HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1938-10-07, Page 8.t, I;. ii. "s4 yr 4 TINS 25c it vx ts'a e,LATE ' 'WARS H'MAL- 411 SFW O4R'F:$_2 lbs. ; , *MOTE TAPIOCA with Shea' 29c 4rackages PARLY BREAKFAST COFFEE 29c ur wand ry� ORANGE PEKOE , FLOWER - 38 '79gi.F TEA -half pound SUGAR. CRISP CORN FLAKES 150 2 packages ' . PUFFED WHEAT at 1'ne package Ql Ifd cCO ?&IOK'S PUFFED � W.EI'1 AT --Bag I 33AK1 R.'S COCOA 2'5c half pound 1iYGJ I WATER, .Dispersed 29e Wax -Bottle ENAP HAND CLEANER 2 This 'VERY BEST STOVE PIPE ENAMEL -Bottle COLGATE'S SOAP - 6 Bars AMMONIA SNOWFLAKE & I-EA_NDY-2 packages £AU ST1C SODA -Loose pound .DIASTER RED HEAD - Makes the ,hens lay. $2;40 cwt_ 1 4j Vt ill c r%j 29c 25c 24c 1 I e lac A. C. Rputledge PHONE 166 WE SPECIALIZE 1,111 FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, CAS- UALTY, GUARANTEE , BONDS, ACCIDENT A N D SICKNESS,. BURGLARY, WINDSTORM. Representing Companl who give Security with Servlice Also Agents for Ontario Thh- ermen's Mutual Fire Insuran Information gladly given. A number 'of desirable propertles In Seaforth and district for sale. WATSON & REID M. A. REID - Proprietor Phone 214 • Seaforth SPECIALISTS IN A• LL LINES OF INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 O O 0 O 0 0 O O 0 0 O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O S. T. Holmes & Son FUNERAL SERVICE O Main Street, Seaforth • 0 O S. T. Holmes, residence 0 Goderich Street, West; phone 0 No. 119-W. Charles Holmes' 0 residence, Goderich Street, 0 East; phone No. 308. Ambulance Service O Adjustable hospital bed for 0 rent. 0 Night calls, Phone 308. 0 Day calls, Phone 119-J. 0 Charges moderate. 0 12-37 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 it Ti •t 'NEWS O1 THE ".TOWN II Institute Will Meet, -Trite Women's Institute will. hold. their regular meet- ing ‘or, Wednesday afternoon at 2.30 p.m. ht the home of Mrs. Paul Doig. 1`~ talk on Legislation will be given biy' Mr, Sari Whitmore, and therroll call will be answered by "A Canadian woman of achievement." Announcement. -The engagement is announced of Isabelle S. MacKay, youngest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. W. J. MacKay, t]nibre, Ont., to Mr. Charles B. Ferguson, Sudbury, Ont., ",youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. L. Ferguson, Bay&eld, Ont. The marriage will take place the middle of October at Bayfield. Sermon Subjects For Next Sunday. -St. Thomas' Church: Rector, Rev. Dr: Hurfond.-1.1 a.m., Confirmation; preacher, The Right Itev. Bishop Sea- ger, D.D.; 7 p.m., The Rector. Sun- day School at 10 a.m. Northside United Church: Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister. -10 a.m., Sun- day School; 11 a.m., Thanksgiving message and music; 7 p.m.. Rev. J. R. Peters, B.A., guest speaker. Let us gratefully worship. the Lord. First Presbyterian Cin >-Sunday School at 10 a.m-; se>:vrces at 11 d. and 7 p.m., by Dr. Wardlaw Taylor, of Goderich.-Rev. Hugh Jack, Minister. 0 Dick - Downey. -A quiet wedding was 'solemnized at St. Columban Ro- man Catholic Church Monday morn- ing when Rev. Father J. Dantzer unit- ed in marriage Mary Emily Downey, daughter of Mr. and Mr's. Michael Downey, of St. Columban, and Gordon .E. Dilek, son of James Dick and, the late Mrs. Dick, of S•eafortih. Attend- ants at the wedding were Mr.