HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1938-09-09, Page 4)
-inserted at new loW milt rates:
1301e, I'Varded, Loat arid Fonn.d. Coming Ovents, Etc.—Per word:
Int week t Coat
% Cent
sre Week 1E: Cent
Mineentun charge, first insertion 25 Cents
Scare, mud abilynnrIntion counts as ape word.
,341:414R„tw. T,a_awicauriagn NottelS----1 cent per word. minimum, 59 cents Per week.
004,Iles,MaYe steetel-to O. BOK Nninher. care a The Soren ExPostler. or 10 cents
see sqlsteeedditd, enal ver week will be cbarked if ads in above class are not paid by the
saioneey-sagut in the week in whioh the ad was run.
4 Births, Marriages and Dea.the insetted' free of charge.
Auction Sake Notice to creditors, Etc..—Rates ou aPPlicatIon.
Property For Sale
" ed with lkbeir -Pantrialths if they are photo--
graPheol at the ounoess STUDIOS, at Mit-
cheR and Clinton. 3691-2
Help Wantpd
" general housework; good cook. Family
of twlo. Apply, stating experience and refer-
ences, to 'Box 174, EXPOSITOR.
4.4. in your own containers. WALLACE
ROSS, Sea/oath: Phone 256-W.
" Terrier 'MIPS, 8 weeks ,old. Reasonable.
APP1Y to W, -C. SUTHERLAND, Seaforth.
" 1.....r.th Egmondyille. Appy to BAR-
RON, Seafonth. o 3691x1
" preferred_ State price and particulars.
DR. JAMES BELL, Hensall, Ont.
Card of Thanks
"'" %visits to thank.- their many friends for
their kindness darting the long illness and
„sudden bereavement of our husband and
father. 3691.0
Farms For Sale
-penes fon. SALE—LOT 14, CONCESSION
5, Tackerstriith. 100 acres. Bank barn
50x70. new Pig pen and driving shed; good
frame house. All under cultivation and in
splendid eondition. Telephone. R EV11'0 na bi e
terms. For further particulate apply on the
premises, or address MRS, GEORGE H.
COLEMAN, R. R. 4, Seafertli.
Auction Sales
-`-`• /0cts on Saturday, September 10th, at 1.39
Pm., on James Street, Seaforth, the follow-
ing effects: Dining- table and 6 chairs; 4 -
piece parlor suite; wirier table;
er; organ; New "Williams sewing
dresser and stand; 2 singte, beds
bed with springs_ and mattresses
tick: chest Of drawers; clothe;
tain at:rent:lees: quilting fannies
pet -12x13; rug 8x10: lachert
chen ,ahairs; secretary; ,S. rockers:
stove; linoleum 12x14; *kick;
. kitchen curptloard; fire extinguisher;
iron; electric toaster; ironing
pats ; fry pan and other cooking
wall brush; darPet sweeper; dust
ing. macidate,..-nansinIrer: band
boiler; 2 8lifi1iir77:sialets; crocks;
frames ; exileisaioe ladder: step ladder;
handsaw: 2 planes; draw knife,
oen other ,242225Edee, 021E4 2011et set;
! wheeibarrOw„ „Tema — Cash.
• MELADY,;,,Vtimnieter; Geo, EL
. tianeor. ' :"A..l"..,;,,,PFI`i'i
24,, •
leather rock-
and double
; feather
home; cur-
; Brussels -car..
table; 5 kit-
paper rack;
board; .2 iron
mop; wash-
vrashert tub:
ate-, eimese
and nunter-
one heater;
Elliott. Auc-
, , 'Tetr
i rs Wanted
• t
" undersigned and endorsed "Tender for
Rreikwater seterestene Port Stanley, Ont.",
colved until 12 o'clock noon (daylight saving),
Wednesday, September 21, 1938, for the con-
struction of an motes:Wm to Rise East Break-
water at' Fait Stanley, Ont.
Plans, farm of contract and specification
can be seen and forms of tender obtained at
the • office of the Chief Engineer, DePartment
of Public Works, Ottawa; at the offices of
the Distrk8 Engineer, Dominion Public Bldg.,
London Ont.; also at the Post Office at
Port Staniley,,''Orst.
'Deriders will not he considered unless made
on printed forms supplied by the Department
and in accordance with the conditions set
forth therein. -, •
Each tender must be accompanied by .2
Certified cheque on a chartred bank in
Canada, payable to the order of the Honour-
able the Minister 04 Public Works, equal to
10 per cent. of the amount of the tender, or
Dearer Bonds of the Dominicrn of Canada or
of.. the Canadian National Railway Cbmpany
end its constituent companies, uncondition-
ally guaranteed as to pritielpral and interest
bY the Dominion of Canada, or tbe afore-
mentioned bonds iind a certified cheque if re-
quired to make up an odd PRP:Milt
NO'PE.—The DePartetiletif •Ve8U supply blue -
Prints and specification 'of ibe work on de-
posit Of a sum of 430.00, In the form of a
certified bank cheque payable to the order
of the Miniaber of Piddle Works. The deposit
will .be released' on the return of the blue -
Points and specification within a month .from
the date of receptitm of tenders. If . not '
returned within that period the deposit will i
be forfeited.
