The Huron Expositor, 1938-06-17, Page 4ttl 't a Ads will be inseited at new low cash rates: Wanted, Lost and round. Coming Events, Eta—ler word: ' 1 1st weelt 1 Cer& and week % Cleat 3rd week tt Cent Minhaumchrupa first inaerden. • 25 Canto Each figure. inithd and abbroviatiOn ouitnas one Word - Cara Thanica, In Melmorbon Not8cos-1 cent per word. Minimum, 50 canto per week. Enquiries may be directed to a Box Number, care of The Huron Expositor, for 10 cents extra. Tem cents ,additional per week will be ebarged if anis in above class are not paid by the •• Saittudaly night in the week in whilth the ad was run.. /M-tho,'Marriag-qe and Deaths inserted free of charge. •. Auction Saler% Notice to Creditors, Etio—Rates 'applicatkm. For 'Sale 110. MOMILLAN WILL SELL BY PRIV- 'eke sale, furniture. Tiousehold effects"-, home Wednesday afternoon and Saturday af- twain= and evening. Can make *ire.; over Phone., 123, any morning, 9 o'clock. 5.679x1 Property For Sale MODERN BRICK RESIDENCE, 2% ACRES and barn; in town et Seaforth. Will sacrifice. H. J. COTTY & CO„, Farrn and Town Prjoyerty Sales Service, Stratford. 36419-1 Teacher Wanted WANTED—PROTESTANT TEACH6111 FOR " S. S. No. 7, Tuckersmith rural Bebop!. Personal applications received no to Jone 22roL State ealary expected. Duties to com- mence September. Apply to ARTHUR A. NICHOLSON, Seaforth, Ont., R. B.. No. 3- 67S-2 Agents Wanted A GENTS 1 --IF YOU ARE AMBITIOUS, active and interested in estahlishing your ,an profitable busiroms with sale of over 200 guaranteed household products, ACT NOW! Safe ond solid plan for alert person. Qui& Sal -o, steady cash. No obligation in send- ing for .full details of offer. FAMILEX CO., ON) St. Clement, Montreal, 3679-1 Atiction Sales nese:at SALE—MR. GEO. II_ ELLIOTT has been instructed to sell by public auc- tion at the home of Dr. F. J. Burroits, Gode- rich Street, Seaforth, on Tuesday, June 2Sth, at 1.30 p.m., a clearing sale of househ.old furniture, garden and atable tools, including: Walnut 'couch ; 2 waLnut chairs to match; drop-leaf walnut table; walnut den table: combination bookcase and secretary:, oak writing desk: narrow oak table; 6 rocking chairs; 8 straight bock chai*O; 1 oak chest of drawer I folding bed ; 3 -piece oak bed- room suite: 2 iron beds. all with springs and mastitresse,t; 1 iron extension conch with mattress: several small tables: pictures; elec- tric Botpeir,t stove: laundry mangle; .Singer sewing machine: lawn mower; royheelhartow; 4 five -gallon demijohns ; gasoline amd oil con- tainers ; garden hose; garden tools; pin houv doors ; some 2 -inch lumber. and lathe articles too numerous to mention. if the afternoon is wet, the sale will be hekl a 1.30 p.m., Thursday, June 39th, Te Cash.. DR. F. J. BURROWS, Proprietor E. C. .0hamberlain, Clerk; George, H. El- liott, Auctioneer. 3679 - Notices VOTICE--ANYONE NOTICING A SWARI 4.1 of bees, Wallace Ross APairli. Sdaforth will pay 50 cents for'azone during the neon th of June and July. 36.7 NOTICE—FA.RMERS, BUY Y.011301 TWIN from Your own Company, The Hero Farmers' Co-operative Coo, Ltd. vreree AI PEPPER, Remota. 367 NOTICE ALL MEMBERS AND EX-MOMMERS 0 Huron County Council and their feanilia are invited to attend the annual pionie o the Huron County Council art the Haxbci Park. Goderich, cm Saturday. June 181h, 1938 at 2 p.m. Bring your lunch baskets. Tea, coffee, en lery and dishes provided. ROBERTE. TURNER, Cbairma.n of Picnic Commaittee. J. NI. ROBERTS, County Clerk. • 3679- Meeti gs NOMINATION MEETIN Township of Tuckersmith MODE AND BY VIRTUE OF AMU& ity af e. warrant given under the ban maid seal of Charles MacKay. Reeve of Tcrwn slip Tuickersmith. a meeting of the el tors of the said Townshin of Tackeesmith wil be -held in Virtalker's Brocefrekl, on Mona day, June 27th, between the hours of. 1 an 2 o'clibick in the afternoon for the mime of nominating a candidate for the conneil foi the balance of 1938 to fill the office render ed vacant by the death a Mr. David Gem and if a poll be necessaory the stun shall be held on, Monday. July 4th, betwee the hours of 9 san. and 6 non, at the fol lowing places and by the lloRowing officers Poll No, 1—Finnigan's vacant store; H. Stew me new., Joseph McLellan, Clerk. PoI No, 2 -,School House No. 8, Edward Brown Rey McGeoch, Clerk Poll No, Belicht House No 4, Jos. G. Crich, D.R.O. Roy Eircrwat, Clerk. Poll No. 4—School Haus No. 8, Thomas Chapman. DLO., J. W. M RAO% Clerk.. Poll No. 5—School II No, 1, R D D.R.O., M. Traimair. Clenk eon NO, 6—School House No. 9, Hugh M D.R,O., W. J. 11)Itarkbe, Clerk- )). F, MeGREGOR, Returning Meas. Popular Stallions The Clydesdale Stallion FAVORITE AGAIN 24337 Enrolment No. 1961 , Will stand at hipetwo stable et Bracefiel for the season. Fifteen dollars to %au payable FebolarY I, 1939 - ROBERT D. MURDOCH, Proprietor. PETER KILPATRICK, lentinteler.. • 8676-1 Imloorted Clydesdale Million