HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1938-09-16, Page 4assilled Ads will be inserted at new low cash rates, : tir Sake Wanted. It and room& Caning Events, IStr...-Per Wird; ' weok .. -*gent 2nd week IA' Cent 3rd- week 3,6 Cent Minimua charge, first innertion ,25 Cents Els* liguns. iaUM end abbreviation 'wants as OM VOILA& • card of Thanks, In Memoriam 'bisects -1 cent per woni. minimum. 50 cents per week. itligrairiSS may be directed to a Box Number. care of The Human ExPositor. for 10 cents warn Ten cents additional per week will be charged is ads in above clam are not, Paid by the Saturday eight ht the weak Oa which the ad wes Births, Marriages and Deaths %lambed free of charge. • -Auction Sales. Notice to Oredliors. Etc. -Rates on syndication- , Wanted TOB ViAbITED-&S 'tfactaKEEKPEE BY wormn thirties. Axel& to Box 178, EXPOSITOR. 302.- Personal QSALED TENDERS ADDRESSED TO THE " undersigned and endorsed "Tender for Bredleveater Extension. Poet Stanley, Ont.", eeived until 12 o'clock noon (daylight saving), Wednesday, September 21, 1938, for the coo- structien of an extension to the East Break- water at Port Stanley, Ont. , Plans, form of eorstract and specifieatiori cats be seen and forms of tender obtained at the office of the Chief Engineer, Department of Public Works, Ottawa: at the offioes of the District Engineer, Dominion Public Bldg, Londoza, Ont.; also at the Post Office at Port Stanley. Out. Tenders will Mat be considered unless made an printed forms supplied by the Depsaintent and in ancordauce with the conditions set forth therein. Each tender muse be accompanied by a certified cheque on 'a chartered bank in Canada. Payable to the order of the. Honour- able the Minister of Public Works, .equal to 10 per cent. of the esnount of the tender, or Bearer Bonds of the Dominintt of, Canada or of the Canadian National Railway OreaPane and its constituent companies, uncondition- ally guaranteed as to principal and interest by the Dominion of Canada, or the afore- mentioned bonds and a Certified cheque if re- quired to ma.ke up an odd amount. NOL -The Department will suPPle blue- prints and specification of the work. on de- posit of a sum of 820.00, in the form of a certified bank cheque payable to the order of the Minister of Public Works. The deposit will be released an the retuen of the blue- prints and specifieatiun wilthin a month from :the date of reception of tenders. If not returned within that period the deposit will be forfeited. By order. J. M. SOMERVILLE, Secretary. TRH WEDDINO PARS*, NMI. BE PF.P.A.e.- -L ed -with their Toritialits if they are Atoka- erarhed at the ,B1j4W=SS STUDIOS, at Mit- chell and eriettoe • •• 3691-2 FarMS.:*er Sale psast run, SALE -A 100 -ACRE FARM " with buildings, in Tuckeramitth. Apply to F. W. GLADMAN, Barrister, etc, Exeter. Ont. •36924 • Notices N0TICE-7WILL DO CUSTOM eLovezae. al For further particulars phone C. FABER. 22 an 22, Seaman,- 3680x4 , For Sale . VCR SALE -USED THRESHER BELT, 140 "- feet, in good conditlan. APPlY VINCENT LANE, Seaforth. 8692s1 MINK FOR SALE -DARK, HAB.DY. PRO- " lifit strain. Full information on repten. • Imitation Trelcconed_ name Tater. 3.)