• • .B17 order, - .
J. M. SosegaVILLE, •
Department of Public VITorles,
Ottawa, 8eptember 3, 1938.
• 3691-2 1
' )
Popular Stallions
.. . . ,.
The Clydesdale Stallion
Entrohneett isld:19st
Will -Stand at his 0,011 stable at Brncefield 1
for the season. Pitteen dollars bo insure, (
payable Pebruary 1, .1989.
RO ElIT n. MURDOCH, Proprietor.
frkft KILPATRICK; Manager. i
' asis-tt E'
., . . .
' orted "O1Ydesdn1er Staillioir
, ewer. .seilleS) seSetey
,5, iltte, ,ato , ' ,-.
eittelIeteefleild settl iee'llaiiith
-seiliiiiMet elosithree
'''' diii-al. • 'teaVetatiliti,
ee**tif mittitatooittsk.
t3,;,tito titti atheetieessenie
- ';g#HCOd'fiit
... ' is llitic,
its tieediFifeefle,'
:, es s•
1 ,
, 1
, r • .., ' ,.. , ,
o e • ,f, -i
'' t t
, • Ferro 1
Iris . own
ott Mee-
leinnen: for e
1.0 Willials i
of •
lefiecele t
• ' S
""`" equipped fraane labuse in tine Seaforth
residential dibtriet; ina.rge garden, good barn.
Near wheal, ehurch. Priced right for quick
safe. Apply fax 177, EXPOSITOR.
• • 3691-2
PILGRIM—In Scott 'Memorial Hospital, Sea -
forth, an ,September lth, to Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Pilgrim, of Varna. a WI, -
Coroner's Jury
(Continued from Page 1)
of the car on the right side.
Stillwell the driver, the witness con-
tinued, appeared to be dazed .and was
unable to talk intelligently. He kept
epeating; 'What have I done?"
"Phe day. was clear, bright and hot,
witness stated. There was no other
traffic visible on the highway.
IVIiss Laura Patterson, 622 M111 St,
W., Windsor', only passenger. in the
A_xona car, repeated Axom's testimany.
K. B. Streets, auto parts salesman
Of Clinton, told the jury he was in
Moussean's garage opposite the scene
Of the accident when the heard a noise
likea fender scraping a wire fence,
followed by a crash, He rushed out
and found the right front door of the
car open and a little girl lying in
the grass beside • it. She was dead.
Both rear doors were locked orjam-
Med and the driver was stRi behind
the wheel. He assisted the second
child from the car and to a neighbor-
ing home.
Elzar Mcusseau, next witness, told
the jury be ran out of his garage
with Streets and on seeing the extent?
of the injuries, returned to telephone
D.r. Steer. He identified pictures
e tech he took at the time of the
W. L. Mellis, Kippen blacksmith
was in his shop opposite the accider,
when.he heard the crash. He agreed
with the other witnesses as to the
position of the car and passengers.
R. F. Sdllwell, driver of the car, was
the. next witness, Mr. Stillwell, a
combustion engineer of Columbus
Ohio, was still suffering from the ef-
fects of the crash. Out on ball on
a charge of criminal negligence, he
-Was given protection in his evidence.
The witness described the .events
leading up to bhe fatality. With his
wife, their daughter and niece, he had
been on a camping trip through Michi-
gan. Two days previous they had
crossed to Ontario at Sarnia and, pro-
ceeded to Goderich, where they stay-
ed at a summer hotel.
On the day of the accident he had
visited the Goderieh salt plant whese
he spent some time inspecting the
boiler and fuel used. About 3 o'clock
the party left the hotel to return heme
to Columbus.
"/ don't know what happened. I
donn.remember a thing," Stillwell
sta. "I was driving down the high-
way and it was quite warm. Tee lit-
tle girls were playing with their dolls
and I think my wife was reading a
magazine in the back seat The next
thing I remember 1 was sitting in a
strange 'yard and my face was cover-
ed with blood."
"Is it- because of the accident you
cannot' remember, or of something
that happened prior to the accident?"
Mr. Holmes inquired.
"I don't recall. I might have faint-
ed," the witness replied!.
In answer to a question as to his
health prior to the accident, the wit-
ness stated that the had been examin-
ed for life insurance only two weeks
prior to his trip and had been pro-
nounced O.K.
Coroner Burrows suggested that the
inquest could be adjourned to Scott
Memorial Hospitalto hear evidence
frora Mrs. Stillwell, but the jury
thought It not necessary.
Provincial Traffic Officer William
Robinson was the last witness, and
escribed the course the Stillwell car
took after it left the road until it hit
he tree, a distance of 265 feet.
The constable told the jury he coUld
not estimate the speed of the car be-
ause there were no brake marks, but
greed, with the Crown Attorney that
t nmst hakre been travelling at least
0 miles per hour to produce the
amage that was done.
