HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1938-11-04, Page 8FRESH lop RY k�rSausage, 'mot *Aims E'i:FEC ave UN` lL NOV..5T14 /LARGE • 'FIRM cabby 1'5c Head 27c til 041014 RIME EAO U R VALUE S4C_ Ila ft �l. is IN 14 FLOOR GLOSS Quarta-Regular price $1.23 98c • for H®W'ES' FLOOR WAX 23c half pound HAWES' FLOOR WAX, 2-1b. tin 7,9c 1 Furniture Cream :SUN KIST ORANGES 1 Sc dozen a� ere:INTZ SOUP -18 v'arietie-e 1.6 -oz. t'i'n 2 for 29c -PT CHFRRIES 2 tins 3 KELLOGG CORN FLAKES 1 glass bowl; all for 1 WHOLE WHEAT FLAKES, 1 Corn Flakes, for . AUNT LEE SCOTT CAKE FLOUR at CHOCOLATE FINGERS emend LARGE ONIONS 10 lbs. VERY. BEST STOVE PIPE ENAMEL ffORJY SOAP Large Bar -9c II/EASTER'S CONCENTRATE - None better. $Qr20 Cwt.. u+ WS. OF THE TO ,Junior Women's lestitiite To Mee#:r -The regular meeting will be held at •the home of Moe Wii*red ,Coleman on Wednesday, Nov. grit. The topic, wilt be "Community. Aothvities and Re- lief.'' The roll call wig be "some, thing I am thankful for." 25c 25c 14c 27c 17c 25c 25c 2ger 14c ,. C. Routledge PHONE 168 Announcement. -Mr's, Isabella Mc- Donald annoaneee the •engagement of her daughter, 'Margaret, to Mr. Frank Swale, Seaforth, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Swale; the marriage to take place very quietly in Novem- ber- WE SPECIALIZE IN FIRE, AUTOIVIbBILE, CAS- UALTY, GUARANTEE BONDS, ACCIDENT A N D; SICKNESS, BURGLARY, WINDSTORM. Representing Companies who give Security with • Service. 'Ala* Agents for Ontario Thresh- 'ermena Mutual Fire Insurance. Information gladly given. A number of desirable properties In Seaforth and district for sale. WATSON & REID M. A. REID - Proprietor ane 214 Seaforth IN ALL LiNES OF INSURANCE Announcement -Mrs. H. Asnosl, of Guelph, wishes to announce the en- gagement of her daugrhter, Elizabeth Pearl, in Mr. Hugh `Leslie McKay, of Elmvale, son of Mr. Robert McKay and the late Mrs•. McKay, of Egmond- ville, the marriage to take place quiet- ly the 1a,ter part of November. Hold Kitchell Shower. -Mrs- W. S_ Stanbury acrd d4aughter, Maxine, en- tertained. ntertained. at their home in Egmond ville on Friday evening, Oct. 28th', at a delightful kitchen shower in honor of Miss Helen Powell, daughter of Me. and, Mrs. Baden Powell, popular beidelliebe, . Many useful ;gifts in cream and •red were presented in a gayly decorated basket of red and white, after which games were play- edand a dainty lunch served. Died in Hamilton. -Mr. George A. Silas, of town, received word on Thursday of the death of Mr. William Cline, which occurred at his home in Hamilton the previous eventing. Mr. Cline was one of the most widely known business men of Seaforth for many years. and his many friends in town and country will sincerely re- gret to learn of°his sudden death. On October 18th last Mr. and Mrs. Cline celebrated the '60th anniversary of their wedding, and . last week's Ex- positor carried a photo of them tak- en at that time, ele Radford - Fraiser.-A quiet wed- ding was solemnized at the Egmorir3- ville United Church Manse on Friday, Oct. 28t1r, at two o'clock, whep Helen Madeline,' daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Fraiser, of Seafortth, was unit- ed in marriage to Mr, Gordon Melvin Radford, son. of Mr. and Mrs. Radford of Londesboro. The bride wore brown with green accessories and her going away costume was green trimmed with Persian lamb. Mr. and Mrs. Radford left on a honeymoon trip to Detroit, and on their return ' will re- side in Goderieh_ 4>0*0000000000 4> S. T. Holmes & Son 0 O FUNERAL. SERVICE 0 0 - Main Street, Seaforth 0 O 0 '0 S. T. Holmes, residence 0 O Goderich Street, West; phone 0 O No. 119-W. Charles Holmes' 0 O residence, Goderich Street, 0 q East; phone No. 308. O Ambu.lrnce Service 0 O Adjustable hospital bed for 0 0 rent. 0 Q Night calls, Phone 308. 