HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1938-09-30, Page 6l•;
"age 1)
milk or in
;. yearling heifer,
old heifer, W.
la this year , W.
Id,; heifer calf, this
if e''lttiober; 1 year old,
bxelal}ier and 2nd.
]lflek .eow in calf or giv-
Pfaff and 2tlsde; heifer, 2
rr c71(D#'¢ fall and 22nd; heifer, 1
Pfaff; steer, 2 pears old,
)i S'fao and- 2nd; steer, •1 ;year old.
'];T�''1'afE, ,nr
t:detaiR1ee-Milk coni* in calf or giv-
f%eo•milk, W. Sparks; heifer, 2 years
al W. Sparks; •heifer, 1 year old, W.
Sparks end and; heifer calf; under 1
,. year,• W. Sparks.
Special Prizes -Three best dairy
type, cow, 2 year old heifer, yearling
beif<er, ' W. Sparks; three best beef
type, cow, 2 year old heifer, yearling
heifer, W. Oestreicher, A. Pfaff; Jithn-
aton & •Kalbfleisch's special, A. Pfaff.
Lineolv+s-Aged ram, A." Steeper;
shearling 'ram, A. Steeper and 2nd;
shearling ewe, A. Steeper and 2nd;
ram lamb, A. Steeper and. 2nd; ewe
• lamb, A. Steeper and• 2nd; ewe hav-
ing raised lamb this year, A. Steeper
and. 2nd.
Oxford Downs -Aged 'ram, J. Hen-
ry, F. McClymont; • sthearling ram, J.
Henry, 0. McGowan; shearling ewe,
3. Henry and 2nd; ram lamb, J. Hen-
ry and 2nd; ewe lamb, 0. , McGowan,
J. Henry; ewe having raised lamb
this year, J. Henry and 2nd.
Shropshire Downs -Aged ram, 0.
McGowan and, 2nd; shearling ram, 0.
'(McGowan and 2nd; shearling ewe, 0.
•McG•owan and '2.nd; ram lamb, 0. Mc-
Gowan and 2nd; ewe lamb, 0. Mc-
Gowan and 2nd; ewe having raised
lamb this year, 0. McGowan and 2nd.
• Leicesters-Aged ram„ D. Graham;
sehearling ram, C. Lawson, D. Graham
shearling ewe, D. Graham;` ram lamb,
D. Graham, C. Lan -son; ewe lamb, 1).
Graham, C. Lawson; ewe having rais-
ed lamb this year, D. Graham, C. Law-
son. -
Yorkshire Aged sow, A. Warner;
aged boar, A. Warner, R. Manson ;
spring boar, A. Warner and 2nd;
spring sow, A. Warner, T. Meyers.
Tamworth -Aged sow, R. Manson,
E. Pym; aged boar, T. Snowden, E,
Pym; - Spring boar, T. Snowden, E.
Fyn?; ng sew, ' R- •MoD. T.
Speeiala•-Yotwgblut'u speoial R.
Maaai a; Geo. T)eic)aerrel Samaria, T.
' Judge-Hlumwphrey Spelt; Seafoat+b.
Black Haiaburgs (e; a'h. cr & If)
Lloyd O'Brian and 2aca.„ ,S., S. Ham -
burgs (e, rh, er• Mc p-)'- A. • McKim:ea
and 2nd'. Bar.redt' Rcecks ('h & or) F.
McClymont eared! 211d: (`p) F. McCly'
mout, H. Fuses. White Rocks (c & h)
T. Snowden, D. Graham, (cr & p) A.
Battler, D. Grahams. Brahmas (c)
Thiel Bros., D. Graham, (h) A. Me -
Kinnon and 2nd, (cr & p) Thiel Bros.,
A. .McKinnon. Black. Minoreas (c, h,
cr & p) 0., Battier and and. White
Minoreas (c & •'I.i) H. Desdardinee and
2nd, (cr & p) 0. Battler. Brown Leg -
horns (c, h, cr & p) 0. Battler and
and. Buff Leghorns (e & h) •J.
Kochems. S.C.W. Leghornsc, h, er
p). Thiel Bros. and 2nd. 1 R.C.W.
Leghorns (c, h, cr & p) J. Kochems
and 22nd. Buff Orpingtons (h) J. Koch -
ems. White Wyan,dottes (c) D. Gra-
ham, 0. Battler, (h, cr & p) OS Bat-
tler, D. Graham. Rhode Island'Reds
(h & er) 3. Kochems. Anconas (c) L.
O'Brien. (h) L. O'Brien, J. Kochems,
(cr & p) L. O'Brien and 2nd. Silver
Grey Workings, (c, eh & p) 0. Battler,
J. Kochems, (cr) J. Kochems, 0. Bat-
tler. Bantams, unbooted, •(c) L.
O'Brien, D. Graham, (h'& p) D. Gra-
ha.m;'"L. O'Brien, (cr) D. Graham, A.
McKinnon. Black Sumatra (c & h),
L. O'Brien. Old English Game (c . &
h) L. O'Brien and 2.nd, (cr & p) '3.
