HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1938-07-15, Page 8i TT • 77.7 WL eair.e.e,e,en„...,, • ea' "OtTri,7•7.? • tI QUND PAIL 85c INEAPPLE 10c .'*FELPSID-With a inns '50 om.4.x:A.L.T.ED 2 - -- - - - -- -17c 19c & APPLE JAM 45- 17c 15c . pounds c, neTine :HOCOLATE MARSHMALLOW • CAKE-ePotra:d . . SOUTH SEA TUNA FISH - Tin nTODDY--Delicaous hot or cold 40c Twoco tin ..-KNOVAVELLY MAKER " hex Per magnhg Jams and Jellies. ,J.UNKET TABLETS 25c 1" for 2EARLY BREAKFAS'n.COFFE'E r freshly ground: pound 21c 7 .FLOWERDALE ORANGE • 0 0., " PEKOE TEA--1-1alf pound 001; NUGGET WHITE CLEANER 40os per bottle • . L11-1; 3 cakes 1 1 01 OLOATING• SOAP 16c) e: KARBOL SOAP -Equal to 1,....: • Life -buoy; 4 cakes 4i, • MANYFLOWERS SOAP 3 eakes 1 1 c . 25c 'WASHING SODA . MASTERS TURKEY GROWER $3 cwt. 15 TO 'AnnotitIceirittit.aefitr. and, Mrs. Cal- vin \Hine% :of Walton, announce the engagement of tlaeir daughter, Bessie Madill, to kir:'• -Kenneth Archibald Cotvan, on of Mr. and Mrs. George 'Cowan, e Blyth. The marriage will take place the latter part of July. es. Annorineement.--,The engagement is announced of Gra,ee Gertrude Ross. daughter of Mrs. William Alexamier /less, and tbe•late Mr. Roes, of Kip - pen, to Mr. Edgar G. Shunit, 5on of Mr. and Mrs S. Shank, of Toronto. The marriage will take place quietly the latter part of Jelly. • Announcement -The engagement is annou•nced of Ethel Rose Carolyn, daughter of Mr. .and Mrs. Frank King, 94 Mowat St.,. Stratferd, to Mr. Wil- liam H. Pollard; of Sebringville, only son of Mr. an Mrs. 5. 3. Pollard, of Seaforth. The wedding will take place the latter part of this paonth. 3 packages A. C: Routledge PHONE 166 WE SPECIALIZE IN FIRE, AUcTOMOBILE, CAS- wiliert, GUARANTEE BONDS, ACCIDENT AN D SICKNESS, BURGLARY, WINDSTORM. Representing Companies who give ' Security with Service. Also Agents for Ontario Thresh- ermen's Mutual Fire Insurance. Information gladly given. A number of desirable properties in Seaforth and district for sale. WATSON & REID M. A. REID - Proprietor Phone 214 Seaforth SPECIALISTS IN ALL LINES OF INSURANCE Successful Normal Student's' Name Omitted., -In the list of successful students graduating • from Stratford Norraal School, Miss Anna E. Love'e name was inadvertently omitted. Miss Love, the daughter of Mr. anal Mrs. James Love,' Tuckersmitih, has since been notified of the error, and has been granted her Interim First Class teacher's certificate. This has bean a very regrettable oversight as Miss Love's application for a school .bad been accepted, but the circumstances compelled her to relinquish the ap- pointment. asa Brown - Mi I ler.-0e Wednesday:July 6th, a very pretty wedding took place in Grace Lutheran Church, when Aileen Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. F. Miller, was united in marriage to Mr. Fred Victor Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs:- W. T. Brown, -all of Mitchell. Rev. A. C. Hahn of - fleeted and during the signing of the register Mr. Franklin Moore sang -0 Promise Me." Over forty guests were present frond Toronto, Walton, Strat- ford, Fullarton and Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Brown left on a trip to New York City and Atlantic City, and on their return will reside in Millbank. Mr. Brown is a nephew of the late Richard Rogers of Seaforth. Pethick-Stevens.