HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1938-10-07, Page 4theat. 0..See • ,,-fereefieh 7•• .00 vri er, ,., ee• ett V,e te0 • . k. • Ikee, „ te• Ita t lltear , a Wanted, Lost and and. Corning Event, Soc.-Per wore: let week I Cent eir 2red week % Cede 3rel week % Cent ifeerrimtun cheese, firat insertion 25 Cents Each figures Mitred tend abbreviation Counts ea one word. 'Deed �f Zemke In Memoriam Nat0o:13-i cent per Word. Minimum, 60 cents per week. Betautente may be directed to a Box Number. care of The Huron Expositor. for 10 cents eXtra. Ten .eents additional per week will be charged if ads iss aboveclass are net Paid by the Saturday night in the week In which the ad eras run, Birdie Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. halation Sales, Notice be Creditors, Ete.-Ratee ou application. le will be inserted at new low cash rateS For Sale Auction Sales 'WINTER AFPLS1S FOR SALE -SPIES V and others. after October lat. J. Mc- PFEEIRSON. Peone 116, Seaforth, 3693x3 dleEIST IMPORTED ROLLAND BULBS- . Hyacinths (three sizes), Tulips (20 varim ties), Single and Double Daffodils, Paper Whites, Paper Yellowe. Jonquils and mixed Crocus, WILLIAM HART, Seaforth. Phone 316-J. 3695-tf aecia SA/sE-MASON-RISCH PIANO, IN first -does condition. Apply to Box 152. EXPOSITOR. Seafertie 3695-1 VOIR SALE -LARGE PANDORA RANGE. ▪ coal ar wbod, in good condition. Apply te ISAAC HUDSON. Seaforth, 369exl — SEWING MACIITNES-A LIAM Mt) S UP - ply of parts available for all makes of sewing rnachinm. Enquire about special (0007- e rho tal rates at Box 183, HURON EXPOSI- TOR. 3695x1 Farms For Sale aeon SALE -LOT 26„ CON. 5. TUCKER- . -ernith. 118 acres clay loam : two storei hrivk house, bathroom, hard and soft water: barn 740 x 56P, good stabling. wl•ter in front •of cattle: drive shed, 22' x, 32f, pig 'house under. Farm tn fir0it 13, .shirive! • undp•-drairied. Six acres maple bosh: 10, :urea wheat. Mc Lot' 2.7, Concession 0. 100 acres clay loam. grass farm: 00 acres can be cropped 13 drained: balance in bush, J. D. GE12&ELL, R. R. 4, Seaforth. Phone 131 r 2.3695x2 _. G. H. Elliott Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE OF F %ARM STOCK 'AND Implements. ma Lot 14,' Oonceeion 5 ' Tuckereradh, Friday, October' 14th. at one o'clock sharp: Hoeses--•.Matehed bay team. 9 yeare ea; general purpose nae, 9 years old; bay mare. 8 years old.. Cattile-Red heifer due Dee. 5th; cow 7 years odd. due Dec. leth ; cow 6 years old. can be registered, due Feb. let; cow 6 years old. can be registered. due April iota ; oow 7 youe old. freshened June 20th ; cow 8 years old. freshened June 113: ltlYW 4 year old. freshened April 2013; 4 steer, cerning 0 years ; 2 heifere coming 2 Seams ; 5 spri.. calves. Pers -9 pigs, four months old. Implements-elassey-Flarris bind- er ; Deerine treever ; Deering dump rake: elremee-ILerre sirie rake, neauly new; Mas- i.ey-,Harris hay loader: spring tooth cultiva- tor e riding pleugh; ming plough; 2 wulking ploughs ; McCormick -Deering, fertilizer drill, 13 Oise. nearly new ; 3-eection dianuind har- tows ; 2 wagons: gravel box ; wagon box: hay rack with slide rack ; *et sleighs: 2 tor, bugf,ries ; cutter : scuftler: potato banker; boli interest in land roller; one-half interest in manure spreader: 8 H.P. gas engine; Mae- sey-1-1.arrie cutting box; Mtassey-Ilaeris 9 -inch grinder; 30 feet 6 -inch rubber belting ; Max- well exit pulper; Melotte cream se -Pam -tor; Clieton faring mill; grind stone; block stroether; aefeaif, sling ropes; 2 set; double harness; set single earnests ; extension lad- der 32 feet; wheelbarrow ; work bench man- ure beet: stock rack; e5, elves turnips; quan- tity hay ; few begs Potatoes ; number g -rain beers and sacks: about 20 cedar posme lum- ber ; number 6 -inch the: about 1(0 hens, Bar- re. and White c- ,. abotit 100 :erring c ick- ; sugar kettle; braerid churn: 3 barrels: for,ks : shovels ; cha ins : w hifeetrem ; neck - yokes. and host of other artmla; too numer- ous to mentem_ Terms -Cash. Everything will be sold. No reserve as farm ie sold. HRS. GEORGE H. C 0 LEM AN. P Top ri et ress Notice To Creditors NOTICE TO, CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF ALEXANDLER PARK A LL PERSONS HAVING CLALMS " agained the Estate of Alexander Park, hste of the Ileven 00 Senforth. in the CountY cef Huron, deceased, who died cm or ahotit the 2723, day of Jule. A. D., 1930, are hereby ▪ tified to send in to the undersigned on or before the 20th <lay of October. 