- mi1es west et' Clinton, Ont.. R. R. a EaPeri- eneed bleeder. • tf A 9 In Memoriam TN LOVING MEALY:DRY OF MY SISTER, X Olive R.aelcin Poehl, who Passed awe, September 18, 1937. &he lived her life and lived It wee WiDh always a sankie what e'er befeLl: A cheery word she.had for all. What a sweet memory to retail. -Ever remembered by Ed -sear& TN MEMORY OF MR. J. L. SMITH WHO paseed away October 1.4, 1931: 417-' We often sit and think of him when we are all alone. For memory is the only friend that grinf cnn cell TM own: Like ivy on the withered oak, when all tether things decay, Our love for him will stilt, knep. green and never fade away. •- miesed by his wife and family. Tenders Wanted, TENDERS .WANTED TIOR A NEW FURNAGE TO BE INSTAL- ... led in the &lapseof the Egatondville United Church, tenders to be in the hands of Seeretary by Thinsday, the 2nd of Septem- ber. 1938. Envelopes to. be marked "Tender." The keWest at any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. JOHN T. ELGTE. Sec. of Board of Stewards, Kipper, R. R. No. 2. 3692-1 • in his 6310 year, Department of Pnbttc Works, Ottawa, September 3, 1938. 3691-2 Births D1LLANE-In Hamilton General Hospital, on September 13th. to lar. and Mrs. J. G. Dil- lane (nee Thelma Johnstone), a son. SMIT11-.-In Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea - forth. an September lath, to Mr. and Mrs. William Smith, Dublin, a daughter. GLEW-In Scott Memorial Hospinel, Sea - forth. on September 1Ith. to Mr. and Mrs. John Glew. McKiilen, a daughter, . MELADY-le Scott MernOrial HOSPitat, Sea- farth. on September 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. Meuriee Melady, ffilabert, a sem BOYD--In Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea - forth. on September 1311,e to Mr. and Mrs. Cherie,. Boyd. Walton. a (laughter. NORM I NGTON --1 n He:wall. on Th ersd ay. September 8th. to Mr. and Mrs. Norm Mg - ton. nee Miss Freda Smallacombe), a son -Ed wa nd Joseph LAVENDER -In Henan, ort Monday, Sept. to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Laven- der. twin sons_ LEMON -At the Genera/ Hospital, Torment. no Thursday, September 8th. to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lemon, formerly of Hensel'. a daughter. MacRAY-In St Joseph's Hospital, London. on September 9th, to Mr. and Mrs. Hugh A- MacKay. a daughter_ Deaths WALLACE-In '414es-smith. on Thersday. September 13th, CWilliam Graham Wallace. • STAFFA Mr. Howard Hemphill and Mr. Ray i Paterson. of Toronto, spent the week - 1 end at their respective homes. - Mr. William Hopper, of Seaforide Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Jinks observed drilling an artesian well on the farm is their twenty-second vtedtling annivers- of Mr. Warden Miller, near here. When he completes this work-, he has ary on Sundayslast spending the day with relatives and friends in Listavvel. Mr. Casey Hudson, of Listowel, the contraet to drill a well on Mr. spent the week -end with his parents, Sam McCurdy's farm, ,south of Cram - arty. we.= KTPPEN Notice To Fariners.—Now is /he time to look over year bean leaves and see that they are in good shape ter the bean harvest. Bring them in early, so you can he assured they will la first etleaa shape when needed. AfSo anix ether repairs that May need titteatialt. All work will be given ettiteadd attention and a good job guar- anteed. At -the Old Reliable Stand. W. L. MFLLIS. 36ittatf Tbe September 'meting of the W. M. S. of St. -Andrew's UnitedeChurch was held on Wednesday afternoon et the home of Mre. W. W. Cooper,. There was• a good -attendance and a, plea,sarttt time was spent -by all. Mrs.' James Finlaysona presided. The Meet- ing opened by singing a hymn, after waich Mrs. Finlayson led in prayer. The treasurer's report was read and adopted. The roll call was taken with many responding. Mrs. J. Henderson then took charge of the devotional perio& felaciwed by a hymn. The pro- gram WhIca teak the form of a ques- tionnaire, was ably -taken • by Chandler, and very Muoh enjoyed by alapresent, These taking part in the answers were Mrs, T. N. Forsythe, Mrs, I. Jarrett, Mrs. W. Sinclair, Mrs. W. Fairbairn, MTS. Finiayson, Mrs. Heederson and Beatrice Cooper. fol- lowed by prayet by Mrs-. Cooper. A hymn was sung and the meeting cos - ed with the Lord's Paayer in ualeon. Lunch was teeted .by the hostess and a. social half lotir was spent. 