-A pretty wedding took place on Saturday, July 2nd, at the United Church Manse in Egmond- ville, when Mary Jean. daughter of Mrs. Daniel Stevens and the late Mr. Stevens, 'was united in marriage to Harold William Pethick, son Of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Pethick, of McKillop. Rev. A. W. Gardiner performed the ceremony. The bride wore white chif- fon and carried a bouquet of pink roses. Following the ceremony the bridal couple left on a motor trip to Hamilton, Niagara arid Kitchener, the bride choosing a navy blue triple sheer with a gloria blue coat. They will make their home in Winthrop. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0, 0 4> S. T. Holmes & Soi--<> 0 FUNERAL SERVICE 0 0 Main -Street, Seaforth 0 sCs' - 0 0 S. T. Holmes, residence '0 A Croderich Street, West; Phone 0 0, No. 119-W. Charles Holmes' 0 0 residenee, Gederich Street r .0 0 East; phone No. 308. :0 Ambulance Service 0 0 Adjustable hospital bed for 0 0 rent 0 Night calls, Phone 308. 0 0 Day calls, Phone 119-5. 0 0 Charges raoderate. 0 0 -., 12-47 0 0 0 0 4 <> 0 0 0 <> 0 0 4 .;:ko o .6; 0000000 .0. H. C. BOX FUNERAL SERVICE Licensed Embalmer Ambulance Service Hospital Bed 4justabie rachet oper- spring for rent. Is . Da Y Calls 0 PIO 175. Phone 43. 0 12-37 0 4; 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. o o o o o o. o 43' WALKER'S o '0 FUNERAL SERVICE '<> ' o W. J. WALKER and 0 Co JOHN R. WALKER, Jr. 0 .0 Licensed Embalmers and 0 tee 0 Funeral Directors. 0 -0 11* or Night Calls promptly 0 • 0 attended. 4 •:Co PHONE 67 0 r 0 12-87 .C:t .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GAS OILC-- Whether you &hie in for a quart of oil, or have your car complete- ly serviced, you receive the same courteous tfeatment. And you know that Sealed Shell Gas and Oil Is the best. ' WESTON'S SHELL SERVICE PHONE 103 - GODERICH ST. WEST Of MT, and MiO-.• CIA& • Mr. R. jatefeson 1.etnraed this week from liattleYereelhigan. • lvf418, „Mara" R0.11:41•110: ton, and Mr,. N;: Bowe, of DaYten, Ohio, wereguests thls week at -the home :of Mr. and Mis. W. D. Mansell in Egmondville. • Mr. and Mrs. Sidney. Free, of Brantford, were Wednesday guests Of Mr. and Mrs.' j. W. Free. • Miss Ella Rider is spending a holiday at Wasaga Bench. • Mrs. H, R. Scott and family left this week to spend the summer in Bayfield. • Mre. Shoecroft, 'who has been the guest ef Mies, Davidson, left Wednes- day for New °York. • Misses Angola and Clare Eckert are attending the summer school at Guelph. <I. Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Moffat and family are 'spending a few -holidays in Detroit. • .Mrs. Samuel i Pollock, of Saska- toon, Mrs. John Heitz and Mrs. Tom- linson, of Kippen, are guests at the home of Mr. and leire. George Hills in Egmondville. • Mrs. Willocks, of Ripley,. is a gust at the home of her parents', Mr. and Mrs, A. D. Armstrong. • Mesens. J. Beattie, W. J. Dun- can, A. F. Cluff and C. Stewart were in Grimsby on, Wednesday. • We are pleased to learn that Mr. C. Ecka,rt is recovering from an in- fection in bis foot, which has been ti oubling him for some time. • Mrs. George Weir is spending a fee days in Hayfield. • Mrs. W. A. Wright, Miss Jessie Granger, Mr. Bruce Wright and the Misses Lois and Jean Wright will spend the week -end at Killarney Beach near Barrie. • Mr. and Mrs. R. E. McKenzie, Donald an John John Robert and Mrs. H. Chesney are spending tbe summer months at their cottage near Gode; rich. • Miss Mary