HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1938-11-25, Page 5sreA is .l ISTOVOIV1 o ER 2'5, 1938 REGENT ''HEA RE SEAFORTH Nliew Showing Gene Autry . Smiley Burnette "GOLD MINE IN THE SKY" 1 MIDNIGHT SHOW' Sunday, NO. 27, beginning at 12.05 MondiatY.. Tuesday. Wednesday Radio's "Big Town" Stars Edward G. Robinson, Claire Trevar in "THE AMAZING DR. CLITTERHOU$E" with Humphrey Bogart A stage sensation in New York and Lon- don—now a brilliant screen play. Next Thursday, Friday, Saturday Richard Dix Chester Morris "SKY GIANT" Joan Fontaine Harry Carey Two daredevils with hearts of Giants ! Conning— "Charge Of the Light Brigade" HILLSGREEN Miss Dally Hagan is visiting friends in Toronto for a few dhys, also tak- ing in the Royal W'intier Fair. Messrs. John Cochrane, Bruce Walker and Fred Brock were deer hunting in Brune County. IS ~,t Quite a eguanlie from Wits vicinity' attended the young peotple's annivers- ary' at the Hemusali„eJndtedi C,humh on Sunday, when Rev. R. K. Love was the guest• speaker, he beinga former H>i'1lsgre n boy. Mr. David Ntckol, of Hensall, Called oa his binobheeinel1aw; feer. W it}lam Jarnotb. . A large number of friends from this vicinity attended Mrs. John McMur- tnie's funeral on Monday. The Ahearn s'ymupatbty gees out to her sor- rowing 'husband. CROMARTY Me. and Mrs. William Houghton spent a day in Harriston with their son, Mr. and Mns. Leonard Houghton and John Houghton. Mr. John. McCulloch and daughter, Miss Lila, accompanied by Mrs. Cald- well, visited do Listowel With Mr. and Mrd. Harold Pym. Mr. Joseph Speare and brother, Mr. Richard Speare, visited Mrs. Shute, of Kirkbon, on Sundae. Mrs. S. Miller has returned after spending a week with friends in, Mil- verton and Stratford. Miss Mae Quance is spending a month at Harrington with Mr. and Mrs. Colin MacDougald:•- Mr. and Mrs. David Bruce have re- turned after spending a week with relatives and friends at Brussels and ®NE . CENT a word (minimum 25c) is all that it costs you for a classified ad. in The Huron Expositor. An Ad. that each week will reach and be read by more than 2,000 families. If you want to buy or sell anything, there is no cheaper or more effective way than using an Exposi- tor classified ad. Phone 41, Seaforth. • The Huron Expositor CHRISTM S RECIPES Christmas Gift Cake One pound geeededl, raisins, 1 cup citron, 1/ cups dates, 1 cup walnuts, 21/2 cups sugar, 2 teaspoons cinnamon, 1 teaspoon cloves,, 21/4 cups. . water, 21/2 tablespoonq shortening, 3 1-3 cups flour, 1 teaspoon soda, 1 teaspoon baking powder, % teaspoon salt. Put raisin's, citron, dates and wal- nuts through food chopper; combine with sugar, 'cinnamon, gloves, water and shortening; .boil 5 nii•autes. Cool. Sift together remaining dry ingredi- ents; combine with fruit mixture. Pour into 3 •greased 8 -inch square pans. Bake in moderate oven (325 deg. F.) 70 minutes or until done. Fill and frost with confectioners' sugar frosting. Decorate with red ribbon bow made from spun sugar or from red -tinted frosting put through pastry tube, using ribbon tin. Another Fruit Cake Four sups sugar, 3 culls melted but- ter, four cups z<iolaes+es, two cups sweet milk, .tofu eggs, two teaspoons soda, two teaspoon's each of cinna- mon, cloves, allspice, nutmeg to taste, eight cups flour, three pounds raisins, two' pounds eu•rrannts, one pound mix- ed peel, one pound chopped nuts. Bake in slow oven. Simple Christmas Pudding One cupful each of grated raw pot- atoes, carrots, chopped suet and brown sugar, 1 pound chopped rais- ins, 11/2 'cupfuls pastry flour, one tea- spoonful soda, one tablespoonful wa- ter, one teaspoonful each of salt, cin- namon, nutmeg and allspice. Walton. Among those who • have attended the Royal Fair -in Toronto were Mr. and Mrs. Ray McCulloch; Mr. Stirling Graham and sister, Miss Marjorie Graham; Mr. and Mrs. Ken McKel- lar; Mr. James Scott, Sr., and son, T. L. Scott. .. A number from 'here attended the Commencement in Mitchell Collegiate last Friday eventing. WE 'BAR E AGENTS- . or COUNTER CHECK BOOKS PRINTED GUMMED TAPE MADE BY cpnpr,Qond PAPER PROOUCT5 Styles for every business. Various colors and designs Samples suggestions and prices without obligations. The Huron Expositor PHONE 41, SEAFORTH The Ford Quality Gron For 