HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1938-07-01, Page 80,1 ib ISG �3f rt'1 4t tti`c 44? THE HURON EXPOSITOR '0 x RUSHi (le sr n:; it ,Weft.ITO JUICE @ *e--2 Tine L, OrAta, 3-0130 t SHORTENING ;:g POuu4s Ti>7DA $ SC'UITS l tt £ 1 A, uou'nde 1.0111BY PORK & BEANS 3 Tins :ASSORT DANCY CAKES 16 9C 1,40WERDALE ORANGE • PEKOE TEA -half pound; - . , '38c IDEAL $ATSU P small Sbo•ttle 4C1U NCHIE SWEET MIXED PK KLE&--Jar SHU MILK -For White shoes Bottle BLACK CAT WINDOW CLEANER -Bottle SUNLIGHT SOAP 4 bars SNAP HAND CLEANER 23c jar 19c 25c 25c 25c 25c '1 u: • Tin GIL LETT'S LYE 2 Tins SAAUSTIC SODA -Loose power! CLASSIC CLEANSER 2 Time *MASTERS PIG. TARTER Cwt- 1®c 25c 15c 15c 23c 15c 23c 10c 9c $2.70 A. Co Routledge PHONE 163 WE SPEC! ALUZE IN FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, CAS- UALTY, GUARANTEE BONDS, ACCIDENT A N D SICKNESS, BURGLARY, WINDSTORM. Representing Companies who give Security with Service. Also Agents for Ontario Thresh- ermen's Mutual Fire Insurance. Information gladly given. A number of desirable properties In Seaforth and district for sale. WATSON & REID M. A. REID - Proprietor Phone 214 •Seaforth SPECIALISTS IN A• LL LiNES OF INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0 S. T. Holmes & Son 0 O FUNERAL SERVICE 0 O Main Street, Seaforth• O O 0 0 S. T. Ho(nies, residence 0 0 Goderich Street, West; phone 0 0 No. 119-W. Charles Holmes' 0 0 residence, Goderich Street, 0 O East; phone No. 308. O Ambulance Service 0 O Adjustable hospital bed for 0 0 ' resit. O 0 Night calls. Phone 308. 0 0 Day calls, Phone 119-J. 0 O Charges moderate. O �. 12-37 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0'0 0 O H. C. BOX O FUNERAL SERVICE O Licensed . elnbalmer Ambulance Service O Hospital Bed 0 with adjustable rachet oper- ated spring for rent. O Night Calls Day Calls O Phone 175. Phone 43. O 12--87 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NEWS OF THE TOWN Announcement, -Mr- and Mrs. Ce- cil Cooper, Clinton, wish to anno•uoee the engagement of their daughter, Marg' Olive, to Mr. Edgar Maxwell Hudson, son of Mr. and Mrs. 1aac Hudson, of Seaforth. The marriage will take'.place in July. 0 0 0 O O O 0 O O 0 O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O WALKER'S FUNERAL SERVICE W. J. WALKER and 0 JOHN R. WALKER, Jr. 0 Incensed Embalmers and 0 Funeral Directors. O Day or Night Calls promptly 0 attended. 0 PHONE 67 O -0 12-570 2-57 0 000000'00000 O AT TOUR SERVICE / New Teachers Appointed. - Miss Elsie Drover has been appointed teacher at S. S. No. 9, Tuckersmith; Miss. Bessie Carnochan, Reacher at No. 2, McKillop; Miss Mae Shortreed, of Morris, teacher at Reehoro, and Miss Beryl Wilson, of Aub4n, teach- er at No. 7, Tuckersmith, THE SECOND DIVISION COURT COUNTY OF HURON Office in the Dominion Bank Build - Mg. Seaforth. Offile hours: Tres- day, Thursday and Slahurday, 1-80 P.m to E tom • Seturday evening; 7.80 pm. to 9 pain_ E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Insurance Agencies - Seaforth ANNOUNCES the purchase of the insurance business of Haus & Meir, and the addition of their companies to our previous facili- ties eneblea us to give unexcelled tier vice in all lines. SEAFORTH -• ONTARIO 10-86 Passed Second Year Exams. -We regret that ir} the List of successful students published in last week's Ex- positor the name of Miss Dorothy Golding was inadvertently omitted. Miss Golding passed 'in all subjects, her seoond year examination at the University of Western Ontario, Lon- eon- More Good Wheat. -We mentioned some good wheat in last week's Ex- positor, but here is same just a little better. It was grown on the farm of Mr. William Dorsey, north half of Lot 6, on the first concession of Mc- Killop, and measured six feet one inch in length, and Was well headed out. This sample was taken from a 10 -acre field which ie every bit as good. flingMcKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y. HEAD OFFICE -• BEAFORTH, ONT. • OFFICERS: I as. MO affil, 6 Seaforth - Pres. Wmr. Knox, Londesboro - Viee-Pres. Merton A. Reidy Seaforth - See.