GilleSple, Miss Mar- garet McKellar and Mr. Clifford Trott are attending the University of To- ronto summer school. Miss Gillespie: has obtained, a position on the staff of the Cheeterville School near Ot- tawa. ' • Mise•Ballantyne, of Calgary, is a guest at the borne of her cousin, Miss Ballantyne, Harpurhey. • • Miss Jessie Smith is attending the summer school at the University of Western' Ontario,. London. • Miss Yvonne Mohr, of Milverton. is the guest of her cousin, Miss Hel- en Smith. to, is spending her vacetion at the home of 'her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Murray, • Miss Jackson has returned to her home in Egmondville after spend- ing several weeks in Lethbridge, Sask. • Among those who ettended the funeral of the late Miss Agnes Mc- Connell on -Thursday of last week were: Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Richards, Stratford; Miss Florence,.... Fowler, Bluevale; Mr. Henry Fowler, Miss Hilda Fowler, Mrs. W. T. Modeland, Mr., and Mrs. Rory Modeland, Mr. -and Mrs. Verne Walters and Mrs. C. Reid, of London. 4 Mr. and Mrs. Basil Kelly spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James Mur- ray. • Mr, Harry Livens, of Goderich, was visiting with Seaforth friends on Tuesday. • Mr. John Anderson and grand- daughter, Betty Lou, of New York, are guests at the home of Miss Smith and Mr. Henderson Smith, North Main Street. • Miss Gertrude Crich leaves for Montre,a1 on. Friday, from where she will sail on the S. S. Duches of Aus- tralia for England, where she will spend the summer. • Mrs.. Perley Banbury, of Winni- peg, and Mr. and Mrs.1-1. L. Shepherd of Thorald were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. Swan Smith this week. •, Mr. Roy Oke, of Hamilton, spent the week -end at the theme of his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Oke. • Miss Jacolyn Clifton and Master J. A. Clifton, of Toronto, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Fergu- son. • Miss Barbara Sproat left on Fri- day last for Wianipeg, where she will visit her aunt. • Miss Davidson, Mrs. Cherry, Mrs. Sheecroft and Miss Broadfoot spent the week -end in Tillsonburg. • • Miss Grace Scott le•ft Monday far Nova Scotia. • Mrs. A. M. Barton and Mrs. Clen Colbert and daughter, of Toronto, are the holiday guests of Mrs. F. A. An- derson and Miss Barton. • Mrs. P. C. Calder and son, of St'. Catharines, and Miss Mary Hays, of .Toronto, are holiday guests at the honie of their parents, Mr. and Adam Hays. Sermon Subjects For Next Sunday. -St. Thomas' Church: Rector, Rev. 11 l'. D. Hurford, D. D.-11 a.m., Rev. Canon Austin Smith; 7 p.m., the Rec- tor, a Gospel service, "Forgiveness." Sunday School at 10 a.ma. Union services of First Presbyter- ian and Nortliside Churches in First Presbyterian Church throughout July with Rev. H. V. Workraan in pharge. Sermon subjects for July 17th: 11 a.m., eThe Triumph of the Spiritual"; p.m„ "Ambassadors For Christ." Sunday Schools as usual at 10 a.m. Eg-mondville United Churoh-Sun - day School at 10 a.m.; service at 11 a.m., subject, "The Greatest Business of All." -Rev. A. W. Gardiner, Minis- ter. • Boshart- Albright -A quiet wedding was performed al the lalapleview A. M. Church, 3rd line, Wellesley, tot Sunday evening, July 3rd. when Miss Selina. Albright, of Milverton, daugh- ter of Mrs. Jacob Albright, of Poole, was united in marriage to Mr. Enos Boshart, elder son of Mr. John