11111111., te see the school an, of y of Dr. ofLn 11 Mr. and Mrs. Gedrge Hudson. Mrs. George Fess and Mrs. Maud Hedden rendered musical numbers at the meeting 'of 'the Kippen Feet in- stitate held at tne home of Mrs. Mel- vin Traquair, a ehort distanee east of Hensel]. on Monday evening Mr. Elgin Roweliffe. assistant Sup- erintendeat, conducted the Sunday school service in the United Church on Sept. llth, in the absence of the Superintendent., Dr. I. Q. Smillie, and was assisted by Mr. a, W. Ortwein, who led in prayer and announced the hymns. Rally day services will be observed in the United Church on. Sunday, Sept. 18th. and promises to be a very in- teresting gene, and we believe all the claeses will take a prominent part in the serviee. Committees have been arranged to decorate the church for the occasion. • The auction sale of Mrs. Mary E. Pope on Saturday afternoon last was held in the corcrmurrity shed, the heavy raifis preventing It from being held on, ifitia premises of Mrs. Pope. There was a splendid attendance and good prices realized. Mrs. Pope was vietted Over the week -end by mem- bers of ber family from different pia cc's. Mrs. Levi Rands, who rec e n tly u fered a very- severe fall necessitating her removal to Scott Memorial Hos- pital. Seaforth, where she has lieen for the past week or so, is expected to return to her home this week. Ml Jennie Murray was in Toronto over the week -end attending the wed- ding of her nephew, Dr. Ivan Smillie, and also visited relatives. Quite a number of ladies from the cliff erect organizations of Carm el Presbyterian Cluirch attended the Presbyterial held at Auburn on Tues- day of this week. The Frolic head under the auspices of the Meese]) Citize'ns' Band reeent- ly was not as wen attended asetwas hoped for by the band, owing do the inclemency of tbe weather and other causes, but those present report a very ' tranyable evening. The atone was lu1il at Moir Memorial Park, the. hand playing aeveral seleetione. Mat' a° and other gamee featured aut Sox tki eatioa. Daricing was enjoyed 'teethe stezeis- of Shorty Arent and hie ratia Poeta. . •r a Hera* thanksgiving services be bele,*,gt.: Mee A,ogiVan, lIltt Stniiiik, St YMi; A:L./14./1.LT gt)Belfit 14peoier Der the Otneit glee, et 'Lande evethigi Jatoe#11 - SO* .daahlati. of thit artealaid, 'Well eat .:Zlittia a aktalt.. Ain aliall4aat'adiit .,. A I _ .4,_ OQILt Memorial Park, have street an abiltide Viaitilla iat`' 110140 Of atia'atti, Rae epee of water which we believe) will 1. tai Sleilliet and ale° with bereeistea supply all eeqtdrements, and Will be iltian •T• lkidlkaraaa et e ._..' - — . flee await to the Tillage. and =tang, Met neel Adis- aaalaidaa aietag• •ai or: her Wes aPilat be that of the flood- ing 9f the Skating rink.' Stuart Dick, son of Mr. and alrei Robert Dick, of the village, While working en the farm of Mr. Jae Day - tad the misfortune to have a part ot the machluere watch he was operating, fall heavily on his feet, crushing it quite severely, requiring medical attention.. Mr. Paul Schatler, who resiaes near Hensall, had the miefortune to lose a v.aluable horse on Saturday evening. It appears that going out of the barn it ran down the driveway and through a barb wire fence on to the road and had to be destroyed owing to the sev- ere injuries it received. Mies Florence