0 0 Day calls,' Phone 119-J. O O Charges moderate. 0 0 12-87 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O. 0 O O 0 O O O 0 0 O 0 00000000O00 H. C. BOX ' 0 FUNERAL SERVICE Licensed Embalmer 0 Ambulance Service 0 Hospital Bed 0 with adjustable rachet oper- 0 ated spicing for rent.. O Night Calls Day Calls 0 Phone 176. Phone 43. 0 '0 12-37 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ' WALKER'S • o '> FUNERAL SERVICE O O W. J. WALKER and 0 O JOHN R. WALKER, Jr. 0 O Licensed Embalmers and 0 0 , Funeral Directors. 0 O Day or Night Calls promptly 0 icy attended. 0 0 PHONE 67 . 0 4' 12-47 0 '0 0004400040 THE BECOME/el,, !VISION COHI,;r" Celori r O1$ IWR& Oft fid ftlxe Oaml l ibn Sank saild. r �@aJdtFlt: r)tr>I nom*: Tues- dgy,littlft0 and Satordat 1.110 0.m. to ti 0..nt S ' a t evening, fete p.m. McKay - Trott. -First Presbyterian Church•. Manse, Seaforth. was the scene of a quiet wedding at 2 o'clock On Saturday afternoon when Myrtle May Trott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Trott, was united in marriage 40 William M. McKay, both of Sea- f'arth. Rev. Hugh Jack officiated. The bride who was given in marriage by her father, wore a pretty blue crepe dress With gold trimmings and felt hat of a deeper shade of blue, They were unattended- Follpwing the ceremony Mr. and. Mrs. McKay left on a wedding trip. On their re- turn they will reside in Seaforth_ rti mpiversars! Specials ! -- One Week Only '- NOVEMBER -NOVEMBER 3rd to 10th YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO ENJOY A PERMANENT $7.50 NO MACHINE for $6.00 OIL WAVE„ for $5.0.0 OIL WAVE for $4.00 $2,95 $2.50 B. Beauty Salon L. M. BOX PHONE 50 or 18 - ' SEAFORTH troit Friday night will arrive in Calu- met tonight and Will be removed to the Thomas funeral chapel. The son, Albert, of Detroit, is accompanying tee body. Funeral se'rvicee will be held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Thomas chapel with the Rev. John J. Pacey, pastor of the First Meth'odis't Church, Laurinm; of- ficiating. Interment will be in Lake- view: Sermon Subjects For Next Sunday.. -St. Thomas' Church: Rector, Rev. Dr. Hurford -11 a.m., "Christ Died For Us"; 7 p.m., "What Must I Do To Be Sated?" Sunday Sab•ool at :0 ane Northside United ghurch: Rev. V. Workman, Minister. -11 a.m., "T he Tyranny of Habits"; 7 p.m., "The Heavenly King"; 10 a.m., Sunday School; 7.45 p.m., Thursday, Prayer Meeting. First Presbyterian Church -Sunday School .at 10 a.m.; Bible Class at 2 p.m.; .mid -week meeting Wednesday at 8 pen.; Sunday morning subject, "The Value of Remembrance"; even- ing subject, "Blessed Are the Peace- makers." -Rev. Hugh Jack, Minister. Death of Mr. Alexander Koine. - Rev. C. C. Kaine received word this week of the death of his brother, Mr. A. J. Koine, of Fort Frances, Ont., who passed away on Sunday. Oct. 30th. Mr. Keine wasborn, in Gorrie and had been a soldier in the Great War. He was an immigration officer at Fort Frances until two months ago, when he retired. He is survived by his wife and daughter and two bro- thers, John, of Grimsby, and Rev. C. C. Kain•e, of Seaforth,, and five sis- ters, Mrs. David Sanderson, Embro; Mrs. H'enrry Sanderson, Winnipeg; Mrs. Johnson, Winnipeg; Miss' Mar- tha Keine, Garde, and Miss Robina Koine, Sault Ste. Marie. Northside Y. P. U. Meet. -The reg- ular meeting pf the Y.P.U. of North- side United Church was (held on .Tues- day evening, Nov, 1st, with the 'presi- eent, S. Scott, presiding. Minutes of the previous meeting were read by the secretary, Vera Mole. Business was discussed, after which Edna Rohfrietsch, citizenship cenvener, took charge. Hymn 