• Joseph Dorsey, of, Seaforth, and Miss Ann Downey, of St. Columban. Following the marriage the party went to Strat- ford where a wedding breakfast took place_ Mr. and Mrs. Dick then left for a motor trip to Northern Ontario. w Alert Mission Band Meets. - The regular meeting of the Alert Mission Band of Northside United Church was held last Tuesday afternoon on the church lawn. The meeting was open- ed by thesinging of the hymn, "Tell Me the Stories of Jesus" and prayer. The roll call was taken, to which 14 responded and the business was dis- cussed. There will be a guest speak- er at the next meeting, Oat. 18th, and all the members were asked to bring their thankoffering to this meeting. Mrs. Parsons told the story of a mis- sionary in Korea. After the close of the meeting all joined in a game. Goforth Band Meets. -The Goforth Mission Band held its regular month- ly meeting on Saturday when the meeting was opened by a h " n, after which William Jack offered he pray- er- The minutes of the I t meet- ing were read by the secreta ; Joan McMaster and the roll was tak n with 23 responding. Business was use - T '.,.d and 'a play or a tea was suggest- ed. Miss Cluff read a letter from Miss Iris Erie. home on furlough. The collection amounted to $1.05. Violet Dupee took the chair for .the devo- tional peri.od. which opened by sing- ing a'' hymn. Lenore Habkirk read the Scripture, Psalm 100, 'and Mrs. Jack told a very interesting story about an old lady nicknamed "Fight- ing. Jean." Barbara Sproat gave a reading and the meeting closed by repeating the Lord's Prayer. 0-00000000000 H. C. BOX 0 0 .FUNERAL SERVICE O O Licensed Embalmer O 0 Ambulance Service 0 O Hospital Bed O 0 with adjustable rachet oper- • 0 O ated spring for rent. 0 O Night Calls Day Calls 0 O Phone 175. Phone 43. 0 12a7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O WALKER'S 0 0 FUNERAL SERVICE 0 O O O O O 0 O 12-37 0 O W. J. WALKER and O JOHN R. WALKER, . Jr. O Licensed Embalmers. and O Funeral Directors. O ,Day or Night Calls promptly O attended. 0 PHONE 67 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 THE SECOND DIVISION COURT COUNTY OF HURON Office in the Dominion Bank Build- ing, Seaifortb. Office hours: Tues- day. Thursday and Saturday, 120 p.m. to 6 p.m, Saturday evening, 7.30 p.m. to 9 p.� E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Y ' Insurance Agencies - Seaforth ANNOUNCES the purchase of the insurance business of Hays & Meir, and the udditkon of their companies to our previous facili- ties enabies is to give unexcelled service in all lines. SEAFORTH - ONTARIO 10-36 THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO'". HEAD OFFICE -- SEAFORTH, ONT. OPP101111t.S: Thos. Moylan, 5 Seaforth - Pree Vim knox, Londeslioto - Viae -Pres. %torten, A..#lerd, Seaforth - See.-Treas. „ D1RfrltTI'OftS: ?William 'Inox; l tindesboro; George ?�eonxlllxt, trodltl}fin) ; lathes Cop- t/611V, Ottxt lust ; . 'Alex. Broad -fed, R " 1i. I Se toruli, Alelidtder Mekwing, ..w +:'�f FYI 1• u lYLCGiT'd 'oLt ,, n �to - S* est, Shiolmee,. Waalfon,; Sea:forth; At 4,`O ' • Mae Lane Auxiliary. -The Thank- ofreriag ,meeting of the Mae Lane Auxiliary was held on Wednesday night, in the Sunday school room of the United. Church- Mrs. Close, the president, opened the meeting by singing "The Lord of the Harvest" and prayer. Mrs. Snell gave a read- ing and the business was transacted. Mrs. Gallop. captain of Circle 2, then took the chair. This part of the meet- ing opened by singing "Come Ye - Thankful People, Come," after which Miss Wood led in prayer. Mrs. Mo - Gavin read the Scripture lesson and Mrs. fioggarth gave a