Schwalm, young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sohwalm, of the vtilage, who in early childhood had tee miatortune to fall on a hot stove receiving terrible in- juries to her eye, has in consequence of such during the past month or so, has had to undergo several operations performed by Dr. Thompson, of Lon- don, assisted by Dr. Steer, of Hensall, having the operations performed at St Joseph's Hospital, London_. Last week she had to have skin taken from behind her ear grafted onto her eye - Church Services Rev. M. A. Hunt occupied his own pulpit on Sabbath morning last in St. Paul's Anglican. Munch, delivering his leeway fine- and inspiring address, while the choir, with Miss Greta Lent- mie, A.T.C.M., at the organ, assisted with the service of praise. :Services in Carmel Presbyterian Church on Sundayeast were conduct- ed by Rev. Mr_ Pollock, of White- church. .Rev. W. A. Young, of Carmel Church, took anntversary services for Mr. Pollock at Whitechurch, who gave fine and interesting discourses at both services to large cong-regatitins, while the choir, upder the leadership of Mr. W. A MacLaren and Mrs 5. Murdock, organist, rendered very fine anthems at both services. Services in the United Church were conducted by Rev. Donald leeMille, of Kerwood, who was exchanging duties with Rev. A. Brooks, pastor of Hen - sell United Church, who was contlnct- ing services in Kerwood. a former charge of his. Mr. DeMille chese for his morning subject, "Let your light shine that others seeing your good works, may glorify your Father which is in, Heaven." Being a very fluent and forceful speaker with fide descriptive ability, he dwelt on what he might term the trade- marks of Caristian life, and gave many fine illustrations and was listen- ed to with rapt attention throughout the service, as he is a young man of very -fine and- preposkessing manner. The choir, under the leadership of Mr. W. 0. Groodwire with Miss Eleanor Fisher, A.T.C.M., presiding at the or- gantrendered a fine anthem, "Aly Heart is Glad." At the evening ser- vice Rev. Mr. Delaille spoke on "A mares life consisteth not in the abun- dance of the things which he pos- sesseth, but rather in a fine Christian life," also giving along that line sev- eral illustrations. A pleasing solo, "The Better Land," was well render- ed by Mr. W. 0. Goodwin. Large conaregations were present at both services. Smillie - aunt St. George's United Church, •Tbron- to, was the scene of a very pretty wedding on Saturday, Sept 10th, at 4 p.m., when. Miss Aime Ynill, daugh- ter of the late M. and Mrs. James Yuill, of Gilbert Plains, Manitoba, was united in marriage to Dr. Ivan Gray Smiths, of Hensel], son of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Smillie, of Toronto. Sean - dards of gladioli in tones of fuchsia, palms and ferns decorated the church. Rev. Philip Duncan officiated. The wedding music was alayed by Mr. John Linn. The bride was given in marriage by her sister, Mrs. Charles Buchanen (Mr, Buottanan being ill), lookine very atiraztive in a gown of white satin made with fitted jacket and long train. Her veil of tulle and old duchess lace, embroidered with seed pearls, was held by a coronet of pearls, and sae caeried a bouquet of bridal roves. Mrs. William Eclanunds was matron of honor, and the brides- maids were Miss Diaz Adams and Miss Marjorie Adams, nieces of the bride. All three looked charming in gowns of atnenitth t Cyclamen velvet, with trains and cording -trimmed fit- ted jackets. Their matching hats were Nab and crownless, in halo style with waist -length back veils, and they carried cascade bouquets of asters, toning from deep fuschia to pink The flower girl, Miss Norma Smillie, wore a frock of fusehda pink taffeta with trimming of French Cyclamen and turquoise blue. Her bonnet was of the seine material. in crownless poke style, with ties to match the trim- ming of her falock, and she carried a little fattver basket of pink roses. botiv-ardia and Wee cornflowers. Dr. Robert Oswald. of St. Catharines, was groomsman, an -d the ushers were Dr. Hawthorne Steele and Dr. Alexander Willett. The reception was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. 