent Christmas with Mr.
and Mrs. Giff. Crich.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Walters and fam-
ily 'arid Mr. and Mrs'. E. Townsend,
and Miss i Dorothy were with Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Townsend for Christmas.
'Phe annual Christmas tree enter-
tainment in connection with Turner's
Church was held on Friday evening
last with Rev. G. Burton as chair -
Your attention is called to the danger to life
and property from Christmas decorations, such as
draperies, scenery, cotton to represent snow, etc.
Displays of this nature and the lighting arrange-
ments in connection therewith add greatly to the
ordinaryrisks of fire.
See that inflammable material is clear of and
not hung over lighting devices, steam pipes, stove
pipes,: electric light bulbs, etc. See that the electric
circints are properly fused and not overloaded. Have
all temporary decorations removed as soon as they
have served their purpose. '
Remember, nothing can rendet these displays
absolutely safe, and that if accidents are not to mar
the festive_season, constant vigilance and care must
be exercised.
E. J., BOX, Fire Chief.
tte", •
xnau;' The e'
s i.s1P,49:41991.
rtiltaalere ' V'etelen
:a•GeerlIrk4)R01116111ea'gerstal4e:Mitakor14 *Cligtetter XCEenC:
elyo Jobas; Ytelan *0;01,9404y, 'WpF,
ren WhIltmore lAtki *LIMY' DoiliP soy,
era* dieloglItele ?AMOY; '`WartfAltY
141BI W� Not 1ajdp
*09illTless'" ‘j.WORkrilt:411°0
Terrible Cataatreehe'; a Marne Meg
by; three children ellpeesed to 'have
aniMes; a selViPg sire by gine;
duets; a whietlieg 'Chortle; a quart-
ette and leading fro M the -senior
claee; a star drill by 7 girlie Old
Santa arrived In aim time with a
well -laden 'sack' to the delight of aa
the youngsters.
Death of Mrs. Robert Doig
Death came with startling sudden-
ness to a beloved resident of this
township early Monday morning when
Mrs. Robert Doig •paseed away at the
family home on the saith concession.
On Sunday Mrs. Deig had visited her
husband 1 Sooet Memorial Hespital
itt Se,aforth, where he had undergone
on operation two weeks ago, and
shortly after returning home suffer-
ed a stroke from which she never
rallied, paesiag away early the fol-
lowing morning. The deceased was a
daughter of the late George Laidlaw,
one of the toweship pioneers, and
was born on the Laidlaw homestead
• on the sixth concession, 7e years ago,
her whole life having been spent in
'rucheremith. Forty-two years ago
she was united in marriage to Mr.
Robert Doig and had spent her Mar-
ried life on Lot 6, of the same con-
cession. Fievides her husband, Mrs.
Doig is survived by three sons and
•one deughter, Mrs. James Brown ,and
Messrs. Pane James and Robert Doig,
all of Tuckersmith. She is also sue
avail by thnee brothers and two eis-
Cers, Mr. Robert Laidlaw, of eacra-
mento, California;•Mr. William Laid-
law, of Grand ,Centre, Alberta; Mr:
Samuel Laidlaw, of Climax, Sask.;
Mies Neil Grant, of Cabri, Seek., and
Mrs. John Smith, of Hullett. Two
brothers and • a. sister predeceased
her. The funeral was held frorm her
late home on Thursday afternoon to
Egmon,deille United Church, where
the services were cenducted by Rev.
A. W. Gardiner, and were very large-
ly attended. Interment was made in
Egnmedville cemetery, the pallbear-
ers being Messes. Montgomery Pat-
rick, W. R. Archibald., John Me -
Naughton, Sohn Hudson', John Mo
Kay and Percy Grurernett. Among
those from a distance who attended
the funeral were Mr. A. J. Curtis and;
Me James Doig, of Buffalo; Mrs.
Neil Grant, of Cabri, Sask.; Mrs. H.
S. Bassett, Miss Helen Doig, Miss
Ruth Bassett, and Mr. Paul Baseect,
Toledo; Mrs. Join Schrode, Tiffin,
Mr. and Mrs. George Leitch,. Mts.
Alex. Leitch, Mr. Jarmain and Mr.
and Mrs. Robe Jamieson and family
spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs.