1938. full particulars ,,of thek claims. proved by affi- davit. Immedfate_ty after the A•th.3 last mentioned date, the assets of the said estate wal be dis- tributed amon,gat the parties entitled thereto, having regard °MY to claims c>f which the undereierned shall then have notice. to the exelusion all others, and the undersigned will mat be liable to any person of svhce claim the undersigned serail not then irave notice for the amete so ' distributed or any part thereof., .DATED at Seafront)) the 290-13 day of Sem- tetaber, 1938. JAMES RIVERS. Administrator. liy hh Solicitor 1113.2JER D. BELL. Seaforth, Ontario_ " 3494-3 NOTICE TO ettazorross IN 77:IE ESTATE OF ee...ORGE COLEMAN. ALL-. PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS aganet the 42 00 George Coleman. late of the Township of 31c.Kiihm, County of Huron, deceased, febe died on or about the 2001 day of July, A. D., 1938. are hereby notified to send in ta the undersigned on or before the 20th, day of October, 1938, full Particulars a their tkliMS WW1 a.ffidavite proving same. Immediederly after the said bet mentioned date. the assets of the said estate will be clahteibutecl amongst the parties entitled there- to, having regard only tri elainw of which the tinders -Armed shall then have notice to the mcclusion of all others. and the undersigned will not be Heide to airy person a whose claim the undersigned shall not then have notice for the assets so distaebutel or any part thereod: DATED Mr Seafordi this 29th day of Sep- tember, 193:3. ALICE COLEMAN & WILLIAM CAMERON. Executors. By their solicitor ELMER. D. BELL. Seaforth, Ont. 369e-3 Auction Sales A teerioN SALE. CONCESSION 14. LOT ▪ 23. Me-Killoia. on Tumday. October 11th, at 12 -30 -Pane of farm stock. implernentat and hoinelroM effects.. JAMES MOSE, Proprie- tor; Geo. R. Ellreitt. Auctioneer. 3694x2 A UCTIOei SALE-GEO. FL ELLIOTT. AUC- -"- femme has been imtracted by the under- signed to sell by public anetbm cm the premises. adjoining Seaforth, on Saturdas. Gabber 15, 1938. at 2 pan-, the household effects and Ch0atteka a the late Ei/en Wankel. as foilowe: Chum: electric iron: extension ladder: stepladder sceffier: 2 kitehen stoves: dining even table: dressiest tahle: Parlor suite: dining morn suite; 4 bedroom suites: radea. Heintz:nen Mane; cream separator: vrriting desk: drenporet : sewing creareine: kitnhen cupboard , sidemen:I: china cabinet: / 2 leather rocking chairs: Electra Lax 1 washing marhine: cow, At the time of salle thea -e win ark,o be offered for tele the pro- Perty, cursed:Mg ef splendid resieence. barn and 8 stermi of brad. situate on Highway No. 0, edjoking Seaderth on the weft. Pro,,,,, t' will be subject to aese_,ie bid. Tercra-10 per cent down, balance it] 30 days. Chati- Ccuth. MRS. ELIZABETH CARNOCHAN. Executrix: Geo. H. Elliott Ancthsneer, ascsee A ttc-no14 SALE OF FARIL FARM S'SUCH ••• and lospieraems. Lot 24, ConomA.mai 4. Tuckersersith. ou Ttiesdae. October IS, 19er8. at 1.30 o'clock: iiltersm-Black weevil00m.1 mare 11 'years aid. in faal: =ad work hocr-e: black gieidtug rlsfeg 3. well brake:1i roan* gelding tca2ast. 3. filly rising 2: oxen grad- e= ?Niue 2: 2 BcOgteu Mgt"; Ti*rall• 1. Cattle-Darttatn mew 4 ymm tfst abe Mareb tillith; Dumb= mew 4 years *I& doe le131 24th: AYrshkre• cow 6 years old. au.. Ilem-eir 1015: Oureasea coer 5 years Md, dee 380-5:ilbAsetie ore 7 'ems oOd. dm• April FiralsEmin c'ow 5 FL'S:3 old. free -hexed two Etbl§tein etws 5 a'sara 008.,te May Wert Dusts= breler 1 year old: Durham steer 1 year old: 5 roe= =Ms- l'Isn-r-4 eland& 128 lbs. Here -475 choice White Leghorn' padleta. 5ttitrg. Iropletnearkte- Oormlicki.Dearing 4 -3 -hoe 403. cal- mest /WIC MeCorrniek-Deating bean seedier. ' new fibie Peer; MODormfeetereeeseing wearing plow: Ithsasier-Eferres vide eleli,oery rake; set 4-seotion harrows,st*Antira hay ruck: gravel hog: Sylvester cutting toot 8 Fleury ertehent fanning coal: set 2-000 re. urges: 2 enter:ex; Debereal cream eloaratertr: 2 sets beaVY harems: thineacese set. set simthe beiria.: tear 21-eace eat= bora; 4 horse ogler% c 2 agregfrarroles: 100 sacks: some miler prate: unenitity new lumber: 2 large cheer fairest feriae shorele. PaTee tee- Peed -42 teens red clover fury; 14 tons Licregliy: 400 busibeAs Mixed olds, barite) arid peas: 250 basteatis talked wheat leeley told odds: 130 brastais sea: 5 bneheb red clover seed: 20 281Xed turnita and rnantarlds: 03 curds dry' *tole:veal, ieherrislet Cala% 1828, goad (0,e -e, • 2-erlassel ibrazlen drew. -11baselhold gar t7pe lobed healer, nearly anal lituvey.. nearly neirt Gale- *at-igate: eatereS2Sel bade: COletnass ieraweltiettentastageadaer; 2 eon- ' zdatehla Tetass-Ciaskt. eo 1 0; Intree tee tees, ▪ , pLli.%-1R1N6 AUCTION SALE OF FARM, Farm Stock and Implement:, at Lot 12. Concsision 3, Tuckersmith Township. L.Indon Raaal Survey..1, miles east of Kippen 1 seuth, on Wednesday. October 191±. at I harp, consisting of the fo::.•,wing: Horses- Registered mare. Queen. 9 years all [No. 595081. bred to Salvia... Resource: aged draft MI:1'0e bred to Salway Resource: draft mare 12 years old, Cattle--Durinim grade cow 3 years old.. due December 71±: Durham ade 1.