SCLWAY RESOURCE • -nr120:931 (23029) Enrolment No. 8744 • Form Monday Afterneon — WM leave his nal table at Briteenem and go south on High way to George Glenn's, atiuth Rippen, fo Might. Tursowsr—Enat and south to VORI Martinee, loth 0,On:cession of Tufficersinith, to noon; then north to the ilth concession o Hilbert to Vifillient Patrick's for nigtit Wedliesdar—North to Corte Einar 7th eon cession of .Ribiterta for neon; them! wee Iterate /We Tottnnernithe f''r night' nu da,*--Weitit ‘Opaniietra votaer, then eortl • to' A, Snit Breiettoore, for noon; th tO affa oitIont#610 Oar ithrfit, Friday * to 2rat toctioloThaoRithilleli th *hit% Odell; th Ifcl,14'191lit set:WU u '''414**00415. oityikele ft & Manager SAM • were held, for them every weekteted 41 winter. They are very critical of the pew religion whiett they are taught by their tweets to avoid and don't believe that there ia such a wonderful Being as God or that He could be a father to any person: or take a personal interest in them, bit many have .been influenced. In Japan •they, have tv,onien for wardens and "some a them are on nlatirch cenamittees. The speaker does not think that the average Japanese is told abOut the atrocities in Chtea. Both, Britain and the native Chris- tians are most unpopular in Japan and the latter, need our prayers. Rev. F. 0. Gallagher gave an inspiring ad- dress on Consecration and Rev. Dr. Hurford brought a soul stirring ad- dress on "Fellowship" with God and Jesus Christin the individual soul. He aleo pleaded with his listeners to keep the fire of love and fellowahip and sympathy warm in the cold rooms of the heart, the home, the church, community and the world. The con- cluding address was given by Mrs. Slater, of Kitchener, on the Boys' Work. Luncheon was served by the ladies of the parish. Personal 0ASPAR ROTSTUFF AND MANDY `-'' Strut, the local dancing team, use Cress Corm and Bunion Salves. Remove Warts, Calluses too. Sold by KEA.T1NG'S A.ND ALL DRUG et:MINTERS. 3679-1 - Help Wanted WANTED—LIFE GUARD AT SEAFORTI1 " Lions Park, to commence about June 27. Must swim well. Must be able to maintain' order. Young man 21 or over preferred. Ap- ply in writing only, to Box 159, EXPOS'. ToR, before June 22. 3619-1 • In. Memoriam. IN LOVING IVIEMORY OF JAMES ROB- 4rtson, who passed away June 17, 1936: Only a memory of bygone days, And a sigh for a face unseen:' But a constant feeling that God alone' Knows just what should have been. ' —Ever remembered by his sisters. astaa Card of Appreciation • -ivE,R. AND MILS. W. NICHOLLS. MR. AND . Mirs. Norman NichccIls and Mr. •Roy Pinkney dire to heartily thank all their kind frienda and neighbours for all the gen- erous assistance given them during their re- cent illness and sad bereavement, also those who kindly loaned their 03.19. 3679x1 rrugg, .FAMILY. OF THE LATE , MR. DAVID -Lt Ganimell wish to ,thank their many friends and neachbours for acts of sympathy and kindness in their recent wad bere,ave- ment;' alsio for the fkinal tributes and those who loaned cars. • 3679x1 _ Births BARBER—In Scott 'Memorial Hos:Oita], Sea - forth, on June 14tfli, to Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Barber, a daughter (still born), COWARD—In Scott Memorial Hospital. Sea - forth. on June 9th. to Mr. and Mrs. Chts. Coward, of Kirkton, a da.ughter. SMITH—In Mensal', on Saturday, June lltii, to Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Smith (nee Miss Margaret Kennings), a. daughter. , • Huron County Live (Continued from Page 1) es, Clinton; cash prize $5, Al!. Pat ' W. Shortreed terson, Lueknow; $4, Walton; $3, Donald Thompson, Au burn.; 12, Albert' Taylor, Lucknow; . $1, S. D. McEwen, Clinton. , Juniors—Silver Trophy, Jack Far e-usen., Clifford; case . prize $5, Joe Delaney, Dublin;. $4, Clifford Sturdy 1 Goderich; $3, R. E. McMillan, Sea • ' forth; $2, Gordan Strortreed, Walton; ; $1, John, Walsh, Dublin. Book 'prizes were awarded to tie higla Junior and high Senior in eact of tee five`classes of live stock judg ed. In the judging of beef cattle Russetld Webb, Lucknow, in the Junioi section, and Alfred Patterson, Luck now, in the Senior section, each •re ceived a copy of the book "Short horns in Canada," by the Hon. Dun can Marshali. Copies of the book "Feeding Farm Animals" by the Hon Duncan Marshall were awarded' to blie thigh contestants in the other foul t classes of Eve stock and were 'wor , as follows: • Seniors—Horses, Wilfred Shortreed , Walton; dairy cattle, S. D. McEwen Clinton; steep, John Deeves, Clinton; • swine, Edison Forest, Kippen. Juniors—Horses, Jack Fergileon Clifford; dairy cattle, Walter Mo Manus, Goderich; sheep, R. E. Mc Malian, Seaforth; saine, Clifford • Sturdy, Goat:trick Deanery Huron of (Continued ,from Page 1) ing the war to aid their people has • proclaimed the Gospel of love to them ! nitre than anything else' and many • of them are being brought to