HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1938-12-30, Page 4;iffy PT ". tr" n• .„ ed Ads will be inserted at new low cash rates: 'N. wanted, mot and. Faltad• Coat1n8 aerate Etc.—Per ward: fat week 2nd week Ard week Minimum charge. first insertion Each figure initial and abbreviation counts aa one word. Of Thanks. In Memorises Notices—I cent per word. Minimum, 50 cents per week. ilittes arse be directed to a Box Number. care of The Huron Expositor, few 10 cents • ,tattra. amt.% additional Per week will be ebersea if ads nn above class aro not Paid by the Urday night in the we in which the ad was run. Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charges tacttan Saln. Notice so creditors. Etc --Rates on appltration. I Cent % Cent % Cent 25 Cents For Sale tjY0fXEL 27 FORD COACH, CHEAP; run amain mange: origami toe Looks linut as wood as new; one of the best oars _ _flee -1p snow; ease five tires. Good turned inenrearees: wino axe and hammer henies al- oraYs on band or made to order. JOHN DElk. Remold 3704-tf Card of Thanks .AND DIMS. GEORGE SMALE AND t family dehire 60 express: their nhiceie ap- upreciuthin of dm many kindnesses and sym- PaahY extended to them duriong their recmat sad bereravement. 8.707x2 Notice To Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN 'PHE ESTATE Of` MALCOLIYI BEA- . ton. Allimrsons having claims againat the Mo- bile of Malcohn Beaton, late of the V 'liege Egmnudville„ decenseci, who died on or about the 1760 October, A_ D., 1938, are hereby noiLfied to' send in to the andegned at or before the 89th day of Januiry, 1)39. full particulars of their claims with affidavit proving mine. Inenediate'v after the said last m:ntioned date,. :tihe assent cf the said estate Will be &la- ird:sated areense the parties entitled thereto, hav:ng regard ord,v to clans of which the undersigned shoal then .have notice, to the exclusion of all others,and he undersigned will hot be ',liable to any person 9! whosa &Man the undersigned shall not their have alattee for the assete distributed ar any pant thereof. DATED art Seaforth this 23rd da-, of De- e"mberr, 1038. REVEREI.Y BEATON, Administrator. By his Solicitor ELMER D. HELL, Seatorth, Ont. Auction Sales ✓ OMMUNITY AUCTION SALE AT CON- neff's Sade Baa -ns, Clinton, on Tuesday. January 3rd, et 1.30 p.m., .,sewitating of:— One fresh ttalved cow COWS syringing; 2 rows milking good; 4 cowls due in. FehraarY and M.arch ; number of young cattle and calves : 10 young breeding ewer; 2 Wows: 60 Young Pigs and chunks; quantity of cedar and hardwood. Owing to the Merin and a number of telephone lines being out of com- mission, considerable goods will be offered at thb sale which are net listed at the preterit time. Anything mos have to offer for sale, do not fail to bring it to Clinton Commun- ity Sale where you shall receive fair treat- ment, and satintlaction guaranteed. Sales held every p.ecend Tuesday. Terms—Cash. A. E. TOWNSHENIk Proprietor; George H. Elliott, Auctioneer. 3707-1 Lost and Found T .0ST-110.00 ON DECEMBER 20th. BE- '-' tween Canadian Bank of Commerce and Post Office. Finder leave at EXPOSITOR OFFICE. 3707-1 ELECTION CARD SoreTh ito Be Gacd," iiroderiele pealed by her mother at the pi ; recitation, • Mar3eriel Chtdmore, to lowed with an enere40 her ,T4 children:- olsorus,."inbristmasi Belle" by the Missiennlhandl 801G - "That's What I Want For Cheistroiessni Marjorie Cudmore, accomenniet,Miss Kay Drysdale; taller drill by/ 9 girl% While that offering was being taken WHY Wale tavoeed‘. with a pleaseng Non° solo; recta -none, 'A Christmas • Wish" and "The Wasted Crust," El eine Beer; song, "Seven Jewels"; reci- te:eau, Francis Lastell; duet in cos- tume entitled, "Reoher and letteben,"„ Billy and Betty Mickle, accompanied at the piano by their mother. The concluding number was a white Christmarae ,pageant by members of the Mission Band with carols snag by Mrs. M. Redden. The deeorations were lovely with an attractive fire- place and decorated mantel with Christmas emblems and a lovely Christmas tree. Bob Hetss portrayed the part of Santa Claus in a very creditable manner. There was a splendid attendance. Dr. and Mrs. D. G. Steer and daugh- ter, Patricia, spent the Christmas holidaye with relatives at London and Mount Brydges. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Taylor and family, of Exeter; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bell and family, of leippen, and Mr. and Mrs. William Robins, of Toro to, celebrated Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Foster and Billy, as did also Mrs. Foster's parents from near Exeter. -• Following are .some of the Cheist- mas visitors we noticed visiting in the village and communityMiss M Id red Fein ck , nursein-trainin.g at Victoria Hospital, London, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Follick; Miss Lettie Love, of Toronto, with her parents. Mr. and Mrs., Wm. Love; Ree Paterson, of Toronto, with his parents, Mr. and Mns. R. J. Peter- son; Mfr. and Mrs. Harry Cook, of Toronto, with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Cook ; Mr. and Mrs. Ted Taman, of Blenheim, with th.e latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles McDonnell; Mr. Milton Ort - wain, London, Mr. Monza of Detroit, with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ortwein; Miss Amy Laramie, of Windsor, with her mother, Mrs: .Ag- nes Laramie, end sister, Miss Greta; Mr. Harold Shereitt of Dunde.s with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. ,Sher- ritt; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. G. Voth,and daughter, Gwen of Detroit, with Mrs. R. Bonthron and Mrs. L. Sirn,pson; Miss Ada Gram of Lensing, Miela.,with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Gram; Miss Mildred Smillie of Toronto and Mis,s Hazel of Atwood with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Smilhe and brother, Clar- ence; Miss Mavis Spen.cer of Toronto with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Spencer, and brother, Walter; Mr. Clare Zuefle of Toronto „with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John. Zuefle; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Moore of Egroontiville with the former's bro- ther and, sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Moiare and family; Miss Jean 13ont1u-on, of London, with her par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. W. Bonthren and brother, Harold; Mr. Casey Hud- son of Listowel tins his arents, Mr. and Mrs. George Hudson; Mise Mar- tha Carlisle, of London and Mr. and Mrs. Leeland Willert of Zurich with Mr. and .Mrs. Wilson Carlisle and family, else Mr. William La.nslisbor- ()ugh of Chinon with his sister, Mrs. Walker Carlisle; Miss Emily Morri- son of Toronto with friends here; Mos. John MacArthur and members of the family of London with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Arnold; Mr. Lcrrne,•Elder of Drummondville, Que., with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Elder; Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Graihern of London with Mrs. C. Ballarutyne and MifY8 K. Scott; Dr. Harry Joyne of Byron San- atarium with his mother, Mrs. Alice Joynt; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Abbott of Detroit with •Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Petty, Mrs. Abbott's. father and mother; Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Douglas and daughter, •Norma, of Hyde Park, and son., Allan, ef London, with Mrs. John Johnston and daug.hter, Miss Margaret; Mrs Wilsou Berry of To- ronto with his mother, Mrs. Anne Berry; Miss Grace Brock, of London, with her 'parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Brock; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Passmore, Mr. Albert Passmore and friend, all of Delhi, with the formers parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore; Mr. Iloward Hemphill and sister, Miss Mary of Toronto with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. E. Hemphill e Mr. arid Mrs. Ray Lam.mie• of Exeter with bieemother, Mrs. Agnes Lamnale. • TO THE ELECTORS OF THE TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH ITAVING SERVED YOU AS COUNCILLOR for six years, 7 am now in the field for Reeve and your vote and influence are re- spectfully solicited. You are all well ac- quainted -with my record in the past and my motto for municipal service in the future is econom, efsniency and progress. Thaaking you for past favors, I extend to you all the Season's Greetings. • Years respectfuliy. SAINDEL H. Va.