HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1938-06-10, Page 8ill t1hiPt•,l,''�, �zc sN ''THE ..Qi,.D PRICE SEL....... , .._.. 5e > w L4B L w 30c p Delicioi s hot or cold, go,. olt' flavored' drink 1th one 8 -ounce ti* for le. 1. D WHEAT egte ¥. SPAGHETTI Tier tic PLUM JAM 32 -ounce jar CUNA FISH perms ARK TOMATO SOUP d tins t i .M1 :J1Y It. 'qH STEW 2 tins ..: 'RALF-TIME SHOE POLISH per tin MOODY HAND CLEANER 3 tins CASTILE SOAP 10 cakes 'PRINCESS SOAP FLAKES 2 Package(' and. 1 for 1 cent. SNOWCAP TOILET TISSUE 4 for .. .........t... ,. BROOMS at 25c 10c Sc 25c 17c 25c 25c 1Oc 25c 25c 29c .25c each MASTERS GROWING MASH $2 6,O ,earl sD 'Oil A. C. Routledge PHONE 166 ' WE SPEC 1'AL1Z E IN' FiRE, AOTOMOBILE, GAS- UALTY, GUARANTEE BONDS, • ACCIDENT. AND SICKNESS, BURGLARY, WINDSTORM. Representing Companies who give Security with Service. Also Agents for Ontario Thresh- ermen's . Mutual Fire tneurance. Information gladly given. A number of desirable properties in Seaforth and district for sale. WATSON & REID M. A. REID - Proprietor Phone 214 Seaforth- SPECIALISTS IN ALL LINES OF INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O S. T. Holmes & Son O FUNERAL SERVICE O Main Street, Seaforth O O S. T. - Holmes, residence + ; Goderich Street, West; phone O No. 119-W. Charles , I3olmes' 0 residence, Goderich Street, 0 East; phone No. 308. O Ambulance Service 0 Adjustable hospital bed for O rent. 0 Night calls, Phone 308. 0 Day ca'ls, Phorle 119-J. O Charges moderate. O 12-3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 H. C. BOX o O FUNERAL SERVICE O O Licensed Embalmer 0 r O Ambulance Service O 0 Hospital Bed O O with adjustable rachet oper- 0 0 ated spring for rent. 0 0 Night Calls Day Calls 0 0 Phone 175. Phone 43. 0 0 12-37 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000000000 WALKER'S '0 FUNERAL SERVICE 000 O O O W. J. WALKER and 0 JOHN .R.'WALKER, Jr. O Licensed Embalmers and O Funeral Directors. 0 Day or Night Calls promptly O attended. O PHONE 67 O 12-47 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 �� THE SECOND DIVISION COURT COUNTY OF HURON Office in the Dominion Bank Build- ing. Seaforth. Offir'e hems: Tues- day, 'Phursday and Slaturday, 1.30 p.m. to 5 p.m, Saturday evening, 7.30 p.m. to 9 p.m.. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Insurance Agencies - Seaforth ANNOUNCES - the purchase of the insurance husinrs of His & Meir, and the addition of their companies to our Previous facili- ties enables us to give unexcelled service in all lines. SEAFORTH - ONTARIO 10 36 THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y. HEAD OFFICE — SEAFORTH, ONT. OFFICERS: "X'Juos. Moylan,, 5 Seaforth - Pres. Wan. Knox, Londes+b'oro - Vice -Pres. *erten A. Reid, Seaforth - Sec.-Treas. AGENTS: %"Imlay Mc/CM-cher, R. It. 1, Dublin; ".;1eepper Drneefleid ; E. R. Jarmouth, rod agezv; Jas Watt, Blyth;; C. F. fthetitt, Kincardine; W. J. Yeo, Gude- azt 1tittiX, toiidesboro; George 3rb igen ; James Coo- AMA:, onnAi . Brtfadfoot, ..R. Ale k1er Mc using, cGregor, 1Z. WaItotY; •Sfeatoithi 4j',Bea- NEWS OF T.. l ,.TOWN C.. W. 1;:' Awards Prizes. — The monthly ;meting of the Catholic Wo- men's LBgue was held in the parish hail with the weal large atten{jance. The minutes of theelast meeting/were read by the secretary, Mrs. Win Hart. An interesting featureaof the evening was the awarding of , the prizes for Christian Doctrine, which were pi'es- ented by Rev, Father Hussey to Col- leen McKay, Gerald Bannon, Alice McIver, Mary Margaret Cleary, Jos, Devereaux and Mildred Clarence. The society expressed its appreciation of the convener of education, Mrs. J. L. Devereaux, for her interest taken in this work. - 'Sermon Subjects For,Next Sunday. —Egmondviile United Church: Rev. A. W. Shepherd, Minister. 