Will Johnston Clinton.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Busby and daughter,
Shirley, of Chatham; Mr. and Mrs.
Leslie Lawson and son, of near Clan-
ton; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Davidson' and
son, Bobby, of Brueefield; Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Lawson and Marion, of Sea -
forth, and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lawson
spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Lawson.
Mr. ane Mrs. Fred Elliott and Mr.
Wm. Dodds, of Toronto, spent Christ-
mas at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Ferguson. Mr. Dodds . is visit-
ing his sisters, Mrs. James Dale and
Mrs. John Carter.
Mr. and Mrs. William Logan and
Miss Janet Logan, of Blyth, &laid Miss
K. Logan, of Guelph Hospital, spent
Clo•istma,s with Mr. •arul Mrs. B. B.
Mr. Henry Adams and son, John,
and Miss Lillian; Mr. a,nd Mrs.
YoungbIlt and family, of Londesboro;
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cunningham, of
Auburo; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Dexter,
.snd Mr. and Mrs. W. Jewitt and
Joyce spent Christmas at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Austin Dexter'
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Taylor and
Mrs. Henry Taylor held Christmas
with the Taylor family. There were
present: Mr. and Mrs. William Mc-
Millan and Marian, of London; Mr.
ari 1 Mrs- W. Webster and family. St.
Itelons; Miss Florence Taylor, R.N.,
Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lawson
and Mr. and Mrs. Verne Dale and
Mr. and Mrs. George Dale and Mr.
John Taylor, of Walton, and Mr. and.
Mrs, Lorne Dale, of Seaforth, spent
Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin
Rey. antd Mrs. J. Gi Britton, of In-
wood, a.nd family; Mr. a,nd Mrs. An-
drew Reekie and, Patricia Anne, and
Mr. Arch. Hoggarth, of London, spent
Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Visitors over the week -end includ-
ed: Mr. Frank Krauskopf. Torento,
with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Krauekopf;
Miss Loretta O'Rourke, Toronto, and
Mr.'end Mrs. William A. Repoid, To-
ronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
O'Rourke; Mr. Louis Evans, Detroire
laiss Mary C. Evans, Goderich, with
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Evans; Mr. Gor-
don Dill'and Mr. Jack Moleneaux, St.
Peter's Seminary, London, with their
parents here; Mr. Jotteph Evans and
Mr. Norman O'Connor, of Sandwieh
College, at their homes; Mem Kath-
ryn O'Rourke, Breseie Hall, London,
with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O'Rourke;
Miss Cecelia Feeney, London, and
Miss Vera Feeney, Toronto, with
Mrs. Kathleen Feeney; Mies Ann De -
Jamey, Windsor, and Miss Teresa De-
laney, Goderich with Mr. and Mrs,
,Jae. Delaney; Mrs. Anthony Hooger-
ver, Detroit, at the home of her
fettle., Joseph McGrath; Mr. and
Mrs. Fergus Reyeolds, DetrOlt, with
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carpenter; Mr.
and Mrs. Harold &amuck, Kitchener,
With Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Molyneaux;
Miss Jenele O'Connell, Seaforth, with
her brother and sisters.
Rev. _Father Joseph A. Feeney, of
London., called on -relatives over the
Mr, Beeline:I Hickey, of Alberta, is
eisiting hie Mother, Mrs. Walter Cars
peeler. Mr. ItickeY thee not been
arotind this vielulty for 25. years,'
,- ,
_ . . ,_ . , ..040V;'04:.. •
, •
clearm' DM aom , _...illter, Pe:40s
O sinvtivtivillvii LAT0t 'V400'
invited 1lx9loalr1so-"Ito 'M. Ro'
DalrYmplP,-- ..Tbay 00447,t.)Kir brnia.
noon, in 'W40r tand nts paiOat. •
. *Sr •,,,,
Last; Tuesday's stOrin was an old -
tinier and many had to. shovel them-
selves out of the eniareedrifte, while
those wtho had a shortage of water
had quite an experieures ft.o. get water
for their livestock. e
The MeInillop eatepayers 'are start-
ing out on an economic 1#1= by lita.v-
big an acclamation, for; the mune.
Many visitors from Outer -10 and De-
troit spent Chris0/40es with friends
our burg, Wishing them peace and
good vvill, to men who :bare, the free-
dom of conselenee aid free speech
as good citizens who aye under the
British flag, while same from a die -
talker were held up by the storm.
