HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1938-07-29, Page 8.1,1,111.1{.t1141?,. t• 1C kr, eef `Patina Tins ,< gSIONG 95c 1 NU $ F TilE TOWN 913J.SP COaN FLAKES 15c )01.,ca *S1:1 .aa 15c •gto-REN FRFailaal EASY alaSe slaaaing- ice create' „ 10C SOO- 63tine c ,,ROUllit atditEAKFAST 131,END pound SOLD CHEESE Valli a nip, at lie 29c 25c WEEDALE ORANGE PEKOE TganeStill at regular Price, 9Q„ ;ear :<,aeleat seUts alaltaaCtIa'40S g Varieties, lb. CAS'FILE SOAP all cakes SNOWFLAKE <AMMONIA Package TIAIX TIME SHOE POLISH Tin 19c 25c 5c 10c NljesGET 'Waal! EA KID POLISH 20e Tin • -MASTeett'S RANGE MASH $240 Cwt 3 A. C. Routledge PHONE 166 WE SPECIALIZE 4P1 FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, CAS- UALTY, GUARANTEE BONDS, ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS, BURGLARY, WINDSTORM. • Representing Companies who give Security with Service. Also Agents for Ontario Thresh- ermen's Mutual Fire Insurance. • Information gladly given. A number of desirable properties hi Seaforth and district for sale. WATSON & REID M. A. REID - Proprietor Phone 214 : Seaforth SPECIALISTS IN ALL LINES OF INSURANCE 4> <> 0 0 4> <> <> <> <> .0, 0 <> S. T. Hohnes & Son ° 0 FUNERAL SERVICE Main Street, Seaforth O S. T. Holmes, residence 0 • Goderich street, west; phone 0 G NO. 119-W. (Merles Holmes' 0 0 residence, Goderith Street, 0 0 East; phone No. 3198. Ambulanee Service .0 Adjustable hospital bed for 0 rent. 0 0 Night calls, Phone 308. 0 eas Day calls, Phone 119-3. Charges moderate. 12-37 0 O 0.<> 0 0 <> <> 0 <> <> 0 0 O00'0000000 H. C. BOX FUNERAL. SERVICE .4 Licensed Embalmer Ambulance Service ° Hospital Bed with adjustable rachet oyez- 0 ated spring for rent. Night Calls. Day Calls 0 Phone 175. Phone 43. 0 12-07 '00 <5 0 0 <> 0 0 <5 0-00 0 0 0 0 4 0 .tt, 0 0 0 WALKER'S FUNERAL SERVICE W. J. WALKER and 0 JOHN R. WALKER, Jr. • Dicensed Embalmers and Funeral Directors. .0 Day or Night Oalls promptly attended. PHONE 67 12-91 '0• '0000000000 THE SECOND DIVISION COURT COUNTY OF HURON Office in the DOTtltrA03) Bank Build- ing, Berth. Office hours: Tues- day, Illturedisy and Saturday. 1.30 Dm, to 5 ton, Saturday evening, 7.30 p.m. to 9 pan. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Insurance Agencies - Seaforth ANNOUNCES the tnirehase of the insurance business of Bays & Mer. and the addition of them' companies to oar previens ties ennblee us to give unexcelled service in all lion. SEAFORTH ONTARIO 10-88 TIIE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO"Y. HEAD OFFICE -,- SEAFORTH, ONT. OFFICERS 1:1,100. Aleyten, 5 Seaforth • - Pres. Vsit Lorideebero Vlbe-PreS. -Hoolrlygeatorth - gee.-Treas. 010.terOlia: lli 04,1.10ridesbero;f ileorge en; ,./atneit 000- 100. boL, *Nut YC 4';' Seal Success ful •Garden teae-alaan. Ada Read gave, her home for a very sate- cessful garden tea on Friday, 'Thalst 22rud, ander the auspices of St, Thomas' Church, The proceeds were in aid of the flower fund and al:amnia ed to nearly 430. Oats Run 70 Bushels totheAcre.- Mr. Vincent Leese, of the 3ril coneen sion. ef McKillop, brought into The Expositor office on Friday last, a sheaf of Early Alaska oats that is the best sample of oats we have ,s,een this year, or are likely to see. Tbe straw was bright and the laea.ds very large and full, and it was grown on goad land, well fertilized. The field was cut on July ,20th, and the yield will run seventy bushels to the acre. Recerd Size Maple Leaves. - Mr. Adam Dodds brought into The Expos- itor office on Thursday morning a small branch broken -from a maple tree at his home on Centre Street, that had tae largest leaves growing on- it that we have ever seen. One of these, measured 113s inches across and three others measured 11 inches. There should be plenty of shade on Mr. Dodds' lawn. Sermon Subjects For Next Sunday. -Rector, Rev. Dr. Hurford: 11 a.m., "The Appeal of Nature"; 7 pen., "Abundant Pardon." Sunday School at 16 sem Union Services of First Presbytee ian