HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1938-10-21, Page 44et
Ads will be inserted- it new low cash rates:
eree,Solebelieented, Loct and Found, Coming Emits, Etc.—Per words
lot week 1 .Cemt
2n4 week %,ceset
ard weekIA Cent
idinisztum charge, at ineenthan Cente
Each, figure, initial and abbreviation counts as o‘ne word.
VaXdlaf Thanies, In Memeriam Notices -1 cent per word. Minimum, 50 cants per week. '
Enquiries may be dieeoted to a Bo x Number, care of The Huron Expoeitor, for 10 eente
Ten cents additional per week will be charged if ads in above clans are not paid by the
Saturday night in the week in which the ad was ran,
Births, Marriages mid Deaths inserted free of charge.
Auction 'Sales, Notice to Creditors, Etc. -Rates on applicatien,
For Sale ,
▪ cater, -used fear years. Apply to .1;30x 185,
ern SpY fannies; cOso some Russets. Ap
1y to to 1VIRS. L. J. 1)010. Phone 4-93, lion-
aall .Central. 3697s.1 ;
• ,
•"'" 'sprayed Northern Fr...Pe apples Prices
; t•easonR
ahte. Apply to W. R. ACH I OA L ),
Seaforth, or phone 136 r 16, 3697-1
plea; also some cello Last call. Apply
to JOHN ete.PHERSON, feetforth. Phone
116. 3697x1
" pasture on rape and grass; abundance
of feed. Apply to underaigned by phone,
133 r 21, Seaford), THOMAS G. SHILLING -
LA W. 3697x1
4' linpleanents and rerpaies for
Town of Seaforth. Apply to Box 180, Huron
Eepoeiter, or write J. D. ROBERTSON, Box
377, Clisiton. 30906
White Rocks, White Legherns and New
;Hempsbire Reds. li-.1itate age and price want -
mi. Box 179, EXPOSITOR, 3693-6
Lost and 'Found
Hyacinths (three sloe). Tulios t20 varie- '
ties ) , Single end Double Daff odils. Paper "'POCKETBOOK CONTAINING SUM OF
Whites, Paper Yellows, Jonquils and MiXed i 2/4,2(V, found on Main Street. Owner
Crocus. WILLIAM HART, Seaforth.. Phonei may have sarne by proving property and Pay -
315 -J. • 3695'd Mg charges. .APP4 Box 187, EXPOSITOR.
; 3697-1
-`- R Risch, plain case, about 4 ft 4 in. 1
highse gelod as new APPIY to BoX 186. . SU.pper. child's navy blue jereey cle'th
EXPOSITOR. , 369731 oat sweater. Finder please leave at EXPOS -
1105 Olq'ICE, 3697-1
Auction Sales
Auctioneers, have been iretrected to sell
by public auetion on ;Monday, October 241h,
at the Grame.rty St** Yards, at 2 p.m., 20
hersce, 10 stockers and feeders, au pigs.
Teorne-Caoh. 3697x1
-" forts at the home ,3 the I. -ate Mrs. Robert
Armstrong. Clinton, Saturday. Orteber 29th,
at 1.30 sharp, co/foisting of a bull line of
choice furniture, including in, part: Mason
& Hist& piano; room. dining reorn. klt-
ehen, • hall and bedroom f u rn tu re Victor
radio ; Eci ison phonograph with records : i ng-
er sewing machine; Jewel kitchee range
rugs, linuelumodOlies and numerous
other articles. 1 orms -Coeli. JOHN ARM-
Sl.RONG, Executor; 0k4.rge H. Ealioto
3" feces a the resideuce ;of 161. James
Stewart, Egmonalville, on Thureday, Novem-
ber 3rd. at 1.3,1 p,m. Eive-piteeetiving roorn
suite. dining tebie and chalet: kitchen table
and chairs; reckers 1 large regulator wall
clock; 1 kitchen cabinet; 1 rell ten desk: 1
hall stead; radio: dishe, 3 bedsteads and
ntattress ; 3 circe..er, and 3 wash stands; 1
heater anti other article; too numerous tO
mention; 2 small tables linoleum and car-
pet. Terme-Cash. MRS. .1.4..MES ST.Er.11:
ART, Froorieire.,s ; Gee. H. hIliott,o';'Auc-
Wormer. .(''3O97-2
" Articles at Lot 6, Hallett Township,
mile east of Kinburn, on Saturday, October
22nd, at 2 p.m.: Set of Manitoba twbeleighs ;
1 -horse sleigh; buggy; wagon grain box:
water trough; set of double harness: legging
chain; tool box and tools: cream separator:
10 White Leghorn hens; bed and serinms,
coal oil stove, and other articles. Terms -
Cash. No. reeene. WILFRED M1LLISON,
Proprietor; Geo. H. Elliott, Auctioneer.