Members of the jury were; James
cClymont, foreman; Wesley French,
. E. ButteTheanses Butt, Cliff Wet -
on, Emmerson Kyle, W. T. Kyle ahd
Anniversary services will be held
n Goshen United Church next Sun -
ay, Sept, Ilth. Rev. Mr. Wright, of
rucefield, will be the guest speaker;
t the morning service at 11 o'clock,
lad in the evening at 7.30 Rev. C. B.
eckension, of Zurich Evalgelical
hurehs will be the preeeher. Mrs.
De.) Bryce, of -Zurich, will assist the
heir with the MThillie at the evening
On Meb'ay, Sept. 5th, there passed
way at l'er home in Clinton, Mrs.
itr Armstrong,.; Wife of the ?ate
obert Armstrong; Inshete 'nit year.
Om on Goshen Line, Manley, she
'a delight& Of the late John
iePherhain and Annie Peeln, All her
fe_ *at' ;Irked in Stanley till about
year* ago isttlken she and her late
imbend fetiredi Clinton,. Mr. Lim-
n/It passed aivay 16 felaiOttgo, Sup:
iy,ii)g tivo datig1ttere41444e Exn
— Mid (Annie May) Mrs.
'f; Clinton, and one SO*
IliOmestea4, farm ift
*wank* 9ne €44,m (tied 10A.) anti a
Sent George Lloyd, died ila 1917. Oae
Meter and three heathers, also sur-
vive; Mrs. A/iee Armstroug, o Punt
Menne,Man.: Ralph Stephensen, el
Staelee; W1au H.. Stepheassee of
Ma.elette; Miele, end Devi& J. Stepla-
enso.n, of Bay,fielell. Mrs. Armstrong
was' a consistent member of, Ontario
Street United Church, a kind and lov-
ing friend and a devoted mother, and
will be much missed'by a large cir-
cle of friends and especially by the
family, to whom is extended. the ,aym-
pathy of the commenity in their be-
Rev. J. M. and. Mrs. Keys', of Ken-
more, New York, visited with the
former's brother, Mr. Art P. -Keys and
Mr. Robert MeClinceey is visiting
friends at Marlette, Mich.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jaen. Mr. and
Mrs. W. Cable and Mr. and Mrs. F.
Greenherry, of Flint, Mich, visited
with the ladies' sister, Mrs. Thomas
Robinson, and family on Labor Day..
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Eckert and
family lasire returned to Timmins af-
ter spending their vacation with their
many friends in this vicinity, •
Mr. Louis Brall an•ell two daughters
of Detroit, and Mr. C. Eckert were
visitors in our. burg 'last Monday.
Mr. Vincent Eekart has returned tO
Sandwich to resume his studies at
the College.
Mr. And Mrs, W. Manley and Mrs.
T. McKay were in London last Friday
to visit their mother, Mrs. C. Eckert,
who underwent an op.eration, and is
progressing as well as can be ex-
Mr. -..and Mrs. Grieves and Mr:
Thompson and daughter, of Fergus,
visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Roy McCu,loch on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Forrester, of St.
Marys, were guests at the home of
Mr. John McCulloch,
Rev. and Mrs. Bennie and family,
of Acton, spent the week entl with
Mrs. McIntosh of this village.
Miss Ada Speare has returned af-
ter spending, a ‘t‘sek's holidays et
Waeage Beach and other parts.
Mr. and Mrs. James Scott, Jr., and
I. anel :Nits. John Wallece spent the
week -end at Bruce Beach.
Mr. Flank Scott, Mr. Ross Hough-
ton and Mr. Thomas Scott, Jr., were
visitors at Toronto Exhibition the past
week. '
Visitors with Mrs. Robertson and
son, John, on Sunday were: Mr. and
Mrs. Stewart Robertson and family,
of Listowel; Mrs. Margaret Dollar
and sons, Robert and Melville,' of
Niagara Falls, Ont,; Mrs. Robert
Chittick and daughter, Olive, of G:•an-
ton; Mrs. Charlie Mills and family, of
St. Marys. .
After having spent a couple of
weeks' holidays with her niece, Mrs.
John Young, of Mitchell, Miss M. a
Currie lias returned to her home here.
Miss Lila MerCulloch has returned
after spen.ding a week with Mr, and
Mrs. John Lander of Willow Grove.
Me and Mrs. McKee and family, of
Neustad•t visited Mr. and Mrs. Burton
Mrs,. Caldwell -has returseed to her
home here after spending the last
two months' in Listowel and 'other
Mr. A. B. Colby and daughter, Joyce,
and Miss Ruth. Tivett, of •Dendas, call-
ed ,on friends this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Hill, of Pene-
tang, were guests at tee home of Mr.
and Mrs. McDonald over the week-
Mrs. John Barr, of Stratford, spent
last week with -friends in- the village.
Miss Mae (Silence visited a few
days in Windsor with friends and ac-
Mr. Stewart Robertson, of Listowel,
spent Sunday with his mother,. Mr's:
Robertson, of the village.