-HI:MORE. • 3707x1 . Deaths HOGG--In MclKtlop, on Sunday, December 8707-3 fb5r1h, Joseph Hogg, in his 70th Year, HENSALL Present Pageant The aunitoriuntt of l'tensail 17nited Church was packed to the doors, also the aisles and gallery on Sunday ev- eaing, Dec. 254h, when a Christmas pageant, "I Bring You Goad Tidings" was presented. The decorations and the scenes depicted were really most beautiful and entrancing, and in ad- dition to the platform decorations, two beautifully lighted Christmas trees adorned the front of the church. Tem peeparation of the spacious plat- form aria the framework eonneeted with it was the handiwork of Mr. Wilson Carlisle. The lighting effects -,which added much to the tableau scenes were in charge of Mr. Carl Passmore, while Robert Passmore had Charge of the curtains. The pageant included fear tableaus, "The Auuncia- lion," "The Scene of the Shepherds," "The visit of the Wiseman to Beth- leihema" and "The act of adoration." A choir of eoneealed singers numbering some forty voices, sang the carols in a creditable manner, while two, quartettes, comiposed of Miss Flor- ence Welsh, Mrs. a Hess, Mr. W. 0. Goodwin, and Mr. Sara Rennie sang "Glory to God in the Highest," and Mrs. Maude Hedden, Mrs. Geo. Hess, Rev. R. A. Brook and Dr. I. G. Smil- lie sang "Fairest Lard Jesus." Those taking part were: Angels, Elva Mc- Queen, Edna Sa.undercock; a repres- entative of the world, Marion Dou- gall; the Virgin Mary, Mrs. Alfred Clark; Joseph, Mr. Ed. McQueen; the shepherds, Walter Spencer, Claude Bermes, Keith Buchanan, Harry Bol- ton, Bob Hess, William Love; the ninsemen and their attendants, Clar- ence Smillie, Ralph Brook, 'Harold Bell, Wilson Carlisle, Jack Simmons, Jack Pre:weir; the maiden, Norma Ceook; the young man, Edison For- rest; the prophet, Laird Mickle; Terve represented by Ruth Brook; Joy by Dorothy Dougall; Peace, Jung Saun- dereock. Much credit l's due the di- reetars, first and foremost of ail, Rev.' R. A. Brook, pastor, asedeted by Mrs. R. 3. Moore, Mrs. G. Hess, Miss Ir- ene Douglas and to Mr. W. 0. Good - even, director of the Choir and musi- cal members, assieted by Miss Kee Drysdale. Special mention might be made of bhe decorating committee and coetume designers, namely: Mrs. IL 4 J. Paterson, Mrs. M. G. Drysdale and Mrs. Russell Broderick, who gave so freely of tbeir time and talent and which added so much to tire attrac- tiveness of the and completion of the pageant Miss Greta Laramie more than sustained her reputation as a wonderful accompanist. We might be privileged to mention of the star Of the east inirtidarg the Wisenren to the 'birth of the ,Saviotar, which was so bea,utitolly 'and effectively designed. We believe( that a large number would be delighted if arrangements could be trade to hane it repeated: At the morning service tlfe pastor chose for bie thetne,.."The Name Wonderful," while tbe choir rendered special ' Christmas antiltemfe "Unto Us a Child is Born" and "Glory to God," soloists, Mtn. a'Hess, Mr. W. 0. GoodWin a:nd 'Mr. Harry Horton. • S. S.' No. 10, Hay, Concert The annual Christmas entertain- menteef S. S. No. 10, Hay, was held ,Weritteeday evening, Dec. 21st, which spite of theloment weather and read ttonditioni, was Well attended an& ninth enjoYed andenneh credit is due! to tfin teanher, Miss Margaret Rein XL A. Bros* acted an • •alfitthit itt hie Meaty Plereeing MO,1Nh prcigram opened With a atilite greeting by YHAll '41114 tianhiata, "Saftiti Liget "4 -V direetfen ef Mr. litellealt 'The role deBitetta WSre poie