" at Lot 22, Concession 4, L, R. Survey.
anekersmith Township, on Tuesday. Oetober
2518. at 2 p.m.., consisting of the fallowing:
Horses -1 agrkultural gelding rieing 3 years.
breken; 1 general purpose matched team, black
geldings, rising 3 years, broken; 2 agricul-
tura! geldings risings 2 years general pur-
pose filly rising 2 years; Clyde filly rising 2
peers; 2 spring foals, filly and gelding.
Cattle-Durh.am grade cow 4 years old, doe
April 26th; Durham grade cow 6 yews old.
dee February 24th : Durham grade cow 8
years old, due March 24th: Durham grade
cow, 9 years old, due May llth : Durham
grade cow 6 years old, due March 2415 ; Dur-
ham grade heifer rising 3 years old, doe Oct.
28th: Durham grade heifer rising .2 years,
due November 14th Durham grade heifer ris-
ing 3 years, due February 3rd: steer 2 years
old: steer / year old; 4 yearling heifers: 5
staring calves ; Hereford bull 5 months Md:
flat hay rack. Buckeye incubator, 350 egg ca-
PacitY; Prairie State incubator with 150 egg
capacity: broader stove, 1,000 chick size;
quantity of oak plank; eulony Irene. Terms
of Sale--AJ1 sums of 310 and under. cash;
over that amount 8 months' credit will be
given on furnishing approved joint bankable
paper. with 4 per gent straight added on
credit amounts. Positively no reserve as pro-
prietor brie rented his farm_ JAMES FIN-
LAYSON, Proprietor:, Gen. H, Elliott, Auc-
tioneer. 3696-2
Powers of Sale contained isa a certain
miontgag-e which wlli be prhduced at the time
of sale, there will by offered for aele by
'PHOMAS FELLS, Auetioneer,
at Public Auction, on
MONDAY, OCTOBER 24th, 1938
at the holm of twla o'clock in the afternoon.
at the farm of the late Edward Rowland,
R. R. No, 1, Walton, Ontario, the foilewing
property, namely:
ALL AND SINGULAR those certain pars
cels or ttpe of 4and and premises, situate.
lying and being in the Townehip of MeKil-
lop, in the Camay of Huron, and being cam -
Posed of
111 The South half of Lot 29 in the 1411
Concerti:don of the said Townahip, containing
by admeasuremerst 76% ac.reo of land, more
.or Lem and
(2) The south 60 flares of Lot 30 in the
14th Condessiorn of said Toweship.
On the said fawn there is said to be erect-
ed a dwellingiactme with suitable farm build-
The lauds wallbe sold subject to a reserv'e
hid. -
TERMS ON SALE OF LAND -25 per cent
of the earchese money to be Paid down at
the time Of sale and the balance to be se-
cnred by a mortgage with interest at four
per cent. per anima,
Foe further (particulars and conditions of
sale apply In,
Boat Block, Parliament
TORONTO, obrrArao.
Solicitor to the Martgagee.