°4.41V 1 years old. due January 22nd; Durham grade row 6 years. ell. due February lit.h: Durham grade eow 7 years old. due April 17ith: Durham grade cow 3 fears old, due April 22nd: Durham grade cow 4 years o/d. due April 20th : Durham grade cow 5 Years o'cl, :.‘upposed fri,hen May 20111: heifer 2 year. old, brvd July 71±: 3 heifers 1 year old: 5 spring calves. imp1emenb3- Fro,A ,S; Wood mower 0 -foot cut; 10 -foot hay i rake; term wagon with 2 sets of wheels: 1,•eY rack: I furrow riding plow: walking ' plow; dmnecnrt: steel tired top buggy: sea - 1 flee.; set of dianmnd harroies (4 sectional harrow cart: land roller: set of disc har- rows: Massey -Harris 11 -disc drill: rolling coulter; Peter Hamilton spring tooth cutli- vator ; gravel box with stook rack set of bob- 4ei0hs Portland cotter: Clinton fanning mill: set of double harness: set of 1 -home heavy irarnms,; set of single driving borne:7s t, 4 horse c-onars; several halters Daisy churn: ctrowbar; forks ; chains: shovels and numer- ous other ardcles. Everything to be sold as Proerieter is in poor health. , Terms -Cash, At the same time and place tfhe 100 -acre farm, which is of good clay loam, with 20 acres of hardwood hush, wen watered and well fenced and in a good state of cultiva- tion. situated 2 miles from Kippen„ 3 miles from Hemel!, 8 rale; from Seaforth. 114 miles from school. with a good set of ' farm buildings. a -ill be ofikered for safe subject to a reverve bid. Terms made known on day of sale. J. D. STEWART. Proprietor: Geo. 11, Elliott, Auctioneer. 36924 rLEAR1NG AUCTION SALE OF FARMS, Farm Stare and Implements, at Let 64, Brae Line. Goderich Township, 7 :miles. north of Clinton, on Wedneseay. October 12t13. com- mencing at 12 o'clesk sharp, comieting af the •I'allowirm: Horses -Team of agrieuldinral geldinge, 4 years old: agricultural brood mare; 2 agrirultural colts. rising 2 years old Registered Poeed-Angus bull 3 pears old Durham gentle cow 0 years old. clue in Neveraber: Durham grade cow 8 years old. due in March ; 3 Durham grade cows 8 years oki. due in April: Durhain grade cow' 7 years old. due in jiatie; Durham grade farrow cow: 10 steers rising 3 Years old: 5 steers refine yecus ; 5 steam. 1 ete* old: 5 heifers rising 2 y'e.arA: : 6 yearling heifers 4 Polled-Aegus sprirrg calvm. Sheep -7 yearling Leicester ewes: 13 good breeding ewes: pure bred Lei- cester mon, Pigs --2 choice Yorimhire sows, not bred: Implements -Deering tractor in friod runterig condition Deering tractor Plow: Deering tractor cultivator: Massey - Hart -13 binder 7 ft. mat: Frost & Wood mower 6 ft cut nearly new: Massey -Harris hay loader: Maseey-Harris ferterzer drill. 13 deec: Internatemal manure. 'spreader, nearly t0E4W COdai0hUtt grain drill; set of 4-5ection diamond harrows: 2 farm westere. 1 nearly new 2 farming mile ; 2 walking Mows; 3 -home sPrieg tooth cull:is-nor set sleigh*: Portland cutter: scuffles: hay rake: wagon rack; wag - en box and stock rack; grain grinder: grain roller: root puiper grindstone; set of tx,vrer eh:liners with sheep clipping attachments.; set of scalm. 2000 tbs. capacity: DeLaval cream separator, 600 lbs. reireei; 60 feet bECting brooder stove and hoover: steel tire binary:. 2 robe; 2 see dorthle harems: set of single harness; quantity of 1,.• arid lum- ber: quarstite of scanteine: crceeut saw: set of wire sfretcbere: hay fork, rope_ slings and Dullesz : wheelbarrow ; churn; pails: forks: chains: whiffietrete ; hoes: shairals .and other article,. too numerom to mention. At the same time and place the home farre C00:011Z ifeti of 100 acres of good clay loain, with a geed se: of farm buildings., and 12 acres of harcheseed kgar4t. Thc,a fanrn ts weli wa'terej 83 acre! of good clay loam with barn sotto' bee for gram or gracing will be offered for sale_ Ternei made known on day of sale. Tmens on stork a.c.r.1 into:ements--Osah. Pesi- 00 rese7ve at prepriecrese es giving up farming, Tr.i sale will start Sharp at 113 0-40C•k 1.1,A0411_ MRS. JOHN MAIR. Prentice . Gee. H. Ethore. Arreeierneer. 369e- I MORTGAGE SALE . 1" ND1ER ASD BY vitierue OF THE P41•We'74 00( if40.411,0•CO..minecl to a mrtain remeesee whirl fs-1171 be eradiated at the the ef sake reere will be offered for sale by THOMAS FELLS, Auctioneer, 22 Pahlic. Auction. on .1110NDAY. oarcatee. 