MtthaM )1924.149._ Mitt b4hsis 41 ;1;'' • . • s ‘. t i Helen Noakes and Orvie Taylor, as toys; Donald Munn and Jimmie Row- cliffe. as newsboys, and Evelyn Tay- lor an.d Betty Rowniffe, with all the pupils singing the ehoruses. At the conclusion of the cantata, Aileen Munn gave a delightful reading, "A Girl's Commossition on Boys," followed by a dialogue, "The Truth Telling Ma- chine," well acted and favorably re- ceived. This was followed by the Highland Fling dance by five girls in character 'costume; a recitation, "Cas- tor Oil" by Orvie Taylor; a star drill by seven girls; and a tramp drill by severe boys, followed by a very am- using dialogue, "Malvina. Entertains." A recitation, by several smaller pup- ils in unison and a story by Rev. Mr. Brook, chairman, completed the pro- gram. Saida then arrivedto distri- bute the gifts from .the weinlarien tree. S. S. No. 'O, Tuckersmith The annual Othistmas concert of S. S. No. 10, Tuckersmith, unider the di- rection of Miss Audrey Dinnin, teach- er; was held Wedeesday afternoon, Dec. 21st, with a good attendance and a very fine program. The chairman was Rev. R. A. Brook, and: the pro- gram opened with a cantata., "A Joke on Santa Claus"; chairman's address'; recitations, Mona Caldwell, Isobel Caldwell, Jack Kinsman; dialogue, "The Naughty Mouse"; recitation Ray MacKay; •music, Mr. Alexander; recitation, Mervyn Eyre; drill, "The Three Black Crows"; recitation, Jack- ie Caldwell; dialogue, "King Cophetua and the Beggar Maid." Santa distri- buted gifts from a tree well laden with gifts, after Which lunch was served and with the singing of the National Anthem the program came to a conclusion The funeral of the •late Mr. Paul Boa, of Hensel], whose tragic and un- timelydeath was caused when a limb from a tree he was felling fell on his Ihead and crushing bis skull, catlsing a shock to the entire com- munity, was field from the home of Mr. George Swale on Thursday af- ternoon, Dec. 22nd, at 2 p.m. and al- though Private was largely attended, many coming from lone distances, and was conducted by Rev. R. A. Brook of Heneall, United, Clhurch, as- sisted by Rev. W. A. -Young, of Car- mel Church, who preached the fun - e -al addrees in which he paid fitting tribute to the life of the deceased. Re also made mention of the kindly deeds that the late Mr. Boa did for his many friends, although very quiet- ly done, and that be wee. aliso, Posses- sed of a very kindly and genial din position, and although his tragic end came as such a shock to a man in such wonderful 'health and in the prime of life, he stated that. some- times these things are permitted to remind us all of the uncertainty of life, that in the midst of life we are in deans he 'stated. Assisting with the singing were ,Mrs. M. Hedden, Mrs. W. Carlisle, Miss Greta Lanumie and Rev. W. A. Young. The flora] tributes were intuny ancl beautiful and included among them WW1 a beautiful wreath in. the form of a horseshoe. from the Horseshoe Club of which the deceased was a champion player, having won the championship of Can- ada in bile doubles played with Fred Harburn, of Cromarty, at the Winter Fair, Toronto, Some years ago. In- terment was in MeTaggarrs ceme- tery. The !pallbearers; were Sam' Dougall, William Weiner, Fred Her - burn, George Jackson, htobert Jack- son, Wilbert Parker, Henry Harburn ern Alex. Mousseari. • Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Fink and Billy spent the helidays with relatives in Hanover. Miss Margaret E. Grieve, teacher at S. S. 10, Hay, spent the Christmas holidays with her parents in Sea - forth. Mrs. E. Rennie was a 'holiday rise tor with her daughter and. son-inhaw, Mr. and Mrs. Paisley and dau•ghtera Marion and Jessie at Toronto. Mies Minnie Reid 'spent Christmas with her brother, ansl sister-in-law, Mr. and Mi -s. Jam D. Reid and fam- ily at 8eBruce pt., Inniclion. Mrs. Harvey and Mrs. Logan visit- ed with Mrs. James Jarrott at Rills - green for the Yuletide holidays. Mr. W. C. Stone spent Christmas day with members of his family