10 a.m., Sunday School; 11 a.m., The Minis- ter, Evening service cancelled. St. Thomas' Church—Rector, Rev. Dr. Hurford. 11 a.m., Rev. W. J. Ec- clestone; 7 .p.un, Rev. W. J. Eccle- stone. Sunday School at 10 a.m- Friday—Deanery Meetings; 10 a.m., Holy Commrhnion and sermon; 3 p.m., address by Miss Hawkins (of India) and Rev. Dr. Hurford. First Pr-esbyteriaft Church—Sunday School at 10 axe; 11 a.m., "The Spir- it of Co-operation"'; 7 p.m„ "A For gotten Church Order,"—Rev. Hugh Jack, Minister. Junior Women's Institute Meets.— A very interesting meeting was held at the 'home of Miss Thelma Elgie in Tuekersmith with, the'president, Mrs. J. F. Scott, in the chair. The meet- ing was opened with the Institute Ode and the Lord's Prayer in unison. The roll call was a health ,hint. Letters of appreciat•ian were received from Mrs. sElmher Townsend and Mrs. Robert Scott. Mr's. James Doig had charge of. the program. Mins Bessie Rice and Mrs. Dale Nixon gave reports on the conference at Guelph. Miss An- nie Lawrence gave a talk on Health Education, stressing that you ccfuld not have success without health. A pleasing feature of the program was the presentation of a reflector for the table, the presentation being made by Mrs. Charles Eyre. Mission Band Meets.—The Goforth Mission Band held their monthly meeting Monday. After singing the, opening hymn, prayer was offered by Jacqueline Odell. The roll was call- ed, with 12 responding. During the business discussion, plans for a pic- nic were discussed. It was decided hold bhe picnic on Thursday after• on at the Lions Park, The losing sr e, with Jean Wright as leader, is to provide the 'uncle The Band was also happy to meet Mrs, Jack and William, Frances and Marie. The col- lection was then taken, after which Marjorie McKenzie took the chair for the devotional period. This part of the program was opened by a hymn sung by Helen Smith and played by Dorothy Smith., The Scripture was read by Louise Case. The Band- then joined 'in a game and the meeting closed with one verse of "Jesus Bids L's Shine" and tike Lord's Prayer. Death of Mrs. William Pinkney.— Mrs. William ,Pinkney, Who for the past hall: century has been an esteem- ed resident of Seaforth, passed peace- fully away on Wednesday at the home of her son-in-law, Mr. Wesley Nicholl in her ninety-first year. Mrs. Piny ney Was born in the town of Perth, Lanark County, and came to Bruce - field when very young, where her father, the late Thomas John aKen- nerd, was a well known carpenter. There were eight children in the Ken- nard family of whom two are still living, Mrs. Elizabeth Tackaberry, Grand Forks, North Dakota, and Thos. Kennard, of New Richland, Missouri. Mrs. Pinkney came to Seaforth about the time of her marriage fifty years ago and has lived here ever since. Her husband predeceased her 40 years ago. Until recently she enjoyed re- markably good health for one of her advanced years and was able to-, sew and read a good deal, taking a ke'n inttee.t iu everything: Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Wesley Nicholl and Mrs. Norman Nicholl, and one son. Mr. Roy- Pinkney, also a grand- daur,hter, .Miss Ona Nicholl, and a grandson, Stanley Nicholl, all of Sea - forth. The funeral will -take place on Friday afternoon from the home of her son-in-law, Mr. Wesley Nicholl, in- terment to be made in Maitlandbank cemetery. Rev. Hugh Jack of First Presbyterian Church will officiate. Former Resident Dies in London.