156 was sung and Keith Webster led in prayer. A solo, "In the Garden," was sung by Margaret Pethick, accompanied en the piano by Ethel Storey, and was much enjoyed. The Bible reading was taken by Wilma Hay, Matt. 5:1-16. Rev. Mr: Workman ably discussed tho topic, "Public Speaking," which proved most interesting. . A thyme was sung and the meeting closed by repeating the. Mizpah benediction. Exeter Minister Speaks At Y. P. S. -The regular meeting of the Presby- terian Y.P.S. was held Tuesday even- ing with 39 members present and Mrs. Frank Kling in the chair as literary convenor. R.ev-, Mr. Hill•, of Exeter, was the guest speaker and gave a very inspiring address, tbllowed by a ladies' quartette, Mrs. F. Kling, Irene Wankel','Miss' E. Trout and Pearl Pat- terson. singing "One Sweetly Solemn Tthought." At the close of the meet- ing lunch was served by the social committee and Mr. Jack closed with grayer. Hold Thankoffering Meeting, -The Thankoffering meeting of the Barbara Kirkman Auxiliary of First Presbyter- ian Church was held on Thursday ev- ening of last week. The president, Mrs. J. A. Munn, opened' the meet- ing, after which Mrs. W. A. Wright, as convener of the group in charge of the program, presided, Miss Belle Smith had the Scripture reading and the Glad Tidings prayer. Mrs. J. E. Willis gave; a 'helpful thanksgiving message. A duet by Mrs. F. Kling and Mies H. Murray was muoli appreciat- ed. The guest speaker, Mrs. A. H. Ers- kine, of Monkton, gave a most inter- esting and inspiring talk on "The Touch of Christ." Mrs. Erskine has a pleasing personality and puts so much of herself and her intense interest in the cause of the Master into her talk that her hearers cannot help but be influenced by what she says. The offering amounted to $53.15. tii`s`tl t trtr s w t r w �>tt:: Sit ids it MR • took -place at tw a •5 'e1acic. Tuesday af- t'ern'oon in i+iratt" , byt,ean; .Church. Rev. Hugh Jaclrr, $.'. "•, .tcia1ed ' and. Rev. O. We DeWitt COSMO •of Wind - ear read womb o e01;0ol*. James T. Scott. sang, Mrs} 1VL R. • Rennie ac- pom'panying at the groan A brother-. in-law, Rev. T. ,Wesley Cese s, of Mount Forest, Paid a e and fitting tribute to the deceased. The. veil - hearers were J. E. Kea ting, W. H. Golding, M.P., James' F; .Scott, Joseph S,eott, W. Govenlock,. and A. D. Scott. LOCAL BRLEFS Death of Mrs. Catherine Atkinson. -The.death of a highly respected cit- izen of town took place` at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. M. Doyle, Hibbert, on Friday last in the person of Mrs. Catherine' Atkinson, in her 78th year., Mrs. Atkinson was.a 'daughter of the late Joseph Nigh ad Mary Jaftte Bradley, of Tuckersinith, and lived on the 2nd concession of that township, where she» was mar- vied to the late James Atkinson 46 years ago, who predeceased her in 1904. Her son. Louis Atkineen, pass- ed away in 1928, but she leaves to mourn her loss two daughters, Mrs. .T. M. Doyle, of Hibbert, and Mrs. C. H. McDougall. of Detroit; also one sister -and one brother, Mrs. Peter McCann, of Seefort'h, and Mr. Luke Nigh, of Egmondville. Mrs. Atkinson was taken ill at the home of her daughter two weeks ago and died on October 28th. The funeral was held on Monday to St. James' Church with interment in St. James' cemetery. The pallbearers were Messrs. Albert Me' lady, Gerald Doyle, Auguste Ducharme, 'Maurice Dalton, John Murphy and John O'Connor. Died in Detroit., -The News -Journal of Calumet, Michigan,, makes the foe krwang reference to 41he death of Mrs, Joseph Pollard; a native cif Tucker - smith town'shlp, where she was born 80 years ago. The late Mrs. Pollard was also for many years a well knrown resident of Seaforth, before titer re- moval'to Michigan, and