Kochems and 2n•d. Jersey Black
Giants (c, h, cr & p) D. Graham. An-
dalusians (c) 0. Battler, Oh) J. Koch -
ems, 0. Battler, (cr & p) 0. Battler
and 2nd. Black Langshang (h) J.. Ko-
opems and 2nd. New Hampshire Reds
(c) F. ,McClymont, H. Fuss, (h) H.
Fuss, Thiel Bros., (Cr & p) F. McCly-
mont. Sussex (h, cr & p) J. Koch -
ems. Houdans (h & cr) Lee O'Brien.
D. W. Games (c & h) L. O'Brienand
and. Any other variety (c, h,..ttr. &
p) D. Graham Collection of pigeons,
Lee O'Brien, H. Flaxbard.
Ducks -Pekin China ducks (young
drake, young duck) 0. Battler, , T;
Snowden. Rouen ducks (old and
young), T. Snowden; ducks, any var-
iety (old drake) T. Snowden, 0. Bat-
tler, (old and young duck and drake)
0. Battler, T. S,nowden.
Wild geese (old), D. Graham; wild
ducks (old and young), D. Gra,heam;
pair Guinea, D. Graham, F. McCly-
Judge -Wm. Carter, Londes,boro,
Grain' and Seeds
e fall wheat, EL Flaxhard, W.
Doupe;., red) fall wheat, M. Rader, PI,
Fuels; prang wheat, H. Truemner, M.
Radler 6.,rowed barley, M. Rader, H.
True,Waaer; white elate, early, H. Des-
jardine, H. Truemuei+; white oats;
late, E. Haberer, H. Desjarddne; small
peas, M. Rader; buckwheat, M. Rad-
er, H. Desjardine; red clover, seed;' A
Reichert, M. Radler; sweet clover seed,
F. McClymvoaut, T. Snowden; timothy
seed', A. Reichert, 11. Desjardine;
small white field 'beans. 11. Truem2ner,
J. Battler; best .collection grain in
'heads, T. Snowden, 0. Dailey.
-Judge-T. Williams, Zurich.
Applea�•--Collection of any kind of
apples, 0. Dailey, Laithwaite & Son:
four varieties fall applets, 0. 'Dailey,
Laithwaite & Son; four varieties of
winter apples, 0. Dailey, W. McKen-
zie; King of Tomkins, 0. Dailey,
Laithwaite & Son; Snow apples, Laith-
waite & Son, 0. Dailey; Northern
Spits, 0. Dailey, Laithwaite & Son;
Baldwins, 0. Dailey, Laithwaite &
Son; R. I. Greenings, 0. Dailey, Laith-
waite & Son; Maclntosh Red, 0.
Dailey, Laithwaite & Son; Ribson Pip-
pin, T. Snowden, Laithwaite & Son;
Golden Russets, O. Dailey, Laitrhrwaite
& Son; Wagn'ers, Laithwaite & Son,
0. Dailey; Manns, Laithwaite & Son,
W. McKenzie; Wolf River, 0. Dailey,
Laithwaite & Son; Ontarios, T. Snow-
den, Laithwaite & Son; Maiden's
Blush, 0. Dailey, Laithwaite & Son;
Blenheim Pippin, La.itliw•aite & Son,
0. Dailey; Pewaukee, 0. Dailey, Laith-
waite & Son; Oolverts, 0. Dailey, F.
McClymont; 20 -Oz. Pippin, 0. Dailey;
Telmer' Sweet, Roy Lamont, W. Mc-
Kenzie; Wealthy, 0. Dailey, Laith-
waite & Son; collection of Russet ap-
ples, 0. Dailey.
Pears -Collection' of fall pears,
Laithwaite & Son, 0. Dailey; collec-
tion winter pears, Q. Dailey, Laith-
waite & Son; collection pears, fall and
winter, 0. Dailey, Laithwaite & Son;
Iiartlett.t pear, H. Truemner, F. Mc-
Cbymon,t; Flemish Beauty, Laithwaite
& .Son, 0. Dailey; Clapp's Favorite, 0.
Dailey, Laithwaite & Son.
Miscellaneous -Peaches, R... Geiger,
H. 'Desjardine; pdunes, 0. Dailey,
Lai•thw,aite & Son; drab apples, red,
0. Dailey, H. Truemner; crab apples,
yellow, F. McClymont, 0. Dailey;
grapes, --M. Smith, E. Restemeyer;
collection of grapes, S. Haberer, 0.
Dailey; best plate of plums, 0. Dail-
Specials-Laird's speoial, 0. Dailey;
Thief's special, Spy apples, F. McCly-
molatt; Thiel's special, Snows, 0. Dail -
hat Goes On In
Every Home
• Watch in your own home how The Huron Expositor
-or any other good newspaper is _ read. Possibly the
weather for the dtay or the morrow is a first matter of
interest; and perhaps the main headlines on the front
page are scanned; but it is a pretty safe thing to say that
women, readers will turn very early to the advertisements
of local firms which advertise fashion items, food items,
and other offerings related intimately to current needs
and desires.
• Every woman knows what she wants -not perhaps
in the precise form or color, or variety or manner, but
certainly in the main matters of her desire or need. This
applies to clothes, hats, shoes, food items, beauty prepara-
tions and many items pertaining to home furnishing. And
so women are eternally on the watch for information -
and for temptation! They are swiftly perceptive of the
advertisements which present and propose the things of
their desire or need. And obviously it is those retailers
who advertise to them who stand the best chance of their
• It is the same in the case of men. Few men buy im-
pulsively. When they leave home each day for their place
of employment, it is not just to get rid of their money.
