HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1938-08-26, Page 4• A
ete tereeitente,74-Itdrif:gdiF"'''
r07.7 ",11 ror
will he inserted 'at illor low cash rates:
.,04.F.,..4„ Combo Seam% Etee-teeWeeta . ,
". lak weak . . II, Oat
eo eat week eee ii. Cent
avdeteek '' 3l& Ottet ,
te. litWaenta abraaa, teat beeitian. - 25 Coen .
- a • Notitt *taw* Weal and aheredatoke coataa Ws ea* wara.
• . ,, laitetraltalavortlont eatties-a cent Per. word- 1,11,1iMaXO• Se Otatil Poe week-
' 404c dinHs la A i Box Numbest. cote of The Huroo l&ttosintet, thr le oete
.., .
.. additdonal per "sea wall be charmed if ads in atassee doss ate mot Paid tei the
:% tiohoollo,y xight ho, the week tia whit* the ad. vats Mtn,
..etWIZT. MINATIZIgeS and Deaths Inserted free of change.
AnAtiou Odes. Notice to Conditam. E"sc.-Ratea on atontismtko•
Jirticles For Sale Wanted
4. mimes. Awl? toIt.. PROST, Seaford,. " oah. and poultry driver.
3*.a-7-4.1 steaalzF. '..*... amates- AtsPO' tn
shatvingiZ far aale, AnOtc tto J.
B0:-.6.1i.A1T & SONVr, Farear‘olre Factor?, Sea-
ford, Farms For Sale
.Help Wanted
; work. Go el Toronto September "Sah
.orniontha.e. • Anne& MRS.' L. C.:. 000K.
Box 21. •Ba.mdebt. Ont.
ireaers.1 b0=---evivac1 goad co...k. Famite
Of tam. ...knoll', attatiaw eatser.imme ,smel refer-
emom, to Hot 114. ESP.I.ISTPOR.
For Sale
4-k Thethas Mairedzy's imeme vees.r. of Public
School: » molar, furnace. bath rag.= Tiyabo.,
ga-'74R.Ze- Boxrs. Ex_poSITGIL
-roS SALE - FED ClileiMNs,
and oleamett APPTea to EDMUND
MAI'Ve•MaWa. or Phone 215-.3, Seaford:,
%the Im4t srerk ha 'Ya -or honm, from
WALLACE ROSS. Apiaart. Seatorth. your
Q on easitathetm... rnitoe• Pte
• • SfS9-1.
Tec&eramaith. 104 =rot. &thk lawn
.Ses..7‘1. Teta pig pen mod driving abed ; coed
frame .4s38 under culldration and ba
splendid cooditaan. TehePhona Rath•artab:e
aorsztote.. For farther parkoalars son!). on the
‘1•i" MRS_ GroRitg H.
' Card of Thanks'
*I-' desire to exToresa. their olees) animecdemian
and eraweete 3.,04S2%.,,e. the I..intImm-e:
sTreratbY coremied to them in their recent
bereavement- We ale.) want ta take
opportarsity co '1,...aloliaty .4....a^k the ,•poetill,-
tenderst smoz Memorial teepee, Si elle
IKV% -",,,i 711:-• f .74- oq...ee o.s.:
daring- recent we&..'s. 745.SPal
'" te ciaeed from An.r.1.1-44 1.dt, to Antrmt
''z'at '01- Lebra-Tien's 'c',4s-14<41. Greq*'' ThozaP- o On 'Sunday morning Rey. C. Cutra
exa..Lseasaue• M.:144:-. 2 1 ....,
•, 11-IcagS., Or Duff's United C7th. ebOiak'
IfKr: his test. Emodus f..i: 14, -Th.:111
1 S -1.1•23Z not easeroi t.! adultery.- .
i rhe Yotr,Leg Peeeloe's S:.Nciety of
1 1111ff'..9 United Church, are having,
picnic Thuereday. August fiTele et
IC -oder -hale ..
