HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1938-11-25, Page 8LOCAL BRIEFS TUCKERSMITH Mrs. J. D. Stewart had the pleasure of attending the wedding of Mr. Wes- ley Watson and Miss Lillian Kennedy of St. Marys on -Sa'tu'rday. Master Kenneth McO1e1lanid, of Eg- mtondville, is spending a pleasant va- cation with this grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McGregor. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Hubbard .rand Mr. Melville McClymonh, of Detroit., visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Day - man during the week. Miss Isasbell Moir, of Hensall, re- turned home after spending a pleas- ant visit with M•r, and Mrs. J. D. Stewart and Miss Winnie. Miss Edna Daymran is visiting with friends in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Doig, of Tuck- ensmnitih, also Mr. Paul and John Doig of London visited with Mrs. s L. J. Doig and Mise Janet recently. • Mrs. J. D. Colquliolin will be at home to her friends on Friday, Dec. 2nxl, from 3.30 to 5.30 p.m. • Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Chapman, of Fort Erie, were here this week visit- ing Mr. Cbapmianls father, Mr. W. E. Chapman, who recently met with a very serious accident • Mr. and Mrs. IVI. R. Rennie were in Toronto last week. • Mr. Stewart Plant, of the Faculty of Medicine, Toronto, spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Plant- • Mr. and Mrs, Moines Dinsmore and son, of Blake, were the week -end guests ter Mr. and MTS. J. J. Sclater. • Mr. G. A. Jackson spent the past week in Toronto. • Mr. and Mrs. Whittaker, of North Bay, spent a few days with her mother, Mrs. E. Chapman. • Mr. I). H. Wilson was in Toronto for the week -end. • Mr. and Mrs, Ald'imer Troyer, of Toronto, spent the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. Gemmell in Tuck ersmieh. Mrs. James Troyer, who has been spending the summer here, returned to Toronto with them. • Mr. John Zimmerman, of Milver- ton, was the guest this week of Mr. and Mrs H. E. Smith. • Mr. Frank Nolan, Huron Road East, purchased the lucky ticket at the St. Joseph's bazaar in Stratford, which netted him $25 in cash. • Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Clark, of Aylmer, spend. Sunday with the for•mer''s mother, Mrs. R. L. Clark. • Mrs. L. D. Hayne and baby, who have been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs Reuben Froe't, have return- ed to their home in Simcoe. • Mr. Robert Gemmell is spending a flew days in Toronto. • Anniversary services will be held in First Presbyterian Church on Sun- day next, when Rev. John Inkster, D.D., of Knox Church, Toronto, will occupy the pulpit both morning and eveninsg- • Mr. and Mrs. Jack Armstrong, Doreen ands Kenneth, of Londesboro, ,spent.m�Sunday at the home of Mr. and nine. Lorne Dale. • Miss Verna Picot has returned from a three months' trip to Filmore, Saskatchewan. • Misses Betty and Isabel Forrest visited their sister, Miss Mary For- rest, of Victoria •College, over the week -end. • Mise Olive Woodstock. • Mr. 3. G. Mullen attended the Winter Fair in Toronto this week. • Mrs. E. C. Boswell, Master Wal- ter and Miss Mary Boswell, were To- ronto visitors last week -end. • The Holy Name Society of St. Janna s' Church is holding their sec- -end stag euchre in the parish hall on Monday evening, Nov. 28th. • Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Modeland are visiting their son-inrtaw and daugh- ter, Mr. and Mrs,. R. Cv Henderson, in Toronto. • Mr. Alan Ross, of Minnedosa, ani,toba, is visi'ti'ng Ms aunts, Mrs. uthill and Mrs. Simpson, George St, and other relatives. • Mrs, J. C. Reinke has gone to Hamilton where she will spend the winter with her daughter. • Mrs. W. G. Edmund's has return- ed from B•rucefleld, where she was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Wheeler. • Mrs, Alvin Sharp epent a few days with Londoon friends last week. • Mr. William Brine.,lwas in To- ronto for the week -end. • Mr. and Mrs. Teck, son, and slaughter, of Sagintaw, were gueets last week at the home of Mr. and Mr's. W. H. Golding. • Mr. and Mrs. Carpenter, of Hes- pier, and Mists Si>rtherland, R.N., of Toronto, were the week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. McKellar. - i• IF ,1t aP�a�iltd'' • THE IURON EXPOSITOR 0 1?, iqY MC# Of Mothers with Babies gYeaars..'