Bosh - art, of Seaforth. The groomsmen were •Mr. Emmanuel Albright, brother a the bride, and Mr, Nelson Schultz, and the bridesm-aids were Mise Lena Albright, sister of the bride, and. Miss Marion .Nrafziger, cousin of the groom. Bishop Dan Lebold, of Wellesley, per- formed the ceremony. The bride wore a gown of ivory satin, ankle length, her bridesmaids wearing sheer blue. About eight relatives and friends were present from Buffalo, N. Y., Kitchener, New Hamburg, Tavi- stock, Milverton and district. •Mr. and Mrs. Boshart left on Tuesday morning for a honeymoon trip to Pennsylvania and the Eastern Coast and on their return wUl reside in Seaforth. THE SECOND DIVISION COURT COUNTY IfUltoN Office in the Dominion Bank Build- ing, Sealorth. Offiee hours: Tues- day, Thursday and Saturday, 1.30 p.m_ to 5 p.m. Saturday evening. 7.30 p.m - to 9-"Itin. F.. C. CHAMBERLAIN Insurance Agencies Seaforth PiNNOU NOES he Muelsase of the insurance business at nays & bleir, and the addition of tbeir companies to our previous facili- tes; enables us to give unexcelled service in 512 linea REAFORTH : ONTARIO 1040 11'E411cICILLOP MUIVAL MK -INSURANCE CO'It. km) OPPtpt tg,AFORTI14, ONT. OrkirOtRIFt: Aboforth," - Pres. ,1.40,4ctstro1a Vice -Pres. for* SeeetriVaPs - I lt flfl At. 4010* LOCAL BRIEFS alfirek ,TesePh Swart* and daughter, Eunice, •of 'Detroit, are speadingethe weeleat tleeeleeMe Of her mother, Mrs. .Ate Mr, il'etvbert,Aitt, i;if Detroit,' aita. Mr. and kfTs.'W: W. Kalsert of Lon: dee, are spending this week at the 'Axt. - Mr. 5..W. Morley, barrister 'of •Exe- ter, was a busineee visitor in town on Tueeday. An addition: is being erected Ito the rear of the buil:ding occupied by the Zurich Creamery by Mr. W. J. John- ston, pert of which will be occupied by the •creemery and 'part is being -ar- ranged. for a 'garage. Mre. Leonard Wagner has returned from a London ho:spital and her many friends will ioe pleased to hear that she isimproving in health, The Late Josephine Denomme After an illness, extending peer a period of months, Josephiae Denomme passed away at her hoe near Drye- dale on Friday in her 70th year. She was a daughter of. the late Mr. and Um. George Deniamme, who had come to the French Settlement on the Sau- ble Line, from Quebec, many yeas ago. She wah uninarried and was held in high esteem by aahoeite of friends. he funeral was held Mon- day, interment .taking place in the R. C. Cemetery, Drysdale, Rev. L. March- and offciatiag at the services. • • Mrs. S. Phillips, of Cleveland, iS a guest at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Govenlock. . • Master Fred Welford, ef Cordova Mines, is the guest of his aunts, the Misses Thompson, John Street. • Miss Wilma Seip and Miss Katie Laudenbach returned from Toronto this week. • Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bedard and Mrs. Leo Betlard,00f the Blue Water Highway, and Mr. Philip Bedard, ef Tilbury, were visitors this week at the !home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Mero. • Mrs. L.. C. Jackson, Mrs. EV. H. Wilson and Mr. Fred Jackson speut the week -end at Bruce Beach. • Miss Agnes Crosbie, of Toronto, a -as a guest this week at the home of Me„ and Mrs. Adam Dodds. • Mrs. Dunn, of Port Colborne, aad Mrs. Stoll and son, Ralph, of Ran- dolph, N.Y., are guests- at bhe home • Mrs. J. P. Lennon, of Boston, Massachusetts, and Mrs. M. Tharpe, of