5. Cairne, St. Leonard's Drive, where ate brides sistpr received, wearing 'a gown of black velvet with bolero jacket and hat to match, silver fox furs and corsage of pale pink roses. The bridegroom's mother was .govaned in navy blue With corsage of deep red roses ar 1 euvardia. Dr. and Mrs. Smillie let for tbe Laurentians, the bride trai aeg in a smart black vel- vet snit with 'hat to match, silver fox cape, black suede accessories, and corsage of pin'. k roses and bouvaedia. They will reside in Heneall. Dr. Stall - lie is a graduate of the Illawsity of Toronto, and Miss Yuill sadnt -last year in England On time teacher's et - change from the Toronto staff. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Carrtechael, Of Toronto, were week -end gees ts WWI Mr. and Mrs. W. A. MacLaren eta Mkt Olive Lemon. of Toronto, spent e dint With her slater and bro- .- a Mat alid alars. Win. Park, ,t2d-1netilbere of the Exeter , Were,* klneardine eine Sun - et attending the, Anneal Zane head service Of Zeno 10 Can- Legdel. Jae Hagan, who (has been 'veil - an attack of the itn, reqtairt' &Dear attelitkite le Maiteathat kal4aati•- Were week -end Vesta ...tat*/ Mr and.' Mrs. • Owen Geiger de. " • Mies; Margaret latiellattalatq tOron- to, is 'visiting with "relatives mad friends ..tet he , Mr. Rayi, Patersone of Pronto, is spending his vacation at his /tome here. - Mr. Lorne Elder, of Drummenelville. Que., is spending two weeks' vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Elder and ether relatives. Quite a. umber from Hensall• and vietaty• e attending London Fair this week. tMrs. J. R. McDonald, of the London Road South, who was injured in a motor accident last week, is, we are pleased to ;'report, improving nicely. Mrs. Betazaier and family, of Lon- don, spent Sunday the guests of Dr. and Mrs. D. Steer and daughter, Patricia. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. McDonnell, ac- companiea by their daughters, Miss- es Mildrea and Dorothy, spent Tues- day with friends in Stratford, combin- ing business, with pleasure. Mr. Roy McLaren has beejn confin- ed to his home with illnes for the past week. Mrs. Dr. Lang, of NOW York, form- erly Miss Myrtle Hodgins, was the guest of, Mrs. Anne Berry last week. A free concert, consisting of speech- es,•recitations, ehorases and competi- tions will be held under the direction of the Heneall School Fair Board in the Towa Hall, Friday, Sept. 16th, at 8 'p.m. A large number of relatives axid friends of Dr. Ivan G.• Smiuiie, of this village, wifl,be interested in reading an- account of his ,aitarriage on Satur- day last in St. George's United Manta, Toronto, an account of which appears, in this week's edition, taken from. the Globe and Mail on Saturday last. Dr. Snaffle is a Hensel' boy, a son of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Smillie, rrow of Toronto, but wbo at the time of Dr. Smillie's birth were living a couple of miles northeast of- this vil- lage. Dr. Smillie is thus, one of our Hensall boys wbo has distinguished himself, not only in his profession, but in One courses of vocal and in- strumental music, being possessed