frequently made visits here: "Mrs. Joseph Pol- lard, of Laurium', died in Detrelt Fri- day night, Oct. 21st, M'ra. Emma Bray of Laurivan, has been- advised. Death Is belie`v'ed to have occurred midden- 'ly<. Mrs. Pollard had been spending the winter, during the past two years, In Detroit. Mrs. Pelltaed was born • in Canada and .. dame ; thdt' d'i:strict' about 45 years ago ' residingg dere since. She Yw , the widow Of the'late CailA1014tiSAllat Pollard and 'Wag, ; a i�aalTinm E. Ohara, cah, ineanbe� qtr Sttrodri'lg ,rter,le a soTnr,Albent, of Ile-' triolt, :cads deet drat p-eblldiren:. The boy 404111, arrive it Calmer Monday , aceetivittied by, UV' South, .Ti The rti° ilattiselle Pollards 'of d7 ' 400 1 ' iiv Vie. fr. i,. 1k% 7ArM°v�X� ;/, f1 rr, • Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Thompson and Miss Margaret Thompson, of Gorrie,, and Mr. and Mrs. Hood, of Clifford, spent the week -end with Mr. and' Mrs. E. C. Chamberlain and Mr. Robert Porterfield. • Mrs. F. Karl Arent and son, of, Noranda, are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Ament. • Rev. H. V. Workman, M•rs'. Werk - man and Miss Irene were in Petrolia on Saturday attending the Aiken-Rob- erts iken Rob- erts wedding. • Mr. and hirer_ George ScofPield and little daughter, of Detroit, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Case. • Mrs. Jlohn 0. Doyle and Theodore Doyle, of Athlone, and Mrs: C. H. Mc- Dougall, of Detroit, were here this week attending the funeral of the fate Mrs. Catherine Atkinson. • Miss Margaret Cleary, RN., re- turned to Rochester Monday after Spending a short vacation at the home of her mother, Mrs. B. Cleary. • Rev. C. C. Kaine and Mrs. Koine left on Monday for Fort Frances to attend the funeral of his brother, the late A. J. Koine, who died on October 30th. They were accompanied by Mr. John Koine, of Grimsby. • Mr. R. Hillis, of Toronto, was a week -end guest at the home of Mrs. G. T., Turnbull. Death of Mrs. Archibald Scott. -The death 'occurred Saturday, Oct. 29th, in Ottawa, following a lengbhy illness, of Ellen Govenlock, a former highly esteemed Seaforth resident, and, wi- dow of the late Archibald Soott. Mrs. Scott, who was 84, was born in Mc- Kiliop, the eldest daughter of the late Robert Govenlock, one of the or- iginal pioneers of that township. She was married about 62 years ago to Arc'hibald Scott. After his death she went to Ottawa to reside, Mrs. Scott was a member of First Presbyterian Church, Seaforth, and was actively interested in the work of the W.M.S. of which s'he was a, life member and also treasurer of the Huron Presby- terial of the w.M.S. After moving to Ottawa she became identified with the Eastern United .Giureh: Folklw- ing a short service at the funeral home in Ottawa, the remains were brought to Seaforth for interment in Harpurhey cemetery. The funeral *DANCE * G. W. V. A. HALL SEAFORTH on - FRIDAY, NOV. 18th ' Under the auspices of Sodality Girls of St. James' Church. TONY CRYAN'S ORCHESTRA ADMISSION 36 CENTS • Mr. W. D. Hopper has sold his residence on North Main Street. to Mr. W. G. Wright. • Mrs. Frank Cudmore and Miss Nancy, of Toronto, spent the week- end with Mrs. J. F. Reid.' • 'Mrs. Thomas Jackson, of Toron- to, is the guest of Mr. and Mr's. E. C. Boswell. • Dr. E. J. Trow, of Toronto, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Mc- Lean' 011 Sunday. • Mr. and' Mrs. Warren Ament and daughter, of Detroit, and Miss Helen Ament, of Windsor, were week -end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Arent. • • Miss Bess Grieve, of Chatham, spent the week -end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Grieve. • Mr. and Mrs. John Zimmerman, Mrs. Henry Smith, -Mise Emma Smith, Mr. Jack Groep