Detroit, are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jaines Devereux. re Mrs. I -f. E. Smith, Don and Hel- en have been spending a few holi- days in Milverton. • Dr. and Mrs. Charles Stogdill, of Tortinte, were in town on Saturday. • • Rev. Douglas Davidson, Mrs. Davidson and little son, of George- town, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Reid. • Mr. Muir and son, of TOroiato, were tb.e week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Willis. Mrs,. Willis return ed to Toronto With them. • Mr. and Mre. Wilmer° Scott, of Toronto, were the guests of Mr. John Scott„ Roxboro, on Sunday. *A garden tea and tea cup reading in aid of the Flo-wer Fund of St. Tihortias' Ohnreh, Will be held at the hernias of Mrs. Ada Reid., Goderieh St. West, on FridaY, July 22nd, from, 3.30 to 5.S& • mos Mrotgaret Miirray has return- te• d;tO TorafteY spv4nding the week aend,..•*itli her. parents,' IVIr. and Mrs. nticS ,WfUrray.,, ,.•,:rer,r, ,and Mr CiaYbatt Martini, 61 lebart, are visiting with., reTativuo ,, MrS, lktfmitt Ifteratt, '10 • 0: inieudiiig. Ake, BINDER TWINE U. F. 0. Bluebell BINDER TWINE is for sale by Farmers' Club at Regier's Garage, Seaforth. Buy from your own, farm organizathm. K. E. JACKSON - President R. F. McKERCHER - Secretary ;'e AL04 'BINDER TWINE KIPPEN Farmers' Attention. -As the haying season is draWing near, now is the time to bring in your repairs. A till line of sections, heads, plates, pit- mans,. etc., for different mowers; fork handles, shovel and hoe handles; hoes, pulleys, etc.. One good harrow cart at reasonable price. At the old reliable stand. W. -L. Mellis. 3678-tf Mr. and .Mrs.. David Blair and fam- ily, who have been visiting with rel- atives. and friends in this community, left for their benne in Tuxford-, Sask., during the we._ Mr. George Dinsdale, Of Brandon, Man., and at one time an old Kippen bey. visited with friends and relatives in this community during the past week. ' Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Melds visited at the home of the latter's mother, Mrs, John Gibson, of Wroxeter, 011 Sunday last. Mr. Thomas Butt, of the village, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. John Butt. of Flint. Mr. Perce Clark. of Windsor, visit- ed at the home of Mr. William An- derson during the past week. The many friends of Mr. John A. McGregor,. of Tuckersmith, will De sorry to learn that he is not enjoy- ing. good health. We trust he may take a decided turn for the better in the course of a short time. Quite a number from around here tot* in the 12t1 of July at Stratford 14 -Tuesday. •':',11/fr, and Mrs. Walker, of Peterbero, *lilted at the h9,me of Mr. William Ivison, of the village, during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Love, of Lan - „sing, Mich., are spending a few holi- days visiting friends and relatives in this community. Mr. and and, Mrs. George Hill and Mrs. E. McKay, all of Dgmondville, visited at the home of Mrs. John Delta, of the village, -during the past week. Mi. Harvey IVIcOlyroont, of Hardin ton, and Mrs. Russel Geoghegan, of Landon, visited at the licarie of their father, Mr. James McClyenent, of the village, during the past week. Women's institute Will Meet , The Kippen East Women's Institute will hold their next meeting on Wed• nesday evening, July Nth, at 8.15 p.m. at the home of Mrs. M. Cooper. This is Canadian Industries meeting and the, speaker will be