1939 TWO NEW FORD CARS THE NEW FORD TRUCKS * THE NEW MERCURY 8 An Entirely New Ford -Built Car in the lower medium -price field You are cordiallp invited to see this quality line al our Show Room. J. F. Phone 102 - - ALY te▪ tt - Seaforth Advance Mix thoroughly in order given, put in a well-oiled ,padiddng mold, cover, and steam five hours. Serve hot with hard fruit sauce. Plum Pudding One pound each of flour, suet, mis- hits, currants, oaedhalf pound' bread orumba, one cup brown sugar, one cup molasses, one cup milk, five eggs (more eggs •m!ay be•added), one tea- spoon soda, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1/2 tea- spoon spine's, one-quarter pound cit- ron itron and one-quarter pound orange peel. Steam five hours. Serve hot with sauce. Hard Sauce One-half cup butter, 1 cup fruit, sugar. Crean( together and flavor to taste. Keep cold; Rich Mince Pie Two pounds lean :beef boiled •ten- der (minced fine when cold), four pounds apples; chopped fine, 2 pounds Suet, two pounds layer raisins, two pounds sultanas, two pounds ourronhs, 1/2 pound citron peel (shredded), one- quarter pound each of orange peel and lemoin. peel, one -quay er pound each of walnuts and almonds. 'Put over thefire with three pounds of brown sugar made to a good sy- rup with a little water. While heat- ing, add: one tablespoon each of ground cloves, all spice, ground gin- ger, salt, mare, 1 nutmeg grated, juice and rind of two lemons. Boil fif- teen minutes. Take from fire and, when cold, add one quant apple cider. Pack in a stone crock. When pro- perly sealed will keep. for months and grow more mellow with age. Mince' Meat Turnover§ `One nine -ounce package of dry mince meat, 11/2 cups water, three tablespoons sugar. Pastry (one rule pastry using 11/2 cusps flour). Break mincemeat into pieces. Add cold water and sugar. Place over heat and stir until all lumps, are thoroughly broken up. Bring to a brisk boil; continue boiling for one minute. Allow to cool. Roll pastry one-eighth inch thick; cut either into 12 large squares or 16 small ones, placing two or .one and a half table- spoons on each square, respectively. Moisten edges and fold over, seal and prick with fork. Bake in hot oven (450 degrees) about 15 minutes. This recipe makes two cups mincemeat, and may also be used for one pie. This is a fruity Mixture and very good. Under the old food regime, mincemeat called for meat, at least eight to ten per cent, and it does make a different dish. You may add also four tablespoons of currant jelly to the mixture before removing from the stove. Four tablespoons ground beef and two of chopped suet add body and give an old-fashioned mince- meat with a minimum of time and trouble. Cranberry Pie Inrto a saucepan put one quart of clean cranberries and one-quarter cup of water. Allow this to boil about three-quarters of an (tour, then add 2 full cups granulated sugar. After this has boiled about 15 minutes, stir in a piece of butter halt the size of a nutmeg and 1/2 teaspoons of cinna- mon, Then set to cool For crust take 2 cups flour in the sieve with 1 teaspoon salt, one-quar- ter, teaspoon soda and 1,2 teaspoon cream of tartar. Sift this and mix well one email cusp lard into it. Tben mix with cold water soft enough to roll. Roll quite thin and; cover well - greased pie plates. Fill the crusts with the berries. For torp cruets roll remaining dough quite thin and cut in oneteiglhth inch strips Cross the pies quite olosely botch ways and bake un- til brown, in a quick oven. These are delicious when served with whipped cream. White Fruit Cake One cup butter, 1 cup sugar, 1 cup milk, 21/2 cope flour, more or less, 2 teaspoonfuls baking powder, 1 pound dates, pound blanched almonds, % pound citron peel, juice and rind of one orange, whites of 7 eggs, 1 pound raisin's. Mix butter and Seger together. Add milk end flavoring. Dredge the fruit with flour, mix all together, and add the whites of the seven eggs beaten stiff. Bake in a slow men, for two hours. The Farmer As A Judge Of Dairy Cattle Nearly all farmlens have some in- teres,t in live stock, and the man who is desirous of maintaining uniformity in hien herd should have a practical knowledge of live shock judging and breed type. It iS often true that a good producing cow may not be very pleasing from a type standpoint, yet it is also a Pact that production and true dairy rtYpd are a combination that should be eougbt after and main- tained in farm herds. This will not only increase the owner's• interest in the .herd, but will be a distinct ad- vantage when individuals are offered for sale. Being able to select •anim- ale that wild be economical producers and also conform to the desired breed type will be a decide''' asset to the steel; fa ter re. Four r e'er points should be kept in n,'n,1 in judging dairy cattle. 