24th, 1039 52 tOrs iema of tab o*ciock in the afternoon, at the if:ism of the late Edward Rowland, R. re Nek, t %Teams-, GrALe.., ;43. the fed/owing ProPerty. rianzeiY: • ALL AND SWGrLAR those eel -tin par- tae,.a or Moore tg land sod prernism situate, l'Ong and baker 00 the To-a-mthip of McRil- lop, in the Oorrny ofHttrov!,, and being omit- txused of ill The South half a tot 29 in the 14th Concession of the staid Tlownshiip. oontaining by adaneeparemient ,62ifi arim of Wad. more ot lea. and <20 Tbe ecru& 50 acres of Lot as in the 1440, Ontatiesskui a said Tow•redrip. On the t.A.:401 faun there issaid' to be greet- ed a dweilirra berme with imiteble &tem built) - The law',' will be soh] enbiect tea reserve TER3le ON SALE OF' LAND ---e5 per amt of tee eturebese money to be raid down et the erne of reale rand the Want* to be see; eared ,by a asinigage witIl, ,enterett at frier Per omit. per artratm. For further :Peaticalars and enndlikens00 sole apply to, r • ' , W. itn/C sit$WART. test lifoot..t Partaitomat Adm. Tottortoto, otormati... Soltritorsto lee Mortgagee • DAIttilla at Ibmoto Oat day bf Seise *ether. ltsa Stritatt 7 Wanted DEALEE WANTED -TO HeehIDLE MA& beleffiterths imeilentenits said repairs for -06.0.1n of Sextetteaerie to Ma NO. /11/zon Expositor, or fusite J. D, ROBERTSON. Box 37T. Cleatele, 3694x6 TOB WANTED -AS 1101.18EMBEBBB BY woman in thirties, Alva to Box 178, ExecisrroR. 3692 - PULLETS WAN'TED-BARRED ROCKS, White Rocke. White Leg -horns arid New Hampabire Reds. State age and price want- ed. Box 179, EXPOS1T0e. 3693-6 Property For Sale poe SALE -TWO 7 -ROOMED HOUSES, both newly modernized, one stuccoed; complete with furnace, bath with shower& mut hardwood floors. Wired for electric stove. Newly decbtated throughout Stuc- coed garage, Grounds built up and seeded, In chleice residential section of town.. Apply to DR. J. A. MUNN, Seaforth, Out 3691-3 Tenders Wanted QEALED TENDERS ADDRESSED TO THE " undersigned and endorsed "Tender for alterations and Eidditions to Public 'Building. Clinton, Ontario.** will be received until 12 o'clock noon, Friday, October 14, 1938, for the alterations asad additions to the Public Building at Clinton, Ontario. Plans earl specificaticat can be seen and farms of tender obtained at the offices of the Ohief Architect Department of Public Works. Ottawa, the Supervising Architect, 36 Ade- laide Street East„ Toronto. Ontario, the Care- taker, PulAir Buildings. Hamilton, Ordario, and the Caretaker, Public Buildings, Clinton, On facie. Tenders will not be ternsidered unless made Or the form, supplied by the Department and in accordance with the conditions set forth therein. Each tender mustbe accompanied by a certified cheque cm a ehartered bane in Canada, payable to the order of the Honour- able the Minister' a Public Works. equal to 10 per cent. of the anneue of the tender. or Bearer Bomb of the Dominion of Cansda or of , the Canadian Nathmal Railway Clompany • and its constituent companies, uncondition- ally guaranteed as to principal and interest by the Dominion of Canada,' or the afore- ment'.ionee bonds and se certified cheque if re- quired to make up an odd amount_ NOTE.- The Department, through the Chief Arethitect's office, will supply blueprints and specification of the work on deposit of a sum of 315.00 in the form of a certified bank cheque payable to the order of the Minister of Public Works.. The deposit will be re- leased on return of the blue-print:a rind speci- fication within a mon.h from the date of lo,•eot ion of tender. If not returned within that period hhe deposit will be forfeited_ By order, J. M. SOMERVILLE, • Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ot'=wa. September 23, 1930. 3694-2 TENDERS WANTED Township of Tuckersmith rTEND22RS FOR THE REPAIR OF THE Clark Drain in the Township of Tucker- sanith : 4.300 feet Open work te the original depths, Tenders to be in the hantes of the Clerk by noon. Saturclary. °etcher 15th. P)ans and sper0fie^ticms naay be seen at the office of the Oenk. D. F. McGREGOR, Clerk_ 3695-2 Card of Thanks WEI. AND MRS, ROHE:Err PARSONS. f)F Hereall, wish ea thank the Firemen and neighbors and fniends fer ameting en =vim( their barn at the time of the fire last week_ 364551 IVIRS, JOHN A. MeGREGOR AND MR. AND) Mrs. Alex. D. McGregor wish to thank' their many relatives, friends and neighbes for the kindnees and sympathy shown in their named sudden. sed bereavement, ead for the nraday bersatifful floral tribotea. ' 369551 Births MORSE -In Roxbure, N. Y.. cra September 280te to Mr. 8:nd Mrs. Harrison C. Morse, (nee Mary Case), a daughter. LAWSON-In Clinton Public HasTaal. on September 24113. to Mr. and Mrs. ye. C. Lawson. a daughter-31argaret TURNBULL-1n Hay Township On Serdem- ber 17013e to Mr. and Mrs. Ferg-ns Turaball, a daughter. KADING-In Kay Tcretiship. Oil September Ilth, to gr. and Mrs.; Raymond leading. a Mon. OKE -In Heebert Townehip. on September 21. en Mr. and Mrs. James Oke. a danghter-- Leona Ida. 21ERNAR0-10 Scott Memorial linsPitail. Sea - forth, on September 305,, to Mt. and Mrs. Earl Bernard, of Brcreek. a -son_ Marriages MILLER - HAMILTON -At tee home of the britle's permits. "'Spruce Hedge Farm." Crirmarte. on Satarduy. Sruat. 2.10115. Mar- rsret Len= daughter Of Mr. and Mrs. William A. Ilarneton. to Mr. C3ifton Fret& Miller. tOTI ‘Zif Mr. and Mrs. Jobn Mffier. of Staffs. by Rev. sesames Goderich Sweeps (Continued from Page 1) forth: B. Mote, Exeter. Mile - W. Burns, Goderich, 6 minutes,. 