HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1938-11-25, Page 4idfied Ads will be inserted at new low cash rates POS.Sale. Wanted, Lost and Fennel. Csaidng Events, Etc—Per word: 1st week 1 Cent 2n4 week % Cent 8rd week % Cent , Minimum fiharge, fired insertion 25 Cents Each ,Ilguria initial and abbreviation counts as WM word. Card of Thanks, In Memoriam Entices -1 tent per word. Minimum, 50 cents per week. Enquiries may be directed to a Box Number. care of The Huron Expoeitor. for 10 cents eaten. Ten cent e additional per week vrill he cbasged if ads in above class are not Paid Saturday night in the week, in whale's the ad was run. Births, Marriages and Deaths inserted free of Charge. Auction Sales, Notice to Creditors. Etn.—Ratee on eindiration. Personal Coming Events th, rpWO-WAY ACTION ON etre eiDNEns, QOCIAL, ST. COLUMBAN, per FRIDAY, antiseptic and invigorating. Ramacaps November 25th. Good rinesic. Admission atitiack the cause of Rheumatiena. Sciatica, 35c. . 3702-1 Lumbago. KEATING'S DRUG STORE, 3702x1 Farm Stock For Sale 'woe SA1.E-1 PURE BRED YORKSHIRE boar, 6 IttaaftillS old, bred from XXX stock; also 7 suckling Pigs, made and female, elig- ible for reghtnation. Apply to E. R. GOU- DIE, Seatorth, "Silver Creek Farm." 31021 Articles For Sale VALL C7.FARANCE SALE OF USED "" Pianos. Such well-known malle3 as Heintzman, Nordheimer, Mason & Risch, Weber, and othexa, at reasonable prices and terms. Write HEINTZMAN & CO.. 242 Dundas St,. London, for further particulars. No obligations. 3701-3 .........M1.1,11M.101111=111•111•M Card of Thanks MRS, GRACE PIERCE AND MR. CLA.R- i'" elute 13renner elerire to express their sin- cere appreciation to Rev. Brook; Rev. Young, friends and neighbors for Weir many act; of khednees shown to the ,icite M's. Helen Moir. For Sale eve SALE—DARK FUR COAT, MACKI- j . naw coat, tribe and a rug. Apply to THOS. M. GRIEVE, Egnionelville. 3701)1.2 Agents Wanted MBITIOUS MEN! VY'E WISH TO CON- "- tact yen for STEADY EMPLOYMENT— GOOD PAY—INDEPENDENCE. Everybody buys our guaranteed products. Higher qual- ity. Lower prices. NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED We help you, Big continuous m- enet sales and prefits. Small capital neces- sary to bray goods. NO RISK. For free e.ata- !ogee and full details write today: FAMILEX CO., 570 St. Clement. Montreal. 3702-1 Notices TOWN OF SEAFORTH Court of Revision THE FIRST MEETING ere ita, COURT of Revision for hearing appeals against the Assessment Roll for 1938 of the Town of Seaforth will be held in the Council Chamber, Seaforth, on Wednesday, Novem- ber 30th, at 8 o'clock pm. D. 11, WTLSON. °leek. Seaforth, Nov. 15, 1938. For Sale or Rent A PARTMENT TO RENT — APPLY TO 4--1- MISS D. CARLIN, Seafiorth. 3702x/ Notice To Creditors NOTICE 'TO, CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF CATHERINE ATKIN- SON. ALL. PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Esitate etf Cathercitie Atkinson, late of the Town of Seaforth, County of Huron, deceased. whio died an or about the 'see day of October, 1938, are hereby noti- fied to send in to the undersigned SoliCitors an or before he 17th day of December, 1935, tall particulars Of their claims verified by affidavit kronvediately alter the &aid lest mentioned date, tbe assets of the said ettate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled there- to. having regard only to cialins of which the undersigned Obelithen have notice, to the exclusion Of all others, and the under- signed will not he liable to any Person of whose Claim the undersigned shall net then have notice for the aww 00 distnibuted or and Vart tthereotf. DATED at' Seaflorbh this' 23rd day of No- vember; 1938. ' ELIZABETH. DOYLE, Executrix By her Solicitors, MeCONNEEL & HAYS, Seadiarth, Ontario. 