=Treas. AGENTS: PInlay M vffercher, R. R. 1, Dublin; J Pepper, Brudefeid; E. R. Jarnuouth, r'ot gkirl; Sashes W tt, Blytllz; 0. Il°. - ellytt;- K audios W. J. Yeo, (lode: Sermon Subjects For Next Sunday. -St. Thomas' Church -Rector, Rev. Dr: Hurford. 11 a.m., "The Holy Com- munion"; 7 p.m., "A Good Soldier 'of Jesus Christ". Sunday School at 10 am First Presbyterian Church -10 .a-nt-, Sunday School; 11 a.m., sermon sub- ject, "Righteousness That Exalteth a Nation"; 7 p.m., "Moral and Spiritual Regeneration." -Rev. Hugh Jack, Min- ister. Alert Mission Band Meets. - The Alert Mission Band of Northside United Church held their tlrankoffer- ing concert on Friday night at eight o'clock- A program of songs, music and recitations was enjoyed. The spe- cial speaker was Miss Lawrence, who showed some very interesting lantern slides. Helen Carmichael was pres- ented with a farewell gift. On Tues- day the Alert Mission Band held a picnic at the Lions Park. Games and races were enjoyed and several priz- es received, A delightful lunch, sup:- plied up-plied by the W.M.S., was served and Mr. F. S. Savauge treated the Band to ice cream. Y. P. S. Meets. -A meeting of the Y.F.S. was held in the United Church on Thursday evening, June 23rd, with Mr. Sam Scott in the chair. The meet- ing was opened with a hymn, after which Rev. Carmichael led in prayer. The lesson was • read by Gertrude Dallner and Doane Mole g -ave a read- ing entitled, "Friends." Luella Keine played a selection on the piano and another haurn was sung- Rev. C. C. Keine gave the address of the even- ing. Mr. Carmichael was then asked to come forward and Mr. Sam Scott, in a •few, fitting words, expressed the appreciation of his services while among us. Mr. Jack Stephens pres- ented ,him with a desk chair, to which Mr. Carmichael replied very suitably. One verse of "Blest Be the Tie" was sung. Mr. Robert Sharpe had charge of the games that followed, after whish lunch was served. Barbara Kirkman Auxiliary. -Mrs. John J. Sclater and Mrs. J. A. Munn presided over a large and enthusiastic meeting of the Barbara Kirkman Aux- iliary on Tuesday evening, June 28, when Mrs. E. A. McMa ter gave a splendid paper on "Pryer," which was prepared by Mrs'. John Sclater. "Prayer is the soul's sincere desire,- she said; "the world asked for know - 'ledge 150 years ago and a great flood of light was loosed and there has been a wealth of knowledge in every direction ever since, Prayer is the most powerful force on earth." The next meeting will be held on August 23rd. Tche following devotional per- iod was given: Scripture lesson by Mrs. John MacTavish; -Glad Tidings. Prayer by Mrs. Malcolm McLeod; trio sung by Miss Irene Wankel, Mrs. J, A. Kerr and Miss M. P. Patterson. The meeting closed with a hymn and the Lord's Prayer. OTORS : Londe bora; -George + Jaiir'e Oonr lSroadR 2oot, . •su. >er , 0 .,> .'. 