5 seconds; H. Earle, Seaforta: B. Metz, Exeter. Hop, step and jump -S., Wigg. Sea - forth, 34° 511: W. Gibbs, Mitebell; J. Lockward, Clinton. Running broad jump -S, Wigg. Seaforth, 161 51e1/: J. Lockward, Clinton: W. Failtrner.' Exe- ter, High jump -F'. Hicks. Exeter, 4, 71,44,': W. Fabrner, Exeter: S. Wigg, Seaforth. Pole vault -W. Fahrner, Ex eter. 6'4."; G. O'Connor, Seaforth; D. McKenzie, Melon. Shot put -T. Costello, Goderich; D. McKenzie, Clin- ton; S. Wigg, Seaforth; Relay race - Exeter, Goderich and Clinton., Junior Boys 1410 -yard rase -Mathew Drew. Gode- rich, 12 set -r -'ds; R. Monteith, Cline ton: .T. Mcchpadden, Seaforth. 220 -yd. dash -J. O'Neill, Seaforth, 28 sec- onds; G. Bay/thane Exeter: W. Drew, Goderich. Half mile -J. O'Neill, Se forth, 2 minutes 33 2/5 seconds; 0, Baynhem, Exeter; R. Contts, Hop step and jump -J. Sweet, Exeter, 30' 6"; R. Monteith, Clinton; S. Jona, Hensel). Running broad jump - Monteith, Clinton. 14/ 7"; C. ROM, Hensall; Sweet, Exeter. High intim -J. Sweet, Exeter, 41 6"; N. McMil- lan. Seaforth; A. ()rarer. HenstelL Pole vault -K. Coign -home Clinton, 7P; J. Quinlan, Seafortb; N. Flannigan, Exe- ter. Shot put -J. Sweet. Ereter, 35' he"; B. MeNauglit„Mitchell; Cambell.„ Hensel -it Relay reee-Sete fOrth, Exeter anti Code/lett. Senior Writ 100 -yard dasbe-E. Ateher, 0-odericla, 13 2/5 Secands; D. Thiel, Mite -hell; L. Ottlarliaghtaana, Clinton, 15 -yard dash -H. Archer, Graded**, - 10 15 sec- onds; K. Orteuninghonae, Clinton; D11I. MitcIell. Staleditg broad karat; Godanich, 6' llae"; B. Thompsen, Olittono K. Cunninghame, biota% High jump -H. Levis, and n. Meitchell (tied) 41 Sh; H. Whigen, Goderioli. Target throw -al. Willis, Exeter; C. Delmage, Seafortli; E. McQueen, Bewail. Bass ket ball throw -M. Barry, Goderioh, 701 5"; M. Hamilton, Mitchell; E. &c - Queen, Efensall. Baseball thrOwi-A. Snell., Exeter, 1551 6"; K. Cunning- ha.me, Clinton; M. Hamilton, Mitchell. Relay race -Exeter, Mitehell and Clite ton. Intermediate Girls 75 -yard dash, K. ,Holtees, p 3/5 sec- onds; P. Johnson, Goderich; H. Hern, Exeter. 100 -yard dash -P. Johnson, Goderich, 13 1/5 seconds; P. Hern, Exeter; K, Holmes, Seaforth. Stand- ing broad junape-P. Johnson, Gode- rich, 61 llte"; J. Harding, Goderich; H. Pickett, Clieton. Running broad jump -B. Westbrook, Goderich, 121 4%11; P. Johnson, Goderich; V. Hog- garth, Clinton. High jump --11. Pick- ett, Clinton; 13. Westbrook, G,oderioh; M. Fitzgerald, Clinton, Target throw -L. Plumsteel, Clinton; D. Harker, Mitchell; M. Glenn, Exeter. Basket- ball throw -D. Gollmitz, Mitchell; D. Hatker, Mitchell; E. Eckert, Sea - forth. Baseball throw -ole. Ginn, Gode- rich, 1460 700; J. Duncan, Exeter; J. Harding,' Godencb. Relay race Sea - forth, Goderich and Clinton. Junior Girls 50 -yard dash -R. Harris, Clinton, .7 seconds; B. Giilrie, Mitolaell; M Law- rence, Seaforai. 75 -yard dash -B. Gil - Iris, Mitchell, 10 3/5 second.s; FL Har- ris, Clinton; R. Chandler, Hensall. Standing broad jump -E. McEwan, Goderich, 61 614"; D. Green, Exeter; L. Walther, Mitchell. Running broad jump -P. Webb, Goderieh, 111 2.1a"; S. Smaltdon. Seaforth; Gillrie, jump -M, Little; Gode- rich, 41 1,4/1; B. Matthews, Seaforth: D. Green,. Exeter. Target throiv-R. Melville, Mitchell; M. Taylor, Clin- ton; M. Little, G-oderich. Basket ball throw --I. McKellar, Seaforth, 66! 5"; W. Jackson, Mitchell; B. Gillrie, Mit- eliell. Baseball throw -I, McKellar, Staforth, 90' 5h; II, Dickson, Clinton; M. Taylor, Clinton. Relay race-Cliu- ton, Exeter and Mitolaell. "YAM MAN LE Y 4•1•••MMINIMINIIIM Mr. Henry Bennewies met with a painful accident last week while op- erating his corn cutter, when his hand got caught in the cutting box, lacer- ating three of his fineers, but uas lucky that it was not more serio.a. Threshing buck -wheat is the crder of the day. The potato crop exceeded far rezon- ing proportions for quality and turn- out than was expected a short tinie ago., Mrs. John Murray was a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C, Eekart last week. TUCKERSMITH Corn cutting is the order of the, day in this vicinity_ Mr, and Mrs. T. Webster attended Lucknow Fair on Friday last. Aaniversary services w0.1 be 'observ- ed in Turner's Church , on Sunday, Oct. 16th. Rev. Eric Anderson, of Weston, w -ill be the speaker for the day. Many from this vicinity attended anniveeaary services at Ontario St. United Church, Clinton, on Sunday lase, when ,Rev. Agnew, of Empress Ave. Obttnob, London, preached in the morning and Rev. A. E. Doan, of For- est, in the evening. CONSTANCE Mr. and- :Mrs, William Cla.rk and son. Ephriarn Clark, spent the week- end with Ms. Clark's sister and bro- ther-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Pap- ineau, in Strathroy. Mr. anti Mrs. Oliver Clark. of Gode- rich, visited with Mrand Mrs. George Leitch on Wednesday. Mr. Howard Armstrong arid Mr. Frank Woods, of Londesboro, attend- ed the Shortborn sale held at Guelph on Saturday - The deepest sympathy of the com- munity goes oth to Mr. and Mrs. Mil- ler Adams in the entire loss of their 'house and contents fire on Friday morning last.. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Layton, of Exe- ter. visited with Mr. and Mrs. James Medd last week. Miss Phyllis Medd- returned with them for a few days. IIENSALL , (Continued from Page 1) Spezial veinal in Ladies' Fall Over- coats, Yarns., Wools, Men's Wind - breakers and Sweaters. at Goodwin's. Mr. and Mts. Wilson Carlisle. Mrs. A. Logaa and Mrs. A. Harvey visited in Tucker -smith on Sunday at the hi -tine of Mr, Sidney Gemmel]. Mr. James McEwan left recently for Northern Ontariq where he will en- gage in prospecting_ Mr. Tan Flishie left for Toronto last week where he will attend e(be Uni- versity. • Mr. and Mrs. William Hudson, of Hollywood, California. and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Findson. of Winfield. Kansas, were week -end guests with Mns. Logan and Mes. A. Harvey and also witb Mr. and Mrs. Wilson ear - lisle. It is Some 36 years since they left this part, of the country anti nu- turally they saw many Ctiangest, but enloYed visiting With their old friends and former Aherne, and were pleased to meet with a great many people. Mrs. James W. BOntbron, Who has been Wending, the summer months at her summer cottage at 'rand Bend, bast returned to her btostiv„ here. 4d1ss Martha Carlisle and friend, Miss Vera Chamberlain, of Lontion, visited her parents. Mr. and Mrs. „Wil- son Carlisle, ott Saittirday Inst. Mr. and hire, Pred ss, Aft glad hfra. Cieorge'lless and'Mr, Harry Etaw- am attended the ffmeral Of the late James Carale, rif Stanley TolinuldP, 011 $1,11144 1.28t. • " M. 1, arn, Of NOW Hamberg is eelieviug at the C.N.R. statieth for two weeks in the abeenee of Mr. A. L. Case, station agent," who tOgether with Mrs. Case, are Spendifig their va- Cadet with relatieee in Detreite • Nisei Mildred Scritton, who has been a very efficient bookkeeper a,nd stetograpthee at Air. E. L. Micklea mill -foe ,the past few years, has re- signed her position. Mise Gladys; Mc- Kenzie will take her Plane and has commenced Work. Mr. and Mrs. A. Clark Jim and Mary, accompanied by Miss Florente Welsh, motored to Ingersoll on San - clay; spending a pleasant day with rel- atives and friends there, . Miss Elsie Robine was iu Toronto on Saturday last attending the wed- ding of her brother. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Passmore, Al- bert Passmore and friend, of Delhi, spent the -week -end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore - Mr. Ivan Kipfer left last Week far Millville, Pa., where he has secured a good position. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Scruton and children, of Port Dover, spent the week -end with relatives. Large congregations attended, anni- versary services held at Chiselhurst United Church -.Sunday, Oct. 2n1, at 2.30 and 7.30 p.m. The church was beautifully decorated with profusions of lovely autumn flowers. The speak- er for the day was the pastor, Rev. It A. Brook, who delivered very ap- propriate 'discourses, wbich were much enjoyed by the congregation. The choir, assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Harry ..1-lorton, of Hensall United Church choir, rendered several fine anthems with Mrs. W. J. Pybus, or- ganist, presiding at the piano. Duets by Mr. G. T. Wren and Mr. Harry Horton: were well rendered at both services and much enjoyed. Norris McEwan, young &on of Mr. and Mrs. Alpine McEnvan, of Iles vil- lage, enjoyed a few days it Detroit last week, guest of the London Free Press. Norris delivers the Press here dail3i and has worked up a splendid paper route, so that be was in line for a free trip to Detroit, sponsored by the London Free Prese. The Supertest Oil Co. is building an addition to their gas station on No. 4 Highway, -corner of Queen Street. which when finished, will be one of the finest, on the highway. Albert Spencer & Son have the contract. The carpentering work has been sub -let to James Sangster, and the plumbing and Wirir-g tb John Passmore. The executive of the Y. P. S. of the United, Church have held a meet- ing in the s„ohool rooni of the church when plans were made for fall pro- gfams. The first meeting will be held on Monday evening, Thanksgiv- ing night. Oct. 100. "Thanksgiving" will be 'the theme of the everting and will be in charge of the devotional committee, Miss Gladys Passmore, and Miss Goldie Cross. A report of tte summer sebool held at Goderich in July will be given by Miss Elva -McQueen, who was appointed a dele- gate by the Y. P. S. Arrangements are also being made for an evening with the inmates of the County Home at Clinton some time this fall, - The Arnold Circle of Carmel Pres- byterian Church meeat the home of Mrs. Roy Bell on 'Monday evening and held a very interesting meeting with