and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Moth¢- and family, of Milver- ton, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Smith. • Mrs. George Weir leaves this week for Anderson, South Carolina, where she will spend the winter with her daughter. • Miss Florence Fowler, of Blue - vale, was the week -end guest of the Misses Cresswell. • Mr. Nelson Govenlock, Joan and Lois, of Waterford, were the week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Goven- lock_ ovenlock_ • Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dickson and family and Mr. Luther Sander return- ed to Delhi on Tuesday. • Dr. E. A. McMaster, Mr. M. A. Reid, Mr. C. M. Smith and Mr. Kiel- ing, of Atwood, left Thursday morn- ing on a hunting trip near Burk's Falls. • Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Kestle and Gerry, of Exeter, were week -end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 'H. E. Smith. • Mr. Fred Eckert has purchased theeresidence of the late Patrick Mor- ris in Dublin, whioh will now -entitle him to use his franchise in three dif- ferent municipalities. • • Miss Clarissa Scott and Miss Ag- nes Govenlock, of Ottawa; Rev. Wes- ley Cosens, of Mount Forest; Rev. DeWitt. Cosens and Mias Jean Gov- enlock, of Windsor, and Mrs. M. H. McKenzie, of Oshawa, were here on Tuesday attending the funeral of the late Mrs. Archibald Scott. • Mr. G. Roy Fentwick, of Toronto, chief supervisor of music for Ontario publio schools, and Inspector Kinkead of Clinton, paid an unofficial visit to Seaforth' public !school on Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Fed'w.ick spent a con- siderable ons'iderabl'e time with the school choir and complimented them very highly on their singing. • Mrd. Leo Fortune is' visiting with friends in Detroit. • Rev. A. W. Gardiner, of Egneond- vi'lle United, Church, preached anni- versary services in Poplar HIU on Sunday last_ • Miss Margaret McKellar, of Palm- erston, spent the week -end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. McKellar. • Miss Rena. McKenzie, of Strat- ford. spent the w'ee'k -end at •the lucerne of her mother, Mrs. D. McKenzie. • Mr. George Daly, of Toronto, spent the week -end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Daly. . • Mrs. J. McKinnon of Mondton, New Brunswick, was a week -end guest at the Borne of Mrs. R. S. Hays. • Mr. Fred McGavin, of Detroit;. Dr. E. H. McGavin, Alfred McGavin, Mrs. L. Tasker and Mrs. Peter Doori- gar and daughter, of Windsor, were here on Thursday attending She fun- eral of the tate Henry McGavin. • Mr. John McPherson, who- spent the past year in Seaforth, returned 1'bs't week to Saskatoon. • Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Hart and son spent the week -end; in Klneardtine. • Mr. end Mr& Wr A. Wright,,, and Mr. and Mrys. James T. Scott spent the week-entt'hi. • Mr. an' isire. Ndi1 Gillespie were in, Cromarty Over the week -end.. • Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hays and little daughter, Mary PatricAa, of De- troit, will be week -end guests at the Meme of 1VIm3. It. S. Hays. t Miss 1VIildre4 Johnston, of Utter stet„ sIpent the' Week -end with her par: ents, Mr. and' Igfr . Thorns Johnston • Mr. S. C: Dorra'liee has returned front a pleas holiday motor trip tad NOW 'IZru' dell; returning home through the Si'tatdsr • Mr: b hel hteDiotilllMdn will spefi 1 the e'1t=a`1 L at* hitt sifter in Po - i1 CP 1 $TANL Mr and ,Mess David; J. Stephenson, who have resided' in Bayl1el'd "'i'.or. the past •three years, moved last week to Varna to the house they. leased from Mrs. C. Stelek. On Monday evening Rev. J. -R. Pet- ers commenced a 'series of Evangelis- tic services at Goshen United Church. He will be