the • i knowledge of God. Fifty dollars was i donated by .the Deanery to the Burst , ary Fund, $15 to the Rectory on the ' insw•ego Reservedand $15 to the Coast • . Missien. The lack of food and cloth , ing is so great on same of the ret I serves that the auxiliaries are, ad- : vised to set aside a certain amount . of clothing for them. Special mien. , tion was made Of two recently organ. : ized aocieties, Seaforth Jr. W. A. and , the new organization in Brussels. i Greetings were conveyed to Mrs. - Eliza Johnstone, of Clinton, a char t ter member for the past 50 years who • celebrated her 90th birthday on June 14th . Mrs. Gallagber was, called to the chair during the election of officers which resulted as follows: President, Mrs. A. C. Calder, Goderich; vice- president, Mrs. Gallagher; secretary - treasurer, Mrs. J. Graham, Brussels; Dorcas secretary, Mrs. C. McKinnon, Clinton; girls' secretary, Mrs. H. 1 O'Neil, Clinton; Jr. Boys' secretary, , Mrs. H. M. Monteith, Clinton; Little Helpers, Miss Hall, Clinton. The Do minion Board meeting will be held in t London the first week in , October. Noonelay prayers were offered by Rev. R. and Rev. E. 0„ Gallagher. Miss F. S. Hawkins, of Hamilton, a t mink/flare of the Anglican Church in i Japan, and sister of Mr. Thomas Haw- • kins, a p, oraitient layman, who she , is visiting in Clinton, gave a couple • of earnest and pleesing addressee on • some flee types of Japanese, who are , . witnessing for Christ tri Japan under , very diffieult conditions and • also en ' the -Ohrietian Church in Japan' which , is feting a crisia She spoke first be- • fore the 'Women's Auxiliary and later . fit a oita. Meeting attended by the , Laymen's Asteiniation. Mien Hawkins . :vithIntagaedpperathretahfityinInna*,tiovrek Coatto9U171Ingfothies faCt011 gild; of Whet% there are a ..eteest number in, Impart. Meetings' 1 Itt '1r Holds Induction (Contineed irons Page 1) the service and narrated the steps taken by the presbytery to fill the vacancy. The presbytery then pro- ceeded to.' elect Rev. Hugh Jack pes- ter of the congregation. Rev. W. A. Young, of Hensall, ad- dressed the minister. In his remarks he spoke of the ministry as a, won- derful calling that becomes harder and harder as the nears go by, re, quiring the gift of patience. It is not by might,' power or wonderful ser- mons that nnen and women are won into the Kingdom of God. Ministers are called not to be entertainers •or purveyors ef economic theories, not even to advance them in the culture ot life and economic problems. Their mission, he said, is to win them for ,Jesus Christ. Rev. D. 1.111110! Exeter, in a eltort address, spoke Of the duties and re- sponsibilities devolving upon the con- gregation. The audience then, with- drew to the basement, where a recep- tion. was held and lunch served by nhe ladies, after wrhieb short speech- es were made by Rev. G. Peddie, Rev. D. Lane of Goderich and Mr. Thama,s Pryde, Exeter. Rev. Dr. Hurford con- veyed greetings frora St. Thomas' Anglican Church. A pleasing feature of the ,occasion was the presentation to Rev. G. Peddie of a well filled purse in appreciation of his services as intezim moderator of the. session during the vacancy. After a few xvords from the pastor, Rev, Hugh Jack, the meeting closed with the benediction. Seaforth Adds Win fOrene0,13• With Oleg° T. M. cleatelle, ref Gederleh, preStding. A number of Oaden wenetndielSOsed of. Geed peggreee has been made in laying the 'Water 'pipes in the village and it SA texpeeted that the new cus- tomers vnill be .eupplied at tine end of this week. The trustees also have men working in repairing the side- walks. Farmers in this section expect to commence cutting hay next week. The crop this year is excellerut owing to The abundant supply of moisture. A larg,e acreage of beans is being put out again this season. Spring crops are well advanced and are looking better than for some years past. Mr. Howard Klapp has taken pos- session of the new service station leased from Mr. Ward Fritz and op- ened it for business. (Continued from Page 1) vin Farquharson; subs., Marshall, Smalldon. Atwood Wins Atwood gave Ethel a 2-0 beating In a Huron Football League game play- ed Monday nient. The visitors were full value for their win, having most of the play. Ethel's squad was not at full strength for the game. Cliff Dunita,r was absent in Detroit, and Roy Pear- son was unable to start the game, be- cause Of an injured back. To add to the home team's troubles, Ralph Penrson suffered an injury to his knee five minutes after the game got under way, and was forced to retire. The Ethel team lined up as follows: Goal, Snell; necks, Hill, Malloy; halves, Mathes, Dobson, Rowland; centre, Ames; wings, Snyder, Bowes, J. Dunbar, Cole; subs., Ft- Pearson, Raynard. Dave Miller, of Bru•ssels, refereed' the game. No Increase inTa,xes (Continued from Page I) $2.08; Bell