What they buy is, mainly, something whose purchase has
been planned -clothes or other. forms of apparel, hard-
ware items, motoring sundries, shaving and other bath-
room needs, plants, books, and so on. Men, like women,
have been reading, advertisements in line with their rip-
ening desires and intentions, and of course they go 'in
largest numbers, to those retailers who have been inform-
ing .them and soliciting their custom.
• All of us, instinctively, go where the Jight is, not
where the darkness is. Advertisements are light, and so
they attract the buyers to those stores which they illtirn-
• The way to get business is to ask for it. Can the
truth of this statement be successfully disputed? And.
here is another equally true statement: The public buys
from those who invite its custom.
The Huron Exposi#or
Established 1860
eye; tatilldrtfit upeeial, -powe, 0. Bailey:
Judlge Arhhur ' * : ' • r.
Garden Vegetahles
World's Wonder potatoes, M. Rad-
er; Doglegs, J. Battler, M. Rader; any
variety late Potatoes. M. Rader,J, Bat -
ler; any variety 'early peteatoes, J.
Battler, IL Rad'er• Green Mountains,
J. Batblen, M. Rader; Irish Cobblers,
J. Battler, M. Rader; corn, flint varie-
ty, J. Battler; corn, dent varigty, J.
Battler; W: Mousseau; sweet corn, T.
Snowden, G. Daters; yeilaw Bantam
sweet cern, ,H. Flaxbard, J. Battler ;
red onions, H. Fuss, F. Haberer; large
yellow onions, J. Battler; 11. Desjar-
dine; Dutch sets, J. Battler,. F. Hab-
ereer;•, Spanish .anion, H. Desjardine,
H. Fuss; white field carrots, H. Des-
jardine, G. Paters; red garden car-
rots, J. f'Xaberer & Sons, H. Flax -
bard; Swerash turnips, H. Desjardine,
W. Daupe; long 'red mangolds, H.
Desjardine,. H. Telemeter; intermedi-
ate mangolds, H. Block & Son, ''H.
Fuss; sugar beet mangolds, A. Reich-
ert, H. Truemner; Oxford cabbage, J.
Battler, W. McKenzie; Drumhead cab-
bage, H. Block & Son, J. Battler; bine
cabbage, W. McKenzie; black Spanish
radish, 3. Battler, H. Flaxbard; white
radish; H. Truemnrer, E. Restemeyer;
cauliflower, J. Battler, W. McKenzie;
garden: beans, J. Battler; pumpkin,
yellow, H. Truemner, H. Block &
Son; clery, J. Battler, W. McKenzie;
citrons, R. Geiger, H. a Truemner;
Hubbard squash, H. Truemner, F. Mc-
Clyamont; mamm•otih squash or mam-
moth pumpkin, J. Battler, T. Snow-
den); blood beets, W. Mousseau, A.
Reichert; root beets, J. Battler, F.
McClynion't; watermelons, J. Battler,
T. Snowden; muskmelons, T. Snow-
den, E. Restemeeyer; red tomatoes', J.
Battler, T. Snowden; yellow toma-
toes;' 3.. Battler, M. Smith; - collection
garden vegetables, J. 'Battler; H. Flax -
Dairy and Other Products
Butter, crock,. R. Geiger, M. Smith;
butter, prints; R. Geiger, M. Smith;
cheese, homemade, E. Haberer, H.
Flaxbard; honey in comb, Mrs. D.
Hackney; honey, extracted, E. Haber-
er, J. Haberer & Son; honey, display,
E. Haberer; maple syrup, M. Rader,
lc. McClyamont; hen's eggs, J. Battler,
W. Clarke; pair chickens, dressed, J.
Battler, M. Smiths- 'home-made hand.
soap, Mrs. C. Pfile, T. Snowden;
Laird's special, bag of potatoes, M.
Rader; Laird's special, honey, J. Hab-•
erer & Son.
Domestic Science '
Loaf white bread, J. Battler, W.
Clarke; loaf nut bread, W. Doupe;
raisin buns or rolls, G. Deters, W.
Doupe; tea biscuits, W. Clarke, F. Mc-
Clymont; rolled sugar cookies, W.
Clarke, F. McClymont; rolled ginger
cookies, W. Doupe, F. McClymont;
fried cakes, T. Meyers, W. Clarke;
loaf cake, airs. L. Pfile, E. Haberer;
dark layer cake, F. Haberer, W.
Doupe; light layer cake, W. Doupe, F.
Haberer; tarts, W. Clarke, F. Haber-
er; cherry pie, W. Doupe, Mrs. L.
Pfile; Dutch apple pie, F. Haberer, R.
Manson; coffee 'cake, E. Haberer, G.
Darters; meat leaf, S. Haberer; can-
ned rhubarb, 5_ Haberer, W. Clarke;
canned raspberries, R. Geiger, W.
Clarke; canned strawberries, Mrs. L.
Pfile, W. Clarke; canned cherries, H.