MaQuAiDeat St. fbcenithi. Trove -
to, on Sec:amiss. At It. ta Mr. and
Mrs, J. F. Met).araid , nee. CataRls Cortec),
a szrm-ltdic Jame..
os..-iderektmed and me:ark:reed -Tarader fat !
Waltoie Want. Cl.. onla be re- !
a -raved until 12 o'clock. stoma idtalliebt sac- ,
ita4. TtemanY. Septa:edamf, 1$3A. for the can- ,
ef a wharf art Wal-po3e Leland, i
Lambe.= Oa. Ont.
form oi erm•-..-met. and slmeithm..tho ;
can be seem ated forms of sender cAoradned• at 1
the office of the Chief Engineer. Taepermaneret
ot%of Public War4L'4. Othsves. at the office %of the
Eoprkaaeo-, Doerrimicat Pularlie Bedg.,
Leneee Ont.: m'..so, az the PaaM (tithe at
Wednole &land. Omat,
Teeeee wee naa be considerva 4447.-44 ear&
co3., forms scosVaed tE4e Tkov.ratetent.
za.e. noawdonce 3it.h.0.W24iZiessa seq. forth
Each thoder =eat atearapanied bY
certf&ol theone 2aa charte.-ed bark in Can -
sada; palratte to the cede- ea!8eHonotmable j
the IslimM'..erof Pothlic Vike. earns! In 1t)
goet, •re lbse MM1P13Z21, Of the tee - •
Bearer Roo& of the Donaiethm f,aa-azta
• ce the CanatIM-m Natitthal RearbantY Com-
pany and olts orendttanna OnasPathim•
0121271203eed dtS pt-in..pal and
in• neem.M by the Domatithott of Canada. or the
mfboarmentianed hoods aind cm-tra:id et-eqiie
reolthned ito Woke oWn ierowderft.
NRYPE.-The IliEsawlzmeda wna tolsze-
7,-- and spoce*icn.'-c. de the mork
degas& of' a man of IMO& ISse fpc-at of
e."455e4 bank" oleune lor(robae tt,e order
3Eivor Puti-le Week, The deposit
..-En reeeW4ela 00M tiL9E. ZI'C.r.+13e ebtale,
• mmd es,scion althin,a =winch tnna
tbe "ho,.. 44 rero=6ec ee U=odkr. rre4.
tbaz perizod tbe eacee eem
• sse.4essa
We =ea%
J% 311, SGIMIRN-7T3P
124e,arte c0FP irc•rk.
ANZ,7r1 2.11. 113M
Feed Rntledge and Jack: Deager.
Threat*, sreeze the week -end st their
homes in the,village.
Mr. and Mee Iven. Your.g and sons,
of Port Huron. sit Sunday weh
Mr. aad Mrs_R He.y.
241-:.-z. H Sex/dart, who has spent
Z30 weeks in DeJ..reit., returned be
Miss Betty Smalldon is visiting ber
grandmother. Mrs. Stualldon. at Ethel.
Mr. Harold Smalldon and son. Jack,
visited frien& at Ethel on Sanda.y.
• onden.=Mned agad enamem. -Tender for
Tra....MMte Wan. -;--b-fool Oare„-. 3b,e
<eared taota 12 &dock sop= i-,&reramIst
Sonstemolwr L 'E'S„ecel-
ce s wo..e
• Phrsa, thms edr =mars& armi rne- "
con,,koe 9eso and fczczs co! novae: colcoOned ad
the other of tde, -r.edneer, Departheoot
Pn-Vir Wee -Ls-. Ottawa- se. the cafRomo 'of
the ,zsilaAt Engenem-. Donsimion Putir'k Mae-
Lz±c44 Chit : Tarr.", the Post Oth-ze
121. GMt.
'redeems xeM dad 4be antamidered xmlesa made
eet mai. tooted Ecoram. tsatMaed boy the ratert
sea ea ammethvone arP& the mina -Moms set
"math that...dm' _
,sath tandm =MSC sarmanteamied s
Per-osl theme oc chsecer"2 'bra* E173
0a=ka2,-. .711:£ to the andm of the larst
sth3e. the Mrseterther nd Pular= Worbs. emod•-ta
1,0 Tee ex.04,, tbe ocoaccont 4.4 tender. car
Bearer Rooth Of the Draminierac Cmassels
tle Ch0291205•21 NS" GSZOISS3 Compans
and In
commantiom, nneoreathm-
any eissamanteed as to /sMorMai884tra.,ernat
the Dotscbtima Cmmsda- em the =form
mmena.,neel fonds and a careSed classrpoe re-
etzthed maim sm odd SCISMEttt.