DATED at Toronto this Thirtieth day of Sep-
tetreber, 1938, . 3695-3
Notice To Creditors
IN. TNE ESTAtet, agoitor cottatism.
ess snasenee Tioaste ,of George Odernan,
ate ntlitla bf Metelters Couitta 'of
rtts *0*W5, who died on at abant the
20th ,A 1`.1„ Peal, sea hereby
Skate an to the undersigned On of
ore the' 'Ow alot of Oetober, nage full
rettoinder 01 theta elteinei with, itifidirdite
igen* efistaele - •
rntettotte:.19. tease the atid kat sereethisrati1.
tia yew • stsf ittetzt Otentttrieel be
lards& et ettera the
o •th ,.#(104- ta, the
,athe ots'ot hdethitotim
1t 10
• 41-etiosteriose
irk; . fi6t 11511,5
• asa,fee
Farms For Sale .
÷; South Theme, Road. Apply to WM. 191
HELL, liens -all, Ont. R. R. No. 2.
• a697-2
r.v.r.AICY1 Foe SALE - -120 ACRES, MILE
"-; east of Walton., Lots 4 and 5. 18t5 Con-
ceesieti. Tawro hip of Grey. Large bank
barn, frame house, ext-ellent gravel pit. Ap-
013 to b'RANK FINGLAND, Clinton.
!VOR SALE- -100--aCKE FARM. Nth S HIGH -
▪ way, a mile; eest Seaforth : bank 1.1,?Aril
brick house: Also 70 -acre farm, N. o If ieh-
way, near DublOt; bank birn, etraw shed,
frome heu.e. A:1 fall p:owing A PPIY
to 168 Nelson Street, Stratford.
in tee -pick-up and make
a decent Ovine,. Ne ri•k. Experience in
doer to deor preferable, but not neee..ara,
Every person a cuothmer, Exceptional qual-
ity. Low prices. Attractive packages. Very
profitable pl an. inc a perrnan ent, grow i ng
business, investigate Full detail: and cata-
1.)eue without 'ohligatirei, FAMILEX CO.,
.74 St. Clernent, Montreal. 3697-1
Tenders Wanted
undersigned up tb and including 6
o'clock of the First day of November A. D.
1e38, for the purchase at a rate on the dol-
la.r, of the stock In trade of the John Mae-
T-kviF.h e,,tate at Seaforth, consisting of dry
oaeods, ladles' wear and millinery.. etc. In-
ventory valve, 35,010.21. The highuot or any
tender not neeeeearily aeceeted.
Inventory and stock may be inspeeted un
the leemises on any day until the First day
of November, A. D., 1938.
or tO
True/tee in Bankruptcy,
Hanover, Ontario.
charge on the Prerniaes.
ID TELL, Seaforth, Solicitor.
• underebrived and endoreed -Tender for
addition, aliteratione and improvements, old
Post Office Building, Galt, Ont.." will be re-
ceived until 12 o'clock noon. Thursday, No-
vember 3, 1933, foe an addition, alteration.%
and improvements bo the old Post Office
Building, Galt, Ontario,
Plans and epecificatiot can be seen and
forms of Lender obtained at the offices of
the Chief Architect, Department of Public
Werke. Ottawa, the Supervising Architect, 36
Adelaide Street Bast. Tortento, Ont., the Care-
taker, Public Building, Hamilton, Ontario,
and the Caretaker, new Public Building, Galt,
Tenders will net be considered unless made
on the Forme supplied by the Department
rind in accordance with the conditions set
forth therein.
Bach tender must be accompanied by a
centified cheque cm a chartered bank in
Canada, payable to the 'order a the Honour-
able the Minister of Public Works, eqnctl
Ir, 10 per cent of the amount of the tender,
or Bearer Bands of the Dominion of Canada
or a the Canadien National Railway Com-
pany and its constituent cornParries, uncon-
ditionally searseteed as to principal and
interest by the Demainion of Canada, or the
aforementioned bon& and a certified cheque
if required to make up an odd amount.
NOTE. --The Department, through the Chief
Architects office, will meanly blue -prints and
epeeification of the work on depoeit Of 2
sum af $10.60, in the form of a certified bank
eletwe payable he the order of the Minister
of Public Works. The depoeit will be re-
leased on return Of the blue-printe and
specification within a moneh from the date
of reception of tenders, flf not returned
within that period the deposit will be for-
BY order,
Department of Pablic Worka,
Ottawa, October 19, 1038,
In Memoriam
George Egre. Wit) Paased away two
years, ago. October 20, 1936.