2702-3 • THE' HURON EXPOSITOR 1111( NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF BRYAN O'HARA. ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Bryan O'Hare, late of the Townshfip o.2 Meliillop, County of Hur- on, &raised, who died on or about the 15th day of July, 1938. are hereby notified to send to the undersigned Solicitors on or before 17ah day of December, 1938, fall particu- lars of their claims verified by affidavit. Immeeffiately after the said last mentioned diete. the asset of 'the said estate will be dietributed amongst the partii.ar entitled there- to, having regard only tb claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, to he exclusibn of ell others, and the under- iiened .wiaa text be liable to any person of whose claim the trridersigned shall not then havei notice for the 'asseite, kw distributed or erny pert thereof. DATED et Seaforth this 23rd day of No- vember, 1938. REV. DANTZER, Executor. 'By his Solicitors. MeCONNELL & HAYS, `Seaforth, Ontario. 3702.3 Births WA ',LACE— In Scott M emiori a I Hoe pital Seaforth, en November 20th, to Mr. and 3701-2 Mrs. John Waliteee, Cromarty, a son. ST. COLUMBAN The C. W. L. are holding a social on Friday evening, November 25th. MANLEY Mns.° Edward Home of Stratford, is spending a week with her son, Fer- gus, whose wife presented him with a baby girl. Teresa, on the 14th inst. Mr. and Mns. Fred lEokart, of Eg- moradvilie, Mr. C. Ecaart, of Seaforth, •and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cronin, of St Columban, were visitors in our burg last Sunday. Harvesting second growth poplar and pine stumps is the order of the day, to put tin a reserve of another's seasons fuel, and the fine weather is suitable for the work. Wibien sleigh- ing comes it can be hauled home. The Canada Compauy have dispos- ed at all their vacant land in MeKil- lop to avoid overhead expense and the nearby farmers have taken ad- vantage and will soon make it fertile land when it is cleared op. Mr. Stephen Murray has puroheeee a Scotoli Shorthorn bull for the im- provement of ,his herd. ELINIVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Johns, Mr. How- ard and Miss Mary Johns vieited friends in Stratford on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Allison and fam- d ly, of Springfield, vtisited relatives here on Thursday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. William Rae and Rob- ert, also Mrs. Helen Wenzel, of Stratillsrd, visited at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. P. Whitlock on Sunday. The W.M.S. met at the home of Mrs. P. Blume on Wednesday after - neon last. After the reguiar meet- ing they elected their new arrears for 1939, the 'result of same being as follows: Hon_ pees., Mrs, William Tana; pres., Mrs. Ralph Batten; vice - pees., Mrs. (Rev.) Peneosle; treas., Mrs. Wm. Eliord; ree see., Mrs. Ed. Johns; corr. literature and press see., lire. Harry Ford; organists, Mra. W. Batten and Mrs. Well. Skinner; s supply see., Mrs. S. Hunter, Mrs. FL D. Hunter; temperance sec., Mrs. Frank Brock; put. sastereatie giv. Ing, Mrs. Wes. Horne; Associate Helpers' sec., Mr. Thos. Bell; Com- Munity Friendship sec-, Pers. A. Pym and her aseoeiatee, Mrs,. P. Murch, Mee F. Renck, Mrs. S. Hunter and Mre. Wes. johns; Miselonairy Month- ly see.'Mrs. Wib. Batten; Mission Band leader, Mre. Gee. Davie; aseirst., Mrs. S. Brock; Baby Band leader, lam. E. Skinner. MpiiILLOP it% And Mae. I. Beaker and frattnilY, of ,Meserville Were vieitore at the 7QI1bt Me afrd Mrs., Henry Koehler. Mr :MO MS. Robert Brooks, Of •111II,driMled 'her Mother, Mrs. eRillare on Nee. leth, /Weight* Aetna, a cl a righter. Mr. Marrtin Deitz and finery bave moved to his father's home, Mr. H eery Dei tz. Mr. and Mrs. Rueben Buuck thave moved onto the farm recently o-ccu. pied by Mr. Martin Deitz. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eggert, Della and Norman, spent the week -end in Ayr and Morriston. Mr. wed Mrs. Jerry Doerr and fam- ily were at Rostock recently. . Mr. William F. Ineehler, who spent ;he summer moinhs in the tobacco district. Is visiting in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. A. L: Hartmeir and sons, of Orangeville, visited recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Eggert. Mr. Manuel Buerrnann's friende will be glad to knew that be is making a splendid recovery .and expects to be home soon. Sunday visitore with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weitefson were: Mr. and Mee (Marne Welters= and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Boyce and daughter, Doro- thy. of Stratford; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kim and family, of Antehell; Mr. anal Mrs. Carl Eisler and family and Mr. Fred Dieter, of Logan. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Koehler anti Mr. and Mrs. Charles Regele spent Su.acla.y in Ellice. Mr. ant/ Mrs. Wm. Koebler and son, Manny wad Mrs. Hernry Koehler spent Saturday in Stratford. KIPPEN BRUCEFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Frame McKenzie, of St. Louis, spent a few days wins his mother, Mee Margaret McKenzie. Miss Jean Dalrymple, of Stretford, is visiting Miss Grace Dalrymple. Mrs. Finney alai son, of Detroit, visited with Mrs. Miugaret McKeezie and Mrs. McAsth. Mr. Eimer Smith, of North Dakota, is visiting his daughter, Misses Elsie and Genevieve Smith and sister, Mrs. H. F. Berry. Mr. and Mrs. 13. Shouldice spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. A. Pat- terson. Mr. and Mra. Harvey Hubbard and Mr. Melville McClymont. all of De- troit, spent the week -end at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. James Mc- Clymont, of the v-iilage, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Damen, of Tuckersaninh. Mr. mild Mrs. William Lawson, of leetewel, 'pent Sunday at the home of the latter's mother, Mrs. W. W. Cooper, of the feeder' Road. Mr. and Mee Elate Mousseau anti littei daughter attended the wedding of the latter's brother, Russel Brown, of Greenway, on Saturday Nat. A large termiter from this commun- ity attended the funeral of Mrs Jno. McMurtrie. whine was held from her late home in Stanley an Monday last. The sympathy of the entire commun- ity is, extended to the bereaved hus- band, brother 'and sistens in thie their sad bereavement. The Young People of St. Atelneena Clairol) held a social evening on Mon- day in the Sunday school room and ail retort a Pleasant tirne. Mr. Arthur Long. of Toronto, is spending a visit at the biome of his Parents, Mr. and yrs. Norman bong, of the village. Mr. a 'd Mrs. Alex. McMurtrie, of Toranto, spent a few deas at the hor- S of his brothera„John and Huge. They came to attend the run- e:al of the late Mani Johin,,MeMurtrie. Mr. and Mrs. Ivert Steekle, Of Hay- field, aecorapanied by Mre. Emerson Kyle, ot the vintager repent a, slay in Stratford dining the Past `lreek- Mr. and Mr. George Elil and Mrs. age Mckey, all if EgenoThdville, spent a *telt at the thongs •ef Mr. Jerhn rreitz of the village daring the 'Past week, Y. P. U. Meets The regular meetintg of the Young People's cesion, held on Monday ev- ening., opened With the singing of the hymn, "Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross." Bob Buchanan read the scrip- ture lesson and Eva Stackhouse led in p,rayer. The topit, prepared by Margaret Waftson, was read by Mary McOully and this was followed by a lively discussion condiucted by the 'Preeideast. The hymn, "Lead Kindly Light" was sung. A-fter the roll call and business period, ,the meeting clos- ed with singing the hymn, "Just As - 1 Am" and