NOTE. ---792e DeVNIC't:31..MA ,SZa
311:30a 14:eertaell eie Wirk CC% de-
Orril AOZ aunt of 8311-430. in the f•••.,„,
vm-Sike tett& d6aRrrre tacpaN3P* e,e cc-cler
cag Ove Irtaliam Po&E.r Wch... The Roepst
asrM Pne. 7046919:014 oca tele, ce the Woe -
manta and "oartit -ir-h) manth t-rmt
tte .dee of methadon efOaradms... lam
reattramed satin that petainal the decee:A
ttoe diateedtid.
- Ste
.3'. M. SoMantryn.Lr..
Zeopote”.- pc.loroc- Wcwizo.
itcalgowe15.. Ms.
Popular Stalliell3
Mr, aid M. Gar Smith see -
day in Windeor daring the week. Mies •
Shirley Masse•y. who as spet sev•
et -al ereek-s here. reetarned home wi:h
Father John McConnell. who :s
apen&iree vadat:foe af the tonne
his parezts, Mr. and IL'S. D. MCC312-
neat delivezed a, r ery- eloterea: ser-
mon en --Pesee- at his parish cherela
Silnday. Father McConneD seils
tor R.oeste on September 7:13_ where
be will' rears.ue a salecial cou...^.* of
steady az .Secred Scripture.
Mr.. end Mrs. William Stapletom
spent the week -end in Colliegerood.
Several of oar Chi2e.7. at:ended the
mLe-ellaneoe.s shower held at the
home of Ale. and Mrs. William Mcleer
in he/Dor of a reCeDt beide.
reerke. whose Tria.r.-isge 7.1:1 M. John,
Murphy book place or, Monday.
Miss Ethel -ye O'Reeera, whe has
bei vatationiag BT. bi-'7 1:N31e here.
Cbentottle Maras
Rrenhazwe !Ca. i5.151
sIsend less 'Ewa "Cali* W-2-4fiela
Ire Oat, *woltalad Fira-ra &Awes ta
tessale 'Petorzoors Mat
ROBSarr 3111133ZOCR. lot.wm-Setzer_
earealre Yeavilealaie Stalhow
laeso. itterala OEM
tharnswet tea Seat ; nem 1
alowassaAXweeliwow le*" lave W1:41111
etiloUt letadenosla sena lie ;sada sa ersee
was resawe allesaiss. wale et Medea, tic
flaciehoo-Yeect awl sea& te
eavotestactio at eassiseeselta, tie-
*, tee eat witseessaisi to!
Patelait tar yaw- ht.
eetheat Iowa as
'SW tifellit Tease
Swat sae*
assats, Sea
Tons of Dutch .Sett onions are being left to rot in the fields.in the Hen.sall district because of unfavorable marketing con-
ditions. The growers claim they cannot sell their crop because of competition from United States growers. Top left, T. C.
Joynt (front) and Thomns Welsh. both growers. exprnine a pile of onions le.e.t to rat this spring. Top light, Paul Boa. points
out a well into which he dumped his onion crop. Lower left., Henry Pfde, who says his onion crop brought him 'a return of
S10 after he paid $14 for seed. Lower centre, sacking Dutellt Setts for Canada's limited market. Lowcr right, Mrs. Henry
P -file in a,bed of onions let go to seed. (Globe & Mail Photo)
Marie. WhO has returned front her trip ly and the present one 'was for the
o MeMco„ isvieltitert her sister, Mrs. j receipts Wad payments on town-se:D.-,
Rabert Allen. at prent_ 1 roads for the year 137.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Hays, of Wands,or, I Measete. Feel end Jacob Her:er
riSated al the bone of Mrs. Jane:I and families spent a feWadays bob -
ROSS' east week.- MIMs -.Emma Mclean- esaye sees- week rourisee pares of
'aid returned with the Northern Ontario.