.Of age, to receive ab- pifkly FR'E, a tin of Heinz rfi rose Food. Simply cut and sign ItA04- and present, at our Store. AMp dress ,TiObtEWPIC SHORTENING sk 29C 1ba. R aixa, CRISP CORN FLAKES 15 C 2 for , SER PAN NO:- •3 17-0Z- TIN lc ,. PEAS( -2 Cans if ' iRAFT CHEESE ;illaif pound °,• VREAM OF BARLEY 2'SC with Free Sample; package. , 15c IpPPT4E,-Sliced NEW FIGS 2 lbs. i17W CURRANTS 2 lbs. Pa -Iv -WED RAISINS -Loose 15c ib. aJ SWAN DOWN CAKE FLOUR age LOUL rt7 4AP0-Very best store pipe 25c enamel -Bottle L J HELY TOILET SOAP 25c 1Oc 19c 25c Large Cake -6 for PEARL SOAP 16c 5 for Y AS'i'E1t'S RED HEAD TIIASH has no superiors equals. Cwt. is o Or NEWS OP THE TOWN miummmommw Women's Hospital Aid Will Meet. --The Women's Hospital Aid 'to S'cot't Memorial Hospital will hold their regular meeting on Thursday, Dee. 1st, at 3.30 in Carnegie Library. LAYING avid few $2■25 A. C. Routledge PHONE 168 Dies in Niagara Falls. -Word was received in Seaforth on Tuesday of the death of Salines Wellesley Moon, beloved husband of Jean Cardwell, daughter of Rev, David Carswell and the late Mrs. Carswell. of McKillop, Mr. Moon had been ill for some . time and w•as in the Niagara hospital for the past three weeks. Mr. and Mr-§. Moon were married about six years ago in Toronto. He leaves to mourn his loss, his wife and one son, Wil ham, who live in Steplhensville. WE SPEC.1 �ALIZE IN FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, GAS- UALTY, GUARANTEE BONDS, ACCIDENT A N D SICKNESS, • BURGLARY, WINDSTORM. Representing Companies. who give Security with Service. Also Agents for Ontario Thresh- ermen's Mutual Fire Insurance. Information gladly given. A number of desirable properties In Seaforth and district for sale. WATSON & REID M. A. REID - Proprietor Phone 214 : Seaforth SPECIALISTS IN ALL LiNES OF INSURANCE co 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O S. T. Holmes & Son O FUNERAL SERVICE 0 Main Street, Seaforth O 0 S. T. Holmes, residence O Goderieh Street, West; phone O No. 119-W. Charles Holmes' 0 residence, Goderlch Street, 0 East; phone No. 308. O Ambulance Service Adjustable hospital bed for rent. Night calls, Phone 308. Day calls, Phone 119-J. Charges moderate. 12-87 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O Death of John K. Davis, -Tie sad- den death on November 10th of Mr. John K. Davis, 'husband of Angie Robinson, formerly of Sea• forth, and a daughter of the bate Fred Robinson, was learned with re- gret in Seaforth. At one time Mr Davis was an employee at the Robt Bell Engine & Thresher Co., and left here a number of years ago to go tc Goderich and from there went to De trait, wherebe has lived ever since He leaves his wife and one son, Fred and one daughter, Dorothy. Inter. meat took place in Detroit on No vemiber 12th, from the Floyd • Hamil ton Home to Forest Yawn Cemetery Ci O d 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 H. C. BOX O O FUNERAL SERVICE O O Licensed Embalmer O Ambulance Service O O Hospital Bed 0 0 with adjustable rachet oper- O O ated spring for rent. O 0 Night Calls Day Calls 0 O Phone 175. Phone 43. 0 O 12-37 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O 00000000000 WALKER'S O FUNERAL SERVICE O W. J. WALKER and O JOHN R. WALKER, Jr. O Licensed Embalmers and O Funeral Directors. 