Desjardine,, T. Meyers; canned pears,
Mrs. L. Pfile, R. Geiger; canned cit-
ron, Mrs. L. Pfille, R. Geiger; canned
plums, T. Meyers, H. Desjardine; ean-
ned peaches, Mrs. L. Pfile, J. Battler;
currant jam, M.ns. L. Pfile, F. McCly-
m'ont; berry jam,. J. Zack, T. Meyers;
grape jelly, H. Desjardine, T. Meyers;
red currant jelly, 11. Desjardine, T.
Meyers; mixed vinegar pickles, E.
Haberer; mustard pickles, F. McCly-
mont, W. Clarke; catsup, F. MoC1y-
meoent, E. Restemeyer; pickled red cab-
bage, R Geiger; canned tomatoes,
red, M. -Smith, W. Clarke; canned
corn, H. Desjardine, W. Doupe; most
valued collection of canned fruits, T.
Meyers, H. Desjardine; Blue Ribbon
special, M. Smith, J. Battler, Mrs. L.
Pfile; cold, lunch, Mrs. L. Pfile, G,
Deters, Mrs. H, Fuss.
Ladies' Work
Quilt piece, fancy quilting, S. Hab-
erer, H. Truemner; quilt, pieced cot-
ton, S. Haberer, Mrs. D. Hackney;
comforter, (hand -made, H. Block and
Son, W. Clarke; bedespread, knit or
crochet, new this year, Mrs. D. Hack-
ney; bedspread, fancy, other hand-
work, M. Rader, Mrs. H. Fuss; house
dress, cotton, Mrs. L. Pfile, E. Law-
son; man's sleeping_ garment, machine
made, E. Lawson, Mrs, L. PSle;
child's made'over dress, Lee Hoffman;
bed sheet, ,band made, unlaundered,
Mrs. L. Pfile, Mrs. E. Darling; sweat-
er, knit or crochet, E. Lawson, H.
Fuss; kitchen apron, J. Zack, Mrs. I,.
Pfile'; wool sock's, Shand keit, coarse,
J. Zack, E. 'Law -son; mitts, hand knit,
fine,, J. Zack, Miss Livingston; darn-
ing worn sock or stocking, Mrs. H.
Fuse; crochet gloves, Miss Living -
sten, E. Lawson; knitted suit, Mrs. H.
Fuss; manes sweater or pullover, H:
Fuss, Mrs. J. Hackney; best article
made from old stockings, H. Desjar-
dine, Wm. Decker; floor mat, braided,
Mrs. L. Pfile, Mrs. J. Hackney; floor
mat, hooked rags, cotton, E. Haber-
er, Mrs. L. Pfile; floor Mat,00ked
wool, rags, E. Haberer, S.I-L berer;
floor mat, hooked rags, silk, W. Deck-
er, M. Rader; floor mat, hooked wool,
yarn, Lee Hoffman.
Dining»Room---Lu:neeh set, cut work,
E. Lawson, Mies Livingston; lunch
set, other kind, J. Zack, R. Geiger;
set table mats, Mrs. L. Pfi]e, J. Zack;
table cloth and napkins, Miss, Living-
stone, E. Lawson.; 'centre piece, white,
embroidered, Miss Livingston, E.
Lawson; buffet set, any other kind,
Roy Lamont, E. Lawson; needle paint,
Muss Livingston, H. Fusee; lunch set,
enebroiderred, J.- Zadk, H, Truemner;
card table cover, E. Lawson; buffet
set, out work, white or ecru, E. Law-
son, Mrs. L. Pfile; 'table edoth, em-
broidered or cut work, large, Mrs. L.
faille, 3. Zack; tea cozy, Mrs. L. Pfile,
Mrs. D. Hackney; tea towels, em-
broidered, ,Miss Livingston, 1.&s. L.
drom n,--Piiidow slips, embroider-
ed, 1?„ Geiger, J. Zack; pillow slips,
other humid work, Miss Livingston,
Mrs. D. Hackney; fancy sheet and
pillow 2slipb to snatch, Miss Living-
torn, ,Mere. H. Feiss; rgineiat, towel, Lee
Idiottiilia'm, , Mrs. L. Pfile; bath, tdwei.
`end *ash. cloth, J- Zack, E. Lawson;
matelot*, land trimmed, Mrs. L. Pfile,
Mies Xriallitgsten; vanity set, Miss Liv
dng lom Mrs. 14, P81e 'boudpir, coach.
Does YOUR System
Mike Omen Acid?
Acid Indigestion, Colds,
Headaches, Bilious Attacks,
FAif t "',P' ` , ,r; LIST
Some ,people are what are known as
acid -makers. They can't help it --•rid
'often they don't know it. The results
of an excess ofe acid may seem just like
ordinary stomach trouble - but they
can't be put right by ordinary atomacb
remedies! Excess acid may be the
reason why you wake up flat, sour,
bleary-eyed, bilious - and the reason
why fierce purgatives only leave you in
the grip of a weakening habit and the
same old ,.symptoms.
But there's one thing that acid can't
face. That's the neutralizing power of
Vange Salts, the alkaline remedy with
the natural mineral spa action. A tea-
spoonful in warm water surge through
your system just like the medicinal
spring water far away in England
where Vange Salts come from. Excess
acid is neutralized quickly, painlessly.
