HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1938-11-11, Page 8t;• ill jJY iii . "IR,rna tikes 4 , 2156 Sr0:t OLD on ESE ,v li fxk; PF TOE FLOWER- '.1Y/ALE TEA. -Half pound ,NLUE. BERRIES 1 Ties '3BY TOMATO JUICE 2 Mak; .1BRUNSWICK SARDINES in Tomato Santis 5 Tins 25c 38c l' 25c 19c 25c TITER PAI' PEAS -17 -oz, size 15 c 2 for • 'NATURE'S BEST SPINACH 25c 2Cana!• G LIPTON'S TE'Ai—With Cup of pc c 1{a,owledige, at, per lb. IMJR OWN BAKING POWDER /lc_ witchbottle vanilla EATMORE WHEAT BERRIES 2 b lbs.. CASHMERE BOUQUET SOAP 7 c 2for ! i CARBOLIC 3c RICHARD SOAP 5 Bars GAPO DRAIN CLEANER per Tin MASTER'S RED HEAD MASH—Makes hems lay. 25 . $2 Per cwt. �D� LL JJ FLOATING 23c 25c LAYING A. C. Routledge PHONE 166 WE SPECIALIZE NEWS OF THE T . WN An»ouncetnent —Mr. and Mrs. Frank Finnigan wish to announce the en, gagtement of their eldest . daughter, Muriel Margaret, to, Ma'. Gerald Neil, son, of Mr. and Mie. Wellington Neil.. of Kirkton:,.ithe marriage to take place in November. C. W. 1.. Meets. — The monthly Meeting of the Catholic Women's iLeague was held' in the vestry of St. 'James' Church, Mrs. F. Devereaua presiding. The nuniutes of last meet- ing were read by the secretary, Mrs. Wye Hart. Plans were made to ra'scs fundis for Christmas cheer and social s-rvice work. IN FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, CAS- UALTY, GUARANTEE BONDS, ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS, BURGLARY, WINDSTORM. Representing Companies who give Security with Service. Mao Agents for Ontario 1 hresh- ennen's Mutual Fire Insurance. Information gladly given. A- number of desirable properties In Seaforth and district for sale. WATSON -& REID M. A. REID - Proprietor Phone 214 Seaforth SPECIALISTS IN ALL LINES OF INSURANCE Death of Dr. A. T. Craig. — Wokd was received here on, Tuesday oR the passing of Dr. A. T. • Craig, on Nov. 4th in Detroit- A. former organist in First Presbyterian Church, Dr. Craig was later in Leamington for nine years anti' since bhat has been in De- troit, where be had a large class in music. He had been ill only two weeks, He leaves to mourn his wife. Many friends in Seaforth will regret to, learn of his death. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0.0 0 0 O O S. T. Holmes & Son FUNERAL SERVICE 0 Main Street, Seaforth 0 O S. T. Holmes, residence 0 Goderieh Street, West; phone 0 No. 119-W. Charles Holmes' 0 residence, Goderich Street, 01 East; phone No. 308. Ambulance Service O' • • A. Y. P. A. Meets.—A meeting of the A.Y.P,A. was held in St. Thomas` palish hall on Thntsday evening last, with Mr. Ted Southgate, president,. in the chair. A leery entertaining talk on radio broadcasting was given by Mr. Ed. Daly. He was assisted by Mr. Ian McTavish in presenting ac- tual demonstrations. The address de- lighted the young people who accord- ed • their entertainers tn• hearty vote of appreciation. A contest, in whish Gladys Earle and Audrey McGavin won prizes, brought a pleasant even- ing tol'a close. Adjustablehospital bed for 0 rent. O Night calls, Phone 308. 0 Day calls, Phone 119-J. 0 Charges moderate. O 12-87 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O• 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 H. C. BOX 0 FUNERAL SERVICE O Licensed Embalmer 0 Ambulance Service 0 Hospital Bed O with adjustable rachet oper- O ated spring for rent, O Night Calls T3ay Calls 0 Phone 175. Phone 43. 0 O 12-417 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • Mrs. E. C. Boswell Receives,—Mrs, F C. Boswell, formerly Mary Chid - ley, received for the first time since 'ler marriage at her home on Gode- rich Street, on Thursday afternoon last. Receiving with her was her mother, Mrs. Thomas Jackson, of To- ronto, and Mrs. J. C. Greig. The house decorations were autumn flowers Miss Mary Boswell opened the doOr to callers. Pink porn -poen chrysanthe- mums added to the attractiveness of the tea table at which Miss Margaret Jackson end Mrs. F. J. Bedhely -pre- sided. assisted by Mrs. J. R. Ross end Mrs. Tom Jat>,kson, Jr., Toronto, Mts. W. L. Whyte. Mrs. Fred Ford, Clinton, Mrs. J. A. Munn and Mrs. J. II. Best. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O WALKER'S 0 O FUNERAL SERVICE 0 O W. J. WALKER and O 0 JOHN R. WALKER, Jr. 0 O Licensed Embalmers and 0 O ' Funeral Directors. O O Day or Night Calls promptly 0 O attended. O O PHONE 67 0 O 12-87 Q O O O O O O O O O O O O a week un Aaxburni. • Mrs. Oe'aee .lion returned from spending a month's visit with her niece, Mise Verna McGregor, in To- rontto, .also width fdeends in Kitchener. • MT. and Meet R. Graham and Miss Ruth Smith, of Detroit, spent the week -ends at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Wilson. • Mr. and Mrs: Edward Mole and family stpeat Sunday at Dungannon with Mr. William Mole. • Miers Florence Laidlaw and Miss Helen Johnson, of Toronto, are spending the *eek -end with the for- mer's mother, Mrs. J. C. Laidlaw. o Mr. Evan D. Rennie, of Toronto, was a guest at the home of his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Rennie, cin Sunday. • Masi Gertrude Kaufman, of Kit- chener, and Mr. and Mr>ssl Willet Kelterbora and family, of Milverton, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Smith over the week -end., • Mr. and Mrs- Edgar Lawson and daughter, Mts. s Berniee, and Miss Sadie Carter, of Auburn, and M•r. and Mrs. L. G. Kruse and son, William Kruse, of Galt, attended the twenty- fifth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mits. Edgar Lawson, which was 'held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Finlayson the first of the week. • • Misses Adelaide and Margaret Murray have returned to Toronto af- ter spending the week -end, at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Murray. • Mrs Charles Millson, brotiher. of Mr. David Miilson, moved his family to, Ingersoll, and hes, taken over a 200 -acre dairy farm with 3A' head of milk oows- • Miss Mary Murray has returned home after visiting friends in Kin- k• Miss Jessie Grainger, of Clinton, spent a day with her sister, Mrs, W. A. Wright. • right- • Mrs. Earle Bell and Miss Mar- garet Grieve are spending the week- end in Chatham and Detroit. • Mrs. Jackson. Mrs, Thos. Jack- son and Mrs. Ross, of Toronto, who were guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Boswell, have returned home. • Mrs. Harty- Stewart, Mrs. Cherry and Mr. Dave Stewart were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Norman McIntyre at Owen Sound on Thursday. o Mn and Mrs•. C. Skinner of Wood- stock, visited Mrs. J. C. Laidlaw on the occasion. of her 89th birthday. • Miss Lois Darroch. of Parkdale Collegiate, and Miss Margaret Mc- Kellar, of Palmerston, are spending the week -end with Mr. and'•Mrs. M. McKellar. • Mr. and .Mrs. Ted- Nolan and son, James, of 'Grey Township, spent Sunday with friends in Seaforth. • Mr. and Mrs. James Kerr and draughter, Jeanette, of Buffalo, and Mr. and Mrs. Bailey and two sons, of Dunnville, were week -end guests of Mrs. J. L. Kerr. • Messrs. Jack McNab, James Cluff, Ross Allen and Ross McNab motored to North Bay clueing' the week -end, where the latter has secured a posi- tion on the staff of the North Bay Nugget as linotype operator. • Misses Ferguson left, on Monday to spend the winter at Lakeland; Florida, o Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Muir have taken the newly decorated apart- ments in the Sills block. • Mr. Fred Jackson, of Merrick - re p', 4.77, dl }t, tt oN E'OITOR • N'OvE. Dies in Vancouver—Harry C. Steph- enson, second son of the late Hugh Stephenson, died in Vancouver on October 15th. He was born and brought tip in Seaforth, going to Win- nipeg in 1913. He was in the Flying Corp during the Great [War, after whioh he joined the firm of Cochrane Stephenson, Ltd.. at Winnipeg, but operated the branch at Vancouver for six years, after which he became the vice-president and diretctor sof The Fidelity Securities and British. In- vestments, Ltd. He was a member, of the Rotary and Gyro Clubs, an. was a graduate of the Con$ervatory of Music at Toronto. He leaves a wife and one daughter, Sheila, at home; his mother and one brother, Earle, in Winnipeg; one brother, Blythe, in Toronto. Sermon $ubjects For Next Sunday. --St. Thomas' Church: Rector, Rev. 11. P, D, Hurford, D.D.