Telephone Co., acct., $2.24; Geo. Seip, acct., $1E55; John Stewart, acct., $4.1.50; E, C. -Chamber- lain, Clerk Second Division Court, $32.00; Gore District 'Insurance, Co., Premium, $13.50; W. C. Sproat, M.D., acct., $7; Town af -Harriston, acct., relief, $12; P.U.C.,Xinct., $3.9.99; L Eberhart, acct., $i.00; D. H. Wilsen, cash relief, $33.26e John Ste*art, ac- count, $75; John Earle, acct., $32.00; Treasurer Collegiate Institute Board, $1,1000.00; Kerslaikefs, aoct4 417.75; P.U.C., Waterworks Dept, account, $/.95; Jos. March, wages, $2; D. Du, pee, wages, $12; John. Purcell, wages, $3.50; Wm. Reid, wages, $16.75; Win. Montgomery, wages, $14.40; John A. Wnson, peesion, $20.00. _ZURICH 0 Ducharme - Wessing tOn Tuesday, Junen4th, at the Drys- dale It. C. Church, Rev. L. Marchan.d united in marriage, Madeleine, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mr, William Duch- arme, of Si. Joseph, and Mr. William Wessdn,g, of London. MT. and Wessing will reside in Lend,on. Mr. James Allan, a well kno.wn resi- dent of near Zurich', suffered a stroke on, Sunday a_nd has been seriously ill since. Mr. Quimby Hess has left for Kapuskasing, One, where he will be engaged in work in the timber limits of the Spruce Falls Power & Paper Company for the suminer months. The council of Hay Township which manages the Hay Municipal Tele- phone System, is arranging for the extemsion, of the- cable west of Dash- wood to provide better service for the summer homes, in Grand Bend and along the lake store. It is expected work will commence at onee. The local ball team won two more games overttlie pest week. Last Fri- day the Hensall team played here and were defeated .hy, the score of 7 to 5, and on Monday evening the two teams met again on the Hensall diamond and Znitieb. came through with a 7 to 0 victory. Mrs. Leonard 'Wagner lunderwent a serhius operation at a tkittdon, hospi- tal oit Tuesd.ay and her many friends vvill be •pleased to hear that 'She Is. making satisfaotoryr progrees. A Session of the tenth diviAleti, KLPPEN Farmers' Attention.—As the haying season is drawing near, now is the time to bring in your repairs. A full line of -sections, heads, plates, pit- mans, . etc., for different mowers; fork handles, shovel and dere bandies; hoes, pulleys, etc. One good farm wagon in good shape; also 1 good harrow cart, all at reasonable prices. At the eld reliable stand.' W. L. 3678.2 lylre....11, Richerdectes 'Wien recently Insderent ti, Operation et $- tJoseph's Hosp tal, Loud/tea, returned to her hone i last Thursday and, la doing as Well as cast be expected' . We believe Mr. George Hawkins, who underwent an operation in the in- terests of his health at Si. Jeseph's Hospital, Landon, ie . improving. .Mrs. John Zuefte, 'Wtho has been in very poet health for the past winter 'month, enjoyed a two weeks' visit at the home, of Mrs. R. Bonthron and Allis. Simpson at then' kind in.vitation, returned ito her horde here on. Satur- day. Alva Richard Weise, who is in her 87th year, and who has been very •ill for the past few weeks, still continues very 111 with not much imtprovereent. Miss Mary McGregor has returned to her horae from St. Joseph's Hospi- tal where she has been in the inter- ests of her health, feeling better. Mrs, Ed. Deters and daughter, An- na, •spent Sunday the guests of Mrs. John Johnston and d,aughter, Margar- et. Mrs. G. V. Laughton and son, Paul, of Toronto, are spending this week with Mrs. Laughton's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. McDonell. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Davis and Miss Mavis Spencer, of Toronto, were week -end guests, with: Mr. and Mrs. Albert Spencer. Mrs. Jack Parke spent the week -end in Toronto, the guts of Mr. and Mrs. H. Vair and fan -din. -Mr. Joe Regan vistited on Sunday with his brother, Dan, at Parkhill, Mr. and .Mrs. Vold, of Detroit, are spending a two weeks, vacation at the home of Mrs. R. Bonthron and Mrs. L. Simpson. ., Mrs. Orme McKenzie and children, of Kincardine, are visiting with *Mr, and Mrs. Errold Drummond and fam- ily. . Ree W. A. Young conducted ser- vices in Knox Presbyterian Ohurca, Goderice, on Sunday last, Mr. and Mrs. Les Knight and fam- ily; of Kitchener, and Mr. and Mrs. Orville Beavers, of Thames Road, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. R. 