Mrs. Robertson spent the greater
part of last week visiting with friends
at Niagara Falls.
The Dalrymple clan held their fam-
ily picnic at Lakeside on Friday last.
Miss Chalmers left on Friday morn -
Ing where, she will take the boat at
Montreal for a meeth's visit to Scot-
land to visit friends, Mies Chalmers
has been in this country about four
Mrs. Caldwell has returned to our
midst after spending her holidays
with her deughter in Listowel, Mrs.
Pym, and her sons at Centralia.
MIAs Lila McCulloch is at present
spending a few holidays with her
aunt In Logan. *,
W. M. S. Meets
The September meeting of the W.
M. S. was held at the home of Mrs.
Russell Scott on Thursday last with
a good attendance, tete president, Mrs.
Miller presiding. Tbe Scripture read-
ing was given by Mrs. John Hamil-
ton. Portiohs of the study book were
taken by Mrs. James Scott, reading
"Sisters of India," and Mrs. Hough-
ton, "The Untouchables," both being
interesting and giving one an insight
into oonditiops that exist i•n, India to-
day. Mrs. Thos. -Laing had choice of
subjects. The roll call topic being
prayer, was responded to by thirteen
members, giving very suitable and in-
teresting l s on prayer. The meet-
ing chased witli prayer by Mrs. Reidie
and the Lo: 's Prayer 'in unison. A
very dainty lunch was served at the
close, while -all enjeyed a social half
1Vlisa 'Margaret Aikenthead, of Lon -
thin, spent the week -end at her horde
Me. Bishop McGregor, of Detroit,
accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. G. Baird
arid Mr. Med Mee. T. McGowan, spent
last week at Niagara and Toronto.
Mr. s. Km -it, of Windsor, spent the
week -end with Mr. and Mrs. L. Wil
Mt and 111Irs. I. Mustard and
family have retnirned home from In-
Rey. IL and ,Mrs. Wright and thil.
&en 'have retarned 'home „Sven their Barns' farm, about half a mile mrest
vaeation. Of this , village, tit Prink Coleman,
MISS Irene Snider, of Landon, spent of tfelasialef while Meeting anther ear
4•10',w vox he pa
Mrs. J.. Ontaek,
Mr. and UM H. Coll
spent Wet Weeksire
zdrp,„WUai S»W 44
spent ,+-4.04,1 eve,Ons'
Daw.stnv; • •••
• nal% 'an,4`1Yitis,.
wortb,. spoilt the holin
W. Rattenbury..
Mss. • SimPaeu
of Hamilton, are visiti•
• 4h0 leen*
of Mr. and Nirs. R, Scott: -
Mr. and Mrs. Willlam -Simpson, of
Detroit, visited' Mr. C. 'Simpson. on
• Mr. and Mrs. B. Kaiser, of Detroit,
spent the holiday with Mr. and Mts.
H. Zapte. „
Miss Jetsv0e, Grainger, of Clinton,
spent ,the eek -end with Mr. and Mrs.
J. Graingesseie •
Miss Ellear Scott, of London, spent
the holiday her home here.
Miss Elsie' Smith spent the week-
end at Port Huron.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Halstead and Floyd
of Stratford, visited Mr. and Mrs-. T.
H. Wheeler..
Mr. and Mrs. G. Swan are holiday-
ing in Toronto...
Mr. and Mrs'. J. K. Cornish spent
the we-ekend itt Stratford'.
Rev. Hall Woods, of Petrolia, visit-
ed with Mr. and Mrs. H. Aikeruh.ead
and preached a very inspiring sermon
in the United Church on Sunday
Mrs. B. Higgins, of Clinton, visited
Miss M. McIntosh on Sunday.
Jack Prouse, of London, spent the
weeksend with Mr. and Mrs. L. For-
Mr. L. Veinier, of Fenlon Falls, has
returned to the village and has taken
up his duties M the Stanley school.
Mr. and Mrs, J. McKenzie and fam-
ily and Mr. and Mrs. Hamel, of Wind-
sor, spent a few days with Mrs e Mar-
garet McKenzie and Mrs. Mcksh. • •
Mrs. Charles Lang and Miss Lillian
Lang, of New York City, and Mrs.
Wilson Berry, of Toronto, caned en
friends on Labor Day.
Mr. W. L. Forrest and daughter,
Miss Bet, -spent the -holiday -with
friends in rucefield.
.. Mrs. Thompson and daughter re-
turned to their home in Sarnia this
week after speneing a week at the
home of the, former's mother; Mrs,
W. Stevens.-
nes-. Mr. Peters. of Varna, will con
duct divine service next Sunday
rrorning, Sept, llth. Rev. H. Wright,
the pastor, will preach in the evening
at the usual time. 7 p.m.,.
Mr. and Mrs_ John McKenzie, and
family, of Windsor, spent the week-
end at thee home of the former'S
mother, Mrs. Margaret. McKenzie.