Mr, Ross R. Mc- Kay, HenaalL ST. coup-mBAN 'The Best Tinie:to Select Recent visitors; Mr. and Mrs. Louis Fortune, of •Detrait, with Mr., and Mrs. Michael Downey; Jarnea Eckert .and Mr. Doherty, of New York, with' Mr. • and Mrs. Peter Eckart Fergus Melady, St. Marys, at the ,lioade of Frank Melady. • The funeral of Mrs. Francis Mc- Quaid, wile died at her homeria Strat- ford on ThuradaY afternoon, was held Saturday morniriglfrorn her late resi- dence at 9 Rent eta' St. Columban Church, where' Reifpdiem High Maas was sung by Rev. :Father J Dantzer, with Rev, F. Sa Malkern present In the sanctuary and assisting in' the • service at the graveside. Intel -meat took place in the family plot in St. C,olumban. cemetery.1Virs. McQuaid was a very highly resPected, citizen of this parish. •With a qtdiet, kind and unassuming manner, side endeared herself to all in this neighborhood and will be greatly missed in the family circle. A large number of friends from Stratford and district at- tended the service. Many floral tri- butes, mass cards and cards of sym- pathy were sent tia the bereaved home. Left to mourn the loss of a kind and loving mother are three sons: , James, of McKillop, and Fran- cis and Thomas, of Stratford, and four daughters, Mrs, Lawrence Power, of Windsor, and Florence, Anne and Nora, of Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Power, of Winds -or, were in attend- ance at the funeral. a Popular Efrands of Highest Quality Twine and Special Low Prices 650 feet, per 1b.. .$10.00 per cwt. 600 feet, per lb. .. $9.00 per cwt. ROPE -For Hayforks, Slings and Hayloaders. (All . quotations subject to change without notice) Terms - Cash "Make your cash work for .you" Massey-Harriti Binders" and • Genuine Repair Parts, Canvas, Etc. . - We maintain a large stock of these parts at -your service. J. N. McKENZIE Massey -Harris Dealer Phones: 326 and 25 - Seaforith ZURICH 'DUBLIN The Misses Dorothy and Veronica Molyneux . are attending summer school in Toronto; Miss Florence, SZSith in London, and Miss .Peggy Mc- Grath in Windsor. Father Flynn, who has been sub- stituting for Dr. Ffoulkes at St. Pat- rick's parish, has returned to St. Pet- er's. • Seminary, London, and Father Simpson, London, is now in charge of the parish pro tem. Mr. and Mrs. William Byrne and family are spendingtheir vacation with Mrs. C. Byrne and, Mr. James Jordan. 'Miss Genevieve Feeney ois visiting h,er sister in Toronto. • Visitors over the week -end in•cluri- ed; , Mr. and Mrs. James Hanley and The many frienfils, of Mr. Andrew Thiel, of this village, will be sorry to hear that she is seriously ill at pres- ent, and slight hopes are entertained for her recovery: When two cars collided on a nar- row bridge en the _Zurich Road a few miles east of the village on Saturday evening, both machines were badly damaged. The oeenpante of tihe ear driver). by 'a Londnt man were injur- ed and madlealeattention was needed. Luckily none of the Occupants were seriouisly leinied, 's ,.... A cumber 'Ma' town attended the 12th of July celebration at..tratford on Tuesday afternoon. , ' Dr. R. J. O'Dwyer and family, who Sae been, hOlidataing in, Muskoka for a r eW weekS, leteeeretUntied to their Ora.. ' if' • . ' ' Ntid M. *IA gess, of Pontiac, eii.,. itiegit• 'the' Week -60 with rola- tittle -here. „ , ,,, Tile - icacters Mid gehOldria Of the' 11kana1eSI/Pda3r, SO1144 held d1et- a„-d0 ISeatd-itt GaGiurf