4 - GAS && O 1 L - Whether you drive in for a quart of oil, or have your car complete- ly serviced, you receive -the same courteous treatment. And you know that Sealed Shell Gas and Oil is the best, WESTON'S SHELL SERVICE PHONE 103 - GODERICH ST. WEST Wilson - Brown. -A quiet but very pretty wedding was solemnized at 10.30 o',clock Saturday morning, June 25th, at the home of Rev. W. A. Bremner, of Seaforth, when Mary Isa- bella, only daughter of the late James Walker, of Clinton, became the bride of Thomas Frank Wilson, of Gode- rich. Tthe bride looked charming in powder biue chiffon with white acces- sories and carrying a bouquet of pink roses. The bridesmaid, Miss Jessie Waiker, of Mitchell, wore blue chif- fon, and carried a bouquet of pink carnations. Mr. James Walker, bro- ther of the bride, was best man. Fol- lowing the ceremony the company re- paired to the (home of the bride's mother, where a delightful wedding dinner was served. The groom's gift to the bride was a beautiful set of silverware; to the bridesmaid, a pret- ty cameo pin, and to the best man, a gold( watch chain. The happy cou- ple left on a motor trip to North Bay and Noranda. The bride was the re- cipient of many beautiful gifts from ter 'friends and relatives. Chesney in the hardware store and also went to -Calgary with him when he started in business there. At the present time they were Iiving in Kirk- land Lake. The funeral, which took place from the residence of his par- ents on Saturday afternoon, was un- der the auspices of the Masonic Lodge, with Rev. Hugh Jack, of First Presbyterian Churoh, officiating. The Masonic service was in charge of Mr. J. H. Reid and Mr. M. A. Reid. The ,pallbearers were Messrs- Wm. Brine, J. E. Keating, M. A. Reid, Robert Scarlett, Russel Holmes and Ross Scott. Interment was made in Malt - landbank cemetery. LOCAL BRIEFS medicine. 'Mflis Bessie Oarnochan. or L ueknow, ha peen appointed to suc- ceed him. i • Miss Ed?Ya--Plant, of Tor nto, is spending a Week's holidays at the home of herr parents,: Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Plant.' • Miss Shirley •Bennett, of Walton, is s.pen+ding a few holidays at the hodoe of cher grandmother, Mrs. J. Patterson. • Mr.,Ricbard Dawson, Superintend- ent of the Detroit Street Railway sys- tem, and, Mrs. Dawson, were guests on Thursday at the home of Mrs., Dawsonts sister, Mrs. J. F. Reid. • Rev. H. 'V. Workman, the new pastor of Northside United Church, arrived from Petrolia on Wednesday and has taken tip his residence in the parsonage- • .• Two rinks of local bowlers, com- posed of P. J. Dorsey, H. E. Smith, M. McKellar and J. Beattie, skip, and A. Charters, Fred Johnston, J. Hoth- am and R. E. Bright, skip, played in the Mitchell tournament on Wednes- day, R. E. Bright's rink wirming the third prize • Mr. A. E. Stewart and daughter, Mrs.' L. W. Inwood, of Montreal, were -here this week visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. McLaren. • Dr. and Mrs, F. J. Bechely were in Detroit for the week -end. •• Prof. W. B. Kerr, of Buffalo, is spending his holidays at the home of his mother, Mrs„ James Kerr. • Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Jackson and, Mr. Thomas Jackson are in Battle Creek, Michigan. • Mrs. R. C. Anderson has, return- ed to her home in Hamilton. • Miss Appleyard, of Hamilton, is the guest of Mrs. J. H. Best.. • Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Broadfoot, who ,havebeen the guests of Miss, David- son', have returned to tbeir home in Moose Jaw. • Miss Doris Ferguson is at Oren, dago Camp, near Bayfield. • Mr. and Mrs. Karl Bandy and Max have returned from a holiday spent at Wheatley. • Mrs. L. T. DeLacey has returned from Toronto tip •spend the summer at her home on John Street. • Mr. and Mrs. William Somerville, of Woodstock, were the guests of Mrs. Whittaker this week. • Miss Mabel Turnbull left on Thursday for Montreal, where she will sail. on the S. S. Duchess of York to spend the summer in England. • Mr. McEwen, of Toronto, is act- ing manager at the Provincial -Bank during the absence, on