After investigating we find that
most women aretheir baking own
bread and if the tosva women would
do the same the price would soon be
Mr. Regis A. Densimme has sold his
100 -acre farm, lot 28, eons 14, Hay, to
Mr. Nelson Masse,' who gets posses-
sion, neat spring. Mr. Denomme has
reserved the frame dwelling and M-
t:ends moving it across to his 1019 ac-
res, Con. 15, Hay, and will remodel
same for his home.
The Late Alex. Mousseaur
The death of Alex. Mousseau, which
took place al' his home in the village
last Thursday, is deeply regretted by
his relatives and friends. Deeeesed
was in his, 65th year. He suffered a
heart attack some weeks ago and af-
ter recovering was able to be around
again but a ,second attack caused his
death. He had moved to town from
the farm about 18 years ago. Surviv-
ing are his widow, two sons, Herbert
of Zurich, and Elzar, of Ki•ppen, and
one daughter, Mrs. Mel. Smith, Brous
son Line. The funeral was private,
interment taking place in the Bron-
son Line cemetery.
The news of the death of Daniel
McIsaae, a well known resident of
Crediton, came as a. , shock to his
naany friends there. Deceased Was a
former reeideat of this village work-
ing at the blacksmith trade. He later
moved to Grediton where he conduct-
ed an undertaking business.
The nomination for police trustees
for Zurich was held Monday evening.
The board for 1939 will be composed
of three new members, Messrs. T. C.
Haberer, Lee O'Brien and I. Yungblut.
Mr. Hugh MacKinnon, who is attend-
ing Queen's University, is spending
the holidays at his home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Schnell, of
Detroit, visited relatives here and at
Hayfield over the week -end.
Owing- to the high winds and so
much snow, roads through here were
impassable from Tuesday to Wednes-
day and Hydro was off at 'Dublin.,
shutting cite not only lights but power
Lt the bakeshop, creamery and ehep-
ping mill. The streets were impass-
Recent visitors itt .St. Columban
were; Miss Mary McGrath, Toron-
to; Rose McQuaid, Sr., and Thomes
McQuaid Scarboro Bluff, wee Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph McQuaid, and John
McIver with Mr. and Mrs. William
McIver; Mary and Rose O'Connor, of
Mt Clemens, with Mr. and Mrs. D.
J. O'Connor; Mary Dempsey, Guelph,
with her father, Mr. Frank Dempsey.
Municipal nominations passed off
quietly at Varna last Friday with a
small attendance. At the close of
the nomination hour There were five
nominated for councillors and Feed
Watson for reeve. To save the ex-
pense of an election, one of the old
councillors, Ed,. Glen resigned, leav-
ing the council for 1939 elected by
acclamation, as follows: Reeve, Fred
Wa 1 son; Counei Mors—Elmer Webster,
J. Pepper, Wm. Falconer and Sam
Thom peon .
Mr. Allan. Keys, of Western Uni-
versity, London, and Gordon Keys,
Seaforth Collegiate, are spending
the holidays with their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Ben Keys, Babylon Line.
Mr. an.d Mrs. J. Bryan a.nd S011, Mr.
am! Mrs. J. Collins and son, of Lon-
don, spent Christmas with ,the
mother, Mrs. W. Armstrong an,d sons.
Mrs. S. Miller is away to spend
some time, with her -son, E. Lloyd
Miller, in Stratford.
Mr. John McCulloch and daughter,
Lila B., spent Christmas Day with.
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Cameron it Mit-
Mr. and Mrs. Colin MacDougald, of
Harrington, with Mrs. Quance; Mr.
and Mrs. B. 0. ,Macdonald and sons
spent the day hi Bruesels; Mr; and
Mrs. Duncan McKenzie and Mr. and
Mrs. John Resift and son, Frank,
spent Monday with relatives in Strat-
Mr. John Houghton wed sister, Pearl
of Harris,bott, also Mr. and Mr. John
Kemp and family of Munro, and Mr.
end Mrs.RobertDalrymple, of Kip -
pen, spent Christmas , with Mr. and
Mee Wm. Houghton.'