it Hensel], Lucan, London arid Strat- ford. , Mr. J. W. Ortw in, together with Mee, Ortwein and inhere - of his family bean hondo tchener, De- troit Fred Rereali, ce pbrated Christ- mas day at his home here and also observed this, 89th birthday. Me. and Mrs,. James A. Paterson, owing to the illness of Mrs. Paterson, Sr., very quietly observed their 25th wedding anniversary the saone day. Mr. end .Mrs. C. S. Mason were visited over Christmas by members of their family of London, nainely, Mr. and Mee Kaditrg 'and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Abney and son, George. Mr. and . Mrs. t. D. Wren celebrat- ed Christmas with Mrs. Wren's eli• Presents Mission Sand ter and .brothersindaw, Mr. and Mrs: Tibbett, in the Hayfield divert:tit. Mr. and Mee W. B. CPOSH and dattlighter, Miss Goldin Visited With relatives in TOroeto ,Tor the' Chalk- prOgram in the schoel room, b.' iday 'mats holidaye. ' . 'Afternoon, Dee. 23rd, iveith Jininaie 1 Mr. and. Mrs. ',Harty MacMillatr t, eeteeliffe ..Preetill.t.tg.. (Wet the Migrate :11'13ent,0hriatmasein Tavistook. 1 eWhith evened With a e.herus by iniita. , Mi., anal ' S. Patten,' Jerry. and, bete pl: nid mlogion /Wm, foilottred Denn10 ;date ' Mrs- R. Stalgetnn„ an Program The King's Own Mission Band of tiensall United Church, under ,the th- reetion ,of Miss Kay Drysdale, Sep- erartendent, presented a verY fine 1qtht, ootro,.. Stone on IViondairs s•: • 11 • 1 44i1L1 ; t Tat itte ,ittc, • sub N. .0* ten . 1.1 holee bone :4fwo 'we e , viol& viitb, reastiven and tr1nio49 *-„ MM.; We, Ted Tanen .reterned to. their home be. Bleenlielni on Monday alter eneThiling (3e1latatiaa With Mr. and AVM C. A. moupot. Mrs. Tam- an's 'parents They. Were aeconspars- ied home by Mies at McDenel/. MVi r. ne. Hyde has rettaraedi from a two weeks' 'deft in St. Mary e anti is HOW in Seallerth spending the neat of his holidays. Dalrymple - 'Varley 'The wedding WAS solemnized, at the' Rectory, Morpettle on TUeeklay, 20th, at 4.30 p.m., of Mrs. John Val% ley, of Hensall, to Mr. Robert Dal- rymple, of Teickermaith, Rev. M. B. Parker, former Rector of St. Paul's Anglican Church, Hensall, officiating. They were unattended. • Mrs and Mrs. Dalrymple left for a wedding trip to Windisor.. 'The bride is very well known and popular in church activi- ties and In many other societies, wthile the groom .is a successful farmer, a eery prominent member of the Ma- sonic Order and a past D.D.G.M. of Huron Lodge No. 224, liensall, end the beet wishes oftheir large eirele of relatives and friends are extended to them for a Song, prosperous and happY married life. Mr. and , Mrs.' Dalrymple will take up residenee on. the groom's fine farm a few miles northeast of Howell. ,Speeial Christmas services were ob- served in Carmel Presbyterian Chureh Sunday, Dec. 25th, with large congre- gations .present. At the morning ser- vice Rev. W. A. Young, pastor, deliv- ered a splendid message. Mrs: Jas. W. Banta/um sang "Dream of Para- dise". and the choir rendered an an- them, "Glory To God," soloist; Mrs. W. A. Young. At the evening Service the choir presented a cantata, "The World's Redeemer," under thsehieader- ship of Mr. W. A. MacLareh, vslth Mrs. J. Mwdock at the organ. This cantata wit be repeated on Sunday evening next. The cantata was well given and special solo parts well ren- dered. Following is the cantata as given: Op -ening chorus, "He Shall Reign," Mrs. Jas. '.A. Paterson and Mrs. Malcolm Dougall taking the con - trait° and soprano duet in the second number, • ",'Neath. the Starry Heav- ens," followed by chorus, "Arise and Slaine." Rev. W. A Young and Frank Battersby took the duet in "From Lanes Afar," and' the bass solo in the ()horns was taken by W. A. Mac - Laren; "The .Gates of Heaven Un- bar," contralto solo taken by Mrs. W. A. Maclaren, Mrs. W. A_ Young and Miss Irene • Hoggarth taking 'the spe- cial parts in the two part wrimen's chorus in "I Bring You Good Tidings." I,nthe following chorus., "Glory To God in the Highest," Rev. W. A. Young took •the tenor solos