holidays, of Mr. J. M. McMillan. • Mr. Howard Kerr, Esme and Ian, of Oshawa, were week -end guests at the home of his mother, Mrs. James Kerr. • Mr. J. R. Hillis, of Toronto, is a guest at the home of Mrs. G. T. Turn- bull. urabull. • Mrs. Mort. Clark, of Toronto, is a guest at the home of 'her father, Mr. George Seip. • Mr. and Mrs. J. K. B. Brown, of Toronto; Mr. Nelson Govenlock, Joan and Lois, and Mrs. R. H. Sproat, of Waterford, were the week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Govenlock. • Mrs. Orval Weston, of Detroit, is tee guest of her sisters, Mrs. Robert Carnochan and Miss Verna Graves. • Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Wilson., and Gordon are spending the week -end in Detroit. • Miss Eielyn Golding, R -N., of To- ronto, has taken a cottage at Grand Bend for July. She will be accom- panied by ber sisters, Miss Dorothy and Miss Marjory Golding. • Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Crich, Mary and Miss Joan Smith, of Toronto, were week -end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs, W". A. Crich. • Mr. and Mrs. C. Eckert and Mrs. C. P. Sills were visitors in Dublin this week at the home of Mrs. G. K. Hol- land, who has been in poor health for some time-- • Edelweiss Rebekah Lodge, Sea - forth, will Scold its, annual picnic at Goderich on Wednesday, July 27th. • Mr. and Mrs. James. Wallace, of Rochester, N.Y., spent the week -end at the home of Mr. S. J. Wallace and Miss A. Wallace, Goderich Street, East- • Mrs, H. R. Scott and son, Mr. James Scott, Miss Rena Fennell, Miss Sally Wood and Miss Ruth Thompson attended the Helmer -Bell wedding in Toronto on Saturday last. • Mrs. T. - M. Grieve and daughter, Miss Margaret, are visiting in Wind- sor. • Mr. Archie Hoggarth has resign- ed bus ppsition as teacher at S. S. No. 2, McKillop, and intends studying Former Seaforth Boy Killed. -The sad news of the death of their son, Mr. Roy Nelson, was received. by Mr. and Mrs. James Nelson on Wedp,ea• day afternoon last week, when he was killed at Heaslip In Northern On- tario. He iyas foreman ;in the Me - Namara Construction Co. and was ' ,(caught its tlee'contveytor mechanism, of a. large rock crusher • He was the only aon, of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson and Ie0v9`•es RAS wife who than Mists Kath- •eltine Mcifay, of Kincardine, to Whorl be ee ladled in 1917, and - one daughter, Margaret Elizabeth Nelson. 1 to was in hi& 43rd year and wall & born 'iib fv i1 a hrownellap. After liming ase r i worked for fieerge - -ANNUAL , Garden' Party I.-- at - St. James' Church SEAFORTH THURSDAY, JULY 14 WOOL WANTED Highest Paid Prices H. M. JACKSON Phone .3-W - - Seaforth • 8678-t[, MANLEY- �, We are sorry to learn that Mr. PeterEckert is not as well as his many friends wish him to he. Mr. Fred Eckart, of Egmondville, spent last week engineering a con- crete floor, in his barnyard, and he has now a clean yard second to none in this vicinity, on his homestead, which his son-in-law, Mr. Fergus Hor- an, operates. The, fine weather has made it pos- sible o save the early hay crop, al- falfa and 'sweet carer; which makes excellent fodder for milk cows. WALTON JULY 1, 1938. with cream and oaks, tea or coffee, was served, in fact you might say a, real strawberry festival. Several guests attended from Auburn. The Board is to be complimented•. Rural Dean Bugler will address the members ,of the Orange Order in St. John's Church on Sunday evening' at 7 p.m. On Sunday, June 26t1), anniversary services were field in St. George's Anglican Church with Rev. Mr. Bew- ley, of Atwood, preaching both at 11 a.m. and 7 o'clock in the evening. There was a good