all repeating the benedic- tion. Next Monday evening the meet- ing will be in caarge of Doreen Pep- per, WINTHROP The annual meeting of the W.M.S. and Lathes' Aid will be held in the church on Wednesday afternoon of next week at 2 p.m., when a full at- tendance of the members is antici- pate& ZURICH Mn. Aaron Erb has purohased the 100 -acre farm on the Bronson Line, Stanley, from Mr. Edwin Hartman and will get. poesession April 1st next. This farm adjoins the farm new oc- cupied by Mr. Erb and his son, Mr. Gordon, Erb, will move on to it in the spring. Mr. Aaron, Erb has sold his 60-aere farm on, the Bron,son. Line, be- ing part of lot 23, con. 12, which has been occupied, by his sen, Gordon, to Ids brother, Mr. Chris. Erb, who takes possession. next April. His son, Em- erson Krb, will move on to the farm in the spring, Mr. Edmund Hendrick has sold his farm on the Blue Water Highway, south ef St. Joseediedo his brother, Mr. Donald HendaM Ed. has pur- chased a fine 150 -acre farm in Steph- en Township, north of Crediton. The change will take place in the spring. Council Holds Statutory Meeting A meeting of the village council was head leneeday eventing at 7%30 pan. In the, °ounce chamber as per sta- tutes with all membene being pres- ene. Correspondence was read as fol- lows!: Dept. of Municipal Affairs, ledge T. M. Costello, Huron EXposi- ter, Pedlar People Ltd., Treasury Des rartment, Coun,ty Treasurer; same fil- ed. Bills end accounts were read as follow's: Alf.' Taylor, labor, efide- milks, $11.70; LeHeddien, tabor, side- walks, $7.80; D. Kyle, labor, side- walks, $7.80; Hunon Expositor, print- ing, $1.12; School Board, current ex- penses, $500; J. A. Paterson, revising voters' lists and express, $43.30; R. J. Paterson, revising voters' list; $5. Total, $576,72,t I3rock and Twitchell: That accounts as read be paid. Car- rie& Shepherd and Jones: That we adjourn. Carnie&—James A. Paterson, Clerk. Death. of Mrs. Andrew Moir Died on Suet:lay morning last at her home in Newell, Mrs. Aindrew Moir, whose maiden wane was Ellen Elder, was the only daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Elder, pioneer resi- dents of the Township of Tucker - smith, in her 72nd year, following a. lengthy illness. Having been in poor health for some years add despite good medical attention and skilled norsirrg and hospitalization she paus- ed away. The deceased was of a bright and intelegent nature and MCA a live interest in the church, end kin- dred activities, being a member and very regular attendant of the United Church, health permitting, and a very generous contributor. She lived very happily with her late husband in the Townehip Usborne, a couple of miles southeast of Heneall, eemainlin.g on their fine farm until htee husband's death while& occurred several years ago. She then moved into Henerail, purchasing a comfortable home, where she passed away. She leaves to mourn her dealt three brothese, John of Hensell, and William and Thomas of Seaforth. The funeral, which was rativate, was held from her late rese dence Tuesday afternoon at 2 p.m. The officiating minietees were Rev. R. A. Brook, pastor of Hensall United Church, assisted by Rev. W. A. Young, pastor of ,Carinel Presbyterian Church, H,ensall. Interment was in Ilersoll Union Cemetery. The floral tributes were beautiful and numerous. Pall- bearers were Clarence Brenner, Peter Moir, Duncan Stewart, leen Stewart, Frank Rose and David Shirray. Mr. William Cole a.ad son, Alvin, of Cromarty, accomapax,ied by Mr. Campbell Eyre aad Lloyd Hayter, metered to Underwood in Bruce Coun- ty lag—week, 'returning home with two truck loads of posts. Nomination will be held in ' the Town Hall Friday evening, Novem- ber 25th, election to be held, if ntec- esea.ry. on Moreley, Dec. 5th. Pose tiots to