'Higgins and family,. Some of the members- of Brucefield and Exeter Lodges attended the'Odd- fellows' decoration service here on Sunday afteruoon lane Zurich Blanks Hensel! Zurich defeated' Hensall by the score Of 7-0 in a Huron -Perth base- ball league game played there on Moir Memorial Park Monday evening. Heidereau on the - mound for Zurich allowed three hits. Kipfer and Tudor pitched for the locals and were touch- ed for 10 bits. The game was at- tended, by a large number of lane from Zurich and Hensall. The turn pires were Oesch and Weber. The locals being recently organized with very little practise so far, were net altogether surprised at being out cleaned by Zurich players, who have established a fine record for playing and winning games. A delightful evening ,,was, spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bell, a mile and a quaster east oil Hensall on Monday evening, the occasion be- ing the birthday of Mrs. Bell'sfether, Mr. W. L. McLaren, of Hensall. Mr. McLaren's family, together With their children, numbering cin all some twen- ty-five were present, and a sumptuous dinner was served on the spacious lawn. Mr. McLaren was the recipi- ent of sonse eery fine gifts from his family. Following are the members of the family present: •Mr. and Mrs Alfred Hunkin, Thames Road; Mr and Mrs. Lorne McNaughton, Hib: bert; Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Venner Chiselhared M'r. and Mrs. Glenn, Bell of Hensell and their families, and Mr and Mrs, 'Roy McLaren, of Hensall. The Wohelto Class of •the United Church are planning for their annua picnk to be held at Turnbull's Grove on Wednesday afternoon, June 22nd. The friends of Mr. Levi. Rands wil be pleased to learn ee is recovering sleety from a number of weeks Ser. bus illness, Honoring Miss Beryl Drummond bride -elect of Wednesday, 15th Mrs. Sam Rennie very pleasantly en tertained a number of her girl friends at her 'home here on Friday evening June 10th. 'Pbe evening was s•pen In amusing games and contests, after which Beryl was the recipient of a beautiful floor lamp, the gift from the girls,,twelve in number. The bostess was assisted in ste,,ing dainty refresh meets by the Mises Doreen Farqu bar and Sara Manson. On Sunday afternoon teat the Odd - fellows of Hensall Lodge, No. 223 accompanied by the Exeter Legion held theisr decoration services. The Exeter/Legion held a short. service at the cenotaph at which pat pn:tel dent Sydney McArtleir led the Legion mernabers, followed 'by' the Hensall Ocklfellows from the Main Street to the cenotaph. The last post , was sounded by Bugler Fred Beer; a few minutes' silence were observed, and a very beautiful wreath was placed by Oomrade W. 0. Goodwin on the monu- ment for the Legion. Reveille was sounded by Bugler Fred Beer and the benedietion pronounced by Rev. Ar- thur Sinclair, pastor of Hensall Unit- ed Church The brethren and Legion then motored first to Hensall Union cemetery and afterwards to MeTag- ga.rt's cemetery, where the graves in both 'oemeteries • were deoceated bY the brethren. At Hensall Union ceme- tery Past District Deputy Wilson Car- lisle opened the meeting, calling up- on Bro. Percy Campbell as N.G. and Past N.G. Norman Jones to act as 'chaplains. The Past D.D.G.M. then called upon Rev. M. A. Hunt, Recteir of $t. Paul's Anglican Church, lien - salt, to give an address, which he dicl in a very pleasant and, efficient manner. Rev. Arther Sinclair 'was then called upon to give an address to which he responded to in his us- ually pleasing and capable manner, both of the epeakere _paying a high tribute to the member's ()Pile Legion. and\ Oddfellows for the splendid ser- vice which they were cartying °nand wishing them all continued good suc- eess At this juncture 13ro. IIPercy Campbell,. a new member, gave the beautiful concluding ohs ge of the .:,. Oddfellows , in a manner that Could not vitt' be surpassed. the close of thec.Service" at Hensall Union oeme- tery the brethren motored to Monag- gart's cemetery where the eerviees and deck:eating �f the -ogees were con, timed Past N.G. rge C. Petty and Past President Sydney ,•MeActthur aeted non Marintalle at beth catheter- The people of this community were more than shocked when -they learn- ed of the sudden ,death of Alvin Workman, who died at hie home- on the town line, Stanley, some time early Monday morning from a heart' attack. M. ,Workman bad anparent- ly been Mr his 'astral health on Snis- day evening, and when he did not appear around the following morning a neighbor ievestigated, only to find that Mr. Workman had passed away some time during the n,ight or early morning. He was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Workmen, of Hills - greens and the deceased spent his early life in and around this eom- muniey, later going to the Moose Jaw district, where die remained fon some years. A number of years ago he re- turned to near Kippen where Ire has 1.ived ever since. Mr. 