attendance both morning and evening. Miss Mildred Sellers sang a solo at the morning service and M•rs. J. Graham, of Brus- sels, runsels, and Miss Beth Shannon, of Wal- ton, sang a duets at the evening ser- vice. There was also special ohoir music. At the service in Duff's United Church Sunday morning Rev. C. Cum- ming took for his text est Corinthians 11:24: "This is My body which is broken for you; this do in remem- brance of me-" The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was administered. Mrs. 0. Walker, of Brussels, sang two beautiful solos which were much ap- preciated by the congregation. Mies. Thomas Clark, of Hamilton, and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Peaoock, of Clinton, called on friends in the vil- lage on Saturday. The Walton group of the W.M.S. of Duff's United Churoh will meet at the home of Mrs. William Woods Thurs- day, June 30th, at 2 p.m., when the ladies w,iI1 quilt. There will also be a sale of home-made baking. There passed away on Saturday, June 25th, Ann McLeod, wifee of the late Joseph Taylor, after a linger- ing illness. The funeral was held on Monday from, her' late residence, Hul- lett towne°hip. The football game played between Seaforth and Walton at Seaforth on Friday, June 24th, resulted in a score f 3-2 in favor of Seaforth. TUCKERSMITH Rev. A. Lane, of Wesley -Willis Church, Clinton, will have charge of services at Turner's Church on Sun- day, July 3rd., at 9.30 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. F. Coleman and fam- ily, of McKillop, visited with Mr. and Mrs. F. Townsend. on Sunday. Other Sunday visitors were; Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Matheson and Miss Marian with Mr:,, and Mrs. Austin Matheson; Mr- and Mrs: L. Tebbutt and Mr. and Mrs. E. Bali) with Exeter Wends; Mr. and _Mrs. (Roy Pepper with friends at Dunham. Mr. and Mrs. F. Townsend visited Goderich friends on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Doig and Mr. Andrew and Miss Nile Doig visited with Mrs. L. J. Doig and Miss Janet during the week. Master Kenneth McClelland, of Eg- mondville, is the guest of bis grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McGre- gor. Mr. Jobe C. Doig, L_L_B., of De- troit, was the week -end guest of his mother and sister, Miss Janet. Miss Isabel Moir is the guest of her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Stewart. VARNA ZURIICH Tthe regular monthly meeting of the council of the Township of Hay will be held next Monday evening. The council has decided to hold the*meet- lugs during the summer months in the evening instead of afternoone as in former years. A number , from town attended the funeral of the 'late Mrs'. John Preeter held at Kitchener on Thursday. De- ceased was a well known former resi- dent of this village, having lived here for many years when her husband conducted the general and hardware store. She passed away very sudden- ly on June 20th at her home in that city. Mr. W. L. Siebert,.. of this vil- lage, is a brother. Her husband, one son and two daughters survive. The local ball team defeated. the Clinton team here on Monday even- ing by the score of 12 to 6. Clinton scored five runs in the first inning, but the locals evened it up in the sec- ond and kept, the lead until the end of the game. Heideman, on the .mound for Zurich, was effective after the first inning and kept the hits well scattered. A Sunday school conference will be held in the Mennonite Church here over the week -end and many dele- gates from other points are expected to attend'. The pilgrims to Quebec, numbering twenty-three, who attended the Euch- araastic meetings, returned on Wed- nesday_ School closed