and Nortbs•ide United Churches in First Presbyterian Church-. Rev. H. V. Workraarae sermon subjects: 11 a.m., "Our Tabernacling God"; 7 p.m., "Life's Divine Hesetments.", Sunday Schools meet as usual at 10 a.m. , AT 'YOUR seRvICE f Died in Lethbridge. -Mrs. William Maughan died at the theme of her son, Joe Maughan, near Lethbridge, Alta., on July illtb., aged 81 years. She was born Hamra Bohan, near Seaforth, and married William Maughan. She moved with her husband, to Alberta twenty-three years ago. kr. Maughan died itt 1918, since when Mrs. Maugh- an lived in her own cottage near her son's place. While her failing eye - eight prevented her reading, members of her family read The Huron Exposi- tor to her from "cover to cover." She was always quiet and unassuming but very intelligent. Her many friends at Lethbeidge and Seaforth will regret her passing. She leaves to mourn her Iwo eons: William J., oil operator of Calgary, Joe, farmer and driller, of Lethbridge, and Mrs, Kirkey, her daughter, also of Lethbridge. AP Death of Alexander Park. - Mr. Alexander Park, for many years an esteemed resident 'Of Seaforth, died in Scott Memorial Hospital on Wed- nesday evening in his 77th year. Sev- eral months ago Mr. Park suffered a severe stroke at his home on Jarvis Street, and for tire past four ,aveeelts he had been, confined to the hospital. Mr. Park was born in Hibbert Town- ship and as a young man worked for some years in the Michigan lumber woods. Returning to Huron he man- aged the farm of Mr. T. G. 'Shilling - law 111 Tackersnaith for twenty-five years, and 'then for some years was an employee of the C.P.R. at Calgary. Ten years age< he came to Seaforth and purahasea the home where he has since resided. He,was a member of First Presbyterian, Church. About seventeen years ago he was united in marriage to Miss Annie Wren, ef Hibbert, who survives him. A priv- ate funeral will be held from his late home, Jarvis Street, on Friday after- noon, when the services will be con- ducted by his minister, Rev. Hugh Jack. Interment will be made in Maitlanabank cemetery. Addison - Cameron. -A pretty wed- ding took place at high noon on Sat- urday, July 23rd, at the tome of 'Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Cameron., when their second, dauebter, Jessie Marearet, be- came the bride of Dr Jcsepb Alexan- der Addison, of Zurich, on of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph, Addison, of Clinton. The bride, who was given le marriage by her fatter, wore a floar-length gown of white net over satin with a finger- tip veil. She carried a bouquet of maiden bair fern and rapture nos& The wedding march was played by the bride's aunt, Mrs. B. Walker, of Zurich,. The bride was attended by her two aisters, Misses Kathleen and Jean Cameron, who wore turquoise blue sheer dresses and carried colon- ial bouquets. Mr.' Robert Cole, of Clinton, s-upportecl the groom. Ree. Andrew Lane offielated. During the signing of the register Miss Agnes Carmeron trang "At Dawning." At the reception, which followed the cere- mony, Mrs. Addison, mother of the groom, wore black and vehlte embroid- ered sret and Mrs. Cameron wore navy sheer. They wore corsages of Johanna Hill roses. .Dr. and Mts. Addison left for a motor trip to East- ern and Northern Ontario. For trav- elling the bride wore a town blue dress with white coat and accesser- teen- On their return they will reside at Zurich. Roach- Sprague. -St. Francis Regis Church, Kerrobert, Sask., Was the scene of a pretty wedding on Satme day morning when Wiaanifred Ruth, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Sprague, of Wieetont became the bride of Joseph B. Roaeh, •Vailkie; Sask., Son of Mrs. Roach and the late E. J. Roach, of Kerroaert. Rev. Fr,. Hubert officiated. The groom, 4 for- mer resident of this distnet, attend ed the Seaforth Collegiate Institute. The bride looked lovely in her floor - length gown, of pink lace over taf- fetas with matching bolero. The skirt and bolero were tastefully tri -mated with beads of anise blue corded rib- bon: 'tied in bow knot tr in, front. She were a large pleture bat of pink mo- hair trimmed with pink roses, pink lace mitt e and shoes its a matching liatade blue. .She carried a Colonial bettratet of blue forget-me-nots and pink carnations. Her Milli attendant :Witt aer eistersellarie 1. D. Beattie, of AMAMI, Oar Mittr(011 .Of ifeffer, Sehe latiked &areal* .111 a 4100r length •.gitaetto itite Sate With Vallee ao- ',aaatattlaM, gaitaka Wats attended 4116. 