Miss Jean Mustard_ ELNe' , of New Farmers are teeieg arerarezege of
York., titm bees riSitiag her friends the weather' and aze bis e threshing. ;
in Stanley for the past few weeks. Wheat is areraziag fe-e-- 25 to .7;,5
Mrs. Bert McKay west ve Toronto
bospital for feather treaunezz, this
The raostothly raeet.iRg of the W. M.
te was held. ota Wednesdey. .After
the snig of Heinte-357„ the rn4naxes
Treae read and. adopted Afit.- the
reports and offering was t# %'4 roll
call was a.ercrered by elsewhere rrith
reesee oe Wise; E. BoweY
led in prayer and Mrs.. A_ McQueen
read the 1r,a2 chapter of rim Core
inehians. and after the'ine..zriet g of a
la'rota. prayer v= offered by a num-
ber of tee members_ Mrs. T. Baird
then took the chair for the snub' Itsr-
io& the theme beim The Church and
Social Welfare_" .,Stie was assisted
by •Meta FL .Atkenheadeand Mrs. J.
lassfe.. atter waich a recat !nseres-
:ug address was given by Mrs. o...acrth-
sea wife of Dr. Struthers, ,mediral
has returned to her. &rites as sten-
ographer az Cescleriele
Recemit vistt2irs7 Mr, and Mrs.
Pee -else and eores, Heel) and Bill ad
Me and Mrs. Herman. Flenelecre with
Me and Mrs. Smith: *es Daerr An-
drews. and Wise Oecelia Fleeney. of
Lend. at the borne of Mrs. Rath-
Pe-mey: Mr. and 'MTS.
-th and tamila. Rivers.dale. with
Mrs. C. Penni-age...a: re...Louis Pre-
an43 M. and Mrs 011eeley.
Chicago, with Mr. seed Mrs. T. J.
Moiyirenx: Mrs. May roCoree5'. De-I:vat
NiRItta M. a 11-cOanaell.: Wee Phe'l-
Iis Loee and G-ardon Ceetis. Hatn'l-
Ten. with Mr. and Mrs. Gar Smith:
Miss Beta- 321=dey te Toronto; Miss
Ida., -y Beak. vainetioning iSratforei
and Tomato: Hartley an3
James Raarekopf
In London
and Mrs- Pi. F. Beery spent
Su-nday Toreeto They were se-
COMpaned by Mr. a-l'yd MrS.. B Mi-
wtoD remained tbe-e where Mrs. -
McKay win take tresemene. We hope.
she v -in be Taec.b better.
Mr. Wilikee Soon.. Ma:5es Elinabeth
S.0= and 'Bala and • Marie Elliott
spent Salm-clay -in Loalft021.. MTS. A.
T. Scott returned with them_
Mr. and Mrs C. McKenzie and
f.asedy. of tecatien.. spent Sunday with
Mae Marmarea McKenzie -
Mr. and Mrs. James Partersen. Mr.
and MI'S, T. Anders em and dazgater.
hli.ss Margaret Meeteer. ofMomesesu.
are trisi•--liag Me and Mrs. A Pazier-
and Mrs. R. Mime and Elmne.
of Fierasall. epent with Mr.