Miss Mabel Workman presiding Following the opening hymn, sentence prayers were given by Misses Helen Moir, 'Violet Hyde and Alice Pfaff; Scripture lesson read by Mrs. Roy Bell. A pleasing solo. "Building For Eternity," was sung by Mrs. W. A. Young with Mrs. Malcolm Dougall at the piano. Miss Irene Hoggarth gave the topic„ a chepter from tbe study book on the life of Jessie McBean and tber work in China. During the filminess period it was decided to make arrangements for a crokinole pa.rty to be held at the home of Mrs. Malcolm Dougall some time during October. The next mottbly meeting, Which will be theld during the first 'part of November. will be at the home of Mrs. James Vincent at Clinton. Following the closing hymn, a sewing meeting was held, after which a dainty lunch was served by the host- ess,. Services in the three local churohes were largely attended on Sunday lasL Rev. W. A. Young was in his own pulpit at Carmel Presbyterian Church and Rev. R. A. Brook, 13.Th., cowitaca ed services in the United Church. Communion was administered at the morning service at both these Oburch- es and tbe service at St.. Paul's Angli- can Church was in charge of Rev. James, of IGritton.. Service in se Paul's Anglican Ohara on Sunday will be held at 2.30 in the afternoon. A song service with special music will be held in' Carmel Presbyterian Carnet Sunday evening, and baptis- mal service will. be observed at the morning service. Council Meets The regular meeting of the village council was held Monday evening in tbe council chamber with all members being present. Miss C. Mitchell ap- peared. re her frontage diin, asking pennissoe to drain into the dramn. in front of 0. "Geiger's property; council to look ler° the matter mid decide. Correspondence read as follows: A. Spencer & Son, F. C. Kalbfleisch, Beatty Bros.. Ltd., F. L, Davidson, Provincial Fire Margball, Dept. of Fin- ance, County Attorney, a E. Holmes, Monteith & Monteith, County Treas- urer, County Clerk, Dept. of High- ways; same to be filed. Geo. Walker reported re hall renting. 3. A. Pater- son, berk, reported re the summary of 1938 tax roil. G. Brock and Shep- herd: That we prirchase a tank from F. C. hKelbileisch at ;40. Carried.'l Twitchell and,Jtines: That we pur- obese the pumping equipment as sug- gested by Beatty' Bros. theoug.h the local dealers, Porithron & Drysdale, also a 2 horsepower electric Motor from Rice Electric. Carried. Twit, ellen and Brock: That W. Jones and Sliephettl leak after the drain inffront of C. Vfitchelts.:Carriedi. Bus and accounts; read:' National Drug and Measliest -I Co., bicarbonate' soda, '$4; 6. M. Case, coal for ball, A3L25; Cortrity Of Huron, Indigent, $12.25; A. wateNtng" fire, $1-50; Hy- dro Commission, Hyde!" tor hall' aed motor, $7201 Total, $57.0L. Twitithell and "Shepherd: That bills And se, connis as read be paid. Carried. Ttehell and ShePherdt Thal , we fiethell• soreereleese.iarele. .th'''hotaii,ehroorhea • I0h..X.00:•0ir;•",W1, adjourn. • lOartiletL-JO i eta A. Pater- son, Clerk, Receive New Books Thefolletwing new hooks have been received at Heneall Public Library: Fictiont-"The Mortal Storm," k ,Bot- tOcalrej "To you, Mr. Chips," 'Whoa; "The Yearling," Rawlings; "The Joy- ful- DelaneY13," Walpole; , "Elena in Peace," Bentley; "With, Flame of Freedom," Cthapaatan; "The Wall," Riaehart; "Lamp in the Valley," Stringer; "lJnfamiliar Faces," Ros- man; "Vititth Malice Towards Some," Holeey; ,•"The Dark River," Nordhoff & Hall; "Rwe Dyvellers," Bower; "Divorced From Reality," Stevensou; "The Strange Proposal," Hill; "I Have Been Little Too Long," Colver; "The Mark Of Cain," Comstock; "The Two - Gun Man.," Siltier; "Mee Are Such Fools," Baldwin; "The Affair at Flower Acres," Wells; "Mr. Under Hill's Progeess," Corbett; "Oh! Abso- luxe," Spring. Non -Fiction -"The Roy- al Canadian Mounted Police," Fether- stone; "Beautiful Canada," Quinn; "Life of Sir Henry Morgan," Cruik- shank; *Ars Longa," Newton McTav- fah; "The Horse and Buggy Doctor," Rertzler. Juvenile - "Her Father's Daughter," Porter; "Nancy's Myster- ious Letter," Keene; "The Password to Larkspur Lane," Keene; "The Mes- sage in the Hollow °oak," Keene; "A Figure in Hiding," Dixon; "The House ore the Cliff," Dixon; "Who's Who In Mother Goose Land," Mutphy; "Lit- 1 Exeter Lioni FIRST Fro- lic- Thursday and -Friday OCTOBER 6-7 EXETER ARENA • Exeter Band In Attendance „ Benny Palmer's Orchestra with new and old-time Jitney Dances W. Smith, the funniest Clown, from London, will entertain both BIG DRAW FRIDAY NIGtrr WHO WILL GET THE TRIP TO FLORIDA, VALUE 200? Admiesion Thursday Night, 10c Admission Friday Night, 25c The Lions Club appeals for .