be filled include Reeve, four councillors, three public schen.' trus- tees and one Hyde() Commissioner. Dr. David Burley, of Almente, Mich., accompanied by his wife (nee Mies Dora Sherritt, formerly of this village) joined with Mr. T. J. Sher - rite Mrs. Bu.riey's brother, on their annual deer hunt in Northern On- tario and met with their usual good success in bagging game. Their rel- atives and friends v,,ere pleaeed to re- ceive a flying visit from them. Mrs. Lands; boroughe of Tuck erern i t h visited with 'her daughter, Mrs. Wal- ker Carlisle, recently at the home of Mr. and 'Mrs. Wilson Carlisle. Rev. and, Mrs,. R. Keith Love, of Kintore, spent the week-ene with the former'parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Love. Mrs. Graham, of London, formerly of near Kippen, a.coompanied by mem- bers of her famely, visited Mrs. Fred Matins and son, Ken,aete, this week. Mr. and Mies- Clarence Sheptherd anti little daughter, of Harrietsville, spent Sunday with Mr. and „Mrs. Jno. Shepherd - Rev. R. A. Brook preached vary ac- ceptably at the United Churce, Kin- tore, on: Sunday last, exchanging with Rev. R. Keith Love, who preached ginivereary services here. Mrs. G. M. Cliellew returned Mon- day evening from a pleasant visit spent with her brother, Harry Cook, and wife, of Toronto: Reeve George Armstrong, of Hay Township, near Hensall, retureed last vire'ek from attendeng county council at Goderich. A number from town attended the Funeral of the late Jacob Neeb ou Monday. Interment tack place in the Lutheran cemetery, Bronson Line. Deceased had been a resident of Hay Township for many years, living on his farm on the Babylon Line. A num- ber of years ago he retired from farming and has since lived with his sister in Dashwood and his brother, east ef Zurich. He was in his 80th y ear. Mr. end Mrs, LeRby Oesch have rented- the dwelling owned by the Lydia Geiger' estate and have moved ratei it. "A Night in Pla•waii" will be pres- ented in the Town Hall here this Fri- day evening by pupils of Mrs. Brod- erick and Miss K. Layedele, of Hen- sel]. TIrie entertainment has been given at other nearby plaices and is highly recommended by all those who have seen and heard the program. Messrs. Max Turnbull and Fred Kading, of the Blue Water Highway south, Mr. E. Webb of Grand Bend, and MT. Len Prang of town returned last Thursday from their humting trip at Manitoulin Island and each of them was successful An bringing home a deer. Mr. Fred Leibold, of Stratford, and eon, Mr., "Arnold, Leibokl, of Detroit, were visitors in town one day last week. Tb e en,nnal meeting of the local branch of the Bible Society was held in the town hall on Thursday evening of this week. Mrs. Emma Rose has left for Wind- sor with her daughter, Mrs. Kuntz, who motored here on Suzuday. Mrs. Rose will visit her daughter for the winter months. A number from town attended the Royal Winter Fair held at Toronto this week. The teachers and scholars ef Zur- ich solgol are preparing for the an- nual school concert to be held in the Town Hall on the evening of Dec. 9th. HENSALL ONINE111.11k One week only, Antgora wool in colors, two belle thirty-five cents; Harnespun wool, all' colors, two balls fifteen cents; ladies' arch shoes, two ninety-five, at Goodwin'e. (Continued from Page I) Troup; "Primrose," Mary Anne Pen- nington and group; Hilo March, Glenn Weido, Stewart Adkins; Stomp, Sen- iors; "Moonlight Down in. Lovers' Lane," Peayl Harpole, Helen Walker, Goldie Cross; 'Novelty Waltz Clog, Mary Ares Pennington; "A Sang of OIId Hawee " Alan) Perohale; dance of the MO011benrres, Marguerite Hogarth; Ruth Hese, Gloria Twitchell, Norma. Sangster, Joyce Broderick; Toe Dance, Mary Anne Pennington; "A Pretty Girl is Like a Melody," Kay Drysdale, Man Peephole; Rythm Soft