'abate," Atti. D, df vdtrowhig tho eerentbniji S.* seiveit atiti ia• • triditiarS :and, ..„, Whether you driVe in for a quart of oil, or have your car complete- ly serviced, you -receive the, same courteous treatment. And you know that Sealed Shell Gas and Oil Is the best. ES TON'S SHELL SERVICE PHONE 103 - GODERICH ST. WEST and Mrs. Roach left on the night train for a short bonearaeon to be spent in Edmonton. Upon their re- turn they will take up residence at Wilkie, Sask. LOCAL BRIEFS • Mr. William Elcoat and daughter, Miss Hazel Elcoet, of Toronto, re- turned last week from a delightful motel- trip through the New England States, • Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Wilson and Mr. Douglas Wilson, of Toronto, were the week -end guests of Mr. J. A. •Wil- son and Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Wilson. • Recent- visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Mero, North Main Se, were: Mr, and Mrs. Charles Andrew, daughter Agnes, and son Joseph, of Port Colborne; Mrs. B. Hemmen and aaughter, Joice, of St. Catharines; Mr. Alton Mero, of Kitchener, and Mr. and Mrs: J. Hickey and family, of Htbb-ert. • Miss 5. I, McLean spent the week end in Stratford. • Mrs Heineman, of Calgary, is guest at the home of her cousin, Mrs. L. T. DeLacey. • Miss, Ella Elder left Wednesday to spend several weeks' holidays at Port Severn. • Mr. and, Mrs. Edgar Lawson, of Auburn, and Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Kruse and son, Billy, of Galt, spent Sunday with Mrs. William Sclater. Mrs. Kruse remained there and is vis- iting her mother, Mrs. Selater. • Mr. George Charters,. of Winni- peg, is visiting at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Char- ters. • Mrs. F. G. Livingstone has re- turned. from Detroit and will spend the summer at her home here. Her &neater, Mrs. Coppin, of Detroit; is s -pending a few weeks with her mother, • Mr. William Thornton, of Toron- to, and a former well known Seaforth •resident, was calling on friends here last week. • Miss Margaret Carroll, of Toron Kay -Hays MINES LIMITED !DEAL LOCATION PLUS RELIABLE MANAGE- MENT (Earl J. McG-ee, Representative) Complete information available Upon request. • Apply- Box No. 169 EXPOSITOR Massey -Han is Sales &Service Complete stock of Genuine Massey. Harris Binder parts -Knives, Can- vases, Guards, etc. Give us a call! BINDER TWINE & ROPE, Frost Fence, Barb, Steel Posts. GRAIN -Oats, kiln dried Corn, etc. Phones: 325 Shop, 45 Res. J. NS McKenzie Massey -Harris Dealer SEAFORTH BINDER TWINE U. F. O.' Bluebell BINDER TWINE is for sale by Farmers' Club at Regier's Garage, Seaforth. Buy from your own farm organization. K. E. JACKSON - President R. F. McKERCHER - Secretary "The Talk of the Town" • mister Celebration • IN ETHEL THURSDAY; AUGUST 4 Parade at 1 o'clock sharp HEADED BY THE BAND • Sports Program • In the Afternoon on Confederation Park - Consisting of Novelty Races, Tug -of -War, Men's Spft- , Ball Tournament,. A full afternoon of fun; sortie - thing doing every minute! • EVENING 6 A Grand Concert, consisting of Mosiosi sideqtions, Songs, 'Come. discs, Tap, Dancing, arid Etc. Jitney. Dittigitirg hi 'the Park :Out ists,Plopor A 0-0OH • All 'Roads Iteatrte Ethel et,'.1' Th ' jen Otiefair, At0)0000-041.