Your blood is purified of poisons. Vour
Sore stomach walls are soothed. And
hat mass of hard, poisonous waste
terlying in your intestines is
ften " gently, naturally, and passed
out of your body. Then do you feel
good! It's marvellous! But the most
marvellous ;.thing is that Vange Salts
are only 60 cents a tin! At your drug-
gist ilow-but if you're wise, on your
bathroom shelf tonight 1
ion, M. Rader, Mrs, L. Pfile; night
robe, ladies' wear, H. Fuss, Lee Hoff-
man; collar and cuff set, new, Mrs. D.
Hackney Mrs. H. Fuss; bed, jacket,
Mrs. D. Hackney, E. Lawson; ladies'
slip, bandsnade, Mi's's Livingston, H.
Fuss; ladies' dressing gown, fancy, R.
Geiger; .pillow slips, cut work, Miss
Livingston, Mrs. D. Hackney.
Children's Wear -Bonnet, jacket
and bootees, Mrs. D. Hackney, Mrs.
L. Pfile; crib cover, Mrs: D. Hackney,
Mrs. H. Fuss; carriage set, cover and
pillow to match, Mrs. D. Hackney,
Mrs, ,H. Fuss; childr's fancy dress,
handmade, Lee Hoffman, J. Zack;
child's play dress and bloomers, Lee
Hoffman, E. Lawson; child's oostume,
knit or crochet, W. Clarke.
Living Room -Cent -re piece, 'ee1oeed,
Miss Livingston, E. Lawson; table
runnier, E. Lawson, J. Zack; sofa pil-
low, embroidered, H. Fuss, J. Zack;
sofa pillow, other •bandwork, E. Law-
son, T. Snowden; chesterfield set,
thanedmtade, H. Fuss, E. Lawson; Afg-
han;, Miss Livingston, Mrs. D. Hack-
Miscellaneous -Bridge set, J. Zack;
applique, W. Clarke, H. Fuss; door
stop, J. Zack, Mrs. H. Fuss ; collection
of articles made from table oil cloth,
Mrs. L. Pfile, Mrs. D. Hackney; col-
lection garden images, T. Snowden;
kitchen collection, pair curtains, dust-
er, tea towel, thane towel and pot lift-
er, Mrs. L. Pfile, Mrs. H. Fuss; collet
tion six different styles needlework,
E. Laweon, H. Fuss; O'Dwyer's spec-
ial, Mrs. L. Pfile; Monarch special, J.
Zack; Gascho's special, Wm. Decker.
Art Work,
Cartoon, Miss Livingston, 0. Dail-
ey; poster advertising Zurich Fall
Fair, 11: Flaxbard; crepe, sealing wax
and cellophane paper display, Mrs. H.
Fuss; oil painting, landscape, from na-
ture, Miss Livingston, 0. Dailey; oil
painting, marine view, Miss Living-
ston; water colors, . scene, original,
Miss Livingston, Mrs. H. Fuss; water
colors, flowers, grouped, Miss Living-
ston, R. Fuss; water colors, animals,
copy, Miss Livingston, Mrs. H. Fuss;
conventional design in colors, Miss
Livingston, H. Flaxbard; wood carv-
ing, Mies Livingston, H. Block &
Son; amateur photo, farm scenes, H.
Flaxbard; single piece art work not
listed, 0. Dailey, H. Fuss; sepia, Miss
Livingston, Mrs. H. Fuss.
Floral Exhibit
Bouquet, large, S. Haberer, Lee
Hoffman; bouquet, small, Lee Hoff-
man, R. Geiger; collection of Sylvia,
S. Haberer, E. Restemeyer; collection
of Dahlias, S. Haberer; collection of
Fuschdas, S. Haberer; collection of
Pansies, Lee Hoffman; collection of
Geraniums, S. Haberer; collection of
Aster's, W. McKenzie, S. Haberer;
collection of Petunias, Lee Hoffman,
S. Haberer; collection of house plants,
S. Haberer, W. McKenzie; collection
of °oleos in pots, R,,' Geiger, Mrs. L.
Pfile; four varieties of Annuals not
otherwiese listed, S. Haberer, R. Gei-
ger; display of Cosmos, Lee Hoffman,
R. Geiger; collection of Zinnias, A.
Fuss, H. Block & Sean; collection of
Verbenas, S. Haberer, Lee Hoffman;
collection of Gladiolus, S. Haberer;
collection of Sweet Peas, W. McKen-
zie; collection of Roses, S. Haberer.
Children's Department
Best dressed doll, H. Flaxbard, W.
Doupe; crochet work, H. Flaxbard, H.
Fuss; bird house, H. Flex bard ; writ-
ing, under 10 years old, Bert Klopp;
writing, over 10 years old., H. Flax -
bard, W. Doupe; art, over 10 years
old, W. Doupe, G. Deters,.
It was the first day of a new term,
and the teacher asked a small girl in
her class --a new pupil -what her
father's name was.
"Daddy," replied the child.
"Yes, I know," 'said the teacher.
'But what, does your mother call.
"She doesn't call 'him anything"'
was the quick answer. "She likes
An English con3.meroial travel
was heard to ;give this "wisecrack" in)
a city reestauramt the other afternoon!