Bend Piti '41tett- ' '1'd ' ,f1fit4401;N '2•'Y • ' ' /fee ' tii.,o 'Iliiik elitate lee er Is Right Now 111 - AND WE ARE ANXIOUS TO HAVE YOU SEE THE UNCOMMON STYLES AND VALUES OBTAINABLE HERE! COTTON BOUCLE DRESSES -Separate Blouse and Skirts; very smart for right now...13,35 BOUCLE PULLOVERS -In very smart weaves and shades SEPARATE SKIRTS -In both tailored and um- brella styles, made from lovely silk arid wool - material $1.55 WOOL 'BLAZERS -Smart, snappy, well tailored styles, in Scarlet, Green, Rust, Etc. $2,33 - -T- A New Hat, of Course In Our Showroom are New Creations in Summer Hats. White Hats and Light Fancy Modes are in,_evidence; Felts are also Popular. PRICES: $1,35 to $3,50 GIRLS' HATS • MacTAVISH'S 75 Up James, Jr.. with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hanley; Mr. Carl Gemmell and two friends with Tea Carroll; Wm. Ryan, London, with his parents, Mr. and, Mrs. Peter Ryan; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Murphy, Detroit, with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Costello; Mr. and Mrs, William O'Reilly and Hubert in London; vin McNeil in Palmerston; A. R.. Roth in Tavistock; Misses • Teresa Oarpenter, Veronica Dill. Ursula Krauskopf, Rita Stapleton, Peggy Byrne., Monica Byrne, Genevieve Mc- Carthy, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carpen- ter, Pat McConnell, jos•eph McConnell. Ted Carroll, Tom McCarthy, Don Benninger, James Curtain, Harry Feeney, at Grand Bend. Miss • Miss Nora McGrath with her bre- tiler Jack, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McGrath, Detroit, and Miss Annie ,McGrath, of Windsor, hare gone on an extended trip to Quebec. • /44 • ! Alk;„ s SINGAPORE These Values Effec- tive for ..hay Ilth 16th 19 -oz. Tin Sliced 18 -oz. Tia Cubes BROWN LABEL BLACK SAILADA TEA GOLDEN BANTAM WHITE YOUR 3 CHOICE 7.-sas .2 STANDARD NO. 4 SIEVE S 17 -oz, Tins .25 112-1b. 36 Pkg. ALL BRANbS JUICE 31.:: FANCY PACK SHRIMPS - CHASE AND.SANBORN COFFEE Mit _ HEINZ INFANT FOODS PURITAN ORIGINAL OVEN BAKED BEANS - PURITAN ORIGINAL BROWN ,BREAD WITH RAMOS COWS dOOKRI MACARONI 5111:2".17 3 Tins 1-16. Pkg. . 25 . 71 .25 3 11w/2 -0z. 14 cERT0 FoTjoiTtininos 5 PAROWAIC Pkg. .12 1 ' Lod, Ntg , ,28 CLEANSER-":‘ Tin '455 , d,,0 .1> WRiTiR CIAtsIC 7 .408 SOAP Citike ' SOO, esAKES. e ;,43 cOCOA 024,,, som 5.ax pko. FfiT'S LIPE011at • ' e ' ' • 'n . eat., 111'4'6,1g Calko,„.21. TISSUE: , 2 W044' tr, '64 1 .,„ „. : ., : . Announcement. DR. E. A. McMASTER _ and , - DR. J. D. COLQUHOUN Wish to announce that their respective Offices are now open .under the name of Seaforth Clinic in the residence formerly occupied bp • Dr. F. J. Burrows. - , • /44 • ! Alk;„ s SINGAPORE These Values Effec- tive for ..hay Ilth 16th 19 -oz. Tin Sliced 18 -oz. Tia Cubes BROWN LABEL BLACK SAILADA TEA GOLDEN BANTAM WHITE YOUR 3 CHOICE 7.-sas .2 STANDARD NO. 4 SIEVE S 17 -oz, Tins .25 112-1b. 36 Pkg. ALL BRANbS JUICE 31.:: FANCY PACK SHRIMPS - CHASE AND.SANBORN COFFEE Mit _ HEINZ INFANT FOODS PURITAN ORIGINAL OVEN BAKED BEANS - PURITAN ORIGINAL BROWN ,BREAD WITH RAMOS COWS dOOKRI MACARONI 5111:2".17 3 Tins 1-16. Pkg. . 25 . 71 .25 3 11w/2 -0z. 14 cERT0 FoTjoiTtininos 5 PAROWAIC Pkg. .12 1 ' Lod, Ntg , ,28 CLEANSER-":‘ Tin '455 , d,,0 .1> WRiTiR CIAtsIC 7 .408 SOAP Citike ' SOO, esAKES. e ;,43 cOCOA 024,,, som 5.ax pko. FfiT'S LIPE011at • ' e ' ' • 'n . eat., 111'4'6,1g Calko,„.21. TISSUE: , 2 W044' tr, '64