— Frederick A. Mitchell, prominent in Western Ontario travelling circles and sales representative in this dis- trict for the O'Keefe Brewing Com- pany, Limited, dried suddenly at his home, 113 Elmwood Ave., London, on Monday night. Mr. Mitchell had park- ed his car and was leaving his gar- age when stricken with a heart at- tack. His wife. Mrs. Della Mitchell, found the body and immedlately sum- moned Dr. C. C. Ross and Dr. A R. Routledge, chief coroner. 'Dr. Rout- ledge released the body and announc- ed no inquest would be necessary. A year ago Mr. Mitchell went to Lon- don to fill the position left vaca.n,ts by he sudden death of the late Reginald Beard. He was a native of Seaforth and resided in this district during his early life. For almost 20 years Mr. Mitchell operated a butcher business lr rfirantford before going to London. He ted been apparently in good health up to, the time of his death. P'ir. Mitchell ,was in his, 43rd year. He was a member of First Si: Andrew's United Church and. was a member of Doric Lodge of the Masonic Order in firantferd, a 32nd degree member of the Scottish Rite and a member of the Preceptory in Brantford. Mr. Mit- chell was also active hi' Masonic cir- cles, being a member of the Mocha Temple. He was a foum•er member of the Brantford Rotary Club, Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Della Mitchell; two children, Helen and. Betty, at home; two brothers, William, London, and Gordon, of Windsor; his father, Jas. Mitchell, of Lucan. LOCAL BRIEFS " • The Misses Cresswell have re- turned from California and will spend the summer months at their home dere: • M. Mufrie, of Vernon, B.C., is a guest at the home of her sister, Miss Bethune.' • MO Betty Southgate,. of Welles-- READY FOR SUMMER? • Have .your 'car greased and winter oil changed in order to ; avail trouble dur- ing summer. — AGENTS FOR — FIRESTONE TIRES SIMS BATTERIES ESTON'S SHELL SERVICE PHONE 103 - GODERICH ST. WEST ley Hospital, Toronto, is spending her holidays •at thle home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Southgate. • Mrs., Cherry, of San Francisco, is 'a guest at the home of her sister, Miss Davidson. • Mrs. Wilkinson and Mrs. Mac Wilkinson, of Woodstock; Mrs. Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Brown; of Northampton, Massachusetts, were in town Wlednesday, calling on friends. • . Miss Florence Laidlaw, of To- ronto, spent the week -end at the home of her mother, Mrs. J. C. Laid- law. • Mr. J. G. Mullen was in, Toronto last week attending the General As- sembly of the Presbyterian Church. • Miss Hazel Elcoat, of Toronto, spent the week -end' with her ,father, Mr. William Elcoat. • Mr. Frank Smythe, who spent a week at the home of his sister-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Scott, re- turned to his home in Vancouver on Wednesday. • Mr. William Bell, of Oakville, spent the 'week -end at the home of his mother, Mrs. R. P. Bell. • Mrs., George Weir returned to her home here on Tuesday after spending the winter at Anderson, South Carolina. • Mrs.. J. D. Hinchley is spending a few weeks with her son, Mr. Harry Hinchley, in Renfrew. • Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Crich were in Toronto this week. • ' Mr. and. Mrs. Lorne Dale and family spent Sunday in Blyth with the latter's father, Mr. James Sims. • Mr. Harold Stark, of Welland, spent the week -end with Ns mother, Mrs. A. Stark. • Mr. and Mrs. R. Robertson, who have been the guests of Mrs.' G. D. Haigh for some time, have returned to their home in Lucknow. • Mr. Dawson Reid, of Guelph, spent the week -end at the home of his mother, Mr's. J. F. Reid. • Miss Jean Scott, of Windsor, spent the week -end at thehome of DINNER A Splendid Dinner, under the aus- pices of the W.A., will be held in the basement of Constance United Church TUESDAY, JUNE 14th from 6 to 8 p.m. — Followed