Thanksgiving reading. Miss. Dorothy Gallop sang a lovely solo, after which Miss Arm- strong, the guest speaker from Korea, told ,in a very interesting manner about the work in the hospitals there and how the mission fields need both money• and workers. The meeting was brought, to a close by singing, "Sing to the Lord of Harvest; and repeating the Mizpah benediction. f Steinberg - Murrell. -A wedding of quiet charm was solemnized Saturday afternoon, Sept. 24th, at 4 o'clock in Brant Avenue United Church, Brant- ford. by Rev, H. M. Pearson, Minister of the church, when Miss Edna Mae Murrell, fourth daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Murrell, 347 St. Paul Ave., Brantford, was united in the holy 'hotels of matrimony, to Mr. Harry Steinberg, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Steinber'g,.New Hamburg. The youth- ful. bride was becomingly gowned in a street length dress of Dubonnet crepe, accented by gold kid. Match- ing access•ories'included a smart veil- ed hat and she wore a shbulderette of Talisman rases. Miss Helen Dut- ton. her bridesmaid, was frocked in sultra tan crepe with -blown accessor- ies and she wore beautiful yellow ros- es. Mr. Edward Murrell, brother of the bride, was the groomsman'. Fol- lowing the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride's, sis- ter, Mrs. Clarence Hayhurst, 36 Cay- uga Street, the guests ineludis.g only the imm.edaate relatives owing to the illness of the bride's mother. ____4-,____ Death of. Robert J. Beatty --Robert J. Beatty, retired teacher of Tucker - smith, 'died suddenly from, a heart seizure on Tuesday morning, October 4th, at eight o'clock at his home in Egmondvi'ile. Mr. Beatty had riot been' In the best of health for some time but was able to walk to the post effice to get his mail. lie appeared to be, as well as ever Tuesday morn- itig previous to the heart attack. Born, in Varna 68 years. ago', he taught sdiool at S. S. Iw%li, 14, Stanley Town - MD; for a her Of years and later Wast teaeher at S. S: 1%To. 5, Tucker - i tb TOwnehip, Where 'Ire taught for ri'W61" ge: y'e'ao l'i7a� 1 e%ttrp WAS #(4)11- .i. ptoptl- u w16' Mild r tttiid'dnibi Mid Witt held latirowlifict.on Per inn.@ ��! wdtiltii@lg6f :,I ' t • THE URO EXPOSITOR ' • ed laborers to work fot Itim, she said. iseionaries are Cluist's repr'esenta- ves here. There ,is still a work for to , do. Will/ng workers are so Itch needed,. We taunt see the ac- ral 'needs of the "people whom we e working among. Foreign missions e calling for more to come out and alp in the -great work, she conelud- l. Miss M. Oriels sang, "I Have a viour, He's Pleading in Glory,", ac- �mpanied: by Miss A. Ferguson, and ie,stottering was received. A hearty ire of thaaks, .moved by Miss A. matey, seconded by Mrs. T. Webster, as given those who so ably assist - tin the program. The hymn, "Take ime To Be Holy"' was sung and the tizpah benediction repeated in uni- n. A dainty ;luctoll was served by Lrcles 3 and 4. AT YOUR, SERVICE `M!'4. M ti' u: 'rr I� m tv ai ;j er Si CI GAS ':.E- . 