" paamaine•••
Notice To Farmers.—Now is ,.lhe
time to look over your bean knives
and see that they are in good shape
for the bean harvest. Bring them in
eally, so ydu can be assured they will
be in first class shape when needed.
Also any other repairs that may need
attention, Ali" work will ,be given
careful attention and a gOod job guar-
anteed. At the Old Reliable Stand.
Mr. Alex. Sproat, of Toronto, visit-
ed recently at the home of Mr. J.
Earle Sproat.
Mr. Stewart McLean, of Kirkland
Lake, is spending his vacation with
relatives ee(eitel Kippen.
Master 13iltie Sproat returned Sun-
day aftOr tie weeks' vacation spent
with friends/ at Toronto. He also at-
tended the Exhibition and visited
Niagara. -
Anniversary services will be held
at St. Andrew's Chnroh, Kippen, on
October 18th. The special preenter
fordthe day will be the Rev. Andrew
Lane, of Clinton. '
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Butt, of the
village, visited with Mr. andMrs.
John Butt, of Flint, Mich., over the
week end.
Mr. Clarence McLean, of London,
spent a few days at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Allan Johnston, of the town
line, during he past week. •
• Mr. and 1V..-rs. Ed. Bissett, of Lon-
don, visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. L.
Mellis, -of the village, on Sunday last.
The many friends of Mrs. B-ert. Mc-
Kay, who resides on the London Road
will be glades) learn that ehe has re-
turned fronne'the hospital in Toronto
and at the present is somewhat im-
proved,' - e trust she may contiritie
to improtWand that she may soonhe
in lierNinalgood health again.
Mr. alid-M%... T. N. Forsyth, acc
partied by Mr, and Mrs. W. L. Me
spent a very pleasant visit during tte
past week at tbe home of 'Mr. and Mrs.
W. H. JOhnston, of Exeter.
Mr. and MTS. Walker and daughter
of Pethrboro, returned to their home
during the past week after sending
a pleasant holiday at the home of Mr.
William Ivisen1 of the village.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred -Parsons, of Sea -
forth, spent Sunday at the home crf
Mr. George Thomson, pf Hay.
Mr. and Mee George Kennard, of
Victoria, B. C., are spending a visit
at the home of Mr., and Mrs. Stan
Love and other relatives and friends
in this community.
An inquest into the death of Mabel
Ritter, who was killed in an accident
here a few weeks ago, was held in
tbe Town Hall, Seaferth, on Tuesday.
Severel witnesses were heard and the
jury returned a verdict of accidental
Farmers are all busy harvesting the
bean crop and some good yields are
Miss Etta Jarrett, who has been
spending the holidays at the home of
her Mother, Mrs, Isaac Jarrett, of the
village, left the fere part of the week
for Toronto, to resume her ditties as
See the Keyser, Holeproot Circle
Bar and Phartten Hese at..Goodwiti's-4,,
(Conthrued fronit'r
second readiag.Ca Tj" and
Shepherd; That By-lavir No. 9 be
giVen third and final reading. Carried.
Brock and 'Twitchell! .That We ad-
Carrlett.,--Jaista A. Paterson,
On Tuesday evening ite arty'.
Ing in froth the West and near inenald
0$7; 1,!.•41o 1- 313:de‘t ihoewera dad.
refield outO
thk0„ oth eo jajy
year -04 telt vaiuted.,at.p.sq, and' the
accident was ,caused by someone be-
ing on the premises shortly beforethe
accident thaving the gate open which
allowed the (berses to stray onto the -
road, as we bMieve Mr: Burne has al-
Weys been very careful lin the matter
of keebing the gate closed.
Mr. Lloyd 1VicDonalde who lives ma
Highway No. 4; a short distance south
of Hensall, while ,driving to his home
from Exeter, accompanied by his
mother, had the misfortune to have a
tire burst, causing the'cer to go into
the d•iteh striking a pole and the im-
pact was such as to cause injuries to
Mrs. McDonald. She euffered facial
lacerations and had some teeth knock-
ed out. Rev. W. A. Young, who was
driving home from London, brought
Mrs. McDonald in:this car to the of-
fice of Dr. I. G. Smillie, wheee• she
was given medical attention.
Mr. Charlee Stephan, of Elimville,
brougiat to Thomps•on's grain( elevator
on Tuesday evening a truck load con-
taining over 300 .bushels of barley.
The grain was grown on the farrn of
Orville Beaver, of near Farquhar, and
weighed 50 pounds to the bushel; was
bright and clean and a fine sample.
Mr. Cliff Watson, of Kippen, is run-
ning a bus to Clinton for the accom-
modation of pupils, numbering be -
ten 28 and 30, from Zurich, Hensall,
Kippen and Brucefield,' who are at-
tendieg C011egiate and Business Col-
lege at Clinton.
The continuation and public sohnols
reopened on Tuesday, Sept. 5th; wiLh
the same staff of principals'andteach-
ers, with the exception of Miss Kil-
patriele of Stratheoy, who will take
the place. af Mies Irene Douglas, who
iesigned as assistant in the continua-
tion room.