I sed Mrs. G. Swam •
Mr, sea 11175- R. ersteali and fan -
01f Lecadese, epee: Satarday with
MTS. Janet Roe&
Jilre. •Sitieler and Miss Norma Col -
Ems, knave been visiting ks Ilimeardina
eites .1.7.eidlee 1E127'4 -of Waken. is is -
ea Forrest
The Brotedeld Memel, toed their
steere4. call in a short time when they
were eaded to the farm ef w.2.11.1a.ma
Onzt„.. vzsrma. where the barn had
reauebt tire from a thaeshing miseldeue•
Andevagh Rae barn .was a toad loss.
they sieved the himee, skive .ated tad.
hen bream. We =at congratelate the
EL4kttleitl012 tteSir VA-end:id
laid the rrF spa metheywere flu
teltitg to.dat dkra
Mien Vititak Pet* Saialt
missionary in FREnra.r• She expressed
hes; pleasure ill COM,121g 10 EL-11CatIeld
where her mother lived for so taiaay
years. She said this yeardmarks the
t teeth atstiversarv of the mission to
China when the pione,er missiomaries,
Rea Dr. and Mrs. Giaforeh, Dr_ and
Mrs. loleCitere and a-. T. Swath began
the went_ Shdoe the war with Innen
all monare work has toad to stop.
Whet the war bas dome is :0•Tinkts.
deem -amble. The ne fliget'S. are .reen-
berlesm and rnik-td into the schools
and churches and roost of the time
of the missionaries is spet it cheer
Mg. beeping and feediag ,theera. Mrs.
...-tatbers is a mece of Mts. Ned Mc-
Gregor. one of the oldest and roost
seanre members of the W. M. S. Mrs_
HatiA thanked th ?mesa speaker for
her intter-eaeng addzsees and the meet-
ing closed with the rigfiers of a
hyme and the Mirreh benediction., af-
ter. width Itmeta was served by the
members of the Advddetire.
bus-hels per acre and some oats ,y.eld
as hash 4ii bushels per acre_
Mr. a..1 Mrs. kolah Werm. of To-
70,13aO. and Mr. and Mts. G. Quante ,
af Leensieta, spent the week-e.ed at the
home. of Mr_ and Mrs. A. F. Hess_
Mr. Chris. Bes"L7oer, of Peneas.yrranda.
Visaed rek-tires here over the week-
Rev. and Mrs. L. Kalbfleisch ties
rebareed to Elmira after spend.ne
.seees -weeks liehdays wItia relatiree
A number from 'town attended- the
;:eocrich-Caintoro. baseball game ie
Cltnann Monday a'tern0011.. CliaIzon
wen and now ,play Leman 10demde
tbe wmeett of the ..gestie and south
crOUP .1:1 the Thaeozo-Feeth League.,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. He and
childrem bare reaserned after spend -
ng a few weeks at then-. cetrag,e in
the Fleecy.
The many friends of Mrs. (reel 3.
A. Addascra will be pleased w Leae
thee she is making rapid recovery
from a recent osserzon far a.ppen-
Mr. and Mrs. WRfeed Ellopp hare
takes apartments: im the Meek block
and are ever oottafsetably partied
Mr. and Vas F,.. W. Stoskopf, of
t.r...beseee a: ere Monday at the home
of the iztice s mother. Mrs. Thomas
Johnson. v8Z1 eide.brated the She< an-
ntrersary of bee terelidaY on that day.
Manyof her friends called at the
borne to extend be_.‹. was' hes. Mrs.
Johnson is still in fairar good health
and is able to take a daily walk.
OWtng 10 the wet weather OM Stril,
11137 afternoon the alart,eaZierfpal 9M-de/ZS
esmailly hoeld at the , catneter5 rreee
held in the lerelefranstlilaarele Rev.
Datms. sfDeellOrn. said an MEMO:
train Wicie Seeninare, assisted thel
keel pastor in the services_
Nrateltolent Sere_ the eontractorsi
conseenteiver the Aldworth Drain, have
the week nearly etatcapaeted and the
Veteslintmeeeted in the dna arS
'fttatiglied with the way the week dies'
been done:
W RAden, hatitidedpal ebnade
eit the termaimeet eT
zetztpieted tbe audit et tit*,
• tit Ely Itneit itteetionte
lattiOtialdit =tie atteatzle
Arthur Parker. small son of Mr.
ettd Nits. William Parker. of Chisel -
bad the, misfortune ao run a
tail through his foot, requiring medh'
eal a:teatime
Mises elcMorran. of Chicago, was
rhe setest of M. R. Bar:throe and
dere:I:ea Mrs. I._ Simpson, for a few
:lees this week_
Mr. ,.and Mrs. A_ G. Srnflie. of Te
reeto. are riseting Ntith their SOIL D.