assi's'ted' •by the neighbor- ing clergymen. Mr. and Mrs. Orval McClinchey and family and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mc- Cli'nchey visited on Sunday with their cousins ' in Stepihen. ST. COLUMBAN • The C. W. L. time euchre and, erring. Mr. • and. Mrs. Kitchener, spent here. Miss Sadie Queenan, spent the week -end with John Murphy. Miss Mary O'Connor, visited at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stapleton en- tertained a number of their friends one evening .recently. Mies Anne Lynch is visiting friends in Detroit. are holding' an old - sante' on Friday ev- Joseph Moylan, of Sunday with friends of London, Mr. and Mrs. St. Clemens, WINTHROP e® The nice fail weather is still with us. May it continue! Mr. Irwin Trewartha is having the Hydro installed, Mr, and Mrs. F•erg Bullard called in the burg on Saturday. ' Mr. John Bullard is going to Kin- tore to reside in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Calder, of Hick- son, spent Sunday with Mr. and M•'s. Earl Habkirk. . Mr. and Mrs. Tim Eaton and son, Larry, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Sperling, of Wroxe-' ter. SEAFORTH Effective October 24th Stratford-Goderlch Coaeh Lines C. BERNER - Manager Leaves Sehforth for Stratford: Dray, 5.25 e,hr,, ,Daily, eoceilt lido. doya and Eotklay'a, 548 P.m; Stutdaya and •nolida',t's, 8.25 a.m., 5,26 Leave Seaiorth for 4dderiet+ and -W ngharn 2 .M • Dgd1 Pbree Sdn- DaiJ 1. � dole maid •Holtaive, 8,0G p.m.; Sundays Sena - wad Holidays, LEG 1:031. and 1020 y,in. Direct eonaectietra at Stretford far ° • 'regent* "and London ' • AGENTS-Bueen s Hotel, omtneXeltil Haut dick Houmay ... rig mmennen o® as "1R w Rirnernbrance Dap 'Friday, Nov. 11, '41 RE Remembrance Dap is a Statutory Holiday and I.would respectfully request•the citizens and Merchants of Seaforth to ;observe the day. Business places are requested to remain closed, and citizens generally are invited to take part in the Remembrance Dap Service being held by the Canadian Legion. , JOHN J. CLU FF, Mayor. .i and Mrs. Henry Kleber, Sr.,' of Brod- Mr. and Mrs. John Hoffman and hagen, who have been visiting in De- •daughter, of Milverton, recently call- troit and Chicago, returned home with ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. them. Eggert. TUCKERSMITH "Mrs. Mustard, of Montesana, Wash- ingston State, and Mrs. Brenizier, of Abilene, Kansas, are visitors with Mr. and Mrs. L. Tebbutt. MT. and Mrs. Clarence Ball, of De- troit, and Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Ball are visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. Martin, of Englehart. Quite a number of ladies attended Mrs. Aitken's demonstration on Tues- day in Cardno's Hall. Mr. and Mrs. F. Townsend visited with the lady's parents in Dorchester on Friday. Mies S, Wh•itmore4s attending the Junior Institute 'convention being held at Loadon Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of this week. Death of Henry McGavin The death occurred at his home on the fifth concession of Tuckersmith, on Monday, Oct. 31st, of one of the oldest residents of Huron County, and one of the most widely known and !highly respected residents of this township, in the person of Mr. Henry McGavin. Mr. McGavin -was in his 96th year and hail been in failing health. for some time. The deceased was born in the County of Ferman- agh, Ireland. on the sixth of June, 1843. When a boy of seventeen years of age he came tp Canada, first set- tling in Stanley township ,where he worked on a farm for some years. He then rented a farm in the same township, which he worked until his removal to McKillop township, where he lived for some time. Later he purchased the farm on the fifth con- cession of this