The contractors for the drilling of
the artesian well at Moir Memorial
Park, Hensall, are having quite a
strenuous time. When down some 300
feet they struck water which they hop-
ed wauld be sufficient, but the volume
proved not to be adequate to the de-
mands, They are still drilling and
are DOW at a depth of 400 feet and
are working night and day in hopes
of striking a good strong spring of
Mr. Lloyd Brock has accepted a
position with Mr. Harty 'McMillan at
his grocery and meat store, having
commenced work on Tuesday morn-
Miss E. Johnston spent the holiday
week -end with friends in Toronto.
Mr.. and Mrs. E. Laird Mick -le spent
the week -end at RidgetoWn sad Ron-
eeau Park, visiting the former's`rela-
Mrs. Esther Smith and son, Russel,
have returned to their heme in De-
troit after spending a week wife Me
and ells. Ed. McQueen and other rel-
Mr. and Mrs. John Dingwall, '31
Streetsville, and Mr. and Mrs. RaY
Cornell, of Tomtit°, spent Sueday
with Mr. and Mee. George Reece end
Mr. and Mrs. E. McQueen..
Miss Joyce Seruton, of 'To -onto,
spent the holiday with, ber mother,
Mrs. Scruton and sister, Mildred
, Mr, and Mrs. Harry Abray and
young sell, George, and Mr: and Mrs.
Aldon Kading, all of London, were
weEk-end visitors with Mr. end Mrs.
C. S. Hudson.
Mr. Norman Sinclair, of Blyth, at-
tended the weiner •roast at the farra
of Mr. and Mrs. James Smillie on Fri-
day evening last.
Mies Ruth Young, young daughter
of Rev. and Mrs: W. A. Young, who
has been in very poor health for the
past few weeks, is iniproving ,nicely.
Miss Minnie Sangster and ftiends,
Miss Doris Pearce and friend, all of
Tillsonberg, were recent visitors at
their reepeetive homes.
Miss Mary McKaig, of the Bell
Telephone staff, Exeter, spent Mon-
day with her mother, Mrs. Mary Mc-
Kaig, and aunteMiss E. Newell.'
Wthile playing with children at the
sawmill on Sunday afternoon, Roy
Redden, young son of Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd Hedden, had the misfortune to
have his arm fractured. He was
taken to Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea -
forth for an X-ray by Dr. D. G. Steer.
The Hensel] School Fair will be
held on Friday afternoon, September
Mrs. Alex, Hildebrandt and little
daughter, Dolly, accompanied by Miss
Bella Smale, are this week visiting
with relatives in Detroit.
IVIiss Eleanor Milley, Who has been
the guest or her dent and uncle, Mr.
and Mrs. W. B. Cross, and daughter,
Miss Goldie, returned to Toronto this
week accompanied by her aunt, Mrs.
6ross, who will remain for a few
days' visit.
Mrs. Nary Pope is having an auc-
tion sale of her 'household goods on
Saturday, Sept. 10th.
Wedding bells are tingles' itt the
village this month,
Mrs. E. Rennie is having the ex-
terior of her house on Queen Street
redecorated, the work being done by
Mr. E. Shaddock.
Tenders have been called for the
erection of a fine new Supertest gas
station wieh modern equipment and
improvements, at the corner of High-
way No, 4 and Queen Street at the
east end ,of the villege, which will
replace the present one now being
operated by Allan &olden.
Mies Greta Lammie spent a few
days Atria( tie,ek With relatives and
'Molds ir baron,
"fhp Senitir Institute will hold its
Septembet, Meeting at the home of
the "president, Mitig beryl Pfaff, on
Wednesda, y, evening, Sept. 14th, and
WsiIlititaftperof i;Veify fine meeting.
11%Igia HelerClIoyle,,,,B.N., of Toron-
Ao,...4nd Ifni** Of. is.. the
giibtirt of her:, etaiSin, 'Miss Florence
tibia "'hetet a Marlette,
elW.githet of her rel -
d Zq 4f. 'Taylor, Mrs.
e1?.06,^ dalighter, MISS
6,04 and MM. keed Bngol1gh, ftt'. ttiirn to. Otetiii the oth, goAdeis,
3W11e of Trkiitt Memorial thitroh,
Ritter, and vinhb nrie f three
tle girle on the- 0008.010111 Of the lay.
fug Of the ooraer stone in Trivitt
nerneriat Church in 1887- to present
dowers to Tare. paktwin, wife of the,
offating Bishop at that time.
Art the Labor Day Celebratiou,stag,
ed at Grand” Bend on Monday !aka,
Mr. Jake SWeitzer,. of' the Deaeb Co*
Pines, -Was successful in securiug. first
prize for the best business Boat,
which was greatly adniired by many
who saw it.
Revs Donald DeMille, of Kerillood,
will conduct both ,morning •and even-
ing services at the United Ohurch on
Sunday, Sept. 11th, at 11' a.m. and 7
The ,Mission Circle of the United -
Church wili bola their -meeting at the
home of Miss, Gladys Passmore on
Friday, Sept. 9th. • ,
Rally day will be observed in Hen-
sel]. United Church on Sunday, Sept.