-11 a.m., Rev. M. Farr, B.A.. of Durham; 7 p.m., the Rector. Sunday `sohool at 10 a.m. Northside United Ciruroh: Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister. — •Sunday School at 10 a.m.: 11 a,m., "ktemsm- her the Children," the Sacrament of Baptism: 7 p.m., special service of Remembrance; 7.45 p.m. Thursday, prayer meetri ng. McKi!to p Charge --Services at the usual hours; Communion at Cavan Church, Winthrop: installation of Elderat- Bethel: Trreparatory service Friday evening at 8 p.m ---Rev. R. W. Craw. Minister. First Presbyterian Church—Sunday School at 10 a -m,; Bible Class at 3 p.m.: mid -week meeting Wednesday at 8 p.m.; morning subjects 11 a.m., "Two Notes of Religion"; 7 p.m.. "An Important Question." — Rev. Hugh Jack, Minister. 'THE SECOND DIVISION COURT COUNTY or ittJROM Office in the Dominion Bank BaOd- bur. Seaforth. Office hours: Tues- day, ue -day, Thursday and Saturday. 1.30 p.m. to 6 p.m, Saturday evening, 7.80 p.m.• bog p.m. E C. CHAMBERLAIN Insurance Agencies - Seaforth ANNOUNCES the purchase of the insurance business of Hay. & Meir, and the addition of thein companies to our previous facili- ties enables us to give unexcelled service On all Lines. SEAFORTH •ONTARIO 10 --se P'E McKILLOP MUTUAL FiRE INSURANCE CO'Y. AO OFFICE -- SEAFORTH, ONT. OFFIOORS: "2`1300: MOylatL,, 5 Seafdrth - Pred. 'l Ell. ;'r-taOZ, Loiidesboro - vice -Pres. on L keid, Seater* - See.-Treas. rill ttli� i ttty5t,. Lendesberow George ilii t, ,rt�dj$a1 idnile6i Con. , t •&:. Ves. Ilrondfoot k. Atbrfaitder *Owing, b, rank McGrdgOi: IL It J2iimd Shrdldi,yde',, "bW'taltotl, Lvx •At4ntld�, +r l3OBtr *DANCE G. W . V. A. HALL SEAFf O RTH — en FRIDAY, NOV,. 18th Under the auspices of Sodality Girls of St. James' Church. TONY CRYAN'S ORCHESTRA ADMISSION 35. CENTS Fanners' Attention "Colder Weather is Here" We Have a Choice of First Class Fuel Alberta Large Lump ..$10.20 per ton Pennsylvania Anthracite, Stove or Nut Size $12.10 per ton Hamilton Coke $10.60 per ton • We will deliver to town custom- e:s at an additional Etc per ton, teamster's charge. Y. P. U. Hear of North Country.— An open meeting of the Y. P. Union of Northside United Church was held on Monday evening with a large mini - bar in attendance. The meeting op- ened by singing a hymn, after which Rev. Mr. I3remner led in prayer and the Bible was read by Gordon Keys. Mr. Sam Scott, president, welcomed Rev. Mr. Mair, of Thames Road Church, and those present. A ,spe- cial feature of the evening's program was lantern slides of Northern On- tario, shown by Mr. Mair, who spent twelve years as a missionary in the northern part of this province. The imaginary trip extended from North Bay (gateway to the north), Engle- hart, Kirkland Lake, Cochrane, etc.. as far as James Bay. Mr, Mair stressed One need for missionaries and doctors in that north country. A solo, "In Christ There is No East Nor West," by Irene Workman, was much enjoyed. The meeting closed by Rev. Mr. Bremner pronouncing the benediction- The meeting next week will be in charge of the Devo- tlonal Department. LOCAL BRIEFS J. H. SCOTT I'IIONE 336• SEAFORTH • Mrs. Elitabeth Grant, of Cabri, Sask., 'is visiting' her sinters, Mrs, John. Smith, it rlett, and Mrs. Robert Doig Metering =y tit. ▪ rlre. Mjae 117orratice and Mr. Stan- ley' O. Dorranee wore in Toronto over the week -end. • Mrs. J. B. Baler And Mrs. Wbyard of hingantnon:, barn moved to Sea. fortfliii. , • Mr, aid Mrs. Pearson Grieve and twin 13010i, f Bluffs: r, spent a few degt4't and t Mrs. John OE tT171tre: • ,s Mr' and '11&S, William.' Sparks nod Mt. and Mrd, ,Ara a•Moil b, of i card'iris, and M,1'r ' too vt