The voioe is mute, and still the heart
That loved no well and true: ,
Oh, bittee Wan the trial to part
Frees one so gape as you,
—Ever renlembered by Husband and Fam-
ily- 1-t, A 2691-1
Fltfic'T0 Sarnia General Respite], or, Oct.
161b. o) Mr. and Mrs. John L. Prost, a
tea-esern Arrield.
Peale—fa Seat Memorial Itespital. Sew.
forth, on Oetoher 1ttli, to Mr, and Mao.
P. le nese, Steele a' son,
MORRIS ---se Scott Manorial Illostetert eese
forge, on October' teth, to Me. and MM.,
larnes Morrie, elf Ifibeet, o daserlasee
Mr, ''Delmer Skinner and Mies
Glades .JOhns attended the .Yettlig
People's Convention in London on Sat-
Quite a large • number from here
attended theanniversary services
held in Tleemes Road Church °nava-
'fieY last.
Mr, A. C. Whitlock and Miss Joy
Whitlock, of St. Thomas, visited with
and Mrs. P. Whit -
Enos Heldman, of
Varna, Mr. and Mrs. John Herdman
and Miss Ila Herdman, of Strathroy,
e ere Sunday visitors with Me. and
Mps. John Herdraan and Mr. and Mrs.
William Bradshaw.
their parents, Mr.
lock, on Friday.
Mrs. G. Kellett
ativee 1 Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs.
is visiting with rel-
See the Jersey Wool Dresses., Fall
Overooets, Winter Hose and Under-
wear at Goodwin's. •
Watch for our Renal] lc Sae, Four
Big Days, Oct. 26, 27, 28,-19, Hemp.;
hill's Drug Store, Hensel], Ont.
Be sure to attend' the Kippen, East
W. 1. Euchre and Dance, Friday, Oct.
28th. 8 p.m. " Watson's Ball, klippen.
Admiesion 25c.. Latiies provide lunch.'
Mut/look's apiece orchestra. A good
time. Good prizes.
Dr. and Mrs. 1. G. Smillie were re-
cently, presented by the choir or the
United Church, of which choir Dr.
Smillie is a valued member, with a
lovely Kenwooei blanket. The pres-
entatien was made by Mr. W. 0.
Goreiwin, leader of the choir. Dr. and
Mrs, Smiler, were recently married
at St. Georee's United Churce, To-
Alpine McEwarl, Jr., son of Mrand
Mrs, Alpine McEwan, of this village,
had the misfortune Mete playing
with some children, to fall and frac-
ture this aern.
Mr. and Mrs. James Seneson have
returned hon; t from a delieleful tearee
weelia vacation spent wine relatives
Pistsbuigli, Pa.
el:s. 3, Fieher intends holding an
Z111e1i011 Sal° of househeld eff E'C't 8 at
her home here Thursday evening,
October 27th.
A large number nom Bens:ill and
vicinity attended tainiversary see
s,ices in Sr., Andrew's United, Church,
Kippen, 00 sunday last anci hot goose,
supper on Werinesdev evening held in
etc,. hasement of 1,h C1t1 rch.
Mrs. G. M. Chellewhas returned
nom a delightful week's visit seeet
at the .1Inizie of her brother and sis-
tanalaw Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cook,
et' rent
An exciting moment was experieese
al by Fred Slavin, of Kippen, at a
point one mile west of Clinton, when
a calf jumped out of th,e ditch into
the path of -the car he was driving.
The animaleone of a herd that bad
broken down! a fence, was killed out-
right. One of fFe fenders of the
automobile was crumpled and head-
lireat smas-hed, but with difficulty tee
driver managed to keep his machine
on the road_
M. Ed. Fink, tinemith at Bonthron
& Drysdales, has rented the dwelling
of Mr. George Ferguson on Richmond
Street South, and occupied at pres-
ere by Mrs. P. Fisher and daughter,
Mies Eleanor.