18th. •
Rev. R. A. Brook sang a very pleas -
Ing solo, "Tell Me the Story of Jes-
Us" at the United Church on Sunday
evening last, which was Much enjoy-
Miss Mavis Spencer of Toronto vis-
ited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
A. Spencer, over the holiday.
Mr. and ,Mrs. A, W. E. Hemphill
and daughter, Miss‚ Mary, have re-
turned home from spending the sum-
mer months at their cottage at Oak -
'Weed, Grand Bend-.
Mts. Voht and little datighter,
Gwendelyn, of Detroit, are spending
two weeks with her grandmether,
Mrs. R. Boathron, and her mother,
Mrs. L. Simpson.
Miss Rugie Nichols and aunt, Mrs.
M. Scott, of Grand Bend, visited with
relatives ihere on risuestlay.
Mr. and Mrs. _James A. Paterson,
accompanied by Mrs. Paterson, Sr.,
and Jack Drysdale, returned home on
Tuesday after spending a pleasant
time at the Exhibition, Toronto, They
also visited with their many relatives
and friends here.
A very good picture appeared .n
Monday's edition of the London Free
Press of Rev. Keith H. Love, of. Kin-
tore, son of Mr. and Mrs. William
Love, of this village.
Mr. Allan Cochrane, of near Bee -
sale who has been very ill for the
last number of weeks, was taken to
the Toronto General Hospital by his
physician, Dr. I. 0, Siwillie, for treat-
ment in the interest of his health,
wbich this many relativeftiad friend
trust will prove beneficial to him.
Services in the three local churches
were well attended on Sunday last.
At the United Church Rev. R. A.
Brook occupied his own pulpit at both
services, also rendering a pleasing
solo at the evening service.
At Carmel Presbyterian Church Rev
W. A. Young conducted both services
and the choir also rendered two fine
anthems at both services.
At St. Paul's Anglican Church Rev.
M. .A. Hunt conducted the morning
Mr. Whitney Carter, of Clinton, ac-
companied by Miss Ruth Hedden,
Mrs. C. M. Hedden, Mona, Herb, Lloyd
and -Harold, spent a pleasant week-
end and .Labor.. Day with relatives in
Hamilton, St. Catharines, Niagara
Falls and Buffalo; N.Y.
Mr. and Mre. Voht and baby daugh-
ter, Gwendolyn, and Mr. and Mrs,
William Simpson, all of Detroit, spent
the week -end 'and holiday' with Mrs.
R. Bonthron and Mrs!. L. Simpeon.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Smith and
daughter, Miss Vivian, Mrs. John
Smith of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs.
S. Gemm-ell and Mrs. James Troyer,
of Seaforth, spent Sunday tbe guests
of Mrs. James Logan and Mrs. Har-
Mrs. Levi Rands was taken to Scott
Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, by Dr.
McMaster on Friday evening suffer-
ing injuries sustained, from a very
severe fall she received.
The .Whohelo Class of the United
Church Jaeld a delightful weiner and
corn roast Friday eveuing on the
spacious lawn on the farm of Mr. and
Mrs. 'eassies Smillie, of the London
Road, South. Members of the class
and guests numbering 30, enjoyed
games during the first part of the ev-
ening, after whictb everyone sat..
around a large bonfire and enjoyed
weiners, 'corn and coffee, A pleasing
feature of the evening, following
lunch, was the presentation of two
lovely mottoes to two valued mem-
bers of the class, Miss Hazel Smillie,
who is leaving for Atwood to engage
in teaching, and Miss Lettie Love,,
who is leaving for Toronto 'to be on
the relieving staff as substitute teach-
er. The .presentations were made by
Miss Gladys Passmore, Both Miss
Smillie and Miss Love expressed their
thanks. Mr. Edison Forrest, on be -
ball of the Class, moved a vote of
thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Smillie and
family for their kind hospitality.
The Hensel"' Citizens' Band is mak-
ing preparations for a frolic to be
held at the Moir Memorial Park, Hen-
sel], on Friday evening, Sept. 9th..
Mise Mildred Smillie, who holds a
splendid position, at the Parliament
Blandings, Toronto, returned to bet
position on Monday following a de-
lightful two weeks' firacati,ors spent
vrith her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle, Billy
and Betty spent last Thursday at
Oakwood, the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Alvin Hemphill,
Dr. Murray Maher, wife and family
of Gravenhurst, spent Tuesday with
Dr. Plethora mother, Mrs. P. Fisher,
and slater, Miss Eleanor.
Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Goodin and
daughter, Mary (Mrs. Maulkinsion)
spent the week -end and holitley with
relatives at Lakeside.
The /list annum reunion of the
Vollick family was, held Sunday, Sept.
4th, at Hidden Whey Park, Aldershot,
Ont. About seventy members were in,
atttotdpc0, El ea
connuaitteee' for thet;•
whighwill be held 811#435., PeRt.