S$ad+ks, if1 j igihi *ere Vilified -ay vitlttors *'alai Mr add11l"n -3d lwattri MOM, Muss P.utli%b'iu, &LO%+den; tall- '14tlnrliis , - sea, e1 Y;(ii'i , F �ua:f', .iitnM ttri;S S14 CHEAP FARM FOR CASH LOT 28, CON. 5, McKILLOP Close to Town; Good Buildings Apply E. D. BELL - Seaforth 1700-1 ville, and Mise Mary Jackson, of Ac- ton, are spending' the week -end with their mother. Mrs- Jackson' will re- turn to Merrickville for the winter. • Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Southgate spent the week -end in Toronto. • Mr. and Mrs, ,Louie Brali and Mr. and Mrs, Gordon M. Hayes, of De - trait, were visitors at their 'homes over last week -end - e Mr. 'Gerald Stewart, of Toronto, and Mr. Douglas Stewart, of Univers- ity- of Western Ontario, spent the week -end at their home here. •. Mr. John C. Crich and Mr. Robt. McGonigle have returned from Gode- rioh, where they served on the Supreme Court jury- • Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Webster and family, of Detroit, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Reeves. o Mr Bazett, Manager of the Do- minion Bank in Guelph, called on Mr. Thomas Cluff on Sunday, wrho has been in Scott Memorial. Hospital for pow.e time. He was accompanied by Mr:. J. F. Ross, formerly of Seafortlf.- STANLEY MISMOMMMMEMMEMMOft M TB. W. Armstran,g returned home after speending two weeks with her daughters in London. Mr. Robert McClinchey visited with his .cousin, Mr. John McClinchey, of Auburn. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson' Keys, of Eg- mondville, spent a 'few days with. their son, Elmore, and wife, Babylon Line. Miss Isabel Robinson', of Toronto Bible College, spent the week -end- at her home on the Goshen Line. Mr. land Pins. David 'Stephenson, Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Stephenson an,i Mrs. Alice Armstrong, of Pilot Mound, Man., spent a few days last week visiting their brother, Mr. W. H. Stephenson•, at Marlette, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. J. Collins, of London, spent Sundiay with the latter•'s mother, Mrs. W. Armstrong. Ask Our Drivers For Cultered Buttermilk 5cqt. Maple Leaf Dairy PHONE 101-W : SEAFORTH McKILLOP m Mr. and lying, George Love did• Mr, and Mrs. .Afthur E end'erson' were in North Bay and Sund1-idge recently. MacFarlane - Thompson A pretty autumn wedding took plane on rTuesday at .the Baptist Par- sonage, Wingham, wlhem Margaret Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. G. MacFarlane, McKillop, and Alan E., son of Mr. and Mrs. D. Thorpsonl, • of ,Clayton, Ont., were united in marriage by her pastor, Rev. E. M. Loney. The bride looked sweet in a gown of wine 'transparent velvet over taffeta and wore the groom's gift, a dime -sized wrist watch. The couple were unattended, and after the eeremiony they returned to the' bridle's home Where a wedding dinner" was served to immediate friends of the bride. The dining room was tastefully decorated in pink and white, the table being centred. by a wedding cake surrounded by pink and white festoon and pink candles. •In the afternoon the happy young couple left'.by motor for their new home in Eastern Ontario, with the good wislU- es of a host of friends. The bride travelled in a dark green fur trim- med coat with wine net, purse and gloves, LONDESBORO Mr, and Mrs, Dennis Robertson, Clifford, With Mrs. M. Ross; Miss Helen Yungblut, Lo'ndlon, at her home here; Mises Ruth Lyon returned to Stratford, 'hustng spent her vacation at her home here. Miss Mamie Shaddrick, Kincardine, was a visitor with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Shadddck. Fred Johnston, London, .is spending a few days with friends in and around the village. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Caldwell and children, of Port Colborne, with Mr. and Mrs. R. Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs: Fred Boyce, Bruce - field, with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Snell. Harr, Caldwell and Thos, Caldwell, Port Colborne, left on a hunting trip to Parry Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Oakes visited Mr., and' Mrs, F. Shobbrook. Mr. and Mrs. Miller Adams, Sea - forth, at the home of- Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Ross Mr. and Mrs', Snelling, Varna, with Mr. and Mrs. Wsn. Lyon. Ivan. Carter, Kincardine, was a Sun- day visitor at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Stevens, Sea - forth, with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Nott. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Dorranee, Stanley, Mrs. Johnson, of Seaforth, and Mrs. McBrien, Clinton, with Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Ross, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Beacom, Varna, with Mr. and Mrs. John Seat. Me and Mrs. Percy McBride, of Carlow, with Mr. ands Mrs. Herman Su ride rcock. Anniversary services were conduct- ed. by Rev.. Mr. Wright Brumfield, both services being largely attended. Mr. and Mrs. W. Stevens and Jack, Seaforth, visited Mr. Morell- SEAFORTH Effective Oeto r 24th Stratford-Goderich each Lines C, IIERNER -1 Manager Leaves Santora f r Stratford: Dandy, a% a.m.. Daily, except Sun_ days and lfolidays, 4.00 p.m.; Sundays and Randall*, 8.26 um., 6.25 pan. Leave Searortb for Goderich and Witigbam Daily, 2.055 rms.; Daily, except Sitn- ildys attd 3<#a1f e; 0:05 Dan.; $nye sad holidays, LOS p.m, end 2040 roam. Dirrect egrntsetlon at Stratford for %'%rotaa° and London AGE i TS-41rieiyn'e Rotel„ Comatereial ROW, Dick Rorssa 664$fi4' CONSTANCE Mrs'. Lloyd Medd presented her hus- band with a baby girl on Friday, No- vember 4th. Mr. Leo Stephenson has gone to Windsor to bring bowie a new Dodge car. Miss Belle McCloy and sister, Hel- en, and Miss Anna Leitch, of Wat- ford, visited Mr. and Mns. William Britton and Mr. and Mrs. William Jewitt ou Monday and• Tuesday. Mrs. Justin Sinclair and Evelyn; Mr. and Mrs. Young, Brigdeu, and Mr. and Mrs. William Logan visited Mr. and Mrs. Leo Stephenson regent- ly. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gardiner, of London. visited recently with Mr. and Mrs, B. B. Stephenson. BRUCEFIELD Mr. L. Robinson and Mists Elia Rob- inson, of Thames Road, and Mrs. Maud Heywood, of Exeter, spent one day last week with Mr. and Mrs. T. 'H•- Wheeler. Mr. Neil Yellowlegs, of Bowman- ville. spent Sunday with Mrs. A. T. Scott. Mr. and Mrs. George Doan, of In- wood, and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wil- cox and Mrs. Rosy Doan, of Aberfeldy spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. R. Dawson. Mr. and Mrs, Ross Scott and fam- ily, Mr, and Mrs, H. Zapfe and Mr. John McIntosh spent the week -end in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. L. Cummings and family, of Walton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Wheeler. Mrs. A. Patterson and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.. K. Shol- dice. Miss Hazel Haugh, of Toronto, spent' one day last week at her home here, Mr. and Mrs. P. Cameron and daughter, of Kindersley, Sask., are visiting Mr. Cameron's sisters, Mrs. H. Aikenhead and Mrs. W. Henry, of London Road. and other relatives. Mr. Carlylie Cornish had the mis- fortune to break a bone in his heel one day last week while playing football. We hope he will soon be out again. Mr, L. Smillie, of Erin, and Miss Alma Shrier and Mrs. Platt, of Tees - water, spent Sunday with Ivlr. and, Mrs. H. F. Berry, Rev. and Mrs. Wright and frpmily spent Sunday .in Loudesboro where All Roads Lead to M c'T avis h's SEAFORTH BANKRUPT SALE Starts Sat., Nov. 12th SEE OUR LIST IN THE BfLFoR •' * New Low Prices o We are very glad to be able to an- nounce New Low Prices on Wiring Supplies. Come in and see our new supply of Hydro Approved Wiring, Supplies and Lighting Fixtures, and we will gladly give you a complete list of our New Low Prices. Romex Cable is now the lowest price it has ever been. JOHN BACH MAIN STREET SEAFORTH Mr. Wright