Shoe, Seniors; Toe Dance, Marguer- ite Hogartie "Littie Lady Make Be- lieve," Vesta rigid; ,Toe Dance, Joyce Broderiok; "Song of the Islaside," Frames Noakes, Kay Dragelale, Ed. McClinehey, En Little, Mervyn Stelk; "Irish 19,1t,4 Marion Sangster, Doris Buchanan; "Swing It," Anna Mae Kay; Hawtatian Hotel March, Frances Noakes, Ed, Little; Blue Hawaii, Kay Drysdale, AMA Penemle; Tap Dame, Jerece Broderick; "Dreaming of Hawaii," (coanposeri by K. Drysdale), Key Drysdale ,ansd. Mervyn Stelk; • Wing Dance, Shirley Mete; MedieY (by, request.), Frances Noakes, Kay Drysdale, Ed. Little, Ed: Me,ClineheY; One; Two, Three, Pour, Hawaiian Troup and Hawaiian, de.11COTS; "Fare- well To 'Mee," Hawaiians. ' I Chandler, of Kippen United Manch, assisted by Rev, W. A. Young, of Carmel Presbyterian Church, Hensel'. Interment was in Baird's ceutetery, Brucelleld. The pallbearers were six brothers-in-law, Stan Love, Alvin Mc- Bride, George Kennard, John Jarrott, Cleve Cochrane and Hugh McMurtrie. A lenge number from Ileneall and vi- cinity attendee the funeral. Hold Successful Anniversary Anniversary serviees held in the United Church on Sunday last, under the auspices of the Young People's Union, were very successful with large congregations present to hear Rev. R. Keith Love, of Kintore, guest speaker for the day, a former Hen - Bali boy and sen: of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Love, of this village. Mr. Love chose for his morning subject, "What is Christianity?" and his evening theme, "Is Your Life YOUT Ow -n?" giving splendid thought out and well deliv- ered discourses on ,botils occa,slotua. He expressed the pleasure he felt for the opportunity given him ,of meeting so many friends and aesoni- ates of his early life. Mrs. Love,' his wife, adided mu,ch le the services by splendidly rendered solos. Mrs. Love who was formerly of Shelbouree Unit- ed Choir, Toronto, sang in the morn- ing "The Ninety and Nine," and in the evening, "One Sweetie. Solemn Thought." The ohoir aided much to the s,ervice by welerenclered anthems, "In Glad Thauksgivisig" and "Oh for a Thousand Tongues To Sing," Miss Florence Welsh taking the solo part. The services throughout were much enjoyed. Connected with the anni- versary services was the concert giv- en Mrandaynevening in the Town Hall by "The Happy Cousins" of Elmira, who gave a lung and varied Progrant of melody and mirth, to a well-filled hous,e. This is their sec -ore visit to Hensal1 and they gave fine musical selections on nearly all musical in,- strumente, while they introduced mug/. humour. They were irarodec- ed by Rev. R. A. Broak, pastor of Heoasall United Church. They repeat- ed a request number given at their first entertainment here for Mr. Mark Drysdale, and also dedicated one of their selections to Mr. Harry Mac- Millan, a former resident of Elmira, and now a successfuebuscinese DT= of this Village. The Noveinbee me,eting of the W. M S. of Carmel, Presbyterian Church was held in the ,school room of the church on Thursday afternoon with Mrs. John Dallas presticlin,g. ,A hymn opened the eneetting, •followed with prayer by Mre Basil Eclevand,s; scrip- ture lesson by Mrs. D. Warta:clan, John. 14; minutes, roll call, answered with "Peace"s a pleasing solo by Mrs. W. A. MacLaren, entitled, '"He Will Give You Rest,' accompanied at the piano by Mrs. W. A. Young; in- teresting needing, "Why Do j Believe in Foreign Mistsdons," Mrs. R. Y. Mee- t/area,. The business period was fol- lowed by the offering an'd the topic, taken by Mrs. Dallas, "Gleanings Front Glad Tidings." The Lord's prayer cloeed the meeting. The A read Ci retie of Carmel Chu roll held their November meeting Mon- day evening at the theme of Mes. W. • A. Young. Tibe evening was diefrot- ed to sewing. Arrangements were made tp held, a