-Yotr support in their work for Crippel Children, -44 tle Bears Ups and Downs," Fox; .."Jack and the Beanstalk," Bates; "Birds," King. NOTICE RE MILK PASTEURIZATION LEGISLATION. The Medical Health Officer bas been advised in a circular letter from the Department of Health that the legislation on compulsory pasteurizatiot of milk eould come into force on October ist, 1938, in • all cities and towns, and in certain other areas designated by order- in-copncil dated June 24th. On December 31st of this Year the Act will become applicable to a further group of urban municipalities. In order t� clarif3- the poeStion in respect to the loofa application of this Act it is censidered desirable to again ihdicate same of the more important features of this measure: SCOPE OF THE ACT (1) The Act applies to every city and town in the Province. (2) The Act in -eludes not only milk but cream, chocolate drink, but- termilk, and all milk products except butter and cheese. (3) There is no exemption under the Act for the sale or distribution' of milk or cream, even in small quantities. (4) The legislation affects the sale and delivery of milk only in the Muralcipelities referred to above. (5) Each pasteurization 'Ault must have a certificate of approval' from this Department. This can be issued only after all the eqiiipment and the method of processing are satisfactory to the Department. It is the responsibility of Medical Officers of Health and Boards of Health to ensure that no raw milk or related products are distribut- ed in their municipalities. Authority is provided for taking the nec- essary action against any who sell unpasteurized products. The Pen- alty provided for violation of the pasteurization clauses (that is the sale of raw mi(tk) is a fine of $25 to *500. F. J. BURROWS, mik, MEDICAL OFFICER OF HEALTH, SEAFOETH -411111MII Preventi�n Fl E Week to 15 In Canada arta the United States the week of 'October 9th to 15th is being observed as Fire Preveetion Week. The Dominion Fire Pre- vention Association in cooperatiota with Proviecisl Fire Marshalls, local. Fire Chiefs and others, are co-operating witlecivic orgonieations in the furtherance of the aims of Fire Prevention. „ About 350 people are burned to death and a much larger number are injured by fire th Canada every year. The recorded loss of Pro- perty by fire in Canada during the 15 years, 1920 to 1934, exceeded $610,000,000. In other wards, at cur present burning rate, al:Troll-- merely one human life is sacrificed and $110,000 w-orth of property is destroyer] e day _othe-year. Prevent Fires These Simple SuggeStions, if Followed by Everyone in the Family, Will Make Your Home - Safe From Fire.. 1 -Put lighted IltiateRs' abet smokes out before you throvJ them away. Keep matches' where small children cannot reach them Never smoke in the garage, barn, or attic. nor in bed. • " 2 -Remove rubbish, waste papers and all unnecessary combus- tible materials. Provide metal ash and trash cans. Burn. rubbish •only in a safely covered brick or metal incinerator. Watch the fire. 3 xaMine al • stoves, furnaces a smoke pipes to make lure,. they are sate an well away from,. oodwork or other burnable ma- terials. Heve needed repairs at once. 44 -Value the advice of your fire chief who says that many fires are caused by dirty or defective chimneys. Have the ehltalleY clean- ed regularly, and heve all defecteorepaired. 6 -Escape the danger of intiabitnable liquid fires a.nd explosiens r • by keeping no gasoline in the house. ' Do dry cleaning with safe liq- uids or send the work to the cleaner. Never start fires with kerosene. 6 --Notify the electric company of electrical trouble and the gas company of gas leaks, Replace "blown" fuces with new ones -not pennies. Avoid borne -made wiring jobs. Don't look for gas leaks witb a match. 7 -Teach everyone in the family to be careful of fire, to watch strives, fireplaces, electric iron a and all ot.her possible fire causes, and every day to remo't'e old rags, papers and other rubbish, 8.--r-Fireproof your home ast far aU possible by fire -safe roofing, fire stopping' 031 bellow 'wails and -partitions to stop the spread a flame, and a non-combustible basement ceiling. • 9'-Intinire of your fitechief„: when buying a fire extingetieber, to be sure of getting the right kind. Don't hesitate to ask your firemen whenever yon have questirits on fire prevention. Ea -Remember always where the nearest fire alarm box is and how to send an alarm.' -It telephoning, be Sure the address iu clearly understood. Use aereighbor's phone rather than one in the lalruing building. 11 -Explain to everyone in the house what to do in ease of fire, how to put out fire hi clothing bY wrapping in a rug or blanket, mhat ,to do when grease catches fire in the kitolien, 12 -Save life and• property from Needless destruction by fire by -keeping the principles of fire preaention always bi naiad arid never taking a chance *with fire. E. J. BOX, A ' • -000 FIRE CHIEF, TO OF SEAFO THe „. . , . • „r • ..„„, „' 0 -he * • . • 11}-• e A A • A A A .4 • A a A • 4 4 A 'a • • • • 4 19