0 Day or Night Calls promptly attended. PHONE 67 O O O McKillop Branch W. M. S. Meets. - The regular monthly meeting of th McKillop Branch of the W.M.S. o First Presbyterian Church was hal( at the home of Miss Thompson o1 Thursday, when the afternoon wa spent in quilting, followed by a sitar program, The president took th chair and the meeting opened wits singing a hymn, followed, by th scripture reading by Mrs. Carte' Mrs. Drover gave the Glad Tiding Prayer. The minutes of the last meet ing and roll call were taken by tI secretary. Mrs. Carter gave the trea urer's_ report: Little Frances Jac took up the offering. After singing hymn the meeting closed by repeal ing the Lord's Prayer in unison. ale Sermon Subjects For Next Sunda -Northside United Church: Rev. i- V. Workman, Minister -10 a,m., Sul day Sohool; 11 a.m., "Action Unde lrrspiration." Evening service wits drawn for First Presbyterian Churc a aniversary. St. Thomas' Church: Rector, Re' Dr. Hurford. -1l a.m., "Advent, Th Coming of Jesus'": 7 ,p.m., Installatio of officers of Anglican Young People Association. Sunday School at 1 a.m. First Presbyterian Church Sunda School at 10 .a.m.; Bible Class, 3 p.m. maid -week meeting Wednesday, at p.m. Dr. John Inkster will be i C.1arge of both services on Sunda at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. -Rev. Hug Jack. Minister. 12-87 O O O O O O O O O O O O O THE SECOND DIVISION COURT COUNTY OF HURON Office in the Dominion Bank Build- ing, Seaforth. Office hours: Tues- day, Thursday and Saturday, 1.80 p.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday evemtng, 7.30 p.m. to 9 p.m. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Insurance Agencies - Seaforth ANNOUNCES the purchase of the insurance business of Hays & Meir, and the addition of , their companies to our prebioos facili- ties enables us to Sive unexcelled service in all lines. SEAFORTH •ONTARIO 10-37 McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y. HEAD OFFICE. -SEAFORTH, ONT. 15c TEA -- and -- Mystery Box at 3.30 p.m, SATURDAY, NOV. 26 in Crich's Vacant Store Under the auspices of the C. W. L. of .St. James' Church. after Carter reading, ively. Crawford, Johnstone Scott Margaret Arnold eral read Luella • mental. Born," were felt _ II. her ated. - repeating f i 1 death s ed t Saturday daughter, i s singing a hymn Miss .Myrtle led in prayer. The scripture Psalm 19, was read restpona Biographies of Isabella Valancy A. M. Stephens, Pauline and William Campbell were 'given by Ardath Sproule, Pethick, Jean S'm'ale and Keys, respectively, and sev- poems by the above authors were by Jack Stevens, Donna Mole, Wilda Ross and Miss Savauge. Miss Koine favored with an instru- and Mr. Scott sang "Canadian accompanied on .the piano by Miss B. Carnachan. Both numbers much enjoyed. The Y. P. U. greatly honored in 'having Miss I. Graham of 'town read some of poems, which were much appreci- After singing a hymn, the meeting was brought to al close by the Mizpah Benediction. Mother Dies in Brantford. - The of Sarah Emily Burton, belov- wife of Edric E. Murrell, occurred morning at the home of her Mrs. C. Hayhurst, Cayuga 5 k a r, L r. h T.. e n s 0 y 8 n y h Stag• Euchre MONDAY, NOV. 28th Parish School Hall 8.30 p.m. sharp Auspices of Holy Name Society GOOD PRIZES ADMISSION - 25 CENTS )ZILI TIA DANCE FRIDAY, DEC. 2nd IN THE ARMOURIES Royal Collegians ADMISSION - 35 CENTS EVERYBODY WELCOME Barbara Kirkman Auxiliary Meets. -The November meeting ,of tile'Bar- bara Kirkman' Auxiliary was held ;n First Pres'by'terian ()hurrah on Tues- day evening. The president, Mrs. J. A. Munn. presided during the opening exercises and business part of the meeting. Mrs. Earl Berl, of` -the Mc- I)onald Group, took charge of the re- mainder of the program., The scrip- ture lesson was read by Mrs. M. Mc- Leod: the Glad Tidings Prayrer by Miss Margaret Grieve, and Current Events by Mrs. Haig.h. Miss Hazel Reid gave a very helpful reading on Service and Mrs•. James F. Scott a host