1. G. Smillie and Miss J. Murray.
Mise Malts Spencer relented te To-
ree o Smiley evening following a
ana week-ered vcith ber parents.
Mr. and )rs. A. Spencer. and 'bro-
ther. Walter. She was aeco.....eepauted
asck by Mas Mazion Sat:clear. who
seen: the Tr eek -end with ber arents.
Rey. and Mie.. A. Selair., of Blyth.
Me. P...sy Paterson. of Toronto, was
week -ed viedtor at the borne of his
Quite 2. v=ber teem H...stall at-
tended the funeral of the kee Mrs.
E. A_ elichladder. edsfe of Dr. alchilas-
:ea weach was held on .Siandie,y
rno.3 ;es: f teen First Pt-ealositelan
Cettrele S..eefese.h.
•Seater Pairbaira. who
red hs his leg daday. the Band Tattoo
heee lase Wednesday evening_ is home
feora Seott Memorial Eleepital. Sea -
forth. and at pries -en% is staying with
ha uncle and =me Mr and Mrs. Jack
Tayear. cd rear Heraell.
Mr. and Mrs. R lresrarte tra.ve re.
la...Nal home from a peasant. two
two weeks' rite spent with Mr. and
Mrs. Bert North. of Woodstock_
The marry friends and relatives rd
Mr aribit Conner will regretth earn
Is at date of writing in very poor
health Be tit= recently visited by
C. Redmond and her .tienenter,
Mis. ?Whitney. and other friends from
Mrs_ C. W. Nichols and denehter.
MtSS Ragie. accompaaided by Mr.
Maameest Scott_ all of Grand Bead vis-
ited' then relatives. G. J. Sutheriamd
and sister:- Miss H. Slitheriand. re-
Woe believe teat Mr. Ted Taman.
wa.e is cii the sniff of the Bank of
Mont:eel Atwocel. has been tranelee
red to the bank at Dresden.
MS. aid Mrs. Harry McMillan were
elee'reed he relatives on Sunday last.,
Mr_ and Mrs.,.. Albert Spencer seeet
a few days with relatle M Tomato
this week.
Mime Reath Chamnsia, LN. of Ham -
Eton. is teleithig with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. WSW= Ohapzown, 01 MIT
Mr. and MrS. ;lame% Borithren spent
the week -end with relate,' es in .Water -
Iota. Mrs. Botreltoon rem:Mining For a
few {hue idsat. •
At date cif loocai..143 MM. John John-
ston. at Etta "awe end of the village.
andonsly id. Her othasteer, Mrs.
Ed. Dangles or Hyde Park, is here
with herr_
Mr_ and Nes T. D. Wren, acoam-
pantie& by Mr_ Wren's timelier end
Herb EiecIdart, bis assiew' tent in the
satire. tind ids mother, Snead Sunday
an Bend.
Mr. Vesinneas 1 Fee and sisters. the
Wizen .Sosesda wad Mem spent a day
asecootlY :Gland Bend, the guests of
dare. :re ttnals lend d.anghtee
40fites'IlMittee and Men -liatheds' annt,
Mit. Margaret Sedit,t tbeir sunnitet
,otittege. • '
Wand Mee. Spam* tlaidt and bole
Nettie To Farmers -New is the
time to look over year tri.4r1fres
and see that they are in good shap-
for the lema harvest_ Bring' them in
early. so you can be =emitted they will
te in East ciess shape when Deeded
A --so any other tepee' s that may reed
anemtiora AU work will be given
metal arte..ziacia and a good job Igrar-
anteed. At the Old Reliable Stand.
W L. efF13-TS.
Me. and lbs.. seediest: Sierccag, of 01- •
Mena ended on friends is the village
daring the paSt week and their mealy
friends N.s.r..fe glad10 s.ee them.