`Mrs. H. Arnold was the winner of
a lovely pair of blankets at the
Lions Frolic held at Exeter recently,
but was reported in error in last
week's edition as having been won
by Mrs. Darwin, Hensall.
A sale of irom,e-made choking and
tea, under the auspices of the Mis-
sion Band of Carmel Presbyterian
Church, will be held in the basement
of the rburch on Saturday afternoon.
Complaint having being made that
the present set -etch of drain between
Queen Street and king Street, along
Nelson Street, not being sufficient to
carry off the drain water, tbe com-
mittee of the council appointed fo
-look into the matter decided to put
in new and larger tile along that sec-
tion and -work has ctimmenced this
Services in the three local churohes
were largely attended. In tee Units
ed Church Rev. Stanley Johnson, of
Lucen, occupied the pulpit at the
morning /service. The evening ser-
vice was in charge of Rev. Donald
At Carmel Church, Rev. W. A.
Yountg occupied his own pulpit and
at St. Paul's Anglican Church, 'Rev.
M: A. Hunt, Rector, w -as in charge.
Splendid music by the choirs of the
chnrehes was rendered, and added
mucb to the services.
Mr. and Mrs. Les Knight and farm-,
fly, of Kitchener, were week -end visi-
tors vvith. Mr. and Mrs. R. Higgins.
Housee to rent in the village at
Present are very seurce and it would
seem as if a number of new Swims
were built, on not tbo expensive lines,
that there would be a good demand
for them.„
Mr. William Hyde captured two
first prizes in the oketime. fiddlers'
contest at St. Marys and Kiekton
fairs held recently.
Mrs. Margaret Vain of Westmount,
visited her mother, Mrs. R. Bonthron
and sister, Mrs. L., Simpson, recent-
Mr. Jamee Hoggarth, who was see
Musty injured 633113le vseeks ago while
working at Mickle's mill, has now
recovered. He has been an employee
for, over free years, for,nserler with
the tate Mr Donald Urquhart, and:
Wince his death with the present Own-
er -1a of the miff, Mesene. G. T. Male
& Son •
Mr. and Mrs. Willson Carfilsi an
nounee the engagement of
daughter, Annie Alite, to Mr, Lelland
Casper Vielleit, son of Mrs. Hese and
the late Louis Willert, af Zurich). The
marriage will take place Di Novenis
Mrs. Roy 'McLaren had her tonsils;
removed at Ten Steere office Tuna,
day morning.
Referent Venter§ at the home of Mr.
and • MO, Mark Dresdele Were Mr.
'and tiers. Reid Xirk, of alrgrove,
lIffich.; Mr. aid Mrs. 0Idannath, and
Wfr. and Mrs.. Robert kirk,,, 01Elena
Miehe.Mle Elora Cosagey aud.Ntr. W.
AMirt Le' tot taidnn.
Whitetidet, 1:A11OVIncia1
' (Meek - of 4Citehenero and fell*'
tifti-tot itt‘tto:
eblef e,onetable at eleneall an Goalie
rich, was vhere recently vieitfate. with
relateree and erientle, and lea haat of
friends eeereepleased ,to see him look-
ing so well and hearty.'
Carmel Y. P. S. Meeta
'The Young People's Society of Car-
mel Presbyterian Church held their
fiest reeeting of the newly formed or-
ganization on Monday evening. Mrs.
Kerslake, the president opened the
meeting with a hymn,. followed by
prayer by Miss Beryl Preff. Tee Scrip-
ture lesson was read by Miss, Olive
Walker, which was in keeping with
tee devotional talls and was very cap-
ably given by Miss Violet Hyde. A
second hymn was sung, closing
c1otIona.l part of the meeting that
Miss Irene eloggarth convened. A
piano duet by Mrs. A. Dougall and
Mies Margaret was much eitijoyea:
The president welcomed the young
people and introduced the speaker of
tee evening, Rev. Mr. Hill, of Exeter,
who spoke of young people who are
comparable to sloths who say: "There
is a lion in my way," when asked to
do their part in young peoples meet-
ings. The speaker invited the. Hee-
sail young people to a Scotch party
the Exeter young people acting as
il0S1S. Miss nerYi Pfaff in a few well
Wiesen word, moved e vote of thanks
to Rev. Mr. Hill. Miss Mabel Work-
man and 'Miss Irene Hoggarth, with
Mrs. A. Dougall as acoompaoiet, ren-
dered a lovely duet. The aetendance
captaine then chose their teams and
the business of the evening was car-
ried out. "Abide With Me" was sung
and a very successful meeting was
closed in prayer. by Rev. W. A.