interesting talk from the text: "It is more blessed to give than to receive." Miss Pat.terson and Mrs. Kerr gave a very pleasing duets "In Garden.'' The 1)ecember meet- ing, which will be the annual one, will be held on Tuesday, Dec. 13th. --P- Presbyterian W. M. S. Meet -The W. M. S. of First Presbyterian Church had a very successful meeting on Tuesday. Nov. 22nd. Mrs, Ebenhart, the presidtent, presiding. Reports of tilt various secretaries were given and the treasurer's statement read and cliffet•eat items of business conducted. The current events were -gig by Mrs. J. C. Greig. Mrs. J. Patterson, leader of group responsible for the programe, read different ,passages of scripture..showing Christ's attitude to missions. Mans. Johns Stewart offered a prayer and Miss B. Watson read the soripture less;;'n. A missionary hymn. com'p'osed bye- Miss H. I. Gra- )tua.m. was sweetly. sung by Mrs. J. A. Munn. accompanied by MTs, J. E. Keating. An excellent paper was giv- ens by Mrs. Jack on missionary re- sponsibility, showing that if we do nett accept our missionary obligations we have not accepted Christ. Hymns for the afternoon were chosen by Mrs. R. L. Clark, Mrs. "Wfhittaker and Mrs. Boyd, Mrs. MacTavish, gave the closing prayetr•- Y. P. U. Meets -Miss Myrtle Car- ter, Social and Literary Convener, had charge of the meeting of the Y. P. l'. of Northistid,e United. Church on Tuesday evening. President Sam Scott welooned Miss H. I. Graham, guest speaker for the everting, and OFFICERS: Thos. Noylanx, 5 Seaforth - Pres. WM, Knox, Londesboro - Vice -Pres. Merton A. Reid, Seaforth - Sec.-Treas. DIRECTORS: William Knox, Londeaboro; George ,'C,eonhart, Brodhagenr ; James Con - ib -11y, . Goderieh; Alex. Broadfoot, R. 3, Seaforth; Alexander McEwing, R. 1,Blyth; Prank McGregor, R, R_. lelintott; James Sholdiee, Walton; ,gher ia8 Moylan, R. R. 5, Seatorth; Math fl4 Archbald, y R. R. 4, Sea- ..... AlrL'!Ll 1 S: n Nl d''nerctler, R. R. t., Dublin; 't riieefletd; . it. Jaf noutb, >~n; S`ali3e5:; Watt, Blyth; G. ltk'f},rdtf1.e; W J `Yeo, 'node I t RADIOS AND CARS 1 Electric 1937 Radio....$32.00 1 Battery 1936 Radio....$25.00 1 Battery 1938, New Victor $42.00 1 Willys De Luxe Sedan, 1937 2 Snowbird Electric Washers. 1 Gilson Furnace $89.00 We can save you big money on your purchase. J. E. HUGILL Agent & Representative PHONE 34-616 : SEAFORTH Street, Brantford, Her age was fifty- fiva. The de'ceas'ed was born in Eng- land and carne to Canada and Brant- ford twenty-eight /ears ago. She was a ,member of Brant Avenue United Church. Besides her sorrowing hus- band, she leaves to mourn their loss four daughters, Mrs. C. Hayhurst, Mrs. R. Crouch, Mid.-0.'Gordon, all of Brantford; Mrs H. Steinberg, Sea - forth, and two sans, &sward and Frederick, at home. Her father, two sisters and one ,brother, in England; a sister in California, and two sis- ters, Mos. A. A. Austin, Calvin, and Mrs. B. Couchmlan, of Toron- to, also survive. The funeral was herd on Monday afternoon- Interment was made in Mount I-Iope Cemetery. NOVEMBER 25, 1938. • The C.W.L. of St. James' Church will hold a mystery .box and tea in Crich's vacant store. on Saturday af- ternoon of this week'. '• Mr. and.Mrs. James Scott, 01 CromMrs.arty, spent a few days with Mr, and Mrs.• Neil? Gillespie. • Ea J. 1). Coign:beun has return -el front a hunting trip in the north country. He was successsl'ul in cap- iturintg a fine deer. W. M. S. Meets At Northsid �r•The president, Mos. J. C. Laing, resided at the November meeting of a W. M. S. 