'Workman was well and favorably knewn, practical- ly by young,,and old throughout the community; 'and hie sudden passing win be greatly felt by a large num- ber of friends. His funeral was held from the home of' his brother, Wil- liam, on•Wednesday, and the Rev. E. F. Chaadler, of St. Andrew's United Church, conducted the service. The remains were laid to rest in Hensall Union Cemetery. The sympathy nSf the whale community goes out to tne bereaved fannily in this their hour of bereavement. The ladies of St, Andrew's United Church intend, holding a strawberry festival on the Manse grounds on Tuesday, June 28th. ' More partic- ulars will be given later. ' Mrs. Lou Horton and son, Jack, of Oshawa, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thane s Workman, of the Lon.don, Road, during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Kyle, of the village, spent a day in. London dur- ing the week. Mr. Jannes McCnymont, who has been spending a visit with his daugh- ter anti son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Rus- sell Geoghegan, of London, has re- turned home. Mr. Sterling McPhail and claugtter, Mrs. Warrener, a Porter's Hill, ',vis - !d at the home of Mr., Wm. Ivison, oi the. village during, the week. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Watson, of the village, are receiving congratula- tions these days. A fine baby daugh- ter has come to their tome. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Workman, of Flint, called on friends in the village during the week. Mr. Wiorkman came over to attend the funeral of 'his bro- ther, Al•vin. Mrs. James Dayman, of the village, has returned home after spending a pleasant visit with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. antd Mrs. Robt Green, of Dutton. s, -Mr. ,and Mrs.- Samuel Ropp and family visite-di in Milverton one day recently. They were attending the wedding of a relative. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Fee spent last week -end with relatives in and around Marlette, Michigan. STANLEY The Ste neon families held their annual reuillon picnic at dowett's Grove, Hayfield, on Saturday. Over 100 were present and a very enjoy- able day was epent. Among those who attended from a distance were: Mr. William`,H. Stephenson, Mr. and Mr s& Orval Stephenson and family. Miss Morgan end Mr. and Mrs.. Wat- son, all of Marlette, and Mr. and Mrs. McLaughlan, of Detroit. No service will be held in Varna and Goshen United Oharches on Sure day owin,g to the anniversary services at the Blake inburch. Mr. and Mrs. McLean -•and family, of Pilot Moand, Man., visited with friends in this vicinity. TUCKERSMITH The property committee of Turn- er's Church had a bee on] Tuesday to do some. repair work on the church property. Mr. F. Whitmore, of Lumley, spent the week -end under the parental roof. MT. and Mra. A. Townsend, Mr. and Mra Elmer Townsend and Mr. • and Mrs. F. Walters attended the Towns- end- Hoggartd wedding' last Wennes- dae. • Mr. an,d Mrs. F. Towneend attend- ed the Sallteild picnic in Stratford on Saturday. MIT. and Mrs. E. Crich attended, the funeral of. the lady's uncle, the late George Gould, in Goderich on Tlittrs- day last. HENSALL awadeseese. Mrs. Norman E. Cook and daugh- ter, Nernin, attended the gradeationt exercises at the Kitchener-Waterldo • Hespital on Sattieday of last week., The matey reletives and friends of 1Viiss Hannah Craig will regret to learn that elle IS in. Victoria Hordsital, London, heeing. undergoite an opera: Aletni. Which was pertornied by pr, BUelty of Linden. MISS Craig is re - Mutt Wail, held here Oft VitedneadiY POtted tlY lin &UV titttr•elti lea 'the former for the Oddfellode,and the latter for the Legiein Kading - Hudson A lovel quiet June wedding was aolemniz le the chtuelt parlor of Carmel P esbyterian. Church an Sat- urday, June llth, at 3 p.m., when Rev. W. A. Young • united in marriage, Myrna Catherine, youngest dauehter of Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hudson, of Hansa% to Eldon Riehard Kading, son of Mr.' and MTS. Charles Kading, of Exeter, in the presence ,of only a few close friends' of the bride and groom. The bride looked charming in a gown of orchid silk boucle with a corsage of roses and sweet peas with White accessories. Her brides- maid, Mrs. Visethey, of London, was lovely in a tgown of mist blue trim- med in dusky pink with matching ac- cessoritee. The groom was supported by Mr. T. Wethey, of London. Ina- medietely following the ceremony the bridal party left for London where a wedding luncheon. was served at tale home of the bride's sister and bro- ther-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ab - ray. After a henernoon spent in Port Huron and Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Kading will reside in London. The many friends of Mr. Charlie Bell, a former proprietor of the Com- mercial Hotel, Henstall, will regret to learn that he ...passed away at his home at Southampton recently from a heart attack. 