"Do you know, the reason why you
Scots chaps can save so much is that
you've got so mane rainy days to put
by for?",,
"Did you •notice," ,said the aggriev-
ed playwright, "how the Daily Blank
slanged My -latest .play?"
"Don't yea worry about that," Bald
his friend ch'eetfuliy, "The Critic of
that 'paper's just like .a pa2rroli--oinly
repeats what eueryone else is say -
Agricultural -a -Brood mane, accom,
Parried 'ha foal, John Steeper, Charles
Fisher, Albert Etherington; foal, foal-
ed in 1938, F, Ellerington, L. Row-
cldlfe, John! Steeper; filly or gelding,
3 years old, R. J. Scott and 2nd, R.
Hamiltioon; filly or gelding, 2 years old,
Warren Brock, R. Hamilton,... F. W.
Steeped.); filly or gelding, 1 year old,
R. Hamilton, Edgar Monteith, Ben
Ouse- team, R. J. Scott; T. H. Elliott
special, John Steeper; Walker's Drug
Store special, R. Hamilton, .for best
1 -year-old filly or,, gelding.
Heavy DraftBrood' more • accom-
panied ,by foal, Warren Brock, C. E.
Hackney, F. W. Steeper; foal, fowled
in 1938, Warren Brock, F. W. Steep-
er, Geo. Ingram; H. Horton's special
prize for foal, P. Passmn:ore; filly or
gelding, 2 years old, R. J. Scott, M.
E. Hooper & Son, R. Hamilton; filly
or gelding, 1,year old, Warren Brock,
John Allison, Edgar Monteith; • team,
James Stott, 1st and' 2nd; diploma for
best animal, any age, J. Scotty God -
bolt's special, colt sired by Lancelot,
Ed. Johns, E. Monteith,. Millar Pass-
more; T. 11. Elliott special, Warren
Brock for best brood mare.
Wagon Horses --Brood mare accom-
panied by foal, Ben Williams and 2nd;
foal, foaled in 1938, Ben Williams and
2nd, M. E. Hooper & Son; filly or
gelding, 3 years old, W. Decker, F.
Scott; filly or gelding., 2 years old, M.
E. Hopper & Son, Art Weber, Chas.
Fisher; filly or. gelding, 1 year old, M.
E. Hooper & Son; • single wagon
,auarse, W. Decker and 2nd, George
Thiel; pair wagon horses in harness
and carriage, W. Decker and 2nd, Geb.
Roadsters -Filly or gelding, 2 years
old, Art Weber; filly or gelding, one
year. old, Well. Hern; lady driver, Art
Weber; Tb,e Rebt, Simpeen Eastern
Ltd., of Toronto, silver plated rose
bowl, for the best three horses, any
breed, exhibited by one exhibitor,
James Scott.
Herd-Open to all beef breeds, W.
S. O'Neil, Wm. Oestreicher, Albert
Etherington; get of sire, three anim-
als, W. S. O'Neil, Wm. Oestreicher,
Roy Pepper & Son.
Shorthorns -Wm. Oestreicher won
all prizes with the exception of 2nd
prize for heifer calf, which was won
by Roy Pepper & Son -
Herefords -W. S. O'Neil won eight
firsts and 3 seconds in this class.
Polled Angus -Albert Ettherington
won 6 firsts in this class.
Massey -Harris voucher for herd, any
age, W. S. O'Neil.
Jerseys -Aged cow, Newton Clarke,
Well. Hern; bull, calf, Ed. Linden -
field; diploma for best animal, New-
ton Clarke.
Gradetsi--Aged tow, Orville McLar-
en and 2nrdd;, 2 -year-old heifer, Roy
Pepper & Son, 0. McLaren; 1 -year-old
heifer, Roy Pepper & Son and tad, 0.
McLarea; 2 -year-old steer, Roy Pep-
per & Son, 0. McLaren; 1 -year-old
steer, W. S. O'Neil, Roy Pepper &
Son and 3rd.
Judger --Jas. H. Robinson, St. Marys.
Dorset Horned) -Preston Desri ag
won 6 first and 5 seconds in this class.
Oxford Downs' -W. M. Henry won
6 firsts and 4 seconds in this clam.
• Lincoln -A. W. Steeper & Son won
6 firsts and 5 _seconds 4.n this class.
Leicesters-D. A. Graham wo1 all
prizes except and in aged ram, R.
Manson and 2nd in ewe, leamb;-'Mrs.
G. Deters,.
Judge -Humphrey Snell, Clinton.
Yorkshire -Boar, two years old, W.
Bell & Son; boar, 1 year old, A. H.
Warner, Wm. Bell & Son; boar, un-
der 1 year, Wm. Bell & Son, W. Dor-
ing; sow, 2 years old, A. H. Warner,
Wm. Bell & San; sow, 1 year old,
Wm. Bell & Son, A. 11. Warner; sow,
under 1 year, „Wm. Bell & Son, A. "H.
Tamwortth'-Boar, two years old, I;,
Menem; boar, 1 year old, E. J. Pyne
boar, under 1 year, E. J. Pym, R. Man-
son; sow, 2 years olds, R. Manson, E.
J. Pym; sow, 1 year old, R. Manson
an'd 2nd; sow, under 1 year, E. 3.
.Pym and 2nd.
Bacon Type -Pair bacon type pigs,
Wm. Bell & Son; Canada Packers'
special for best sow; any breed, Wm.