. MTS. Robast E3edde and sm. Robert
acornmseneed by Mrs. E. lilaneant. re-
named horse aftom- =seeding a pleas --
stet rade with Mr_ and Mrs. Haseold
Flohnea of Cartier, 2.4oart3aerZi Ota
MtHebert -Green_ of Dardera, visite
• the-- buree of 31.)r. and Mes. Jas.,
Dearman, of the::',wenfie, ilserlag the
mall week.' Yds% wife and claddren Tee
turned with halm after spending a.
posmasont tasTeday.
with friends in and
arVultael theevalage.
Mr_ and Mrs Meths= Bank who
baste beak- Treadeg their &tote with
Itterdat, son, Irlititat%. tir the village far
some time, hare gene to .their home.
in Seafort?a ediesse thow eased to star
foe nitne.
See the Melees; Holegeotifs (*OW
Bar andentatattait Vastest Getoeffiteletts:
Little Fiestedey Alesariette, of the
Illottodeais, is visiting With kis sariI
and uncle, Mri. and.; Mm la,
of London. were Week -end v:sitofs
eith Mr. and Mrs. Art•bur Clark.
Mr. Peter Manson still contieues
very poorly at his, home here. having
been much worse the past we.
• We beltere that Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Aereld wifl obs. -erre their fiftieth w?d,-
219;inir anniversary on Monday, Allgli$T.
COV.Z.1..:1.!.011 with the Ba.nd.Tattoo
held here reeently, the street decent.
tiers tercsisting ,ef beautiful cokor..d
lights. were greatly admired by tlie
lame member atterding.
Mr end Mrs. Frank MiCkle, of
Rk:gettern. were attests Mondayof
and Mrs. E L. Mickle and, fam.
Mr. W. A. elatlaree. ef Hense-'1.
and 'Mr. John Wren. of Toronto. were
teceeeful in each winelne an occa-
eleeal chair in the bowling totirna-
imeng,ai held in Seeaforth Monday even-
Frie.nds tearing- from Mr. and Mrs.
Mark Drysdale. who ere at Mount
Clenents, Miele. in the interest of Mr.
Taisle's health report that he is a
little improved and resting much be -
ter and his mazy friends here hope
Llmt be.will come home much itnprov-
ed in health.
Rev., Arthur Sinelair and Mrs. Sin-
ciairexpress the great kindness
shown them by the congregation cf
the tnited Ohurch. Blyth. and we
have no doubt the sante kindness will
have been extended to the Rev. and
Mrs. Brook by the United congrega-
tierIS at Hensall and Chiselburet.
Mrs. D. R. McLean was visited last
week by her nieee, Mrs, J. Mclsleil.
St_ Thomas, and also by her niece.
Mise Grace Ross, of Cleveland. Ohio.
and other friends.
Morning service in t he Unit ed
Church on Sunday last was in charee
of Mr. Robert Passmere. who preaeh•
ed very aoceptably to a large con-
RIa,g-re4atiedoncr. osAs,elsaeasngingbyaellioi.ss"TEhieselOnoldr
Miley, was much enjoyed. Dr. I. G.
SmiIiie presided at the organ.
Rey. D. C., Hill. of C-aven Presbv.
terein °buret]. Exeter. toek the morn•
ing serriee in Cartmk Presbyterian
Church .on Sunday Tharhilag last. A
eeratlittal trio by Mrs, Mac Dounell.
ides. Andrew Dingell and Mios Mar-
; earet Dougall, was sung unareawn-
' nanded-
Rev. M. A. Hunt had charge of the
moreing service et St, Paul's ,AngR-
can Chureto Sunday morning, while
the choir rendered an anthem.
Rev. sand Mrs.. Arthur Sinclair,
'n'szerrhter Marian and eon Normaz,
Rlyth, cal/Ed on friends Sunder met-
e:eine antheirway botne trOtal..S:arnia.
Where they had spent the day, Their
many friends were please -d to 'meet
and Mrs.. P. R. Buchatete, of St.