Young. , The Presbyterial rally will
be held at Heneall Carmel Churols on
Monday, Oct. 24th.
Will Observe 53rd Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs., George Ferguson, of
Bewail, will ten, November 3rd, quiet-
ly obserye their. 53rd wedding anni-
versary. Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson re-
tired from their ' homestead farm
where Mr. Feiguson Lad lived prac-
tically all his life in 'The Township of
Usborre, a few miles south of the
village. moving here about a year ago
to enecy a \vellearnee rest from
their term lire Mrs. Ferguson was
the former Miss Annie Anderson and
Wae married to her husband on Nov.
3, 1835, at the home of Mr., Henry
Anriersor, of the 6th concession of
,Usborne. The officiating minister
we the late Rev. Colin Fletcher, of
Thames Road. The bridesmaid was
Mies Jessie Anderson, and tee best
man -was the late Fred Ferguson, bro-
llies. of Mr. • Ferguson: Mr. and Mrs.
Ferguson. had a family of four cell-
aren, two of whom survive, Mrs.
Thomas Ferguson, Seaforth, and Geo.
Robert Ferguson, Landon One daugh-
ter, Jessie Ellen, passed away some
years ago, and one son, James, died
in infancy. Mr. Ferguson was not
onlyea successful farmer but an up-
to-date villager, having since corning
here purchased two dwellings and
adding extensive improvements to
both. Roth Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson
are in the best of health, are wonder-
fully preserved for their age, very 23-
eiably inclined, and are regular at-
tendants at Carmel Presbyterian
Hold Anniversary Services
The 71st anniversary of St. An-
drew's Uniteid Church, Kippen, was a
largely attended event of Sunday. St,
Andrew's Church was one of the first
istablitebed in this teiseriet, having
been built in, 1867. The first minis-
ter was Rev. Mr. F)achen, who con-
tinued until 1873, and the following
rainisters in turn have succeeded:
Rev. Mr. Cameron, 1873-1884; Rev.
Mr. Acheson, 1884-1901; Rev. M. C.
McLennan, 1901-1905; Rev. Mr. .Urqu-
hart, 1905-1909; Ree. John Richard-
s -on 1910-1916; Rev. Dr. W. E. N.
Aiken, 1916-1920; Rev, R. A. Lundy,
1921-1927; Rev. Mr. Connor, 1927-
3931 Rev. E. F. Chandler, the press
ent pastor, commenced 'his ministry
in 1933. Tee Kippen. 4xmgregation
has always been known as a well at-
tended and progressive one With a
fine class of ministers, Elders, man-
agers, etc., and tinder its present pes-
ter, the Rev. Mr. Chandler; is well
sustaining its fineeseereputation, the
pastor. being ver' popular with his
people and being eminently qualified
in every respect. In connection with
the anniversary eervicee, which were
largely attendee, the guest speaker,
Rev. Andrew:Lane, of Clinton, preactb-
ed excellent seemone to attentive aud-
iences morning and evening. The
morning text, 2 Con 6:1: "Workers
together with God." God has no
place for purposeless idleness in. His
divine .econtocy; work is an honorable
vocation, idleness a curse. Workere
must work together. The individual
bee producee very little bonen. (2)
The apiary produces tons of honey]
teasn work is as necessary irt ehureh
as 11 business. (3) We must work
with God. The doctor has to work
in line with God.; God does His Dart,
we have to do Ours; God made the
quarry, but He never beet; a cable
edral. Mall had to work With'God to
build a cathediral." Mies Pearl Wood,
of Exeter, sang two pleasing steels,
"The Silent Voice" and "Jesus. Lover
of My Soul," and sang beautifully to
the pleasure of air. The choir an-
them was "I Will Lift Mitre Eyes Un-
to the Hills." In the evening Miss,
Wood sang "The Golden City" and
"Sailing"; the clear, "Close To His
Side." Mr. Dane's text sit the even-
ing serive was John 6:37: "Ail that
the Father giveth me shall come to
Me, and Him that cetneth to Me I
teal in no wise cast QUO , God will
not csompeI any- to cornet to him,' the
aneinkerr cafid, the only preparation
necessary for one to come to Efim is
a name of giest need. A sensitized
filta is thelosay one •that receives en
brepreasion, lenetnees in no'. barrier
13n- our comb* ibre ()Met,' artir a
tier to thi e retell/log us..• The coming
is o personat •ceming to a perrsotral
The October meeting 01 the Wobelo
01 the United Church Was held
in the eleirett ou 'rbday sveningi
Ortt. 14th, *Itil a 'splendid attendance,.