Family gatheringoeveere also held
at the homes of Mr. andl Mrs. William
Hamietoni and Mr. aced Mies Russel
On Monday a gathering was `held
atsthe home of Joseph Speare and in-
cluded Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Speare
and ,MT. and Mrs. Ralph, Speare, of
Harriston; also Mr. and Mrs. A. Me-
Lellen and family, Croinarty, and
Mrs. Shute, of Kirkton:
A famaTyiatberth wasi also laid
at the !home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Me-
tetchier/I Monday evolving.
Mr, end Mrs. Jelin Young and Rm.
ily ivislted Witht.Misa:COrrts, c).
at evc94 tarliit.11g1,10I'v •.
ObsWee TlillaSeft •
Pert, Rolan pub1j#0001, If•A
the, OAristMas vaeatica witb: bis
mxte, mg- and Mt•Iiie Bert ItUlfeee!,;
• Mr. 'Kerney Dow Seek Chemeteita0
with bis parent% Mr. and Mrs. W. je
Dow ot Meese/MU,
Rtpss reidhare anil Row ("bristle,
of Mitchell, are at their respwtivOi:
homes for Me hillelaya.
Mr. and Fred Johntiaell Dour
ale, Went Sunday With his pother .at
We extend to the Cettle family our
sincere sympathy in the deatb of
their mother, Mrs, David Cottle.
Mrs. Staeley Hocking .and • Gwen
spent Monday wit1 Mr. and Mrs. M.
V. Henry, WastsbUrg-
Mr. John, Morgan", Sr., and Mr. Sim-
on Dow have been re-elected to the
eldership of Roy's Church for an-
other tame
Mr. and Mrs. Wer..-Carneyand Law -
Sens and Miss Margatet Lawson spent
Christems with Me and Mrs. Erle C.
Mr. amid Mrs. Frank Baird and fam-
ily, of Mitchell, and Tom and Arebie
Cooper, of Staffa, spent Monday with
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hoeking„
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Christie are
boat azucl hoseese to the Christie fam-
ily gathering also on Monday.
Death of VVilliam J. Jarrott
.thighly respected ane much es-
teeraed resident of Hillegreen passed
away on V,eednesday morning at leis
home there in the person et William
3. .Jarrott, in his seventethird
year. Mr. Jarrett has been, the own-
er of a store in the village for maay
years. He was married, to the late
Miss Christena Bonthron who prede-
ceased him Mee years ago, He leaves
•one (laughter, Miss Annie Jarrott.
Mr. Jarrott had been 111 for seven
weeks with arthritis. The funeral
will beheld from the United Church,
Hillegreen, en. Friday at 2 p.m. and
interment will be made in Exeter
A very enjoyable concert was held
in S. S. No. 3, Hay, under the direc-
tion of the teacher, Miss Laurabelle
Wright, on Monday evening, wthen Mr.
Elm -ore Thiel was cbairman for a pro-
gram consisting of the following num-
bers: A "Welcome" recitation by
NI 1
•• 't
• Bright New Ye
filled with Peace,
Prosperity, Health
and Happiness.
_ els
Frances La,stele guitar selestion, by
Glenn Weide and Stuart Adkine; reci-
tation, "That Christmas Feelinee
Stuart Adkins; star drill by a number
of girls; instrumental by Norma.
Smith; recitation, "Choosin' a Stock-
ing," Harvey Dignan; instrumental,
James Puss; recitation, "A -Puzzle; in
Names," Pearl McLeod; instrumen-
tal,- Margaret Fuss; a cantata, "Whet,
Santa Listened lie" directed by the
music supervisor, S. Rennie, in which
the school had several choruses; a
musical number by Mustard's orch-
estra, Kippen; ,recitation, Harry
Smith; instrumental, Laurette Reich-
ert: recitation, "Jimmaiels Letter to
Santa," James Truss; "dialogue• entit-
led "A letter to, Santa Clarissa' laerey
Smith and Ronald Stephan.; musical
number bY Clifford and Glenn Weida;
a dialogue entitled, "Day After
naas," Marga,ret. Fuss, Earl Demme
and Bill Fuss; an accordion selection/ e
by Henry Adkins; recitation by Lase --
eta Reichert, at the close of 'welch
there was a chorus by the school,,
"Silent Night." Santa Claue arriesed
after having great trouble with his
reindeer. Santa distributed bags' 'or
candy and many gifts from the beau-
tiful tree among the hong 'and girls..
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