by a Play — "FOR PETE'S SAKE" By Dramatic Club of Clinton. ADMISSION - 3.5c and 20c WOOL WANTED Highest Paid Prices H. M. JACKSON Phone 3 -WW - Seaforth 2678-tr I HOME COOKING SALE in Routledge's Vacant Store Routledge's Vacant Store — on — SATURDAY, JUNE 18 Doors -open 3 p.m. Under auspices of W. A. of Egmondville Church. QUILTS FOR SALE Reward! FOR HARD WORK During EXAMIINAAC. C.C.M.LII icycle To Be Given By the Parents of Boys and Girls We have ,a complete stock of the latest mod- els for both Boys and Girls, as well as acces- sories and repairs, to help make "passing. the exams" a worthwhile achievement. J. F. Dajy FORD GARAGE Seaforth Ont. QS OR. • SOUTH IlintilirOMENS6 (Continued t>11itm )?'age, forth, presented the junior pirj,ect work. She exhibited a . g'irl's dress which was made ,tt the project beld at Seaforth the pant year, and an- nounced that the ; acthievement -day is to be held on Jane 30th at Clinton. A question drawer Was ablycon ducted by Mrs, T. J. McDowell. Mrs, Elmer Lawman, Crediton; Mrs. C. Fr-i-te, Zurich, and Miss Jeckel, of Exeter, were re -appointed the •resolu- tion committee. MissOrd, Of West York, spoke briefly, on sociology. Mts. Elmer Lawson, convener of the resolution oommnittee, presented the following resolution: "That, a ,hearty vote of thanks be extended to the Humondale branch for their splen- did hospitality. 'The official board of the Thamtes Road United Church the.- use of their lovely church; the guest speakers for their instruction and up- lift; the conveners of the various• committees for- their good reports; the ones who have entertained us with song and music." The' Kippen East Women's Institute invited the district annual to convene in Ktppen• next year. The invitation was accepted. her grandfather,' Mr. John Scott, at Roxboro. - .. • Mrs. Richard Bond, Margaret and Billie, of Goderich, were week - end guests at the homof Mr. and Mrs. P. 13. Moffat. • Messrs. Fred and Donald Colqu- houn and Mr. Campbell of Toronto, were week -end guests at the home of Mrs. Lena Davis. • • Mr. Joe Eckert, of Oakville, spent the week -end with has fancily here before going to Northern Ontario on highway construction. • Mr. T.'R. Cluff, of Guelph, spent the week -end with his father, Mr. A. F. Cluff. • Mr. and Mrs-. Gordon Bender spent the week-e.fid in Buffalo. • Mr. Robert McCartney has come menced his new dutiee on the staff of the Seafortih post office. • Mr. and Mrs. W. Gibson White, of WalkervilIe, were week -end guests at the home of his Mother, Mrs, M. White. • Mr. Evan Rennie, of Toronto, spent the week -end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Rennie. • Mrs. Whittaker returned from Stratford Hospital on Saturday where s'tunderwent an eye operation. Mrs. W. G. Edmunds is visiting at the home of her son in Mitchell. • Miss Margaret Finkbeiner, of Kitchener, is spending a week's holi- days at the home of her parents, Mr„ and Mrs. Charles Finkbeiner. • Mr. and Mrs.. T. G. Scott, Mr. Walter Scott, Mrs. J. B. Thompson and Mr. Frank Smythe visited friends in London on Saturday. • Mr. and Mrs. E. Bruce and son; of Miami, and Mrs. David Chesney, of Winnipeg, were the week -end guest's of Mr, and Mrs. Harry Charters. • Miss Dorothy Parke, of Strath- roy, is spending her holidays at the Ii'ome of 'her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Parke. • Miss Kate McArty, of Oakville, spent Sunday with friends in town. • Mr. and Mrs. James Cull -en and daughter, Margaret, of Kitchener, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Finkbeiner this week. • Mr. Stewart Geddes, of London, spent the week -end at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Geddes. • Mr. and Mrs. Milton