bazaar on Saturday, Dee. 3r& , On Sunday anniversary eervices well be observed in Carmel Presby- teriain Church, when the morning ser- vice will be conducted' by- the young, people of the church with a young people's choir at both services. The evening service will be in change of Itev. W. A. Young, pastor. Recent Bride is Honored Mrs, Jack Sinclairr was hostese OD Thersday evening, Nov. 170, at her lovely limanie or Mrs. Peter McNaugle bon, formerly Miss Mildred Scruton, a recent bride. Some thirty ,ntembers of the Wohtelo Class were present for the occasion. Late flowers in autum- nal tones made attractive tecorations for the home. The first part of the evening was devoted to progreseive crokinole with seven tables ia Plea Mr. Jack Corbett capturing the prize, a box of chocolates At a well -laden table the members se the class and guests at down and did justice to the good things provided, and et the conclusion of the repast the class presented) Mrs. McNaughton with a handsome end table with aix accom- panying address read by Mr. Edison Forrest. She was ale° the recipient, of a lovely lamp frcrm. tihe Young Peo- ple's Union of the United Church, the Misses Doreen Farquhar and Gladys Paseamore making the presen- tation. Mre. McNaughton responded sere graciously, expressing her themes at the kiednese extended to her. Edison Forrest, on behalf of the Wohele Claes, extended a vote of thanks to Mr. and Mns. Jack Shielair. for their hospitality. Music was en- joyed for a brief period with Miss Gladys Luker acoomeranying at the piano. Death of Mae McMurtrie Much sympathy is expressed ter Mr. John McMurtrie in the sad and almost euelkierx death of his wire, the former Mtge Kate McBe,ath, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Mc. Beeth, who paseed aWay during the hcfurs of Friday night, followingg a brief but serious illness Mused from a cerebral hemornhage, which ehe sue fered Wedineeday last, lapsing intik unconsciousness from which site nev- er rallied until her deetti. She is sur- vived by heir husband and fie Metiers and' one brother. The fateful was held on Menday afternoon, and was oonducted by her pastor, Rev. E. F Mr. and Mrs. William Dougall, Jr., accompanied by Mrs. Les. WillOima of Zuziels, Miss Team Shirray anli Mr. David Shirray, motored to Toronto on Friday, visiting with relatives int that city and' ale* taking in the Winter Palk. • Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Consitt spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Mil- ton Stewart and Mrs. John (Nanette of Seaforth, returning home on Tues- day. Miss Betty Barr, of London, has re- turned biome after spending a couple of weeks with her friend, Mies Elean- or Bell. t Mrs. (1 Dougall and daughter, Miss Casette were visited over the week- end by their cousdn from. Regina, Sask. Mr. Ted, Buttery, also his sis- ter, MISS Emma and Mr. and Mrs. Riddle, of West Mortitton, and Miss Margaret Robison, of Brussels: , • The Melees Helen Munn, Eleanor Bell and Betty Carr, graduate nurses, are visiting in Loudon, this week. Mrst Elliott, of Brueefield, spent Sunday with Mrs. R. Bouthron and Mrs. L. Simpeon. Rev, W. A. Young, pastor of Car- miel Presbyterian Church, sang very pleasingly that lovely hyran, "The 01,c1 Rugged Cross," at the funeral of the late Mira' Andrew Moir held on Tuesday of this week. Mr. and, Mr. WiTham Jarrott and Mr. Jack Moteey, of Brigdea, were re - The lighting, directed by Mr. George Hess, added to the scenic effects. Alvin Smale of Hensel], •who sold 75 tickets, won the prize, a foun- tain pen with initials engraved, for selling the most tickets. • The cla.nce revue will be presented in Zurich on Friday evening, NOV. 25th. Tee pup- ils are to be congratulated in the very excelleart manner in' which, they took their