'held in the school room of Northside United Church om Thurs- day afternoon. An opening hymn was sung and Mrs: Laing offered prayer. The secretary, Mrs. J. Finlayson, read the minutes o3 the 'Inst meeting which were adopted. The treasurer's report was also read. and adopted. The roll call was then taken. During the busi- ness period it was decided to 'hold the "shower" on Dec. 1st for the bale to be sent away. The nominating oom- mittee, Mrs. R. Lawson, Mrs'. W. Hay and Mrs. W. Rintoul, was ;chosen to present the slate of officers at the December meeting. Mrs, W. Hay was appointed treasurer during Miss A. Ferguson's absence. Miss Lawrence tihlen introduced the first Chapter, "Weaving a New Web," taken from the study book, "The World in Can- ada." She said, "We have failed to appreciate all the gifts that those who .have come to our land, as strang- ers, have brought, for selfishness and gain." Then Canada, with all its vastness and wealth, was represent- ed by Mrs. J. Finlayson; the British by Mrs. R. E..Coates; the French by Mrs. F. J Williams; the Europeans by Mrs. T. J. Webster; the Chinese by Mrs. R. Archibald; the Japanese by Mrs. L. Webster. Mrs. A. A. Cuthill, as captain of Circle 5, then took charge of .the devotional period. A hymn was sung and the offering received. The Bible reading, Luke 15:11-32, was taken by Miss A. Lawr- ence. The theme for November was "One is your father, and all ye are brethren." Responsive readings re- lating to the topic brought out that God is the weaver of all the ties that bind us to one another; God's put- tern" for Canada is brotherhood. An- other 'hymen was sung and the meeting was closed with prayer. FOR SALE CHEAP FARM FOR CASH LOT 28, CON. 5, McKILLOP Close to Town; Good Buildings Apply E. D. BELL - Seaforth 3700-3 SEAFORTH' Effective October 24th Stratford-Goderioh Coach Lines C. BERNER - Manager Leaves Seaforth for Stratford: Daily, 8.25 a,m.. Daily, except Sun- days and Holidays, 6.00 p.m.; Sundays and Holidays, 8.25 am-, 5.26 p.m. Leave , Seaforth for Goderich and Wingham : Daily, 1.25 p.m.; Daily, except Sun- days and Holidays, 8.05 p.m-; Sundays and Holidays. 1.26 p.m, and 10.20 p.m. Direct connections at Stratford for Toronto and London AGENTS -Queen's Hotel. Commercial Hotel, Dick House. 8698-tf * New Low Prices • To explain to you how Retail Prices have been Reduced on Electric Wiring and Supplies, we quote some of the following changes:- Housewire No. 14-2 Romex S. P., House Switches 3 -Ways House Switches 3 -Way 3f/4” Stable Switches S. P. 31/4f' Stable Switches Bakelite Switch Plates - Bakelite Receptable Plates 1930 to 1936 1 l/2c foot 4c foot 25c each 40c each 75c each 50c each 15c each 15c each JOHN BACH NOV., 1938 lc foot 3c foot 16c each 37c each 44c each 33c each 9c each 8c each MAIN ' STREET - SEAFORTH CONSTANCE Club of Progress Meets The regular meeting of the Kin - burn Club of Progress was herd in the school house Friday, when the new presidet, Mr. Alvin Dodds, rnatie an excellent chairman. An interest- ing reading, "If," by Kipling, was •given by Mrs. Stewart Dale. Mervin Matt and Kelso Adams played a gui- tar duet which was enjoyed by the audience, and' Mrs. Leo and Bert Stephenson sang a beautiful duet, "Travel Life's Path with a Song." Mrs.' J. W. Thompson gave an inter- esting talk on "A Trip to the Yel- lowstone Palk,"' which was followed by Miss Clete Medd's guitar solo. The club paper was read by Mr. W.' Jewitt, The Kinburn, orchestra play- ed two selections in their usual fine manner. The guest speaker of the evening was Mr. J. H. Scott, of Sea - forth, who spoke on the subject, "The Farmer and His Job." Mr. Scott's talk wes very entertaining as well as instructive. The meeting closed with a selection by the Britton quar- tette, after which the National An- them was sung. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ferguson spent a few days with Mr. and. Mrs. Fred Elliott, Toronto, and other relatives, and also attended the Royal Winter Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lawson and son, Reg, visited their daughter, Doris and Mrs. Lawson's, sister, Mrs. McMillan, in London, recently. Circle- No:.2 of the W. A. held a quilting bee at tbe home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Adams on Wednesday. Laidlaw is visiting in VARNA The W. A. of St. John's Church will meet on Thursday at the home of Mrs. M. Reid. Mr, and Mrs. Gierhart, of Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs. Horner vis'i'ted last week with' Mr. and Mrs. A. Horner and Mr. and Mrs. A. Inges, also Dr• and Mrs. CoUliag of Lambeth. Mr. and Mrs. Lathem and little -son of London, and Mises Beatty spent Sunday with the latter's mother -and sister, On Thursday a goodly number of friends and neighbors gathered at the home of Mos. A. McConnell and presented the bride-to-be with a set of dishes. The address was read by Mrs. G. H. Beatty, which caused much notherSlnasli forCash SMART Fur Coats • Laand Y 30ULadiesdies' Coats, Smart Fur Coats and Dresses, New York and Montreal's new- est, niftiest models. Cash talks and we offer stylish New Coats and Dresses from Canada's finest manu- facturers at less than half. A Beautiful Selection of Chinese Badger Fur Trhnlmed $11.95 Ladies' and Young Ladlies? ()oats. All sizes New York's Smartest Most Youthful Models in Young Women's Coats. Wine, Rush, Green, Navy and Black. Less than 'ba'lf price at $12.95 New Winter Dresses for Women, $12.95 value $4.95 at 100 Men's Overcoats, all sizes; smart d'esigms, Heavy WoolFreizes, n Meltons, Silvertoes, Etc. and Grouped at $14 95 $12.95 twe prices Smart Ladies' Fur Coats at Special PricFs In co-operation with Toronto's largest manufacturer, we offer a beau- tiful variety of Seal, Broadtail, Persian Lamb, Squirrel, Hudson and Mink Coats for three days only at Wonderful Savings! Brussels - Seafort6 Phone 61McTavish's Phone 3'7 mirth. After m'aking, a 'very fitting reply, lunch was served when all en- joyed a pleasant outing. w McBride - Chuter ee At 3 p.m. Saturday, one of those pretty autumn marriages took place in the Rectory of Holy Trinity Church, Bayfield, when Miss Ida Ann Chuter, ,daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed- win Chuter, became the wife of El- more John McBride, son sof Mr. and Mrs. Robert McBride, of Zurich. The young couple were attended by Miss Emile.: McBride, sister of the groom, v.ibile Harvey Chuter, brother of the hide, assisted the groom. After the ceremony the, newly -married couple lett on a trip to Windsor, Niagara Falls and other places of We wish the young couple age .through life, interest_ bon voy- STANLEY Mr. Mervyn Kc. , of Timmins, is• spending a few days wfith his. par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Beni Keys, Babylon Line. Miss Norene Robinson has return- ed' home after spending a week with her uncle and aunt, Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Lowden, of Hamilton. Bruce McClinchey and Elmore Stephenson went north last week on a deer hunt and were fortunate in getting a deer. SpecialChristmas Offer OUR REGULAR $2.50 PORTRAIT IN NATURAL COLORS =89c= ' Jacknn Stubin. Stafurth ear.Jv..a KJ'E1R. WATCE DOMINION FOR EXTRA VALUES PYSIDE CHOICE TOMATOES - - 3 21/a's Tins ■2 OCEANIC LIGHT MEAT TINA FISH - 2 Tins .21 TEXAS PURE UNSWEETENED 13r/z-oz. GRAPEFRUIT 31.;:z- ■try WESTON'S CHOCOLATE ECLAIR f,i !SCVITS Ib. .15 18-a. .s5 Tin _ P�{A1,fi0E JUICE SUNFLOWER FANCY PINK SALMON BULK READiCUT MACAR NI- J'tWEL 5�NC OD Tall Ary Tins .21 2 lbs. .07 2 1Pkg. -Ib. ■ 25 These Values Effective until Saturday night, November 26th QUAKX XER BREAD FLOUR 2.29 cwt. 8EEDLEs8 GRAPEFRUIT 5 for 19c JUICY ORANGES 288s 19c doz. SPECIAL FRESH WEINERS 19c lb. Chateau Plain or Pimento CHEESE 1/2-!b. Pkg. .17 Fleischmann's YEAST Coke .04 New Season's Golden Hallowi DATES - 2 lbs. .19 Neilson's COCOA '2 -lb. in .19 Woodbury's Facial SOAP - 2 Cakes j5 Lemon Oil NAMES' 12,oz. Bt1..22 IT'S HERE! THE NEW FRAGRANT EXCITING DELICIOUS ' RICH and MELLOW RICHMELLO COFF One Pound Package ■ SHIRRIFF'S ORANGE MARMALADE 32 -oz. Jar .27 I 91 s w 4 4:7- p ' a.