on Wednes-day for the summer holidays and will not re -open until the first Tuesday in September, following Labor Day. •• • The members of the W.M.S. of the Lutheran Church held the annual pic- nic at Grand 'Bend on Wednesday af- ternoon. Mr, Paul Hess is receiving the con- gratulations of his friends on receiv- ing honor standing in his first year -exams in law at Toronto University. Mrs. 1VIenno Schwartzentruber and daughter, Beulah, of Kitchener, -form- er residents of the Bronson -.Line, vis- ited with relatives and friends here this week. Messrs, Charles and Ward Fritz and Howard Klopp were in Toronto a few days this week on business. Messrs. L. H. and F. Turnbull have completed the contract of crushing and trucking gravel on to the town - stip roads for this season, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Elgie and daughter, Dorothy, motored, from To- ronto to spend) the week -end. with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Foote. They were accompanied by Mrs. A. L. Elgie, of Vancouver, B.C., who will .spend a few days visiting relatives in this. dis- trict. Several from this district attended anniversary serviegw in Blake United Church on Sunday. Rev. Paull, of Windsor, took charge of the service in St. Johns Church Sunday night. He was accompanied by Mrs. Paull, wino, in her very able manner, assisted) the choir. ' Mr. Dilworth, of Hamilton, called on his .motilrer-iniaw, Mre- Smith, on Tuesday. Mrs. Madtderford, of London, is the guest of Mrs. Smith. Mr, and Mrs. Albert Austin and children, accompanied by Mies Jenp{rie Austin, all of Londesboro, spent Siun- day with the former's mother, Mrs. Austin. Mr. C. Pilgrim, Sr., has returned horse after spending a couple of weeks with his son in Forest. A very pleasant night was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. 11. Beat- ty Tuesday evening, when about 60 guests were entertained, sponsored) by, the Library( Board, The evening 'was spent in music and singing. Short ad- dresses Wert- iven by the president of the board, Mr. ,13. Rathwell, and Rev., Petef'e ands ,Dr. Weir, of Auburn, while Mr. H,ai'vey McGee, of Auburn, was the ,chief singer. After the Program, very generous helpialg of strawberries DUBLIN Dr. Flynn, St. • Peter's Seminary, London, is substituting far Rev. Dr. Ffoulkes, who is visiting with his par- ents in England. Mrs. Dan Costello, Mrs. John Meag- her and Miss Anna Meagher spent the week -end in Detroit. Miss Vera Feeney has returned to ber position in Toronto after spend- ing het- vacation in Detroit and at the home of her mother, Mrs. Kath- leen Feeney: The citizens of Dublin and sur- nounding district are planning a mam- moth celebration of the 60th annivers- ary of the inauguration of Dublin, on July 6th. A garden party on the spacious grounds of St. Patrick's Church will have numerous interest- ing features. Gerald Holland is the general chairman and is being assist- ed by a zealous and competent execu- tive committee. Visitors over the week -end includ- ed: Miss Tefusa Carpenter, Brant-. ford; Dr- Frank Stapleton, Brantford, The Best Time to Select arm Weatiler._Attir.e TsRightNow AND WE ARE ANXIOUS TO HAVE YOU -SEE THE UNCOMMON STYLES AND VALUES OBTAINABLE , HERE! COTTON BOUCLE DRESSES -Separate Blouse and Skirts; very smart for right now....