0 I L::,; ti v Whether you drive in for a quart' ]li of oil, or have your car complete- w ly serviced, you receive the same ei courteous treatment. And you T know that Sealed Shell Gas and . N 011 is the best.' si '__§ C BETON' SHELL SERVICE . s 'HONE 103 - GOOERICH ST. WEST p a. f the Sterling Bank at Varna vas also for some time in Iffice of that bank in Toronto. etired about eleven years ..ago u Egmondville. His widow ormerly Miss Jennie: Harvey, ey Township- An only vlrs, John B,t'odie, of Toronto, 'ives. A brother, George Beatty, T sister, Mrs. Frank Weekes, arra. and one grandson; Bobby lie, of Toronto, also survive. uneral was held from his fence at Egmondville on afternoon. Rev. A. W. Gardiner, ilgm rndville United Church, dr. Beatty, was a valued member, iciated. Interment was gaitlandbank cemetery, Seaforth. and c a the head e He S to live tl was it of Stan- B, daughter, c sur- c and li both of s Bro- h The p late resi- w Thursday s of s of which tr of- s made in ., 11 11 - The v W. 'M. S. Ih was held n with Mrs. a the chair. v the Na-• S gave j Lawson b gave c reading, p Cross r Workman, a inspir- 1 call- I I Northside W. M. S. Meets. hankoffering service of the of Northside United Church in: Wednesday afternoon ',aing, the president, in 'We've a Story to Tell to .ions" was sung; Mrs. Hutchison :he Bible reading, and Mrs. )ffered prayer. Mrs. R. Savauge 1• very suitable missionary sad "Must Jesus Bear the Alone" was sung. Mrs. he guest speaker, gave a very Ing address on "Work." Christ ANNIVERSARY SERVICES Egmondville United SUNDAY, OCTOBER 11 a.m.-REV. J. F. REYCRAFT, United Church, Stratford. 7.30 p.m. -REV. LEVI HUSSEY, Mitched] United Church. FOWL SUPPER - on - Thanksgiving, Mon., commencing at 5 p.m. Followed by an Entertainment Vocal Music, Addresses, Readings. local talent, assisted by Mrs. A. zies, A.T,C.M., Londesboro, and Hoffman, (Gold Medalist), Dashwood. ADMISSION 50c CHILDREN • Church - 9th f Central M.A., B.D., Oct. 10 • consisting of Etc-, by E. A. Men- Mr. Harry 25c Than'ksgivin•,g Tea Under auspices of the C. W. L - of St. James' Church, at the home of Mrs. T. D. O'Neill, on THURSDAY, OCT. 13 3 to 5.30 p.m. SILVER COLLECTION APPLES Choice Sprayed NORTHERN SPY APPLES n supply for Winter Come and get pp y after Ootober 14th. C. HOARE Fruit Farm NEAR CLINTON . 3695x2 CKNXPresents • "Buckingham P.M.ime" 730 P. M EVERY NIGHT STARTING MONDAY With Famous Orchestras: Phil Harris Gus Arnheim Ted Fiorito Novelties: Rhythm Rascals Pinto Pete's Boyle • "YOUR HOME STATION" A Coal Snap Our Caah Price, off car, for Sep- - tember Delivery, on Nut and Stove Anthracite, Coke and Alber- ta Coal, will Interest you. "BEST QUALITY FUELS" We have a quantity of 'No; 1 5X R. C. Red Cedar Shingles, to clear this Fall at an attractive price. w.. l�• H. SCOTT 1fytAl,,. Death of Miss Margaret Robertson. The death occurred on Wednesday corning, October 5th, of a highly, re- i>ected resident of Seaforth, in the erson of Miss Margaret Robertson, fterYa brief illness. Miss Robertson ame to Seaforth about eleven years go with her brother, Mr. J. M. Rob- rtson, with whom s+he resided on parling Street. Only daughter of le late John Robertson and Cather ng Buchanan Robertson, she' was econd eldest of the family of five hildren and was born on lot 12, con- ession 13, Grey Township, and later ved on the adjoining farm, lot 11. he moved in 1893, two ,years after er father's death, to the vicinity of aisiey, in Elderslie township. In 1896 ent to near Glamis in Bruce town - lip, and in 1905 to McGillivray town - hip, near Luean, where her mother led, in 1915. She afterwards lived at tratford, also at Melbourne and near liagara and near Kitchener and at lannheim, coming to Seaforth with er brother in 1927. Miss Robertson os held in high esteem by all for er many fine'. qualities. She was a rember of Northside United Church nd took an active interest. in the •qrk of