and Mrs. Young the °Minato solo in "The Song of the Star," in the chorus, "Christ - ream Memories," Miss Irene Hogarth. and; Miss Mabel Workman took the soprano and "contralto duet arid Mr. R. Y. and W. A. MacLaren took tensle• and bass duet in the chorus; quart- ette, "He Cazae To !Redeem the World," was sung by Miss Irene Hog gartb, Miss Mabel Workman, James Bengough and R. Y. MacLaren, with the closing Chorus, "Come, Let Us Adore Him." /Ilse choir looked =raft in their, now Inept= board hats.,which were recently purchased -nor them. The Sacreraent of the Lord's Sup- per will be observed 1 Heneall Unit- ed Church Sunday morning, Jan. lst, with preparatory service Friday ev- ening, Dec. 30th. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Shepherd .and daughter of London, and Mr. Harold Shepherd of 'Pronto were Christmas visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Shepherd. Mrs. Barbara Ferguson of the drug store,spent the holiday with rela- tives in Tillsonburg. • Honor Organist • Miss Eleamer Fisber, who was a very faithful and efficient organist for a long terrn4 T years of Heiman United °hurdle and' who recently re- signed to accese a position with her hrother, Dr. Murray Fisher, of Gray- enhurst, was recently forwarded a. lovely aero pack completely furnish- ed from the officiaAs of the TJrdted Churth in recognition of 'her long and valued service:3,, and the following ad- dress speaks for itself: "Dear Elean- or: Within a few days we shall be in the midst of our Christmas ions and it ts the hearty wish of the mem- bers aed adherents of the United Church at Henson 'that your Yuletide happiness will be unsurpassed. We want to seize VMs holiday season as an opporturity to express to you our sense of deep appreciation of the services that for ,many ygars you have rendered us as our organist. It came as a. surprise to us when you decided to resign your position, and the regret was felt tlaroughout the whole (congregation that we were obliged to' release one who had been so faithful and dependable in the dis- charge of aU her duties. We cannot adequately express the gratitude we feel toward you, but we would ask you NO receive from us' tilde engin tok- en of mir esteem and appreciation. We hope you will always look back with pleasure td," the years you spent with us, an remember that th all the changes that have taken place your sbeadfaebness and loyalty have& greatly assisted in the building up of our cherch life here in: Henson. Again we wish Yon fruee,ess in your new ven- 71 *ming to e..,n;sa 1 1 c., 00,: wiatri, ,T sox, La . OPHTHALMIC OPTICIAN . Wingham will be at W. 0. (oodwin's store ev- ery 1st and 3r4 Tuesdays in, the month, conunencing June 7th, for the purpose of testing oyes and fit- ting glaesee. Difficult cages and those that have not been properly fitted' are specially recommended, to consult me. Hears, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Photon Hensel" 16 for appoint - 3677 , ture a.nd trust that good'health and a full measure of prosperity Will be yours in the cora,ing Yearn—Signed on 'behalf of HensaU Mined Church: H. Horton, Clerk of Session; M. Drys- dale, Secretaa•y of Official Board; R. A. Brook, Minister." ' McBride - Coward A quiet but pretty wedding took place at the Thames Road United Manse on Satu,rdey afternoon at three oholock when Olive Maye Coward, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Coward, of Witt:Chelsea, became the bride of Albert Jaraee McBride, son •cif Mr. and Mrs. James McBride, of Zurich. Rev. Mr. Mair officiated. The bride was becomingly attired in a mulberry chiffon velvet dress. The young couple were attended by Miss Ethel Coward, sister of the bride, who wore navy sheer and Mr. Clair Mc- Bride, brother of the groom. Follow- ing the ceremony a wedding dinner was held at the tome of the bride's parents, immediate relatives , only be- ing present. Mr. and •airn McBride left the same evening for Croswell, Mich. For travelling the bride don- ned a brown lapin. coat, green crepe