'Fent, the mammary system, which is the udder, the milk veins and the mulls wells; pose together rate from 30 to 35 points cut of a total of 100. When in, full milk a good udder will be large, extending well forward and far up beltied and firmly attached to the body, iRe quarters ehoujd be even with very little separation between them, and the bottom nearly level, When milked out the udder should be Wabass Printed Fresh and pleasing as 'the breast of Spring, these New Prints are making fashion. Distinguished in their delightful new attractive pad- ==r. terns, different in design, different in color scheme, different in quality. See them in our windows; theyreir- resistible. Be sure to get Wahasso ! PRINTS. _.............-...... • 25c Y PRINTED POPLINS 39c y Featuring the Last Word ! WOMEN'S COATS Important New Styles New Iines of body and sleeves, more flattering, more becoming than ever, giving you that "square look" that vogue emphasises. We under- stand the fashion significance of fur; that is why these coats are so luxuriously furred. Every color, fur and weave that style dictates is here. Come in and see them. PRICE 12.50 to 25.00 se Here Is A Bargain, Men! Overcoats Regular to $20.00 1 0 A special purchase of the famous Parkmount Overcoats makes possible this opportunity. Brand new, correct in 'styles; Raglan, City Ulster, Slip-on, Balmaccans, in Grey, Brown or Green mixtures. All sizes. Don't miss these! ry ,( Stewart Bros. Seatort much reduced in size, pliable, ands tlhe skin loose and .soft. Always look out for defects, such as) lumps in the ud- der, which are an indication of mas- titis. The size and .drape of the teats le ven•y important fnom the standpoint of disease and of convenience in _milking. Mammary veins and milk welts should be well distributed and pronounced in the mature cow. The second point is dairy tempera - meet. This is a quality that indi• Cates ability to oonvelt food into milk. Cows .of the dairy breeds should lack a beefy appearance, the' bones being fairly prominent and not heavily fleshed. Site of udder is also consid- ered. Extreme thinness because of lack of feed, or noshing before calv- ing, should not be confused with dairy tem serament. Tire third point , to oonsidiei is body - capacity end size. All other things being equal the iarger cow is prefer- red, aria all breeds have a standard of weight. As it takes feed to pro- duce milli, the cow must have ca- pacity for feed, this will mean. a weii- s pru n g rear rib, a fla i rly long and deep body, good heart and lung ca- paoity and. deep broad chest. ' The fourth point to consider is health and vigor. This ehoutd be ap- pars'mt in, all breeding animals; to stand the stre:in of bearing young and produoing a profitable milk yield the animal nntst have a good constltu- t.ion. The summary of these potn.ts is, teat the cow to be a profitable Pro- ducer must have ,health.; vigor, sound- ness, superior dairy tempe'ratmeint, large capacity for teed, gond heart, lunges and circulatory system, and a well-developed: mammary system. If pure-breds we under oonsa'klera Hon a goes -ledge of breed type ...,fe needed. Although the points for '-s good cow hold true int all, breeds. breed type must be kept in mind •when judging a pure-bred or a grader of a particular breed. Good type and high ,pmdduction must be combined: Helen, aged four, was taken tidi S. restaurant. bo ' dinner. During meal elle dropped .her fork. ]dirt` mother suggested she finish her "• neer with a spoon. As the waitress passed the tabj F. Helen caned out: "While your are U'p wait you please bring me a foik7" • Salary: Something pea t4. yolt what you do. - ww _. Income; Soniething paid to Yo" wlat your father dad,