the women's organization. be is survived by one brother, Mr. M. Robertsb`n, of Seaforth. Three rothers predeceased her, Dan, Dun - an and. John, 'Ilhe funeral will take lace on Friday afternoon from the esidence of her brother, Sperling St. t 2 o'clock, conducted by Rev. H. r. Workman. The pallbearers are W. i. Golding, M.P., Wesley Free, Sam canna, 'Henry Hoggarth, William El - oat, William Morrison. Interment ti-ill,,take place in Brussels cemetery. LOCAL BRIEFS • Mrs. A. D. Sutherland has. return - from Edmonton, where she spent he summer. • Mrs. E. Geddes and. Miss Mary spent the, week -end with relatives in Belgrave. v • Mrs. Woods, of Buffalo, was• the week -end guest of Miss Clara Pink- ney. • Mrs. H. V. Workman will be at home at Northside United Church Parsonage on Friday, Oct. 7th, from 3.30 until 5.30 o'clock in the after- noon, and „from 8 until 10 o'clock in .he evening, when Reverend H. V. Worktman will also be at home, • Mins Mabel Turnbull spent the week -end in Toronto. • Mr. Stanley Dorrance• was at her (home In Stratford on Tuesday af- ter' spending some time with her mother, Mrs. Thomas Grieve, who has been seriously ill. • Dr. E. McGavin, Mrs-. McGavin and Mr. Alfred McGavin, of,Windsor, •spent the week -end at the -Thome ur their father, Mr. Henry MoGavin, in Tuckersanith. Mr. MoGavin has been seriously ill for some time. • 'Messrs. Roy and Edward Everett of Toronto, and formerly of Seaforth, 'were calling on Seaforth friends on Thursdays • The Right Rev. Bisihop Seager, D.D., will occupy the pulpit in St. Thomas' Church on Sunday morning next. • Mrs. H. Alellon was in Sarnia last week attending the Diocesan meet- ing of the C. W. L. CROMARTY Mrs. Wm. Caldwell and Mrs, Harry Caldwell, of Kippen; Miss Nellie Cald- well, of Quebec, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sproat, of Seaforth, called ori Mrs. J. Caldwell on Sunday afternoon. Miss Sarah McKellar is away on WALTON Mr. Joseph Bennett has 'sold his residence to Mr. Sanderson.`6 Mr. and Mrs. M. LaCombe, of De- troit, spent the week -end with Mrs. C. Drager. ° Mr. and Mrs. Wright have leased the house belonging.to the G. Young estate and hayed moved in, Mrs. Joseph Love, who has. spent a few weeks in Toronto, has returned to her Thome, Mrs. Robert Livingstone, who has been visiting her daughter and son-in- law, Mrs. Neable and husband, Tor- onto, bast returned. Mrs, William Woods, who has been in Clinton Hospital, is home and much improved in health. Mr. William Clark, Brussels, a former resident of Walton, was found dead in bed Wednesday morning. He had been ill with a heart condition. t t Corunna over the week -end. • The home of the' late Mrs. Grace Dorrance has been. reconstructed into a beautiful bungalow. Vie work of remodelling was done by Mr. Harry Hart, contractor of Seaforth. • Mrs. A. Tinnell and Miss Bertha Chesney, who were guests at the home I Mr. Edwin Chesney, returned this week to St. Petersburg, Florida. •Mrs. W. Lifsir and Mrs. Weinmier of Walkerton, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Frain over the week I 4 Miss Ruth Kalbtleisch spent the week -end in Kitchener. • Forty Hours' Devotion was ob- served in St. James' Church, Seaforth, this week, starting Sunday and clos• Ing Tuesday night. Rev. Father Moore, S.J., of Toronto, officiated_ • .Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stewart were In. Toronto this week. • Mrs. J. Flett has returned from Sudbury. Y • Mr. Tom Cliff, of the Dominion Bank staff, Guelph,.wbo has been con- fined to ,his home here for several weeks with an attack of scarlet fever, is able to be out again. • Mr. J. E. Keating was in Toronto this week. • Miss Verna Picot }eft Tuesday on a trip to Saskatchewan. • Mr. Stewart Plant, of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, and Miss Edna Plant spent the week- end at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. I2. Plant. • Mr. and Mrr. Louis Aberhart and Miss Leona Box will spend the week- end at Kirkland Lake. • Mr. William Smith and Miss Elizabeth Smith are visiting in Flint, Michigan_ • ,Mr. John A. Wilson has returned from Quebec City, where he had been the,guest of This. daughter, Mrs. El- liott Little. • Mrs. William Oke and Mr. Leo Oke have returned from Hamilton: • The L.O.B.A. in -tends holding its annual euchre on Tuesday, Oct. 25th. • • Miss Elsie Smith, of Brucefield, Is a guest at the home of Dr. IL H. ST. COLUMBAN Mrs, Catherine Atkinson,ormerly of Seaforth, has been ill at the .home of her daughter,'Mrs. Joseph Doyle. Many friends regret to learn of the sudden illness of Mr. Peter McCann, of Seaforth. The report of the C. W. L. conven- tion, held in Sarnia recently, will be given next Sunday by Mrs. D. J. O'Connor and Mrs. Joseph Atkinson, in the parish hall Ross. • Mr. and Mrs. John Flynn, Mrs. G. K. Holland and Miss Margaret Hol- land, of Dublin, spent Sunday with Seaforth friends. --.-. • Messrs. Fred and \J. A. Eckert have returned from Chicago and Nap- iefville, Illinois, .where they visited Rev. Father Michael Ecliart and+ re- port that . although his health is im- proving, he is net making very rapid progress. • Mrs. William Murdie, Miss k. A. Murdie and Mr. and Mrs. K. C. `Mnr- die, of .Lucknow, were the week -end guests of Mrs, M. White. • Mrs. C. R. Somerville and Miss Jeanette Wilson, of London, were Sunday , guests at the borne of ,Mr. John A. Wilson. • Mr, John Neilson has returned from a week's holidays pent in To- ronto. ' • Miss Isabel Murdie, wiIo was the guest of Mrs,, M. 'White, returned,to her home i'ri Luankn-oiw om Snl#ay, 11.fiss• Staples, rl1f Stratford, was t}T1+O 'week -end ,g'ue'st of Mr. and Mrs. „-J (iV1Tavlshl� . "r t1lr, * • iia4.4a4. "l Isoir ''th ii gent fel { ddc"�Wm»4 "w t h41 S 1. N.: PRUCEFIELD MTs. Jamieson is visiting friends in Goderich. Brucefield United Church will hold their anniversary on Sunday, October 23rd. Rev. Mr. Mair, of Thames Road, wilt take the morning service and Rev. Mr. Workman, of Seaforth, the evening service. On the following Thir•rsday evening, Oct. 27th, they will hold their annual fowl supper. Messrs. Jack and Earl Kaiser, of Detroit, spent Saturbiay in the village. Jack expects to leave soon on a trip to Japan and China in the in•tefests of the company for which he works. Mrs. C. Haugh spent a few days with Iher sister, Mrs. Carnie, of Stan- ley, whose +husband died suddenly on Saturday. Mr. M. Snider, of Wingham, spent the week -end at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. E. Schilbe, of Zurich, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G. Swan, The Sacrament of the Lard's Sup- per is to be observed next Sunday at the morning service. Preparatory service will be (held on Friday even- ing at 8 p.m. Mr: and Mrs. O'Rourke and son re- turned to their home in the village J� tl) �;,rfyf +Yiich' .d`�S fir • OCTOBER 7, 193$. on the 'ROE Complete Concentrate Plan Here's a -proven method for every farmer with his own home-grownorain.. Get a bag of ROE 32% or 40% Concentrate, and mix about one pound to every three or four pounds of home-grown grain, depending on which level of• protein concentrate is your choice. Use only sound, heavy grain. We give you formulas in each bag that do get results. You do your part in mixing, and you'll have the finest feed money can buy fully Vitamized for Health and Farm -proven for Results. , ROE 32% . and 40% Complete CONCENTRATES (Choice proteins, fully vitamized for % Health with your home-grown grain. 