township, which 'con- tinued to be his home until his. death. Mr. McGavin was a man of quiet, un- assuming manners, but industrious and possessing the confidence and es- teem of all who knew him to an un- usual degree. Mrs. McGavin, whose maidien name was Miss Caroline Gra- ham, predeceased him five years ago, but he is survived by a family of five sons and three daughters: Mr. John McGavin and Miss Mary McGavin, on the homestead; Mr. Alfred McGavin, Dr. E. H. McGavin and Mrs. Letitia Tasker, of Windsor; Mr. Fred Me - Gavin, 'ot' Detroit; Mr. Arthur McGav- in, of Reading, Pennsylvania, an'dMrs. Raieh Elliott, of Seaforth, and by four grandchildren. The funeral was held from his late •htome on Thurs- day afternoou when the services were conducted by .Rev. H. V. Workman of Northside United Church, Seaforth, of Which Mr. McGavin was one of the oldest and most valued members. Interment was m'a'de in the family' plot in Maitland'bank cemetery, the pallbearers being his six nephews, Messrs. Alexander, Fred, George, John, Albert and Isaac McGavin. • McKILLOP Friends on this line will be pleased to know that Mies Velma Hinz has returned from Stratford Hospital, .where the recently underwent an op- eration' for • appendicitis. Miss Marie Hoegy, anrd Mrs.. Wm. Hoegy spent Wednesday in London. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Ahrens, of Brod- hagen, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Regele. Mr. and Mrs. Ahine Kahle and family, of Mitchell, spent Sunday with Mr: and Mrs. Wm, Koehler. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Eisler, of near Mitchell, recently vi'eited With Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eggert. Mr. and Mrs. William Hoegy spent Sunday with her sisters', Mrs, Will Grosse, at Blyth. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eggert, ,Della and Noncan, spent Tuesday of last week at Stratford. Mr. and .Mrs. Charles Regale and Harry, Mr. and Mrs. 'Wm. Hoegy and Mm, Sam Regele spent Sunday last with Mr. and Mrs'. Alex. Stosioopf 'at Fuilarton. Mr. and; Mrs.Wmt Koehler were Sunday visitors . With, Mr. and: Mrs. Ezra Switzer at Sebringvlll6. . Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Coghlin and sant, Erntor, of Listowel, and Mr. and Mrs; Geoicge E iohit►i:bier, Hilda and 'Aar. J. 1 told, of Ellice, were Sunday visdtore at tthe home of Mt,' and, Mrs, C'1t'arlet Vgrgtert.. Mr. and Iv1rs. Lawrence Messer. aclictidt, anal'' daughter, of Detroit, spent a tow dayst•;.4ii This • vac i19ty- Mr. * New Low Prices a We are very glad to be able to an- nounce New Low Prices on Wiring Supplies. Come in and see our new supply of Hydro Approved • Wiring, Supplies and Lighting Fixtures, and we will gladly give you a complete list of our New Low Prices. Romex Cable is now the lowest price it has ever been. _ JOHN BACH MAIN STREET SEAFORTH 'i,c aT. ice: v^, TORES .L./ /TPD r+• GREAT SALE OF FINE FOODS SILVER RIBBON T 04 lOz-oz. Tin ■ TOMATO JUICE MACLAREN'S PEANUT BUTTER MILLIONAIRE SARDINES HARRY HORNE'S VANILLA CUSTARD POWDER STANDARD SWEET PEAS TEXAS JUICE GRAPEF UIT 25 -oz-. 3 Jot ■ 2 r/a'ss ■ 7 ;/-f.ss '16 -oz. a5 Tin ■ 5 Tins ■ CI8-oz. 9 Tins LIBBY'S TOMATO CATCHU 12 -oz : Btl. .25 I ii‘RiANS WITH PORK 2 2Tins ■i51 AYLMER GHERHINS Jar ■ FOR PERFECT RESULTS MAGIC POWDER 16 -oz 01.8 sr Tin eelffe CHRISTIES CREAMS Asst'd BISCUITS 2 lbs. •35 CHRISTIES RITZ BISCUITS 2 &T.: .29 s'tL . PCHluREMIUM SODAS Pkg :.1119 DOG AND CAT FOOD DR. BALLARD''S 2 Tiffs .29 9 BROWN LABEL BLACK.' . Saiada Tea 7: 36 Pkg. ■71 ;d • - • CHOICE FRUITS •• RED EMPORER A Crapes 2 AND VEGETABLES lbs. 17c LARGE WHITE auliflower Head 1-0 c SPY Apples 25c 6 -Qt. Bkt. NO. 1 COOKING • 10 t -g r c Onions` eg :k eel `^5 4 1 't ,r A •