of a very fine voice which will always give him a place in fine musical cir- cles., Heehas also taken an active in- ., atad011a ertita taakaar, 3$99,113# 'cangrata*dialla Welt it: in • ante at- tie a O. Maria t ;4% tea to Da Snijjr i Win contirke ileJa ovvard 'lleagait9detaiet iiaf Mr. and hata- Jos ' Faikaandlitt of. near HMOS% •tati ahe misfortune reoepaly to 'sprain his Sipe caused (ram a fall diOni it load -of beetle. Tbe aettold Circle of Cannel Pres- byterian Oinireh met at the home oa: ,Miss Irene lioggarth on Biamtlay eva ening with a splendid attesidanee of ,20 members present, the' president, Miss Mabel.Workman, presdding. The Opeinteg hymn was followed by prayer led by Miss Workman.. The Scripture leeson was read by Mimi Helen. 'Walk- er and the business period followed. Mas. Arnold was present and express- ed her thanks for the gift Sent to her from the Circle on the occasion of her 50th wedding anniversary. Miss Beryl Pfaff and Miss Irene Hoggarth gave several 41e1ightful poems. The topic, "Jessie McBean," Was ably tak- en by Miss Margaret Bell, of Hay Township. The raeeting closed with a hymn. Harvest Home services will be held in St. Paul's Anglican Church on Sun- day, Sept 19th, at 11 a.m. warl 7 p.m. Canoe Bice, Rural Dean of London, will conduct the morning service, while the evening service will be la charge of Rev. James, of lairktont The choir of Trivitt Memorial Church, Exeter, will assist with the service Cif praise. ' The Mission Circle of the United Church met at the home of Miss Gladys Passenore on Friday evening, Sept. 9th, with a large attendance. The meeting, the theme of which w -as "Prayer," was opened by the singhigt of the hymn, "Steeet Flour of Prayer." Tap roll call was answered bly"a poem on Prayer, after which Miss Elva Mc- Queen led in prayer. Minutes were read and business discussed. The hymn, "What a Friend We Have in Jesus," was sung, atter which the study was ably taken by Miss Irene Douglas. "Jesus Sa,viour, Pilot Me" and the Lortas Prayer con-oluded the meeting. Carmel W. M. S. Meets The W. M. S. of Carmel Presbyter - an Church, Hensall, held its regular meeting on. Thursday in the School room of the: church with Mrs. .Sas. A. Paterson presiding and opened with a 11 - tan' Wan ant a t The plea/delta took Cala tif talitateati w!ten tte •ririmt akt aaelaaidiOnd COMintatee, nettled/ and tierilligortiente Made cola aarnina the Pacithaatagal aa he bald PI tailbercii Sept. lathe Mr, J, ate-tea:WA antl *ialikA. Kellidaltealaild affiliate ii."40' alattlittei," accompanied,* ‘BMiiii i*UgU. 'Mee W. A. Wane, gave a latadta paper oft Dr. Jegue tatilaeana and twurk as a medical nilision- in iChtna. Mies A. Logan led in &atter. The meeting/ dosed wathaia heatat and prayer by Arnold. t aride-Elect Showered .AMonaathose mho entertained for maidYuiU, of Toronto, a bride Sitarday, Sept. 10th, were: The • of Hodgson School, a miseellea- eo shower, with Alberta Rusitellit Kathleen Conley and Rite, Warne act- ing as hostesses; the staff, a presenta- tion; Mrs. William Edmunds and Mrs. W. .L ,Cacirais, a garden supper party ;and cxyatal shower; Mrs. Frank Hun- alsett, a bathroom shower art her Jackson's point summer borne; Mrs. Barker, DorothytBarker and Dorothy Kagera, a work basket shower and tea in title garden; Mrs. John Wil- loughby and Mrs. George Castleman, a kitchen shower; Mrs. William How- ard and Mrs. John Patterson, a china shower and teat the Graatte Club; Mrs. Laurie Allworth, a presentation and garden supper party; Mrs,. Wm. Edmunds, a trousseau tea at the home of Mr. am. Mrs. W. J. Cairns. Mr. ElmmaJohnston, of Gremlin,. N. Dakota, cis the guest of