51 51 Carmel Church Observes Anniversary AntriverSary services were held in Carmel Presbyterian Church -on Sun- day. The guest &peeler for the day and Rev. D. J. Lane, of Goderich, who gave two very excellent and 'impres- sive discourses, in the morning deal- ing with Christ and His disoiplee. An anthem, "Oh Give Thanks Unto God" a ladies' quartette, composed of Mrs. W. A. Young, Miss Irene Hoggarth, Miss Mabel Workman and Mrs. W. A. MacLaren, singing "Prayer Perfect," and an anthem, "Evening and Morn- ing," were enjoyed. At the evening service Mr. Lane spoke on "Medita- tion and the Ne.w Song,' • and the choir rendered 'Hark, Hark, My Soul," soloists being Mrs. W. A. Man Laren, Mrs. James A. Patens,on and Mrs. W. A. Young. A male quartette, R. Y. MacLaren, Fra.a.k Battersby, of Stratford, W. A. MacLaren .and Jas. Bengough rendered "Nearer My Gad To Thee," with a closing anthem by the choir, "Praise Ye the Lord." Large congregations were present at both services and the church was beautifully decorated with spring {towers. Mr. W. A. MacLaren, as di- rector of the Targe choir, is to bet con- gratulated for the splendid manner in which the musical part of the ser- vices were given. Mrs. J. Murdock, organist, presided very ably at the orgaRneV. Arthur Sinclaie conducted both services in the United Ohurch on Sunday last, delivering splehtlid, dis- • courses, while the choir rendered pleasing anthems'. At the evening aervice Mr. Harry Horton rendered "Oh Ereath of God." On Sunday next Flower Sunday will be observed in the United Church, and judging from past years there vrill no doubt be very beautiful display of flowers. It JU 4Pla. , C. R. WILKINSON, R.O. H THA LM IC OPTICIAN . Wingham will be at W. 0. Goodwin's store ev- ery lst and 3rd Tuesdays in the month, commencing June 7th, for the purpose a testing eyes and fit- ting glasses. Difficult emote and those that have not beeu preierly fitted are specially recommended to consult me. 'Hours, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Phone (Hensel' 16 for alsEtoint- meet. ' 3677 the woodwork on this fine brick dwel- ling ste King St. redecorated, • the work being done by Reeve E. Shad - d i ck . • - The Arnold MissIon Circle met at the home of Miss Helen Moir on Mon- day evening and held a very enjoy- able evening. Following ttthe business part of the meeting, a 10 -cent tea was held and a social hour apent. The Missions Circle of the Unit Church who were to 'hnett held picnic at Turnbull's Grove on F'ridaste last, were forced to postpone it for the present on account of the inclem- en,cy of the weather. Mrs. Sam Pollock, of Sasnatoote Sask., is visiting her sister, Miss Alice. Kyle. Mrs. Wilson Carlisle is and has been taking. care of her daughter, Mrs. Wesley Richardson, of tee Town - snip of Hay, and her infant child. Mrs. Jack Verbeem anA infant child havesreturned from Scott Mem- orial Hospital, Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Dinein, of Seaforth, spent Sunday last at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Bolton, of Usborne. Death of Arthur Alvin Workman We have this week a very sudden death to report in the person of the late Arthur Alvin Workman, one of the sone of the late Mr. and MTS. James Workman, who were for many years [Attester resident of the village. The deceased was in his 61st near, and apparently in his usual health wizen 'last seen in this village on Sat- unlay, and'his death came as a great shock on Monday forenoon. Some of the neighbors having occasion to call aOhis home on the town line on Mon- day morning, a fee/ miles ntortlavrest of this village, were shocked at dis- covering bim lying dead on his eouch• Living aloneein the house he had ap- parently risen that morning early. The deceased was a .ntreng vigotous malt and for many years he lived in tee West, where he carried, on farm- ing. He returned to this section some five years ago, living on his home on the town line. He was a great lover of thorses and was possessed of a very friendly and sociable disposition and , will be much missed by his rel- atives, neighbors and friends. Hte is survived by three sisters, Mrs. Grant Ryckman and Mrs. Milton Love, of Hensel], and Mrs,. Howard Bolger, of London, and five brothers, William, of Kippen; Normam, of Minn,edosa., Man.; Ralph, Flint, Mich.; Rev. 11. V. Work- man, Petrone, and Percy on the home- stead. The funeral, whioh was priv- ate, was held front the home of his brother, William, of Kippen, on, Wed- nesday afternoon with interment in Hensel& Union Cemetery, the service being conducted by Ree. Mr. Chand- ler, of St. Andrew's United Church, Kippen. Kippen, who made special mention of the high regard in which the deceas- ed's parents were held. The pall- bearers were Walter nairbairn, John Cochrane, Robert Forest, Charles Stephenson, Edward Butt an Her- bert Jones. Mr. Thos. Sherritt sang "Jesus Saviour, Pilot Me." Troyer Reunion ,Quite a lenge number attended the Troyer reunion at Bayfield on •Saztur- dads June llth. The day was ideal until evening when a little shower came up, but whilendatopening the ground, it did not dampen the spirits of those present, or yet the appetites who did ample justice to the good things eo bountifully provided. The oldest person prevent was Mrs. Smith and the