At the amine tima and plaCeOrmi
as follows: • RUIVell c„,
ilton, re-elected •presideat; UM,
inlaid H. WINO, Erie, '.Pa, geed
secretary; Tiowar4, T.
ten, treas.; Vernon D. vordek.wax,S.
Voll -lel, both or Haratitir,; •-Mr. Auld
Mrs. Jas. L. Kennedy, Hannon, ud
Mra. C. Walter Priest, receptkoa cents
mittees 'Eugene Vollick, George
ery and W. Lloyd Vollick,
and .Donald V: Kennedy, Hitimen, en-
tertainment committee; W. LIOY'd
Vollick and Howard,T. Vollick, Haw
ilton, and Mrs. Reginald H. Vellick,
archivists: Mesdames Chap: EL V'91. -
lick, Russell C. Voliick, Howard ,sp.
Volta, G. Wesley Vont*, C. Walter
Priest, James ' Depotty and Leslie
Keith, Hamilton, refresbastent commit-
We believe that several changes in
the near future will be made as to.
both business and residental places in
the Petty block.
Young -Love Reunion
The Young -Lave family reunion
with an attendance of 90 present was
much enjoyed at Queen's Park, Strat-
ford, on Wednesday afternoon, and so
pleased were tbe•members of the ex-
ecutive with, ,the fine facilities and
beauty of the park / that an anneal
picnic was decided upon. The after-
noon was spent renewing acquaint-
ances by some of the -se ‚present while
others enjoyed games, races and soft-
ball. The softball teams were cap-
tained by Eric Love and Ross Rich-
mond, The officers in charge of the
picnic were: President, Wm. Rith-
mond, Washington; viee-pres., An-
drew Love, llensalls eecetreas., Ross
Love, Kippen; 'sports committee, Wm.
Richmond, , Stratford; John McMur-
tide, Kippen; John Love, Heneall;
lunch committee, Mrs. J. E. IVIcEwan,
Hensel]; Miss Annie Randall, Platte-
ville; Mrs. P. Fisher, Heneall; Mrs.
M. Tew, Washington. The winners et
the games and races were: Children,
under 6 -years, Ted Moir and Betty
Thompson; children tinder 12 years,
Ross Keys and E. Love; girls under
16 years, Margaret Lbve• and Barbara
Webster; pie plate race (couples),
Mrs. Bessie Luker and 1,Percy Camp-.
ben; men's balloon race ," John Love.
Albert Keys; ladies' kicking slipper,
Mrs. Wilson Richmond, Mrs. Clifford
Meer; ladies' stately walking, Mies
Bessie Richmond, Mrs. Anna Keys,
Mrs. Jessie Hill; men's dash, 20,0 yds,
Wilson, Richmond.
W. M. S. Meets
The W. M. S. of the United Church
met in the schoolroom of the church
on• Thursday, Sept. 1st. The presi-
dent, Mrs. Cross, presided during the
opening" exercises. The hymn,, "Te
Morning Light is Breaking," was sung,
followed by the Lord's Prayer in uni-
son. The minutes Were read and.
adopted. Mrs. Cross read a letter
from Mrs. Sinclair, expressing her ap-
preciation of a W.M.S. pin given to
her by the Auxiliary-, accompanied by
a letter. Mrs. Cook, treasurer, re-
ported an increase in contributions
over 1937 at the same date. Mrs.
Lammie an•d Miss Hunter were ap-
pointed visitors for the month of Sep-
tember. Arrangements were begun
for t -he fall tbankoffering meeting at
which 1VIns. Murray, a member of the
Derninion Board, was to be the speak-
er. The meeting is to be held on
Oct. 2nd or Oct. 9th. The hymn.,
"Jesus Shall Reign" was sung, after
which -Mrs., C. 1VicDonell presided dur-
ing the program and read the devo-
tional' leaflet, "Looking Towards' the
Universal Church and Missions." Miss
Murray read an article on "Liquor
Again: An Appeal To Reason." which
showed loss to the United States
through the consumption of liquor as'
over fifteen billion dollars since the
repeal of the prohibition amendment.
Added to -this was the greatioss
life. increase of crime and disease.
violation of laws, poverty and, immor-
al living. September 28, 1939, is the
centenary of the birth of Frances
Willard when a million dollar educa-
tion fund will be raised to be used in
aid of temperance over the radio and
by the movies. Mrs. McDonell con-
ducted a questionnaire in w-hioh she
asked questions and Mrs.. Robert Pat-
terson gave the answers from the
Blue Book, Some (highlights. gleaned
from the answero were as follows:
The Bay of Quinte Conference leads'
in number of missloiaary books read
with 3,235 books; Hamilton -Confer-
ence Branch leads with a 10 per cent.
increase in circle mem-bership; the
Montreal Coriference leadIn Baby
'Sande by doubling its membership.
"Blest Be the Tie" Was sung and Mrs..
McDonell pronounced the, benedictions
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