- AiltigriOt.4064 ...! to la ilea giteat ef ter alter, ears, j, 7,,..6.040 illboro7elt ite',0131o,Ttanettirolutri; ai.3.gualtaestutsat, • Mr. a. A, Willem id spending 4 few weeks t aliclaya at Go laome By. 0.1111eit jean Soon, London, and Mr. Arthur atattet„ Wipdaor, are guests at the home of Mr. Jehn Scott, Roxboro. • Mise Wenkel, of Toronto, is sperating her bolidayts at -her home 1/1 Hari:MTh/0y. • Mitist 'Claire Musselmeas, of Kit- chener, an 'Mr. Jack and Demme Thompson, of. Toronto, are guests, at Mie Itome oa Dar. and Mrs. H. E. Smith. e Master: attmes David ateVeart, of Tononto, i* spending the holidays at the home of hfs. urucle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Plant •• MissesGladys and Ruth Thomp- son left last week on a trip tq tab Maritime Provinces. • • Edelweiss Lodge of Rebekairs held a very largely attended and en- joyable picnic at Goderich on Wed- nesday. eisMr. and IYIrs. Allan Seine, of Nor- wich, were visiting relatives here this vret_ • Miss Craw, of London, is visiting eller parents, Rev. R. W. Craw and Mrs. Craw at the Manse, McKillop. • Mrs. 3. •Flannery and family have moved altoMiss Anne Govenlock's residence on North Main Street, and Mr. G. Thorne has moved into 'the house formerly occupied by Mrs. Flan- nery. . • Miss Pearl McMinn, of Toronto, is a guest this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs Alex Lowery. • Miss Florenee McKay, daugh- ter of Mrs. James McKay, formerly of Egmondville, who has been on the Toronto public school staff for °sev- • eral years, has been accepted as one of the exchange teachers or Scotland from Canada. , Mise McKayintends sailing to Glasgow aboat the middle of August, where she will remain for a year. , • Mr, and Mrs. W. D. Hopper and family are spending a couple of weelts holidays at Turnbull's< •Grove, on the Jake. • Mr. Artaue Burrows, of Torcoato, spent the week -end with his father, Dr. F. 3, Burrows. •• Mr. Reginald ,Rintoul, of Guelph. spent the week -end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Itintoul, on the Highway. • Mr. Thomas Gillespie, of Picker- ing, is visitin.g his pareuts, Mr. and Mrs. Neil' Gillespie. e Mrs. S. Martin and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Martin, of Toronto, were the week -end guests of Mrs. A. A. Mc- Lennan. • Mrs. U. D. Clark and little aaugh- ter, Arm, of Montreal, are guests at the home of Mrs. Clark's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Greig. • Miss Watson has returned from Toronto. .• Dr. F. J. Bechely has taken a cottage in Bayfield for Augukt. • Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Boswell have returned, from California. • Mr. Jean Spain, of Galt, is visit- ing friends in town. • Miss Pe,ggy Bechely, of St. Thomas, is a guest at the home of Ms. and Mrs. R. J. Sproat. • Brother Patrick, of Lackawanna, N. Y., is speziaing two weeks' vaca- tion with Mr. end; Mrs. J. J. CleaTy. • Mr. and Mrs. Ryerson have returned from their ihoneymo n spent at Limberlost Lodge in Mus- koka, and will spend the remainder of the summer here. • Miss Jean Stewart is visiting in Detroit. Miss Margaret Clancy, her cousin, who has beert her guest, re- turned with her. • Mr. E. R. McEwen, of the Pro- vincial Bank, spent the week end at Pike's Bay. , • Mr. W.' G. Oliver of Winnipeg and Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Oliver, of Los Angeles, are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Eberhart and Mrs. William Oliver. • Mr. and Mrs. ;MeDougall and fam- ily, of Detroit, are the guests of Mrs. A. Atkinson. • Mr. and Mrs. Sorensen and Mr. e 4 Hawley, /of Detroit, are guests at the ome of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. McMill • Mr. Ray Dickscau, of Windsor, is spending two weeks' holidays at. his home here. Mr. Jack Dickson, and Mies Jean Dickson rettuated from Windsor to their home here last week. • Mrs. R. M. Jones has reterned- from Toronto. 