various parts, reflecting eredit not only upon themselves, but also upon their instructors, Mrs. Broderick and Miss Drysdale. Band Holds Euchre and Dance A euchre an,d dance under the aus- pices of 'the Hemeall Citizens' Band was held in the Town Hall Friday ev- ening, Nov. 18th. Prize winners for euchre were: Ladies' first, Mrs. Har- ry Horton; second, Mrs. A. Foster; gent's first, William Taylor, Zurice; eecond, William! Chapman, Heiman. Splendid music for the dance was fuenisbed by the Murdock orchestra. NOVEMBER 25, 1938. cent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mee. William Hyde of the London Road South. Mr. T. J. Shenlitt returned home recently with a, fine deer, the result of his bunting expedition. Miss Jennie Murray is getting nice- ly settled in .h,er apartanent over the Bank of Mrastreal. 11/fre. Jarvis Horton, who underwent an operation for goitre jSt. Michael's Hotedtal, Toronto, on 'rues - day of last week, is improving nicely and 'expects to ratans home shortly. Her husband 'has, been in 'Parente since her admittance to the ,hospitaL Miss Alice Kyle' brut recently bad a tine new oil furnace Installed in her lovely home on Main St. Lantern elides on Japan, China. Switzerland and other foreign mina tries were much enjoyed at St. Faure Anglican Church, on Monday evening with Rev. Mr. Weekes in charge, as- sisted by misesionaries from different places. Rev'. M. A. Hunt presided 434T- er the opening exercise% Mr. Thos. Simpsoa, on the staff ot the Bank of Montreal, Wingbam, ac- companied by lids ,mother, vieitedsvith Mr. and Mrs. James Simpsou over the week -end and 'also called on several friends while here. Miss Ethel Clash is acting organist at St. Paul's Anglican Church and le well sustaining her reputation as a good ,musiciase ST 26 Shopping Days Till Christmas Nothing you can give will please more than JEWELRY - WATCHES Gifts of enduring loveli- ness for years to come. They carry sentiments that are deep and sincere. Your selection from our Gift Stock will make Christmas outstanding this year. LET'S GET TOGETHER ON YOUR SHOPPING LIST ! We carry complete stocks of Bulova - Westfield Watches, Diamond Rings, Pen and Pen- cil Sets, Colored Dresser -Sets, Leather Goods and Clocks. A Smal'l Deposit Holds Any Article '1111 Christmas. JEWELLER - SEAFORTH J. A.WESTCOTT Open Evenings 141 December PHONE 218 For Evening Appointment Guelph W inter Fair THE FARMERS' SHOW FOR 56 YEARS Next Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday November 29, 30th and December 1st SIX BIG SHOWS IN ONE HORSES — CATTLE — SHEEP — SWINE — SEEDS — POULTRY JUDGING PROGRAMME Tuesday, November 2eas--Catt1e (Shorthorn, Herefordl, Angus and Market Classes), Sheep, Swine, Pountry and Seeds. Wednesday, November 30th—Ponies, Thoeoughbrecits, Half Braes, Standard Breda Hackneys, Clydesdales, Penehenons, Sheep and Swine. Thursday, December lst—Heavy Draught Horses --Manes, Gekkings and Teams in Harneste Auction Sale of Market Cattle. LIGHT HORSE SHOW Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday Evenings, beginning at 7.30 p.m. Hunters, Junipers, Performance Classes, Inter -City Hunt Teams, High Step- pers, Carriage and Roadaters. Cheap rates on all Railways. DR: W. J. IL FOWLER, L. E. O'NEILL, Secretary, President. Parliament Bldgs., Toronto Rubbers! Rubbers• T Protect Your Feet with Our No. j Quglitp Rubbers RUBBERS FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY AT A NEW LOW PRICE FOR QUALITY RUBBERS! Rubber Boots, Leather Top Rubbers, 6 -Eye Laced Rubbers, or 2 -Buckle Rubbers for work or rough wear; also Rubbers and Overshoes for over your shoes. Ask to see our "Gra-nite" Rubber Boot—just what the name implies: "Long Wear." At A New Low Price SEE BEFORE YOU BUY • SMITH'S 8.= , SEAFORTH Next to Regent rieatre