Thonsee. anent the we4-end with Mr.
and Meta John Zuene.
The many friends of Miss 1.4.'0'
Love, who recently underwent a'
motion in St. Joseph's Ficapital. Loa
don, will be plowed to learn was able
to be brought home on Thursday fr.
ening hest and is feeling nuteli ins-
enrseral of the Isle Mrs. Agnes
Alexander, who peLaeted away in her
fard year, wee held oit Tneeday t.
ternetan been the home of Mr, Ed,
Aleinandete whe reside s on the bound
ary Ushorne Township. The ture
eral. which was Public, was candies,
t b3 Rev. W. A. Young, who at pre,
ent is vacationing at Highland Glee:.
near Forest. Mr. Young also sang
• eesiug solo, "No Mgt& There." Two
%-avorite hymns of the deceased wee?.
sung, "Safe in the Arms„ of Jesus -
and "What a Friend We Hay.e la
Jesus." The pallbearers were the deceaseds six grandsons. Interniere_
was made in elcTaggartat cemetery.
Tuckey - Kyle
The marriage of 'Dorothy Kyle
laughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
dyie. Hensel]. to Clarence Tuckey.
sen of Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Tuckey• et
domoka, was solemnized at the Mee
opoli tan United Church parsonage.
London. Rev. Mr. Mc -Nevin officiat-
ed. The couple were unattended_ lin-
.t ay following the ceremony the
erende left on a wedding trip.
Mrs. Roy Fear and three young so:'
.1; Wheatley. are spend:um this wee;.:
with Mrs. Fear's parents. .Mr. anir
17F. jrunes Hoggarth and sister, eltat.
Mr. George Hawkins, nit° for tie
rase eleven weeks has been in Vie
toria Hospital. Londem, in the inter•
AR.: of bis health., having undergoes-.
two operations. has returned to
home here, and his numerous rela-
tives and frieeds Will be Idedned
!earn is much improved in he-alth.
Rev. and Mrs. W. A.. Young astd
family. w.ho are holidaying at Flig':.-
lazd Glen, near Forest, spent Tuesday'
la MUM_
Quite a number from the riJIage a:•
tended Gala Dap held at Grand Beni
on Wednesday of this week..
Miss Dickenson and' Mr. loteDonnid
ef Toronto. visited at the home
Miss Minnie Reid and Miss EnlimL
J,' lir son this week_
Miss Evelyn Robson, !LN.. of
York. and and eister, Mies Stella- of T
Tonto. are guests with their Siete
Mrs. Harry Arnokl.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Reid and fane
ily of' London, spent Saint -day vri e
Mr, Reid's sister. Mieb Ittimaie Reid.
0. J. Sutherland, who has had
markable health and strength for tke
past over eiglity years, has during tee
P4,44.t couple of weeks been eery 1:
but under bile skilftal care of
physician s inteatered at date of wre
Rev. R. A. Brook, pastor of Hertsg;
Flailed Church, who has been awsY
on vacatiou, is 'home agaia am1:1
oeruPY his own paisell rids colitis;
Sane -lase Araeust 28th, at 11 sen. a:11:
Mr. and Mrs. Daniels are ITSR.VinC
rile 'gal -4%v erected and tromace
stalled in the home Remelts knowe
RS the Sparks estate on Queen
Mr. James. Sanv.ter is building
gamine. Mr, and Mre. Dainfads
pert to become pertnanteit resident;
th a village , shortly, miring
' • e. Brantfor& where; thee now re
sale. some time in Ockober.
Mtett Gorden. of Ottawa is viVtirar.
Mrs. Dow for the past tear weeks-
Miee Tory Bonbon and Miss Itslortra
Bolton and Mr. George Parke,. ed
don, returned "Sunday after' a 014
weeks" motor trip beNorth Bay.
la,174, Lake Inerrois Palls and Tim'
M'iSn Aida, Bolton, of teatime, sPdc•t-
the past week at the home of
Piranha Mr. and Mrs. Gradori Bones-
• 'N