0, Mrs. W. J. Walker has returned from an extended visit with her sin in Timmins. • Mrs. R. J. McKay, of Prince Al- bert, was the guest this week' of .Mr. and Mr. Neil Gillespie. . • Mr. Aldimer Troyer, of Toronto, is spending his holidays at the home ,of Mr. and Mrs. Sadney. Gemmel' in Tuckersmith. • Mr. Donald Gordon and Mr. Robt, toter, of Sarnia, were week -end guests at the home of Mr. atua Mrs. T. A. G. Gorden. • The anaday seheol of St. Thomas' Church held its , -annual picnic to Hayfield on Wednesday afternoon,. to Miss Helen °rich is Bacteria:1,g a few days in Greed Bend. • Mrs. W. C. Barber has returned from a visit at her ihome ,in Toronto. • • Mr. and Mrs, D. M. Hamilton, of -Lawrence, Kansas, are the emits of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Case before going to their summer theme at Stoney Lake. • Messrs, W. J. 'anneals, John Beat- tie, Joe Dbrsey and,C. A. ,Barber are spending a week tang at Perwese sant • Mr. John L. DoWney, of Detroit, is a guest at the home ,of Mr. and Mrs. William Devereaux. • Miss Lois Morrow, of Fergus, was Called here that week °Wing to the Janata ,of her mother, Mrs: W. J. Morrow, in Egneandville. Mrs*. -MmracceartP"., yll,ortaron 1r' and au, re the guests thia Week of Mr. and Mrs. 3. C. Greig. I, ri Mr. E. H.-Closie had the Misfor- tune to fall ili his home, on Wedneta day evening and fracture _three ribs. Despite his painful bljuriee Mr. Close le Still< Cowl:dating MS bileinese an leading the atincl, esi Welt • Men William Maga% of lierteall, and MissAline: 13OttSitit,'• l',if Tereate, were 811114sy.,MitlOs at the adme of Mr, trild Mtn. s,•"ft,- Reanlea , '' • Mr, and MaitraR. A. Walter,' aif riundas; are: a a " tataa af Atte ' lai& 3. Eaaia "a - • MISS Jessie Bethune is las. Mid- land "visiting her brother Mr. William Bethune. , e P -Mr. and Mrs. T. A. G. Golden will SPead the week -end ap, Tereato, and 'Wise Mary Gordon will retails ,,wtth them. • •. . Mrs. W. A. Crich is spending a few daye at Wasaga Beetle CREDITON Pies in Her 106th Year Henry,- Motz, of -Crediten, received news of thealeath ot his mother, Mrs. Eliza Motz, of Napitate„ Mani., who died at the age of 105 years. Mrs. Mot was Mae ea the oldest resit:len :s of Western Canada. In reasonably good health until last Friday., Mrs. Metz slipped send fractured her hip. She was. euebed to the hospital at Deloraine, Man., but the shock prov- ed stoo much. Mrs. Motz was born 1-.1 Alsace, France, of German parents, October 9, 1932. Her parents when she was five years old migrated to Canada, settling near Crediton. She NI, GS niarried in 1852 at Galt to George Mote, whe died in 1927. She had 12 children, of whona ten survive, includ- ing Henry Metz, Crediton. .1111=11•1111111•11111MMI1011111111M11. CHISELIItIRST Williams - Nerds. The , home of Miasina Mrs. altigh Norris, Chiselhurst, was the scene oS a quiet pretty wedding Saturday, when their youngest daughter, Helen Elizabeth, was united in marriage to Alden Leslie Williams, younger s,on of Mr. and Mrs, Leslie Williams, of Munro. Rev. J. Reidie of Cromarty officiated Only the, leame,diate •fami- hes were aresent, The bride given in marriage by her father entered the living room, and took her place under the decorated areh, to the strains of the Lohengrin v,-eddiug march, played by Miss Lois Williams, sister of the groom; The bride wore a smart jacketed fro* of , townblu with a blouse of pink sheer., She carried a mixed bouquet- of lilies, delphiniums and roses. The bridesmaid, Ila Wil- liams, sister la the bridegroom -wore a gown, of flowered blue chiffon.. Mr. John Norris, brother of the 'bride, at- tended as groomsman. Following the ceremony a wedding supper was serv- ed by .Miss Hazel Norris, cousin of the'' bride, and Miss Evelyn. Harris. cousin of the groom. The bride- groom's gift to the bride was a silver rose bowl, to -the bridesmaid a foun- tain pen, to the groomsman, a gold tie pfneand collar clip, and to the pianist, a sterling birthstone ring. Af- ter a honeymoon spent at, Niagara and other points of interest, Mr. and Mrs. Williams will take up residence at the bridegroom's home in Munro. TUCKERSMITH Mrs. A. L. Trick who has