his .aunt' Miss R Johnston, 'coming to attend the fun- eral his father, the late Mr. Ed. Johnston, of Clinton. Mr. James Hoggarth. Who has work- ed in the Nichols' raill for 40 years or more, bad a severe accident on Wednesday when -his foot wasbadly crashed. • He was -taken to Scott Mem- orial Respite! in Seaforth for an X- ray but was removed to his home again. ' Mr. Cecil Kipfer, while vaulting on Wednesday, had the misfortune to have the pole run into his neck. Dr. J. A. Addison, of Zurich, is tak- ing care of Dr. L G. Smillie's practise during his absence. Mrs. Joseph Hudson and family in- tend moving sheeny into die tome owned by kr. Peter Moir, recently owned by and oceapied by Mr. Walter J. Fee on the, corner of Queen St Mr. and Mrs. James McClinchey were in Clinton on Monday attending 1 ,1 ensa C. R. WILKOISON;1.0.; ,OPFITHAI.Mic orriplitri will be at W. 0. Goodell/IPS Stove*. ery let and ard Thedy�n the month, cOmmeueing Ape 7"th, for thO PurPose of testing eye n and Una ghttifes. Diffieult .oesefs and those that have net been. Oropetly, fitted are specially teennque.,1,114°6 to consult me. Hours, 10 aimp.to g Pan, Phone Homan 14 fet appoint- ment 3477 • thent Mrs. Mary ertleEf yte. ir of, reLalandtivoen: was Mr.. Etheft ward Johnston. m guest last week of her relatives, Mtn and Mrs. T. D. Wean a.nd Mrs. Alice Wren. Mrs. McMartin and grand &neu- ter, Elaine, are speeding some months with relatives in Newark, N. J. The Women's Institute.meeting was held on Wednesday evening at the home of Miss Beryl Pfaff who presid- ed over the meeting. The meeting was opened with the Institute Ode and was. followed by the Lord's Prayer. The roll call was answered by a quo- tation on "Peace." Miss Irene Doug- las„ played an instrumental and a mot- to For Herne and Ocamtry" by Miss Gladys Passmore. Business was dis- cussed and it was decided, to have the school children give speeches at the October meeting. Miss G.' Lanamie gave a piano solo. The topic ea "Peace and- -International Relation- ship" was ably given by' Ross R. Mc- Kay. The meeting closed, with the. National Anthem- and the ladies serr- ed lunch. Clinton Lions Meet Here The Clinton Lions Club got away -ate% a good start Tuesday night when they beld their first regular meeting after the summer holiday v at Lieu Stan Tudor's Commercial Hotel, Heiman. Lien President "Tubby" Lawson was in the chair, and Liota Ken' Waters' and his corrunittee hadcharge of the Program. Lion guests were present from Brantfordt, Clinton, Kirlaand Lake and HeosalL • f hursday and riday SEPTEMBER Two Trials of Speed 2.30 and 2.25 Class FOR PURSES OF $75.00 Every Heat a Race c'kt * Bigger and Better Entries * Bigger and Better Attractions * 7-Cc,„•,mp1ete New Grandstand Programme * Tests of Speed, with $150.00 in purses * Fv;iot and Bicycle Races * Children's Public-S;peaking Competition * 'Foal Club aujiaGraineGiub * Midway * Fun for Everybody * Seaforth Highlander, Band. - ADMISSION: ADULTS 25c CHILDREN 15c AUTOS AlsID ARRIAGES 25c SCHOOL CHILDREN IN PARADE — FREE ADMISSION TO EXHIBITION HALL --- THURSDAY EVENING, SEPT. 4, loc DANCING Fair Night, September Cardno's Hall, Seafort •Big• casIttludingzes for rim SQUA Open to any gtoup of:four dOnpleS. Odhtest- • Competitions to be ,held t evening dance in oawnnts naton-,sialepifiltxthet3,h.eivors/ii,6441.41trip' a ay Agd re ir .2 of Secretary by 8.45 pan. Conl,ji cohl- Cardno's Hall. 'Entries'ihust be in the hands idrnission to &ncg. mences at 9 p.m. ADMISSION ,Tt; DANCE- AN/0- C41014TEST 35 cents Gallerr10 HIYMPHREY res dent ai rieultura.1 Society 7 MSS J, A KR, Secretary TS COMPLETt ATTRACTIONS 40, ee. , 8. 8. ;