Bell & Son; Geo. Hawkin's special,
for best pair of chunks under 100
lbs., E. J. Pym; Albert Traquair, for
beat pair •bacon hogs, fed on Purina
Pig Grower, A. H. Warmer; The T.
Eaton Co. Ltd., special for best pair
of bacon hogs, A. H. Warner.
Judge -G. W. Miners.
Light Brahamas (c & cr) O'Brien
Bros., K. G. Wood, (h & p) O'Brien
Bros. and tend. Any variety Cochins,
K. G. Wood, 4 firsts. Silver GreY
Dorkiegs, John Kocheiuses, 2 first and
2 seconds; Orland Battler, 1 first and
2 seconds, Frank Trdebner, cr., 2nd.
Buff Orphfingtons (h) J. Kochems, (cr
& p) K. G. Wood. Barred Plymouth
Rocks, (cr, b & p) K. G. Wood, F.
McClymnont, (c) K. G. Wood, Any!
other variety Plymouth Rocks, K. G.
Wood, 4 firsts. White Wyandottes,
(c)s D. A. Gratham, 0. Battler, (ih) 0.
Battler, K: G. Wood, (er & p) 0. Bat-
tler, D. A. Graham, Any other variety
Wyandottes, (c) D. A. Graham, K. G.
Wood, (h) D. A. Gratham, (cr & p) K.
G. Wood, D. A. Graham, R. C. Rhode
Island Reda (h) John Kochems and
pnd; (er) Jule, Kochems, It G. wood,
(p) K. G. 'mood. Buff Leghorns (c &
h) J. Ko•dhems, K. (1 Wood, (cr &
p) K. G. Wood. Brown' Leghorns, (c
& th). 0. Battler, (or) K. G. Wood„ 0.
Battler, (p) 0. Battler, K. G. Wood.
Anty other variety Leghorns (0 & h)
J. Koebernd, K. G. Wood, (cr & p)
K. G. Wood, J. Kochein . Black Min-
oroa (e &,er) 0. Battler, K. G. Wood,
(h) K. G.,Wood, '0, Darttler, . (p) J.
Keelxems, O. tattier. White Minor -
ears (er) 0. Battler aid dad, (p) 0.
Battler and K, G. Wood, And'aduaians
(e), 0, Battler, (eh) O. Battler, J.
Kochente, (ear & p) O, Battler and
2nd. ,,A,nconan '(o, or & p) X. G.
Woott. (tiiisi 4XG, Wold; J. X, eliethts..
G. 1! Reheat), gi{if Cdliaderit Urese fait
Wrigley's Glum hel jyois keep-fti
Relieves that eltnifY feeling niter
eating..eleaneea crevices between
teeth, too .. assures eweeltbreath.
A simple aid to health!
Buy some now! Small in cost
but big ltl benefits! Enjoy it $ibec
every meal -millions dot orae
firsts, 4 seconds. Black Hamtbns+gs,
O'Brien Bros., 4 first and 4 seconds.
Polands Silver (c) W. G. ,`Wood, , B'- B.
Reed Game, (c & th) O'Brien .Bron.., and,
2nd. Duckwing Game (e & h) O'Brien'
Bros., 2 first and 2, seconds. An
other variety game, K. G. Woods, 4
firsts and 3 seconds. Bantams, Game.
O'Brien. Bros., 3 first, Henry Kestle, 2
seconds. Golden Seal:night, D. A.
Graham, 4 firsts. Any Other variety
Bantam's, (c) D. A. Granata, (1) John
Koohemee, D. A: Graham, (cr) K. G.
Wood, Henry Kestle, (p) K. G. Wood;
H. Kestle. Houdans, (h & cr) O'Brien
Bros, (p) 2nd, K. G. Wood. Red?
Caps, W. Bowden, 4 first and 4 sec-
onds. Samatra Game (c) O'Brien
Bros., K. G. Wood, (h) K. G. Wood;,
O'Brien Bros. Waite Rocks (cr & h)
K. G. Wood, D. A. Graham, (er) 0.
Battler, K. G. Wood, (p) K. G. Wood,
0. Battler. Black Giants (c & h)
A. Graham, K. G. Wood, (er & p) K.
G. Wood, D. A. Graham. Any other
variety fowl (c) K. G. Wood, (h) 1-
Kochems, K. G. Wood, (er & p) K. G.
Wood, J. Kochems.
Turkeyn Bronze turkeys, tom and
Then, K. G. Wood, A. H. Warner. Any
other variety turkeys, (hen) K. G.
Geese -Bremen geese (goose and
gander), K. G. Wood. Toulouse geese
(goose and gander, old), K. G. wood,
A. H. Warner, (goose and gander,
young) Wm. Bowden.
Ducks -Pekin ducks (drake and
duck:,- old) J. Kocbems, J. Battler,
(drake and duck, young) J. Battler,
Mis. S. Haberrer. Any other variety
ducks (drake and duck, young and
old), J. Battler.