0 you have not choice homegrown grains. ask for ROE COMPLETE 19% EGG MASH - the finest feed that money' can buy. This plan has made a hit with farmers everywhere. It saves on freight and hand- ling charges, lowers feeding costs, main- tains health and vigour in the birds, and when it comps to egg -laying, you will be more than satisfied with the increased pro- duction of large eggs of better texture and flavour - - a money -making plan for the business -like farmer. Try a sack - - you'll be back. Roe Feeds sold locally by - W. R. KERSLAKE, Seaforth. IRVINE WALLACE, Blyth. D. E. KYLE, Kippen. ALBERT TRAVISS, Walton. L. SCHILBE, Zurich. H. A. BOGIE, Auburn. GOOD FARL'k EQUIPMENT Makes a good farmer better. Here's your chance to get Real Values at Bargain Prices. We offer you the following: 11 DISC FERTILIZER DRILLS AT 1936 PRICES 6 -FOOT OIL BATH MOWER, 1936 PRICES ALL PURPOSE FARM TRUCK, 1936 PRICES The above machines must be cleared out by September Special Prices and Terms for Cream Separators. 2 Bottom, nearl}r new, Massey -Harris Tractor Plow $70.00 3 Bottom Cockshutt Tractor Plow, in good condition $50.00 2 Bottom Oliver Sulky Flew, in good condition $50.00 Also numerous small machines, Used Hand and Electric Washers at Special Clearing Prices. • 10th. JOHN SACH MAIN STREET SEAFORTH this week after spending the past week with friends near Detroit. The first regular meeting of the Brucefield Young People's Union, held on Monday evening, opened with the singing of the hymn, "The Great Physician Now is Near." The Scrip- ture lesson was read by- Doreen Pep- per; Kay Mustard led in prayer and the 'hymen, "Take Time To Be Holy" was sung.' Doris Dutot, the devotion- al convener, gave a very timely, talk on patriotism. This was followed by a lively discussion on what true pat- riotisim, i;s. Following the business period., all joined fn singing "Faith of Our blathers" and, repeating the Miz- pah benediction. The meeting next week will be in charge of Lloyd Thompson, missionary convener. 0 0 airy `ii; eat Veit tinti'i '; At Tour 'Dominion' standardis No. 4 Sieve pA MER CHOICE GOLDEN BANTAM CORN Silver Ribbon TO lu j 1IC. CATSUP Nonni Bn9ht•s or=a�drtAC�'As ii::pa3••�irp1VBIMd_ Calvinoohed SPAC ,CTTI Wit cBUNS 217ins.15 Tins � 2ln-a=.15 Tins � towo=: •04 Dots. • 3 T'ns .25 3 Tns .25 16T in-oZ. 10 . • 3 No. .25 Maple Leat Lard - 2 4..2 5 Orchard Garden Grapefruit Juice - 2l»..25; H. P. • sauce BReot.g, .29 Neilson's Cocoa - Chocolate Drops - Ib. 015 Gillett's Cash G Lye Carry CLEANSER mg 5 Dr. Banard's Dog or Cat tin oni. Tin .05 Food 2'6rla .29 OLD ENGLISH . Floor Wax 'it' .57 CHOIC( FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. SLICED - D ®M I N I O N Breakfast Bacon ' 29c 11i. Cauliflower Large White ( 1.5c Head �l `�i'i 5c 1.1c WHOLE WHEAT 24 -oz. 09 Cabbage-. Lg. Firm Heads WHITS'S li cRAGKEced D WorHFAPlain Leat i . Grapefruit Large Seedless 2 irk ,v for Values Effective DOM SeturdSy,,October alai iJ. " " T.