Chesney, of Toronto, were week -end guests at the home of Mrs. J. R. Habkirk. • Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Hart and son spent the week -end with Kincar- dine friends. • Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McNab, Mr. Jack MeNab and Mrs. J. Currie spent the week -end in Kitchener. • Misses Mabel and Stella H'iide- bra.ndt and Mr. D. Knightly, of Kit- chener, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hildebrandt. • Miss Ella Love, R.N., of Fort San, Sask.. is visiting friends ie town and vicinity, -• Miss Margaret Thompson. of Al- lentown, Pennsylvania, is speeding the summer holidays at the home of her father, Mr. W. T. Thompson. She was accompanied by Miss Anal Far- rell end Miss Margaret Lesher. • The Goforth Mission Band' of First Church held a very enjoyable picnic in tee Lions Park on Thursday afternoon. • Rev. C. C. Koine officiated at the funeral of Mrs. Smith in Dungannon on Friday. McKILLOP Quite a number took in the Strat- ford circus on Saturday last. Mr. and Mrs'. William Grose and family were at Wm. H,oegy's on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eggert, Della and Norman, Eimer Koehler and Frank Forester attended Decoration I)ay at Milverton on Sunday. Master Norman Eggert' had the mis- fortune to fnacture a bone in his handl when he fell off a bicycle. Mr. and Mrs. Meldorf, of Palmer- ston, were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Regale. ZURICH The local ball team won one and lost one the past week. On Friday evening the game with Goderich, played in that town, resulted in a win for t'be,hosne team by a ecore of 4 to 0. On Monday evening the boys played at Mitohell and won in a hard fought eight innings by the score of 2 to 1. Mr. Howard Klopp has leased the new service station from Mr. Ward Fritz far this seasonand takes pos- session next Wednesday. Mr. Fritz has reserved a portion of the build- ing for a display room and space for his used cars on. the lot. Mr. A. J. Kalbfleiseh was in Terme to ron- to last Friday with a delegation from Grand -Bend which; interviewed the Minister of Welfare at the Parliament Buildings in, connection with obtatn- ing some assistance from the Gov- ernment in providing a public rest room h4 the Bend. ' Mr. A. G. Edighoffer has =oared to Grand Bend for --the summit' menthe where he has reopened his barber slop. Mr. and Mrs. John Wurham, of To- TiNS by the most modern methods J F. DALY Ford Garage - Seaforth route, and Mr. and Mrs. G. Quantz, of Landon, were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Hess on Sun- day. Mrs. Ward Fritz spent a few days this week at Detroit. CONSTANCE The W. A. of Constance United Church will thold a chimer on Tues- day, June 14th, trona 6 to 8 p.m., which will be followed by a play en- titled, "For Pete's Sake," presented by the' Dramatic Club of the Angli- can Church of Clinton. Faye Hick- t'on will sing between acts. '*Mr. and Mrs. Will Webster of St. Helens, visited Mr. and. Mrs, Earl Lawson recently. Mr. Robert Armstrong, of Wallace - burg, is visiting his brother, Mr. Mat. Armstrong. He is not enjoying the best of health. Mr. and Mrs. F. Carter, of Goderich, spent. Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Ferguson. a Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Butson, Mr. Ted Charlton and Miss Dorothy Armour, of London, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Adams on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Ferguson . and niece Dorothy, and Misses Florence McQuarrie and Jean Jewitt, of For- est, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Britton on Sunday. ` Mrs. Ferguson returned with them. Miss Jean Jewitt is spending a week with her brothers, William and Wilbert Jewitt. Messrs. Wlm. Dale"and Wm. Jewitt attended the field day at Guelph on Wednesday. WINTHROP Mr. John Bullard was called to To- ronto on Mdnday owing to the ser- ious illness of his sister, Mrs. Wm. Thornton, of Toronto. Mrs. Gillies, Isabel and Bruce spent a few days in Owen Sound Last week. Mr. and Mrs. Tim Eaton and son, Larry, spent Sunday .with Mr, and 1 UNE 10, 938.. More New Delights In Springtime, Styles If you appreciate (quality, first and price afterwards; "if you are looking for the thing that will please and satisfy; if these are what count with you, you are - sure to enjoy seeing the stylish` new goods now being shown here: •Shopper p Shopper: After all, MacTavish's for me." NEW WEARABLES FOR MADAM AND MISS FROCKS, COATS, HATS, PULLOVERS, BLOUSES, HOSIERY, GLOVES, COR- SETS, LINGERIE, ETC. AND REMEMBER — You will enjoy what you get here for you will know that nowhere could you go and get New- er Styles or Better Qualities than here. Special. At present special attention is given to the cleaning and retrimming of Summer Hats. MacTAVISH'S Mrse Alonzo Sperling of Wroxeter: St. Columban and Winthrop played football here on Monday night. There was no score. Mr. Dick Armstrong is visiting his fatehr, Mr. John Armstrong. A reception was held, in the hall Tuesday night for Mr. ' and Mrs. Stewart Dolmage. A very large crowd attended- and they received many beautiful gifts. A very heavy electric and rain storm passed over the burg Monday night. The Ladies' Aid and W.M.S. of Cav- an Church held their regular meeting at the biome of Mrs. Austin Dolmage on Thursday, June 2nd. The presi- dent, Mrs. Alexander, presided. The meeting opened by stinging Hymn 499 followed by' prayer by Mrs. Alexan- der. The roll call was answered by kri a verse on Temperance. The Minutes were read and adopted. The Ladies' Aid report, was given and the offer- ing was received. Hymn 510 was sung, followed by all repeating the Lord's Prayer, The second part or the meeting was in charge of Mrs. J. Montgomery, captain of Circle No. 2. 'ibe meeting opened by singing~ Hymn 513, followed by prayer by Mrs_ John Pethick. The Stewardship read- ing was taken by Mrs. James Hogg; Mrs. J. Montgomery led in prayer.. The Sari-ptume reading was re -ad by the leader, followed by prayer by An- nie Pethick. Mrs. T. Betties gave a reading on Temperance. Hymn' 374 .was sung, followed by prayer by Mrs. H. Blanchard. The W.M.S. report was given and the W.M.S. offering taken_ 'Phe meeting closed by singing Hymn 388 followed by all repeating the ivriz- pah benediction, aarl's""a ea " o , •r�fi (Frt._ sf WARM WEATHER 11ilii!li!Il,Vilil!P4 UUB1!!tl!!II!iliiil!!!I!i'1411!iilDil!!III!G!i!UI' IICI!!i;IU!Illill.I..!IIIIIIIIUIU iIIIiUIIIIIIIIIIIINIIII{Illllpllll ,, MASTER PACK or POLLY PRIM STANDARD PEARSIN LIGHT SYRUP 3 BLUE LABEL, LYON'S BLACK TEA LONDON HOUSE COFFEE - GOLD BANNER Glass G .39 Glas Jar . TOcM1E TOES - 3 FELS NAPTHA SOAPWITH FREE SOAP CHIPPER 5 DOMESTIC 2 SHORTENING, 4 -Ib. Pkg. .47 2 -Sq. Tins /kglb. . 25 . 33 SILVER' BANNER 1 -Ib .3S T1n . 25. . 37' . 25 26 -oz. Tall Tins Bars 1 -Ib. Pkgs. FRY'S COCOA lib. 1 101/2 -oz. JUICE Tins 2 TOMATO YOUR CHOICE OF ALL OUR BRANDS CHOICE' FRUITS HOME GROWN Cauliflower HOME GROWN Head Lettuce VALENCIAS Oranges These Valuer Effective June 6th toIith CIL:1 51Y,4.10 5 u,uYA0 t Large Size 210's 19c 5c 29c Quaker Puffed WHEAT - Pkg. .10 Quaker Puffed RICE 2 Pkgs. a25 Bird Seed BROCK'S 10 -oz. Pkg. .14 Pk nit ` PLATES ' - Pkg. .10 TAW E S' FLOOR WAX 1-1b. , 42 Tin DROP INTO YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD STOWS LIMITED t. rf laaaalaset sbc7r y41 i s L.2d.Gt. ht'1N4 �un.l, hfl.' ' 1 •