been vis- iting her daughter, Mrs. F. Townsend, returned to her borne in Dorchester o Saturday. Mrs. Lincoln, of New York; has been visiting relatives in this nastrict since coming to attend the Caen re- union of last Wedaesday. Death of Amos Townsend Death came very suddenly to a widely known and deservedly esteem- ed resident of Tuckersmith Town- ship on Tuesday, July 26th, when Mr. Ansos 'Townsend passed away at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Frauk Walters, in his 67th year. Mr. Towns- end had been ailing for several years from a heart condition, but his death came very unexpectedly, The deceas- ed was born on the farm now occu- pied by Mr. Fletcher Townsend and had spent' bis whole life farming in the township, with the exception. of two years, 1910-12, when he resided in Clinton. Forty-four years ago Mr. Townsend was united in marriage to Miss Elizabeth Crash, daughter of. the late George Oracle of the same town - tibiae Vries:with a faintly of two sons and OM dUllgilter 'survive him: Mrs.. F. Walters and IVIessrs. Elmer and Rant:toad ToWnsenta all of Tucker -- Unita, • He is also aurvived, ay one brother, Mr. William Tow-ntserel, of Macklin, Sask. Two sisters', Mra More and Mrs. T. White, of Mani- toba, and two brothers, Joseph e<nd Samuel, of Nesbitt, Manitoba., prede- ceased lam, Mr. Townsend was one ef the ,oldest members, of Turnor'e March. The funeral was held- from the home of Mrs, Fe Walteron Thurs- day afternoon. at 2.30, when the see Viees were "conducted by Rev. A. Lan? and Rev. C. S. Hawke: Interment was matle in Turnera cemetery. .MANLEY Mrs,, Louis Wall and tier two daugh- ters, Jane and Mary, from Detroit, are visiting her sisters, Mrs. Thomas McKay arid Mrs. W. Manley, before she returns to her home, Mr. Fred Eckert has threshed his crop of alsike clover which he pur- chased from Mrs. Richerds in Sea - forth with good returns., Mr. H. Hauermane, nt Brodiha.gen, did the work with • his clover ehuller. Mr. Ervin Lecintarat has purcaased the Dempsey 100 -acre farm taxa we wish him ataceaa, as he has had good experience...after Working on themodel farm , if , iVir.• Chris. Leenharat. in Logan Toarneliipaieveral' yeare. Harvesting and threshing are in full sway, but theatImper crop that was expected has been bit on: the head by the army warm in some districts, and even the timothy crop that Was left for seed < has been destroYea by the pests. The wheat crop has been badly infected by rust and will not be up to the standard. McKILLOP , • Earl - Storey A -pretty wedding took place at -the Gaited Church Parsonage, Addisoh, Ont., on July 21st, when .Matilda, daughter of Mr. John la Storey and the late Mrs. Storey, was united in marriage to Mr. Myron Jock, son of Mt. and Mrs. Morley Earl, of Athens, -with Rev. L. B. Smith performing the ceremony. Cowan - Hillen The home of Mr. ,and ,Mrs. Calvin A. Hillen, McKillop, was, the scene of a very pretty wedding on Wednes- day, July 27th, at 4 wra., when their 'daughter, Bessie Madill, became the bride of Kenneth Archibald, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Cowan, of Blyth. Rev. R. W. Craw officiated. The bride who was given away by her father, entered the drawing room to the music of .Lothengria's wedding march played by the bride's sister, Miss Ed- ith Hillen, and took hex place before an arch of ferns and midsummer, flowers. The bride Wore a dress of , delphinium blue sheer over taffeta with a pale pink shoulder veil embroidered in bltie and carried a shower bouquet of Briarcliffe roses and maiden hair fern and her orange blossom coronet, white lace gloves and white shoes completed the costume. Following the ceremony a wedding supper was served to thirty guests ,on tables tastefully decorated with bouquets of sweet, peas, • the bride's teble being eentred with her wedding cake. The. four waitresses, girl friends of the bride, were Misses Ethel Dennis, Mar- ion Little, Helen Elliott entl Adah Grasby. A toast to the. bride by Rev. R. W. Craw, was responded to by the groom. After the supper Mr. apd Mrs. Cowan left on a short trip, the bride wearing a smart navy marquis- ette over taffeta, dress with white ac- cessories. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Cowan will live on Christian Island on Georgian Bay. M. a Currie and Mrs.. Tuffo,rd are spendiag a few holidays Witte Mende In Paris mad Aventon. Several young people of this vicin- ita event Sunday at the Bend.' Mr. and Mrs. Neil Laniand and Mrs. Harold McLeod, of Londeeeend Mr. anal' Mrs. Malcolm McKellar, of / Seaforth, visited at the 'home of Mr. Sandy McKellar, Rev. Fred and Mrs. Harburn, of Buffalo, New York, are saending few holidays with Mr. Prank Han' burn on the old farm in Hibbert, Houghton - Phelan At eleven o'clock, Saturday, July 23r4, a quiet but pretty wedding waa solemnized at St. Marys Church Manse, when Rose Helen, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pile], an, of Mount Forest, became the bride of Robert Leonard, eldest son of Mr. and MTS.. William Hpugilitoe, of Crone arty. Rev. Father F. J. Doyle' offici- ated. The bride was gowned in a. white suit• with matching accessories_ At her waist was, a corsage of • raa roses. Sae was attended by her sis- ter, Miss Antionette . Phelan gowned itt white sheer wiala matching acces- so,riess The groom was atteueled by ,Mr. Jack Demerling, ef Harriston. Af- ter ehie cereanpny a wedding breakfast was "served at the home �f the bride's. pereasts. Later the young ,coUple left on a abort -honeymoon trip-. On their return they will reside in aleariston. VARNA Sunday was a gala day vohen great crowd witnessed the nibtorcycle race on Mr. Cole's farm, two miles - north of Varna. Mr. and Mrs. Inges and Mr. and Mrs.. Morgan, of Kerwood, and Mr.. and Mrs. Stelck, of Blake; were week- end guest's at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Inges. e•ialran . d mrs7r.si.nligeusg...h Fletcher, of London, is. spending a few days wth Mr. and Mrs. Rae, of St. Marys,. accompanied by Mr. Creighton, called on thein cousin, Mrs. M. G. Beatty, en Sunday. , Mr. George Foote,' of Windsor, was renewing acquaintances here. Mr. and Mrs. J. Rathwell spent Sun- day with friends dm< London. The many friends of Mr. George- Beatty, Sr., will be sorry ,to know he is not enjoying the best of health, but we hope for some improvement •soon. Mrs. James Stephenson, Goshen_ Line, called on, her sister, Miss Edath. Mossop last, week. Mr. and Mrs. Argo and little son have returned to Toronto after speed- ing a week with the latteris parents- :WALTON At, the service in Duff's United Oherch Sunday morning, Rev. C. Cum- ming took for his text, Exodus 20:7: "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy Gad in vain, for the Lord will not hole him guiltless that taketh Ills name in vain." Five pupils from Walton school re- COi VE,± • heir ' Entrance certificates: Jean Farquharson Betty .Smalldon and Alice Stoddart were recommended, and Leslie Rutledge and Ruth Cum- mings wrote at Brussels. Mia and Mrs. M. LaCombe, of De- troit; Mrs. C. Drager and Master Charles Drager spent a few days in Toronto and Dame Mr. and Mrs. A. Clark and family, of Brussels, and Mr. and Mrs, Ray Carter and Betty Smalldon, of Wal- ton, spent Sunday at Goderieh. Williams Brownlee, section foreman_ is having two Weeks' vacation. Miss Amy Love, of Toronto, is vis- iting her mother. • Mrs. F. Kerley, of Toronto, ant family are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wal -- ter Broad -foots 4 'TISSUE - CHATEAU PLAIN.or PIMIENTO CHEESE - THESE VALUES EFFECTIVE JULY 25th -30th 2 Rom 15 18'ate AYLMER JUNIOR, 8 varieties CHOPPED FOODS 2 t-nosz..19 CANADIAN MAID . EVAP. MILK BLUE LABEL BLACK vrows TEA flak TANG WiliDBILTRIOS 2cak- .15 Kai FLAKES - KRAFT MIRACLE WHIP 32:49 SW Pk .18 SELECTED FRUIT AN VEGETABLES Sunkist Oranges D". 19c ei33c Grape Fruit •6-25c Duchess Apples 3 lbs. 25c NoN !etiir toes 29a Peek ) se ,f41, 14°,1