yo.un,gest child, Dolores Cud - more. A new comtaittee as appoint- ed for the year 1939: President, El- mer Webster; seeretary-treasurer, Mrs. G. Johnston;' C,ommittee, Mr. and Mrs. Dolanage, George Coleninn, ,Viette and Pearl 'Coleman, Viola Clark, Roy Lawson, Mr. and .Mrs. J. Faber. The gainds were as follows: Bean contest, Alf. Tugs, Cecil Oke; race,,ehildren under 5, boy, Emerson Coleman, Grant Webster; girls, Mr an Snider, Dolores Cudmore; sohntol girls, Leona Webster, Hazel Cole- man; school boys, Myron Snider, Rus- sell Snider; 'young men, Gordon Trey- er, Gordon Horner; young ladies, Lor- etta Be1, Pearl Colebnan;• married women stepping 60 'feet, i4r. S. Don mage, Mr. Eph. Clark. Mr. A. W. 133. I1emphi.11 is having , Wilson - Drurnmond The home of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Harmon, St. Marys, was the scene of a lovely wedding on Wednesday an ternoon at 4 rtne, when Rev. Bev- erly •Farr, of Dorohester, united in marriage Hilda Beryl Brown, daugh- ter of Mr. and ire. Errol Drumraortd. of Hensel!, to Mr: Harry Marshall Wilson, Phea.B., of Toronto, son of Mr. and Mrs, F. Wilson, of Wood- stock. The living 'room was beauti- fully decorated in Pink and _white Peonies. The bride was given in mar- riage by her father and wore a beau- tiful navy sneer suit with blue hat and blue and white ahoes, and car- ried a corsage of mauve or•chlds and lily of the valley. The bridesmaid, Miss Dorothy Dramm,ond, wore a gay figured taffeta"with white sharkskin jacket and cakit, and carried a cor- sage of red roses. The groom was supported by his brother, Mr. Her- bert Wilson, of Woodstock. Mrs. Loft, of St. Marys, played Loheng-rin's wedding march, "Oh Promise Me" and "I Love Yoe Truly," during the ceremony. Following the Service a buffet lunch was served, the dining `room being in pink and white stream- ers and centred with a white bell, and the bride's table was decorated With spring flowers and the bride's cake. Only the immediate family and a few close friends were preserta Those assisting at the lunch were •Miss Irene Hoggarth, Doreen Farqu- har and Miss Marian Drummond. Tea was poured by Miss Mildred tikecDma nell. Toasts were given by Rev. Mr. Farr, of Dorchester, to which the groom responded. The groomta gift to the bridesmaid was a white purse, to the violinist a pretty vase. The bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Errol Drummond, cel'eb'rated their twenty, - eighth wedding anniversary and were the recipients. of some -lovely gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson left on a trip to Niagara Falls, N.Y., and other cit- ies, the bride travelling in a navy blue dresit with pink flannel coat. thosepresent from Woodstock were: Mr. and MTS. F. Wilson, Herbert NV -Et- a= and, Orpha Munroe; from Lis- towel, John and Jerry Drummond anti Francis Rocher; Kincardine, Mr. and Mrs. Orme McKenzie, Margaret and Bill; Druxabo, Miss McClary; Hensali, Mr. and Mrs. Errol Druanationd,' Doro- thy and Marian Drummond, Irene Hoggerth, Doreen Farquhar and dred M,eDonell. Chisedhurst Honor. Minutes The Young People's Society' of' the United Church at Chisedrurst held a rery. enjoyable evening in the base- ment a the church on: Tuesday with Miss Beatrice Drover, president of the society, presiding over the even- ing's entertainment, including devo- tional part; piano solo, Benson Stone- man; mouth organ and guitar selec- tion, Percy Wright; piano solo, Mar- garet Treffry; mouth organ and gui- tar duet, Keith and Kenneth Mc- Lean. One of the pleasing features of the evening was the presentation of•a lovely desk lamp to Rev, Arthur Sinclair, wiho is shortly leaving for his new charge at Blyth. The address was read by Miss Jean Venner and the presentation mad by Benson. Stoneman. Following is the address: "Dear Mr. Sinclair: The vincula& du- ty has been assigned me by the mem- bers of the Young People's Society a Presenting you this token as an evi- dence of our lasting esteem, friend- ship and love. We could net con- sent to part without leaving in your ha.nds some memorial, however trifl- ing, of deep and abiding gratitude for your unceasing effort it to benefit um: When in future day; you look .uport this moment°, let it be a pleasant token of the deepest love and rever- ence ef our young hearta—Sigthed beisalf of the Young People's Society ef Cleselburst." A social hour was .spent in games and contests, follow- ed with al dainty lunch. During the first rart of the wanting the follow- ing henns were sung: "Upward, Er- er Upward," "Onward Christian Sol- diers," and "God Be With You Till We Meet Again." Miss Mettle Ellie, accompaniedbr her sister, Mrs. tired Scmallaeombe, motored to Guelph' last Thursday and was accompanied by Mrs. illuallis- cornbe'g dauglhter (Jean), Mee, Nor- man Boyd, and three children, of Guelph, who will visit hene at -4h* 607 Corner ticestattrant. ddsti, 41 1.