Mr :Tank Corbett presiding in lide' ea-
'ttaltv pleasing.Manner. ,Wollowing ttre,
tteiret4018,1'partaa 11116 nietaingeet.
graM c,Mtisieting of a sole, 'alcryat
Mother 00011R Oats Ireland/4 'leeO. IVO&
Maude . tro*, actint.poebto *Et&
titokt, ftttio.11l-
'Mitt (intkito Orttogo, aiul
Vann . MASS Alifidyitt toitor;.
10146)* bnethieS.4.:
' •
['IWO arrangements were Made end
coitmatee8 foregad o 1101.4 an Armes-
Mese/engrain enepadeeeeeening, Noy.
letele 'n34,A weetWina,Me to a caliche
siern with Hy2ptil. l'gteo end"bessed.iction,
after' ,whiele et/ate/stet 'and lunch were
enjoyed. The program and tOnteste
were arranged by Mr. and ilers. Jack
Miss Margaret MacLaren, M.Ae
was M London on -Friday last attend-
ing the Alumni banquet at Hotel Lon-
don for graduates of Western Uni-
versity. She also attended the Con-
vocation in the University the same
evening, of which Lord Tweedsmuir
was the guest speaker, and reports
two moat enjoyable occasions.
, Pr. L G. Smillie was the guest so1e-
1st, at ,anniversary services at T,hames.
Road on Sunday evening last, his
selections being muds enjoyed by the
large eongregation.
Rev, and Mrs. W. A. Young and
Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle were in
London on Saturday last attending
the rugby game between Western and
Queen's University.
Turner - McAllister"
The lovely home of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert McAllister, of Stanley Town-
ship, was the setting for a charming
wedding on Saturday, Oct. 15th, at
high noon, when, their elder daugh-
ter, Jeanette Elizabeth, was united in
marriage to Ralph ,Weeley Turner,
eon of Mrs. Turner and the late Web-
ster Turner, of Stanley Township.
Rev. ,E. F. Chandler, pastor of Hills -
green .United Church, officiated. In
the living room, under an arch of
autumn leaves and evergreen, banked
with ferns and flowers in autumn
tones, the ,ceremony w419 performed.
The lovely bride, given in marriage
by her father,. was charming in a.
gown of midnight blue tsansparent
velvet, faeleoned in princress
floor -length, square neckline falling
over shoulder. She also wore a cor-
onet of blue matching flowers with
streamers of the same shade and ac-
cessories to Match. Her bouquet was
pine Briarcliffe rosebuds. • Jean Mc-
Allister and Betty Parke, little ems -
ins of the bride, were dainty flower
eirls, necked in pink and blue taf-
feta 17 empire style with bandeau of
niatehing ribbon. Each carried cot-
onial bouquetsof perk carnations.