Miscellaneous' -Guinea fowl (c .8c hl
McClymont„ D. A. Graham, (cr &
p)• D. A. Gratham. Pea Fowl (c, h, er.
p) A. H. Warner. Belgian rabbits,
Earl Parsons. Any other variety rab-
bits (buck and does), Earl Parsons;
Hydro Shop special, to owner of best
pair of rabbits, Earl Parsons; collec-
tion of pigeon, O'Brien Bros., Henry
Judges -Lee O'Brien, C: H. Evans.
Grain and Seeds
Fall wheat, wthfte, W. R. Dougall,
Hilton Truemner; fall wheat, red, H.
A. Fuss, Milne Rader; any variety of
spring wheat, K. G. Wrood', Milne Rad-
er; 6 -rowed badr!.ey, H- Truemner,
Jacob Battler; Atte oats, WO R. Don -
gall; timothy seed, Fred McClymont,
H. Desjardine; flax seed, Mrs. 0.
Daley; white beans, H. Trne2mner,
Mrs. Cunningham- clover. seed, Thel-
ma Hockey, F. Meelymtont; best en-
silage, 12 stocks and ears., Cecil Rowe,
Mrs. W. Doupe; Large peas, Milne
Rader; malting barley, J. Battler,. H.
Judges -Wim. Ward, Edgar Brode-
Horticultural Products
Applese-Six varieties winter apples.
Mrs. 0. -Daly, Wm. J. McKenzie; 4
varieties fall apples, Mrs.' 0. Daly;
fall apples, Mrs. 0. Daly; Rhode Is-
land Greenings, Mrs. 0. Daly, Laith-
waite & Sot); Northern Spies, Mrs. ()-
Daly, Laithwaite & Son; Roxboro
Russets, Wm. J. McKenzie, Mrs. 0.
Daly; Golden Russets, Mrs. Daly,
Laithrwaite & Son; Spitzburgs, Laith-
waite & Song. Mrs. Daly; Baldwins,
Mrs. Daly, Laithwaite & Son; West-
field Seek -No -Further, Mrs. Daly;
Snow apples, Mrs. Daly, Laithwaite &-
Son; Gravenateins, Mrs. Daly, Lat h-
waite & Son; Oolverts, Laithwaite &
Son, Freed McOlytmont; Fall Pippins,
Mrs:. Daly, Laithwaite & Son; King
of Tompkins, Mrs. Daly, W. J. Mc-
Kenzie; Alexanders, Laithwaite &
Son. Mrs. Daly; Canadian Red, Mrs.
Daly; Ribston Pippins, Laithwaite &
Son, Mrs. Daly; Wagners, Laithwaite
& San. Mrs. 0. Daly; Grimes G. Pip-
pins, Mrs. Daly; Maiden's Blush, Mrs_
Daly; Ben Davis, Mrs. Daly, Laith-
waite & Son; Ontario, Mrs. Daly,
Laithwaite & Son; Ontario, Mrs. Daly,
Laithwaite & Son; Wealthy, Leith-,
waite & Son, Mars. Daly; Duchess of
Oldenburg, Laithwaite . & Son, Mrs.
Daly; Blenheimi Pippins, Laithwaite &
Son, Wm. 31. McKenzie; Cranbury,
Mrs. Daly; Tatman, Sweet, W. J. Mc-
Kenzie, Mrs. Daly; St. Lawrence, P&rs,
Daly, Laithwaite & San.
Pears ---Winter pears, Jacob Battle ,
Mrs. Daly; fall pears, Laithwaite 8c.
Son, Mrs. Daly; Flemish Beauty,
Laithwaite & San; Duchess of Anjou -
line, Laithwaite & Son, Mrs, Daly;
Clapp's Favorite, Mrs. Daly; Beaur's
Clai.rgeau, Laithwaite & Son; Vicar
of Wakefield, Laithwaite & San, Mts.
Daly; Fall Lucrative, Laibhswaite &.
Son, Mrs. Daly; Sheldon, 11.aihhwaite
& Son, W. J.. McKenzie; East Beurre,
J. Battler, Laithwaite & Son; Buteasr
Anjou, Laithwaite & Son; Bartlett,
Laithwaite & Son., H. Truemner.
Plumar-Co.'s Golden Drop, Mrs. 0_
Daly; Washington, Mrs. Daly; Imper-
ial Gage, Mrs..paly; Dundas Purple,
Mrs. Daly; Lombards,, Laitawalte &
Son, Mrs. Daly; any other variety of
plums, H. lrruemaer, Laithwaite &
Son; Pond's Seedling, Mrs, Dal";
Grand Dukes, Mrs. Daly; Giese Seed -
t i n eY Mrs. Daly; Bradshaw, S. Powell,
Laithwaite & Son; Rein Claude, Mrs
Ctrepees--Moore's Early, Mrs. Daly,
Laltli•waite & Son; Niagara, Mrs.
Daly, Laitlhwaite & Stn; Concord,
Mrs. Daly, Laithwaite & gen; Dela-
ware, Mrs,-_flaty, S. Powell; ito'g>er's
No, 15, Agawan, Mrs'.. Daly, Imithweaite
&. 'Sone; Roger's No. 4, ' W 1jtrer, Mrs•.
Daly, Laithwaite & Sort; Roger% No.
9, Lindley, Mrs, Daly; oger's No. 22, ,
Sakan, Mars. Daiq": -lattgatral Net 46,
(Oontitiued'esti Page 7)
t.4le . 4ytl rt,L„