$3,95 BOUCLE PULLOVERS -In very smart weaves and shades , $1.59 SEPARATE SKIRTS=In both tailored and um- brella styles; made from lovely silk and wool, material $1.95 WOOL BLAZERS ---Smart, snappy, well tailored styles, in Scarlet, Green, Rust, Etc. $2.93 A New Hat, of Course In Our Showroom are New Creations in Summer Hats. White Hats and Light Fancy Modes are in evidence; Felts are also Popular. PRICES: $1.95 to $3.5'0 - GIRLS' HATS 75c Up MacTAVISH'S and Joseph Carpenter, Chatham, at their respectibe homes; Alvin Mc- Neil in Palmerston; Jack Molyneux in London; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph' Car- penter, Miss Monica Byrne and Mrs. C. Byrne in London; Miss Peggy Byrne in Brantford; Charles Bean in Toronto•• Miss Agnes.....,0'Connor, St. Joseph's Hospital, London, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan O'Connor; Mrs. Tony 4iugerurwuf and Mrs. Schumer, Detroit, at the home of Mr: Joseph McGrath, Father Joseph L. O'Rourke left for Tillsonburg this week where he has been appointed as assistant to Father O'Neil. Miss Helen Dantzer is recovering from a recent operation at Scott Mem- orial Hospital, Seaforth. CROMARTY The anniversary' services en Sun- day were conducted by Rev. Mr. Kelly, of Knox Church,, Listowel, and were very impressive and deeply ap- preciated by the large congregations at both services, morning and even- ing. The choir rendered special mus- ic with the extra quartette. The so ist, Mr, Alex. McKay, of Prince Al- bert, whose selections were of high merit and well rendered, were fully appreciated by all. A very successful ice cream and strawberry festival was ,held in the church basement on Tuesday evening with a large attendance, and an abundant supper was served 'f%om beautifully arranged' tables. The pro- gram was given by the Brussels Brass Band, which was greatly enjoy-• ed by all, despite the very cool night. Rev. James Reidlie and Mrs. Reidie have returned from Bruce Beach where they spent some holidays. air. Reidie is much improved' in health and is ready to resume his pastoral work. Mr,•and Mrs. Pearce and family, or Brussels, visited with Mr. and Mrs.. B. 0. Macdonald. Mrs. McDonald, Miss Tushingharrs and Mr. Gersh.am Speare, of Toronto, spent the week -end with Miss Olive Speare. Mr. and Mrs. E. Lloyd Miller and friends, from Stratford, spent the day with Mrs. S. Miller. ' Mr. and Mrs. John Scott and sons„ Frank and Wilfred, Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McKellar and Mr. and Mrs_ Archie Luxton motored to Windsor for the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis, of Mitd'hell.. and Mr- and Mrs. Kemp and family,. of Munro, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Houghton. Miss •Eileen Young, of Mitchell, spent a few days with her aunt, Miss Currie. Mrs. David Bruce has returned to - her home after spending several weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Jack- son and family in Windsor. Friday evening a large crowd gath- ered at the hall in Skaffa and present- ed an studio couch to Mr. and Mrs. James Scott, Jr. The evening was• spent in tripping the light fantastic - toe til (the wee szna' hours, Music• was supplied by Mr. Nelson Howe' and Mr. Frank Hamilton. At Great Saving Too! KRAFT' SALAD DRESSING MIRACLE 19 WHIP 8Jar -02. • e Miracle Whip: That heavenly touch to your salad. CLOVER LEAF SALMON FANCY COHOE AYLMER GRAPE JUICE CLARK'S BEANS WITH PORK FANCY PACK LOBSTER ¥t .1 AYLMER SWEET GHERKINS • No, 1 5 Tett Tin ■ 191,2_ez 10 Tint •22 -oz. Tins .2 ■29 Jar -co. 4011 Jar •Ale Tin These prices aro effective until Sat urday, July 2nd. GLACIER MOTHER PARKER'S • BLACK TEA g. ■ CANADIAN MAID EVAPORATED MILK 1 -oz. 3 Ti6ns , , ■2 COWAN'S, PERFECTION Cocoa Tinlb,.15 SARDINES' BREAKFAST CEREAL' GOOD HUMOR cLEANING S.O.SAD 4 -Pad. .14 Pkg LIQUID. 2 IN 1 WHITE NEED SOAP: SUNLIGHT SOAP LUX SOAP .� LUX Flakes 2 Pir .19 RINISOPk�ll .09 LIFE$UOY SOAP SHOE ' DRESSING ray's Tin 2 -16. 8 -Pad Pkg. BtI. Bars Cake Lge. Pkg. Pkg. Cake, . 08 .23 . 23 .14 .06 .06 .23 .23 0"J.