Miss Kathryn Drysdale, sweetly dress-
ed in coral velvet dress, floor -length
with trimmings of silver and silver
slippers to match, with bandeau in
hair of matching shade, played the
wedding music before the teremony
and during the keening of the regis-
ter. Her selections chosen weire
"Narcfssus," "Melody of Love"' and
ellhe Bridal Chorus." The wedding
dinner was served in the dining room,
attractive in color schemes of, pink
and widte, the bride's table centered
with the wedding ceke, surrounded
by pink tapers and metal bouquets of
roses in pink ,eoittailuers. The guests
Were received by the bride' mother,
gowned ij brown crepe with corsage
of bronze, mums, end the groom's
mother dreesed in black crepe with
corsage of white muras. .Ouly the
immediate relatives and friends of
both coon -acting parties were pres-
ent. Those who served dinner were
Miss Ruth McAllister, sister of the
bride; Miss Helen Glenn, of London,
and Miss Jean Cornish. Later Mr.
and Mrs. Turner left for a weddieg
trip to Montreal, Ottawa and other
points, the bride travelling ia a
smart brown crepe nailhead trim
dress, Spanish tile- coat with brown
fur trimmings and brown accessories.
Upon their return Mr. and Mrs. Turn-
er will reside on the groom's fine
farm on the Parr Line.
V it
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' M. S. Webs
The w.U.s. o ogruo4 PleatibeOrn
ian Chetreat, ,Honeall, he their re
lar meeting 'reeentle whita took
form ot a E/IIIPPer• when the. a
Helpers Were entertained. Atter ae
per Mrs.C. Hudson took the Chair
tainit the meeting opened when stla
arose and sang the Doxology mil
Mrs. W: Douglass led hi prayer. Tess
Scripture passage was read by Mr&
Wm_ Bell mid Psalm 36 was sew.
The Istintutes were read and aeProv-
ed. The roll call was answered by
"something to be thankful for." Ar-
rangements were Made to have he
thankoffering meeting on November
8th when Mrs. H. Jack, of Seafortle,
will address the. meeting. Theeoffer-
ing was received and dedicated. Mrs.
W. A. MacLaren and Mrs. A. Dougall
sang a duet entit/ed, "Angels ,of
Light." Mrs. W. A. Young gave a
splendid address on the lite and work
of Dr. Jessie McBean. Mrs. Cairns
sang a eolo, accompanied by Mr& J.
Snider. Mrs. F. Farquhar gave a
very appropriate •reading, "Martha's
Thanksgiving Dollar." The meeting
closed with a hymn and the Lortra
Prayer in unison.
Anniversary Services
Brucefield ja. Sunday 01.1
United Church " October ZO
11.00 a.m.—Rev. Wm. Mair, Thames Road
7.30 p.m.—Rev. II. V. Workman, Seaforth
Hot Fowl Supper
A Trip through Northern Ontario in Picture and
and Music with Rev. Wm. Mair, ,assisted by not-
able artists.
• •,•I31)y0'..,1:.17A,A1.01n;,.ii,,16
It's Kids Lik
lemesaetrueleasemeneer, eeiM7agiegagigP,
ne Th
' Ooaeol., 1-e.olpea..foliele4elOOL1'0,
soottiz.; Avsitt,:t.?t,J
The Seaforth Li ns
ub Help'
THE Seaforth Lions Club, through its crippled chiltbceri'w
- work in this district, has aided hundreds of handicapped
children to face life with a sinile. Countless more have
enjoy6d the advantages of the Lions Club Pool and Park and
other Lions Club welfare activities.
But this work costs money and must depend upon the sup-
port of the generous citizens of Seaforth and district, Who do not
want to see the underprivileged children in their miidst go oat-,
tended. , . /?-cy), /I 1,, ,i, ' < V'"'( -1k" r
The annual Lions Frolic, at which funds are\ raised to carry.
-.on this needy work, is being held this year on Mi4tiday, October
B1st. In connection with the Frolic, the Club is holding a draw,
tickets for the valuable prizes being on sale throughout the dis-
trict at 25 cents each, or a book of 5 for $1.00. ,
'of Tl�kets
SPACE BOiqlqBD BY 'PRO BUBON leapostrort