took anniversary services. Mr. and Mrs. C. McKenzie and family,,of 'London, spent: Sunday with Mrs. Margaret McKenzie. Mr. and Mrs. E. Schilbe, of Zurich, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Aus- tin Zapfe. Miss Hazel Haugh, R.N., of 'Toron- to, spent the week -end at her home in the village. Miss Longley, of Wroxeter, Mr. and Mrs. James Longley, of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs D. Bird, of Walton, and Mrs. James Walker and Mrs. T. Wilson, of. • Clinton, were visitors at the home of Mrs. James McQueen last week. Mrs. A. McDonald and Miss M. Mo Ash, of Hensel', are visiting at the home of Obeir sister, Mrs. M. McKen- zie, this week. The U.F.W.O. will meet on W4d- nesday, Nov. 16th, at the tome of Mrs. A: Davidson. Mr. F. Cresaweller, of Duluth, was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Douglas. Mr. and Mrs. J. Snider took in the anniversary at Kincardine. TUCKERSMITH Miss Janet Doig delightfully enter- tained a number of friendtis to a birth- day party. Ali report a good time. Mr. Robert McGregor treated him- self to a new Chevrolet car, whioh he enjoys very much. Mr. and Mrs. Joe McClelland and Master Kenneth, of Egrnondville, vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs'. Hugh McGre- gor during the week. Mr. John C. Doig, L.L.B., of De- troit, visited with kris mother and sis- ter, Miss Janet, during the week. The' November meeting of the Tuck- ersinith Ladies' Club was held, on Wednesday, Nov- 9th, with 47 ladies present and 8 children, Roll call was answerexi by "a new recipe I have tried and approved." The program consisted of a piano wino by Florence Whitmore; a demonstration of art- icles made from oilcloth, suitable for Christmas' gifts, by Mrs. N. Sillery; a demonstration of articles made from print, broadcloth and Celanese for use in the home and for Christmas gifts. A slate of officers for 1939 was pre- pared by the retiring president, secre- tary andr treasurer, and this was ap- proved by the club, making the new officers as, follows: President, Mrs. Austin Matiheson; vice-president, Mrs. E. .1•ohno; secretary, Mrs. Wm. Pep- per; treasurer, Mrs. N. Sil.iery; press agent,. Mrs. F. Walters; flower com- mittee!, Mrs E. (rich, Mrs. F. Towns- end; social committee, Mrs. E. Towns- end, MTs, Oke, Mrs. O'Brien; outting committee, Mrs. IT. Crich, Mrs. N. Garrett; buying committee, Mrs, Sil- lery, Mrs. • A. Pepper; pianists, MINI S. Whitmore, Mists S. Ball. At the eontclesion of 'Bort,* meeting the retir- ,in+g president, Mise Margaret Fear, sto is a bride -to -he, waspresented with the club'd bride's quilt and clam and red girantite kitclveln show- er. the ^ireci;ilemt w'a's cdMPle ei taken by Surtpriee, but Slade a fitting reply, The gOtial hour brought the 7tiltee"ting 'Is, Olotu • ' ore. ", orleb linn, /re ned beta thee visit,;wiVh lb Mss t • Manitoba, f• kLtc YoWt OWi+'i ,P,ATTA CLAUS JOIN DOMINION STORES CHRISTMAS CLUB OMI RIC '': i..ELLO ORATE PEKOE Pkge- TEXAS PURE UNSWEETENED - APEF I� JUICE 1Tins ■� Wa . . ■ FOR EXTRA VALUES 1 BLACK 4/2-IbAft jr - TEA Pkge- .419114 BLACK 1 -Ib, TEA Pkge. ■ 9 Ecch tern you visit your friendly neighborhood "Dominion" you can obtain for your extra change Christ - mos Club Stomps, which are re- deemable at' actual cosh value on th3 purchase of all foods in ANY "DOMINION" STORE until lanuoy 31, 1939. Ask the Manager for_ Jetoils. Have You Tried CANADA'S NEW AND FINER LOAF �* DO ggENION ISRk%'aAfiir nt - NAVY T'I SUE 4 Rolls 25 Values Effective until Nov. lith TASTY CUEE is` 7' E FRESH' CHEESE PICNIC SWEET MIXED. PICKLES DEPENDABLE SHORTENING' DOMESTIC CATELLI'S COOKED NIPPY OLD CANADIAN MILD CANADIAN IMO 4 -Ib. Pkge. .47 SPAGHETTI - Ib. 25■ Ib.■17 28 -oz. Jar •• 1-Ib. 2 Pkgs. ■�5 A16 -oz, 21 Tins ■ • CHOICE FRUITS • FLORIDA JUICE Oranges Med. Size 23cdoz. NORTHERN SPY Apples 6 -QT. BKTS. 25c TEXAS SEEDLESSfr-,a efrU,t Lg. Size 5 fir 19c CAL. EMPEROR Grapes 2 lbs.19c COUNTRY STYLE Saus'age,fresh 2lbs. 27c 0 til