dress and matt:thing accessories. On their return they will reside on the groom's farm north. of Zurich. (Continued on Page 5) atilvvravszTuvrAT, „ore s'ne Greetings Our Heartiest Greet- , ings for— Health Happiness and Prosperity in the New Year. sine th' ;he hee, 414 61* "1 tts: he; bt" GRILL C. M. SMITH Prop. SEAFORTH ;.24444=0,444,44 2.s4 t ,4•"4.. pk• 44 et re re' re er et , 're ,••••••• • • ;ens:nen' TO OUR FRIENRS AND CUSTOMERS We wish you the very best this Season affords, and we hope for the oppor- tunity to continue serving you as we have in the past. Wishing You One and All A Prosperous, Happy New Year! GREEN FRONT Deputment Store ; 44, galraRTMITIVITrati t*1 COMES THE HOUR g s'he ,,avg i7r,4 Riding through the space of time comes the hour when 1939 makes its, bow -to this world of ours. At that very second we wish to extend to you our sin- cere greetings of A HAPPY NEW YEAR • ret 6/1 lre le; W. E. Kerslake oti tSeaforth : Ont. maaaaaaaaaa 4 Or. r'," • e•-• ;cit. /-id fst• ;4:4 Coasting Into the NewYear No fooling about it, the ride into the New Year is coastin' one hill all the way. To you and to all our fellow -citizens in Seaforth, we wish the --HEARTIEST, HEALTHIEST AND HAP- PIEST OF NEW YEARS / Sydney Dungey bry, dearth*. " - Pl:ess,sul..eag Pforth, hone 2,27' . see' • •; .1;?• , •IN 11, 44, Mr4VaitirgrArAVVVV4104 HEALTH AND HAPPINESS ! - May veld fortune smile on you . and in the days of the coming year be crowded wit Health and Prosperity. Such is our sincere_ New Year greeting to all of our friends and patrons. And we thank all for their loyal patronage during the past year.. hoe vgi 't :q! 11/ Seaforth Creamery • LIMTTED fia • Phone 80-W Seaforth • en• , . • -Sr. f.."; • n. s • Meeting a New Arrival As Old Man Time carries in a New Year, our wishes go out to all in Seaforth and district for Happiness and Prosperity and Health. HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL! J. W. Beattie, Butcher Phone 96 • Seaforth e. 4,1'. .444 ..44( 444'1 .4if' 4,4'1 r., -"Ar, -,4- • 41,(4 lea , tint h a %It" , „fol ‘'n! set see, ess, _est sea ,e -et e.• ) ,1 , . • • e es e e. • . --E-VdEl‘f'.1V‘14 k.• •;,1 „- Our Compliments • We desire to extend to you the Compliments of the Season and express out sincere wishes for your prosperity the coming year, with a con- tinuance of the cordial relations existing be- tween us. • • SMITH'S SHOE STORE Seaforth Next to Regent, Theatre • eve et re" re May Happiness Be Yours In bidding farewell to the Old Year and wel- coming the New J. A. Westcott, Jeweller extends to all friends the wish for Happiness and Prosperity. , taftnittaatta,M4 AVVIZAVVVVVT1 WHAT THE DOCTOR ORDERED! Mel Doctor 1938 has oreer- ed a brand New Year, o.n.di a Happy One. And we join with the Old Do -c in wishing you:— HEALTH HAPPINESS SUCCESS /,.; ;At' anaaaaaaltaltaaad :19 ,fith ,a1/ ,h1,1 hie 11/ 1•'' , 1;1110 McGAVIN'S GROCERY Phone 95 : eaforth 1)4' bar;' tear Air! l•t;441144.4 an 44 .1V't MEALS AND LUNCHES At All Hours -4; Tobaccos and Confectionery THE STAR CAFE .-11 wishes One and All d• A Happy New Year! .11,r TOM CHONG '1,4 4,5 re're= re' ret r're re re Proprietor ectataar44,41/11,444,t6, ,11; p.14; p • pt, 'eh ; ; ez,,E ,•••.11. ecti ttlt t 5 '1'1 rn re' r;-•,, •4,-; ; ;; 1:2, T.:, r•-.4 ;•-• ?"..4 efti tf..4 • en en n en Teens We Close the Book BefOre closing the book upon an eventful year, which was good to us in the manner of making known to us true friendships, real fellowships, and an appreciation of the finer qualities of fel- low citizens, we pause to thank all our friends and patrons and in turn to wish to each and every one of them, A Happy New Year! PI hone 196 GILLESPIE'S CLEANERS & DYERS • • „Seaforth • . . . , 34,? • le . tub .0" rt..1, -.4 .4 „ '„ 4ca - ANOTHER YEAR inspires anew the .old wish that you, and all •..., • those 'dear to you, .will share in the happiness and joys of this season and, throughout the coming year. • 10 Commercial Hotel SEAVORTII • • , '4r' r1r4'tt- 7,),• r-' r•;:' r-"' , • .• k • , • 1:P.P ,td •